--- nav_order: 5 --- # Architecture: daemon model {: .no_toc } 1. TOC {:toc} ## Basic architecture recap There are two main contexts in which rpm-ostree is used: on compose servers to generate OSTree commits from RPMs, and on client systems, which consume these OSTree commits to provide transactional upgrades. The [core architecture](architecture-core) document describes in details the process by which RPMs are converted into OSTrees on both the compose server and client systems in "hybrid mode". ## The rpm-ostree daemon As described in the [administration](administrator-handbook) page, rpm-ostree is the CLI program used on rpm-ostree-based systems to e.g. upgrade, rebase, install packages, etc... These operations follow a client/[daemon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_(computing)) model where the client talks to the daemon over [D-Bus](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus/). The reason for this architecture is primarily: 1. to ensure serialization/locking of system mutations 2. to make it easier for other clients to manage rpm-ostree-based systems (like [Cockpit](https://cockpit-project.org/)) 3. to allow unprivileged users to make system mutations via polkit The D-Bus API is defined here: https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/blob/main/src/daemon/org.projectatomic.rpmostree1.xml The rpm-ostree daemon runs as a systemd service which owns the `org.projectatomic.rpmostree1` name on the system D-Bus: https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/blob/main/src/daemon/rpm-ostreed.service.in When a client wants to talk to the daemon, the D-Bus daemon starts up the systemd service if it's not already running: https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/blob/main/src/daemon/org.projectatomic.rpmostree1.service.in ### Interacting with the daemon When a user types `rpm-ostree upgrade`, at a high-level what happens is that it reaches out to the daemon (starting it if it's not yet started) and calls the `Upgrade()` D-Bus method. You can see its method signature in the XML definition file linked above. On the client side, this happens in `rpmostree-builtin-upgrade.cxx` where it calls `rpmostree_os_call_upgrade_sync` function. This is an auto-generated function (via `gdbus-codegen`) which in turns uses glib's D-Bus bindings to do the actual D-Bus call. On the daemon side, this call is handled in `os_handle_upgrade` (in `rpmostreed-os.cxx`) which creates a new `DeployTransaction` object (via `rpmostreed_transaction_new_deploy`). Transactions are how we ensure that only a single mutation happens at a time, and allow tracking the state of the daemon's processing of the request. Transaction objects implement their own separate D-Bus API over an abstract socket. The daemon returns to the client the address of the transaction's socket and the client then connects to it as a D-Bus peer connection. (Notice how all the methods in the XML return a `transaction_address`). Once the client is connected to the transaction, it calls its `Start()` D-Bus method, which invokes the `_execute()` function. In the case of `DeployTransaction`, this is `deploy_transaction_execute()` in `rpmostreed-transaction-types.cxx`. The client then receives signals from the transaction to monitor the progress of the operation (for example, everytime a message must be printed, a `Message` signal is emitted). The same analogous process occurs for other operations. For example, `rpm-ostree kargs` creates a `KernelArgTransaction` object, which has its execution code in `kernel_arg_transaction_execute`. Once a transaction has finished, it emits the `Finished` signal, which tells the client to stop waiting for more updates and disconnect. ### Polkit The daemon integrates with [polkit](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/docs/latest/polkit.8.html), which is a framework for authorizing actions. For example, a local administrator running as its unprivileged uid should be able to call `rpm-ostree upgrade`. How this works is that the daemon converts D-Bus method calls like `Upgrade()` into polkit actions in `os_authorize_method`. It then consults polkit to determine whether the client should be permitted to execute the requested actions. We ship a base policy file which provide actions which should be allowed: https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/blob/main/src/daemon/org.projectatomic.rpmostree1.policy Some distros may enhance this policy by shipping rules which dynamically calculate authorization based on e.g. group membership. For example, in Fedora: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/fedora-release/blob/rawhide/f/org.projectatomic.rpmostree1.rules ### Modifying the D-Bus API Once a D-Bus API is stable, its signature cannot be modified because it would break other D-Bus clients. This is why many methods have a catch-all `options` parameter which allows for extending the API without changing its signature. When adding new APIs, it's OK to have separate arguments for each parameter considered essential to the operation, while keeping "auxiliary" parameters in an `options` parameter (such as whether to reboot or not).