Colin Walters 03c368fec4 compose: Fix setting of default.target
This would probably be best if we invoked systemctl in the compose
tooling, but at the moment we don't have any execution of target code
on the host.  It's fine to assume that it's in /usr/lib.

We can revisit this if we start doing chrooted/containerized
2014-10-14 08:28:17 -04:00

1068 lines
33 KiB

/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* Copyright (C) 2013,2014 Colin Walters <walters@verbum.org>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the licence or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <glib-unix.h>
#include <json-glib/json-glib.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <gio/gunixoutputstream.h>
#include "rpmostree-compose-builtins.h"
#include "rpmostree-util.h"
#include "rpmostree-postprocess.h"
#include "libgsystem.h"
static char *opt_workdir;
static gboolean opt_workdir_tmpfs;
static char *opt_cachedir;
static char *opt_proxy;
static char *opt_repo;
static char **opt_override_pkg_repos;
static gboolean opt_print_only;
static GOptionEntry option_entries[] = {
{ "workdir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_workdir, "Working directory", "WORKDIR" },
{ "workdir-tmpfs", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_workdir_tmpfs, "Use tmpfs for working state", NULL },
{ "cachedir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_cachedir, "Cached state", "CACHEDIR" },
{ "repo", 'r', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_repo, "Path to OSTree repository", "REPO" },
{ "add-override-pkg-repo", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY, &opt_override_pkg_repos, "Include an additional package repository from DIRECTORY", "DIRECTORY" },
{ "proxy", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_proxy, "HTTP proxy", "PROXY" },
{ "print-only", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_print_only, "Just expand any includes and print treefile", NULL },
{ NULL }
typedef struct {
GPtrArray *treefile_context_dirs;
GBytes *serialized_treefile;
} RpmOstreeTreeComposeContext;
static char *
subprocess_context_print_args (GSSubprocessContext *ctx)
GString *ret = g_string_new ("");
gs_strfreev char **argv = NULL;
char **strviter;
g_object_get ((GObject*)ctx, "argv", &argv, NULL);
for (strviter = argv; strviter && *strviter; strviter++)
gs_free char *quoted = g_shell_quote (*strviter);
g_string_append_c (ret, ' ');
g_string_append (ret, quoted);
return g_string_free (ret, FALSE);
static gboolean
object_get_optional_string_member (JsonObject *object,
const char *member_name,
const char **out_value,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
JsonNode *node = json_object_get_member (object, member_name);
if (node != NULL)
*out_value = json_node_get_string (node);
if (!*out_value)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Member '%s' is not a string", member_name);
goto out;
*out_value = NULL;
ret = TRUE;
return ret;
static const char *
object_require_string_member (JsonObject *object,
const char *member_name,
GError **error)
const char *ret;
if (!object_get_optional_string_member (object, member_name, &ret, error))
return NULL;
if (!ret)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Member '%s' not found", member_name);
return NULL;
return ret;
static const char *
array_require_string_element (JsonArray *array,
guint i,
GError **error)
const char *ret = json_array_get_string_element (array, i);
if (!ret)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Element at index %u is not a string", i);
return NULL;
return ret;
static gboolean
append_string_array_to (JsonObject *object,
const char *member_name,
GPtrArray *array,
GError **error)
JsonArray *jarray = json_object_get_array_member (object, member_name);
guint i, len;
if (!jarray)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"No member '%s' found", member_name);
return FALSE;
len = json_array_get_length (jarray);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
const char *v = array_require_string_element (jarray, i, error);
if (!v)
return FALSE;
g_ptr_array_add (array, g_strdup (v));
return TRUE;
typedef struct {
GSSubprocess *process;
GFile *tmp_reposdir_path;
GDataOutputStream *stdin;
/* GDataInputStream *stdout; */
} YumContext;
static gboolean
yum_context_close (YumContext *yumctx,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
if (!yumctx)
return TRUE;
if (yumctx->process)
if (yumctx->stdin)
if (!g_output_stream_close ((GOutputStream*)yumctx->stdin, cancellable, error))
goto out;
g_clear_object (&yumctx->stdin);
if (yumctx->stdout)
if (!g_input_stream_close ((GInputStream*)yumctx->stdout, cancellable, error))
goto out;
g_clear_object (&yumctx->stdout);
g_print ("Waiting for yum...\n");
if (!gs_subprocess_wait_sync_check (yumctx->process, cancellable, error))
goto out;
g_print ("Waiting for yum [OK]\n");
g_clear_object (&yumctx->process);
ret = TRUE;
return ret;
static void
yum_context_free (YumContext *yumctx)
if (!yumctx)
(void) yum_context_close (yumctx, NULL, NULL);
g_free (yumctx);
static inline
void cleanup_keyfile_unref (void *loc)
GKeyFile *locp = *((GKeyFile**)loc);
if (locp)
g_key_file_unref (locp);
static gboolean
append_repo_and_cache_opts (RpmOstreeTreeComposeContext *self,
JsonObject *treedata,
GFile *workdir,
GPtrArray *args,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
JsonArray *enable_repos = NULL;
guint i;
char **iter;
gs_unref_object GFile *yumcache_lookaside = NULL;
gs_unref_object GFile *repos_tmpdir = NULL;
gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *reposdir_args = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
yumcache_lookaside = g_file_resolve_relative_path (workdir, "yum-cache");
if (!gs_file_ensure_directory (yumcache_lookaside, TRUE, cancellable, error))
goto out;
repos_tmpdir = g_file_resolve_relative_path (workdir, "tmp-repos");
if (!gs_shutil_rm_rf (repos_tmpdir, cancellable, error))
goto out;
if (!gs_file_ensure_directory (repos_tmpdir, TRUE, cancellable, error))
goto out;
if (g_getenv ("RPM_OSTREE_OFFLINE"))
g_ptr_array_add (args, g_strdup ("-C"));
const char *proxy;
if (opt_proxy)
proxy = opt_proxy;
proxy = g_getenv ("http_proxy");
if (proxy)
g_ptr_array_add (args, g_strconcat ("--setopt=proxy=", proxy, NULL));
g_ptr_array_add (args, g_strdup ("--disablerepo=*"));
/* Add the directory for each treefile to the reposdir argument */
for (i = 0; i < self->treefile_context_dirs->len; i++)
GFile *contextdir = self->treefile_context_dirs->pdata[i];
g_ptr_array_add (reposdir_args, g_file_get_path (contextdir));
/* Process local overrides */
for (iter = opt_override_pkg_repos; iter && *iter; iter++)
const char *repodir = *iter;
gs_free char *bn = g_path_get_basename (repodir);
gs_free char *reponame = g_strconcat ("rpm-ostree-override-", repodir, NULL);
gs_free char *baseurl = g_strconcat ("file://", repodir, NULL);
gs_free char *tmprepo_filename = g_strconcat (reponame, ".repo", NULL);
gs_unref_object GFile *tmprepo_path = g_file_get_child (repos_tmpdir, tmprepo_filename);
__attribute__ ((cleanup(cleanup_keyfile_unref))) GKeyFile *keyfile = NULL;
gs_free char *data = NULL;
gsize len;
keyfile = g_key_file_new ();
g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, reponame, "name", reponame);
g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, reponame, "baseurl", baseurl);
data = g_key_file_to_data (keyfile, &len, NULL);
if (!g_file_replace_contents (tmprepo_path, data, len, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
g_ptr_array_add (args, g_strconcat ("--enablerepo=", reponame, NULL));
if (opt_override_pkg_repos)
g_ptr_array_add (reposdir_args, g_file_get_path (repos_tmpdir));
gboolean first = TRUE;
GString *reposdir_value = g_string_new ("--setopt=reposdir=");
for (i = 0; i < reposdir_args->len; i++)
const char *reponame = reposdir_args->pdata[i];
if (first)
first = FALSE;
g_string_append_c (reposdir_value, ',');
g_string_append (reposdir_value, reponame);
g_ptr_array_add (args, g_string_free (reposdir_value, FALSE));
if (json_object_has_member (treedata, "repos"))
enable_repos = json_object_get_array_member (treedata, "repos");
if (enable_repos)
guint i;
guint n = json_array_get_length (enable_repos);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
const char *reponame = array_require_string_element (enable_repos, i, error);
if (!reponame)
goto out;
g_ptr_array_add (args, g_strconcat ("--enablerepo=", reponame, NULL));
g_ptr_array_add (args, g_strdup ("--setopt=keepcache=0"));
g_ptr_array_add (args, g_strconcat ("--setopt=cachedir=",
gs_file_get_path_cached (yumcache_lookaside),
ret = TRUE;
return ret;
static YumContext *
yum_context_new (RpmOstreeTreeComposeContext *self,
JsonObject *treedata,
GFile *yumroot,
GFile *workdir,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean success = FALSE;
YumContext *yumctx = NULL;
GPtrArray *yum_argv = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
gs_unref_object GSSubprocessContext *context = NULL;
gs_unref_object GSSubprocess *yum_process = NULL;
g_ptr_array_add (yum_argv, g_strdup ("yum"));
g_ptr_array_add (yum_argv, g_strdup ("-y"));
if (!append_repo_and_cache_opts (self, treedata, workdir, yum_argv,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
g_ptr_array_add (yum_argv, g_strconcat ("--installroot=",
gs_file_get_path_cached (yumroot),
g_ptr_array_add (yum_argv, g_strdup ("shell"));
g_ptr_array_add (yum_argv, NULL);
context = gs_subprocess_context_new ((char**)yum_argv->pdata);
gs_strfreev char **duped_environ = g_get_environ ();
duped_environ = g_environ_setenv (duped_environ, "OSTREE_KERNEL_INSTALL_NOOP", "1", TRUE);
/* See fedora's kernel.spec */
duped_environ = g_environ_setenv (duped_environ, "HARDLINK", "no", TRUE);
gs_subprocess_context_set_environment (context, duped_environ);
gs_subprocess_context_set_stdin_disposition (context, GS_SUBPROCESS_STREAM_DISPOSITION_PIPE);
/* gs_subprocess_context_set_stdout_disposition (context, GS_SUBPROCESS_STREAM_DISPOSITION_PIPE); */
yumctx = g_new0 (YumContext, 1);
gs_free char *cmdline = subprocess_context_print_args (context);
g_print ("Starting %s\n", cmdline);
yumctx->process = gs_subprocess_new (context, cancellable, error);
if (!yumctx->process)
goto out;
yumctx->stdin = (GDataOutputStream*)g_data_output_stream_new (gs_subprocess_get_stdin_pipe (yumctx->process));
/* yumctx->stdout = (GDataInputStream*)g_data_input_stream_new (gs_subprocess_get_stdout_pipe (yumctx->process)); */
success = TRUE;
if (!success)
yum_context_free (yumctx);
return NULL;
return yumctx;
static gboolean
yum_context_command (YumContext *yumctx,
const char *cmd,
GPtrArray **out_lines,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
gsize bytes_written;
gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *lines = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
gs_free char *cmd_nl = g_strconcat (cmd, "\n", NULL);
g_print ("yum> %s", cmd_nl);
if (!g_output_stream_write_all ((GOutputStream*)yumctx->stdin,
cmd_nl, strlen (cmd_nl), &bytes_written,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
ret = TRUE;
gs_transfer_out_value (out_lines, &lines);
return ret;
static gboolean
yuminstall (RpmOstreeTreeComposeContext *self,
JsonObject *treedata,
GFile *yumroot,
GFile *workdir,
char **packages,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
char **strviter;
YumContext *yumctx;
yumctx = yum_context_new (self, treedata, yumroot, workdir, cancellable, error);
if (!yumctx)
goto out;
for (strviter = packages; strviter && *strviter; strviter++)
gs_free char *cmd = NULL;
const char *package = *strviter;
gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *lines = NULL;
if (g_str_has_prefix (package, "@"))
cmd = g_strconcat ("group install ", package, NULL);
cmd = g_strconcat ("install ", package, NULL);
if (!yum_context_command (yumctx, cmd, &lines,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *lines = NULL;
if (!yum_context_command (yumctx, "run", &lines,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
if (!yum_context_close (yumctx, cancellable, error))
goto out;
ret = TRUE;
return ret;
static gboolean
process_includes (RpmOstreeTreeComposeContext *self,
GFile *treefile_path,
guint depth,
JsonObject *root,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
const char *include_path;
const guint maxdepth = 50;
if (depth > maxdepth)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Exceeded maximum include depth of %u", maxdepth);
goto out;
gs_unref_object GFile *parent = g_file_get_parent (treefile_path);
gboolean existed = FALSE;
if (self->treefile_context_dirs->len > 0)
GFile *prev = self->treefile_context_dirs->pdata[self->treefile_context_dirs->len-1];
if (g_file_equal (parent, prev))
existed = TRUE;
if (!existed)
g_ptr_array_add (self->treefile_context_dirs, parent);
parent = NULL; /* Transfer ownership */
if (!object_get_optional_string_member (root, "include", &include_path, error))
goto out;
if (include_path)
gs_unref_object GFile *treefile_dirpath = g_file_get_parent (treefile_path);
gs_unref_object GFile *parent_path = g_file_resolve_relative_path (treefile_dirpath, include_path);
gs_unref_object JsonParser *parent_parser = json_parser_new ();
JsonNode *parent_rootval;
JsonObject *parent_root;
GList *members;
GList *iter;
if (!json_parser_load_from_file (parent_parser,
gs_file_get_path_cached (parent_path),
goto out;
parent_rootval = json_parser_get_root (parent_parser);
if (!JSON_NODE_HOLDS_OBJECT (parent_rootval))
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Treefile root is not an object");
goto out;
parent_root = json_node_get_object (parent_rootval);
if (!process_includes (self, parent_path, depth + 1, parent_root,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
members = json_object_get_members (parent_root);
for (iter = members; iter; iter = iter->next)
const char *name = iter->data;
JsonNode *parent_val = json_object_get_member (parent_root, name);
JsonNode *val = json_object_get_member (root, name);
g_assert (parent_val);
if (!val)
json_object_set_member (root, name, json_node_copy (parent_val));
JsonNodeType parent_type =
json_node_get_node_type (parent_val);
JsonNodeType child_type =
json_node_get_node_type (val);
if (parent_type != child_type)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Conflicting element type of '%s'",
goto out;
if (child_type == JSON_NODE_ARRAY)
JsonArray *parent_array = json_node_get_array (parent_val);
JsonArray *child_array = json_node_get_array (val);
JsonArray *new_child = json_array_new ();
guint i, len;
len = json_array_get_length (parent_array);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
json_array_add_element (new_child, json_node_copy (json_array_get_element (parent_array, i)));
len = json_array_get_length (child_array);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
json_array_add_element (new_child, json_node_copy (json_array_get_element (child_array, i)));
json_object_set_array_member (root, name, new_child);
json_object_remove_member (root, "include");
ret = TRUE;
return ret;
static char *
cachedir_fssafe_key (const char *primary_key)
GString *ret = g_string_new ("");
for (; *primary_key; primary_key++)
const char c = *primary_key;
if (!g_ascii_isprint (c) || c == '-')
g_string_append_printf (ret, "\\%02x", c);
else if (c == '/')
g_string_append_c (ret, '-');
g_string_append_c (ret, c);
return g_string_free (ret, FALSE);
static GFile *
cachedir_keypath (GFile *cachedir,
const char *primary_key)
gs_free char *fssafe_key = cachedir_fssafe_key (primary_key);
return g_file_get_child (cachedir, fssafe_key);
static gboolean
cachedir_lookup_string (GFile *cachedir,
const char *key,
char **out_value,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
gs_free char *ret_value = NULL;
if (cachedir)
gs_unref_object GFile *keypath = cachedir_keypath (cachedir, key);
if (!_rpmostree_file_load_contents_utf8_allow_noent (keypath, &ret_value,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
ret = TRUE;
gs_transfer_out_value (out_value, &ret_value);
return ret;
static gboolean
cachedir_set_string (GFile *cachedir,
const char *key,
const char *value,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
gs_unref_object GFile *keypath = NULL;
if (!cachedir)
return TRUE;
keypath = cachedir_keypath (cachedir, key);
if (!g_file_replace_contents (keypath, value, strlen (value), NULL,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
ret = TRUE;
return ret;
static gboolean
compute_checksum_for_compose (RpmOstreeTreeComposeContext *self,
JsonObject *treefile_rootval,
GFile *yumroot,
char **out_checksum,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
gs_free char *ret_checksum = NULL;
GChecksum *checksum = g_checksum_new (G_CHECKSUM_SHA256);
gsize len;
const guint8* buf = g_bytes_get_data (self->serialized_treefile, &len);
g_checksum_update (checksum, buf, len);
/* Query the generated rpmdb, to see if anything has changed. */
int estatus;
gs_free char *yumroot_var_lib_rpm =
g_build_filename (gs_file_get_path_cached (yumroot),
const char *rpmqa_argv[] = { PKGLIBDIR "/rpmqa-sorted-and-clean",
gs_free char *rpmqa_result = NULL;
if (!g_spawn_sync (NULL, (char**)rpmqa_argv, NULL,
&rpmqa_result, NULL, &estatus, error))
goto out;
if (!g_spawn_check_exit_status (estatus, error))
g_prefix_error (error, "Executing %s: ",
goto out;
if (!*rpmqa_result)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Empty result from %s", rpmqa_argv[0]);
goto out;
g_checksum_update (checksum, (guint8*)rpmqa_result, strlen (rpmqa_result));
ret_checksum = g_strdup (g_checksum_get_string (checksum));
ret = TRUE;
gs_transfer_out_value (out_checksum, &ret_checksum);
if (checksum) g_checksum_free (checksum);
return ret;
rpmostree_compose_builtin_tree (int argc,
char **argv,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
GOptionContext *context = g_option_context_new ("- Run yum and commit the result to an OSTree repository");
const char *ref;
RpmOstreeTreeComposeContext selfdata = { NULL, };
RpmOstreeTreeComposeContext *self = &selfdata;
JsonNode *treefile_rootval = NULL;
JsonObject *treefile = NULL;
JsonArray *units = NULL;
guint len;
guint i;
gs_free char *ref_unix = NULL;
gs_free char *cachekey = NULL;
gs_free char *cached_compose_checksum = NULL;
gs_free char *new_compose_checksum = NULL;
gs_unref_object GFile *workdir = NULL;
gs_unref_object GFile *cachedir = NULL;
gs_unref_object GFile *yumroot = NULL;
gs_unref_object GFile *targetroot = NULL;
gs_unref_object GFile *yumroot_varcache = NULL;
gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL;
gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *bootstrap_packages = NULL;
gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *packages = NULL;
gs_unref_object GFile *treefile_path = NULL;
gs_unref_object GFile *repo_path = NULL;
gs_unref_object JsonParser *treefile_parser = NULL;
gboolean workdir_is_tmp = FALSE;
self->treefile_context_dirs = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify)g_object_unref);
g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, option_entries, NULL);
if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, error))
goto out;
if (argc < 2)
g_printerr ("usage: rpm-ostree compose tree TREEFILE\n");
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Option processing failed");
goto out;
if (!opt_repo)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"--repo must be specified");
goto out;
repo_path = g_file_new_for_path (opt_repo);
repo = ostree_repo_new (repo_path);
if (!ostree_repo_open (repo, cancellable, error))
goto out;
treefile_path = g_file_new_for_path (argv[1]);
if (opt_workdir)
workdir = g_file_new_for_path (opt_workdir);
gs_free char *tmpd = g_mkdtemp (g_strdup ("/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.XXXXXX"));
workdir = g_file_new_for_path (tmpd);
workdir_is_tmp = TRUE;
if (opt_workdir_tmpfs)
/* Use a private mount namespace to avoid polluting the global
* namespace, and to ensure the mount gets cleaned up if we exit
* unexpectedly.
if (unshare (CLONE_NEWNS) != 0)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"unshare(CLONE_NEWNS): %s", g_strerror (errno));
goto out;
if (mount (NULL, "/", "none", MS_PRIVATE | MS_REC, NULL) == -1)
int errsv = errno;
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"mount(/, MS_PRIVATE | MS_REC): %s",
g_strerror (errsv));
goto out;
if (mount ("tmpfs", tmpd, "tmpfs", 0, (const void*)"mode=755") != 0)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"mount(tmpfs): %s", g_strerror (errno));
goto out;
if (opt_cachedir)
cachedir = g_file_new_for_path (opt_cachedir);
if (!gs_file_ensure_directory (cachedir, FALSE, cancellable, error))
goto out;
if (chdir (gs_file_get_path_cached (workdir)) != 0)
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Failed to chdir to '%s': %s",
opt_workdir, strerror (errno));
goto out;
treefile_parser = json_parser_new ();
if (!json_parser_load_from_file (treefile_parser,
gs_file_get_path_cached (treefile_path),
goto out;
treefile_rootval = json_parser_get_root (treefile_parser);
if (!JSON_NODE_HOLDS_OBJECT (treefile_rootval))
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
"Treefile root is not an object");
goto out;
treefile = json_node_get_object (treefile_rootval);
if (!process_includes (self, treefile_path, 0, treefile,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
if (opt_print_only)
gs_unref_object JsonGenerator *generator = json_generator_new ();
gs_unref_object GOutputStream *stdout = g_unix_output_stream_new (1, FALSE);
json_generator_set_pretty (generator, TRUE);
json_generator_set_root (generator, treefile_rootval);
(void) json_generator_to_stream (generator, stdout, NULL, NULL);
ret = TRUE;
goto out;
yumroot = g_file_get_child (workdir, "rootfs.tmp");
if (!gs_shutil_rm_rf (yumroot, cancellable, error))
goto out;
targetroot = g_file_get_child (workdir, "rootfs");
ref = object_require_string_member (treefile, "ref", error);
if (!ref)
goto out;
ref_unix = g_strdelimit (g_strdup (ref), "/", '_');
bootstrap_packages = g_ptr_array_new ();
packages = g_ptr_array_new ();
if (!append_string_array_to (treefile, "bootstrap_packages", packages, error))
goto out;
if (!append_string_array_to (treefile, "packages", packages, error))
goto out;
g_ptr_array_add (packages, NULL);
gs_unref_object JsonGenerator *generator = json_generator_new ();
char *treefile_buf = NULL;
gsize len;
json_generator_set_root (generator, treefile_rootval);
json_generator_set_pretty (generator, TRUE);
treefile_buf = json_generator_to_data (generator, &len);
self->serialized_treefile = g_bytes_new_take (treefile_buf, len);
if (!yuminstall (self, treefile, yumroot, workdir,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
cachekey = g_strconcat ("treecompose/", ref, NULL);
if (!cachedir_lookup_string (cachedir, cachekey,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
if (!compute_checksum_for_compose (self, treefile, yumroot,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
if (g_strcmp0 (cached_compose_checksum, new_compose_checksum) == 0)
g_print ("No changes to input, reusing cached commit\n");
ret = TRUE;
goto out;
ref_unix = g_strdelimit (g_strdup (ref), "/", '_');
if (g_strcmp0 (g_getenv ("RPM_OSTREE_BREAK"), "post-yum") == 0)
goto out;
if (!rpmostree_postprocess (yumroot, cancellable, error))
goto out;
if (json_object_has_member (treefile, "units"))
units = json_object_get_array_member (treefile, "units");
if (units)
len = json_array_get_length (units);
len = 0;
gs_unref_object GFile *multiuser_wants_dir =
g_file_resolve_relative_path (yumroot, "usr/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants");
if (!gs_file_ensure_directory (multiuser_wants_dir, TRUE, cancellable, error))
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
const char *unitname = array_require_string_element (units, i, error);
gs_unref_object GFile *unit_link_target = NULL;
gs_free char *symlink_target = NULL;
if (!unitname)
goto out;
symlink_target = g_strconcat ("/usr/lib/systemd/system/", unitname, NULL);
unit_link_target = g_file_get_child (multiuser_wants_dir, unitname);
if (g_file_query_file_type (unit_link_target, G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS, NULL) == G_FILE_TYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK)
g_print ("Adding %s to multi-user.target.wants\n", unitname);
if (!g_file_make_symbolic_link (unit_link_target, symlink_target,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
gs_unref_object GFile *target_treefile_dir_path =
g_file_resolve_relative_path (yumroot, "usr/share/rpm-ostree");
gs_unref_object GFile *target_treefile_path =
g_file_get_child (target_treefile_dir_path, "treefile.json");
if (!gs_file_ensure_directory (target_treefile_dir_path, TRUE,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
g_print ("Copying '%s' to '%s'\n",
gs_file_get_path_cached (treefile_path),
gs_file_get_path_cached (target_treefile_path));
gsize len;
const guint8 *buf = g_bytes_get_data (self->serialized_treefile, &len);
if (!g_file_replace_contents (target_treefile_path, (char*)buf, len,
NULL, cancellable, error))
goto out;
const char *default_target = NULL;
if (!object_get_optional_string_member (treefile, "default_target",
&default_target, error))
goto out;
if (default_target != NULL)
gs_unref_object GFile *default_target_path =
g_file_resolve_relative_path (yumroot, "usr/etc/systemd/system/default.target");
gs_free char *dest_default_target_path =
g_strconcat ("/usr/lib/systemd/system/", default_target, NULL);
(void) gs_file_unlink (default_target_path, NULL, NULL);
if (!g_file_make_symbolic_link (default_target_path, dest_default_target_path,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
const char *gpgkey;
if (!object_get_optional_string_member (treefile, "gpg_key", &gpgkey, error))
goto out;
if (!rpmostree_commit (yumroot, repo, ref, gpgkey,
json_object_get_boolean_member (treefile, "selinux"),
cancellable, error))
goto out;
if (!cachedir_set_string (cachedir, cachekey,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
g_print ("Complete\n");
if (workdir_is_tmp)
if (opt_workdir_tmpfs)
(void) umount (gs_file_get_path_cached (workdir));
(void) gs_shutil_rm_rf (workdir, NULL, NULL);
if (self)
g_clear_pointer (&self->serialized_treefile, g_bytes_unref);
g_ptr_array_unref (self->treefile_context_dirs);
return ret;