Colin Walters 96c2d8998d daemon: Rewrite some core initramfs-overlay logic in Rust
We had a memory safety/UB bug in the C code; let's use
that as a good motivation to rewrite in Rust.  It's a nice
self contained bit.
2020-11-02 21:27:35 +01:00

88 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File

set -euo pipefail
. ${KOLA_EXT_DATA}/libtest.sh
cd $(mktemp -d)
# From https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree/blob/95a6d1514/tests/kolainst/destructive/overlay-initrds.sh#L23
check_for_dracut_karg() {
local karg=$1; shift
# https://github.com/dracutdevs/dracut/blob/38ea7e821b/modules.d/98dracut-systemd/dracut-cmdline.sh#L17
journalctl -b 0 -t dracut-cmdline \
--grep "Using kernel command line parameters:.* ${karg} "
for f in / /var /usr/bin; do
if rpm-ostree ex initramfs-etc --track ${f} 2>out.txt; then
fatal "should have failed with path ${f}"
assert_file_has_content_literal out.txt "Path outside /etc forbidden: ${f}"
rm -f out.txt
mkdir -p /etc/cmdline.d
echo 'foobar' > /etc/cmdline.d/foobar.conf
rpm-ostree ex initramfs-etc --track /etc/cmdline.d/foobar.conf
rpm-ostree status > status.txt
assert_file_has_content_literal status.txt "InitramfsEtc: /etc/cmdline.d/foobar.conf"
rpm-ostree status --json > status.json
assert_jq status.json \
'.deployments[0]["initramfs-etc"]|length == 1' \
'.deployments[0]["initramfs-etc"][0] == "/etc/cmdline.d/foobar.conf"'
/tmp/autopkgtest-reboot 1
check_for_dracut_karg foobar
rpm-ostree ex initramfs-etc --track /etc/cmdline.d/foobar.conf > out.txt
assert_file_has_content_literal out.txt "No changes."
# right now we don't rechecksum all the files so changing the file alone
# isn't noticed, but we could in the future
echo 'barbaz' > /etc/cmdline.d/foobar.conf
rpm-ostree ex initramfs-etc --track /etc/cmdline.d/foobar.conf > out.txt
assert_file_has_content_literal out.txt "No changes."
# but --force-sync should also plow through
rpm-ostree ex initramfs-etc --force-sync > out.txt
assert_file_has_content_literal out.txt "Staging deployment"
/tmp/autopkgtest-reboot 2
check_for_dracut_karg barbaz
if check_for_dracut_karg foobar; then
assert_not_reached "Found karg foobar; expected barbaz"
# let's try tracking a whole directory instead
echo 'bazboo' > /etc/cmdline.d/bazboo.conf
# and for fun, let's use the the locked finalization flow
rpm-ostree ex initramfs-etc --lock-finalization \
--untrack /etc/cmdline.d/foobar.conf \
--track /etc/cmdline.d
rpm-ostree status > status.txt
assert_file_has_content_literal status.txt "InitramfsEtc: /etc/cmdline.d"
rpm-ostree status --json > status.json
assert_jq status.json \
'.deployments[0]["initramfs-etc"]|length == 1' \
'.deployments[0]["initramfs-etc"][0] == "/etc/cmdline.d"'
/tmp/autopkgtest-reboot-prepare 3
rpm-ostree finalize-deployment --allow-missing-checksum
check_for_dracut_karg barbaz
check_for_dracut_karg bazboo
# finally, check that passing no args prints the tracked files
rpm-ostree ex initramfs-etc > out.txt
assert_file_has_content_literal out.txt "Tracked files:"
assert_file_has_content_literal out.txt "/etc/cmdline.d"
*) echo "unexpected mark: ${AUTOPKGTEST_REBOOT_MARK}"; exit 1;;