Jonathan Lebon 81c43e81fb PkgChange: add support for layering local RPMs
Allow users to directly specify an RPM file on the command-line. The
"packages_added" array of the PkgChange() method can now contain
absolute paths to RPM files.

Grow the origin format to have a new "requested-local" key. This is
similar to the "requested" key, except that the packages are always
installed from cache. The "requested-local" array values also embed the
SHA-256 of the header we expect.

There is now a new "LocalPackages" line in the status. These packages
are a subset of the "packages" element (which are printed as
"LayeredPackages") and represent the packages that are explicitly marked
for installing from cache.

Interesting design choices/notes:
  - Just as before, even with foo-1.0-1.x86_64 installed from RPM, a
    user can still request "/usr/bin/foo": it will be made dormant. As
    soon as foo stops being explicitly layered from the RPM, it will try
    to fulfill the request by going to the repos. This allows users to
    "pin" a layered package to a certain RPM, and then unpin it.
  - The strings/NEVRAs in "requested" and "requested-local" are strictly
     distinct. This allows us to be able to tell what the user means
     exactly when they do "rpm-ostree uninstall".

Closes: #657
Approved by: cgwalters
2017-03-10 18:35:11 +00:00

439 lines
15 KiB

/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* Copyright (C) 2014 Anne LoVerso <anne.loverso@students.olin.edu>
* Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the licence or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <glib-unix.h>
#include <gio/gunixoutputstream.h>
#include <json-glib/json-glib.h>
#include "rpmostree-builtins.h"
#include "rpmostree-dbus-helpers.h"
#include "rpmostree-util.h"
#include "libsd-locale-util.h"
#include <libglnx.h>
static gboolean opt_pretty;
static gboolean opt_json;
static GOptionEntry option_entries[] = {
{ "pretty", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_pretty, "This option is deprecated and no longer has any effect", NULL },
{ "json", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_json, "Output JSON", NULL },
{ NULL }
static void
printpad (char c, guint n)
for (guint i = 0; i < n; i++)
putc (c, stdout);
static void
print_kv (const char *key,
guint maxkeylen,
const char *value)
int pad = maxkeylen - strlen (key);
g_assert (pad >= 0);
/* +2 for initial leading spaces */
printpad (' ', pad + 2);
printf ("%s: %s\n", key, value);
static GVariant *
get_active_txn (RPMOSTreeSysroot *sysroot_proxy)
GVariant* txn = rpmostree_sysroot_get_active_transaction (sysroot_proxy);
const char *a, *b, *c;
if (txn)
g_variant_get (txn, "(&s&s&s)", &a, &b, &c);
if (*a)
return txn;
return NULL;
static void
print_packages (const char *k, guint max_key_len,
const char *const* pkgs,
const char *const* omit_pkgs)
g_autofree char *packages_joined = NULL;
g_autoptr(GPtrArray) packages_sorted =
g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
static gsize regex_initialized;
static GRegex *safe_chars_regex;
if (g_once_init_enter (&regex_initialized))
safe_chars_regex = g_regex_new ("^[[:alnum:]-._]+$", 0, 0, NULL);
g_assert (safe_chars_regex);
g_once_init_leave (&regex_initialized, 1);
for (char **iter = (char**) pkgs; iter && *iter; iter++)
if (omit_pkgs != NULL && g_strv_contains (omit_pkgs, *iter))
/* don't quote if it just has common pkgname/shell-safe chars */
if (g_regex_match (safe_chars_regex, *iter, 0, 0))
g_ptr_array_add (packages_sorted, g_strdup (*iter));
g_ptr_array_add (packages_sorted, g_shell_quote (*iter));
if (packages_sorted->len > 0)
g_ptr_array_sort (packages_sorted, rpmostree_ptrarray_sort_compare_strings);
g_ptr_array_add (packages_sorted, NULL);
packages_joined = g_strjoinv (" ", (char**)packages_sorted->pdata);
print_kv (k, max_key_len, packages_joined);
static const gchar**
lookup_array_and_canonicalize (GVariantDict *dict,
const char *key)
g_autofree const gchar **ret = NULL;
if (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, key, "^a&s", &ret))
/* Canonicalize length 0 strv to NULL */
if (!*ret)
g_clear_pointer (&ret, g_free);
return g_steal_pointer (&ret);
/* We will have an optimized path for the case where there are just
* two deployments, this code will be the generic fallback.
static gboolean
status_generic (RPMOSTreeSysroot *sysroot_proxy,
RPMOSTreeOS *os_proxy,
GVariant *deployments,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
GVariantIter iter;
gboolean first = TRUE;
const int is_tty = isatty (1);
const char *bold_prefix = is_tty ? "\x1b[1m" : "";
const char *bold_suffix = is_tty ? "\x1b[0m" : "";
const char *red_prefix = is_tty ? "\x1b[31m" : "";
const char *red_suffix = is_tty ? "\x1b[22m" : "";
GVariant* txn = get_active_txn (sysroot_proxy);
if (txn)
const char *method, *sender, *path;
g_variant_get (txn, "(&s&s&s)", &method, &sender, &path);
g_print ("State: transaction: %s %s %s\n", method, sender, path);
g_print ("State: idle\n");
g_print ("Deployments:\n");
g_variant_iter_init (&iter, deployments);
while (TRUE)
g_autoptr(GVariant) child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter);
g_autoptr(GVariantDict) dict = NULL;
gboolean is_locally_assembled = FALSE;
g_autofree const gchar **origin_packages = NULL;
g_autofree const gchar **origin_requested_packages = NULL;
g_autofree const gchar **origin_requested_local_packages = NULL;
const gchar *origin_refspec;
const gchar *id;
const gchar *os_name;
const gchar *checksum;
const gchar *version_string;
const gchar *unlocked;
gboolean gpg_enabled;
gboolean regenerate_initramfs;
guint64 t = 0;
int serial;
gboolean is_booted;
const gboolean was_first = first;
const guint max_key_len = strlen ("PendingBaseVersion");
g_autoptr(GVariant) signatures = NULL;
g_autofree char *timestamp_string = NULL;
if (child == NULL)
dict = g_variant_dict_new (child);
/* osname should always be present. */
g_assert (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "osname", "&s", &os_name));
g_assert (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "id", "&s", &id));
g_assert (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "serial", "i", &serial));
g_assert (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "checksum", "&s", &checksum));
g_assert (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "timestamp", "t", &t));
{ g_autoptr(GDateTime) timestamp = g_date_time_new_from_unix_utc (t);
if (timestamp != NULL)
timestamp_string = g_date_time_format (timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %T");
timestamp_string = g_strdup_printf ("(invalid timestamp)");
if (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "origin", "&s", &origin_refspec))
origin_packages =
lookup_array_and_canonicalize (dict, "packages");
origin_requested_packages =
lookup_array_and_canonicalize (dict, "requested-packages");
origin_requested_local_packages =
lookup_array_and_canonicalize (dict, "requested-local-packages");
origin_refspec = NULL;
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "version", "&s", &version_string))
version_string = NULL;
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "unlocked", "&s", &unlocked))
unlocked = NULL;
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "regenerate-initramfs", "b", &regenerate_initramfs))
regenerate_initramfs = FALSE;
signatures = g_variant_dict_lookup_value (dict, "signatures",
if (first)
first = FALSE;
g_print ("\n");
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "booted", "b", &is_booted))
is_booted = FALSE;
g_print ("%s ", is_booted ? libsd_special_glyph (BLACK_CIRCLE) : " ");
if (origin_refspec)
g_print ("%s", origin_refspec);
g_print ("%s", checksum);
g_print ("\n");
if (version_string)
g_autofree char *version_time
= g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s (%s)", bold_prefix, version_string,
bold_suffix, timestamp_string);
print_kv ("Version", max_key_len, version_time);
print_kv ("Timestamp", max_key_len, timestamp_string);
if (g_variant_dict_contains (dict, "base-checksum"))
const char *base_checksum;
g_assert (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "base-checksum", "&s", &base_checksum));
print_kv ("BaseCommit", max_key_len, base_checksum);
is_locally_assembled = TRUE;
print_kv ("Commit", max_key_len, checksum);
/* Show any difference between the baseref vs head, but only for the
booted commit, and only if there isn't a pending deployment. Otherwise
it's either unnecessary or too noisy.
if (is_booted && was_first)
const gchar *pending_checksum = NULL;
const gchar *pending_version = NULL;
if (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "pending-base-checksum", "&s", &pending_checksum))
print_kv (is_locally_assembled ? "PendingBaseCommit" : "PendingCommit",
max_key_len, pending_checksum);
g_assert (g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "pending-base-timestamp", "t", &t));
g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "pending-base-version", "&s", &pending_version);
if (pending_version)
g_autoptr(GDateTime) timestamp = g_date_time_new_from_unix_utc (t);
g_autofree char *version_time = NULL;
if (timestamp != NULL)
timestamp_string = g_date_time_format (timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %T");
timestamp_string = g_strdup_printf ("(invalid timestamp)");
version_time = g_strdup_printf ("%s (%s)", pending_version, timestamp_string);
print_kv (is_locally_assembled ? "PendingBaseVersion" : "PendingVersion",
max_key_len, version_time);
print_kv ("OSName", max_key_len, os_name);
if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "gpg-enabled", "b", &gpg_enabled))
gpg_enabled = FALSE;
if (gpg_enabled)
if (signatures)
guint n_sigs = g_variant_n_children (signatures);
g_autofree char *gpgheader = g_strdup_printf ("%u signature%s", n_sigs,
n_sigs == 1 ? "" : "s");
const guint gpgpad = max_key_len+4;
char gpgspaces[gpgpad+1];
memset (gpgspaces, ' ', gpgpad);
gpgspaces[gpgpad] = '\0';
print_kv ("GPGSignature", max_key_len, gpgheader);
rpmostree_print_signatures (signatures, gpgspaces);
print_kv ("GPGSignature", max_key_len, "(unsigned)");
/* let's be nice and only print requested - layered, rather than repeating
* the ones in layered twice */
if (origin_requested_packages)
print_packages ("RequestedPackages", max_key_len,
origin_requested_packages, origin_packages);
if (origin_packages)
print_packages ("LayeredPackages", max_key_len,
origin_packages, NULL);
if (origin_requested_local_packages)
print_packages ("LocalPackages", max_key_len,
origin_requested_local_packages, NULL);
if (regenerate_initramfs)
g_autoptr(GString) buf = g_string_new ("");
g_autofree char **initramfs_args = NULL;
g_variant_dict_lookup (dict, "initramfs-args", "^a&s", &initramfs_args);
for (char **iter = initramfs_args; iter && *iter; iter++)
g_string_append (buf, *iter);
g_string_append_c (buf, ' ');
if (buf->len == 0)
g_string_append (buf, "regenerate");
print_kv ("Initramfs", max_key_len, buf->str);
if (unlocked && g_strcmp0 (unlocked, "none") != 0)
g_print ("%s%s", red_prefix, bold_prefix);
print_kv ("Unlocked", max_key_len, unlocked);
g_print ("%s%s", bold_suffix, red_suffix);
return TRUE;
rpmostree_builtin_status (int argc,
char **argv,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GError **error)
int exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE;
g_autoptr(GOptionContext) context = g_option_context_new ("- Get the version of the booted system");
glnx_unref_object RPMOSTreeOS *os_proxy = NULL;
glnx_unref_object RPMOSTreeSysroot *sysroot_proxy = NULL;
g_autoptr(GVariant) deployments = NULL;
if (!rpmostree_option_context_parse (context,
&argc, &argv,
goto out;
if (!rpmostree_load_os_proxy (sysroot_proxy, NULL,
cancellable, &os_proxy, error))
goto out;
deployments = rpmostree_sysroot_dup_deployments (sysroot_proxy);
if (opt_json)
glnx_unref_object JsonBuilder *builder = json_builder_new ();
glnx_unref_object JsonGenerator *generator = json_generator_new ();
JsonNode *deployments_node = json_gvariant_serialize (deployments);
JsonNode *json_root;
JsonNode *txn_node;
glnx_unref_object GOutputStream *stdout_gio = g_unix_output_stream_new (1, FALSE);
GVariant *txn = get_active_txn (sysroot_proxy);
json_builder_begin_object (builder);
json_builder_set_member_name (builder, "deployments");
json_builder_add_value (builder, deployments_node);
json_builder_set_member_name (builder, "transaction");
if (txn)
txn_node = json_gvariant_serialize (txn);
txn_node = json_node_new (JSON_NODE_NULL);
json_builder_add_value (builder, txn_node);
json_builder_end_object (builder);
json_root = json_builder_get_root (builder);
json_generator_set_root (generator, json_root);
json_node_free (json_root);
/* NB: watch out for the misleading API docs */
if (json_generator_to_stream (generator, stdout_gio, NULL, error) <= 0
|| (error != NULL && *error != NULL))
goto out;
if (!status_generic (sysroot_proxy, os_proxy, deployments,
cancellable, error))
goto out;
exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
/* Does nothing if using the message bus. */
rpmostree_cleanup_peer ();
return exit_status;