Again, a lot going on here, but essentially, we adapt the compose tests to run either privileged or fully unprivileged via supermin, just like cosa. I actually got more than halfway through this initially using `cosa build` directly for testing. But in the end, we simply need more flexibility than that. We want to be able to manipulate exactly how rpm-ostree is called, and cosa is very opinionated about this (and may also change from under us in the future). (Another big difference for example is that cosa doesn't care about non-unified mode, whereas we *need* to have coverage for this until we fully kill it.) Really, the most important bit we want from there is the unprivileged-via-supermin bits. So we copy and adapt that here. One obvious improvement then is sharing this code more easily (e.g. a `cosa runasroot` or something?) However, we still use the FCOS manifest (frozen at a specific tag). It's a realistic example, and because of the lockfiles and pool, we get good reproducibility.
177 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File
177 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File
set -xeuo pipefail
dn=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)
# shellcheck source=libcomposetest.sh
. "${dn}/libcomposetest.sh"
# Add a local rpm-md repo so we can mutate local test packages
treefile_append "repos" '["test-repo"]'
# test `recommends: true` (test-basic[-unified] test the false path)
build_rpm foobar recommends foobar-rec
build_rpm foobar-rec
echo gpgcheck=0 >> yumrepo.repo
ln "$PWD/yumrepo.repo" config/yumrepo.repo
# the top-level manifest doesn't have any packages, so just set it
treefile_append "packages" '["foobar"]'
# With docs and recommends, also test multi includes
cat > config/documentation.yaml <<'EOF'
documentation: true
cat > config/recommends.yaml <<'EOF'
recommends: true
treefile_append "include" '["documentation.yaml", "recommends.yaml"]'
treefile_del 'recommends'
treefile_del 'documentation'
# Note this overrides:
# $ rpm -q systemd
# systemd-243.4-1.fc31.x86_64
# $ rpm -qlv systemd|grep -F 'system/default.target '
# lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 May 11 06:59 /usr/lib/systemd/system/default.target -> graphical.target
treefile_set "default-target" '"multi-user.target"'
treefile_append "units" '["zincati.service"]'
# Need this in order to test unit enablement
treefile_set "machineid-compat" "True"
# And test adding/removing files
treefile_append "add-files" '[["foo.txt", "/usr/etc/foo.txt"],
["baz.txt", "/usr/share/baz.txt"],
["bar.txt", "/etc/bar.txt"]]'
treefile_set "postprocess-script" \"$PWD/postprocess.sh\"
treefile_set "postprocess" '["""#!/bin/bash
touch /usr/share/postprocess-testing""",
set -xeuo pipefail
touch /usr/share/included-postprocess-test
rm /usr/share/postprocess-testing
touch /usr/share/postprocess-testing-done"""]'
cat > postprocess.sh << EOF
set -xeuo pipefail
# Ordering should be after postprocess
rm /usr/share/postprocess-testing-done
echo misc-tweaks-postprocess-done > /usr/share/misc-tweaks-postprocess-done.txt
cp -a /usr/etc/foo.txt /usr/share/misc-tweaks-foo.txt
chmod a+x postprocess.sh
treefile_set "remove-files" '["etc/hosts"]'
treefile_set "remove-from-packages" '[["setup", "/etc/hosts\..*"]]'
echo $rnd > config/foo.txt
echo bar > config/bar.txt
echo baz > config/baz.txt
# Test tmp-is-dir False
treefile_set "tmp-is-dir" 'False'
cat > ${new_treefile} <<EOF
include: $(basename ${treefile})
- |
set -xeuo pipefail
test -f /usr/share/included-postprocess-test
mkdir -p tmp/rootfs
for x in $(seq 3); do
rm tmp/rootfs/usr -rf
mkdir -p tmp/rootfs/usr/{bin,share}
mkdir tmp/rootfs/usr/share/testsubdir-${x}
echo sometest${x} > tmp/rootfs/usr/bin/sometestbinary-${x}
chmod a+x tmp/rootfs/usr/bin/sometestbinary-${x}
echo sometestdata${x} > tmp/rootfs/usr/share/sometestdata-${x}
echo sometestdata-subdir-${x} > tmp/rootfs/usr/share/testsubdir-${x}/test
ostree --repo="${repo}" commit --consume --no-xattrs --owner-uid=0 --owner-gid=0 -b testlayer-${x} --tree=dir=tmp/rootfs
rm tmp/rootfs/usr -rf
mkdir -p tmp/rootfs/usr/{share/info,bin}
echo sweet new ls binary > tmp/rootfs/usr/bin/ls
ostree --repo="${repo}" commit --consume --no-xattrs --owner-uid=0 --owner-gid=0 -b testoverride-1 --tree=dir=tmp/rootfs
cat >> ${new_treefile} <<EOF
- testlayer-1
- testlayer-2
- testlayer-3
- testoverride-1
export treefile=${new_treefile}
# Do the compose
echo "ok compose"
# Tests for docs
ostree --repo=${repo} ls -R ${treeref} /usr/share/man > manpages.txt
assert_file_has_content manpages.txt man5/ostree.repo.5
echo "ok manpages"
# Tests for units
ostree --repo=${repo} ls ${treeref} \
/usr/lib/systemd/system/default.target > out.txt
assert_file_has_content out.txt '-> .*multi-user\.target'
echo "ok default target"
ostree --repo=${repo} ls ${treeref} \
/usr/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants > out.txt
assert_file_has_content out.txt '-> .*/zincati.service'
echo "ok enable units"
# Tests for files
ostree --repo=${repo} cat ${treeref} /usr/etc/foo.txt > out.txt
assert_file_has_content out.txt $rnd
ostree --repo=${repo} cat ${treeref} /usr/etc/bar.txt > out.txt
assert_file_has_content out.txt bar
ostree --repo=${repo} cat ${treeref} /usr/share/baz.txt > out.txt
assert_file_has_content out.txt baz
# https://github.com/projectatomic/rpm-ostree/pull/997
ostree --repo=${repo} cat ${treeref} /usr/share/misc-tweaks-foo.txt > out.txt
assert_file_has_content out.txt $rnd
echo "ok add-files"
ostree --repo=${repo} ls ${treeref} /usr/etc > out.txt
assert_not_file_has_content out.txt '/usr/etc/hosts$'
echo "ok remove-files"
ostree --repo=${repo} ls ${treeref} /usr/etc > out.txt
assert_not_file_has_content out.txt '/usr/etc/hosts\.allow$'
assert_not_file_has_content out.txt '/usr/etc/hosts\.deny$'
echo "ok remove-from-packages"
# https://github.com/projectatomic/rpm-ostree/issues/669
ostree --repo=${repo} ls ${treeref} /tmp > ls.txt
assert_file_has_content ls.txt 'l00777 0 0 0 /tmp -> sysroot/tmp'
echo "ok /tmp"
rpm-ostree db list --repo=${repo} ${treeref} > pkglist.txt
assert_file_has_content_literal pkglist.txt 'foobar'
assert_file_has_content_literal pkglist.txt 'foobar-rec'
echo "ok recommends"
# Test overlays/overrides
for x in $(seq 3); do
ostree --repo=${repo} cat ${treeref} /usr/bin/sometestbinary-${x} > t
assert_file_has_content t "sometest${x}"
ostree --repo=${repo} cat ${treeref} /usr/share/testsubdir-${x}/test > t
assert_file_has_content t sometestdata-subdir-${x}
ostree --repo=${repo} cat ${treeref} /usr/bin/ls > ls.txt
assert_file_has_content ls.txt '^sweet new ls binary$'
echo "ok layers"
# Check that add-files with bad paths are rejected
treefile_append "add-files" '[["foo.txt", "/var/lib/foo.txt"]]'
if runcompose |& tee err.txt; then
assert_not_reached "Successfully composed with add-files for /var/lib?"
assert_file_has_content_literal err.txt "Unsupported path in add-files: /var"
echo "ok bad add-files"