Jonathan Lebon b640892f04 libdnf-sys: Drop C API, replace with cxx.rs bridge
Right now, we're using libdnf APIs from Rust via hand-crafted `extern C`
interfaces, which is extra dangerous because there is no signature
checking that happens at compile-time.

Until either we can automate libdnf bindings or use its C++ API directly
via cxx.rs, let's do some basic wrapping in C++ ourselves and use libdnf
through that API only instead. That gives us a lot more confidence and
makes the libdnf API feel more natural to use in Rust.
2021-02-10 13:39:38 -05:00

52 lines
1.9 KiB

use anyhow::Result;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let libs = system_deps::Config::new().probe()?;
// first, the submodule proper
let libdnf = cmake::Config::new("../../libdnf")
// Needed for hardened builds
// I picked /usr/libexec/rpm-ostree just because we need an
// arbitrary path - we don't actually install there.
.define("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH", "/usr/libexec/rpm-ostree")
.define("LIB_INSTALL_DIR:PATH", "/usr/libexec/rpm-ostree")
.define("SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR:PATH", "/usr/libexec/rpm-ostree/etc")
.define("SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH", "/usr/libexec/rpm-ostree/share")
.define("ENABLE_STATIC:BOOL", "1")
// We don't need docs
.define("WITH_HTML:BOOL", "0")
.define("WITH_MAN:BOOL", "0")
// Don't need bindings
.define("WITH_BINDINGS:BOOL", "0")
// Needed in Koji at least because timestamps(?)
// cause cmake to rerun without our -D flags which
// breaks the build.
// now, our thin cxx.rs bridge wrapper
let mut libdnfcxx = cxx_build::bridge("lib.rs");
.include("cxx") // this is needed for cxx.rs' `include!("libdnf.hxx")` to work
// until https://github.com/gdesmott/system-deps/pull/32
libdnfcxx.includes(libs.iter().flat_map(|lib| lib.1.include_paths.iter()));