- not setup language in bootloader during install (when it is 'C')
322 lines
9.2 KiB
322 lines
9.2 KiB
%define theme desktop
%define Theme Desktop
%define codename Inula Helenium
%define brand altlinux
%define Brand ALT Linux
%define status beta
Name: branding-%brand-%theme
Version: 5.0
Release: alt16
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: cpio gfxboot >= 4 fonts-ttf-dejavu
BuildRequires: design-bootloader-source >= 5.0-alt2
BuildRequires(pre): libqt4-core
BuildRequires: libalternatives-devel
BuildRequires: libqt4-devel
BuildRequires: ImageMagick fontconfig
Packager: Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh at altlinux dot org>
Source: %name-%version.tar
Group: Graphics
Summary: System/Base
License: GPL
Distro-specific packages with design and texts
%package bootloader
Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init
Summary: Graphical boot logo for lilo and syslinux
License: GPL
PreReq: coreutils
Provides: design-bootloader-system-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-%theme branding-alt-%theme-bootloader
Obsoletes: design-bootloader-system-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-%theme branding-alt-%theme-bootloader
%description bootloader
Here you find the graphical boot logo. Suitable for both lilo and syslinux.
%package bootsplash
Summary: Theme for splash animations during bootup
License: Distributable
Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init
Provides: design-bootsplash design-bootsplash-%theme branding-alt-%theme-bootsplash
Requires: bootsplash >= 3.3
Obsoletes: branding-alt-%theme-bootsplash
%description bootsplash
This package contains graphics for boot process
(needs console splash screen enabled)
%package browser-qt
Summary: Design for QT alterator for Desktop version
License: GPL
Group: System/Configuration/Other
Packager: Anton V. Boyarshiniv <boyarsh@altlinux.org>
Provides: design-alterator-browser-%theme branding-alt-%theme-browser-qt
Obsoletes: branding-alt-%theme-browser-qt
Requires: alterator-browser-qt
PreReq(post,preun): alternatives >= 0.2
%description browser-qt
Design for QT alterator for Desktop version
%package graphics
Summary: design for ALT
License: Different licenses
Group: Graphics
Provides: design-graphics-%theme branding-alt-%theme-graphics
Obsoletes: branding-alt-%theme-graphics design-graphics-%theme
PreReq(post,preun): alternatives >= 0.2
%description graphics
This package contains some graphics for ALT design.
%define provide_list altlinux fedora redhat system altlinux
%define obsolete_list altlinux-release fedora-release redhat-release
%define conflicts_list altlinux-release-sisyphus altlinux-release-4.0 altlinux-release-junior altlinux-release-master altlinux-release-server altlinux-release-terminal altlinux-release-small_business
%package release
Summary: %distribution %Theme release file
Copyright: GPL
Group: System/Configuration/Other
Packager: Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.org>
Provides: %(for n in %provide_list; do echo -n "$n-release = %version-%release "; done) altlinux-release-%theme branding-alt-%theme-release
Obsoletes: %obsolete_list branding-alt-%theme-release
Conflicts: %conflicts_list
%description release
%distribution %version %Theme release file.
%package notes
Provides: alt-license-theme = %version alt-notes-%theme
Obsoletes: alt-license-%theme alt-notes-%theme
Summary: Distribution license and release notes
License: Distributable
Group: Documentation
Conflicts: alt-notes-children alt-notes-hpc alt-notes-junior alt-notes-junior-sj alt-notes-junior-sm alt-notes-school-server alt-notes-server-lite alt-notes-skif alt-notes-terminal
%description notes
Distribution license and release notes
%package kde4-settings
Summary: KDE4 settings for %Brand %version %Theme
License: Distributable
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
%description kde4-settings
KDE4 settings for %Brand %version %Theme
%setup -q
THEME=%theme NAME='%Theme' BRAND_FNAME='ALT Linux' STATUS=%status VERSION=%version ./configure
pushd design-bootloader-source/
DEFAULT_LANG='--lang-to-subst--' PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin %make
pushd browser-qt
pushd design-bootloader-source
install -d -m 755 %buildroot/boot/splash/%theme
install -d -m 755 %buildroot/%_datadir/gfxboot/%theme
install -m 644 message %buildroot/boot/splash/%theme
install -m 644 bootlogo %buildroot%_datadir/gfxboot/%theme
## create directory structure
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_sysconfdir/bootsplash/themes/%theme
cp -a bootsplash/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_sysconfdir/bootsplash/themes/%theme
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_sysconfdir/bootsplash/themes/%theme/config
#for i in 1 2 3 4 5 11; do \
for i in 1; do \
for f in bootsplash-*.cfg; do \
res=`echo "$f"| sed 's|.*\-\(.*\)\.cfg|\1|'`
ln -s $f vt${i}-${res}.cfg
pushd browser-qt
mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/share/alterator-browser-qt/design
install theme.rcc %buildroot/usr/share/alterator-browser-qt/design/%theme.rcc
mkdir -p %buildroot/%_altdir
cat >%buildroot/%_altdir/%name-browser-qt <<__EOF__
/etc/alterator/design-browser-qt /usr/share/alterator-browser-qt/design/%theme.rcc 50
mkdir -p %buildroot/%_datadir/design/{%theme,backgrounds}
cp -ar graphics/* %buildroot/%_datadir/design/%theme
pushd %buildroot/%_datadir/design/%theme
pushd backgrounds
ln -sf ../../../wallpapers more
install -d %buildroot//etc/alternatives/packages.d
cat >%buildroot/etc/alternatives/packages.d/%name-graphics <<__EOF__
%_datadir/artworks %_datadir/design/%theme 10
%_datadir/design-current %_datadir/design/%theme 10
%_datadir/design/current %_datadir/design/%theme 10
install -pD -m644 /dev/null %buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/ignore.d/%name-release
echo "%distribution %version %Theme (%codename)" >%buildroot%_sysconfdir/altlinux-release
for n in fedora redhat system; do
ln -s altlinux-release %buildroot%_sysconfdir/$n-release
pushd notes
pushd kde4-settings
mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/Desktop
cp -a Desktop/* %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/Desktop/
mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde4
cp -a kde4/* %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde4/
%pre bootloader
[ -s /boot/splash/%theme ] && rm -fr /boot/splash/%theme ||:
%post bootloader
%__ln_s -nf %theme/message /boot/splash/message
. /etc/sysconfig/i18n
lang=$(echo $LANG | cut -d. -f 1)
cd boot/splash/%theme/
echo $lang > lang
[ "$lang" = "C" ] || echo lang | cpio -o --append -F message
%preun bootloader
[ $1 = 0 ] || exit 0
[ "`readlink /boot/splash/message`" != "%theme/message" ] ||
%__rm -f /boot/splash/message
%files bootloader
%post bootsplash
%__ln_s -nf %theme %_sysconfdir/bootsplash/themes/current
%preun bootsplash
[ $1 = 0 ] || exit 0
[ "`readlink %_sysconfdir/bootsplash/themes/current`" != %theme ] ||
%__rm -f %_sysconfdir/bootsplash/themes/current
%files browser-qt
%config %_altdir/%name-browser-qt
%files graphics
%config /etc/alternatives/packages.d/%name-graphics
%files bootsplash
%files release
%files notes
%files kde4-settings
* Thu Feb 19 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt16
- not setup language in bootloader during install (when it is 'C')
* Wed Feb 18 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt15
- rebuild with new bootloader-source with support of real language change
* Tue Feb 17 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt14
- auto set default language for bootloader from /etc/sysconfig/i18n
* Mon Feb 16 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt13
- rebuild for fix oversized /boot/splash/message
* Fri Feb 13 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt12
- default language set to ru_RU for system boot
* Wed Feb 11 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt11
- fixed conflict of notes subpackage with itself
* Tue Feb 10 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt10
- more kde4 settings from zerg@
- alternative and obsoletes for graphics added
* Thu Feb 05 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt9
- rebuild with new translations
* Thu Feb 05 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt8
- added kde4-settings subpackage
* Wed Feb 04 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt7
- added conflicts for notes
* Mon Jan 26 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt6
- xdm background fixed
* Fri Jan 23 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt5
- added 'notes' subpackage
* Thu Jan 15 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt4
- fixed problem with owerwritten alternative
* Wed Jan 14 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt3
- release subpackage added
* Fri Dec 26 2008 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt2
- colors integration
- graphics package added
* Thu Dec 18 2008 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt1
- initial sceleton