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/** \file parse_util.c
Various mostly unrelated utility functions related to parsing,
loading and evaluating fish code.
This library can be seen as a 'toolbox' for functions that are
used in many places in fish and that are somehow related to
parsing the code.
#include "config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "fallback.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "wutil.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "tokenizer.h"
#include "parse_util.h"
#include "expand.h"
#include "intern.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include "wildcard.h"
#include "parse_tree.h"
#include "parser.h"
Error message for improper use of the exec builtin
#define EXEC_ERR_MSG _(L"This command can not be used in a pipeline")
int parse_util_lineno(const wchar_t *str, size_t offset)
if (! str)
return 0;
int res = 1;
for (size_t i=0; str[i] && i<offset; i++)
if (str[i] == L'\n')
return res;
int parse_util_get_line_from_offset(const wcstring &str, size_t pos)
2012-02-06 00:57:43 -08:00
const wchar_t *buff = str.c_str();
int count = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<pos; i++)
if (!buff[i])
return -1;
if (buff[i] == L'\n')
return count;
size_t parse_util_get_offset_from_line(const wcstring &str, int line)
2012-02-06 00:57:43 -08:00
const wchar_t *buff = str.c_str();
size_t i;
int count = 0;
if (line < 0)
return (size_t)(-1);
if (line == 0)
return 0;
for (i=0;; i++)
if (!buff[i])
return -1;
if (buff[i] == L'\n')
if (count == line)
return (i+1)<str.size()?i+1:i;
size_t parse_util_get_offset(const wcstring &str, int line, long line_offset)
2012-02-06 00:57:43 -08:00
const wchar_t *buff = str.c_str();
size_t off = parse_util_get_offset_from_line(buff, line);
size_t off2 = parse_util_get_offset_from_line(buff, line+1);
long line_offset2 = line_offset;
if (off == (size_t)(-1))
return -1;
if (off2 == (size_t)(-1))
off2 = wcslen(buff)+1;
if (line_offset2 < 0)
line_offset2 = 0;
if (line_offset2 >= off2-off-1)
line_offset2 = off2-off-1;
return off + line_offset2;
int parse_util_locate_cmdsubst(const wchar_t *in, wchar_t **begin, wchar_t **end, bool allow_incomplete)
wchar_t *pos;
wchar_t prev=0;
int syntax_error=0;
int paran_count=0;
wchar_t *paran_begin=0, *paran_end=0;
CHECK(in, 0);
for (pos = const_cast<wchar_t *>(in); *pos; pos++)
if (prev != '\\')
if (wcschr(L"\'\"", *pos))
wchar_t *q_end = quote_end(pos);
if (q_end && *q_end)
if (*pos == '(')
if ((paran_count == 0)&&(paran_begin==0))
paran_begin = pos;
else if (*pos == ')')
if ((paran_count == 0) && (paran_end == 0))
paran_end = pos;
if (paran_count < 0)
syntax_error = 1;
prev = *pos;
syntax_error |= (paran_count < 0);
syntax_error |= ((paran_count>0)&&(!allow_incomplete));
if (syntax_error)
return -1;
if (paran_begin == 0)
return 0;
if (begin)
*begin = paran_begin;
if (end)
*end = paran_count?(wchar_t *)in+wcslen(in):paran_end;
return 1;
int parse_util_locate_cmdsubst_range(const wcstring &str, size_t *inout_cursor_offset, wcstring *out_contents, size_t *out_start, size_t *out_end, bool accept_incomplete)
/* Clear the return values */
*out_start = 0;
*out_end = str.size();
/* Nothing to do if the offset is at or past the end of the string. */
if (*inout_cursor_offset >= str.size())
return 0;
/* Defer to the wonky version */
const wchar_t * const buff = str.c_str();
const wchar_t * const valid_range_start = buff + *inout_cursor_offset, *valid_range_end = buff + str.size();
wchar_t *cmdsub_begin = NULL, *cmdsub_end = NULL;
int ret = parse_util_locate_cmdsubst(valid_range_start, &cmdsub_begin, &cmdsub_end, accept_incomplete);
if (ret > 0)
/* The command substitutions must not be NULL and must be in the valid pointer range, and the end must be bigger than the beginning */
assert(cmdsub_begin != NULL && cmdsub_begin >= valid_range_start && cmdsub_begin <= valid_range_end);
assert(cmdsub_end != NULL && cmdsub_end > cmdsub_begin && cmdsub_end >= valid_range_start && cmdsub_end <= valid_range_end);
/* Assign the substring to the out_contents */
const wchar_t *interior_begin = cmdsub_begin + 1;
out_contents->assign(interior_begin, cmdsub_end - interior_begin);
/* Return the start and end */
*out_start = cmdsub_begin - buff;
*out_end = cmdsub_end - buff;
/* Update the inout_cursor_offset. Note this may cause it to exceed str.size(), though overflow is not likely */
*inout_cursor_offset = 1 + *out_end;
return ret;
void parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(const wchar_t *buff, size_t cursor_pos, const wchar_t **a, const wchar_t **b)
const wchar_t * const cursor = buff + cursor_pos;
const size_t bufflen = wcslen(buff);
assert(cursor_pos <= bufflen);
/* ap and bp are the beginning and end of the tightest command substitition found so far */
const wchar_t *ap = buff, *bp = buff + bufflen;
const wchar_t *pos = buff;
for (;;)
wchar_t *begin = NULL, *end = NULL;
if (parse_util_locate_cmdsubst(pos, &begin, &end, true) <= 0)
/* No subshell found, all done */
/* Interpret NULL to mean the end */
if (end == NULL)
end = const_cast<wchar_t *>(buff) + bufflen;
if (begin < cursor && end >= cursor)
/* This command substitution surrounds the cursor, so it's a tighter fit */
ap = begin;
bp = end;
/* pos is where to begin looking for the next one. But if we reached the end there's no next one. */
if (begin >= end)
pos = begin + 1;
else if (begin >= cursor)
/* This command substitution starts at or after the cursor. Since it was the first command substitution in the string, we're done. */
/* This command substitution ends before the cursor. Skip it. */
assert(end < cursor);
pos = end + 1;
assert(pos <= buff + bufflen);
if (a != NULL) *a = ap;
if (b != NULL) *b = bp;
Get the beginning and end of the job or process definition under the cursor
static void job_or_process_extent(const wchar_t *buff,
size_t cursor_pos,
const wchar_t **a,
const wchar_t **b,
int process)
const wchar_t *begin, *end;
long pos;
wchar_t *buffcpy;
int finished=0;
if (a)
if (b)
*b = 0;
parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(buff, cursor_pos, &begin, &end);
if (!end || !begin)
pos = cursor_pos - (begin - buff);
if (a)
*a = begin;
if (b)
*b = end;
buffcpy = wcsndup(begin, end-begin);
if (!buffcpy)
tokenizer_t tok(buffcpy, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED);
for (; tok_has_next(&tok) && !finished; tok_next(&tok))
int tok_begin = tok_get_pos(&tok);
switch (tok_last_type(&tok))
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
case TOK_PIPE:
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if (!process)
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case TOK_END:
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if (tok_begin >= pos)
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
if (b)
*b = (wchar_t *)buff + tok_begin;
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
if (a)
*a = (wchar_t *)buff + tok_begin+1;
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2013-10-26 15:27:39 -07:00
void parse_util_process_extent(const wchar_t *buff,
size_t pos,
const wchar_t **a,
const wchar_t **b)
job_or_process_extent(buff, pos, a, b, 1);
void parse_util_job_extent(const wchar_t *buff,
size_t pos,
const wchar_t **a,
const wchar_t **b)
job_or_process_extent(buff,pos,a, b, 0);
void parse_util_token_extent(const wchar_t *buff,
size_t cursor_pos,
const wchar_t **tok_begin,
const wchar_t **tok_end,
const wchar_t **prev_begin,
const wchar_t **prev_end)
const wchar_t *a = NULL, *b = NULL, *pa = NULL, *pb = NULL;
assert(cursor_pos >= 0);
const wchar_t *cmdsubst_begin, *cmdsubst_end;
parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(buff, cursor_pos, &cmdsubst_begin, &cmdsubst_end);
if (!cmdsubst_end || !cmdsubst_begin)
/* pos is equivalent to cursor_pos within the range of the command substitution {begin, end} */
long offset_within_cmdsubst = cursor_pos - (cmdsubst_begin - buff);
a = cmdsubst_begin + offset_within_cmdsubst;
b = a;
pa = cmdsubst_begin + offset_within_cmdsubst;
pb = pa;
assert(cmdsubst_begin >= buff);
assert(cmdsubst_begin <= (buff+wcslen(buff)));
assert(cmdsubst_end >= cmdsubst_begin);
assert(cmdsubst_end <= (buff+wcslen(buff)));
const wcstring buffcpy = wcstring(cmdsubst_begin, cmdsubst_end-cmdsubst_begin);
tokenizer_t tok(buffcpy.c_str(), TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED | TOK_SQUASH_ERRORS);
for (; tok_has_next(&tok); tok_next(&tok))
size_t tok_begin = tok_get_pos(&tok);
size_t tok_end = tok_begin;
Calculate end of token
if (tok_last_type(&tok) == TOK_STRING)
tok_end += wcslen(tok_last(&tok));
Cursor was before beginning of this token, means that the
cursor is between two tokens, so we set it to a zero element
string and break
if (tok_begin > offset_within_cmdsubst)
a = b = cmdsubst_begin + offset_within_cmdsubst;
If cursor is inside the token, this is the token we are
looking for. If so, set a and b and break
if ((tok_last_type(&tok) == TOK_STRING) && (tok_end >= offset_within_cmdsubst))
a = cmdsubst_begin + tok_get_pos(&tok);
b = a + wcslen(tok_last(&tok));
Remember previous string token
if (tok_last_type(&tok) == TOK_STRING)
pa = cmdsubst_begin + tok_get_pos(&tok);
pb = pa + wcslen(tok_last(&tok));
if (tok_begin)
*tok_begin = a;
if (tok_end)
*tok_end = b;
if (prev_begin)
*prev_begin = pa;
if (prev_end)
*prev_end = pb;
assert(pa >= buff);
assert(pa <= (buff+wcslen(buff)));
assert(pb >= pa);
assert(pb <= (buff+wcslen(buff)));
void parse_util_set_argv(const wchar_t * const *argv, const wcstring_list_t &named_arguments)
if (*argv)
const wchar_t * const *arg;
wcstring sb;
for (arg=argv; *arg; arg++)
if (arg != argv)
env_set(L"argv", sb.c_str(), ENV_LOCAL);
env_set(L"argv", 0, ENV_LOCAL);
if (! named_arguments.empty())
const wchar_t * const *arg;
size_t i;
for (i=0, arg=argv; i < named_arguments.size(); i++)
env_set(, *arg, ENV_LOCAL);
if (*arg)
wchar_t *parse_util_unescape_wildcards(const wchar_t *str)
wchar_t *in, *out;
wchar_t *unescaped;
CHECK(str, 0);
unescaped = wcsdup(str);
if (!unescaped)
for (in=out=unescaped; *in; in++)
switch (*in)
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
case L'\\':
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
switch (*(in + 1))
case L'*':
case L'?':
case L'\\':
case L'*':
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
case L'?':
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
*out = *in;
return unescaped;
Find the outermost quoting style of current token. Returns 0 if
token is not quoted.
static wchar_t get_quote(const wchar_t *cmd, size_t len)
size_t i=0;
wchar_t res=0;
while (1)
if (!cmd[i])
if (cmd[i] == L'\\')
if (!cmd[i])
if (cmd[i] == L'\'' || cmd[i] == L'\"')
const wchar_t *end = quote_end(&cmd[i]);
//fwprintf( stderr, L"Jump %d\n", end-cmd );
if ((end == 0) || (!*end) || (end > cmd + len))
res = cmd[i];
i = end-cmd+1;
return res;
void parse_util_get_parameter_info(const wcstring &cmd, const size_t pos, wchar_t *quote, size_t *offset, int *type)
size_t prev_pos=0;
wchar_t last_quote = '\0';
int unfinished;
tokenizer_t tok(cmd.c_str(), TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED | TOK_SQUASH_ERRORS);
for (; tok_has_next(&tok); tok_next(&tok))
if (tok_get_pos(&tok) > pos)
if (tok_last_type(&tok) == TOK_STRING)
last_quote = get_quote(tok_last(&tok),
pos - tok_get_pos(&tok));
if (type != NULL)
*type = tok_last_type(&tok);
prev_pos = tok_get_pos(&tok);
wchar_t *cmd_tmp = wcsdup(cmd.c_str());
size_t cmdlen = wcslen(cmd_tmp);
unfinished = (cmdlen==0);
if (!unfinished)
unfinished = (quote != 0);
if (!unfinished)
if (wcschr(L" \t\n\r", cmd_tmp[cmdlen-1]) != 0)
if ((cmdlen == 1) || (cmd_tmp[cmdlen-2] != L'\\'))
if (quote)
*quote = last_quote;
if (offset != 0)
if (!unfinished)
while ((cmd_tmp[prev_pos] != 0) && (wcschr(L";|",cmd_tmp[prev_pos])!= 0))
*offset = prev_pos;
*offset = pos;
wcstring parse_util_escape_string_with_quote(const wcstring &cmd, wchar_t quote)
wcstring result;
if (quote == L'\0')
result = escape_string(cmd, ESCAPE_ALL | ESCAPE_NO_QUOTED | ESCAPE_NO_TILDE);
bool unescapable = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cmd.size(); i++)
wchar_t c =;
switch (c)
2012-11-19 00:31:03 -08:00
case L'\n':
case L'\t':
case L'\b':
case L'\r':
unescapable = true;
if (c == quote)
if (unescapable)
result = escape_string(cmd, ESCAPE_ALL | ESCAPE_NO_QUOTED);
result.insert(0, &quote, 1);
return result;
/* We are given a parse tree, the index of a node within the tree, its indent, and a vector of indents the same size as the original source string. Set the indent correspdonding to the node's source range, if appropriate.
trailing_indent is the indent for nodes with unrealized source, i.e. if I type 'if false <ret>' then we have an if node with an empty job list (without source) but we want the last line to be indented anyways.
switch statements also indent.
max_visited_node_idx is the largest index we visited.
static void compute_indents_recursive(const parse_node_tree_t &tree, node_offset_t node_idx, int node_indent, parse_token_type_t parent_type, std::vector<int> *indents, int *trailing_indent, node_offset_t *max_visited_node_idx)
/* Guard against incomplete trees */
if (node_idx > tree.size())
/* Update max_visited_node_idx */
if (node_idx > *max_visited_node_idx)
*max_visited_node_idx = node_idx;
/* We could implement this by utilizing the fish grammar. But there's an easy trick instead: almost everything that wraps a job list should be indented by 1. So just find all of the job lists. One exception is switch; the other exception is job_list itself: a job_list is a job and a job_list, and we want that child list to be indented the same as the parent. So just find all job_lists whose parent is not a job_list, and increment their indent by 1. */
const parse_node_t &node =;
const parse_token_type_t node_type = node.type;
/* Increment the indent if we are either a root job_list, or root case_item_list */
const bool is_root_job_list = (node_type == symbol_job_list && parent_type != symbol_job_list);
const bool is_root_case_item_list = (node_type == symbol_case_item_list && parent_type != symbol_case_item_list);
if (is_root_job_list || is_root_case_item_list)
node_indent += 1;
/* If we have source, store the trailing indent unconditionally. If we do not have source, store the trailing indent only if ours is bigger; this prevents the trailing "run" of terminal job lists from affecting the trailing indent. For example, code like this:
if foo
will be parsed as this:
job [if]
job_list [empty]
job_list [empty]
There's two "terminal" job lists, and we want the innermost one.
Note we are relying on the fact that nodes are in the same order as the source, i.e. an in-order traversal of the node tree also traverses the source from beginning to end.
if (node.has_source() || node_indent > *trailing_indent)
*trailing_indent = node_indent;
/* Store the indent into the indent array */
if (node.has_source())
assert(node.source_start < indents->size());
indents->at(node.source_start) = node_indent;
/* Recursive to all our children */
for (node_offset_t idx = 0; idx < node.child_count; idx++)
/* Note we pass our type to our child, which becomes its parent node type */
compute_indents_recursive(tree, node.child_start + idx, node_indent, node_type, indents, trailing_indent, max_visited_node_idx);
std::vector<int> parse_util_compute_indents(const wcstring &src)
/* Make a vector the same size as the input string, which contains the indents. Initialize them to -1. */
const size_t src_size = src.size();
std::vector<int> indents(src_size, -1);
/* Parse the string. We pass continue_after_error to produce a forest; the trailing indent of the last node we visited becomes the input indent of the next. I.e. in the case of 'switch foo ; cas', we get an invalid parse tree (since 'cas' is not valid) but we indent it as if it were a case item list */
parse_node_tree_t tree;
parse_t::parse(src, parse_flag_continue_after_error | parse_flag_accept_incomplete_tokens, &tree, NULL /* errors */);
/* Start indenting at the first node. If we have a parse error, we'll have to start indenting from the top again */
node_offset_t start_node_idx = 0;
int last_trailing_indent = 0;
while (start_node_idx < tree.size())
/* The indent that we'll get for the last line */
int trailing_indent = 0;
/* Biggest offset we visited */
node_offset_t max_visited_node_idx = 0;
/* Invoke the recursive version. As a hack, pass job_list for the 'parent' token type, which will prevent the really-root job list from indenting */
compute_indents_recursive(tree, start_node_idx, last_trailing_indent, symbol_job_list, &indents, &trailing_indent, &max_visited_node_idx);
/* We may have more to indent. The trailing indent becomes our current indent. Start at the node after the last we visited. */
last_trailing_indent = trailing_indent;
start_node_idx = max_visited_node_idx + 1;
int last_indent = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<src_size; i++)
int this_indent =;
if (this_indent < 0)
{ = last_indent;
/* New indent level */
last_indent = this_indent;
/* Make all whitespace before a token have the new level. This avoid using the wrong indentation level if a new line starts with whitespace. */
size_t prev_char_idx = i;
while (prev_char_idx--)
if (!wcschr(L" \n\t\r",
break; = last_indent;
/* Ensure trailing whitespace has the trailing indent. This makes sure a new line is correctly indented even if it is empty. */
size_t suffix_idx = src_size;
while (suffix_idx--)
if (!wcschr(L" \n\t\r",
break; = last_trailing_indent;
return indents;
/* Append a syntax error to the given error list */
static bool append_syntax_error(parse_error_list_t *errors, const parse_node_t &node, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
parse_error_t error;
error.source_start = node.source_start;
error.source_length = node.source_length;
error.code = parse_error_syntax;
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
error.text = vformat_string(fmt, va);
return true;
Returns 1 if the specified command is a builtin that may not be used in a pipeline
static int parser_is_pipe_forbidden(const wcstring &word)
return contains(word,
// Check if the first argument under the given node is --help
static bool first_argument_is_help(const parse_node_tree_t &node_tree, const parse_node_t &node, const wcstring &src)
bool is_help = false;
const parse_node_tree_t::parse_node_list_t arg_nodes = node_tree.find_nodes(node, symbol_argument, 1);
if (! arg_nodes.empty())
// Check the first argument only
const parse_node_t &arg = *;
const wcstring first_arg_src = arg.get_source(src);
is_help = parser_t::is_help(first_arg_src.c_str(), 3);
return is_help;
parser_test_error_bits_t parse_util_detect_errors(const wcstring &buff_src, parse_error_list_t *out_errors)
parse_node_tree_t node_tree;
parse_error_list_t parse_errors;
// Whether we encountered a parse error
bool errored = false;
// Whether we encountered an unclosed block
// We detect this via an 'end_command' block without source
bool has_unclosed_block = false;
// Parse the input string into a parse tree
// Some errors are detected here
bool parsed = parse_t::parse(buff_src, 0, &node_tree, &parse_errors);
if (! parsed)
errored = true;
// Expand all commands
// Verify 'or' and 'and' not used inside pipelines
// Verify pipes via parser_is_pipe_forbidden
// Verify return only within a function
if (! errored)
const size_t node_tree_size = node_tree.size();
for (size_t i=0; i < node_tree_size; i++)
const parse_node_t &node =;
if (node.type == symbol_end_command && ! node.has_source())
// an 'end' without source is an unclosed block
has_unclosed_block = true;
else if (node.type == symbol_plain_statement)
wcstring command;
if (node_tree.command_for_plain_statement(node, buff_src, &command))
// Check that we can expand the command
errored = append_syntax_error(&parse_errors, node, ILLEGAL_CMD_ERR_MSG, command.c_str());
// Check that pipes are sound
bool is_boolean_command = contains(command, L"or", L"and");
bool is_pipe_forbidden = parser_is_pipe_forbidden(command);
if (! errored && (is_boolean_command || is_pipe_forbidden))
// 'or' and 'and' can be first in the pipeline. forbidden commands cannot be in a pipeline at all
if (node_tree.plain_statement_is_in_pipeline(node, is_pipe_forbidden))
errored = append_syntax_error(&parse_errors, node, EXEC_ERR_MSG);
// Check that we don't return from outside a function
// But we allow it if it's 'return --help'
if (! errored && command == L"return")
const parse_node_t *ancestor = &node;
bool found_function = false;
while (ancestor != NULL)
const parse_node_t *possible_function_header = node_tree.header_node_for_block_statement(*ancestor);
if (possible_function_header != NULL && possible_function_header->type == symbol_function_header)
found_function = true;
ancestor = node_tree.get_parent(*ancestor);
if (! found_function && ! first_argument_is_help(node_tree, node, buff_src))
errored = append_syntax_error(&parse_errors, node, INVALID_RETURN_ERR_MSG);
// Check that we don't return from outside a function
if (! errored && (command == L"break" || command == L"continue"))
// Walk up until we hit a 'for' or 'while' loop. If we hit a function first, stop the search; we can't break an outer loop from inside a function.
// This is a little funny because we can't tell if it's a 'for' or 'while' loop from the ancestor alone; we need the header. That is, we hit a block_statement, and have to check its header.
bool found_loop = false, end_search = false;
const parse_node_t *ancestor = &node;
while (ancestor != NULL && ! end_search)
const parse_node_t *loop_or_function_header = node_tree.header_node_for_block_statement(*ancestor);
if (loop_or_function_header != NULL)
switch (loop_or_function_header->type)
case symbol_while_header:
case symbol_for_header:
// this is a loop header, so we can break or continue
found_loop = true;
end_search = true;
case symbol_function_header:
// this is a function header, so we cannot break or continue. We stop our search here.
found_loop = false;
end_search = true;
// most likely begin / end style block, which makes no difference
ancestor = node_tree.get_parent(*ancestor);
if (! found_loop && ! first_argument_is_help(node_tree, node, buff_src))
errored = append_syntax_error(&parse_errors, node, INVALID_LOOP_ERR_MSG);
parser_test_error_bits_t res = 0;
if (errored)
if (has_unclosed_block)
if (out_errors)
return res;