Implement set-cursor for abbreviations
set-cursor enables abbreviations to specify the cursor location after expansion, by passing in a string which is expected to be found in the expansion. For example you may create an abbreviation like `L!`: abbr L! --position anywhere --set-cursor ! "! | less" and the cursor will be positioned where the "!" is after expansion, with the "| less" appearing to its right.
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ abbrs_replacer_list_t abbrs_set_t::match(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t
for (auto it = abbrs_.rbegin(); it != abbrs_.rend(); ++it) {
const abbreviation_t &abbr = *it;
if (abbr.matches(token, position, phase)) {
result.push_back(abbrs_replacer_t{abbr.replacement, abbr.replacement_is_function});
result.push_back(abbrs_replacer_t{abbr.replacement, abbr.replacement_is_function,
return result;
@ -130,3 +131,19 @@ void abbrs_set_t::import_from_uvars(const std::unordered_map<wcstring, env_var_t
// static
abbrs_replacement_t abbrs_replacement_t::from(source_range_t range, wcstring text,
const abbrs_replacer_t &replacer) {
abbrs_replacement_t result{};
result.range = range;
result.text = std::move(text);
if (replacer.set_cursor_indicator.has_value()) {
size_t pos = result.text.find(*replacer.set_cursor_indicator);
if (pos != wcstring::npos) {
result.text.erase(pos, replacer.set_cursor_indicator->size());
result.cursor = pos + range.start;
return result;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "maybe.h"
#include "parse_constants.h"
#include "re.h"
class env_var_t;
@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ struct abbreviation_t {
/// Expansion position.
abbrs_position_t position{abbrs_position_t::command};
/// If set, then move the cursor to the first instance of this string in the expansion.
maybe_t<wcstring> set_cursor_indicator{};
/// Mark if we came from a universal variable.
bool from_universal{};
@ -84,9 +88,31 @@ struct abbrs_replacer_t {
/// If true, treat 'replacement' as the name of a function.
bool is_function;
/// If set, the cursor should be moved to the first instance of this string in the expansion.
maybe_t<wcstring> set_cursor_indicator;
using abbrs_replacer_list_t = std::vector<abbrs_replacer_t>;
/// A helper type for replacing a range in a string.
struct abbrs_replacement_t {
/// The original range of the token in the command line.
source_range_t range{};
/// The string to replace with.
wcstring text{};
/// The new cursor location, or none to use the default.
/// This is relative to the original range.
maybe_t<size_t> cursor{};
/// Construct a replacement from a replacer.
/// The \p range is the range of the text matched by the replacer in the command line.
/// The text is passed in separately as it may be the output of the replacer's function.
static abbrs_replacement_t from(source_range_t range, wcstring text,
const abbrs_replacer_t &replacer);
class abbrs_set_t {
/// \return the list of replacers for an input token, in priority order.
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ struct abbr_options_t {
bool function{};
maybe_t<wcstring> regex_pattern;
maybe_t<abbrs_position_t> position{};
maybe_t<wcstring> set_cursor_indicator{};
bool quiet{};
@ -83,6 +84,18 @@ struct abbr_options_t {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: --quiet option requires --add\n"), CMD);
return false;
if (!add && set_cursor_indicator.has_value()) {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: --set-cursor option requires --add\n"), CMD);
return false;
if (set_cursor_indicator.has_value() && quiet) {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: --quiet cannot be used with --set-cursor\n"), CMD);
return false;
if (set_cursor_indicator.has_value() && set_cursor_indicator->empty()) {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: --set-cursor argument cannot be empty\n"), CMD);
return false;
return true;
@ -103,6 +116,10 @@ static int abbr_show(const abbr_options_t &, io_streams_t &streams) {
if (abbr.set_cursor_indicator.has_value()) {
if (abbr.is_quiet) {
@ -244,6 +261,7 @@ static int abbr_add(const abbr_options_t &opts, io_streams_t &streams) {
abbreviation_t abbr{std::move(name), std::move(key), std::move(replacement), position};
abbr.regex = std::move(regex);
abbr.replacement_is_function = opts.function;
abbr.set_cursor_indicator = opts.set_cursor_indicator;
abbr.is_quiet = opts.quiet;
@ -283,6 +301,7 @@ maybe_t<int> builtin_abbr(parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, const wchar_t
{L"position", required_argument, 'p'},
{L"regex", required_argument, REGEX_SHORT},
{L"quiet", no_argument, QUIET_SHORT},
{L"set-cursor", required_argument, 'C'},
{L"function", no_argument, 'f'},
{L"rename", no_argument, 'r'},
{L"erase", no_argument, 'e'},
@ -345,6 +364,15 @@ maybe_t<int> builtin_abbr(parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, const wchar_t
opts.quiet = true;
case 'C': {
if (opts.set_cursor_indicator.has_value()) {
_(L"%ls: Cannot specify multiple set-cursor options\n"), CMD);
opts.set_cursor_indicator = w.woptarg;
case 'f':
opts.function = true;
@ -2506,11 +2506,11 @@ static void test_abbreviations() {
maybe_t<wcstring> result;
auto expand_abbreviation_in_command = [](const wcstring &cmdline,
size_t cursor_pos) -> maybe_t<wcstring> {
if (auto edit = reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(
if (auto replacement = reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(
cmdline, cursor_pos, abbrs_phase_t::noisy, parser_t::principal_parser())) {
wcstring cmdline_expanded = cmdline;
std::vector<highlight_spec_t> colors{cmdline_expanded.size()};
apply_edit(&cmdline_expanded, &colors, *edit);
apply_edit(&cmdline_expanded, &colors, edit_t{replacement->range, replacement->text});
return cmdline_expanded;
return none_t();
@ -1362,15 +1362,15 @@ void reader_data_t::pager_selection_changed() {
/// Expand an abbreviation replacer, which means either returning its literal replacement or running
/// its function. \return the replacement string, or none to skip it. This may run fish script!
maybe_t<wcstring> expand_replacer(const wcstring &token, const abbrs_replacer_t &repl,
parser_t &parser) {
/// Expand an abbreviation replacer, which may mean running its function.
/// \return the replacement, or none to skip it. This may run fish script!
maybe_t<abbrs_replacement_t> expand_replacer(source_range_t range, const wcstring &token,
const abbrs_replacer_t &repl, parser_t &parser) {
if (!repl.is_function) {
// Literal replacement cannot fail.
FLOGF(abbrs, L"Expanded literal abbreviation <%ls> -> <%ls>", token.c_str(),
return repl.replacement;
return abbrs_replacement_t::from(range, repl.replacement, repl);
wcstring cmd = escape_string(repl.replacement);
@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ maybe_t<wcstring> expand_replacer(const wcstring &token, const abbrs_replacer_t
wcstring result = join_strings(outputs, L'\n');
FLOGF(abbrs, L"Expanded function abbreviation <%ls> -> <%ls>", token.c_str(), result.c_str());
return result;
return abbrs_replacement_t::from(range, std::move(result), repl);
// Extract all the token ranges in \p str, along with whether they are an undecorated command.
@ -1449,9 +1449,12 @@ static std::vector<positioned_token_t> extract_tokens(const wcstring &str) {
return result;
/// Expand abbreviations at the given cursor position. Does NOT inspect 'data'.
maybe_t<edit_t> reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(const wcstring &cmdline, size_t cursor_pos,
abbrs_phase_t phase, parser_t &parser) {
/// Expand abbreviations in the given phase at the given cursor position.
/// cursor. \return the replacement. This does NOT inspect the current reader data.
maybe_t<abbrs_replacement_t> reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(const wcstring &cmdline,
size_t cursor_pos,
abbrs_phase_t phase,
parser_t &parser) {
// Find the token containing the cursor. Usually users edit from the end, so walk backwards.
const auto tokens = extract_tokens(cmdline);
auto iter = std::find_if(tokens.rbegin(), tokens.rend(), [&](const positioned_token_t &t) {
@ -1467,8 +1470,8 @@ maybe_t<edit_t> reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(const wcstring &cmdline, si
wcstring token_str = cmdline.substr(range.start, range.length);
auto replacers = abbrs_match(token_str, position, phase);
for (const auto &replacer : replacers) {
if (auto replacement = expand_replacer(token_str, replacer, parser)) {
return edit_t{range.start, range.length, replacement.acquire()};
if (auto replacement = expand_replacer(range, token_str, replacer, parser)) {
return replacement;
return none();
@ -1485,10 +1488,10 @@ bool reader_data_t::expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(size_t cursor_backtrack, abbrs
// Try expanding abbreviations.
size_t cursor_pos = el->position() - std::min(el->position(), cursor_backtrack);
if (auto edit =
reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(el->text(), cursor_pos, phase, parser())) {
push_edit(el, std::move(*edit));
if (auto replacement = reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(el->text(), cursor_pos, phase,
this->parser())) {
push_edit(el, edit_t{replacement->range, std::move(replacement->text)});
update_buff_pos(el, replacement->cursor);
result = true;
@ -1516,13 +1519,13 @@ static bool expand_quiet_abbreviations(wcstring *inout_str, parser_t &parser) {
pt.is_cmd ? abbrs_position_t::command : abbrs_position_t::anywhere;
auto replacers = abbrs_match(token, position, abbrs_phase_t::quiet);
for (const auto &replacer : replacers) {
const auto replacement = expand_replacer(token, replacer, parser);
if (replacement && *replacement != token) {
const auto replacement = expand_replacer(orig_range, token, replacer, parser);
if (replacement && replacement->text != token) {
modified = true;
result.replace(orig_range.start + repl_lengths - orig_lengths, orig_range.length,
orig_lengths += orig_range.length;
repl_lengths += replacement->length();
repl_lengths += replacement->text.length();
@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ struct edit_t {
explicit edit_t(size_t offset, size_t length, wcstring replacement)
: offset(offset), length(length), replacement(std::move(replacement)) {}
explicit edit_t(source_range_t range, wcstring replacement)
: edit_t(range.start, range.length, std::move(replacement)) {}
/// Used for testing.
bool operator==(const edit_t &other) const;
@ -261,12 +264,15 @@ bool fish_is_unwinding_for_exit();
wcstring combine_command_and_autosuggestion(const wcstring &cmdline,
const wcstring &autosuggestion);
/// Expand at most one abbreviation at the given cursor position. Use the parser to run any
/// abbreviations which want function calls.
/// \return none if no abbreviations were expanded, otherwise the resulting edit.
/// Expand at most one abbreviation at the given cursor position, updating the position if the
/// abbreviation wants to move the cursor. Use the parser to run any abbreviations which want
/// function calls. \return none if no abbreviations were expanded, otherwise the resulting edit.
enum class abbrs_phase_t : uint8_t;
maybe_t<edit_t> reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(const wcstring &cmdline, size_t cursor_pos,
abbrs_phase_t phase, parser_t &parser);
struct abbrs_replacement_t;
maybe_t<abbrs_replacement_t> reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(const wcstring &cmdline,
size_t cursor_pos,
abbrs_phase_t phase,
parser_t &parser);
/// Apply a completion string. Exposed for testing only.
wcstring completion_apply_to_command_line(const wcstring &val_str, complete_flags_t flags,
@ -152,3 +152,11 @@ expect_prompt()
# The quiet one sees a token starting with 'a' and ending with 'z' and uppercases it.
sendline(r"echo %abcdez%")
# Test cursor positioning.
sendline(r"""abbr --erase (abbr --list) """)
sendline(r"""abbr LLL --position anywhere --set-cursor !HERE! '!HERE! | less'""")
send(r"""echo LLL derp?""")
expect_str(r"echo derp | less ")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user