axel e1d0b9370e Minor edits in parse_util.c
2006-02-17 22:52:05 +10:00

645 lines
11 KiB

/** \file parse_util.c
Various utility functions for parsing a command
#include "config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "wutil.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "tokenizer.h"
#include "parse_util.h"
#include "expand.h"
#include "intern.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "halloc_util.h"
Set of files which have been autoloaded
static hash_table_t *all_loaded=0;
int parse_util_lineno( const wchar_t *str, int len )
static int res = 1;
static int i=0;
static const wchar_t *prev_str = 0;
static const wchar_t *prev_str2 = 0;
static int i2 = 0;
static int res2 = 1;
if( str != prev_str || i>len )
if( prev_str2 == str && i2 <= len )
const wchar_t *tmp_str = prev_str;
int tmp_i = i;
int tmp_res = res;
prev_str = prev_str2;
prev_str2 = tmp_str;
i2 = tmp_i;
res2 = tmp_res;
prev_str2 = prev_str;
i2 = i;
prev_str = str;
for( ; str[i] && i<len; i++ )
if( str[i] == L'\n' )
return res;
int parse_util_locate_cmdsubst( const wchar_t *in,
const wchar_t **begin,
const wchar_t **end,
int allow_incomplete )
const wchar_t *pos;
wchar_t prev=0;
int syntax_error=0;
int paran_count=0;
const wchar_t *paran_begin=0, *paran_end=0;
for( pos=in; *pos; pos++ )
if( prev != '\\' )
if( wcschr( L"\'\"", *pos ) )
const wchar_t *end = quote_end( pos );
if( end && *end)
if( *pos == '(' )
if(( paran_count == 0)&&(paran_begin==0))
paran_begin = pos;
else if( *pos == ')' )
if( (paran_count == 0) && (paran_end == 0) )
paran_end = pos;
if( paran_count < 0 )
syntax_error = 1;
prev = *pos;
syntax_error |= (paran_count < 0 );
syntax_error |= ((paran_count>0)&&(!allow_incomplete));
if( syntax_error )
return -1;
if( paran_begin == 0 )
return 0;
*begin = paran_begin;
*end = paran_count?in+wcslen(in):paran_end;
/* assert( *begin >= in );
assert( *begin < (in+wcslen(in) ) );
assert( *end >= *begin );
assert( *end < (in+wcslen(in) ) );
return 1;
void parse_util_cmdsubst_extent( const wchar_t *buff,
int cursor_pos,
const wchar_t **a,
const wchar_t **b )
const wchar_t *begin, *end;
const wchar_t *pos;
if( a )
if( b )
*b = 0;
if( !buff )
pos = buff;
while( 1 )
int bc, ec;
if( parse_util_locate_cmdsubst( pos,
1 ) <= 0)
end = buff + wcslen(buff);
if( !end )
end = buff + wcslen(buff);
bc = begin-buff;
ec = end-buff;
if(( bc < cursor_pos ) && (ec >= cursor_pos) )
pos = end+1;
if( a )
*a = begin;
if( b )
*b = end;
Get the beginning and end of the job or process definition under the cursor
static void job_or_process_extent( const wchar_t *buff,
int cursor_pos,
const wchar_t **a,
const wchar_t **b,
int process )
const wchar_t *begin, *end;
int pos;
wchar_t *buffcpy;
int finished=0;
tokenizer tok;
if( a )
if( b )
*b = 0;
parse_util_cmdsubst_extent( buff, cursor_pos, &begin, &end );
if( !end || !begin )
pos = cursor_pos - (begin - buff);
// fwprintf( stderr, L"Subshell extent: %d %d %d\n", begin-buff, end-buff, pos );
if( a )
*a = begin;
if( b )
*b = end;
buffcpy = wcsndup( begin, end-begin );
if( !buffcpy )
// fwprintf( stderr, L"Strlen: %d\n", wcslen(buffcpy ) );
for( tok_init( &tok, buffcpy, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED );
tok_has_next( &tok ) && !finished;
tok_next( &tok ) )
int tok_begin = tok_get_pos( &tok );
// fwprintf( stderr, L".");
switch( tok_last_type( &tok ) )
case TOK_PIPE:
if( !process )
case TOK_END:
// fwprintf( stderr, L"New cmd at %d\n", tok_begin );
if( tok_begin >= pos )
if( b )
*b = buff + tok_begin;
if( a )
*a = buff + tok_begin+1;
// fwprintf( stderr, L"Res: %d %d\n", *a-buff, *b-buff );
free( buffcpy);
tok_destroy( &tok );
void parse_util_process_extent( const wchar_t *buff,
int pos,
const wchar_t **a,
const wchar_t **b )
job_or_process_extent( buff, pos, a, b, 1 );
void parse_util_job_extent( const wchar_t *buff,
int pos,
const wchar_t **a,
const wchar_t **b )
job_or_process_extent( buff,pos,a, b, 0 );
void parse_util_token_extent( const wchar_t *buff,
int cursor_pos,
const wchar_t **tok_begin,
const wchar_t **tok_end,
const wchar_t **prev_begin,
const wchar_t **prev_end )
const wchar_t *begin, *end;
int pos;
wchar_t *buffcpy;
tokenizer tok;
const wchar_t *a, *b, *pa, *pb;
a = b = pa = pb = 0;
parse_util_cmdsubst_extent( buff, cursor_pos, &begin, &end );
if( !end || !begin )
pos = cursor_pos - (begin - buff);
a = buff + pos;
b = a;
pa = buff + pos;
pb = pa;
assert( begin >= buff );
assert( begin <= (buff+wcslen(buff) ) );
assert( end >= begin );
assert( end <= (buff+wcslen(buff) ) );
buffcpy = wcsndup( begin, end-begin );
if( !buffcpy )
for( tok_init( &tok, buffcpy, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED );
tok_has_next( &tok );
tok_next( &tok ) )
int tok_begin = tok_get_pos( &tok );
int tok_end=tok_begin;
Calculate end of token
if( tok_last_type( &tok ) == TOK_STRING )
tok_end +=wcslen(tok_last(&tok));
Cursor was before beginning of this token, means that the
cursor is between two tokens, so we set it to a zero element
string and break
if( tok_begin > pos )
a = b = buff + pos;
If cursor is inside the token, this is the token we are
looking for. If so, set a and b and break
if( tok_end >= pos )
a = begin + tok_get_pos( &tok );
b = a + wcslen(tok_last(&tok));
// fwprintf( stderr, L"Whee %ls\n", *a );
Remember previous string token
if( tok_last_type( &tok ) == TOK_STRING )
pa = begin + tok_get_pos( &tok );
pb = pa + wcslen(tok_last(&tok));
free( buffcpy);
tok_destroy( &tok );
if( tok_begin )
*tok_begin = a;
if( tok_end )
*tok_end = b;
if( prev_begin )
*prev_begin = pa;
if( prev_end )
*prev_end = pb;
assert( pa >= buff );
assert( pa <= (buff+wcslen(buff) ) );
assert( pb >= pa );
assert( pb <= (buff+wcslen(buff) ) );
Free hash value, but not hash key
static void clear_hash_value( const void *key, const void *data )
free( (void *)data );
static void clear_loaded_entry( const void *key, const void *data )
hash_table_t *loaded = (hash_table_t *)data;
hash_foreach( loaded,
&clear_hash_value );
hash_destroy( loaded );
free( loaded );
free( (void *)key );
static void parse_util_destroy()
if( all_loaded )
hash_foreach( all_loaded,
&clear_loaded_entry );
hash_destroy( all_loaded );
free( all_loaded );
all_loaded = 0;
void parse_util_load_reset( const wchar_t *path_var )
if( all_loaded )
void *key, *data;
hash_remove( all_loaded, path_var, (const void **)&key, (const void **)&data );
if( key )
clear_loaded_entry( key, data );
int parse_util_load( const wchar_t *cmd,
const wchar_t *path_var,
void (*on_load)(const wchar_t *cmd),
int reload )
static array_list_t *path_list=0;
static string_buffer_t *path=0;
int i;
time_t *tm;
int reloaded = 0;
hash_table_t *loaded;
Do we know where to look
if( !path_var )
return 0;
if( !all_loaded )
all_loaded = malloc( sizeof( hash_table_t ) );
halloc_register_function_void( global_context, &parse_util_destroy );
if( !all_loaded )
hash_init( all_loaded, &hash_wcs_func, &hash_wcs_cmp );
loaded = (hash_table_t *)hash_get( all_loaded, path_var );
if( !loaded )
loaded = malloc( sizeof( hash_table_t ) );
if( !loaded )
hash_init( loaded, &hash_wcs_func, &hash_wcs_cmp );
hash_put( all_loaded, wcsdup(path_var), loaded );
Get modification time of file
tm = (time_t *)hash_get( loaded, cmd );
Did we just check this?
if( tm )
return 0;
Return if already loaded and we are skipping reloading
if( !reload && tm )
return 0;
if( !path_list )
path_list = al_halloc( global_context);
if( !path )
path = sb_halloc( global_context );
sb_clear( path );
expand_variable_array( path_var, path_list );
Iterate over path searching for suitable completion files
for( i=0; i<al_get_count( path_list ); i++ )
struct stat buf;
wchar_t *next = (wchar_t *)al_get( path_list, i );
sb_clear( path );
sb_append2( path, next, L"/", cmd, L".fish", (void *)0 );
if( (wstat( (wchar_t *)path->buff, &buf )== 0) &&
(waccess( (wchar_t *)path->buff, R_OK ) == 0) )
if( !tm || (tm[0] != buf.st_mtime ) )
wchar_t *esc = escape( (wchar_t *)path->buff, 1 );
wchar_t *src_cmd = wcsdupcat( L". ", esc );
if( !tm )
tm = malloc(sizeof(time_t)*2);
if( !tm )
tm[0] = buf.st_mtime;
tm[1] = time(0);
hash_put( loaded,
intern( cmd ),
tm );
free( esc );
on_load(cmd );
Source the completion file for the specified completion
exec_subshell( src_cmd, 0 );
reloaded = 1;
If no file was found we insert the current time. Later we only
research if the current time is at least five seconds later.
This way, the files won't be searched over and over again.
if( !tm )
tm = malloc(sizeof(time_t)*2);
if( !tm )
tm[0] = 0;
tm[1] = time(0);
hash_put( loaded, intern( cmd ), tm );
al_foreach( path_list, (void (*)(const void *))&free );
al_truncate( path_list, 0 );
return reloaded;
void parse_util_set_argv( wchar_t **argv )
if( *argv )
wchar_t **arg;
string_buffer_t sb;
sb_init( &sb );
for( arg=argv; *arg; arg++ )
if( arg != argv )
sb_append( &sb, ARRAY_SEP_STR );
sb_append( &sb, *arg );
env_set( L"argv", (wchar_t *)sb.buff, ENV_LOCAL );
sb_destroy( &sb );
env_set( L"argv", 0, ENV_LOCAL );