MEDIUM: ssl: add new sample-fetch which captures the cipherlist
This new sample-fetches captures the cipher list offer by the client SSL connection during the client-hello phase. This is useful for fingerprint the SSL connection.
This commit is contained in:
@ -618,6 +618,7 @@ The following keywords are supported in the "global" section :
- tune.ssl.maxrecord
- tune.ssl.default-dh-param
- tune.ssl.ssl-ctx-cache-size
- tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size
- tune.vars.proc-max-size
- tune.vars.reqres-max-size
@ -1502,6 +1503,11 @@ tune.ssl.ssl-ctx-cache-size <number>
dynamically is expensive, they are cached. The default cache size is set to
1000 entries.
tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size <number>
Sets the maximum size of the buffer used for capturing client-hello cipher
list. If the value is 0 (default value) the capture is disabled, otherwise
a buffer is allocated for each SSL/TLS connection.
|||| <size>
tune.vars.proc-max-size <size>
tune.vars.reqres-max-size <size>
@ -13871,6 +13877,32 @@ ssl_fc_cipher : string
Returns the name of the used cipher when the incoming connection was made
over an SSL/TLS transport layer.
ssl_fc_cipherlist_bin : binary
Returns the binary form of the client hello cipher list. The maximum returned
value length is according with the value of
"tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size". Note that this sample-fetch is available
only with OpenSSL > 0.9.7
ssl_fc_cipherlist_hex : string
Returns the binary form of the client hello cipher list encoded as
hexadecimal. The maximum returned value length is according with the value of
"tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size". Note that this sample-fetch is available
only with OpenSSL > 0.9.7
ssl_fc_cipherlist_str : string
Returns the decoded text form of the client hello cipher list. The maximum
number of ciphers returned is according with the value of
"tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size". Note that this sample-fetch is only
avaible with OpenSSL > 1.0.2 compiled with the option enable-ssl-trace.
If the function is not enabled, this sample-fetch returns the hash
like "ssl_fc_cipherlist_xxh".
ssl_fc_cipherlist_xxh : integer
Returns a xxh64 of the cipher list. This hash can be return only is the value
"tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size" is set greater than 0, however the hash
take in account all the data of the cipher list. Note that this sample-fetch is
avalaible only with OpenSSL > 0.9.7
ssl_fc_has_crt : boolean
Returns true if a client certificate is present in an incoming connection over
SSL/TLS transport layer. Useful if 'verify' statement is set to 'optional'.
@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ static struct {
unsigned int max_record; /* SSL max record size */
unsigned int default_dh_param; /* SSL maximum DH parameter size */
int ctx_cache; /* max number of entries in the ssl_ctx cache. */
int capture_cipherlist; /* Size of the cipherlist buffer. */
} global_ssl = {
.listen_default_ciphers = LISTEN_DEFAULT_CIPHERS,
@ -163,8 +164,31 @@ static struct {
.default_dh_param = SSL_DEFAULT_DH_PARAM,
.capture_cipherlist = 0,
/* This memory pool is used for capturing clienthello parameters.
* The message callback is only available after openssl 0.9.7,
* so the memory pool is useless before this version.
struct ssl_capture {
struct connection *conn;
unsigned long long int xxh64;
unsigned char ciphersuite_len;
char ciphersuite[0];
struct pool_head *pool2_ssl_capture = NULL;
/* This fu**ing funtion is announced in some OpenSSL manual pages,
* but doesn't exists in the OpenSSL library !
* eg.
static void *SSL_get_msg_callback_arg(SSL *ssl)
return ssl->msg_callback_arg;
struct list tlskeys_reference = LIST_HEAD_INIT(tlskeys_reference);
@ -1137,9 +1161,111 @@ int ssl_sock_bind_verifycbk(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *x_store)
return 0;
static inline
void ssl_sock_parse_clienthello(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
const void *buf, size_t len,
struct ssl_capture *capture)
unsigned char *msg;
unsigned char *end;
unsigned int rec_len;
/* This function is called for "from client" and "to server"
* connections. The combination of write_p == 0 and content_type == 22
* is only avalaible during "from client" connection.
/* "write_p" is set to 0 is the bytes are received messages,
* otherwise it is set to 1.
if (write_p != 0)
/* content_type contains the type of message received or sent
* according with the SSL/TLS protocol spec. This message is
* encoded with one byte. The value 256 (two bytes) is used
* for designing the SSL/TLS record layer. According with the
* rfc6101, the expected message (other than 256) are:
* - change_cipher_spec(20)
* - alert(21)
* - handshake(22)
* - application_data(23)
* - (255)
* We are interessed by the handshake and specially the client
* hello.
if (content_type != 22)
/* The message length is at least 4 bytes, containing the
* message type and the message length.
if (len < 4)
/* First byte of the handshake message id the type of
* message. The konwn types are:
* - hello_request(0)
* - client_hello(1)
* - server_hello(2)
* - certificate(11)
* - server_key_exchange (12)
* - certificate_request(13)
* - server_hello_done(14)
* We are interested by the client hello.
msg = (unsigned char *)buf;
if (msg[0] != 1)
/* Next three bytes are the length of the message. The total length
* must be this decoded length + 4. If the length given as argument
* is not the same, we abort the protocol dissector.
rec_len = (msg[1] << 16) + (msg[2] << 8) + msg[3];
if (len < rec_len + 4)
msg += 4;
end = msg + rec_len;
if (end < msg)
/* Expect 2 bytes for protocol version (1 byte for major and 1 byte
* for minor, the random, composed by 4 bytes for the unix time and
* 28 bytes for unix payload, and them 1 byte for the session id. So
* we jump 1 + 1 + 4 + 28 + 1 bytes.
msg += 1 + 1 + 4 + 28 + 1;
if (msg > end)
/* Next two bytes are the ciphersuite length. */
if (msg + 2 > end)
rec_len = (msg[0] << 8) + msg[1];
msg += 2;
if (msg + rec_len > end || msg + rec_len < msg)
/* Compute the xxh64 of the ciphersuite. */
capture->xxh64 = XXH64(msg, rec_len, 0);
/* Capture the ciphersuite. */
capture->ciphersuite_len = rec_len;
if (capture->ciphersuite_len > global_ssl.capture_cipherlist)
capture->ciphersuite_len = global_ssl.capture_cipherlist;
memcpy(capture->ciphersuite, msg, capture->ciphersuite_len);
/* Callback is called for ssl protocol analyse */
void ssl_sock_msgcbk(int write_p, int version, int content_type, const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl, void *arg)
/* If the SSL connection doesn't had sufficient memory while
* the structure was initialized, arg is NULL.
if (global_ssl.capture_cipherlist && arg)
ssl_sock_parse_clienthello(write_p, version, content_type, buf, len, arg);
/* test heartbeat received (write_p is set to 0
for a received record) */
@ -3832,6 +3958,8 @@ ssl_sock_free_ca(struct bind_conf *bind_conf)
static int ssl_sock_init(struct connection *conn)
struct ssl_capture *capture;
/* already initialized */
if (conn->xprt_ctx)
return 0;
@ -3939,6 +4067,20 @@ static int ssl_sock_init(struct connection *conn)
return -1;
/* Set capture struct as opaque argument for the msg callback. */
if (global_ssl.capture_cipherlist > 0) {
capture = pool_alloc_dirty(pool2_ssl_capture);
if (capture) {
capture->conn = conn;
capture->ciphersuite_len = 0;
SSL_set_msg_callback_arg(conn->xprt_ctx, capture);
} else {
SSL_set_msg_callback_arg(conn->xprt_ctx, NULL);
/* leave init state and start handshake */
@ -4386,8 +4528,13 @@ static int ssl_sock_from_buf(struct connection *conn, struct buffer *buf, int fl
static void ssl_sock_close(struct connection *conn) {
struct ssl_capture *capture;
if (conn->xprt_ctx) {
capture = SSL_get_msg_callback_arg(conn->xprt_ctx);
pool_free2(pool2_ssl_capture, capture);
conn->xprt_ctx = NULL;
@ -5498,6 +5645,111 @@ smp_fetch_ssl_fc_sni(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw,
static int
smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_bin(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw, void *private)
struct connection *conn;
struct ssl_capture *capture;
conn = objt_conn(smp->sess->origin);
if (!conn || !conn->xprt_ctx || conn->xprt != &ssl_sock)
return 0;
capture = SSL_get_msg_callback_arg(conn->xprt_ctx);
if (!capture)
return 0;
smp->flags = SMP_F_CONST;
smp->data.type = SMP_T_BIN;
smp->data.u.str.str = capture->ciphersuite;
smp->data.u.str.len = capture->ciphersuite_len;
return 1;
return 0;
static int
smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_hex(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw, void *private)
struct chunk *data;
if (!smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_bin(args, smp, kw, private))
return 0;
data = get_trash_chunk();
dump_binary(data, smp->data.u.str.str, smp->data.u.str.len);
smp->data.type = SMP_T_BIN;
smp->data.u.str = *data;
return 1;
static int
smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_xxh64(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw, void *private)
struct connection *conn;
struct ssl_capture *capture;
conn = objt_conn(smp->sess->origin);
if (!conn || !conn->xprt_ctx || conn->xprt != &ssl_sock)
return 0;
capture = SSL_get_msg_callback_arg(conn->xprt_ctx);
if (!capture)
return 0;
smp->data.type = SMP_T_SINT;
smp->data.u.sint = capture->xxh64;
return 1;
return 0;
static int
smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_str(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw, void *private)
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x1000200fL) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SSL_TRACE)
struct chunk *data;
SSL_CIPHER cipher;
int i;
const char *str;
unsigned char *bin;
if (!smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_bin(args, smp, kw, private))
return 0;
/* The cipher algorith must not be SSL_SSLV2, because this
* SSL version seems to not have the same cipher encoding,
* and it is not supported by OpenSSL. Unfortunately, the
* #define SSL_SSLV2, SSL_SSLV3 and others are not available
* with standard defines. We just set the variable to 0,
* ensure that the match with SSL_SSLV2 fails.
cipher.algorithm_ssl = 0;
data = get_trash_chunk();
for (i = 0; i + 1 < smp->data.u.str.len; i += 2) {
bin = (unsigned char *)smp->data.u.str.str + i;
|||| = (unsigned int)(bin[0] << 8) | bin[1];
str = SSL_CIPHER_standard_name(&cipher);
if (!str || strcmp(str, "UNKNOWN") == 0)
chunk_appendf(data, "%sUNKNOWN(%04x)", i == 0 ? "" : ",", (unsigned int);
chunk_appendf(data, "%s%s", i == 0 ? "" : ",", str);
smp->data.type = SMP_T_STR;
smp->data.u.str = *data;
return 1;
return smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_xxh64(args, smp, kw, private);
static int
smp_fetch_ssl_fc_unique_id(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw, void *private)
@ -6654,6 +6906,8 @@ static int ssl_parse_global_int(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *cur
target = &global_ssl.ctx_cache;
else if (strcmp(args[0], "maxsslconn") == 0)
target = &global.maxsslconn;
else if (strcmp(args[0], "tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size") == 0)
target = &global_ssl.capture_cipherlist;
else {
memprintf(err, "'%s' keyword not unhandled (please report this bug).", args[0]);
return -1;
@ -6675,6 +6929,34 @@ static int ssl_parse_global_int(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *cur
return 0;
static int ssl_parse_global_capture_cipherlist(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
char **err)
int ret;
ret = ssl_parse_global_int(args, section_type, curpx, defpx, file, line, err);
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
if (pool2_ssl_capture) {
memprintf(err, "'%s' is already configured.", args[0]);
return -1;
pool2_ssl_capture = create_pool("ssl-capture", sizeof(struct ssl_capture) + global_ssl.capture_cipherlist, MEM_F_SHARED);
if (!pool2_ssl_capture) {
memprintf(err, "Out of memory error.");
return -1;
return 0;
memprintf(err, "'%s' requires OpenSSL 0.9.7 or above.", args[0]);
return -1;
/* parse "ssl.force-private-cache".
* Returns <0 on alert, >0 on warning, 0 on success.
@ -7074,6 +7356,10 @@ static struct sample_fetch_kw_list sample_fetch_keywords = {ILH, {
{ "ssl_fc_use_keysize", smp_fetch_ssl_fc_use_keysize, 0, NULL, SMP_T_SINT, SMP_USE_L5CLI },
{ "ssl_fc_session_id", smp_fetch_ssl_fc_session_id, 0, NULL, SMP_T_BIN, SMP_USE_L5CLI },
{ "ssl_fc_sni", smp_fetch_ssl_fc_sni, 0, NULL, SMP_T_STR, SMP_USE_L5CLI },
{ "ssl_fc_cipherlist_bin", smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_bin, 0, NULL, SMP_T_STR, SMP_USE_L5CLI },
{ "ssl_fc_cipherlist_hex", smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_hex, 0, NULL, SMP_T_BIN, SMP_USE_L5CLI },
{ "ssl_fc_cipherlist_str", smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_str, 0, NULL, SMP_T_STR, SMP_USE_L5CLI },
{ "ssl_fc_cipherlist_xxh", smp_fetch_ssl_fc_cl_xxh64, 0, NULL, SMP_T_SINT, SMP_USE_L5CLI },
{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 },
@ -7194,6 +7480,7 @@ static struct cfg_kw_list cfg_kws = {ILH, {
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "tune.ssl.lifetime", ssl_parse_global_lifetime },
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "tune.ssl.maxrecord", ssl_parse_global_int },
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "tune.ssl.ssl-ctx-cache-size", ssl_parse_global_int },
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size", ssl_parse_global_capture_cipherlist },
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "ssl-default-bind-ciphers", ssl_parse_global_ciphers },
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "ssl-default-server-ciphers", ssl_parse_global_ciphers },
{ 0, NULL, NULL },
Reference in New Issue
Block a user