79 lines
1.8 KiB
79 lines
1.8 KiB
%define distro virtualization-pve
Name: installer-distro-%distro
Version: 1.0.1
Release: alt1
Summary: Installer configuration (PVE)
License: GPLv2
Group: System/Configuration/Other
Url: http://www.altlinux.org/Installer
Source: %name-%version.tar
BuildArch: noarch
This package contains installer configuration
for an ALT Linux PVE distribution.
It is derived from installer-distro-alt-server-v.
%package stage2
Summary: Installer configuration and scripts (stage2 part)
License: GPLv2
Group: System/Configuration/Other
Provides: installer-%distro-stage2 = %version
Requires: installer-stage2
# modules
Requires: alterator-sysconfig
Requires: alterator-datetime
Requires: alterator-pkg
Requires: alterator-vm
Requires: alterator-notes
%description stage2
This package contains installer configuration
for an ALT Linux PVE distribution.
The stage2 part is included into live installer system.
%package stage3
Summary: Installer configuration and scripts (stage3 part)
License: GPLv2
Group: System/Configuration/Other
Provides: installer-%distro-stage3 = %version
# modules
Requires: alterator-users
Requires: alterator-root
Requires: alterator-luks
Requires: alterator-net-ifupdown2
Requires: installer-feature-online-repo
Requires: installer-feature-powerbutton-stage3
%description stage3
This package contains installer configuration
for an ALT Linux PVE distribution.
The stage3 part is installed onto the new system's root
and executed off there during installation process.
%define install2dir %_datadir/install2
mkdir -p %buildroot%install2dir
cp -a * %buildroot%install2dir/
%files stage2
%files stage3
* Tue Nov 19 2024 Sergey Konev <darisihe@altlinux.org> 1.0.1-alt1
- Init package (based on installer-distro-alt-server-v)