replace builder-pattern api macro parser with json

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <>
This commit is contained in:
Wolfgang Bumiller 2019-11-25 15:07:26 +01:00
parent ac45b7cea6
commit a646146f75
4 changed files with 469 additions and 505 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate proc_macro2;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::mem;
use failure::Error;
@ -13,498 +15,397 @@ use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::Ident;
use syn::{parenthesized, Token};
/// Any 'keywords' we introduce as part of our schema related api macro syntax.
mod token {
use crate::util::SimpleIdent;
/// Most of our schema definition consists of a json-like notation.
/// For parsing we mostly just need to destinguish between objects and non-objects.
/// For specific expression types we match on the contained expression later on.
enum JSONValue {
/// Our syntax elements which represent an API Schema implement this. This is similar to
/// `quote::ToTokens`, but rather than translating back into the input, this produces the resulting
/// `proxmox::api::schema::Schema` instantiation.
/// For example:
/// ```ignore
/// Schema {
/// item_type: "Boolean",
/// paren_token: ...,
/// description: Some("Some value"),
/// comma_token: ...,
/// item: SchemaItem::Boolean(SchemaItemBoolean {
/// default_value: Some(DefaultValue {
/// default_token: ...,
/// colon: ...,
/// value: syn::ExprLit(syn::LitBool(true)), // simplified...
/// }),
/// }),
/// constraints: Vec::new(),
/// }.to_schema(ts);
/// ```
/// produces:
/// ```ignore
/// ::proxmox::api::schema::BooleanSchema::new("Some value")
/// .default(true)
/// ```
trait ToSchema {
fn to_schema(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn add_constraints(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _ = ts;
/// A generic schema entry.
/// Since all our schema types have at least a description, we define this "top level" schema
/// syntax element which parses the description as first parameter (if it is available), and then
/// parses the remaining parts as `SchemaItem`.
/// ```text
/// Object ( "Description", { Elements } ) .default_key("hello")
/// ^^^^^^ ~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// item_type description item constraints
/// ```
struct Schema {
pub item_type: Ident,
pub paren_token: syn::token::Paren,
pub description: Option<syn::LitStr>,
pub comma_token: Option<Token![,]>,
pub item: SchemaItem,
pub constraints: Vec<syn::ExprCall>,
impl ToSchema for Schema {
fn to_schema(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
let item_type = &self.item_type;
let schema_type = Ident::new(
&format!("{}Schema", item_type.to_string()),
let description = self
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!(item_type => "missing description"))?;
let mut item = TokenStream::new();
self.item.to_schema(&mut item)?;
ts.extend(quote! {
for constraint in self.constraints.iter() {
ts.extend(quote! { . #constraint });
impl Parse for Schema {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let item_type: Ident = input.parse()?;
let item_type_span = item_type.span();
let item_type_str = item_type.to_string();
let content;
let mut comma_token = None;
Ok(Self {
paren_token: parenthesized!(content in input),
description: {
let lookahead = content.lookahead1();
if lookahead.peek(syn::LitStr) {
let desc = content.parse()?;
if !content.is_empty() {
comma_token = Some(content.parse()?);
} else {
item: {
match item_type_str.as_str() {
"Null" => content.parse().map(SchemaItem::Null)?,
"Boolean" => content.parse().map(SchemaItem::Boolean)?,
"Integer" => content.parse().map(SchemaItem::Integer)?,
"String" => content.parse().map(SchemaItem::String)?,
"Object" => content.parse().map(SchemaItem::Object)?,
"Array" => content.parse().map(SchemaItem::Array)?,
_ => bail!(item_type_span, "unknown schema type"),
constraints: {
let mut constraints = Vec::<syn::ExprCall>::new();
while input.lookahead1().peek(Token![.]) {
let _dot: Token![.] = input.parse()?;
/// This is the collection of possible schema elements we have.
/// Its `ToSchema` implementation simply defers to the inner types. It has no `Parse`
/// implementation directly. This is handled by the parser for `Schema`.
enum SchemaItem {
impl ToSchema for SchemaItem {
fn to_schema(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
impl JSONValue {
/// When we expect an object, it's nicer to know why/what kind, so instead of
/// `TryInto<JSONObject>` we provide this method:
fn into_object(self, expected: &str) -> Result<JSONObject, syn::Error> {
match self {
SchemaItem::Null(i) => i.to_schema(ts),
SchemaItem::Boolean(i) => i.to_schema(ts),
SchemaItem::Integer(i) => i.to_schema(ts),
SchemaItem::String(i) => i.to_schema(ts),
SchemaItem::Object(i) => i.to_schema(ts),
SchemaItem::Array(i) => i.to_schema(ts),
fn add_constraints(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self {
SchemaItem::Null(i) => i.add_constraints(ts),
SchemaItem::Boolean(i) => i.add_constraints(ts),
SchemaItem::Integer(i) => i.add_constraints(ts),
SchemaItem::String(i) => i.add_constraints(ts),
SchemaItem::Object(i) => i.add_constraints(ts),
SchemaItem::Array(i) => i.add_constraints(ts),
JSONValue::Object(s) => Ok(s),
JSONValue::Expr(e) => bail!(e => "expected {}", expected),
/// A "default key" for an object schema.
/// This serves mostly as an example of how we could extend the macro syntax.
/// This is used typing the following:
/// ```ignore
/// Object("Description", default: "foo", { "foo": String("Foo"), "bar": String("Bar") })
/// ```
/// instead of:
/// ```ignore
/// Object("Description", { "foo": String("Foo"), "bar": String("Bar") }).default_key("foo")
/// ```
struct DefaultKey {
pub default_token: Token![default],
pub colon: Token![:],
pub key_name: syn::LitStr,
pub comma_token: Token![,],
impl Parse for DefaultKey {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
default_token: input.parse()?,
colon: input.parse()?,
key_name: input.parse()?,
comma_token: input.parse()?,
/// Expect a json value to be an expression, not an object:
impl TryFrom<JSONValue> for syn::Expr {
type Error = syn::Error;
fn try_from(value: JSONValue) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
match value {
JSONValue::Object(s) => bail!(s.brace_token.span, "unexpected object"),
JSONValue::Expr(e) => Ok(e),
/// An object schema. This currently allows parsing a default key as an example of what we could do
/// instead of keeping the builder-pattern syntax within the macro invocation.
/// The elements then follow enclosed in braces:
/// ```ignore
/// Object("Description", { "key1": Integer("Key One"), optional "key2": Integer("Key Two") })
/// ```
struct SchemaItemObject {
pub default_key: Option<DefaultKey>,
pub brace_token: syn::token::Brace,
pub elements: Punctuated<ObjectElement, Token![,]>,
impl ToSchema for SchemaItemObject {
fn to_schema(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut elements: Vec<&ObjectElement> = self.elements.iter().collect();
elements.sort_by(|a, b| a.cmp(b));
let mut elem_ts = TokenStream::new();
for element in elements {
if !elem_ts.is_empty() {
elem_ts.extend(quote![, ]);
/// Expect a json value to be a literal string:
impl TryFrom<JSONValue> for syn::LitStr {
type Error = syn::Error;
fn try_from(value: JSONValue) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
let expr = syn::Expr::try_from(value)?;
if let syn::Expr::Lit(lit) = expr {
if let syn::Lit::Str(lit) = lit.lit {
return Ok(lit);
element.to_schema(&mut elem_ts)?;
bail!(lit => "expected string literal");
ts.extend(quote! { & [ #elem_ts ] });
fn add_constraints(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(def) = &self.default_key {
let key = &def.key_name;
ts.extend(quote! { .default_key(#key) });
bail!(expr => "expected string literal");
impl Parse for SchemaItemObject {
/// Expect a json value to be a literal boolean:
impl TryFrom<JSONValue> for syn::LitBool {
type Error = syn::Error;
fn try_from(value: JSONValue) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
let expr = syn::Expr::try_from(value)?;
if let syn::Expr::Lit(lit) = expr {
if let syn::Lit::Bool(lit) = lit.lit {
return Ok(lit);
bail!(lit => "expected literal boolean");
bail!(expr => "expected literal boolean");
/// Expect a json value to be an identifier:
impl TryFrom<JSONValue> for Ident {
type Error = syn::Error;
fn try_from(value: JSONValue) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
let expr = syn::Expr::try_from(value)?;
let span = expr.span();
if let syn::Expr::Path(path) = expr {
let mut iter = path.path.segments.into_pairs();
let segment = iter
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!(span, "expected an identify, got an empty path"))?
if {
bail!(span, "expected an identifier, not a path");
if !segment.arguments.is_empty() {
bail!(segment.arguments => "unexpected path arguments, expected an identifier");
return Ok(segment.ident);
bail!(expr => "expected an identifier");
/// Expect a json value to be our "simple" identifier, which can be either an Ident or a String, or
/// the 'type' keyword:
impl TryFrom<JSONValue> for SimpleIdent {
type Error = syn::Error;
fn try_from(value: JSONValue) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
/// Parsing a json value should be simple enough: braces means we have an object, otherwise it must
/// be an "expression".
impl Parse for JSONValue {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let elements;
Ok(Self {
default_key: {
let lookahead = input.lookahead1();
if lookahead.peek(Token![default]) {
} else {
brace_token: syn::braced!(elements in input),
elements: elements.parse_terminated(ObjectElement::parse)?,
/// This represents a member in the comma separated list of fields of an object.
/// ```text
/// Object("Description", { "key1": Integer("Key One"), optional "key2": Integer("Key Two") })
/// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// one `ObjectElement` another `ObjectElement`
/// ```
struct ObjectElement {
pub optional: Option<token::optional>,
pub field_name: syn::LitStr,
pub colon: Token![:],
pub item: Schema,
impl ObjectElement {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl ToSchema for ObjectElement {
fn to_schema(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut schema = TokenStream::new();
self.item.to_schema(&mut schema)?;
let name = &self.field_name;
let optional = if self.optional.is_some() {
let lookahead = input.lookahead1();
Ok(if lookahead.peek(syn::token::Brace) {
} else {
ts.extend(quote! {
(#name, #optional, & #schema .schema())
impl Parse for ObjectElement {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
optional: input.parse()?,
field_name: input.parse()?,
colon: input.parse()?,
item: input.parse()?,
/// Array schemas simply contain their inner type.
/// ```ignore
/// Array("Some data", Integer("A data element"))
/// ```
struct SchemaItemArray {
pub item_schema: Box<Schema>,
/// The "core" of our schema is a json object.
struct JSONObject {
pub brace_token: syn::token::Brace,
pub elements: HashMap<SimpleIdent, JSONValue>,
impl ToSchema for SchemaItemArray {
fn to_schema(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
ts.extend(quote! { & });
ts.extend(quote! { .schema() });
//impl TryFrom<JSONValue> for JSONObject {
// type Error = syn::Error;
// fn try_from(value: JSONValue) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
// value.into_object()
// }
impl Parse for SchemaItemArray {
impl Parse for JSONObject {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let content;
Ok(Self {
item_schema: Box::new(input.parse()?),
brace_token: syn::braced!(content in input),
elements: {
let map_elems: Punctuated<JSONMapEntry, Token![,]> =
let mut elems = HashMap::with_capacity(map_elems.len());
for c in map_elems {
if elems.insert(c.key.clone().into(), c.value).is_some() {
bail!(&c.key => "duplicate '{}' in schema", c.key);
/// The `Null` schema.
struct SchemaItemNull {}
impl JSONObject {
fn span(&self) -> Span {
impl ToSchema for SchemaItemNull {
fn to_schema(&self, _ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn remove(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<JSONValue> {
fn remove_required_element(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<JSONValue, syn::Error> {
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!(self.span(), "missing required element: {}", name))
impl Parse for SchemaItemNull {
fn parse(_input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {})
impl IntoIterator for JSONObject {
type Item = <HashMap<SimpleIdent, JSONValue> as IntoIterator>::Item;
type IntoIter = <HashMap<SimpleIdent, JSONValue> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
/// A default value. Similar to the default keys in objects, this is an example of a different
/// syntax instead of the builder pattern.
/// ```ignore
/// String("Something", default: "The default value")
/// ```
/// instead of:
/// ```ignore
/// String("Something").default("The default value")
/// ```
struct DefaultValue {
pub default_token: Token![default],
pub colon: Token![:],
pub value: syn::Expr,
/// An element in a json style map.
struct JSONMapEntry {
pub key: SimpleIdent,
pub colon_token: Token![:],
pub value: JSONValue,
impl ToSchema for DefaultValue {
fn to_schema(&self, _ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn add_constraints(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
let value = &self.value;
ts.extend(quote! { .default(#value) });
impl Parse for DefaultValue {
impl Parse for JSONMapEntry {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
default_token: input.parse()?,
colon: input.parse()?,
key: input.parse()?,
colon_token: input.parse()?,
value: input.parse()?,
macro_rules! try_parse_default_value {
($input:expr) => {{
let input = $input;
let lookahead = input.lookahead1();
if lookahead.peek(Token![default]) {
} else {
/// The main `Schema` type.
/// We have 2 fixed keys: `type` and `description`. The remaining keys depend on the `type`.
/// Generally, we create the following mapping:
/// ```text
/// {
/// type: Object,
/// description: "text",
/// foo: bar, // "unknown", will be added as a builder-pattern method
/// elements: { ... }
/// }
/// ```
/// to:
/// ```text
/// {
/// ObjectSchema::new("text", &[ ... ]).foo(bar)
/// }
/// ```
struct Schema {
span: Span,
/// Common in all schema entry types:
description: Option<syn::LitStr>,
/// The specific schema type (Object, String, ...)
item: SchemaItem,
/// The remaining key-value pairs the `SchemaItem` parser did not extract will be appended as
/// builder-pattern method calls to this schema.
properties: Vec<(Ident, syn::Expr)>,
/// A boolean schema entry.
struct SchemaItemBoolean {
pub default_value: Option<DefaultValue>,
impl ToSchema for SchemaItemBoolean {
fn to_schema(&self, _ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn add_constraints(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(def) = &self.default_value {
impl Parse for SchemaItemBoolean {
/// We parse this in 2 steps: first we parse a `JSONValue`, then we "parse" that further.
impl Parse for Schema {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let obj: JSONObject = input.parse()?;
/// Shortcut:
impl TryFrom<JSONValue> for Schema {
type Error = syn::Error;
fn try_from(value: JSONValue) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
Self::try_from(value.into_object("a schema definition")?)
/// To go from a `JSONObject` to a `Schema` we first extract the description, as it is a common
/// element in all schema entries, then we parse the specific `SchemaItem`, and collect all the
/// remaining "unused" keys as "constraints"/"properties" which will be appended as builder-pattern
/// method calls when translating the object to a schema definition.
impl TryFrom<JSONObject> for Schema {
type Error = syn::Error;
fn try_from(mut obj: JSONObject) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
let description = obj
.map(|v| v.try_into())
Ok(Self {
default_value: try_parse_default_value!(input),
span: obj.brace_token.span,
item: SchemaItem::try_extract_from(&mut obj)?,
properties: obj.into_iter().try_fold(
|mut properties, (key, value)| -> Result<_, syn::Error> {
properties.push((Ident::from(key), value.try_into()?));
/// An integer schema entry.
struct SchemaItemInteger {
pub default_value: Option<DefaultValue>,
impl Schema {
fn to_schema(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
// First defer to the SchemaItem's `.to_schema()` method:
let description = self
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!(self.span, "missing description"))?;
self.item.to_schema(ts, description)?;
// Then append all the remaining builder-pattern properties:
for prop in {
let key = &prop.0;
let value = &prop.1;
ts.extend(quote! { .#key(#value) });
impl ToSchema for SchemaItemInteger {
fn to_schema(&self, _ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn add_constraints(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(def) = &self.default_value {
enum SchemaItem {
impl SchemaItem {
fn try_extract_from(obj: &mut JSONObject) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
match SimpleIdent::try_from(obj.remove_required_element("type")?)?.as_str() {
"Null" => Ok(SchemaItem::Null),
"Boolean" => Ok(SchemaItem::Boolean),
"Integer" => Ok(SchemaItem::Integer),
"String" => Ok(SchemaItem::String),
"Object" => Ok(SchemaItem::Object(SchemaObject::try_extract_from(obj)?)),
"Array" => Ok(SchemaItem::Array(SchemaArray::try_extract_from(obj)?)),
ty => bail!(obj.span(), "unknown type name '{}'", ty),
fn to_schema(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream, description: &syn::LitStr) -> Result<(), Error> {
ts.extend(quote! { ::proxmox::api::schema });
match self {
SchemaItem::Null => ts.extend(quote! { ::NullSchema::new(#description) }),
SchemaItem::Boolean => ts.extend(quote! { ::BooleanSchema::new(#description) }),
SchemaItem::Integer => ts.extend(quote! { ::IntegerSchema::new(#description) }),
SchemaItem::String => ts.extend(quote! { ::StringSchema::new(#description) }),
SchemaItem::Object(obj) => {
let mut elems = TokenStream::new();
obj.to_schema_inner(&mut elems)?;
ts.extend(quote! { ::ObjectSchema::new(#description, &[#elems]) })
SchemaItem::Array(array) => {
let mut items = TokenStream::new();
array.to_schema_inner(&mut items)?;
ts.extend(quote! { ::ArraySchema::new(#description, &#items.schema()) })
impl Parse for SchemaItemInteger {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
/// Contains a sorted list of elements:
struct SchemaObject {
elements: Vec<(String, bool, Schema)>,
impl SchemaObject {
fn try_extract_from(obj: &mut JSONObject) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
Ok(Self {
default_value: try_parse_default_value!(input),
elements: obj
.into_object("object field definition")?
|mut elements, (key, value)| -> Result<_, syn::Error> {
let mut schema: JSONObject =
value.into_object("schema definition for field")?;
let optional: bool = schema
.map(|opt| -> Result<bool, syn::Error> {
let v: syn::LitBool = opt.try_into()?;
elements.push((key.to_string(), optional, schema.try_into()?));
// This must be kept sorted!
.map(|mut elements| {
elements.sort_by(|a, b| (a.0).cmp(&b.0));
/// An string schema entry.
struct SchemaItemString {
pub default_value: Option<DefaultValue>,
impl ToSchema for SchemaItemString {
fn to_schema(&self, _ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn add_constraints(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(def) = &self.default_value {
fn to_schema_inner(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
for element in self.elements.iter() {
let key = &element.0;
let optional = element.1;
let mut schema = TokenStream::new();
element.2.to_schema(&mut schema)?;
ts.extend(quote! { (#key, #optional, &#schema.schema()), });
impl Parse for SchemaItemString {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
struct SchemaArray {
item: Box<Schema>,
impl SchemaArray {
fn try_extract_from(obj: &mut JSONObject) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
Ok(Self {
default_value: try_parse_default_value!(input),
item: Box::new(obj.remove_required_element("items")?.try_into()?),
fn to_schema_inner(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// We get macro attributes like `#[input(THIS)]` with the parenthesis around `THIS` included.

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ macro_rules! bail {
mod api;
mod util;
fn handle_error(mut item: TokenStream, data: Result<TokenStream, Error>) -> TokenStream {
match data {
@ -70,15 +71,38 @@ fn router_do(item: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
use serde_json::Value;
"username": String("User name.").max_length(64),
"password": String("The secret password or a valid ticket."),
#[returns(Object("Returns a ticket", {
"username": String("User name."),
"ticket": String("Auth ticket."),
"CSRFPreventionToken": String("Cross Site Request Forgerty Prevention Token."),
type: Object,
elements: {
username: {
type: String,
description: "User name",
max_length: 64,
password: {
type: String,
description: "The secret password or a valid ticket.",
type: Object,
description: "Returns a ticket",
elements: {
"username": {
type: String,
description: "User name.",
"ticket": {
type: String,
description: "Auth ticket.",
"CSRFPreventionToken": {
type: String,
description: "Cross Site Request Forgerty Prevention Token.",
/// Create or verify authentication ticket.
/// Returns: ...

View File

@ -1,86 +1,104 @@
use proc_macro2::Ident;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::fmt;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream};
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::{parenthesized, Token};
use syn::Token;
macro_rules! c_format_err {
($span:expr => $($msg:tt)*) => { syn::Error::new_spanned($span, format!($($msg)*)) };
($span:expr, $($msg:tt)*) => { syn::Error::new($span, format!($($msg)*)) };
/// A more relaxed version of Ident which allows hyphens.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SimpleIdent(Ident, String);
macro_rules! c_bail {
($span:expr => $($msg:tt)*) => { return Err(c_format_err!($span => $($msg)*).into()) };
($span:expr, $($msg:tt)*) => { return Err(c_format_err!($span, $($msg)*).into()) };
impl SimpleIdent {
//pub fn new(name: String, span: Span) -> Self {
// Self(Ident::new(&name, span), name)
/// Convert `this_kind_of_text` to `ThisKindOfText`.
pub fn to_camel_case(text: &str) -> String {
let mut out = String::new();
let mut capitalize = true;
for c in text.chars() {
if c == '_' {
capitalize = true;
} else if capitalize {
capitalize = false;
} else {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
//pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
// self.0.span()
/// Convert `ThisKindOfText` to `this_kind_of_text`.
pub fn to_underscore_case(text: &str) -> String {
let mut out = String::new();
impl Eq for SimpleIdent {}
for c in text.chars() {
if c.is_uppercase() {
if !out.is_empty() {
} else {
impl PartialEq for SimpleIdent {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.1 == other.1
pub struct ApiAttr {
pub paren_token: syn::token::Paren,
pub items: Punctuated<ApiItem, Token![,]>,
impl std::hash::Hash for SimpleIdent {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
std::hash::Hash::hash(&self.1, state)
impl Parse for ApiAttr {
impl From<Ident> for SimpleIdent {
fn from(ident: Ident) -> Self {
let s = ident.to_string();
Self(ident, s)
impl From<SimpleIdent> for Ident {
fn from(this: SimpleIdent) -> Ident {
impl fmt::Display for SimpleIdent {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
impl std::ops::Deref for SimpleIdent {
type Target = Ident;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl std::ops::DerefMut for SimpleIdent {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
impl Borrow<str> for SimpleIdent {
fn borrow(&self) -> &str {
impl quote::ToTokens for SimpleIdent {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
/// Note that the 'type' keyword is handled separately in `syn`. It's not an `Ident`:
impl Parse for SimpleIdent {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let content;
Ok(ApiAttr {
paren_token: parenthesized!(content in input),
items: content.parse_terminated(ApiItem::parse)?,
pub enum ApiItem {
impl Parse for ApiItem {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let what: Ident = input.parse()?;
let what_str = what.to_string();
match what_str.as_str() {
"rename" => {
let _: Token![=] = input.parse()?;
_ => c_bail!(what => "unrecognized api attribute: {}", what_str),
let lookahead = input.lookahead1();
Ok(Self::from(if lookahead.peek(Token![type]) {
let ty: Token![type] = input.parse()?;
Ident::new("type", ty.span)
} else if lookahead.peek(syn::LitStr) {
let s: syn::LitStr = input.parse()?;
Ident::new(&s.value(), s.span())
} else {

View File

@ -7,17 +7,38 @@ use failure::Error;
use serde_json::Value;
#[input(Object(default: "test", {
"username": String("User name.").max_length(64),
"password": String("The secret password or a valid ticket."),
optional "test": Integer("What?", default: 3),
"data": Array("Some Integers", Integer("Some Thing").maximum(4)),
#[returns(Object("Returns a ticket", {
"username": String("User name."),
"ticket": String("Auth ticket."),
"CSRFPreventionToken": String("Cross Site Request Forgerty Prevention Token."),
type: Object,
elements: {
username: {
type: String,
description: "User name",
max_length: 64,
password: {
type: String,
description: "The secret password or a valid ticket.",
type: Object,
description: "Returns a ticket",
elements: {
"username": {
type: String,
description: "User name.",
"ticket": {
type: String,
description: "Auth ticket.",
"CSRFPreventionToken": {
type: String,
description: "Cross Site Request Forgerty Prevention Token.",
/// Create or verify authentication ticket.
/// Returns: ...