314 lines
7.2 KiB
314 lines
7.2 KiB
package PVE::APLInfo;
use strict;
use IO::File;
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $logfile = "/var/log/pveam.log";
my $aplinfodir = "/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info";
# Default list of GPG keys allowed to sign aplinfo
#pub 1024D/5CAC72FE 2004-06-24
# Key fingerprint = 9ABD 7E02 AD24 3AD3 C2FB BCCC B0C1 CC22 5CAC 72FE
#uid Proxmox Support Team <support@proxmox.com>
#pub 2048R/A16EB94D 2008-08-15 [expires: 2023-08-12]
# Key fingerprint = 694C FF26 795A 29BA E07B 4EB5 85C2 5E95 A16E B94D
#uid Turnkey Linux Release Key <release@turnkeylinux.com>
my $valid_keys = {
'9ABD7E02AD243AD3C2FBBCCCB0C1CC225CAC72FE' => 1, # fingerprint support@proxmox.com
'25CAC72FE' => 1, # keyid support@proxmox.com
'694CFF26795A29BAE07B4EB585C25E95A16EB94D' => 1, # fingerprint release@turnkeylinux.com
'A16EB94D' => 1, # keyid release@turnkeylinux.com
sub import_gpg_keys {
my @keyfiles = ('support@proxmox.com.pubkey', 'release@turnkeylinux.com.pubkey');
foreach my $key (@keyfiles) {
my $fn = "/usr/share/doc/pve-manager/$key";
system ("/usr/bin/gpg --batch --no-tty --status-fd=1 -q " .
"--logger-fd=1 --import $fn >>$logfile");
sub logmsg {
my ($logfd, $msg) = @_;
chomp $msg;
my $tstr = strftime ("%b %d %H:%M:%S", localtime);
foreach my $line (split (/\n/, $msg)) {
print $logfd "$tstr $line\n";
sub read_aplinfo {
my ($filename, $list, $source, $update) = @_;
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") ||
die "unable to open file '$filename' - $!\n";
local $/ = "";
eval {
while (my $rec = <$fh>) {
chomp $rec;
my $res = {};
while ($rec) {
if ($rec =~ s/^Description:\s*([^\n]*)(\n\s+.*)*$//si) {
$res->{headline} = $1;
my $long = $2;
$long =~ s/\n\s+/ /g;
$long =~ s/^\s+//g;
$long =~ s/\s+$//g;
$res->{description} = $long;
} elsif ($rec =~ s/^Version:\s*(.*\S)\s*\n//i) {
my $version = $1;
if ($version =~ m/^(\d[a-zA-Z0-9\.\+\-\:\~]*)-(\d+)$/) {
$res->{version} = $version;
} else {
my $msg = "unable to parse appliance record: version = '$version'\n";
$update ? die $msg : warn $msg;
} elsif ($rec =~ s/^Type:\s*(.*\S)\s*\n//i) {
my $type = $1;
if ($type =~ m/^(openvz)$/) {
$res->{type} = $type;
} else {
my $msg = "unable to parse appliance record: unknown type '$type'\n";
$update ? die $msg : warn $msg;
} elsif ($rec =~ s/^([^:]+):\s*(.*\S)\s*\n//) {
$res->{lc $1} = $2;
} else {
my $msg = "unable to parse appliance record: $rec\n";
$update ? die $msg : warn $msg;
$res = {};
if ($res->{'package'} eq 'pve-web-news' && $res->{description}) {
$list->{'all'}->{$res->{'package'}} = $res;
$res->{section} = 'unknown' if !$res->{section};
if ($res->{'package'} && $res->{type} && $res->{os} && $res->{version} &&
$res->{infopage}) {
my $template;
if ($res->{location}) {
$template = $res->{location};
$template =~ s|.*/([^/]+.tar.gz)|$1|;
} else {
$template = "$res->{os}-$res->{package}_$res->{version}_i386.tar.gz";
$template =~ s/$res->{os}-$res->{os}-/$res->{os}-/;
$res->{source} = $source;
$res->{template} = $template;
$list->{$res->{section}}->{$template} = $res;
$list->{'all'}->{$template} = $res;
} else {
my $msg = "found incomplete appliance records\n";
$update ? die $msg : warn $msg;
my $err = $@;
die $err if $err;
return $list;
sub url_get {
my ($ua, $url, $file, $logfh) = @_;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
logmsg ($logfh, "start download $url");
my $res = $ua->request($req, $file);
if ($res->is_success) {
logmsg ($logfh, "download finished: " . $res->status_line);
return 0;
logmsg ($logfh, "download failed: " . $res->status_line);
return 1;
sub download_aplinfo {
my ($ua, $aplurl, $host, $logfd) = @_;
my $aplsrcurl = "$aplurl/aplinfo.dat.gz";
my $aplsigurl = "$aplurl/aplinfo.dat.asc";
my $tmp = "$aplinfodir/pveam-${host}.tmp.$$";
my $tmpgz = "$tmp.gz";
my $sigfn = "$tmp.asc";
eval {
if (url_get($ua, $aplsigurl, $sigfn, $logfd) != 0) {
die "update failed - no signature file '$sigfn'\n";
if (url_get($ua, $aplsrcurl, $tmpgz, $logfd) != 0) {
die "update failed - no data file '$aplsrcurl'\n";
if (system("zcat -f $tmpgz >$tmp 2>/dev/null") != 0) {
die "update failed: unable to unpack '$tmpgz'\n";
# verify signature
my $cmd = "/usr/bin/gpg --verify --trust-model always --batch --no-tty --status-fd=1 -q " .
"--logger-fd=1 $sigfn $tmp";
open(CMD, "$cmd|") ||
die "unable to execute '$cmd': $!\n";
my $line;
my $signer = '';
while (defined($line = <CMD>)) {
chomp $line;
logmsg($logfd, $line);
# code borrowed from SA
next if $line !~ /^\Q[GNUPG:]\E (?:VALID|GOOD)SIG (\S{8,40})/;
my $key = $1;
# we want either a keyid (8) or a fingerprint (40)
if (length $key > 8 && length $key < 40) {
substr($key, 8) = '';
# use the longest match we can find
$signer = $key if (length $key > length $signer) && $valid_keys->{$key};
die "unable to verify signature\n" if !$signer;
logmsg($logfd, "signature valid: $signer");
# test syntax
eval {
my $fh = IO::File->new("<$tmp") ||
die "unable to open file '$tmp' - $!\n";
read_aplinfo($tmp, {}, $aplurl, 1);
die "update failed: $@" if $@;
if (system("mv $tmp $aplinfodir/$host 2>/dev/null") != 0) {
die "update failed: unable to store data\n";
logmsg($logfd, "update sucessful");
my $err = $@;
unlink $tmp;
unlink $tmpgz;
unlink $sigfn;
die $err if $err;
sub get_apl_sources {
my $urls = [];
push @$urls, "http://download.proxmox.com/appliances";
push @$urls, "http://releases.turnkeylinux.org/pve";
return $urls;
sub update {
my ($proxy) = @_;
my $size;
if (($size = (-s $logfile) || 0) > (1024*50)) {
system ("mv $logfile $logfile.0");
my $logfd = IO::File->new (">>$logfile");
logmsg($logfd, "starting update");
# this code works for ftp and http
# always use passive ftp
local $ENV{FTP_PASSIVE} = 1;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
if ($proxy) {
$ua->proxy(['http'], $proxy);
} else {
my $urls = get_apl_sources();
mkdir $aplinfodir;
my @dlerr = ();
foreach my $aplurl (@$urls) {
eval {
my $uri = URI->new($aplurl);
my $host = $uri->host();
download_aplinfo($ua, $aplurl, $host, $logfd);
if (my $err = $@) {
logmsg ($logfd, $err);
push @dlerr, $aplurl;
return 0 if scalar(@dlerr);
return 1;
sub load_data {
my $urls = get_apl_sources();
my $list = {};
foreach my $aplurl (@$urls) {
eval {
my $uri = URI->new($aplurl);
my $host = $uri->host();
read_aplinfo("$aplinfodir/$host", $list, $aplurl);
warn $@ if $@;
return $list;