2022-05-02 11:02:49 +03:00
import ' package:draggable_float_widget/draggable_float_widget.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter_hbb/common.dart ' ;
import ' ../models/model.dart ' ;
import ' ../pages/chat_page.dart ' ;
OverlayEntry ? chatIconOverlayEntry ;
OverlayEntry ? chatWindowOverlayEntry ;
OverlayEntry ? mobileActionsOverlayEntry ;
class DraggableChatWindow extends StatelessWidget {
DraggableChatWindow (
{ this . position = Offset . zero , required this . width , required this . height } ) ;
final Offset position ;
final double width ;
final double height ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Draggable (
checkKeyboard: true ,
position: position ,
width: width ,
height: height ,
builder: ( _ , onPanUpdate ) {
return isIOS
? chatPage
: Scaffold (
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false ,
appBar: CustomAppBar (
onPanUpdate: onPanUpdate ,
appBar: Container (
color: MyTheme . accent50 ,
height: 50 ,
child: Row (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment . spaceBetween ,
children: [
Padding (
padding: EdgeInsets . symmetric ( horizontal: 15 ) ,
child: Text (
translate ( " Chat " ) ,
style: TextStyle (
color: Colors . white ,
fontFamily: ' WorkSans ' ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ,
fontSize: 20 ) ,
) ) ,
Row (
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . center ,
children: [
IconButton (
onPressed: ( ) {
hideChatWindowOverlay ( ) ;
} ,
icon: Icon ( Icons . keyboard_arrow_down ) ) ,
IconButton (
onPressed: ( ) {
hideChatWindowOverlay ( ) ;
hideChatIconOverlay ( ) ;
} ,
icon: Icon ( Icons . close ) )
] ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
body: chatPage ,
) ;
} ) ;
class CustomAppBar extends StatelessWidget implements PreferredSizeWidget {
final GestureDragUpdateCallback onPanUpdate ;
final Widget appBar ;
const CustomAppBar (
{ Key ? key , required this . onPanUpdate , required this . appBar } )
: super ( key: key ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return GestureDetector ( onPanUpdate: onPanUpdate , child: appBar ) ;
@ override
Size get preferredSize = > new Size . fromHeight ( kToolbarHeight ) ;
showChatIconOverlay ( { Offset offset = const Offset ( 200 , 50 ) } ) {
if ( chatIconOverlayEntry ! = null ) {
chatIconOverlayEntry ! . remove ( ) ;
if ( globalKey . currentState = = null | | globalKey . currentState ! . overlay = = null )
return ;
2022-05-15 19:01:27 +03:00
final bar = navigationBarKey . currentWidget ;
if ( bar ! = null ) {
if ( ( bar as BottomNavigationBar ) . currentIndex = = 1 ) {
return ;
2022-05-02 11:02:49 +03:00
final globalOverlayState = globalKey . currentState ! . overlay ! ;
final overlay = OverlayEntry ( builder: ( context ) {
return DraggableFloatWidget (
config: DraggableFloatWidgetBaseConfig (
initPositionYInTop: false ,
initPositionYMarginBorder: 100 ,
borderTopContainTopBar: true ,
) ,
child: FloatingActionButton (
onPressed: ( ) {
if ( chatWindowOverlayEntry = = null ) {
showChatWindowOverlay ( ) ;
} else {
hideChatWindowOverlay ( ) ;
} ,
child: Icon ( Icons . message ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
globalOverlayState . insert ( overlay ) ;
chatIconOverlayEntry = overlay ;
hideChatIconOverlay ( ) {
if ( chatIconOverlayEntry ! = null ) {
chatIconOverlayEntry ! . remove ( ) ;
chatIconOverlayEntry = null ;
showChatWindowOverlay ( ) {
if ( chatWindowOverlayEntry ! = null ) return ;
if ( globalKey . currentState = = null | | globalKey . currentState ! . overlay = = null )
return ;
final globalOverlayState = globalKey . currentState ! . overlay ! ;
final overlay = OverlayEntry ( builder: ( context ) {
return DraggableChatWindow (
position: Offset ( 20 , 80 ) , width: 250 , height: 350 ) ;
} ) ;
globalOverlayState . insert ( overlay ) ;
chatWindowOverlayEntry = overlay ;
hideChatWindowOverlay ( ) {
if ( chatWindowOverlayEntry ! = null ) {
chatWindowOverlayEntry ! . remove ( ) ;
chatWindowOverlayEntry = null ;
return ;
toggleChatOverlay ( ) {
if ( chatIconOverlayEntry = = null | | chatWindowOverlayEntry = = null ) {
FFI . invokeMethod ( " enable_soft_keyboard " , true ) ;
showChatIconOverlay ( ) ;
showChatWindowOverlay ( ) ;
} else {
hideChatIconOverlay ( ) ;
hideChatWindowOverlay ( ) ;
/// floating buttons of back/home/recent actions for android
class DraggableMobileActions extends StatelessWidget {
DraggableMobileActions (
{ this . position = Offset . zero ,
this . onBackPressed ,
this . onRecentPressed ,
this . onHomePressed ,
required this . width ,
required this . height } ) ;
final Offset position ;
final double width ;
final double height ;
final VoidCallback ? onBackPressed ;
final VoidCallback ? onHomePressed ;
final VoidCallback ? onRecentPressed ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Draggable (
position: position ,
width: width ,
height: height ,
builder: ( _ , onPanUpdate ) {
return GestureDetector (
onPanUpdate: onPanUpdate ,
child: Container (
decoration: BoxDecoration (
color: MyTheme . accent . withOpacity ( 0.4 ) ,
borderRadius: BorderRadius . all ( Radius . circular ( 15 ) ) ) ,
child: Row (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment . spaceAround ,
children: [
IconButton (
color: MyTheme . white ,
onPressed: onBackPressed ,
icon: Icon ( Icons . arrow_back ) ) ,
IconButton (
color: MyTheme . white ,
onPressed: onHomePressed ,
icon: Icon ( Icons . home ) ) ,
IconButton (
color: MyTheme . white ,
onPressed: onRecentPressed ,
icon: Icon ( Icons . more_horiz ) ) ,
VerticalDivider (
width: 0 ,
thickness: 2 ,
indent: 10 ,
endIndent: 10 ,
) ,
IconButton (
color: MyTheme . white ,
onPressed: hideMobileActionsOverlay ,
icon: Icon ( Icons . keyboard_arrow_down ) ) ,
] ,
) ,
) ) ;
} ) ;
showMobileActionsOverlay ( ) {
if ( mobileActionsOverlayEntry ! = null ) return ;
if ( globalKey . currentContext = = null | |
globalKey . currentState = = null | |
globalKey . currentState ! . overlay = = null ) return ;
final globalOverlayState = globalKey . currentState ! . overlay ! ;
// compute overlay position
final screenW = MediaQuery . of ( globalKey . currentContext ! ) . size . width ;
final screenH = MediaQuery . of ( globalKey . currentContext ! ) . size . height ;
final double overlayW = 200 ;
final double overlayH = 45 ;
final left = ( screenW - overlayW ) / 2 ;
2022-05-15 19:01:27 +03:00
final top = screenH - overlayH - 80 ;
2022-05-02 11:02:49 +03:00
final overlay = OverlayEntry ( builder: ( context ) {
return DraggableMobileActions (
position: Offset ( left , top ) ,
width: overlayW ,
height: overlayH ,
onBackPressed: ( ) = > FFI . tap ( MouseButtons . right ) ,
onHomePressed: ( ) = > FFI . tap ( MouseButtons . wheel ) ,
onRecentPressed: ( ) async {
FFI . sendMouse ( ' down ' , MouseButtons . wheel ) ;
await Future . delayed ( Duration ( milliseconds: 500 ) ) ;
FFI . sendMouse ( ' up ' , MouseButtons . wheel ) ;
} ,
) ;
} ) ;
globalOverlayState . insert ( overlay ) ;
mobileActionsOverlayEntry = overlay ;
hideMobileActionsOverlay ( ) {
if ( mobileActionsOverlayEntry ! = null ) {
mobileActionsOverlayEntry ! . remove ( ) ;
mobileActionsOverlayEntry = null ;
return ;
class Draggable extends StatefulWidget {
Draggable (
{ this . checkKeyboard = false ,
this . checkScreenSize = false ,
this . position = Offset . zero ,
required this . width ,
required this . height ,
required this . builder } ) ;
final bool checkKeyboard ;
final bool checkScreenSize ;
final Offset position ;
final double width ;
final double height ;
final Widget Function ( BuildContext , GestureDragUpdateCallback ) builder ;
@ override
State < StatefulWidget > createState ( ) = > _DraggableState ( ) ;
class _DraggableState extends State < Draggable > {
late Offset _position ;
bool _keyboardVisible = false ;
double _saveHeight = 0 ;
double _lastBottomHeight = 0 ;
@ override
void initState ( ) {
super . initState ( ) ;
_position = widget . position ;
void onPanUpdate ( DragUpdateDetails d ) {
final offset = d . delta ;
final size = MediaQuery . of ( context ) . size ;
double x = 0 ;
double y = 0 ;
if ( _position . dx + offset . dx + widget . width > size . width ) {
x = size . width - widget . width ;
} else if ( _position . dx + offset . dx < 0 ) {
x = 0 ;
} else {
x = _position . dx + offset . dx ;
if ( _position . dy + offset . dy + widget . height > size . height ) {
y = size . height - widget . height ;
} else if ( _position . dy + offset . dy < 0 ) {
y = 0 ;
} else {
y = _position . dy + offset . dy ;
setState ( ( ) {
_position = Offset ( x , y ) ;
} ) ;
checkScreenSize ( ) { }
checkKeyboard ( ) {
final bottomHeight = MediaQuery . of ( context ) . viewInsets . bottom ;
final currentVisible = bottomHeight ! = 0 ;
debugPrint ( bottomHeight . toString ( ) + currentVisible . toString ( ) ) ;
// save
if ( ! _keyboardVisible & & currentVisible ) {
_saveHeight = _position . dy ;
// reset
if ( _lastBottomHeight > 0 & & bottomHeight = = 0 ) {
setState ( ( ) {
_position = Offset ( _position . dx , _saveHeight ) ;
} ) ;
// onKeyboardVisible
if ( _keyboardVisible & & currentVisible ) {
final sumHeight = bottomHeight + widget . height ;
final contextHeight = MediaQuery . of ( context ) . size . height ;
if ( sumHeight + _position . dy > contextHeight ) {
final y = contextHeight - sumHeight ;
setState ( ( ) {
_position = Offset ( _position . dx , y ) ;
} ) ;
_keyboardVisible = currentVisible ;
_lastBottomHeight = bottomHeight ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
if ( widget . checkKeyboard ) {
checkKeyboard ( ) ;
if ( widget . checkKeyboard ) {
checkScreenSize ( ) ;
return Positioned (
top: _position . dy ,
left: _position . dx ,
width: widget . width ,
height: widget . height ,
child: widget . builder ( context , onPanUpdate ) ) ;