@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ abstract class BasePeerCard extends StatelessWidget {
MenuEntryBase<String> _unrememberPasswordAction(String id) {
MenuEntryBase<String> _unrememberPasswordAction(String id) {
return MenuEntryButton<String>(
return MenuEntryButton<String>(
childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text(
childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text(
translate('Unremember Password'),
translate('Forget Password'),
style: style,
style: style,
proc: () async {
proc: () async {
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "اسم مستخدم او كلمة مرور خاطئة"),
("Wrong credentials", "اسم مستخدم او كلمة مرور خاطئة"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "رمز التحقق غير صحيح او منتهي"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "رمز التحقق غير صحيح او منتهي"),
("Edit Tag", "تحرير علامة"),
("Edit Tag", "تحرير علامة"),
("Unremember Password", "عدم تذكر كلمة المرور"),
("Forget Password", "عدم تذكر كلمة المرور"),
("Favorites", "المفضلة"),
("Favorites", "المفضلة"),
("Add to Favorites", "اضافة للمفضلة"),
("Add to Favorites", "اضافة للمفضلة"),
("Remove from Favorites", "ازالة من المفضلة"),
("Remove from Favorites", "ازالة من المفضلة"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Credencials incorrectes"),
("Wrong credentials", "Credencials incorrectes"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Editar tag"),
("Edit Tag", "Editar tag"),
("Unremember Password", "Contrasenya oblidada"),
("Forget Password", "Contrasenya oblidada"),
("Favorites", "Preferits"),
("Favorites", "Preferits"),
("Add to Favorites", "Afegir a preferits"),
("Add to Favorites", "Afegir a preferits"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Treure de preferits"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Treure de preferits"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "提供的登录信息错误"),
("Wrong credentials", "提供的登录信息错误"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "验证码错误或已超时"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "验证码错误或已超时"),
("Edit Tag", "修改标签"),
("Edit Tag", "修改标签"),
("Unremember Password", "忘记密码"),
("Forget Password", "忘记密码"),
("Favorites", "收藏"),
("Favorites", "收藏"),
("Add to Favorites", "加入到收藏"),
("Add to Favorites", "加入到收藏"),
("Remove from Favorites", "从收藏中删除"),
("Remove from Favorites", "从收藏中删除"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Nesprávné přihlašovací údaje"),
("Wrong credentials", "Nesprávné přihlašovací údaje"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Ověřovací kód je nesprávný, nebo jeho platnost vypršela"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Ověřovací kód je nesprávný, nebo jeho platnost vypršela"),
("Edit Tag", "Upravit štítek"),
("Edit Tag", "Upravit štítek"),
("Unremember Password", "Přestat si pamatovat heslo"),
("Forget Password", "Přestat si pamatovat heslo"),
("Favorites", "Oblíbené"),
("Favorites", "Oblíbené"),
("Add to Favorites", "Přidat do oblíbených"),
("Add to Favorites", "Přidat do oblíbených"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Odebrat z oblíbených"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Odebrat z oblíbených"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Forkerte registreringsdata"),
("Wrong credentials", "Forkerte registreringsdata"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Rediger nøgleord"),
("Edit Tag", "Rediger nøgleord"),
("Unremember Password", "Glem adgangskoden"),
("Forget Password", "Glem adgangskoden"),
("Favorites", "Favoritter"),
("Favorites", "Favoritter"),
("Add to Favorites", "Tilføj til favoritter"),
("Add to Favorites", "Tilføj til favoritter"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Fjern favoritter"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Fjern favoritter"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Falsche Anmeldedaten"),
("Wrong credentials", "Falsche Anmeldedaten"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Der Verifizierungscode ist falsch oder abgelaufen"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Der Verifizierungscode ist falsch oder abgelaufen"),
("Edit Tag", "Tag bearbeiten"),
("Edit Tag", "Tag bearbeiten"),
("Unremember Password", "Gespeichertes Passwort löschen"),
("Forget Password", "Gespeichertes Passwort löschen"),
("Favorites", "Favoriten"),
("Favorites", "Favoriten"),
("Add to Favorites", "Zu Favoriten hinzufügen"),
("Add to Favorites", "Zu Favoriten hinzufügen"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Aus Favoriten entfernen"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Aus Favoriten entfernen"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Λάθος διαπιστευτήρια"),
("Wrong credentials", "Λάθος διαπιστευτήρια"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Επεξεργασία ετικέτας"),
("Edit Tag", "Επεξεργασία ετικέτας"),
("Unremember Password", "Διαγραφή απομνημονευμένου κωδικού"),
("Forget Password", "Διαγραφή απομνημονευμένου κωδικού"),
("Favorites", "Αγαπημένα"),
("Favorites", "Αγαπημένα"),
("Add to Favorites", "Προσθήκη στα αγαπημένα"),
("Add to Favorites", "Προσθήκη στα αγαπημένα"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Κατάργηση από τα Αγαπημένα"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Κατάργηση από τα Αγαπημένα"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Identigilo aŭ pasvorto erara"),
("Wrong credentials", "Identigilo aŭ pasvorto erara"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Redakti etikedo"),
("Edit Tag", "Redakti etikedo"),
("Unremember Password", "Forgesi pasvorton"),
("Forget Password", "Forgesi pasvorton"),
("Favorites", "Favorataj"),
("Favorites", "Favorataj"),
("Add to Favorites", "Aldoni al la favorataj"),
("Add to Favorites", "Aldoni al la favorataj"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Forigi el la favorataj"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Forigi el la favorataj"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Credenciales incorrectas"),
("Wrong credentials", "Credenciales incorrectas"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Editar tag"),
("Edit Tag", "Editar tag"),
("Unremember Password", "Olvidar contraseña"),
("Forget Password", "Olvidar contraseña"),
("Favorites", "Favoritos"),
("Favorites", "Favoritos"),
("Add to Favorites", "Agregar a favoritos"),
("Add to Favorites", "Agregar a favoritos"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Quitar de favoritos"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Quitar de favoritos"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "اعتبارنامه نادرست است"),
("Wrong credentials", "اعتبارنامه نادرست است"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "کد تأیید نادرست است یا منقضی شده است"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "کد تأیید نادرست است یا منقضی شده است"),
("Edit Tag", "ویرایش برچسب"),
("Edit Tag", "ویرایش برچسب"),
("Unremember Password", "رمز عبور ذخیره نشود"),
("Forget Password", "رمز عبور ذخیره نشود"),
("Favorites", "اتصالات دلخواه"),
("Favorites", "اتصالات دلخواه"),
("Add to Favorites", "افزودن به علاقه مندی ها"),
("Add to Favorites", "افزودن به علاقه مندی ها"),
("Remove from Favorites", "از علاقه مندی ها حذف شود"),
("Remove from Favorites", "از علاقه مندی ها حذف شود"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Identifiant ou mot de passe erroné"),
("Wrong credentials", "Identifiant ou mot de passe erroné"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Le code de vérification est incorrect ou a expiré"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Le code de vérification est incorrect ou a expiré"),
("Edit Tag", "Gestion étiquettes"),
("Edit Tag", "Gestion étiquettes"),
("Unremember Password", "Oublier le Mot de passe"),
("Forget Password", "Oublier le Mot de passe"),
("Favorites", "Favoris"),
("Favorites", "Favoris"),
("Add to Favorites", "Ajouter aux Favoris"),
("Add to Favorites", "Ajouter aux Favoris"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Retirer des favoris"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Retirer des favoris"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Hibás felhasználónév vagy jelszó"),
("Wrong credentials", "Hibás felhasználónév vagy jelszó"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Címke szerkesztése"),
("Edit Tag", "Címke szerkesztése"),
("Unremember Password", "A jelszó megjegyzésének törlése"),
("Forget Password", "A jelszó megjegyzésének törlése"),
("Favorites", "Kedvencek"),
("Favorites", "Kedvencek"),
("Add to Favorites", "Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez"),
("Add to Favorites", "Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Eltávolítás a kedvencekből"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Eltávolítás a kedvencekből"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Nama pengguna atau kata sandi salah"),
("Wrong credentials", "Nama pengguna atau kata sandi salah"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Kode verifikasi salah atau sudah kadaluarsa"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Kode verifikasi salah atau sudah kadaluarsa"),
("Edit Tag", "Ubah Tag"),
("Edit Tag", "Ubah Tag"),
("Unremember Password", "Lupakan Kata Sandi"),
("Forget Password", "Lupakan Kata Sandi"),
("Favorites", "Favorit"),
("Favorites", "Favorit"),
("Add to Favorites", "Tambah ke Favorit"),
("Add to Favorites", "Tambah ke Favorit"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Hapus dari favorit"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Hapus dari favorit"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Credenziali errate"),
("Wrong credentials", "Credenziali errate"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Il codice di verifica non è corretto o è scaduto"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Il codice di verifica non è corretto o è scaduto"),
("Edit Tag", "Modifica etichetta"),
("Edit Tag", "Modifica etichetta"),
("Unremember Password", "Dimentica password"),
("Forget Password", "Dimentica password"),
("Favorites", "Preferiti"),
("Favorites", "Preferiti"),
("Add to Favorites", "Aggiungi ai preferiti"),
("Add to Favorites", "Aggiungi ai preferiti"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Rimuovi dai preferiti"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Rimuovi dai preferiti"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "資格情報が間違っています"),
("Wrong credentials", "資格情報が間違っています"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "タグを編集"),
("Edit Tag", "タグを編集"),
("Unremember Password", "パスワードの記憶を解除"),
("Forget Password", "パスワードの記憶を解除"),
("Favorites", "お気に入り"),
("Favorites", "お気に入り"),
("Add to Favorites", "お気に入りに追加"),
("Add to Favorites", "お気に入りに追加"),
("Remove from Favorites", "お気に入りから削除"),
("Remove from Favorites", "お気に入りから削除"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "틀린 인증 정보"),
("Wrong credentials", "틀린 인증 정보"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "태그 수정"),
("Edit Tag", "태그 수정"),
("Unremember Password", "패스워드 기억하지 않기"),
("Forget Password", "패스워드 기억하지 않기"),
("Favorites", "즐겨찾기"),
("Favorites", "즐겨찾기"),
("Add to Favorites", "즐겨찾기에 추가"),
("Add to Favorites", "즐겨찾기에 추가"),
("Remove from Favorites", "즐겨찾기에서 삭제"),
("Remove from Favorites", "즐겨찾기에서 삭제"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Бұрыс тіркелгі деректер"),
("Wrong credentials", "Бұрыс тіркелгі деректер"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Тақты Өндеу"),
("Edit Tag", "Тақты Өндеу"),
("Unremember Password", "Құпия сөзді Ұмыту"),
("Forget Password", "Құпия сөзді Ұмыту"),
("Favorites", "Таңдаулылар"),
("Favorites", "Таңдаулылар"),
("Add to Favorites", "Таңдаулыларға Қосу"),
("Add to Favorites", "Таңдаулыларға Қосу"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Таңдаулылардан алып тастау"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Таңдаулылардан алып тастау"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Klaidingi kredencialai"),
("Wrong credentials", "Klaidingi kredencialai"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Redaguoti žymą"),
("Edit Tag", "Redaguoti žymą"),
("Unremember Password", "Nebeprisiminti slaptažodžio"),
("Forget Password", "Nebeprisiminti slaptažodžio"),
("Favorites", "Parankiniai"),
("Favorites", "Parankiniai"),
("Add to Favorites", "Įtraukti į parankinius"),
("Add to Favorites", "Įtraukti į parankinius"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Pašalinti iš parankinių"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Pašalinti iš parankinių"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Nepareizs lietotājvārds vai parole"),
("Wrong credentials", "Nepareizs lietotājvārds vai parole"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Verifikācijas kods ir nepareizs vai tam ir beidzies derīguma termiņš"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Verifikācijas kods ir nepareizs vai tam ir beidzies derīguma termiņš"),
("Edit Tag", "Rediģēt tagu"),
("Edit Tag", "Rediģēt tagu"),
("Unremember Password", "Neatcerēties paroli"),
("Forget Password", "Neatcerēties paroli"),
("Favorites", "Izlase"),
("Favorites", "Izlase"),
("Add to Favorites", "Pievienot pie izlases"),
("Add to Favorites", "Pievienot pie izlases"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Noņemt no izlases"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Noņemt no izlases"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Verkeerde inloggegevens"),
("Wrong credentials", "Verkeerde inloggegevens"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Label Bewerken"),
("Edit Tag", "Label Bewerken"),
("Unremember Password", "Wachtwoord vergeten"),
("Forget Password", "Wachtwoord vergeten"),
("Favorites", "Favorieten"),
("Favorites", "Favorieten"),
("Add to Favorites", "Toevoegen aan Favorieten"),
("Add to Favorites", "Toevoegen aan Favorieten"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Verwijderen uit Favorieten"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Verwijderen uit Favorieten"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Błędne dane uwierzytelniające"),
("Wrong credentials", "Błędne dane uwierzytelniające"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Kod weryfikacyjny jest niepoprawny lub wygasł"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Kod weryfikacyjny jest niepoprawny lub wygasł"),
("Edit Tag", "Edytuj tag"),
("Edit Tag", "Edytuj tag"),
("Unremember Password", "Zapomnij hasło"),
("Forget Password", "Zapomnij hasło"),
("Favorites", "Ulubione"),
("Favorites", "Ulubione"),
("Add to Favorites", "Dodaj do ulubionych"),
("Add to Favorites", "Dodaj do ulubionych"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Usuń z ulubionych"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Usuń z ulubionych"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Nome de utilizador ou palavra-chave incorrectos"),
("Wrong credentials", "Nome de utilizador ou palavra-chave incorrectos"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Editar Tag"),
("Edit Tag", "Editar Tag"),
("Unremember Password", "Esquecer Palavra-chave"),
("Forget Password", "Esquecer Palavra-chave"),
("Favorites", "Favoritos"),
("Favorites", "Favoritos"),
("Add to Favorites", "Adicionar aos Favoritos"),
("Add to Favorites", "Adicionar aos Favoritos"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Remover dos Favoritos"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Remover dos Favoritos"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Nome de usuário ou senha incorretos"),
("Wrong credentials", "Nome de usuário ou senha incorretos"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Editar Tag"),
("Edit Tag", "Editar Tag"),
("Unremember Password", "Esquecer Senha"),
("Forget Password", "Esquecer Senha"),
("Favorites", "Favoritos"),
("Favorites", "Favoritos"),
("Add to Favorites", "Adicionar aos Favoritos"),
("Add to Favorites", "Adicionar aos Favoritos"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Remover dos Favoritos"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Remover dos Favoritos"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Nume sau parolă greșită"),
("Wrong credentials", "Nume sau parolă greșită"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Modifică etichetă"),
("Edit Tag", "Modifică etichetă"),
("Unremember Password", "Uită parola"),
("Forget Password", "Uită parola"),
("Favorites", "Favorite"),
("Favorites", "Favorite"),
("Add to Favorites", "Adaugă la Favorite"),
("Add to Favorites", "Adaugă la Favorite"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Șterge din Favorite"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Șterge din Favorite"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Неправильные учётные данные"),
("Wrong credentials", "Неправильные учётные данные"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Проверочный код неправильный или устарел"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Проверочный код неправильный или устарел"),
("Edit Tag", "Изменить метку"),
("Edit Tag", "Изменить метку"),
("Unremember Password", "Не сохранять пароль"),
("Forget Password", "Не сохранять пароль"),
("Favorites", "Избранное"),
("Favorites", "Избранное"),
("Add to Favorites", "Добавить в избранное"),
("Add to Favorites", "Добавить в избранное"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Удалить из избранного"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Удалить из избранного"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Nesprávne prihlasovacie údaje"),
("Wrong credentials", "Nesprávne prihlasovacie údaje"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Upraviť štítok"),
("Edit Tag", "Upraviť štítok"),
("Unremember Password", "Zabudnúť heslo"),
("Forget Password", "Zabudnúť heslo"),
("Favorites", "Obľúbené"),
("Favorites", "Obľúbené"),
("Add to Favorites", "Pridať medzi obľúbené"),
("Add to Favorites", "Pridať medzi obľúbené"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Odstrániť z obľúbených"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Odstrániť z obľúbených"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Napačne poverilnice"),
("Wrong credentials", "Napačne poverilnice"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Uredi oznako"),
("Edit Tag", "Uredi oznako"),
("Unremember Password", "Pozabi geslo"),
("Forget Password", "Pozabi geslo"),
("Favorites", "Priljubljene"),
("Favorites", "Priljubljene"),
("Add to Favorites", "Dodaj med priljubljene"),
("Add to Favorites", "Dodaj med priljubljene"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Odstrani iz priljubljenih"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Odstrani iz priljubljenih"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Kredinciale të gabuara"),
("Wrong credentials", "Kredinciale të gabuara"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Edito tagun"),
("Edit Tag", "Edito tagun"),
("Unremember Password", "Fjalëkalim jo i kujtueshëm"),
("Forget Password", "Fjalëkalim jo i kujtueshëm"),
("Favorites", "Te preferuarat"),
("Favorites", "Te preferuarat"),
("Add to Favorites", "Shto te të preferuarat"),
("Add to Favorites", "Shto te të preferuarat"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Hiq nga të preferuarat"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Hiq nga të preferuarat"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Pogrešno korisničko ime ili lozinka"),
("Wrong credentials", "Pogrešno korisničko ime ili lozinka"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Izmeni oznaku"),
("Edit Tag", "Izmeni oznaku"),
("Unremember Password", "Zaboravi lozinku"),
("Forget Password", "Zaboravi lozinku"),
("Favorites", "Favoriti"),
("Favorites", "Favoriti"),
("Add to Favorites", "Dodaj u favorite"),
("Add to Favorites", "Dodaj u favorite"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Izbaci iz favorita"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Izbaci iz favorita"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Fel användarnamn eller lösenord"),
("Wrong credentials", "Fel användarnamn eller lösenord"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Ändra Tagg"),
("Edit Tag", "Ändra Tagg"),
("Unremember Password", "Glöm lösenord"),
("Forget Password", "Glöm lösenord"),
("Favorites", "Favoriter"),
("Favorites", "Favoriter"),
("Add to Favorites", "Lägg till favorit"),
("Add to Favorites", "Lägg till favorit"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Ta bort från favoriter"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Ta bort från favoriter"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", ""),
("Wrong credentials", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", ""),
("Edit Tag", ""),
("Unremember Password", ""),
("Forget Password", ""),
("Favorites", ""),
("Favorites", ""),
("Add to Favorites", ""),
("Add to Favorites", ""),
("Remove from Favorites", ""),
("Remove from Favorites", ""),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "ข้อมูลสำหรับเข้าสู่ระบบไม่ถูกต้อง"),
("Wrong credentials", "ข้อมูลสำหรับเข้าสู่ระบบไม่ถูกต้อง"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "แก้ไขแท็ก"),
("Edit Tag", "แก้ไขแท็ก"),
("Unremember Password", "ยกเลิกการจดจำรหัสผ่าน"),
("Forget Password", "ยกเลิกการจดจำรหัสผ่าน"),
("Favorites", "รายการโปรด"),
("Favorites", "รายการโปรด"),
("Add to Favorites", "เพิ่มไปยังรายการโปรด"),
("Add to Favorites", "เพิ่มไปยังรายการโปรด"),
("Remove from Favorites", "ลบออกจากรายการโปรด"),
("Remove from Favorites", "ลบออกจากรายการโปรด"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Yanlış kimlik bilgileri"),
("Wrong credentials", "Yanlış kimlik bilgileri"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Etiketi düzenle"),
("Edit Tag", "Etiketi düzenle"),
("Unremember Password", "Şifreyi Unut"),
("Forget Password", "Şifreyi Unut"),
("Favorites", "Favoriler"),
("Favorites", "Favoriler"),
("Add to Favorites", "Favorilere ekle"),
("Add to Favorites", "Favorilere ekle"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Favorilerden çıkar"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Favorilerden çıkar"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "登入資訊錯誤"),
("Wrong credentials", "登入資訊錯誤"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "驗證碼錯誤或已過期"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "驗證碼錯誤或已過期"),
("Edit Tag", "編輯標籤"),
("Edit Tag", "編輯標籤"),
("Unremember Password", "忘記密碼"),
("Forget Password", "忘記密碼"),
("Favorites", "我的最愛"),
("Favorites", "我的最愛"),
("Add to Favorites", "加入我的最愛"),
("Add to Favorites", "加入我的最愛"),
("Remove from Favorites", "從我的最愛中移除"),
("Remove from Favorites", "從我的最愛中移除"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Неправильні дані"),
("Wrong credentials", "Неправильні дані"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Код підтвердження некоректний або протермінований"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", "Код підтвердження некоректний або протермінований"),
("Edit Tag", "Редагувати тег"),
("Edit Tag", "Редагувати тег"),
("Unremember Password", "Не зберігати пароль"),
("Forget Password", "Не зберігати пароль"),
("Favorites", "Вибране"),
("Favorites", "Вибране"),
("Add to Favorites", "Додати в обране"),
("Add to Favorites", "Додати в обране"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Видалити з обраного"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Видалити з обраного"),
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Chứng danh bị sai"),
("Wrong credentials", "Chứng danh bị sai"),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("The verification code is incorrect or has expired", ""),
("Edit Tag", "Chỉnh sửa Tag"),
("Edit Tag", "Chỉnh sửa Tag"),
("Unremember Password", "Quên mật khẩu"),
("Forget Password", "Quên mật khẩu"),
("Favorites", "Ưa thích"),
("Favorites", "Ưa thích"),
("Add to Favorites", "Thêm vào mục Ưa thích"),
("Add to Favorites", "Thêm vào mục Ưa thích"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Xóa khỏi mục Ưa thích"),
("Remove from Favorites", "Xóa khỏi mục Ưa thích"),
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class SessionList: Reactor.Component {
{this.type != "lan" && <li #rename>{translate('Rename')}</li>}
{this.type != "lan" && <li #rename>{translate('Rename')}</li>}
{this.type != "fav" && <li #remove>{translate('Remove')}</li>}
{this.type != "fav" && <li #remove>{translate('Remove')}</li>}
{is_win && <li #shortcut>{translate('Create Desktop Shortcut')}</li>}
{is_win && <li #shortcut>{translate('Create Desktop Shortcut')}</li>}
<li #forget-password>{translate('Unremember Password')}</li>
<li #forget-password>{translate('Forget Password')}</li>
{(!this.type || this.type == "fav") && <li #add-fav>{translate('Add to Favorites')}</li>}
{(!this.type || this.type == "fav") && <li #add-fav>{translate('Add to Favorites')}</li>}
{(!this.type || this.type == "fav") && <li #remove-fav>{translate('Remove from Favorites')}</li>}
{(!this.type || this.type == "fav") && <li #remove-fav>{translate('Remove from Favorites')}</li>}
{this.type == "ab" && <li #edit-tag>{translate('Edit Tag')}</li>}
{this.type == "ab" && <li #edit-tag>{translate('Edit Tag')}</li>}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user