This commit is contained in:
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Click to upgrade", "点击这里升级"),
("Click to download", "点击这里下载"),
("Click to update", "点击这里更新"),
("Configuration Permissions", "配置权限"),
("Configure", "配置"),
("config_acc", "为了能够远程控制你的桌面, 请给予RustDesk\"辅助功能\" 权限。"),
("config_screen", "为了能够远程访问你的桌面, 请给予RustDesk\"屏幕录制\" 权限。"),
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("items", "个项目"),
("Selected", "已选择"),
("Screen Capture", "屏幕录制"),
("Mouse Control", "鼠标输入"),
("Input Control", "输入控制"),
("File Transfer", "文件传输"),
("Audio Capture", "音频录制"),
("File Connection", "文件连接"),
@ -258,8 +257,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Do you accept?", "是否接受?"),
("Open System Setting", "打开系统设置"),
("How to get Android input permission?", "如何获取安卓的输入权限?"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "获取输入权限后可以让远程设备通过鼠标控制这台安卓设备"),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "请在接下来的系统设置页面里,找到并进入 [已安装的服务] 页面,将 [RustDesk Input] 服务开启"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "為了讓遠程設備通過鼠標或者觸屏控制您的安卓設備,你需要允許RustDesk使用\"無障礙\"服務。"),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "请在接下来的系统设置页面里,找到并进入 [已安装的服务] 页面,将 [RustDesk Input] 服务开启。"),
("android_new_connection_tip", "收到新的连接控制请求,对方想要控制你当前的设备。"),
("android_service_will_start_tip", "开启录屏权限将自动开启服务,允许其他设备向此设备请求建立连接。"),
("android_stop_service_tip", "关闭服务将自动关闭所有已建立的连接。"),
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Click to upgrade", "Zum Upgrade anklicken"),
("Click to download", "Zum Herunterladen klicken"),
("Click to update", "Zum Aktualisieren klicken"),
("Configuration Permissions", "Konfigurationsberechtigungen"),
("Configure", "Konfigurieren"),
("config_acc", "Um Ihren Desktop aus der Ferne zu steuern, müssen Sie RustDesk \"Zugangs\" Rechte erteilen."),
("config_screen", "Um aus der Ferne auf Ihren Desktop zugreifen zu können, müssen Sie RustDesk \"Bildschirm-Aufnahme\" Berechtigungen erteilen."),
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("items", "Artikel"),
("Selected", "Ausgewählt"),
("Screen Capture", "Bildschirmaufnahme"),
("Mouse Control", "Maussteuerung"),
("Input Control", "Eingabesteuerung"),
("File Transfer", "Datei Übertragung"),
("Audio Capture", "Audioaufnahme"),
("File Connection", "Dateiverbindung"),
@ -258,8 +257,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Do you accept?", "Akzeptieren Sie?"),
("Open System Setting", "Systemeinstellung öffnen"),
("How to get Android input permission?", "Wie erhalte ich eine Android-Eingabeberechtigung?"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "Nach Erhalt der Eingabeerlaubnis kann das entfernte Gerät dieses Android-Gerät per Maus steuern"),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Bitte gehen Sie zur nächsten Systemeinstellungsseite, suchen und geben Sie [Installierte Dienste] ein, schalten Sie den Dienst [RustDesk Input] ein"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "Damit ein Remote-Gerät Ihr Android-Gerät per Maus oder Berührung steuern kann, müssen Sie RustDesk erlauben, den Dienst \"Barrierefreiheit\" zu verwenden."),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Bitte gehen Sie zur nächsten Systemeinstellungsseite, suchen und geben Sie [Installierte Dienste] ein, schalten Sie den Dienst [RustDesk Input] ein."),
("android_new_connection_tip", "Es wurde eine neue Steuerungsanforderung empfangen, die Ihr aktuelles Gerät steuern möchte."),
("android_service_will_start_tip", "Durch das Einschalten der Bildschirmaufnahme wird der Dienst automatisch gestartet, sodass andere Geräte eine Verbindung von diesem Gerät anfordern können."),
("android_stop_service_tip", "Durch das Schließen des Dienstes werden automatisch alle hergestellten Verbindungen geschlossen."),
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Wrong credentials", "Wrong username or password"),
("invalid_http", "must start with http:// or https://"),
("install_daemon_tip", "For starting on boot, you need to install system service."),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "After obtaining the input permission, the remote device can control this Android device by mouse"),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Please go to the next system settings page,find and enter [Installed Services],turn [RustDesk Input] service ON"),
("android_new_connection_tip", "New control request has been received,it want to control your current device."),
("android_service_will_start_tip", "Turning on the Screen Capture will automatically start the service,allowing other devices to request a connection from this device."),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "In order for a remote device to control your Android device via mouse or touch, you need to allow RustDesk to use the \"Accessibility\" service.",
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Please go to the next system settings page, find and enter [Installed Services], turn on [RustDesk Input] service."),
("android_new_connection_tip", "New control request has been received, which wants to control your current device."),
("android_service_will_start_tip", "Turning on \"Screen Capture\" will automatically start the service, allowing other devices to request a connection to your device."),
("android_stop_service_tip", "Closing the service will automatically close all established connections."),
("android_version_audio_tip", "The current Android version does not support audio capture, please upgrade to Android 10 or higher."),
("android_start_service_tip", "Tap [Start Service] or OPEN [Screen Capture] permission to start the screen sharing service."),
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Click to upgrade", "Alklaki por plibonigi"),
("Click to download", "Alklaki por elŝuti"),
("Click to update", "Alklaki por ĝisdatigi"),
("Configuration Permissions", "Permesoj de konfigurado"),
("Configure", "Konfiguri"),
("config_acc", "Por uzi vian foran aparaton, bonvolu doni la permeson \"alirebleco\" al RustDesk."),
("config_screen", "Por uzi vian foran aparaton, bonvolu doni la permeson \"ekranregistrado\" al RustDesk."),
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("items", ""),
("Selected", ""),
("Screen Capture", ""),
("Mouse Control", ""),
("Input Control", ""),
("File Transfer", ""),
("Audio Capture", ""),
("File Connection", ""),
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Click to upgrade", "Cliquez pour mettre à niveau"),
("Click to download", "Cliquez pour télécharger"),
("Click to update", "Cliquez pour mettre à jour"),
("Configuration Permissions", "Autorisations de configuration"),
("Configure", "Configurer"),
("config_acc", "Afin de pouvoir contrôler votre bureau à distance, veuillez donner l'autorisation \"accessibilité\" à RustDesk."),
("config_screen", "Afin de pouvoir accéder à votre bureau à distance, veuillez donner à RustDesk l'autorisation \"enregistrement d'écran\"."),
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("items", "éléments"),
("Selected", "Choisi"),
("Screen Capture", "Capture d'écran"),
("Mouse Control", "Contrôle de la souris"),
("Input Control", "Contrôle de saisie"),
("File Transfer", "Transfert de fichier"),
("Audio Capture", "Capture audio"),
("File Connection", "Connexion de fichier"),
@ -258,8 +257,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Do you accept?", "Do you accept?"),
("Open System Setting", "Ouvrir les paramètres système"),
("How to get Android input permission?", "Comment obtenir l'autorisation d'entrée Android ?"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "Après avoir obtenu l'autorisation d'entrée, l'appareil distant peut contrôler cet appareil Android avec la souris"),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Veuillez accéder à la page suivante des paramètres système, recherchez et entrez [Services installés], activez le service [RustDesk Input]"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "Pour qu'un appareil distant puisse contrôler votre appareil Android via la souris ou le toucher, vous devez autoriser RustDesk à utiliser le service \"Accessibilité\"."),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Veuillez accéder à la page suivante des paramètres système, recherchez et entrez [Services installés], activez le service [RustDesk Input]."),
("android_new_connection_tip", "Une nouvelle demande de contrôle a été reçue, elle souhaite contrôler votre appareil actuel."),
("android_service_will_start_tip", "L'activation de la capture d'écran démarrera automatiquement le service, permettant à d'autres appareils de demander une connexion à partir de cet appareil."),
("android_stop_service_tip", "La fermeture du service fermera automatiquement toutes les connexions établies."),
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Click to upgrade", "Fai click per aggiornare"),
("Click to download", "Cliquez per scaricare"),
("Click to update", "Fare clic per aggiornare"),
("Configuration Permissions", "Permessi di configurazione"),
("Configure", "Configura"),
("config_acc", "Per controllare il tuo desktop dall'esterno, devi fornire a RustDesk il permesso \"Accessibilità\"."),
("config_screen", "Per controllare il tuo desktop dall'esterno, devi fornire a RustDesk il permesso \"Registrazione schermo\"."),
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("items", "Oggetti"),
("Selected", "Selezionato"),
("Screen Capture", "Cattura schermo"),
("Mouse Control", "Controllo del mouse"),
("Input Control", "Controllo di input"),
("File Transfer", "Trasferimento di file"),
("Audio Capture", "Acquisizione audio"),
("File Connection", "Connessione file"),
@ -258,8 +257,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Do you accept?", "Accetti?"),
("Open System Setting", "Apri Impostazioni di sistema"),
("How to get Android input permission?", "Come ottenere l'autorizzazione di input Android?"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "Dopo aver ottenuto l'autorizzazione di input, il dispositivo remoto può controllare questo dispositivo Android tramite il mouse"),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Vai alla pagina delle impostazioni di sistema successiva, trova e accedi a [Servizi installati], attiva il servizio [RustDesk Input]"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "Affinché un dispositivo remoto possa controllare il tuo dispositivo Android tramite mouse o tocco, devi consentire a RustDesk di utilizzare il servizio \"Accessibilità\"."),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Vai alla pagina delle impostazioni di sistema successiva, trova e accedi a [Servizi installati], attiva il servizio [RustDesk Input]."),
("android_new_connection_tip", "È stata ricevuta una nuova richiesta di controllo, desidera controllare il dispositivo corrente."),
("android_service_will_start_tip", "L'attivazione di Cattura schermo avvierà automaticamente il servizio, consentendo ad altri dispositivi di richiedere una connessione da questo dispositivo."),
("android_stop_service_tip", "La chiusura del servizio chiuderà automaticamente tutte le connessioni stabilite."),
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Click to upgrade", "Clique para fazer o upgrade"),
("Click to download", "Clique para baixar"),
("Click to update", "Clique para fazer o update"),
("Configuration Permissions", "Permissões de Configuração"),
("Configure", "Configurar"),
("config_acc", "Para controlar seu Desktop remotamente, você precisa conceder ao RustDesk permissões de \"Acessibilidade\"."),
("config_screen", "Para acessar seu Desktop remotamente, você precisa conceder ao RustDesk permissões de \"Gravar a Tela\"/"),
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("items", "itens"),
("Selected", "Selecionado"),
("Screen Capture", "Captura de Tela"),
("Mouse Control", "Controle do Mouse"),
("Input Control", "Controlo de Entrada"),
("File Transfer", "Transferência de Arquivo"),
("Audio Capture", "Captura de Áudio"),
("File Connection", "Conexão de Arquivo"),
@ -258,8 +257,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Do you accept?", "Você aceita?"),
("Open System Setting", "Abrir Configurações do Sistema"),
("How to get Android input permission?", "Como habilitar a permissão de entrada do Android?"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "Após obter permissão de entrada, o dispositivo remoto pode controlar este dispositivo Android via mouse"),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Por favor vá para a próxima página de configuração do sistema, encontre e entre [Serviços Instalados], HABILITE o serviço [RustDesk Input]"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "Para que um dispositivo remoto controle seu dispositivo Android via mouse ou toque, você precisa permitir que o RustDesk use o serviço \"Acessibilidade\".",
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Por favor vá para a próxima página de configuração do sistema, encontre e entre [Serviços Instalados], HABILITE o serviço [RustDesk Input]."),
("android_new_connection_tip", "Nova requisição de controle recebida, solicita o controle de seu dispositivo atual."),
("android_service_will_start_tip", "Habilitar a Captura de Tela irá automaticamente inicalizar o serviço, permitindo que outros dispositivos solicitem uma conexão deste dispositivo."),
("android_stop_service_tip", "Fechar o serviço irá automaticamente fechar todas as conexões estabelecidas."),
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Click to upgrade", "Нажмите, чтобы проверить на наличие обновлений"),
("Click to download", "Нажмите, чтобы скачать"),
("Click to update", "Нажмите, чтобы обновить"),
("Configuration Permissions", "Разрешения на настройки"),
("Configure", "Настроить"),
("config_acc", "Чтобы удаленно управлять своим рабочим столом, вы должны предоставить RustDesk права \"доступа\""),
("config_screen", "Для удаленного доступа к рабочему столу вы должны предоставить RustDesk права \"снимок экрана\""),
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("items", "обьекты"),
("Selected", "Выбрано"),
("Screen Capture", "Скриншот"),
("Mouse Control", "Управление мышью"),
("Input Control", "Входной контроль"),
("File Transfer", "Передача файлов"),
("Audio Capture", "Захват аудио"),
("File Connection", "Файловое соединение"),
@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Do you accept?", "Вы согласны?"),
("Open System Setting", "Открыть настройки системы"),
("How to get Android input permission?", "Как получить разрешение на ввод Android?"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "После получения разрешения на ввод удаленное устройство может управлять этим Android-устройством с помощью мыши."),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "Чтобы удаленное устройство могло управлять вашим Android-устройством с помощью мыши или касания, вам необходимо разрешить RustDesk использовать службу «Специальные возможности»."),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "Перейдите на следующую страницу системных настроек, найдите и войдите в [Установленные службы], включите службу [RustDesk Input]."),
("android_new_connection_tip", "Получен новый запрос на управление вашим текущим устройством."),
("android_service_will_start_tip", "Включение захвата экрана автоматически запускает службу, позволяя другим устройствам запрашивать соединение с этого устройства."),
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Click to upgrade", ""),
("Click to download", ""),
("Click to update", ""),
("Configuration Permissions", ""),
("Configure", ""),
("config_acc", ""),
("config_screen", ""),
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("items", ""),
("Selected", ""),
("Screen Capture", ""),
("Mouse Control", ""),
("Input Control", ""),
("File Transfer", ""),
("Audio Capture", ""),
("File Connection", ""),
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Click to upgrade", "點擊以升級"),
("Click to download", "點擊以下載"),
("Click to update", "點擊以更新"),
("Configuration Permissions", "設定權限"),
("Configure", "設定"),
("config_acc", "您需要授予 RustDesk 「協助工具」 權限才能遠端存取電腦。"),
("config_screen", "您需要授予 RustDesk 「畫面錄製」 權限才能遠端存取電腦。"),
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("items", "個項目"),
("Selected", "已選擇"),
("Screen Capture", "屏幕錄製"),
("Mouse Control", "鼠標輸入"),
("Input Control", "輸入控制"),
("File Transfer", "文件傳輸"),
("Audio Capture", "音頻錄製"),
("File Connection", "文件連接"),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user