use RawKeyEvent and Listener for input

This commit is contained in:
csf 2022-04-25 18:25:25 +08:00
parent b161b696b6
commit b30299cc12
7 changed files with 653 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -689,10 +689,15 @@ class FFI {
json.encode(modify({'type': type, 'buttons': button.value})));
static void inputKey(String name) {
static void inputKey(String name, [bool? down]) {
if (!ffiModel.keyboard()) return;
'input_key', json.encode(modify({'name': name, 'press': 'true'})));
'name': name,
'down': (down ?? false).toString(),
'press': 'true'
static void moveMouse(double x, double y) {
@ -807,8 +812,8 @@ class FFI {
x = 0;
y = 0;
evt['x'] = '$x';
evt['y'] = '$y';
evt['x'] = '${x.round()}';
evt['y'] = '${y.round()}';
var buttons = '';
switch (evt['buttons']) {
case 1:
@ -827,7 +832,7 @@ class FFI {
static listenToMouse(bool yesOrNo) {
if (yesOrNo) {
} else {

View File

@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ class PlatformFFI {
version = await getVersion();
static void startDesktopWebListener(
Function(Map<String, dynamic>) handleMouse) {}
static void startDesktopWebListener() {}
static void stopDesktopWebListener() {}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:js' as js;
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
import '../common.dart';
@ -35,38 +34,37 @@ class PlatformFFI {
// MouseRegion onHover not work for mouse move when right button down
static void startDesktopWebListener(
Function(Map<String, dynamic>) handleMouse) {
static void startDesktopWebListener() {
mouseIn = true;
lastMouseDownButtons = 0;
// document.body.getElementsByTagName('flt-glass-pane')[0].style.cursor = 'none';
.add(window.document.onMouseEnter.listen((evt) => mouseIn = true));
.add(window.document.onMouseLeave.listen((evt) => mouseIn = false));
.listen((evt) => handleMouse(getEvent(evt))));
.listen((evt) => handleMouse(getEvent(evt))));
window.document.onMouseUp.listen((evt) => handleMouse(getEvent(evt))));
mouseListeners.add(window.document.onMouseWheel.listen((evt) {
var dx = evt.deltaX;
var dy = evt.deltaY;
if (dx > 0)
dx = -1;
else if (dx < 0) dx = 1;
if (dy > 0)
dy = -1;
else if (dy < 0) dy = 1;
setByName('send_mouse', '{"type": "wheel", "x": "$dx", "y": "$dy"}');
// lastMouseDownButtons = 0;
// // document.body.getElementsByTagName('flt-glass-pane')[0].style.cursor = 'none';
// mouseListeners
// .add(window.document.onMouseEnter.listen((evt) => mouseIn = true));
// mouseListeners
// .add(window.document.onMouseLeave.listen((evt) => mouseIn = false));
// mouseListeners.add(window.document.onMouseMove
// .listen((evt) => handleMouse(getEvent(evt))));
// mouseListeners.add(window.document.onMouseDown
// .listen((evt) => handleMouse(getEvent(evt))));
// mouseListeners.add(
// window.document.onMouseUp.listen((evt) => handleMouse(getEvent(evt))));
// mouseListeners.add(window.document.onMouseWheel.listen((evt) {
// var dx = evt.deltaX;
// var dy = evt.deltaY;
// if (dx > 0)
// dx = -1;
// else if (dx < 0) dx = 1;
// if (dy > 0)
// dy = -1;
// else if (dy < 0) dy = 1;
// setByName('send_mouse', '{"type": "wheel", "x": "$dx", "y": "$dy"}');
// }));
window.document.onContextMenu.listen((evt) => evt.preventDefault()));
.add(window.document.onKeyDown.listen((evt) => handleKey(evt, true)));
.add(window.document.onKeyUp.listen((evt) => handleKey(evt, false)));
// keyListeners
// .add(window.document.onKeyDown.listen((evt) => handleKey(evt, true)));
// keyListeners
// .add(window.document.onKeyUp.listen((evt) => handleKey(evt, false)));
static void stopDesktopWebListener() {
@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ class PlatformFFI {
static void setMethodCallHandler(FMethod callback) {}
static Future<bool> invokeMethod(String method, [ dynamic arguments]) async {
static Future<bool> invokeMethod(String method, [dynamic arguments]) async {
return true;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/chat_model.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/widgets/gesture_help.dart';
@ -34,9 +35,11 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
var _more = true;
var _fn = false;
final FocusNode _focusNode = FocusNode();
final FocusNode _mobileFocusNode = FocusNode();
final FocusNode _physicalFocusNode = FocusNode();
var _showEdit = false;
var _touchMode = false;
var _isPhysicalKeyboard = false;
void initState() {
@ -50,11 +53,15 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
_touchMode = FFI.getByName('peer_option', "touch-mode") != '';
void dispose() {
@ -95,6 +102,7 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
} catch (e) {}
// handle mobile virtual keyboard
void handleInput(String newValue) {
var oldValue = _value;
_value = newValue;
@ -186,11 +194,18 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
overlays: SystemUiOverlay.values);
void sendRawKey(RawKeyEvent e, [bool? down]) {
final label = _keyLabels[e.logicalKey.keyId];
if (label != null) {
FFI.inputKey(label, down);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final pi = Provider.of<FfiModel>(context).pi;
@ -214,6 +229,9 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
setState(() {
if (hideKeyboard) {
_showEdit = false;
} else {
_showBar = !_showBar;
@ -224,17 +242,125 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
body: Overlay(
initialEntries: [
OverlayEntry(builder: (context) {
final keyboard = FFI.ffiModel.permissions['keyboard'] != false;
return Container(
child: isDesktop
? getBodyForDesktopWithListener()
: SafeArea(child: getBodyForMobileWithGesture()));
child: getRawPointerAndKeyBody(keyboard));
Widget getRawPointerAndKeyBody(bool keyboard) {
return Listener(
onPointerHover: (e) {
if (e.kind != ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse) return;
if (!_isPhysicalKeyboard) {
setState(() {
_isPhysicalKeyboard = true;
if (_isPhysicalKeyboard) {
FFI.handleMouse(getEvent(e, 'mousemove'));
onPointerDown: (e) {
if (e.kind != ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse) {
if (_isPhysicalKeyboard) {
setState(() {
_isPhysicalKeyboard = false;
if (_isPhysicalKeyboard) {
FFI.handleMouse(getEvent(e, 'mousedown'));
onPointerUp: (e) {
if (e.kind != ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse) return;
if (_isPhysicalKeyboard) {
FFI.handleMouse(getEvent(e, 'mouseup'));
onPointerMove: (e) {
if (e.kind != ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse) return;
if (_isPhysicalKeyboard) {
FFI.handleMouse(getEvent(e, 'mousemove'));
onPointerSignal: (e) {
if (e is PointerScrollEvent) {
var dx = e.scrollDelta.dx;
var dy = e.scrollDelta.dy;
if (dx > 0)
dx = -1;
else if (dx < 0) dx = 1;
if (dy > 0)
dy = -1;
else if (dy < 0) dy = 1;
'send_mouse', '{"type": "wheel", "x": "$dx", "y": "$dy"}');
child: MouseRegion(
cursor: keyboard ? SystemMouseCursors.none : MouseCursor.defer,
child: FocusScope(
autofocus: true,
child: Focus(
autofocus: true,
canRequestFocus: true,
focusNode: _physicalFocusNode,
onKey: (data, e) {
final key = e.logicalKey;
if (e is RawKeyDownEvent) {
if (e.isAltPressed && !FFI.alt) {
FFI.alt = true;
sendRawKey(e, true);
} else if (e.isControlPressed && !FFI.ctrl) {
FFI.ctrl = true;
sendRawKey(e, true);
} else if (e.isShiftPressed && !FFI.shift) {
FFI.shift = true;
sendRawKey(e, true);
} else if (e.isMetaPressed && !FFI.command) {
FFI.command = true;
sendRawKey(e, true);
} else if (e.repeat) {
if (e is RawKeyUpEvent) {
if (key == LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft ||
key == LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight) {
FFI.alt = false;
if (key == LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft ||
key == LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight) {
FFI.ctrl = false;
if (key == LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight ||
key == LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft) {
FFI.shift = false;
if (key == LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft ||
key == LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight) {
FFI.command = false;
return KeyEventResult.handled;
child: isDesktop
? getBodyForDesktopWithListener(keyboard)
: SafeArea(
child: Container(
color: MyTheme.canvasColor,
child: _isPhysicalKeyboard
? getBodyForMobile()
: getBodyForMobileWithGesture()))))));
Widget getBottomAppBar() {
return BottomAppBar(
elevation: 10,
@ -347,9 +473,7 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
onLongPress: () {
if (_touchMode) {
onDoubleFinerTap: (d) {
if (!_touchMode) {
@ -373,7 +497,6 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
onOneFingerPanStart: (d) {
if (_touchMode) {
debugPrint("_touchMode , onOneFingerPanStart");
FFI.cursorModel.move(d.localPosition.dx, d.localPosition.dy);
FFI.sendMouse('down', MouseButtons.left);
} else {
@ -420,7 +543,7 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
textInputAction: TextInputAction.newline,
autocorrect: false,
enableSuggestions: false,
focusNode: _focusNode,
focusNode: _mobileFocusNode,
maxLines: null,
initialValue: _value,
// trick way to make backspace work always
@ -431,26 +554,34 @@ class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage> {
Widget getBodyForDesktopWithListener() {
final keyboard = FFI.ffiModel.permissions['keyboard'] != false;
Widget getBodyForDesktopWithListener(bool keyboard) {
var paints = <Widget>[ImagePaint()];
if (keyboard ||
FFI.getByName('toggle_option', 'show-remote-cursor') == 'true') {
return MouseRegion(
cursor: keyboard ? SystemMouseCursors.none : MouseCursor.defer,
// TODO old null // still laggy, set cursor directly for web is better
onEnter: (event) {
onExit: (event) {
child: Container(
color: MyTheme.canvasColor, child: Stack(children: paints)));
return Container(
color: MyTheme.canvasColor, child: Stack(children: paints));
int lastMouseDownButtons = 0;
Map<String, dynamic> getEvent(PointerEvent evt, String type) {
final Map<String, dynamic> out = {};
out['type'] = type;
out['x'] = evt.position.dx;
out['y'] = evt.position.dy;
if (FFI.alt) out['alt'] = 'true';
if (FFI.shift) out['shift'] = 'true';
if (FFI.ctrl) out['ctrl'] = 'true';
if (FFI.command) out['command'] = 'true';
out['buttons'] = evt
.buttons; // left button: 1, right button: 2, middle button: 4, 1 | 2 = 3 (left + right)
if (evt.buttons != 0) {
lastMouseDownButtons = evt.buttons;
} else {
out['buttons'] = lastMouseDownButtons;
return out;
void showActions() {
@ -860,15 +991,11 @@ void showOptions() {
content: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: displays +
? <Widget>[
getRadio('Original', 'original', viewStyle, setViewStyle),
getRadio('Shrink', 'shrink', viewStyle, setViewStyle),
getRadio('Stretch', 'stretch', viewStyle, setViewStyle),
Divider(color: MyTheme.border),
: []) +
getRadio('Original', 'original', viewStyle, setViewStyle),
getRadio('Shrink', 'shrink', viewStyle, setViewStyle),
getRadio('Stretch', 'stretch', viewStyle, setViewStyle),
Divider(color: MyTheme.border),
getRadio('Good image quality', 'best', quality, setQuality),
getRadio('Balanced', 'balanced', quality, setQuality),
getRadio('Optimize reaction time', 'low', quality, setQuality),
@ -947,3 +1074,452 @@ void sendPrompt(bool isMac, String key) {
FFI.ctrl = old;
/// flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/services/keyboard_key.dart -> _keyLabels
/// see [LogicalKeyboardKey.keyLabel]
const Map<int, String> _keyLabels = <int, String>{
0x00000000020: 'VK_SPACE',
0x00000000021: 'Exclamation',
0x00000000022: 'VK_QUOTE',
0x00000000023: 'Number Sign',
0x00000000024: 'Dollar',
0x00000000025: 'Percent',
0x00000000026: 'Ampersand',
0x00000000027: 'Quote Single',
0x00000000028: 'Parenthesis Left',
0x00000000029: 'Parenthesis Right',
0x0000000002a: 'Asterisk',
0x0000000002b: 'Add',
0x0000000002c: 'VK_COMMA',
0x0000000002d: 'VK_MINUS',
0x0000000002e: 'Period',
0x0000000002f: 'VK_SLASH',
0x00000000030: 'VK_0',
0x00000000031: 'VK_1',
0x00000000032: 'VK_2',
0x00000000033: 'VK_3',
0x00000000034: 'VK_4',
0x00000000035: 'VK_5',
0x00000000036: 'VK_6',
0x00000000037: 'VK_7',
0x00000000038: 'VK_8',
0x00000000039: 'VK_9',
0x0000000003a: 'Colon',
0x0000000003b: 'VK_SEMICOLON',
0x0000000003c: 'Less',
0x0000000003d: 'VK_PLUS', // it is =
0x0000000003e: 'Greater',
0x0000000003f: 'Question',
0x00000000040: 'At',
0x0000000005b: 'VK_LBRACKET',
0x0000000005c: 'VK_BACKSLASH',
0x0000000005d: 'VK_RBRACKET',
0x0000000005e: 'Caret',
0x0000000005f: 'Underscore',
0x00000000060: 'Backquote',
0x00000000061: 'VK_A',
0x00000000062: 'VK_B',
0x00000000063: 'VK_C',
0x00000000064: 'VK_D',
0x00000000065: 'VK_E',
0x00000000066: 'VK_F',
0x00000000067: 'VK_G',
0x00000000068: 'VK_H',
0x00000000069: 'VK_I',
0x0000000006a: 'VK_J',
0x0000000006b: 'VK_K',
0x0000000006c: 'VK_L',
0x0000000006d: 'VK_M',
0x0000000006e: 'VK_N',
0x0000000006f: 'VK_O',
0x00000000070: 'VK_P',
0x00000000071: 'VK_Q',
0x00000000072: 'VK_R',
0x00000000073: 'VK_S',
0x00000000074: 'VK_T',
0x00000000075: 'VK_U',
0x00000000076: 'VK_V',
0x00000000077: 'VK_W',
0x00000000078: 'VK_X',
0x00000000079: 'VK_Y',
0x0000000007a: 'VK_Z',
0x0000000007b: 'Brace Left',
0x0000000007c: 'Bar',
0x0000000007d: 'Brace Right',
0x0000000007e: 'Tilde',
0x00100000001: 'Unidentified',
0x00100000008: 'VK_BACK',
0x00100000009: 'VK_TAB',
0x0010000000d: 'VK_ENTER',
0x0010000001b: 'VK_ESCAPE',
0x0010000007f: 'VK_DELETE',
0x00100000101: 'Accel',
0x00100000103: 'Alt Graph',
0x00100000104: 'VK_CAPITAL',
0x00100000106: 'Fn',
0x00100000107: 'Fn Lock',
0x00100000108: 'Hyper',
0x0010000010a: 'Num Lock',
0x0010000010c: 'Scroll Lock',
0x0010000010e: 'Super',
0x0010000010f: 'Symbol',
0x00100000110: 'Symbol Lock',
0x00100000111: 'Shift Level 5',
0x00100000301: 'VK_DOWN',
0x00100000302: 'VK_LEFT',
0x00100000303: 'VK_RIGHT',
0x00100000304: 'VK_UP',
0x00100000305: 'VK_END',
0x00100000306: 'VK_HOME',
0x00100000307: 'VK_NEXT',
0x00100000308: 'VK_PRIOR',
0x00100000401: 'VK_CLEAR',
0x00100000402: 'Copy',
0x00100000403: 'Cr Sel',
0x00100000404: 'Cut',
0x00100000405: 'Erase Eof',
0x00100000406: 'Ex Sel',
0x00100000407: 'VK_INSERT',
0x00100000408: 'Paste',
0x00100000409: 'Redo',
0x0010000040a: 'Undo',
0x00100000501: 'Accept',
0x00100000502: 'Again',
0x00100000503: 'Attn',
0x00100000504: 'VK_CANCEL',
0x00100000505: 'Context Menu',
0x00100000506: 'VK_EXECUTE',
0x00100000507: 'Find',
0x00100000508: 'VK_HELP',
0x00100000509: 'VK_PAUSE',
0x0010000050a: 'Play',
0x0010000050b: 'Props',
0x0010000050c: 'VK_SELECT',
0x0010000050d: 'Zoom In',
0x0010000050e: 'Zoom Out',
0x00100000601: 'Brightness Down',
0x00100000602: 'Brightness Up',
0x00100000603: 'Camera',
0x00100000604: 'Eject',
0x00100000605: 'Log Off',
0x00100000606: 'Power',
0x00100000607: 'Power Off',
0x00100000608: 'VK_PRINT',
0x00100000609: 'Hibernate',
0x0010000060a: 'Standby',
0x0010000060b: 'Wake Up',
0x00100000701: 'All Candidates',
0x00100000702: 'Alphanumeric',
0x00100000703: 'Code Input',
0x00100000704: 'Compose',
0x00100000705: 'VK_CONVERT',
0x00100000706: 'VK_FINAL',
0x00100000707: 'Group First',
0x00100000708: 'Group Last',
0x00100000709: 'Group Next',
0x0010000070a: 'Group Previous',
0x0010000070b: 'Mode Change',
0x0010000070c: 'Next Candidate',
0x0010000070d: 'Non Convert',
0x0010000070e: 'Previous Candidate',
0x0010000070f: 'Process',
0x00100000710: 'Single Candidate',
0x00100000711: 'VK_HANGUL',
0x00100000712: 'VK_HANJA',
0x00100000713: 'VK_JUNJA',
0x00100000714: 'Eisu',
0x00100000715: 'Hankaku',
0x00100000716: 'Hiragana',
0x00100000717: 'Hiragana Katakana',
0x00100000718: 'VK_KANA',
0x00100000719: 'VK_KANJI',
0x0010000071a: 'Katakana',
0x0010000071b: 'Romaji',
0x0010000071c: 'Zenkaku',
0x0010000071d: 'Zenkaku Hankaku',
0x00100000801: 'VK_F1',
0x00100000802: 'VK_F2',
0x00100000803: 'VK_F3',
0x00100000804: 'VK_F4',
0x00100000805: 'VK_F5',
0x00100000806: 'VK_F6',
0x00100000807: 'VK_F7',
0x00100000808: 'VK_F8',
0x00100000809: 'VK_F9',
0x0010000080a: 'VK_F10',
0x0010000080b: 'VK_F11',
0x0010000080c: 'VK_F12',
0x0010000080d: 'VK_F13',
0x0010000080e: 'VK_F14',
0x0010000080f: 'VK_F15',
0x00100000810: 'VK_F16',
0x00100000811: 'VK_F17',
0x00100000812: 'VK_F18',
0x00100000813: 'VK_F19',
0x00100000814: 'VK_F20',
0x00100000815: 'VK_F21',
0x00100000816: 'VK_F22',
0x00100000817: 'VK_F23',
0x00100000818: 'VK_F24',
0x00100000901: 'Soft 1',
0x00100000902: 'Soft 2',
0x00100000903: 'Soft 3',
0x00100000904: 'Soft 4',
0x00100000905: 'Soft 5',
0x00100000906: 'Soft 6',
0x00100000907: 'Soft 7',
0x00100000908: 'Soft 8',
0x00100000a01: 'Close',
0x00100000a02: 'Mail Forward',
0x00100000a03: 'Mail Reply',
0x00100000a04: 'Mail Send',
0x00100000a05: 'Media Play Pause',
0x00100000a07: 'Media Stop',
0x00100000a08: 'Media Track Next',
0x00100000a09: 'Media Track Previous',
0x00100000a0a: 'New',
0x00100000a0b: 'Open',
0x00100000a0c: 'Print',
0x00100000a0d: 'Save',
0x00100000a0e: 'Spell Check',
0x00100000a0f: 'Audio Volume Down',
0x00100000a10: 'Audio Volume Up',
0x00100000a11: 'Audio Volume Mute',
0x00100000b01: 'Launch Application 2',
0x00100000b02: 'Launch Calendar',
0x00100000b03: 'Launch Mail',
0x00100000b04: 'Launch Media Player',
0x00100000b05: 'Launch Music Player',
0x00100000b06: 'Launch Application 1',
0x00100000b07: 'Launch Screen Saver',
0x00100000b08: 'Launch Spreadsheet',
0x00100000b09: 'Launch Web Browser',
0x00100000b0a: 'Launch Web Cam',
0x00100000b0b: 'Launch Word Processor',
0x00100000b0c: 'Launch Contacts',
0x00100000b0d: 'Launch Phone',
0x00100000b0e: 'Launch Assistant',
0x00100000b0f: 'Launch Control Panel',
0x00100000c01: 'Browser Back',
0x00100000c02: 'Browser Favorites',
0x00100000c03: 'Browser Forward',
0x00100000c04: 'Browser Home',
0x00100000c05: 'Browser Refresh',
0x00100000c06: 'Browser Search',
0x00100000c07: 'Browser Stop',
0x00100000d01: 'Audio Balance Left',
0x00100000d02: 'Audio Balance Right',
0x00100000d03: 'Audio Bass Boost Down',
0x00100000d04: 'Audio Bass Boost Up',
0x00100000d05: 'Audio Fader Front',
0x00100000d06: 'Audio Fader Rear',
0x00100000d07: 'Audio Surround Mode Next',
0x00100000d08: 'AVR Input',
0x00100000d09: 'AVR Power',
0x00100000d0a: 'Channel Down',
0x00100000d0b: 'Channel Up',
0x00100000d0c: 'Color F0 Red',
0x00100000d0d: 'Color F1 Green',
0x00100000d0e: 'Color F2 Yellow',
0x00100000d0f: 'Color F3 Blue',
0x00100000d10: 'Color F4 Grey',
0x00100000d11: 'Color F5 Brown',
0x00100000d12: 'Closed Caption Toggle',
0x00100000d13: 'Dimmer',
0x00100000d14: 'Display Swap',
0x00100000d15: 'Exit',
0x00100000d16: 'Favorite Clear 0',
0x00100000d17: 'Favorite Clear 1',
0x00100000d18: 'Favorite Clear 2',
0x00100000d19: 'Favorite Clear 3',
0x00100000d1a: 'Favorite Recall 0',
0x00100000d1b: 'Favorite Recall 1',
0x00100000d1c: 'Favorite Recall 2',
0x00100000d1d: 'Favorite Recall 3',
0x00100000d1e: 'Favorite Store 0',
0x00100000d1f: 'Favorite Store 1',
0x00100000d20: 'Favorite Store 2',
0x00100000d21: 'Favorite Store 3',
0x00100000d22: 'Guide',
0x00100000d23: 'Guide Next Day',
0x00100000d24: 'Guide Previous Day',
0x00100000d25: 'Info',
0x00100000d26: 'Instant Replay',
0x00100000d27: 'Link',
0x00100000d28: 'List Program',
0x00100000d29: 'Live Content',
0x00100000d2a: 'Lock',
0x00100000d2b: 'Apps',
0x00100000d2c: 'Media Fast Forward',
0x00100000d2d: 'Media Last',
0x00100000d2e: 'Media Pause',
0x00100000d2f: 'Media Play',
0x00100000d30: 'Media Record',
0x00100000d31: 'Media Rewind',
0x00100000d32: 'Media Skip',
0x00100000d33: 'Next Favorite Channel',
0x00100000d34: 'Next User Profile',
0x00100000d35: 'On Demand',
0x00100000d36: 'P In P Down',
0x00100000d37: 'P In P Move',
0x00100000d38: 'P In P Toggle',
0x00100000d39: 'P In P Up',
0x00100000d3a: 'Play Speed Down',
0x00100000d3b: 'Play Speed Reset',
0x00100000d3c: 'Play Speed Up',
0x00100000d3d: 'Random Toggle',
0x00100000d3e: 'Rc Low Battery',
0x00100000d3f: 'Record Speed Next',
0x00100000d40: 'Rf Bypass',
0x00100000d41: 'Scan Channels Toggle',
0x00100000d42: 'Screen Mode Next',
0x00100000d43: 'Settings',
0x00100000d44: 'Split Screen Toggle',
0x00100000d45: 'STB Input',
0x00100000d46: 'STB Power',
0x00100000d47: 'Subtitle',
0x00100000d48: 'Teletext',
0x00100000d49: 'TV',
0x00100000d4a: 'TV Input',
0x00100000d4b: 'TV Power',
0x00100000d4c: 'Video Mode Next',
0x00100000d4d: 'Wink',
0x00100000d4e: 'Zoom Toggle',
0x00100000d4f: 'DVR',
0x00100000d50: 'Media Audio Track',
0x00100000d51: 'Media Skip Backward',
0x00100000d52: 'Media Skip Forward',
0x00100000d53: 'Media Step Backward',
0x00100000d54: 'Media Step Forward',
0x00100000d55: 'Media Top Menu',
0x00100000d56: 'Navigate In',
0x00100000d57: 'Navigate Next',
0x00100000d58: 'Navigate Out',
0x00100000d59: 'Navigate Previous',
0x00100000d5a: 'Pairing',
0x00100000d5b: 'Media Close',
0x00100000e02: 'Audio Bass Boost Toggle',
0x00100000e04: 'Audio Treble Down',
0x00100000e05: 'Audio Treble Up',
0x00100000e06: 'Microphone Toggle',
0x00100000e07: 'Microphone Volume Down',
0x00100000e08: 'Microphone Volume Up',
0x00100000e09: 'Microphone Volume Mute',
0x00100000f01: 'Speech Correction List',
0x00100000f02: 'Speech Input Toggle',
0x00100001001: 'App Switch',
0x00100001002: 'Call',
0x00100001003: 'Camera Focus',
0x00100001004: 'End Call',
0x00100001005: 'Go Back',
0x00100001006: 'Go Home',
0x00100001007: 'Headset Hook',
0x00100001008: 'Last Number Redial',
0x00100001009: 'Notification',
0x0010000100a: 'Manner Mode',
0x0010000100b: 'Voice Dial',
0x00100001101: 'TV 3 D Mode',
0x00100001102: 'TV Antenna Cable',
0x00100001103: 'TV Audio Description',
0x00100001104: 'TV Audio Description Mix Down',
0x00100001105: 'TV Audio Description Mix Up',
0x00100001106: 'TV Contents Menu',
0x00100001107: 'TV Data Service',
0x00100001108: 'TV Input Component 1',
0x00100001109: 'TV Input Component 2',
0x0010000110a: 'TV Input Composite 1',
0x0010000110b: 'TV Input Composite 2',
0x0010000110c: 'TV Input HDMI 1',
0x0010000110d: 'TV Input HDMI 2',
0x0010000110e: 'TV Input HDMI 3',
0x0010000110f: 'TV Input HDMI 4',
0x00100001110: 'TV Input VGA 1',
0x00100001111: 'TV Media Context',
0x00100001112: 'TV Network',
0x00100001113: 'TV Number Entry',
0x00100001114: 'TV Radio Service',
0x00100001115: 'TV Satellite',
0x00100001116: 'TV Satellite BS',
0x00100001117: 'TV Satellite CS',
0x00100001118: 'TV Satellite Toggle',
0x00100001119: 'TV Terrestrial Analog',
0x0010000111a: 'TV Terrestrial Digital',
0x0010000111b: 'TV Timer',
0x00100001201: 'Key 11',
0x00100001202: 'Key 12',
0x00200000000: 'Suspend',
0x00200000001: 'Resume',
0x00200000002: 'VK_SLEEP',
0x00200000003: 'Abort',
0x00200000010: 'Lang 1',
0x00200000011: 'Lang 2',
0x00200000012: 'Lang 3',
0x00200000013: 'Lang 4',
0x00200000014: 'Lang 5',
0x00200000020: 'Intl Backslash',
0x00200000021: 'Intl Ro',
0x00200000022: 'Intl Yen',
0x00200000100: 'VK_CONTROL',
0x00200000101: 'RControl',
0x00200000102: 'VK_SHIFT',
0x00200000103: 'RShift',
0x00200000104: 'VK_MENU',
0x00200000105: 'RAlt',
0x00200000106: 'Meta Left',
0x00200000107: 'Meta Right',
0x002000001f0: 'VK_CONTROL',
0x002000001f2: 'VK_SHIFT',
0x002000001f4: 'VK_MENU',
0x002000001f6: 'Meta',
0x0020000020d: 'Numpad Enter',
0x00200000228: 'Numpad Paren Left',
0x00200000229: 'Numpad Paren Right',
0x0020000022a: 'VK_MULTIPLY',
0x0020000022b: 'VK_ADD',
0x0020000022c: 'Numpad Comma',
0x0020000022d: 'VK_SUBTRACT',
0x0020000022e: 'VK_DECIMAL',
0x0020000022f: 'VK_DIVIDE',
0x00200000230: 'VK_NUMPAD0',
0x00200000231: 'VK_NUMPAD1',
0x00200000232: 'VK_NUMPAD2',
0x00200000233: 'VK_NUMPAD3',
0x00200000234: 'VK_NUMPAD4',
0x00200000235: 'VK_NUMPAD5',
0x00200000236: 'VK_NUMPAD6',
0x00200000237: 'VK_NUMPAD7',
0x00200000238: 'VK_NUMPAD8',
0x00200000239: 'VK_NUMPAD9',
0x0020000023d: 'Numpad Equal',
0x00200000301: 'Game Button 1',
0x00200000302: 'Game Button 2',
0x00200000303: 'Game Button 3',
0x00200000304: 'Game Button 4',
0x00200000305: 'Game Button 5',
0x00200000306: 'Game Button 6',
0x00200000307: 'Game Button 7',
0x00200000308: 'Game Button 8',
0x00200000309: 'Game Button 9',
0x0020000030a: 'Game Button 10',
0x0020000030b: 'Game Button 11',
0x0020000030c: 'Game Button 12',
0x0020000030d: 'Game Button 13',
0x0020000030e: 'Game Button 14',
0x0020000030f: 'Game Button 15',
0x00200000310: 'Game Button 16',
0x00200000311: 'Game Button A',
0x00200000312: 'Game Button B',
0x00200000313: 'Game Button C',
0x00200000314: 'Game Button Left 1',
0x00200000315: 'Game Button Left 2',
0x00200000316: 'Game Button Mode',
0x00200000317: 'Game Button Right 1',
0x00200000318: 'Game Button Right 2',
0x00200000319: 'Game Button Select',
0x0020000031a: 'Game Button Start',
0x0020000031b: 'Game Button Thumb Left',
0x0020000031c: 'Game Button Thumb Right',
0x0020000031d: 'Game Button X',
0x0020000031e: 'Game Button Y',
0x0020000031f: 'Game Button Z',

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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