@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class _InstallPageBodyState extends State<_InstallPageBody>
title: null,
content: SelectionArea(
msgboxContent('info', 'Warning', 'comfirm_install_cert_tip')),
msgboxContent('info', 'Warning', 'confirm_install_cert_tip')),
actions: btns,
onCancel: close,
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "无进行中的传输"),
("Set one-time password length", "设置一次性密码长度"),
("install_cert_tip", "安装 RustDesk 证书"),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", "此证书为 RustDesk 测试证书,您可以信任此证书。证书将被用于信任和安装 RustDesk 驱动。"),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", "此证书为 RustDesk 测试证书,您可以信任此证书。证书将被用于信任和安装 RustDesk 驱动。"),
("RDP Settings", "RDP 设置"),
("Sort by", "排序方式"),
("New Connection", "新连接"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Ingen overførsler i gang"),
("Set one-time password length", "Sæt engangsadgangskode længde"),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", "RDP indstillinger"),
("Sort by", "Sortér efter"),
("New Connection", "Ny forbindelse"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Keine Übertragungen im Gange"),
("Set one-time password length", "Länge des Einmalpassworts festlegen"),
("install_cert_tip", "RustDesk-Zertifikat installieren"),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", "Dies ist ein RustDesk-Testzertifikat, dem vertraut werden kann. Das Zertifikat wird verwendet, um RustDesk-Treibern bei Bedarf zu vertrauen und diese zu installieren."),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", "Dies ist ein RustDesk-Testzertifikat, dem vertraut werden kann. Das Zertifikat wird verwendet, um RustDesk-Treibern bei Bedarf zu vertrauen und diese zu installieren."),
("RDP Settings", "RDP-Einstellungen"),
("Sort by", "Sortieren nach"),
("New Connection", "Neue Verbindung"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Δεν υπάρχει μεταφορά σε εξέλιξη"),
("Set one-time password length", "Μέγεθος κωδικού μιας χρήσης"),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", "Ρυθμίσεις RDP"),
("Sort by", "Ταξινόμηση κατά"),
("New Connection", "Νέα σύνδεση"),
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("relay_hint_tip", "It may not be possible to connect directly; you can try connecting via relay. Additionally, if you want to use a relay on your first attempt, you can add the \"/r\" suffix to the ID or select the option \"Always connect via relay\" in the card of recent sessions if it exists."),
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("install_cert_tip", "Install RustDesk certificate"),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", "This is a RustDesk testing certificate, which can be trusted. The certificate will be used to trust and install RustDesk drivers when required."),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", "This is a RustDesk testing certificate, which can be trusted. The certificate will be used to trust and install RustDesk drivers when required."),
("empty_recent_tip", "Oops, no recent sessions!\nTime to plan a new one."),
("empty_favorite_tip", "No favorite peers yet?\nLet's find someone to connect with and add it to your favorites!"),
("empty_lan_tip", "Oh no, it looks like we haven't discovered any peers yet."),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "No hay transferencias en curso"),
("Set one-time password length", "Establecer contraseña de un solo uso"),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", "Ajustes RDP"),
("Sort by", "Ordenar por"),
("New Connection", "Nueva conexión"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "هیچ انتقالی در حال انجام نیست"),
("Set one-time password length", "طول رمز یکبار مصرف را تعیین کنید"),
("install_cert_tip", "RustDesk نصب گواهی"),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", "استفاده خواهد شد RustDesk است و شما می توانید به این گواهی اعتماد کنید. این گواهی برای اعتماد و نصب درایورهای RustDesk این گواهینامه یک گواهی تست"),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", "استفاده خواهد شد RustDesk است و شما می توانید به این گواهی اعتماد کنید. این گواهی برای اعتماد و نصب درایورهای RustDesk این گواهینامه یک گواهی تست"),
("RDP Settings", "RDP تنظیمات"),
("Sort by", "مرتب سازی بر اساس"),
("New Connection", "اتصال جدید"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Pas de transfert en cours"),
("Set one-time password length", "Définir la longueur du mot de passe à usage unique"),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", "Configuration RDP"),
("Sort by", "Trier par"),
("New Connection", "Nouvelle connexion"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Nessun trasferimento in corso"),
("Set one-time password length", "Imposta lunghezza password monouso"),
("install_cert_tip", "Installa certificato RustDesk"),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", "Questo è un certificato di test RustDesk, che può essere considerato attendibile.\nIl certificato verrà usato per certificarsi ed installare i driver RustDesk quando richiesto."),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", "Questo è un certificato di test RustDesk, che può essere considerato attendibile.\nIl certificato verrà usato per certificarsi ed installare i driver RustDesk quando richiesto."),
("RDP Settings", "Impostazioni RDP"),
("Sort by", "Ordina per"),
("New Connection", "Nuova connessione"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Nevyksta jokių perdavimų"),
("Set one-time password length", "Nustatyti vienkartinio slaptažodžio ilgį"),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", "RDP nustatymai"),
("Sort by", "Rūšiuoti pagal"),
("New Connection", "Naujas ryšys"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Geen overdrachten in uitvoering"),
("Set one-time password length", "Stel de lengte van het eenmalige wachtwoord in"),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", "RDP Instellingen"),
("Sort by", "Sorteren op"),
("New Connection", "Nieuwe Verbinding"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Brak transferów w toku"),
("Set one-time password length", "Ustaw długość jednorazowego hasła"),
("install_cert_tip", "Instalacja certyfikatu RustDesk"),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", "To jest certyfikat testowy RustDesk, któremu można zaufać. Certyfikat jest używany do zaufania i instalowania sterowników RustDesk w razie potrzeby."),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", "To jest certyfikat testowy RustDesk, któremu można zaufać. Certyfikat jest używany do zaufania i instalowania sterowników RustDesk w razie potrzeby."),
("RDP Settings", "Ustawienia RDP"),
("Sort by", "Sortuj wg"),
("New Connection", "Nowe połączenie"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Nenhuma transferência em andamento"),
("Set one-time password length", "Definir comprimento de senha descartável"),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", "Configurações RDP"),
("Sort by", "Ordenar por"),
("New Connection", "Nova Conexão"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Niciun transfer nu este în desfășurare"),
("Set one-time password length", "Definește lungimea parolei unice"),
("install_cert_tip", "Instalează certificatul RustDesk"),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", "Acesta este un certificat de testare RustDesk și este de încredere. Certificatul va fi utilizat pentru a acorda încredere și instala drivere RustDesk atunci când este necesar."),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", "Acesta este un certificat de testare RustDesk și este de încredere. Certificatul va fi utilizat pentru a acorda încredere și instala drivere RustDesk atunci când este necesar."),
("RDP Settings", "Setări RDP"),
("Sort by", "Sortează după"),
("New Connection", "Conexiune nouă"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Передача не осуществляется"),
("Set one-time password length", "Установить длину одноразового пароля"),
("install_cert_tip", "Установить сертификат RustDesk"),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", "Это тестовый сертификат RustDesk, которому можно доверять. Он будет использоваться только по необходимости для установки драйверов RustDesk."),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", "Это тестовый сертификат RustDesk, которому можно доверять. Он будет использоваться только по необходимости для установки драйверов RustDesk."),
("RDP Settings", "Настройки RDP"),
("Sort by", "Сортировка"),
("New Connection", "Новое подключение"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", ""),
("Set one-time password length", ""),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", ""),
("Sort by", ""),
("New Connection", ""),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "沒有正在進行的傳輸"),
("Set one-time password length", "設定一次性密碼長度"),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", "RDP 設定"),
("Sort by", "排序方式"),
("New Connection", "新連線"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Наразі нічого не пересилається"),
("Set one-time password length", "Вказати довжину одноразового пароля"),
("install_cert_tip", "Додати сертифікат Rustdesk"),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", "Це сертифікат тестування Rustdesk, якому можна довіряти. За потреби сертифікат буде використано для погодження та встановлення драйверів Rustdesk."),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", "Це сертифікат тестування Rustdesk, якому можна довіряти. За потреби сертифікат буде використано для погодження та встановлення драйверів Rustdesk."),
("RDP Settings", "Налаштування RDP"),
("Sort by", "Сортувати за"),
("New Connection", "Нове підключення"),
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("No transfers in progress", "Không có tệp tin nào đang được truyền"),
("Set one-time password length", "Thiết lập độ dài mật khẩu một lần"),
("install_cert_tip", ""),
("comfirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("confirm_install_cert_tip", ""),
("RDP Settings", "Cài đặt RDP"),
("Sort by", "Sắp xếp theo"),
("New Connection", "Kết nối mới"),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user