portable service only run on main display (#8525)
Signed-off-by: 21pages <sunboeasy@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -438,20 +438,6 @@ class FfiModel with ChangeNotifier {
_handlePortableServiceRunning(String peerId, Map<String, dynamic> evt) {
final running = evt['running'] == 'true';
if (running) {
if (pi.primaryDisplay != kInvalidDisplayIndex) {
if (pi.currentDisplay != pi.primaryDisplay) {
// Notify to switch display
msgBox(sessionId, 'custom-nook-nocancel-hasclose-info', 'Prompt',
'elevated_switch_display_msg', '', parent.target!.dialogManager);
isDesktop: isDesktop,
sessionId: sessionId,
value: Int32List.fromList([pi.primaryDisplay]),
handleAliasChanged(Map<String, dynamic> evt) {
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Тэст"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Дысплей адключаны, пераключыцеся на першы дысплей."),
("No displays", "Няма дысплеяў"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Пераключыцеся на асноўны дысплей, бо ў павышаным рэжыме не падтрымліваецца некалькі дысплеяў."),
("Open in new window", "Адкрыць у новым акне"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Паказваць дысплеі ў асобных акнах"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Выкарыстоўваць усе мае дысплеі для аддаленага сеансу"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Уключыць рэжым канфідэнцыяльнасці"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Адключыць рэжым канфідэнцыяльнасці"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Драйвер непрамога адлюстравання не падтрымліваецца. Патрабуецца Windows 10 версіі 2004 ці навейшая."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Пераключэнне на неасноўны дысплей не падтрымліваецца ў рэжыме павышэння правоў пры наяўнасці некалькіх падлучэнняў. Паўтарыце спробу пасля ўстаноўкі, калі хочаце кіраваць некалькімі дысплеямі."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Крыніца ўводу 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Крыніца ўводу 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Захоп экрана некалькіх дысплеяў не падтрымліваецца ў рэжыме павышэння правоў. Паўтарыце спробу пасля ўстаноўкі, калі хочаце кіраваць некалькімі дысплеямі."),
("Swap control-command key", "Памяняць месцамі значэнні кнопак Ctrl і Command"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Памяняць месцамі значэнні левай і правай кнопак мышы"),
("2FA code", "Код двухфактарнай аўтэнтыфікацыі"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Дисплеят е изключен, превключете на първия монитор."),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Превключете към основния монитор, защото множество монитори не се поддържат в потребителски режим с повишени права."),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Индиректен драйвер за дисплей не се поддържа. Изисква се Windows 10, версия 2004 или по-нова."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Превключването към неосновен дисплей не се поддържа в режим на потребител с повишени права, когато има множество връзки. Моля, опитайте отново след инсталация, ако искате да контролирате няколко дисплея."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Входен източник 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Входен източник 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Заснемането на множество дисплеи не се поддържа в потребителския режим с повишени права. Моля, опитайте отново след инсталация, ако искате да контролирате няколко дисплея."),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Разменете левия и десния бутон на мишката"),
("2FA code", "Код за Двуфакторна удостоверяване"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "测试"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "显示器被拔出,切换到第一个显示器。"),
("No displays", "没有显示器。"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "切换到主显示器,因为用户提权后,不支持多显示器画面。"),
("Open in new window", "在新的窗口中打开"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "在单个窗口中打开显示器"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "将我的所有显示器用于远程会话"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "进入隐私模式"),
("Exit privacy mode", "退出隐私模式"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "不支持 Indirect display driver 。需要 Windows 10 版本 2004 及更高的版本。"),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "用户提权后,被控有多个连接,不能切换到非主显示器。若要控制多显示器,请安装后再试。"),
("input_source_1_tip", "输入源 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "输入源 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "用户提权后,不能显示多个显示器。若要控制多显示器,请安装后再试。"),
("Swap control-command key", "交换 Control 键和 Command 键"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "交换鼠标左右键"),
("2FA code", "双重认证代码"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", "提升音量"),
("Volume down", "降低音量"),
("Power", "电源"),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Test"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Obrazovka je odpojena, přepněte na první obrazovku."),
("No displays", "Žádné obrazovky"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Přepnout na primární obrazovku, protože více obrazovek není podporováno ve zvýšeném režimu."),
("Open in new window", "Otevřít v novém okně"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Zobrazit obrazovky jako jednotlivá okna"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Použít všechny mé obrazovky pro vzdálenou relaci"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Vstup do režimu soukromí"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Ukončit režim soukromí"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Ovladač nepřímého zobrazení není podporován. Je vyžadován systém Windows 10, verze 2004 nebo novější."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Přepnutí na jinou než primární obrazovku není podporováno ve zvýšeném režimu, pokud existuje více připojení. Pokud chcete ovládat více obrazovek, zkuste to po instalaci znovu."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Vstupní zdroj 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Vstupní zdroj 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Snímání více displejů není podporováno v uživatelském režimu se zvýšenými oprávněními. Pokud chcete ovládat více displejů, zkuste to znovu po instalaci."),
("Swap control-command key", "Prohození klávesy control-command"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Prohodit levé a pravé tlačítko myši"),
("2FA code", "2FA kód"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Test"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Der Bildschirm ist nicht angeschlossen, schalten Sie auf den ersten Bildschirm um."),
("No displays", "Keine Bildschirme"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Wechseln Sie zum primären Bildschirm, da mehrere Bildschirme im erweiterten Benutzermodus nicht unterstützt werden."),
("Open in new window", "In einem neuen Fenster öffnen"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Jeden Bildschirm in einem eigenen Fenster anzeigen"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Alle meine Bildschirme für die Fernsitzung verwenden"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Datenschutzmodus aktivieren"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Datenschutzmodus beenden"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Indirekter Grafiktreiber wird nicht unterstützt. Windows 10, Version 2004 oder neuer ist erforderlich."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Das Umschalten auf einen sekundären Bildschirm wird mit erhöhten Rechten nicht unterstützt, wenn mehrere Verbindungen bestehen. Bitte versuchen Sie es nach der Installation erneut, wenn Sie mehrere Bildschirme steuern möchten."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Eingangsquelle 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Eingangsquelle 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Die Aufnahme von mehreren Bildschirmen wird im erweiterten Benutzermodus nicht unterstützt. Bitte versuchen Sie es nach der Installation erneut, wenn Sie mehrere Bildschirme steuern möchten."),
("Swap control-command key", "Steuerungs- und Befehlstasten tauschen"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Linke und rechte Maustaste tauschen"),
("2FA code", "2FA-Code"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Δοκιμή"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Η οθόνη έχει αποσυνδεθεί, επιστρέψτε στην κύρια οθόνη προβολής"),
("No displays", "Δεν υπάρχουν οθόνες"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Δεν επιτρέπονται πολλαπλές οθόνες κατά την σύνδεση με αυξημένα δικαιώματα. Συνδεθείτε στην κύρια οθόνη."),
("Open in new window", "Άνοιγμα σε νέο παράθυρο"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Εμφάνιση οθονών σε ξεχωριστά παράθυρα"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Χρήση όλων των οθονών της απομακρυσμένης σύνδεσης"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Ενεργοποίηση λειτουργίας απορρήτου"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Διακοπή λειτουργίας απορρήτου"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Το πρόγραμμα οδήγησης έμμεσης οθόνης δεν υποστηρίζεται. Απαιτείτε λειτουργικό σύστημα Windows 10 έκδοση 2004 ή νεότερο."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Αλλαγή σε οθόνη πέρα απο την κύρια δεν υποστηρίζεται σε σύνδεση με αυξημένα δικαιώματα. Αν επιθυμείτε την σύνδεση σε πολλαπλές οθόνες, παρακαλώ εγκαταστήστε την εφαρμογή και δοκιμάστε εκ νέου"),
("input_source_1_tip", "Πηγή εισόδου 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Πηγή εισόδου 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Η καταγραφή πολλαπλών οθονών δεν υποστηρίζεται σε σύνδεση με αυξημένα δικαιώματα. Αν επιθυμείτε την καταγραφή πολλαπλών οθονών, παρακαλώ εγκαταστήστε την εφαρμογή και δοκιμάστε εκ νέου"),
("Swap control-command key", "Εναλλαγή κουμπιών control-command"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Εναλλαγή αριστερό-δεξί κουμπί του ποντικιού"),
("2FA code", "κωδικός 2FA"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -198,16 +198,13 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("pull_group_failed_tip", "Failed to refresh group"),
("doc_fix_wayland", "https://rustdesk.com/docs/en/client/linux/#x11-required"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "The display is plugged out, switch to the first display."),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Switch to the primary display because multiple displays are not supported in elevated user mode."),
("selinux_tip", "SELinux is enabled on your device, which may prevent RustDesk from running properly as controlled side."),
("id_input_tip", "You can input an ID, a direct IP, or a domain with a port (<domain>:<port>).\nIf you want to access a device on another server, please append the server address (<id>@<server_address>?key=<key_value>), for example,\n9123456234@\nIf you want to access a device on a public server, please input \"<id>@public\", the key is not needed for public server.\n\nIf you want to force the use of a relay connection on the first connection, add \"/r\" at the end of the ID, for example, \"9123456234/r\"."),
("privacy_mode_impl_mag_tip", "Mode 1"),
("privacy_mode_impl_virtual_display_tip", "Mode 2"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Indirect display driver is not supported. Windows 10, version 2004 or newer is required."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Switching to non-primary display is not supported in the elevated user mode when there are multiple connections. Please try again after installation if you want to control multiple displays."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Input source 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Input source 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Capturing multiple displays is not supported in the elevated user mode. Please try again after installation if you want to control multiple displays."),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Swap left-right mouse button"),
("2FA code", "2FA code"),
("enable-2fa-title", "Enable two-factor authentication"),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Probar"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "La pantalla está desconectada, cambia a la principal."),
("No displays", "No hay pantallas"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Cambiar a la pantalla principal porque mútliples pantallas no están soportadas en modo elevado."),
("Open in new window", "Abrir en una nueva ventana"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Mostrar pantallas como ventanas individuales"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Usar todas mis pantallas para la sesión remota"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Entrar al modo privado"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Salir del modo privado"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "El controlador de pantalla indirecto no está soportado. Se necesita Windows 10, versión 2004 o superior."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Cambiar a una pantalla no principal no está soportado en el modo elevado cuando hay múltiples conexiones. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo tras la instalación si quieres controlar múltiples pantallas."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Fuente de entrada 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Fuente de entrada 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "La captura de múltiples pantallas en el modo de usaurio con privilegios elevados no está soportada. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo tras la instalación si quieres controlar múltiples pantallas."),
("Swap control-command key", "Intercambiar teclas control-comando"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Intercambiar botones derecho-izquierdo del ratón"),
("2FA code", "Código 2FA"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "See kuvar on välja lülitatud, lülita esmasele kuvarile."),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Lülita ümber esmasele kuvarile, sest kõrgendatud kasutajarežiimis ei toetata mitut kuvarit."),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Kaudse kuvari draiver ei ole toetatud. Vajalik on Windows 10, versioon 2004 või uuem."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Mitme ühenduse korral ei toetata kõrgendatud kasutajarežiimil üleminekut muule kui primaarsele kuvale. Kui soovid juhtida mitut ekraani, palun proovi uuesti pärast paigaldamist."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Sisendallikas 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Sisendallikas 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Mitme ekraani jäädvustamine ei ole kõrgendatud kasutajarežiimis toetatud. Kui soovid juhtida mitut ekraani, palun proovi uuesti pärast paigaldamist."),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Vaheta vasak ja parem hiirenupp"),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "تست"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "صفحه نمایش قطع شده است، به صفحه نمایش اول بروید."),
("No displays", "بدون نمایشگر"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "به صفحه نمایش اصلی بروید زیرا نمایشگرهای متعدد در حالت کاربر زیاد پشتیبانی نمی شوند."),
("Open in new window", "باز کردن در پنجره جدید"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "نمایش نمایشگرها به عنوان پنجره های جداگانه"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "از همه نمایشگرهای من برای جلسه راه دور استفاده کنید"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "ورود به حالت حریم خصوصی"),
("Exit privacy mode", "خروج از حالت حریم خصوصی"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "درایور نمایش غیر مستقیم پشتیبانی نمی شود. ویندوز 10، نسخه 2004 یا جدیدتر مورد نیاز است"),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "هنگامی که چندین اتصال وجود دارد، تغییر به صفحه نمایش غیر اصلی در حالت کاربر با دسنرسی بالا پشتیبانی نمی شود. اگر میخواهید چند نمایشگر را کنترل کنید، لطفاً پس از نصب دوباره امتحان کنید."),
("input_source_1_tip", "منبع ورودی 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "منبع ورودی 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "ضبط چندین نمایشگر در حالت کاربر بالا پشتیبانی نمی شود. اگر میخواهید چند نمایشگر را کنترل کنید، لطفاً پس از نصب دوباره امتحان کنید."),
("Swap control-command key", "گرفتن چندین نمایشگر در حالت کاربر زیاد پشتیبانی نمی شود. اگر میخواهید چند نمایشگر را کنترل کنید، لطفاً پس از نصب دوباره امتحان کنید."),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "دکمه چپ و راست ماوس را عوض کنید"),
("2FA code", "کد ورود 2 مرحله ای"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "L'écran est débranché, passez au premier écran."),
("No displays", "Aucun affichage"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Basculez vers l’affichage principal, car plusieurs affichages ne sont pas pris en charge en mode utilisateur avec privilèges."),
("Open in new window", "Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Montrer les affichages sous forme de fenêtres individuelles"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Utiliser tous mes écrans pour la session à distance"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Passer en mode confidentialité"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Quitter le mode confidentialité"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Le pilote d'affichage indirect n'est pas pris en charge. Windows 10, version 2004 ou plus récente est requise."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Le passage à l'affichage non principal n'est pas pris en charge en mode utilisateur avec privilèges lorsqu'il existe plusieurs connexions. Veuillez réessayer après l'installation si vous souhaitez contrôler plusieurs écrans."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Source entrée 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Source entrée 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "La capture de plusieurs écrans n'est pas prise en charge en mode utilisateur avec privilièges. Veuillez réessayer après l'installation si vous souhaitez contrôler plusieurs écrans."),
("Swap control-command key", "Échanger la touche de controle-commande"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Intervertir le bouton gauche et droit de la souris"),
("2FA code", "code 2FA"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "המסך הופסק, החלף למסך הראשון."),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "מעבר למסך הראשי מכיוון שתמיכה במסכים מרובים אינה נתמכת במצב משתמש מוגבה."),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "נהג התצוגה העקיף אינו נתמך. נדרשת גרסת Windows 10, גרסה 2004 או חדשה יותר."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "מעבר למסך שאינו ראשי אינו נתמך במצב משתמש מוגבה כאשר יש מספר חיבורים. אנא נסה שוב לאחר התקנה אם ברצונך לשלוט במסכים מרובים."),
("input_source_1_tip", "מקור קלט 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "מקור קלט 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "לכידת מסכים מרובים אינה נתמכת במצב משתמש מוגבה. אנא נסה שוב לאחר התקנה אם ברצונך לשלוט במסכים מרובים."),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "החלף בין כפתור העכבר השמאלי לימני"),
("2FA code", "קוד אימות דו-שלבי"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Test"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Zaslon je isključen, prijeđite na prvi zaslon."),
("No displays", "Nema zaslona"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Prijeđite na primarni zaslon jer više zaslona nije podržano u povišenom načinu rada."),
("Open in new window", "Otvori u novom prozoru"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Prikaži zaslone kao pojedinačne prozore"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Koristi sve moje zaslone za udaljenu sesiju"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Uđite u način privatnosti"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Izađi iz načina privatnosti"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Neizravni upravljački program za zaslon nije podržan. Potreban je Windows 10 verzija 2004 ili novija."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Prebacivanje na zaslon koji nije primarni nije podržan u povišenom načinu rada kada postoji više veza. Ako želite kontrolirati više zaslona, pokušajte ponovno nakon instalacije."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Ulazni izvor 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Ulazni izvor 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Skeniranje na više zaslona nije podržano u korisničkom načinu rada s povišenim pravima. Ako želite kontrolirati više zaslona, pokušajte ponovno nakon instalacije."),
("Swap control-command key", "Zamjena tipki control-command"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Zamjena lijeve i desne tipke miša"),
("2FA code", "2FA kôd"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Tes"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Layar terputus, pindah ke layar pertama"),
("No displays", "Tidak ada tampilan"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Pindah ke tampilan utama, pada mode elevasi, pengggunaan lebih dari satu layar tidak diizinkan"),
("Open in new window", "Buka di jendela baru"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Tampilkan dengan jendela terpisah"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Gunakan semua layar untuk sesi remote"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Masuk mode privasi"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Keluar mode privasi"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Driver grafis yang Anda gunakan tidak kompatibel dengan versi Windows Anda dan memerlukan Windows 10 versi 2004 atau yang lebih baru"),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Pada mode elevasi, jika terdapat beberapa tampilan yang aktif, maka tidak diizinkan berpindah ke yang bukan tampilan utama, silahkan coba lagi setelah proses instalasi jika kamu ingin melakukan kontrol ke tampilan layar lainnya"),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Test"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Lo schermo è scollegato, passo al primo schermo."),
("No displays", "Nessuno schermo"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Passo allo schermo principale perché in modalità elevata non sono supportati più schermi."),
("Open in new window", "Apri in una nuova finestra"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Visualizza schermi come finestre individuali"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Usa tutti gli schermi per la sessione remota"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Entra in modalità privacy"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Esci dalla modalità privacy"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Il driver video indiretto non è supportato. È richiesto Windows 10, versione 2004 o successiva."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Nella modalità elevata quando sono presenti più connessioni non è supportato il passaggio allo schermo non primario. Se vuoi controllare più schermi riprova dopo l'installazione."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Sorgente ingresso (1)"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Sorgente ingresso (2)"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "La cattura di più display non è supportata nella modalità utente con privilegi elevati. Se vuoi controllare più display riprova dopo l'installazione."),
("Swap control-command key", "Scambia tasto controllo-comando"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Scambia pulsante sinistro-destro mouse"),
("2FA code", "Codice 2FA"),
@ -616,7 +613,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("texture_render_tip", "Usa il rendering texture per rendere le immagini più fluide. Se riscontri problemi di rendering prova a disabilitare questa opzione."),
("Use texture rendering", "Usa rendering texture"),
("Floating window", "Finestra galleggiante"),
("floating_window_tip", "Aiuta a mantenere il servizio di RustDesk in background"),
("floating_window_tip", "It helps to keep RustDesk background service"),
("Keep screen on", "Mantieni schermo acceso"),
("Never", "Mai"),
("During controlled", "Durante il controllo"),
@ -628,9 +625,7 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume down", "Volume -"),
("Power", "Alimentazione"),
("Telegram bot", "Bot Telgram"),
("enable-bot-tip", "Se abiliti questa funzione, puoi ricevere il codice 2FA dal tuo bot.\nPuò anche funzionare come notifica di connessione."),
("enable-bot-desc", "1, apri una chat con @BotFather.\n2, Invia il comando \"/newbot\", dopo aver completato questo passaggio riceverai un token.\n3, Avvia una chat con il tuo bot appena creato. Per attivarlo Invia un messaggio che inizia con una barra (\"/\") tipo \"/hello\".\n"),
("floating_window_tip", "It helps to keep RustDesk background service"),
("enable-bot-tip", "If you enable this feature, you can receive the 2FA code from your bot. It can also function as a connection notification."),
("enable-bot-desc", "1, apri una chat con @BotFather.\n2, Invia il comando \"/newbot\", dopo aver completato questo passaggio riceverai un token.\n3, Avvia una chat con il tuo bot appena creato. Per attivarlo Invia un messaggio che inizia con una barra (\"/\") tipo \"/hello\".\n"),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "테스트"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "디스플레이가 연결되어 있지 않습니다. 첫 번째 디스플레이로 전환하세요."),
("No displays", "디스플레이 없음"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "권한 상승된 사용자 모드에서는 다중 디스플레이가 지원되지 않으므로 기본 디스플레이로 전환하세요."),
("Open in new window", "새 창에서 열기"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "디스플레이를 개별 창으로 표시"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "원격 세션에 내 디스플레이를 모두 사용"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "개인정보 보호 모드 사용"),
("Exit privacy mode", "개인정보 보호 모드 종료"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "간접 디스플레이 드라이버는 지원되지 않습니다. Windows 10 버전 2004 이상이 필요합니다."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "여러 연결이 있는 경우 권한 상승된 사용자 모드에서는 기본이 아닌 디스플레이로 전환이 지원되지 않습니다. 다중 디스플레이를 제어하려면 설치 후 재시도하세요."),
("input_source_1_tip", "입력소스 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "입력소스 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "권한 상승된 사용자 모드에서는 다중 디스플레이 캡처가 지원되지 않습니다. 다중 디스플레이를 제어하려면 설치 후 재시도하세요."),
("Swap control-command key", "Control 및 Command 키 교체"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "마우스 왼쪽 버튼과 오른쪽 버튼 바꾸기"),
("2FA code", "2단계 인증 코드"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Pārbaudīt"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Displejs ir atvienots, pārslēdzieties uz pirmo displeju."),
("No displays", "Nav displeju"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Pārslēdzieties uz primāro displeju, jo paaugstinātajā režīmā netiek atbalstīti vairāki displeji."),
("Open in new window", "Atvērt jaunā logā"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Rādīt displejus kā atsevišķus logus"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Izmantot visus manus displejus attālajai sesijai"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Ieiet privātuma režīmā"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Iziet no privātuma režīma"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Netiešā displeja draiveris netiek atbalstīts. Nepieciešama operētājsistēma Windows 10, versija 2004 vai jaunāka."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Pārslēgšanās uz ne primāro displeju netiek atbalstīta paaugstinātā lietotāja režīmā, ja ir vairāki savienojumi. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz pēc instalēšanas, ja vēlaties kontrolēt vairākus displejus."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Ievades avots 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Ievades avots 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Vairāku displeju uzņemšana netiek atbalstīta paaugstinātā lietotāja režīmā. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz pēc instalēšanas, ja vēlaties kontrolēt vairākus displejus."),
("Swap control-command key", "Apmainīt vadības un komandas taustiņu"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Apmainīt kreiso un labo peles pogu"),
("2FA code", "2FA kods"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Test"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Beeldscherm is uitgeschakeld, schakel over naar het primaire beeldscherm."),
("No displays", "Geen beeldschermen"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Schakel over naar het primaire beeldscherm, aangezien meerdere beeldschermen niet worden ondersteund in de modus met verhoogde rechten."),
("Open in new window", "Open in een nieuw venster"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Beeldschermen weergeven als afzonderlijke vensters"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Gebruik al mijn beeldschermen voor de externe sessie"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Privacymodus openen"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Privacymodus afsluiten"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Het indirecte displaystuurprogramma wordt niet ondersteund. Windows 10 versie 2004 of later is vereist."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Overschakelen naar een niet-hoofdbeeldscherm wordt niet ondersteund in de verhoogde modus wanneer er meerdere verbindingen zijn. Probeer het opnieuw na de installatie als je meerdere schermen wilt beheren."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Invoerbron 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Invoerbron 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Scannen van meerdere schermen wordt niet ondersteund in de bevoorrechte gebruikersmodus. Als je meerdere schermen wilt bedienen, probeer het dan opnieuw na de installatie."),
("Swap control-command key", "Wissel controle-commando toets"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "wissel-links-rechts-muis"),
("2FA code", "2FA-code"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Test"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Ekran został odłączony, przełącz się na pierwszy ekran."),
("No displays", "Brak ekranów"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Przełącz się na ekran główny, ponieważ wyświetlanie kilku ekranów nie jest obsługiwane przy podniesionych uprawnieniach."),
("Open in new window", "Otwórz w nowym oknie"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Pokaż ekrany w osobnych oknach"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Użyj wszystkich moich ekranów do zdalnej sesji"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Wejdź w tryb prywatności"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Wyjdź z trybu prywatności"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Pośredni sterownik ekranu nie jest obsługiwany. Wymagany jest system Windows 10 w wersji 2004 lub nowszej."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Przełączanie na ekran inny niż główny nie jest obsługiwane przy podniesionych uprawnieniach, gdy istnieje wiele połączeń. Jeśli chcesz sterować wieloma ekranami, należy zainstalować program."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Wejście źródła 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Wejście źródła 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Przechwytywanie wielu ekranów nie jest obsługiwane w trybie użytkownika z podwyższonym poziomem uprawnień. Jeśli chcesz sterować wieloma wyświetlaczami, spróbuj ponownie po instalacji."),
("Swap control-command key", "Zamiana przycisków sterujących myszki"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Zamień przyciski myszki (LPM - RPM)"),
("2FA code", "Kod 2FA"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Teste"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Тест"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Дисплей отключён, переключитесь на первый дисплей."),
("No displays", "Нет дисплеев"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Переключитесь на основной дисплей, поскольку в режиме повышенных прав несколько дисплеев не поддерживаются."),
("Open in new window", "Открыть в новом окне"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Показывать дисплеи в отдельных окнах"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Использовать все мои дисплеи для удалённого сеанса"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Включить режим конфиденциальности"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Отключить режим конфиденциальности"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Драйвер непрямого отображения не поддерживается. Требуется Windows 10 версии 2004 или новее."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Переключение на неосновной дисплей не поддерживается в режиме повышенных прав при наличии нескольких подключений. Повторите попытку после установки, если хотите управлять несколькими дисплеями."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Источник ввода 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Источник ввода 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Захват экрана нескольких дисплеев не поддерживается в режиме повышенных прав. Повторите попытку после установки, если хотите управлять несколькими дисплеями."),
("Swap control-command key", "Поменять местами значения кнопок Ctrl и Command"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Поменять местами значения левой и правой кнопок мыши"),
("2FA code", "Код двухфакторной аутентификации"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", "Громкость+"),
("Volume down", "Громкость-"),
("Power", "Питание"),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Test"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Obrazovka je odpojená, prepnite na prvú obrazovku."),
("No displays", "Žiadne obrazovky"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Prepnite na primárnu obrazovku, pretože viacero obrazoviek nie je podporovaných vo zvýšenom režime."),
("Open in new window", "Otvoriť v novom okne"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Zobraziť obrazovky ako jednotlivé okná"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Použiť všetky moje obrazovky pre vzdialenú reláciu"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Vstup do režimu súkromia"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Ukončiť režim súkromia"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Ovládač nepriameho zobrazenia nie je podporovaný. Vyžaduje sa systém Windows 10, verzia 2004 alebo novšia."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Prepínanie na inú ako primárnu obrazovku nie je podporované vo zvýšenom režime, ak existuje viacero pripojení. Ak chcete ovládať viacero obrazoviek, skúste to po inštalácii znova."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Vstupný zdroj 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Vstupný zdroj 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "Snímanie viacerých displejov nie je podporované v režime privilegovaného používateľa. Ak chcete ovládať viac displejov, skúste to po inštalácii znova."),
("Swap control-command key", "Vymeniť kláves ovládania a príkazu"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Prehodiť ľavé a pravé tlačidlo myši"),
("2FA code", "2FA kód"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "測試"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "螢幕已被拔除,切換到第一個螢幕。"),
("No displays", "沒有已連結的螢幕"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "由於權限提升模式不支援多螢幕,所以切換至主螢幕"),
("Open in new window", "在新視窗中開啟"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "在各別的視窗開啟螢幕畫面"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "使用所有的螢幕用於遠端連線"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "進入隱私模式"),
("Exit privacy mode", "退出隱私模式"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "不支援 Indirect display driver。 需要 Windows 10 版本 2004 或更新的版本。"),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "在有多個連線時,切換到非主螢幕在權限提升模式下不支援。如果您想要控制多個螢幕,請在安裝後再試一次。"),
("input_source_1_tip", "輸入源 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "輸入源 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "不支援在權限提升模式下擷取多個螢幕畫面,如果您想要控制多個螢幕,請安裝後再試。"),
("Swap control-command key", "交換 Control 和 Command 按鍵"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "交換滑鼠左右鍵"),
("2FA code", "二步驟驗證碼"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", "Тест"),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", "Дисплей відключено, перемкніться на перший дисплей"),
("No displays", "Відсутні дисплеї"),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", "Перемкніться на основний дисплей, оскільки в режимі розширених прав одночасне використання декілька дисплеїв не підтримуються."),
("Open in new window", "Відкрити в новому вікні"),
("Show displays as individual windows", "Показувати дисплеї в окремих вікнах"),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", "Використовувати всі мої дисплеї для віддаленого сеансу"),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", "Увійти в режим конфіденційності"),
("Exit privacy mode", "Вийти з режиму конфіденційності"),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", "Драйвер непрямого відображення не підтримується. Потрібна Windows 10 версії 2004 або новіше."),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", "В режимі розширених прав, коли є декілька підключень, не підтримується перемикання на неосновний дисплей. Якщо ви хочете керувати декількома дисплеями, будь ласка, спробуйте це після встановлення."),
("input_source_1_tip", "Джерело введення 1"),
("input_source_2_tip", "Джерело введення 2"),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", "В режимі розширених прав захоплення декількох дисплеїв не підтримується. Якщо ви хочете керувати декількома дисплеями, будь ласка, спробуйте це після встановлення."),
("Swap control-command key", "Поміняти місцями клавіші Control та Command"),
("swap-left-right-mouse", "Поміняти місцями ліву та праву кнопки миші"),
("2FA code", "Код двофакторної автентифікації"),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Test", ""),
("display_is_plugged_out_msg", ""),
("No displays", ""),
("elevated_switch_display_msg", ""),
("Open in new window", ""),
("Show displays as individual windows", ""),
("Use all my displays for the remote session", ""),
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Enter privacy mode", ""),
("Exit privacy mode", ""),
("idd_not_support_under_win10_2004_tip", ""),
("switch_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("input_source_1_tip", ""),
("input_source_2_tip", ""),
("capture_display_elevated_connections_tip", ""),
("Swap control-command key", ""),
("swap-left-right-mouse", ""),
("2FA code", ""),
@ -627,5 +624,8 @@ pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Volume up", ""),
("Volume down", ""),
("Power", ""),
("Telegram bot", ""),
("enable-bot-tip", ""),
("enable-bot-desc", ""),
@ -2506,25 +2506,6 @@ impl Connection {
async fn handle_switch_display(&mut self, s: SwitchDisplay) {
if portable_client::running()
&& *CONN_COUNT.lock().unwrap() > 1
&& s.display != (*display_service::PRIMARY_DISPLAY_IDX as i32)
log::info!("Switch to non-primary display is not supported in the elevated mode when there are multiple connections.");
let mut msg_out = Message::new();
let res = MessageBox {
msgtype: "nook-nocancel-hasclose".to_owned(),
title: "Prompt".to_owned(),
text: "switch_display_elevated_connections_tip".to_owned(),
link: "".to_owned(),
let display_idx = s.display as usize;
if self.display_idx != display_idx {
if let Some(server) = self.server.upgrade() {
@ -2594,22 +2575,6 @@ impl Connection {
async fn capture_displays(&mut self, add: &[usize], sub: &[usize], set: &[usize]) {
if portable_client::running() && (add.len() > 0 || set.len() > 1) {
log::info!("Capturing multiple displays is not supported in the elevated mode.");
let mut msg_out = Message::new();
let res = MessageBox {
msgtype: "nook-nocancel-hasclose".to_owned(),
title: "Prompt".to_owned(),
text: "capture_display_elevated_connections_tip".to_owned(),
link: "".to_owned(),
if let Some(sever) = self.server.upgrade() {
let mut lock = sever.write().unwrap();
for display in add.iter() {
@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ pub mod client {
if portable_service_running != RUNNING.lock().unwrap().clone() {
log::info!("portable service status mismatch");
if portable_service_running {
if portable_service_running && display.is_primary() {
log::info!("Create shared memory capturer");
return Ok(Box::new(CapturerPortable::new(current_display)));
} else {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user