add wrapper for min modifications

Signed-off-by: dignow <>
This commit is contained in:
dignow 2023-07-23 18:01:00 +08:00
parent b80051bb35
commit dfd5ea8a7f

View File

@ -525,75 +525,80 @@ class _SafetyState extends State<_Safety> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin {
Widget permissions(context) {
bool enabled = !locked;
String accessMode = bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'access-mode');
_AccessMode mode;
if (accessMode == 'full') {
mode = _AccessMode.full;
} else if (accessMode == 'view') {
mode = _AccessMode.view;
} else {
mode = _AccessMode.custom;
String initialKey;
bool? fakeValue;
switch (mode) {
case _AccessMode.custom:
initialKey = '';
fakeValue = null;
case _AccessMode.full:
initialKey = 'full';
fakeValue = true;
case _AccessMode.view:
initialKey = 'view';
fakeValue = false;
// Simple temp wrapper for PR check
tmpWrapper() {
String accessMode = bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'access-mode');
_AccessMode mode;
if (accessMode == 'full') {
mode = _AccessMode.full;
} else if (accessMode == 'view') {
mode = _AccessMode.view;
} else {
mode = _AccessMode.custom;
String initialKey;
bool? fakeValue;
switch (mode) {
case _AccessMode.custom:
initialKey = '';
fakeValue = null;
case _AccessMode.full:
initialKey = 'full';
fakeValue = true;
case _AccessMode.view:
initialKey = 'view';
fakeValue = false;
return _Card(title: 'Permissions', children: [
keys: [
values: [
translate('Full Access'),
translate('Screen Share'),
enabled: enabled,
initialKey: initialKey,
onChanged: (mode) async {
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'access-mode', value: mode);
setState(() {});
}).marginOnly(left: _kContentHMargin),
children: [
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Keyboard/Mouse', 'enable-keyboard',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Clipboard', 'enable-clipboard',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
context, 'Enable File Transfer', 'enable-file-transfer',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Audio', 'enable-audio',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable TCP Tunneling', 'enable-tunnel',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
context, 'Enable Remote Restart', 'enable-remote-restart',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
context, 'Enable Recording Session', 'enable-record-session',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable remote configuration modification',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
return _Card(title: 'Permissions', children: [
keys: [
values: [
translate('Full Access'),
translate('Screen Share'),
enabled: enabled,
initialKey: initialKey,
onChanged: (mode) async {
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'access-mode', value: mode);
setState(() {});
}).marginOnly(left: _kContentHMargin),
children: [
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Keyboard/Mouse', 'enable-keyboard',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Clipboard', 'enable-clipboard',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
context, 'Enable File Transfer', 'enable-file-transfer',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Audio', 'enable-audio',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable TCP Tunneling', 'enable-tunnel',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
context, 'Enable Remote Restart', 'enable-remote-restart',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
context, 'Enable Recording Session', 'enable-record-session',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable remote configuration modification',
enabled: enabled, fakeValue: fakeValue),
return tmpWrapper();
Widget password(BuildContext context) {
@ -752,93 +757,105 @@ class _SafetyState extends State<_Safety> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin {
_OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Direct IP Access', 'direct-server',
update: update, enabled: !locked),
() {
bool enabled = option2bool(
'direct-server', bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'direct-server'));
if (!enabled) applyEnabled.value = false;
controller.text = bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'direct-access-port');
return Offstage(
offstage: !enabled,
child: _SubLabeledWidget(
Row(children: [
width: 95,
child: TextField(
controller: controller,
enabled: enabled && !locked,
onChanged: (_) => applyEnabled.value = true,
inputFormatters: [
decoration: const InputDecoration(
hintText: '21118',
EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 12, horizontal: 12),
).marginOnly(right: 15),
Obx(() => ElevatedButton(
onPressed: applyEnabled.value && enabled && !locked
? () async {
applyEnabled.value = false;
await bind.mainSetOption(
key: 'direct-access-port',
value: controller.text);
: null,
child: Text(
// Simple temp wrapper for PR check
tmpWrapper() {
bool enabled = option2bool(
'direct-server', bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'direct-server'));
if (!enabled) applyEnabled.value = false;
controller.text = bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'direct-access-port');
return Offstage(
offstage: !enabled,
child: _SubLabeledWidget(
Row(children: [
width: 95,
child: TextField(
controller: controller,
enabled: enabled && !locked,
onChanged: (_) => applyEnabled.value = true,
inputFormatters: [
decoration: const InputDecoration(
hintText: '21118',
EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 12, horizontal: 12),
enabled: enabled && !locked,
).marginOnly(right: 15),
Obx(() => ElevatedButton(
onPressed: applyEnabled.value && enabled && !locked
? () async {
applyEnabled.value = false;
await bind.mainSetOption(
key: 'direct-access-port',
value: controller.text);
: null,
child: Text(
enabled: enabled && !locked,
return tmpWrapper();
Widget whitelist() {
bool enabled = !locked;
RxBool hasWhitelist =
bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'whitelist').isNotEmpty.obs;
update() async {
hasWhitelist.value = bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'whitelist').isNotEmpty;
// Simple temp wrapper for PR check
tmpWrapper() {
RxBool hasWhitelist =
bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'whitelist').isNotEmpty.obs;
update() async {
hasWhitelist.value =
bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: 'whitelist').isNotEmpty;
onChanged(bool? checked) async {
changeWhiteList(callback: update);
onChanged(bool? checked) async {
changeWhiteList(callback: update);
return GestureDetector(
child: Tooltip(
message: translate('whitelist_tip'),
child: Obx(() => Row(
children: [
value: hasWhitelist.value,
onChanged: enabled ? onChanged : null)
.marginOnly(right: 5),
offstage: !hasWhitelist.value,
child: const Icon(Icons.warning_amber_rounded,
color: Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 204, 0))
return GestureDetector(
child: Tooltip(
message: translate('whitelist_tip'),
child: Obx(() => Row(
children: [
value: hasWhitelist.value,
onChanged: enabled ? onChanged : null)
.marginOnly(right: 5),
child: Text(
translate('Use IP Whitelisting'),
style: TextStyle(color: _disabledTextColor(context, enabled)),
onTap: () {
).marginOnly(left: _kCheckBoxLeftMargin);
offstage: !hasWhitelist.value,
child: const Icon(Icons.warning_amber_rounded,
color: Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 204, 0))
.marginOnly(right: 5),
child: Text(
translate('Use IP Whitelisting'),
TextStyle(color: _disabledTextColor(context, enabled)),
onTap: () {
).marginOnly(left: _kCheckBoxLeftMargin);
return tmpWrapper();
Widget hide_cm(bool enabled) {
@ -923,150 +940,156 @@ class _NetworkState extends State<_Network> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin {
server(bool enabled) {
// Setting page is not modal, oldOptions should only be used when getting options, never when setting.
Map<String, dynamic> oldOptions =
jsonDecode(bind.mainGetOptionsSync() as String);
old(String key) {
return (oldOptions[key] ?? '').trim();
// Simple temp wrapper for PR check
tmpWrapper() {
// Setting page is not modal, oldOptions should only be used when getting options, never when setting.
Map<String, dynamic> oldOptions =
jsonDecode(bind.mainGetOptionsSync() as String);
old(String key) {
return (oldOptions[key] ?? '').trim();
RxString idErrMsg = ''.obs;
RxString relayErrMsg = ''.obs;
RxString apiErrMsg = ''.obs;
var idController =
TextEditingController(text: old('custom-rendezvous-server'));
var relayController = TextEditingController(text: old('relay-server'));
var apiController = TextEditingController(text: old('api-server'));
var keyController = TextEditingController(text: old('key'));
RxString idErrMsg = ''.obs;
RxString relayErrMsg = ''.obs;
RxString apiErrMsg = ''.obs;
var idController =
TextEditingController(text: old('custom-rendezvous-server'));
var relayController = TextEditingController(text: old('relay-server'));
var apiController = TextEditingController(text: old('api-server'));
var keyController = TextEditingController(text: old('key'));
set(String idServer, String relayServer, String apiServer,
String key) async {
idServer = idServer.trim();
relayServer = relayServer.trim();
apiServer = apiServer.trim();
key = key.trim();
if (idServer.isNotEmpty) {
idErrMsg.value =
translate(await bind.mainTestIfValidServer(server: idServer));
if (idErrMsg.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
set(String idServer, String relayServer, String apiServer,
String key) async {
idServer = idServer.trim();
relayServer = relayServer.trim();
apiServer = apiServer.trim();
key = key.trim();
if (idServer.isNotEmpty) {
idErrMsg.value =
translate(await bind.mainTestIfValidServer(server: idServer));
if (idErrMsg.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
if (relayServer.isNotEmpty) {
relayErrMsg.value =
translate(await bind.mainTestIfValidServer(server: relayServer));
if (relayErrMsg.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
if (apiServer.isNotEmpty) {
if (!apiServer.startsWith('http://') &&
!apiServer.startsWith('https://')) {
apiErrMsg.value =
'${translate("API Server")}: ${translate("invalid_http")}';
return false;
final old = await bind.mainGetOption(key: 'custom-rendezvous-server');
if (old.isNotEmpty && old != idServer) {
await gFFI.userModel.logOut();
// should set one by one
await bind.mainSetOption(
key: 'custom-rendezvous-server', value: idServer);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'relay-server', value: relayServer);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'api-server', value: apiServer);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'key', value: key);
return true;
submit() async {
bool result = await set(idController.text, relayController.text,
apiController.text, keyController.text);
if (result) {
setState(() {});
} else {
if (relayServer.isNotEmpty) {
relayErrMsg.value =
translate(await bind.mainTestIfValidServer(server: relayServer));
if (relayErrMsg.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
if (apiServer.isNotEmpty) {
if (!apiServer.startsWith('http://') &&
!apiServer.startsWith('https://')) {
apiErrMsg.value =
'${translate("API Server")}: ${translate("invalid_http")}';
return false;
final old = await bind.mainGetOption(key: 'custom-rendezvous-server');
if (old.isNotEmpty && old != idServer) {
await gFFI.userModel.logOut();
// should set one by one
await bind.mainSetOption(
key: 'custom-rendezvous-server', value: idServer);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'relay-server', value: relayServer);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'api-server', value: apiServer);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'key', value: key);
return true;
submit() async {
bool result = await set(idController.text, relayController.text,
apiController.text, keyController.text);
if (result) {
setState(() {});
} else {
import() {
Clipboard.getData(Clipboard.kTextPlain).then((value) {
final text = value?.text;
if (text != null && text.isNotEmpty) {
try {
final sc = ServerConfig.decode(text);
if (sc.idServer.isNotEmpty) {
idController.text = sc.idServer;
relayController.text = sc.relayServer;
apiController.text = sc.apiServer;
keyController.text = sc.key;
Future<bool> success =
set(sc.idServer, sc.relayServer, sc.apiServer, sc.key);
success.then((value) {
if (value) {
translate('Import server configuration successfully'));
} else {
showToast(translate('Invalid server configuration'));
} else {
import() {
Clipboard.getData(Clipboard.kTextPlain).then((value) {
final text = value?.text;
if (text != null && text.isNotEmpty) {
try {
final sc = ServerConfig.decode(text);
if (sc.idServer.isNotEmpty) {
idController.text = sc.idServer;
relayController.text = sc.relayServer;
apiController.text = sc.apiServer;
keyController.text = sc.key;
Future<bool> success =
set(sc.idServer, sc.relayServer, sc.apiServer, sc.key);
success.then((value) {
if (value) {
translate('Import server configuration successfully'));
} else {
showToast(translate('Invalid server configuration'));
} else {
showToast(translate('Invalid server configuration'));
} catch (e) {
showToast(translate('Invalid server configuration'));
} catch (e) {
showToast(translate('Invalid server configuration'));
} else {
showToast(translate('Clipboard is empty'));
} else {
showToast(translate('Clipboard is empty'));
export() {
final text = ServerConfig(
idServer: idController.text,
relayServer: relayController.text,
apiServer: apiController.text,
key: keyController.text)
debugPrint("ServerConfig export: $text");
export() {
final text = ServerConfig(
idServer: idController.text,
relayServer: relayController.text,
apiServer: apiController.text,
key: keyController.text)
debugPrint("ServerConfig export: $text");
Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: text));
showToast(translate('Export server configuration successfully'));
Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: text));
showToast(translate('Export server configuration successfully'));
bool secure = !enabled;
return _Card(title: 'ID/Relay Server', title_suffix: [
message: translate('Import Server Config'),
child: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.paste, color: Colors.grey),
onPressed: enabled ? import : null),
message: translate('Export Server Config'),
bool secure = !enabled;
return _Card(title: 'ID/Relay Server', title_suffix: [
message: translate('Import Server Config'),
child: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.copy, color: Colors.grey),
onPressed: enabled ? export : null)),
], children: [
children: [
Obx(() => _LabeledTextField(context, 'ID Server', idController,
idErrMsg.value, enabled, secure)),
Obx(() => _LabeledTextField(context, 'Relay Server', relayController,
relayErrMsg.value, enabled, secure)),
Obx(() => _LabeledTextField(context, 'API Server', apiController,
apiErrMsg.value, enabled, secure)),
_LabeledTextField(context, 'Key', keyController, '', enabled, secure),
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
children: [_Button('Apply', submit, enabled: enabled)],
).marginOnly(top: 10),
icon: Icon(Icons.paste, color: Colors.grey),
onPressed: enabled ? import : null),
message: translate('Export Server Config'),
child: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.copy, color: Colors.grey),
onPressed: enabled ? export : null)),
], children: [
children: [
Obx(() => _LabeledTextField(context, 'ID Server', idController,
idErrMsg.value, enabled, secure)),
Obx(() => _LabeledTextField(context, 'Relay Server',
relayController, relayErrMsg.value, enabled, secure)),
Obx(() => _LabeledTextField(context, 'API Server', apiController,
apiErrMsg.value, enabled, secure)),
context, 'Key', keyController, '', enabled, secure),
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
children: [_Button('Apply', submit, enabled: enabled)],
).marginOnly(top: 10),
return tmpWrapper();