fix mac key mapping,,
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,3 +71,50 @@ pub const kVK_ANSI_KeypadEnter: u16 = 0x4C;
pub const kVK_ANSI_KeypadMinus: u16 = 0x4E;
pub const kVK_ANSI_KeypadEquals: u16 = 0x51;
pub const kVK_RIGHT_COMMAND: u16 = 0x36;
pub const kVK_ANSI_A : u16 = 0x00;
pub const kVK_ANSI_S : u16 = 0x01;
pub const kVK_ANSI_D : u16 = 0x02;
pub const kVK_ANSI_F : u16 = 0x03;
pub const kVK_ANSI_H : u16 = 0x04;
pub const kVK_ANSI_G : u16 = 0x05;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Z : u16 = 0x06;
pub const kVK_ANSI_X : u16 = 0x07;
pub const kVK_ANSI_C : u16 = 0x08;
pub const kVK_ANSI_V : u16 = 0x09;
pub const kVK_ANSI_B : u16 = 0x0B;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Q : u16 = 0x0C;
pub const kVK_ANSI_W : u16 = 0x0D;
pub const kVK_ANSI_E : u16 = 0x0E;
pub const kVK_ANSI_R : u16 = 0x0F;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Y : u16 = 0x10;
pub const kVK_ANSI_T : u16 = 0x11;
pub const kVK_ANSI_1 : u16 = 0x12;
pub const kVK_ANSI_2 : u16 = 0x13;
pub const kVK_ANSI_3 : u16 = 0x14;
pub const kVK_ANSI_4 : u16 = 0x15;
pub const kVK_ANSI_6 : u16 = 0x16;
pub const kVK_ANSI_5 : u16 = 0x17;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Equal : u16 = 0x18;
pub const kVK_ANSI_9 : u16 = 0x19;
pub const kVK_ANSI_7 : u16 = 0x1A;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Minus : u16 = 0x1B;
pub const kVK_ANSI_8 : u16 = 0x1C;
pub const kVK_ANSI_0 : u16 = 0x1D;
pub const kVK_ANSI_RightBracket : u16 = 0x1E;
pub const kVK_ANSI_O : u16 = 0x1F;
pub const kVK_ANSI_U : u16 = 0x20;
pub const kVK_ANSI_LeftBracket : u16 = 0x21;
pub const kVK_ANSI_I : u16 = 0x22;
pub const kVK_ANSI_P : u16 = 0x23;
pub const kVK_ANSI_L : u16 = 0x25;
pub const kVK_ANSI_J : u16 = 0x26;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Quote : u16 = 0x27;
pub const kVK_ANSI_K : u16 = 0x28;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Semicolon : u16 = 0x29;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Backslash : u16 = 0x2A;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Comma : u16 = 0x2B;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Slash : u16 = 0x2C;
pub const kVK_ANSI_N : u16 = 0x2D;
pub const kVK_ANSI_M : u16 = 0x2E;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Period : u16 = 0x2F;
pub const kVK_ANSI_Grave : u16 = 0x32;
@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ use self::core_graphics::event_source::*;
use crate::macos::keycodes::*;
use crate::{Key, KeyboardControllable, MouseButton, MouseControllable};
use objc::runtime::Class;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::*;
// required for pressedMouseButtons on NSEvent
#[link(name = "AppKit", kind = "framework")]
extern "C" {}
struct MyCGEvent;
@ -34,8 +28,6 @@ extern "C" {
fn CGEventSourceKeyState(stateID: i32, key: u16) -> bool;
pub type CFDataRef = *const c_void;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct NSPoint {
@ -43,162 +35,6 @@ struct NSPoint {
y: f64,
pub struct __TISInputSource;
pub type TISInputSourceRef = *const __TISInputSource;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct __CFString([u8; 0]);
pub type CFStringRef = *const __CFString;
pub type Boolean = c_uchar;
pub type UInt8 = c_uchar;
pub type SInt32 = c_int;
pub type UInt16 = c_ushort;
pub type UInt32 = c_uint;
pub type UniChar = UInt16;
pub type UniCharCount = c_ulong;
pub type OptionBits = UInt32;
pub type OSStatus = SInt32;
pub type CFStringEncoding = UInt32;
pub const kUCKeyActionDisplay: _bindgen_ty_702 = _bindgen_ty_702::kUCKeyActionDisplay;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum _bindgen_ty_702 {
// kUCKeyActionDown = 0,
// kUCKeyActionUp = 1,
// kUCKeyActionAutoKey = 2,
kUCKeyActionDisplay = 3,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct UCKeyboardTypeHeader {
pub keyboardTypeFirst: UInt32,
pub keyboardTypeLast: UInt32,
pub keyModifiersToTableNumOffset: UInt32,
pub keyToCharTableIndexOffset: UInt32,
pub keyStateRecordsIndexOffset: UInt32,
pub keyStateTerminatorsOffset: UInt32,
pub keySequenceDataIndexOffset: UInt32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct UCKeyboardLayout {
pub keyLayoutHeaderFormat: UInt16,
pub keyLayoutDataVersion: UInt16,
pub keyLayoutFeatureInfoOffset: UInt32,
pub keyboardTypeCount: UInt32,
pub keyboardTypeList: [UCKeyboardTypeHeader; 1usize],
pub const kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit: _bindgen_ty_703 =
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum _bindgen_ty_703 {
kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit = 0,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct __CFAllocator([u8; 0]);
pub type CFAllocatorRef = *const __CFAllocator;
// #[repr(u32)]
// #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
// pub enum _bindgen_ty_15 {
// kCFStringEncodingMacRoman = 0,
// kCFStringEncodingWindowsLatin1 = 1280,
// kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1 = 513,
// kCFStringEncodingNextStepLatin = 2817,
// kCFStringEncodingASCII = 1536,
// kCFStringEncodingUnicode = 256,
// kCFStringEncodingUTF8 = 134217984,
// kCFStringEncodingNonLossyASCII = 3071,
// kCFStringEncodingUTF16BE = 268435712,
// kCFStringEncodingUTF16LE = 335544576,
// kCFStringEncodingUTF32 = 201326848,
// kCFStringEncodingUTF32BE = 402653440,
// kCFStringEncodingUTF32LE = 469762304,
// }
pub const kCFStringEncodingUTF8: u32 = 134_217_984;
#[link(name = "Carbon", kind = "framework")]
extern "C" {
fn TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource() -> TISInputSourceRef;
fn TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource() -> TISInputSourceRef;
fn TISCopyCurrentASCIICapableKeyboardLayoutInputSource() -> TISInputSourceRef;
// extern void *
// TISGetInputSourceProperty(
// TISInputSourceRef inputSource,
// CFStringRef propertyKey)
#[link_name = "kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData"]
pub static kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData: CFStringRef;
pub fn TISGetInputSourceProperty(
inputSource: TISInputSourceRef,
propertyKey: CFStringRef,
) -> *mut c_void;
pub fn CFDataGetBytePtr(theData: CFDataRef) -> *const UInt8;
pub fn UCKeyTranslate(
keyLayoutPtr: *const UInt8, //*const UCKeyboardLayout,
virtualKeyCode: UInt16,
keyAction: UInt16,
modifierKeyState: UInt32,
keyboardType: UInt32,
keyTranslateOptions: OptionBits,
deadKeyState: *mut UInt32,
maxStringLength: UniCharCount,
actualStringLength: *mut UniCharCount,
unicodeString: *mut UniChar,
) -> OSStatus;
pub fn LMGetKbdType() -> UInt8;
pub fn CFStringCreateWithCharacters(
alloc: CFAllocatorRef,
chars: *const UniChar,
numChars: CFIndex,
) -> CFStringRef;
#[link_name = "kCFAllocatorDefault"]
pub static kCFAllocatorDefault: CFAllocatorRef;
pub fn CFStringGetCString(
theString: CFStringRef,
buffer: *mut c_char,
bufferSize: CFIndex,
encoding: CFStringEncoding,
) -> Boolean;
// not present in servo/core-graphics
@ -211,7 +47,6 @@ enum ScrollUnit {
/// The main struct for handling the event emitting
pub struct Enigo {
event_source: Option<CGEventSource>,
keycode_to_string_map: std::collections::HashMap<String, CGKeyCode>,
double_click_interval: u32,
last_click_time: Option<std::time::Instant>,
multiple_click: i64,
@ -263,7 +98,6 @@ impl Default for Enigo {
} else {
keycode_to_string_map: Default::default(),
multiple_click: 1,
last_click_time: None,
@ -591,129 +425,63 @@ impl Enigo {
Key::RightAlt => kVK_RightOption,
Key::Raw(raw_keycode) => raw_keycode,
Key::Layout(c) => self.get_layoutdependent_keycode(c.to_string()),
Key::Layout(c) => self.map_key_board(c),
Key::Super | Key::Command | Key::Windows | Key::Meta => kVK_Command,
_ => 0,
fn get_layoutdependent_keycode(&mut self, string: String) -> CGKeyCode {
if self.keycode_to_string_map.is_empty() {
fn map_key_board(&self, ch: char) -> CGKeyCode {
match ch {
'a' => kVK_ANSI_A,
'b' => kVK_ANSI_B,
'c' => kVK_ANSI_C,
'd' => kVK_ANSI_D,
'e' => kVK_ANSI_E,
'f' => kVK_ANSI_F,
'g' => kVK_ANSI_G,
'h' => kVK_ANSI_H,
'i' => kVK_ANSI_I,
'j' => kVK_ANSI_J,
'k' => kVK_ANSI_K,
'l' => kVK_ANSI_L,
'm' => kVK_ANSI_M,
'n' => kVK_ANSI_N,
'o' => kVK_ANSI_O,
'p' => kVK_ANSI_P,
'q' => kVK_ANSI_Q,
'r' => kVK_ANSI_R,
's' => kVK_ANSI_S,
't' => kVK_ANSI_T,
'u' => kVK_ANSI_U,
'v' => kVK_ANSI_V,
'w' => kVK_ANSI_W,
'x' => kVK_ANSI_X,
'y' => kVK_ANSI_Y,
'z' => kVK_ANSI_Z,
'0' => kVK_ANSI_0,
'1' => kVK_ANSI_1,
'2' => kVK_ANSI_2,
'3' => kVK_ANSI_3,
'4' => kVK_ANSI_4,
'5' => kVK_ANSI_5,
'6' => kVK_ANSI_6,
'7' => kVK_ANSI_7,
'8' => kVK_ANSI_8,
'9' => kVK_ANSI_9,
'-' => kVK_ANSI_Minus,
'=' => kVK_ANSI_Equal,
'[' => kVK_ANSI_LeftBracket,
']' => kVK_ANSI_RightBracket,
'\\' => kVK_ANSI_Backslash,
';' => kVK_ANSI_Semicolon,
'\'' => kVK_ANSI_Quote,
',' => kVK_ANSI_Comma,
'.' => kVK_ANSI_Period,
'/' => kVK_ANSI_Slash,
'`' => kVK_ANSI_Grave,
_ => 0,
fn init_map(&mut self) {
self.keycode_to_string_map.insert("".to_owned(), 0);
// loop through every keycode (0 - 127)
for keycode in 0..128 {
// no modifier
if let Some(key_string) = self.keycode_to_string(keycode, 0x100) {
self.keycode_to_string_map.insert(key_string, keycode);
// shift modifier
if let Some(key_string) = self.keycode_to_string(keycode, 0x20102) {
self.keycode_to_string_map.insert(key_string, keycode);
// alt modifier
// if let Some(string) = self.keycode_to_string(keycode, 0x80120) {
// println!("{:?}", string);
// }
// alt + shift modifier
// if let Some(string) = self.keycode_to_string(keycode, 0xa0122) {
// println!("{:?}", string);
// }
fn keycode_to_string(&self, keycode: u16, modifier: u32) -> Option<String> {
let cf_string = self.create_string_for_key(keycode, modifier);
unsafe {
if !cf_string.is_null() {
let mut buf: [i8; 255] = [0; 255];
let success = CFStringGetCString(
buf.len() as _,
if success != 0 {
let name: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(buf.as_ptr());
if let Ok(name) = name.to_str() {
return Some(name.to_owned());
fn create_string_for_key(&self, keycode: u16, modifier: u32) -> CFStringRef {
let current_keyboard = unsafe { TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource() };
let mut layout_data = std::ptr::null_mut();
if !current_keyboard.is_null() {
layout_data = unsafe {
TISGetInputSourceProperty(current_keyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData)
if layout_data.is_null() {
let current_keyboard = unsafe { TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource() };
if !current_keyboard.is_null() {
layout_data = unsafe {
TISGetInputSourceProperty(current_keyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData)
if layout_data.is_null() {
let current_keyboard = unsafe { TISCopyCurrentASCIICapableKeyboardLayoutInputSource() };
if !current_keyboard.is_null() {
layout_data = unsafe {
TISGetInputSourceProperty(current_keyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData)
if layout_data.is_null() {
// to-do: try out manual mapping in
// we do see crash like this, also not easy to reproduce, no sure if it related
0 rustdesk 0x000000010f921bc9 std::collections::hash::map::HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$::insert::h84e28c51a3292e7a + 473
1 rustdesk 0x000000010f921884 enigo::macos::macos_impl::Enigo::key_to_keycode::h85ead82e9b1075ae + 1428
2 rustdesk 0x000000010f922a8c _$LT$enigo..macos..macos_impl..Enigo$u20$as$u20$enigo..KeyboardControllable$GT$::key_down::h54f24da6d274b948 + 44
return std::ptr::null() as _;
let keyboard_layout = unsafe { CFDataGetBytePtr(layout_data) };
if keyboard_layout.is_null() {
return std::ptr::null() as _;
let mut keys_down: UInt32 = 0;
let mut chars: u16 = 0;
// let mut chars: *mut c_void;//[UniChar; 4];
let mut real_length: UniCharCount = 0;
unsafe {
kUCKeyActionDisplay as u16,
LMGetKbdType() as u32,
kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit as u32,
&mut keys_down,
8, // sizeof(chars) / sizeof(chars[0]),
&mut real_length,
&mut chars,
unsafe { CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, &chars, 1) }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user