import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:back_button_interceptor/back_button_interceptor.dart'; import 'package:desktop_multi_window/desktop_multi_window.dart'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/widgets/tabbar_widget.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/peer_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/utils/multi_window_manager.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:window_manager/window_manager.dart'; import 'common/widgets/overlay.dart'; import 'models/model.dart'; import 'models/platform_model.dart'; final globalKey = GlobalKey(); final navigationBarKey = GlobalKey(); final isAndroid = Platform.isAndroid; final isIOS = Platform.isIOS; final isDesktop = Platform.isWindows || Platform.isMacOS || Platform.isLinux; var isWeb = false; var isWebDesktop = false; var version = ""; int androidVersion = 0; const windowPrefix = "wm_"; DesktopType? desktopType; typedef F = String Function(String); typedef FMethod = String Function(String, dynamic); typedef StreamEventHandler = Future Function(Map); late final iconKeyboard = MemoryImage(Uint8List.fromList(base64Decode( "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"))); late final iconClipboard = MemoryImage(Uint8List.fromList(base64Decode( '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'))); late final iconAudio = MemoryImage(Uint8List.fromList(base64Decode( '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'))); late final iconFile = MemoryImage(Uint8List.fromList(base64Decode( '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'))); late final iconRestart = MemoryImage(Uint8List.fromList(base64Decode( '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'))); enum DesktopType { main, remote, fileTransfer, cm, portForward, } class IconFont { static const _family1 = 'Tabbar'; static const _family2 = 'PeerSearchbar'; IconFont._(); static const IconData max = IconData(0xe606, fontFamily: _family1); static const IconData restore = IconData(0xe607, fontFamily: _family1); static const IconData close = IconData(0xe668, fontFamily: _family1); static const IconData min = IconData(0xe609, fontFamily: _family1); static const IconData add = IconData(0xe664, fontFamily: _family1); static const IconData menu = IconData(0xe628, fontFamily: _family1); static const IconData search = IconData(0xe6a4, fontFamily: _family2); static const IconData round_close = IconData(0xe6ed, fontFamily: _family2); } class ColorThemeExtension extends ThemeExtension { const ColorThemeExtension({ required, required this.grayBg, required this.text, required this.lightText, required this.lighterText, required this.placeholder, required this.border, }); final Color? bg; final Color? grayBg; final Color? text; final Color? lightText; final Color? lighterText; final Color? placeholder; final Color? border; static const light = ColorThemeExtension( bg: Color(0xFFFFFFFF), grayBg: Color(0xFFEEEEEE), text: Color(0xFF222222), lightText: Color(0xFF666666), lighterText: Color(0xFF888888), placeholder: Color(0xFFAAAAAA), border: Color(0xFFCCCCCC), ); static const dark = ColorThemeExtension( bg: Color(0xFF252525), grayBg: Color(0xFF141414), text: Color(0xFFFFFFFF), lightText: Color(0xFF999999), lighterText: Color(0xFF777777), placeholder: Color(0xFF555555), border: Color(0xFF555555), ); @override ThemeExtension copyWith( {Color? bg, Color? grayBg, Color? text, Color? lightText, Color? lighterText, Color? placeholder, Color? border}) { return ColorThemeExtension( bg: bg ??, grayBg: grayBg ?? this.grayBg, text: text ?? this.text, lightText: lightText ?? this.lightText, lighterText: lighterText ?? this.lighterText, placeholder: placeholder ?? this.placeholder, border: border ?? this.border, ); } @override ThemeExtension lerp( ThemeExtension? other, double t) { if (other is! ColorThemeExtension) { return this; } return ColorThemeExtension( bg: Color.lerp(bg,, t), grayBg: Color.lerp(grayBg, other.grayBg, t), text: Color.lerp(text, other.text, t), lightText: Color.lerp(lightText, other.lightText, t), lighterText: Color.lerp(lighterText, other.lighterText, t), placeholder: Color.lerp(placeholder, other.placeholder, t), border: Color.lerp(border, other.border, t), ); } } class MyTheme { MyTheme._(); static const Color grayBg = Color(0xFFEEEEEE); static const Color white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF); static const Color accent = Color(0xFF0071FF); static const Color accent50 = Color(0x770071FF); static const Color accent80 = Color(0xAA0071FF); static const Color canvasColor = Color(0xFF212121); static const Color border = Color(0xFFCCCCCC); static const Color idColor = Color(0xFF00B6F0); static const Color darkGray = Color(0xFFB9BABC); static const Color cmIdColor = Color(0xFF21790B); static const Color dark = Colors.black87; static const Color button = Color(0xFF2C8CFF); static const Color hoverBorder = Color(0xFF999999); static ThemeData lightTheme = ThemeData( brightness: Brightness.light, primarySwatch:, visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity, tabBarTheme: const TabBarTheme( labelColor: Colors.black87, ), splashColor: Colors.transparent, highlightColor: Colors.transparent, ).copyWith( extensions: >[ ColorThemeExtension.light, TabbarTheme.light, ], ); static ThemeData darkTheme = ThemeData( brightness: Brightness.dark, primarySwatch:, visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity, tabBarTheme: const TabBarTheme( labelColor: Colors.white70, ), splashColor: Colors.transparent, highlightColor: Colors.transparent, ).copyWith( extensions: >[ ColorThemeExtension.dark, TabbarTheme.dark, ], ); static changeTo(bool dark) { if (isDarkTheme() != dark) { Get.find().setString("darkTheme", dark ? "Y" : ""); Get.changeThemeMode(dark ? ThemeMode.dark : ThemeMode.light); if (desktopType == DesktopType.main) { bind.mainChangeTheme(dark: dark); } } } static bool _themeInitialed = false; static ThemeMode initialThemeMode({bool mainPage = false}) { bool dark; // Brightnesss is always light on windows, Flutter 3.0.5 if (_themeInitialed || !mainPage || Platform.isWindows) { dark = isDarkTheme(); } else { dark = WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher.platformBrightness == Brightness.dark; Get.find().setString("darkTheme", dark ? "Y" : ""); } _themeInitialed = true; return dark ? ThemeMode.dark : ThemeMode.light; } static ColorThemeExtension color(BuildContext context) { return Theme.of(context).extension()!; } static TabbarTheme tabbar(BuildContext context) { return Theme.of(context).extension()!; } } bool isDarkTheme() { return "Y" == Get.find().getString("darkTheme"); } final ButtonStyle flatButtonStyle = TextButton.styleFrom( minimumSize: Size(0, 36), padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0, vertical: 10.0), shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(2.0)), ), ); String formatDurationToTime(Duration duration) { var totalTime = duration.inSeconds; final secs = totalTime % 60; totalTime = (totalTime - secs) ~/ 60; final mins = totalTime % 60; totalTime = (totalTime - mins) ~/ 60; return "${totalTime.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}:${mins.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}:${secs.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}"; } closeConnection({String? id}) { if (isAndroid || isIOS) { Navigator.popUntil(globalKey.currentContext!, ModalRoute.withName("/")); } else { final controller = Get.find(); controller.closeBy(id); } } void window_on_top(int? id) { if (id == null) { // main window windowManager.restore();; windowManager.focus(); } else { WindowController.fromWindowId(id) ..focus(); } } typedef DialogBuilder = CustomAlertDialog Function( StateSetter setState, void Function([dynamic]) close); class Dialog { OverlayEntry? entry; Completer completer = Completer(); Dialog(); void complete(T? res) { try { if (!completer.isCompleted) { completer.complete(res); } } catch (e) { debugPrint("Dialog complete catch error: $e"); } finally { entry?.remove(); } } } class OverlayDialogManager { OverlayState? _overlayState; final Map _dialogs = {}; int _tagCount = 0; OverlayEntry? _mobileActionsOverlayEntry; /// By default OverlayDialogManager use global overlay OverlayDialogManager() { _overlayState = globalKey.currentState?.overlay; } void setOverlayState(OverlayState? overlayState) { _overlayState = overlayState; } void dismissAll() { _dialogs.forEach((key, value) { value.complete(null); BackButtonInterceptor.removeByName(key); }); _dialogs.clear(); } void dismissByTag(String tag) { _dialogs[tag]?.complete(null); _dialogs.remove(tag); BackButtonInterceptor.removeByName(tag); } Future show(DialogBuilder builder, {bool clickMaskDismiss = false, bool backDismiss = false, String? tag, bool useAnimation = true, bool forceGlobal = false}) { final overlayState = forceGlobal ? globalKey.currentState?.overlay : _overlayState; if (overlayState == null) { return Future.error( "[OverlayDialogManager] Failed to show dialog, _overlayState is null, call [setOverlayState] first"); } final _tag; if (tag != null) { _tag = tag; } else { _tag = _tagCount.toString(); _tagCount++; } final dialog = Dialog(); _dialogs[_tag] = dialog; final close = ([res]) { _dialogs.remove(_tag); dialog.complete(res); BackButtonInterceptor.removeByName(_tag); }; dialog.entry = OverlayEntry(builder: (_) { bool innerClicked = false; return Listener( onPointerUp: (_) { if (!innerClicked && clickMaskDismiss) { close(); } innerClicked = false; }, child: Container( color: Colors.black12, child: StatefulBuilder(builder: (context, setState) { return Listener( onPointerUp: (_) => innerClicked = true, child: builder(setState, close), ); }))); }); overlayState.insert(dialog.entry!); BackButtonInterceptor.add((stopDefaultButtonEvent, routeInfo) { if (backDismiss) { close(); } return true; }, name: _tag); return dialog.completer.future; } void showLoading(String text, {bool clickMaskDismiss = false, bool showCancel = true, VoidCallback? onCancel}) { show((setState, close) { cancel() { dismissAll(); if (onCancel != null) { onCancel(); } } return CustomAlertDialog( content: Container( constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 240), child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ const SizedBox(height: 30), const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()), const SizedBox(height: 20), Center( child: Text(translate(text), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 15))), const SizedBox(height: 20), Offstage( offstage: !showCancel, child: Center( child: TextButton( style: flatButtonStyle, onPressed: cancel, child: Text(translate('Cancel'), style: const TextStyle(color: MyTheme.accent))))) ])), onCancel: showCancel ? cancel : null, ); }); } void resetMobileActionsOverlay({FFI? ffi}) { if (_mobileActionsOverlayEntry == null) return; hideMobileActionsOverlay(); showMobileActionsOverlay(ffi: ffi); } void showMobileActionsOverlay({FFI? ffi}) { if (_mobileActionsOverlayEntry != null) return; if (_overlayState == null) return; // compute overlay position final screenW = MediaQuery.of(globalKey.currentContext!).size.width; final screenH = MediaQuery.of(globalKey.currentContext!).size.height; const double overlayW = 200; const double overlayH = 45; final left = (screenW - overlayW) / 2; final top = screenH - overlayH - 80; final overlay = OverlayEntry(builder: (context) { final session = ffi ?? gFFI; return DraggableMobileActions( position: Offset(left, top), width: overlayW, height: overlayH, onBackPressed: () => session.tap(MouseButtons.right), onHomePressed: () => session.tap(MouseButtons.wheel), onRecentPressed: () async { session.sendMouse('down', MouseButtons.wheel); await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); session.sendMouse('up', MouseButtons.wheel); }, onHidePressed: () => hideMobileActionsOverlay(), ); }); _overlayState!.insert(overlay); _mobileActionsOverlayEntry = overlay; } void hideMobileActionsOverlay() { if (_mobileActionsOverlayEntry != null) { _mobileActionsOverlayEntry!.remove(); _mobileActionsOverlayEntry = null; return; } } void toggleMobileActionsOverlay({FFI? ffi}) { if (_mobileActionsOverlayEntry == null) { showMobileActionsOverlay(ffi: ffi); } else { hideMobileActionsOverlay(); } } } void showToast(String text, {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 2)}) { final overlayState = globalKey.currentState?.overlay; if (overlayState == null) return; final entry = OverlayEntry(builder: (_) { return IgnorePointer( child: Align( alignment: const Alignment(0.0, 0.8), child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color:, borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all( Radius.circular(20), ), ), padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20, vertical: 5), child: Text( text, style: const TextStyle( decoration: TextDecoration.none, fontWeight: FontWeight.w300, fontSize: 18, color: Colors.white), ), ))); }); overlayState.insert(entry); Future.delayed(timeout, () { entry.remove(); }); } class CustomAlertDialog extends StatelessWidget { const CustomAlertDialog( {Key? key, this.title, required this.content, this.actions, this.contentPadding, this.onSubmit, this.onCancel}) : super(key: key); final Widget? title; final Widget content; final List? actions; final double? contentPadding; final Function()? onSubmit; final Function()? onCancel; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { FocusNode focusNode = FocusNode(); // request focus if there is no focused FocusNode in the dialog Future.delayed(, () { if (!focusNode.hasFocus) focusNode.requestFocus(); }); return Focus( focusNode: focusNode, autofocus: true, onKey: (node, key) { if (key.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.escape) { if (key is RawKeyDownEvent) { onCancel?.call(); } return KeyEventResult.handled; // avoid TextField exception on escape } else if (onSubmit != null && key.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.enter) { if (key is RawKeyDownEvent) onSubmit?.call(); return KeyEventResult.handled; } return KeyEventResult.ignored; }, child: AlertDialog( scrollable: true, title: title, contentPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: contentPadding ?? 25, vertical: 10), content: content, actions: actions, ), ); } } void msgBox( String type, String title, String text, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, {bool? hasCancel}) { dialogManager.dismissAll(); List buttons = []; bool hasOk = false; submit() { dialogManager.dismissAll(); // if (!type.contains("custom") && desktopType != DesktopType.portForward) { closeConnection(); } } cancel() { dialogManager.dismissAll(); } if (type != "connecting" && type != "success" && !type.contains("nook")) { hasOk = true; buttons.insert(0, msgBoxButton(translate('OK'), submit)); } hasCancel ??= !type.contains("error") && !type.contains("nocancel") && type != "restarting"; if (hasCancel) { buttons.insert(0, msgBoxButton(translate('Cancel'), cancel)); } // TODO: test this button if (type.contains("hasclose")) { buttons.insert( 0, msgBoxButton(translate('Close'), () { dialogManager.dismissAll(); })); }, close) => CustomAlertDialog( title: _msgBoxTitle(title), content: Text(translate(text), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 15)), actions: buttons, onSubmit: hasOk ? submit : null, onCancel: hasCancel == true ? cancel : null, )); } Widget msgBoxButton(String text, void Function() onPressed) { return ButtonTheme( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20, vertical: 10), materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap, //limits the touch area to the button area minWidth: 0, //wraps child's width height: 0, child: TextButton( style: flatButtonStyle, onPressed: onPressed, child: Text(translate(text), style: TextStyle(color: MyTheme.accent)))); } Widget _msgBoxTitle(String title) => Text(translate(title), style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)); void msgBoxCommon(OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, String title, Widget content, List buttons, {bool hasCancel = true}) { dialogManager.dismissAll();, close) => CustomAlertDialog( title: _msgBoxTitle(title), content: content, actions: buttons, onCancel: hasCancel ? close : null, )); } Color str2color(String str, [alpha = 0xFF]) { var hash = 160 << 16 + 114 << 8 + 91; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i += 1) { hash = str.codeUnitAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash); } hash = hash % 16777216; return Color((hash & 0xFF7FFF) | (alpha << 24)); } const K = 1024; const M = K * K; const G = M * K; String readableFileSize(double size) { if (size < K) { return "${size.toStringAsFixed(2)} B"; } else if (size < M) { return "${(size / K).toStringAsFixed(2)} KB"; } else if (size < G) { return "${(size / M).toStringAsFixed(2)} MB"; } else { return "${(size / G).toStringAsFixed(2)} GB"; } } /// Flutter can't not catch PointerMoveEvent when size is 1 /// This will happen in Android AccessibilityService Input /// android can't init dispatching size yet ,see: /// use this temporary solution until flutter or android fixes the bug class AccessibilityListener extends StatelessWidget { final Widget? child; static final offset = 100; AccessibilityListener({this.child}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Listener( onPointerDown: (evt) { if (evt.size == 1) { GestureBinding.instance.handlePointerEvent(PointerAddedEvent( pointer: evt.pointer + offset, position: evt.position)); GestureBinding.instance.handlePointerEvent(PointerDownEvent( pointer: evt.pointer + offset, size: 0.1, position: evt.position)); } }, onPointerUp: (evt) { if (evt.size == 1) { GestureBinding.instance.handlePointerEvent(PointerUpEvent( pointer: evt.pointer + offset, size: 0.1, position: evt.position)); GestureBinding.instance.handlePointerEvent(PointerRemovedEvent( pointer: evt.pointer + offset, position: evt.position)); } }, onPointerMove: (evt) { if (evt.size == 1) { GestureBinding.instance.handlePointerEvent(PointerMoveEvent( pointer: evt.pointer + offset, size: 0.1, delta:, position: evt.position)); } }, child: child); } } class PermissionManager { static Completer? _completer; static Timer? _timer; static var _current = ""; static final permissions = [ "audio", "file", "ignore_battery_optimizations", "application_details_settings" ]; static bool isWaitingFile() { if (_completer != null) { return !_completer!.isCompleted && _current == "file"; } return false; } static Future check(String type) { if (isDesktop) { return Future.value(true); } if (!permissions.contains(type)) return Future.error("Wrong permission!$type"); return gFFI.invokeMethod("check_permission", type); } static Future request(String type) { if (isDesktop) { return Future.value(true); } if (!permissions.contains(type)) return Future.error("Wrong permission!$type"); gFFI.invokeMethod("request_permission", type); if (type == "ignore_battery_optimizations") { return Future.value(false); } _current = type; _completer = Completer(); gFFI.invokeMethod("request_permission", type); // timeout _timer?.cancel(); _timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: 60), () { if (_completer == null) return; if (!_completer!.isCompleted) { _completer!.complete(false); } _completer = null; _current = ""; }); return _completer!.future; } static complete(String type, bool res) { if (type != _current) { res = false; } _timer?.cancel(); _completer?.complete(res); _current = ""; } } RadioListTile getRadio( String name, T toValue, T curValue, void Function(T?) onChange) { return RadioListTile( controlAffinity: ListTileControlAffinity.trailing, title: Text(translate(name)), value: toValue, groupValue: curValue, onChanged: onChange, dense: true, ); } CheckboxListTile getToggle( String id, void Function(void Function()) setState, option, name, {FFI? ffi}) { final opt = bind.sessionGetToggleOptionSync(id: id, arg: option); return CheckboxListTile( value: opt, onChanged: (v) { setState(() { bind.sessionToggleOption(id: id, value: option); }); if (option == "show-quality-monitor") { (ffi ?? gFFI).qualityMonitorModel.checkShowQualityMonitor(id); } }, dense: true, title: Text(translate(name))); } /// find ffi, tag is Remote ID /// for session specific usage FFI ffi(String? tag) { return Get.find(tag: tag); } /// Global FFI object late FFI _globalFFI; FFI get gFFI => _globalFFI; Future initGlobalFFI() async { debugPrint("_globalFFI init"); _globalFFI = FFI(); debugPrint("_globalFFI init end"); // after `put`, can also be globally found by Get.find(); Get.put(_globalFFI, permanent: true); } String translate(String name) { if (name.startsWith('Failed to') && name.contains(': ')) { return name.split(': ').map((x) => translate(x)).join(': '); } return platformFFI.translate(name, localeName); } bool option2bool(String option, String value) { bool res; if (option.startsWith("enable-")) { res = value != "N"; } else if (option.startsWith("allow-") || option == "stop-service" || option == "direct-server" || option == "stop-rendezvous-service") { res = value == "Y"; } else { assert(false); res = value != "N"; } return res; } String bool2option(String option, bool b) { String res; if (option.startsWith('enable-')) { res = b ? '' : 'N'; } else if (option.startsWith('allow-') || option == "stop-service" || option == "direct-server" || option == "stop-rendezvous-service") { res = b ? 'Y' : ''; } else { assert(false); res = b ? 'Y' : 'N'; } return res; } Future matchPeer(String searchText, Peer peer) async { if (searchText.isEmpty) { return true; } if ( { return true; } if (peer.hostname.toLowerCase().contains(searchText) || peer.username.toLowerCase().contains(searchText)) { return true; } final alias = await bind.mainGetPeerOption(id:, key: 'alias'); if (alias.isEmpty) { return false; } return alias.toLowerCase().contains(searchText); } Future>? matchPeers(String searchText, List peers) async { searchText = searchText.trim(); if (searchText.isEmpty) { return peers; } searchText = searchText.toLowerCase(); final matches = await Future.wait( => matchPeer(searchText, peer))); final filteredList = List.empty(growable: true); for (var i = 0; i < peers.length; i++) { if (matches[i]) { filteredList.add(peers[i]); } } return filteredList; } /// Get the image for the current [platform]. Widget getPlatformImage(String platform, {double size = 50}) { platform = platform.toLowerCase(); if (platform == 'mac os') { platform = 'mac'; } else if (platform != 'linux' && platform != 'android') { platform = 'win'; } return Image.asset('assets/$platform.png', height: size, width: size); } class LastWindowPosition { double? width; double? height; double? offsetWidth; double? offsetHeight; LastWindowPosition( this.width, this.height, this.offsetWidth, this.offsetHeight); Map toJson() { return { "width": width, "height": height, "offsetWidth": offsetWidth, "offsetHeight": offsetHeight }; } @override String toString() { return jsonEncode(toJson()); } static LastWindowPosition? loadFromString(String content) { if (content.isEmpty) { return null; } try { final m = jsonDecode(content); return LastWindowPosition( m["width"], m["height"], m["offsetWidth"], m["offsetHeight"]); } catch (e) { debugPrint(e.toString()); return null; } } } /// Save window position and size on exit /// Note that windowId must be provided if it's subwindow Future saveWindowPosition(WindowType type, {int? windowId}) async { if (type != WindowType.Main && windowId == null) { debugPrint( "Error: windowId cannot be null when saving positions for sub window"); } switch (type) { case WindowType.Main: List resp = await Future.wait( [windowManager.getPosition(), windowManager.getSize()]); Offset position = resp[0]; Size sz = resp[1]; final pos = LastWindowPosition(sz.width, sz.height, position.dx, position.dy); await Get.find() .setString(windowPrefix +, pos.toString()); break; default: // TODO: implement window break; } } /// Save window position and size on exit /// Note that windowId must be provided if it's subwindow Future restoreWindowPosition(WindowType type, {int? windowId}) async { if (type != WindowType.Main && windowId == null) { debugPrint( "Error: windowId cannot be null when saving positions for sub window"); } switch (type) { case WindowType.Main: var pos = Get.find().getString(windowPrefix +; if (pos == null) { debugPrint("no window position saved, ignore restore"); return false; } var lpos = LastWindowPosition.loadFromString(pos); if (lpos == null) { debugPrint("window position saved, but cannot be parsed"); return false; } await windowManager.setSize(Size(lpos.width ?? 1280, lpos.height ?? 720)); if (lpos.offsetWidth == null || lpos.offsetHeight == null) { await; } else { await windowManager .setPosition(Offset(lpos.offsetWidth!, lpos.offsetHeight!)); } return true; default: // TODO: implement subwindow break; } return false; }