import 'dart:async'; import 'package:dash_chat_2/dash_chat_2.dart'; import 'package:draggable_float_widget/draggable_float_widget.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/platform_model.dart'; import 'package:get/get_rx/src/rx_types/rx_types.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'package:window_manager/window_manager.dart'; import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart'; import '../consts.dart'; import '../common.dart'; import '../common/widgets/overlay.dart'; import 'model.dart'; class MessageBody { ChatUser chatUser; List chatMessages; MessageBody(this.chatUser, this.chatMessages); void insert(ChatMessage cm) { chatMessages.insert(0, cm); } void clear() { chatMessages.clear(); } } class ChatModel with ChangeNotifier { static final clientModeID = -1; OverlayEntry? chatIconOverlayEntry; OverlayEntry? chatWindowOverlayEntry; bool isConnManager = false; RxBool isWindowFocus = true.obs; BlockableOverlayState? _blockableOverlayState; final Rx _voiceCallStatus = Rx(VoiceCallStatus.notStarted); Rx get voiceCallStatus => _voiceCallStatus; final ChatUser me = ChatUser( id: "", firstName: translate("Me"), ); late final Map _messages = {}..[clientModeID] = MessageBody(me, []); var _currentID = clientModeID; late bool _isShowCMChatPage = false; Map get messages => _messages; int get currentID => _currentID; bool get isShowCMChatPage => _isShowCMChatPage; void setOverlayState(BlockableOverlayState blockableOverlayState) { _blockableOverlayState = blockableOverlayState; _blockableOverlayState!.addMiddleBlockedListener((v) { if (!v) { isWindowFocus.value = false; if (isWindowFocus.value) { isWindowFocus.toggle(); } } }); } final WeakReference parent; ChatModel(this.parent); FocusNode inputNode = FocusNode(); ChatUser get currentUser { final user = messages[currentID]?.chatUser; if (user == null) { _currentID = clientModeID; return me; } else { return user; } } showChatIconOverlay({Offset offset = const Offset(200, 50)}) { if (chatIconOverlayEntry != null) { chatIconOverlayEntry!.remove(); } // mobile check navigationBar final bar = navigationBarKey.currentWidget; if (bar != null) { if ((bar as BottomNavigationBar).currentIndex == 1) { return; } } final overlayState = _blockableOverlayState?.state; if (overlayState == null) return; final overlay = OverlayEntry(builder: (context) { return DraggableFloatWidget( config: DraggableFloatWidgetBaseConfig( initPositionYInTop: false, initPositionYMarginBorder: 100, borderTopContainTopBar: true, ), child: FloatingActionButton( onPressed: () { if (chatWindowOverlayEntry == null) { showChatWindowOverlay(); } else { hideChatWindowOverlay(); } }, backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary, child: SvgPicture.asset('assets/chat2.svg'), ), ); }); overlayState.insert(overlay); chatIconOverlayEntry = overlay; } hideChatIconOverlay() { if (chatIconOverlayEntry != null) { chatIconOverlayEntry!.remove(); chatIconOverlayEntry = null; } } showChatWindowOverlay({Offset? chatInitPos}) { if (chatWindowOverlayEntry != null) return; isWindowFocus.value = true; _blockableOverlayState?.setMiddleBlocked(true); final overlayState = _blockableOverlayState?.state; if (overlayState == null) return; final overlay = OverlayEntry(builder: (context) { return Listener( onPointerDown: (_) { if (!isWindowFocus.value) { isWindowFocus.value = true; _blockableOverlayState?.setMiddleBlocked(true); } }, child: DraggableChatWindow( position: chatInitPos ?? Offset(20, 80), width: 250, height: 350, chatModel: this)); }); overlayState.insert(overlay); chatWindowOverlayEntry = overlay; requestChatInputFocus(); } hideChatWindowOverlay() { if (chatWindowOverlayEntry != null) { _blockableOverlayState?.setMiddleBlocked(false); chatWindowOverlayEntry!.remove(); chatWindowOverlayEntry = null; return; } } _isChatOverlayHide() => ((!isDesktop && chatIconOverlayEntry == null) || chatWindowOverlayEntry == null); toggleChatOverlay({Offset? chatInitPos}) { if (_isChatOverlayHide()) { gFFI.invokeMethod("enable_soft_keyboard", true); if (!isDesktop) { showChatIconOverlay(); } showChatWindowOverlay(chatInitPos: chatInitPos); } else { hideChatIconOverlay(); hideChatWindowOverlay(); } } hideChatOverlay() { if (!_isChatOverlayHide()) { hideChatIconOverlay(); hideChatWindowOverlay(); } } showChatPage(int id) async { if (isConnManager) { if (!_isShowCMChatPage) { await toggleCMChatPage(id); } } else { if (_isChatOverlayHide()) { await toggleChatOverlay(); } } } toggleCMChatPage(int id) async { if (gFFI.chatModel.currentID != id) { gFFI.chatModel.changeCurrentID(id); } if (_isShowCMChatPage) { _isShowCMChatPage = !_isShowCMChatPage; notifyListeners(); await; await windowManager.setSizeAlignment( kConnectionManagerWindowSizeClosedChat, Alignment.topRight); } else { requestChatInputFocus(); await; await windowManager.setSizeAlignment( kConnectionManagerWindowSizeOpenChat, Alignment.topRight); _isShowCMChatPage = !_isShowCMChatPage; notifyListeners(); } } changeCurrentID(int id) { if (_messages.containsKey(id)) { _currentID = id; notifyListeners(); } else { final client = .firstWhere((client) => == id); if (client == null) { return debugPrint( "Failed to changeCurrentID,remote user doesn't exist"); } final chatUser = ChatUser( id: client.peerId, firstName:, ); _messages[id] = MessageBody(chatUser, []); _currentID = id; notifyListeners(); } } receive(int id, String text) async { final session =; if (session == null) { debugPrint("Failed to receive msg, session state is null"); return; } if (text.isEmpty) return; // mobile: first message show overlay icon if (!isDesktop && chatIconOverlayEntry == null) { showChatIconOverlay(); } // show chat page await showChatPage(id); int toId = currentID; late final ChatUser chatUser; if (id == clientModeID) { chatUser = ChatUser( firstName: session.ffiModel.pi.username, id:, ); toId = id; } else { final client = session.serverModel.clients.firstWhere((client) => == id); if (isDesktop) { window_on_top(null); // disable auto jumpTo other tab when hasFocus, and mark unread message final currentSelectedTab = session.serverModel.tabController.state.value.selectedTabInfo; if (currentSelectedTab.key != id.toString() && inputNode.hasFocus) { client.hasUnreadChatMessage.value = true; } else {; toId = id; } } else { toId = id; } chatUser = ChatUser(id: client.peerId, firstName:; } if (!_messages.containsKey(id)) { _messages[id] = MessageBody(chatUser, []); } _messages[id]!.insert( ChatMessage(text: text, user: chatUser, createdAt:; _currentID = toId; notifyListeners(); } send(ChatMessage message) { if (message.text.isNotEmpty) { _messages[_currentID]?.insert(message); if (_currentID == clientModeID) { if ( != null) { bind.sessionSendChat(id:!.id, text: message.text); } } else { bind.cmSendChat(connId: _currentID, msg: message.text); } } notifyListeners(); } close() { hideChatIconOverlay(); hideChatWindowOverlay(); notifyListeners(); } resetClientMode() { _messages[clientModeID]?.clear(); } void requestChatInputFocus() { Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 100), () { if (inputNode.hasListeners && inputNode.canRequestFocus) { inputNode.requestFocus(); } }); } void onVoiceCallWaiting() { _voiceCallStatus.value = VoiceCallStatus.waitingForResponse; } void onVoiceCallStarted() { _voiceCallStatus.value = VoiceCallStatus.connected; } void onVoiceCallClosed(String reason) { _voiceCallStatus.value = VoiceCallStatus.notStarted; } void onVoiceCallIncoming() { if (isConnManager) { _voiceCallStatus.value = VoiceCallStatus.incoming; } } void closeVoiceCall(String id) { bind.sessionCloseVoiceCall(id: id); } } enum VoiceCallStatus { notStarted, waitingForResponse, connected, // Connection manager only. incoming }