2020-11-25 16:28:46 +08:00

564 lines
15 KiB

import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'common.dart';
class RgbaFrame extends Struct {
int len;
Pointer<Uint8> data;
typedef F1 = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef F2 = Pointer<Utf8> Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef F3 = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef F4 = void Function(Pointer<RgbaFrame>);
typedef F5 = Pointer<RgbaFrame> Function();
class FfiModel with ChangeNotifier {
PeerInfo _pi;
Display _display;
bool _decoding;
bool _waitForImage;
bool _initialized = false;
final _permissions = Map<String, bool>();
get permissions => _permissions;
get initialized => _initialized;
FfiModel() {
() async {
await FFI.init();
_initialized = true;
void updatePermission(Map<String, dynamic> evt) {
evt.forEach((k, v) {
if (k == 'name') return;
_permissions[k] = v == 'true';
bool keyboard() => _permissions['keyboard'] != false;
void clear() {
_pi = PeerInfo();
_display = Display();
_decoding = false;
_waitForImage = false;
void update(
String id,
BuildContext context,
void Function(Map<String, dynamic> evt, String id, BuildContext context)
handleMsgbox) {
var pos;
for (;;) {
var evt = FFI.popEvent();
if (evt == null) break;
var name = evt['name'];
if (name == 'msgbox') {
handleMsgbox(evt, id, context);
} else if (name == 'peer_info') {
} else if (name == 'switch_display') {
} else if (name == 'cursor_data') {
} else if (name == 'cursor_id') {
} else if (name == 'cursor_position') {
pos = evt;
} else if (name == 'permission') {
if (pos != null) FFI.cursorModel.updateCursorPosition(pos);
if (!_decoding) {
var rgba = FFI.getRgba();
if (rgba != null) {
if (_waitForImage) {
_waitForImage = false;
_decoding = true;
rgba, _display.width, _display.height, ui.PixelFormat.bgra8888,
(image) {
_decoding = false;
try {
// my throw exception, because the listener maybe already dispose
} catch (e) {}
void handleSwitchDisplay(Map<String, dynamic> evt) {
_pi.currentDisplay = int.parse(evt['display']);
_display.x = double.parse(evt['x']);
_display.y = double.parse(evt['y']);
_display.width = int.parse(evt['width']);
_display.height = int.parse(evt['height']);
FFI.cursorModel.updateDisplayOrigin(_display.x, _display.y);
void handlePeerInfo(Map<String, dynamic> evt) {
_pi.username = evt['username'];
_pi.hostname = evt['hostname'];
_pi.platform = evt['platform'];
_pi.sasEnabled = evt['sas_enabled'] == "true";
_pi.currentDisplay = int.parse(evt['current_display']);
List<dynamic> displays = json.decode(evt['displays']);
_pi.displays = List<Display>();
for (int i = 0; i < displays.length; ++i) {
Map<String, dynamic> d0 = displays[i];
var d = Display();
d.x = d0['x'].toDouble();
d.y = d0['y'].toDouble();
d.width = d0['width'];
d.height = d0['height'];
if (_pi.currentDisplay < _pi.displays.length) {
_display = _pi.displays[_pi.currentDisplay];
FFI.cursorModel.updateDisplayOrigin(_display.x, _display.y);
if (displays.length > 0) {
showLoading('Waiting for image...');
_waitForImage = true;
class ImageModel with ChangeNotifier {
ui.Image _image;
ui.Image get image => _image;
void update(ui.Image image) {
if (_image == null && image != null) {
final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size;
final xscale = size.width / image.width;
final yscale = size.height / image.height;
FFI.canvasModel.scale = max(xscale, yscale);
_image = image;
if (image != null) notifyListeners();
double get maxScale {
if (_image == null) return 1.0;
final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size;
final xscale = size.width / _image.width;
final yscale = size.height / _image.height;
return max(1.0, max(xscale, yscale));
double get minScale {
if (_image == null) return 1.0;
final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size;
final xscale = size.width / _image.width;
final yscale = size.height / _image.height;
return min(xscale, yscale);
class CanvasModel with ChangeNotifier {
double _x;
double _y;
double _scale;
CanvasModel() {
double get x => _x;
double get y => _y;
double get scale => _scale;
set scale(v) {
_scale = v;
void panX(double dx) {
_x += dx;
void panY(double dy) {
_y += dy;
void updateScale(double v) {
final offset = FFI.cursorModel.offset;
var r = FFI.cursorModel.getVisibleRect();
final px0 = (offset.dx - r.left) * _scale;
final py0 = (offset.dy - * _scale;
_scale *= v;
final maxs = FFI.imageModel.maxScale;
final mins = FFI.imageModel.minScale;
if (_scale > maxs) _scale = maxs;
if (_scale < mins) _scale = mins;
r = FFI.cursorModel.getVisibleRect();
final px1 = (offset.dx - r.left) * _scale;
final py1 = (offset.dy - * _scale;
_x -= px1 - px0;
_y -= py1 - py0;
void clear() {
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
_scale = 1.0;
class CursorModel with ChangeNotifier {
ui.Image _image;
final _images = Map<int, Tuple3<ui.Image, double, double>>();
double _x = -10000;
double _y = -10000;
double _hotx = 0;
double _hoty = 0;
double _displayOriginX = 0;
double _displayOriginY = 0;
ui.Image get image => _image;
double get x => _x - _displayOriginX;
double get y => _y - _displayOriginY;
Offset get offset => Offset(_x, _y);
double get hotx => _hotx;
double get hoty => _hoty;
// remote physical display coordinate
Rect getVisibleRect() {
final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size;
final xoffset = FFI.canvasModel.x;
final yoffset = FFI.canvasModel.y;
final scale = FFI.canvasModel.scale;
final x0 = _displayOriginX - xoffset / scale;
final y0 = _displayOriginY - yoffset / scale;
return Rect.fromLTWH(x0, y0, size.width / scale, size.height / scale);
double adjustForKeyboard() {
var keyboardHeight = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).viewInsets.bottom;
if (keyboardHeight < 100) return 0;
final s = FFI.canvasModel.scale;
final thresh = 120;
var h = (_y - getVisibleRect().top) * s; // local physical display height
return h > thresh ? h - thresh : 0;
void updatePan(double dx, double dy) {
final scale = FFI.canvasModel.scale;
dx /= scale;
dy /= scale;
final r = getVisibleRect();
var cx =;
var cy =;
var tryMoveCanvasX = false;
if (dx > 0) {
final maxCanvasCanMove =
_displayOriginX + FFI.imageModel.image.width - r.right;
tryMoveCanvasX = _x + dx > cx && maxCanvasCanMove > 0;
if (tryMoveCanvasX) {
dx = min(dx, maxCanvasCanMove);
} else {
final maxCursorCanMove = r.right - _x;
dx = min(dx, maxCursorCanMove);
} else if (dx < 0) {
final maxCanvasCanMove = _displayOriginX - r.left;
tryMoveCanvasX = _x + dx < cx && maxCanvasCanMove < 0;
if (tryMoveCanvasX) {
dx = max(dx, maxCanvasCanMove);
} else {
final maxCursorCanMove = r.left - _x;
dx = max(dx, maxCursorCanMove);
var tryMoveCanvasY = false;
if (dy > 0) {
final mayCanvasCanMove =
_displayOriginY + FFI.imageModel.image.height - r.bottom;
tryMoveCanvasY = _y + dy > cy && mayCanvasCanMove > 0;
if (tryMoveCanvasY) {
dy = min(dy, mayCanvasCanMove);
} else {
final mayCursorCanMove = r.bottom - _y;
dy = min(dy, mayCursorCanMove);
} else if (dy < 0) {
final mayCanvasCanMove = _displayOriginY -;
tryMoveCanvasY = _y + dy < cy && mayCanvasCanMove < 0;
if (tryMoveCanvasY) {
dy = max(dy, mayCanvasCanMove);
} else {
final mayCursorCanMove = - _y;
dy = max(dy, mayCursorCanMove);
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return;
_x += dx;
_y += dy;
if (tryMoveCanvasX && dx != 0) {
if (tryMoveCanvasY && dy != 0) {
FFI.moveMouse(_x, _y);
void updateCursorData(Map<String, dynamic> evt) {
var id = int.parse(evt['id']);
_hotx = double.parse(evt['hotx']);
_hoty = double.parse(evt['hoty']);
var width = int.parse(evt['width']);
var height = int.parse(evt['height']);
List<dynamic> colors = json.decode(evt['colors']);
final rgba = Uint8List.fromList( => s as int).toList());
ui.decodeImageFromPixels(rgba, width, height, ui.PixelFormat.rgba8888,
(image) {
_image = image;
_images[id] = Tuple3(image, _hotx, _hoty);
try {
// my throw exception, because the listener maybe already dispose
} catch (e) {}
void updateCursorId(Map<String, dynamic> evt) {
final tmp = _images[int.parse(evt['id'])];
if (tmp != null) {
_image = tmp.item1;
_hotx = tmp.item2;
_hoty = tmp.item3;
void updateCursorPosition(Map<String, dynamic> evt) {
_x = double.parse(evt['x']);
_y = double.parse(evt['y']);
void updateDisplayOrigin(double x, double y) {
_displayOriginX = x;
_displayOriginY = y;
_x = x;
_y = y;
FFI.moveMouse(x, y);
void clear() {
_x = -10000;
_x = -10000;
_image = null;
class FFI {
static F1 _freeCString;
static F2 _getByName;
static F3 _setByName;
static F4 _freeRgba;
static F5 _getRgba;
static Pointer<RgbaFrame> _lastRgbaFrame;
static var shift = false;
static var ctrl = false;
static var alt = false;
static var command = false;
static final imageModel = ImageModel();
static final ffiModel = FfiModel();
static final cursorModel = CursorModel();
static final canvasModel = CanvasModel();
static String getId() {
return getByName('remote_id');
static void tap() {
sendMouse('down', 'left');
sendMouse('up', 'left');
static void resetModifiers() {
shift = ctrl = alt = command = false;
static Map<String, String> modify(Map<String, String> evt) {
if (ctrl) evt['ctrl'] = 'true';
if (shift) evt['shift'] = 'true';
if (alt) evt['alt'] = 'true';
if (command) evt['command'] = 'true';
return evt;
static void sendMouse(String type, String buttons) {
if (!ffiModel.keyboard()) return;
'send_mouse', json.encode(modify({'type': type, 'buttons': buttons})));
static void inputKey(String name) {
if (!ffiModel.keyboard()) return;
setByName('input_key', json.encode(modify({'name': name})));
static void moveMouse(double x, double y) {
if (!ffiModel.keyboard()) return;
var x2 = x.toInt();
var y2 = y.toInt();
setByName('send_mouse', json.encode(modify({'x': '$x2', 'y': '$y2'})));
static List<Peer> peers() {
try {
List<dynamic> peers = json.decode(getByName('peers'));
return peers
.map((s) => s as List<dynamic>)
.map((s) =>
Peer.fromJson(s[0] as String, s[1] as Map<String, dynamic>))
} catch (e) {
return [];
static void connect(String id) {
setByName('connect', id);
static void clearRgbaFrame() {
if (_lastRgbaFrame != null && _lastRgbaFrame != nullptr)
static Uint8List getRgba() {
_lastRgbaFrame = _getRgba();
if (_lastRgbaFrame == null || _lastRgbaFrame == nullptr) return null;
final ref = _lastRgbaFrame.ref;
return Uint8List.sublistView(;
static Map<String, dynamic> popEvent() {
var s = getByName('event');
if (s == '') return null;
try {
Map<String, dynamic> event = json.decode(s);
return event;
} catch (e) {
return null;
static void login(String password, bool remember) {
'password': password,
'remember': remember ? 'true' : 'false',
static void close() {
setByName('close', '');
static void setByName(String name, [String value = '']) {
_setByName(Utf8.toUtf8(name), Utf8.toUtf8(value));
static String getByName(String name, [String arg = '']) {
var p = _getByName(Utf8.toUtf8(name), Utf8.toUtf8(arg));
assert(p != nullptr && p != null);
var res = Utf8.fromUtf8(p);
return res;
static Future<Null> init() async {
final dylib = Platform.isAndroid
: DynamicLibrary.process();
_getByName = dylib.lookupFunction<F2, F2>('get_by_name');
_setByName =
dylib.lookupFunction<Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Pointer<Utf8>), F3>(
_freeCString = dylib
.lookupFunction<Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>), F1>('rust_cstr_free');
_freeRgba = dylib
.lookupFunction<Void Function(Pointer<RgbaFrame>), F4>('free_rgba');
_getRgba = dylib.lookupFunction<F5, F5>('get_rgba');
final dir = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path;
setByName('init', dir);
class Peer {
final String id;
final String username;
final String hostname;
final String platform;
Peer.fromJson(String id, Map<String, dynamic> json)
: id = id,
username = json['username'],
hostname = json['hostname'],
platform = json['platform'];
class Display {
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
class PeerInfo {
String username;
String hostname;
String platform;
bool sasEnabled;
int currentDisplay;
List<Display> displays;