Signed-off-by: fufesou <shuanglongchen@yeah.net>
245 lines
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245 lines
7.3 KiB
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gpu_texture_renderer/flutter_gpu_texture_renderer.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/consts.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/model.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import '../../common.dart';
import './platform_model.dart';
import 'package:texture_rgba_renderer/texture_rgba_renderer.dart'
if (dart.library.html) 'package:flutter_hbb/web/texture_rgba_renderer.dart';
// Feature flutter_texture_render need to be enabled if feature gpucodec is enabled.
final useTextureRender = !isWeb &&
(bind.mainHasPixelbufferTextureRender() || bind.mainHasGpuTextureRender());
class _PixelbufferTexture {
int _textureKey = -1;
int _display = 0;
SessionID? _sessionId;
final support = bind.mainHasPixelbufferTextureRender();
bool _destroying = false;
int? _id;
final textureRenderer = TextureRgbaRenderer();
int get display => _display;
create(int d, SessionID sessionId, FFI ffi) {
if (support) {
_display = d;
_textureKey = bind.getNextTextureKey();
_sessionId = sessionId;
textureRenderer.createTexture(_textureKey).then((id) async {
_id = id;
if (id != -1) {
ffi.textureModel.setRgbaTextureId(display: d, id: id);
final ptr = await textureRenderer.getTexturePtr(_textureKey);
platformFFI.registerPixelbufferTexture(sessionId, display, ptr);
"create pixelbuffer texture: peerId: ${ffi.id} display:$_display, textureId:$id");
destroy(bool unregisterTexture, FFI ffi) async {
if (!_destroying && support && _textureKey != -1 && _sessionId != null) {
_destroying = true;
if (unregisterTexture) {
platformFFI.registerPixelbufferTexture(_sessionId!, display, 0);
// sleep for a while to avoid the texture is used after it's unregistered.
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100));
await textureRenderer.closeTexture(_textureKey);
_textureKey = -1;
_destroying = false;
"destroy pixelbuffer texture: peerId: ${ffi.id} display:$_display, textureId:$_id");
class _GpuTexture {
int _textureId = -1;
SessionID? _sessionId;
final support = bind.mainHasGpuTextureRender();
bool _destroying = false;
int _display = 0;
int? _id;
int? _output;
int get display => _display;
final gpuTextureRenderer = FlutterGpuTextureRenderer();
create(int d, SessionID sessionId, FFI ffi) {
if (support) {
_sessionId = sessionId;
_display = d;
gpuTextureRenderer.registerTexture().then((id) async {
_id = id;
if (id != null) {
_textureId = id;
ffi.textureModel.setGpuTextureId(display: d, id: id);
final output = await gpuTextureRenderer.output(id);
_output = output;
if (output != null) {
platformFFI.registerGpuTexture(sessionId, d, output);
"create gpu texture: peerId: ${ffi.id} display:$_display, textureId:$id, output:$output");
}, onError: (err) {
debugPrint("Failed to register gpu texture:$err");
destroy(FFI ffi) async {
// must stop texture render, render unregistered texture cause crash
if (!_destroying && support && _sessionId != null && _textureId != -1) {
_destroying = true;
platformFFI.registerGpuTexture(_sessionId!, _display, 0);
// sleep for a while to avoid the texture is used after it's unregistered.
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100));
await gpuTextureRenderer.unregisterTexture(_textureId);
_textureId = -1;
_destroying = false;
"destroy gpu texture: peerId: ${ffi.id} display:$_display, textureId:$_id, output:$_output");
class _Control {
RxInt textureID = (-1).obs;
int _rgbaTextureId = -1;
int get rgbaTextureId => _rgbaTextureId;
int _gpuTextureId = -1;
int get gpuTextureId => _gpuTextureId;
bool _isGpuTexture = false;
bool get isGpuTexture => _isGpuTexture;
setTextureType({bool gpuTexture = false}) {
_isGpuTexture = gpuTexture;
textureID.value = _isGpuTexture ? gpuTextureId : rgbaTextureId;
setRgbaTextureId(int id) {
_rgbaTextureId = id;
textureID.value = _isGpuTexture ? gpuTextureId : rgbaTextureId;
setGpuTextureId(int id) {
_gpuTextureId = id;
textureID.value = _isGpuTexture ? gpuTextureId : rgbaTextureId;
class TextureModel {
final WeakReference<FFI> parent;
final Map<int, _Control> _control = {};
final Map<int, _PixelbufferTexture> _pixelbufferRenderTextures = {};
final Map<int, _GpuTexture> _gpuRenderTextures = {};
setTextureType({required int display, required bool gpuTexture}) {
debugPrint("setTextureType: display:$display, isGpuTexture:$gpuTexture");
var texture = _control[display];
if (texture == null) {
texture = _Control();
_control[display] = texture;
texture.setTextureType(gpuTexture: gpuTexture);
setRgbaTextureId({required int display, required int id}) {
var ctl = _control[display];
if (ctl == null) {
ctl = _Control();
_control[display] = ctl;
setGpuTextureId({required int display, required int id}) {
var ctl = _control[display];
if (ctl == null) {
ctl = _Control();
_control[display] = ctl;
RxInt getTextureId(int display) {
var ctl = _control[display];
if (ctl == null) {
ctl = _Control();
_control[display] = ctl;
return ctl.textureID;
updateCurrentDisplay(int curDisplay) {
final ffi = parent.target;
if (ffi == null) return;
tryCreateTexture(int idx) {
if (!_pixelbufferRenderTextures.containsKey(idx)) {
final renderTexture = _PixelbufferTexture();
_pixelbufferRenderTextures[idx] = renderTexture;
renderTexture.create(idx, ffi.sessionId, ffi);
if (!_gpuRenderTextures.containsKey(idx)) {
final renderTexture = _GpuTexture();
_gpuRenderTextures[idx] = renderTexture;
renderTexture.create(idx, ffi.sessionId, ffi);
tryRemoveTexture(int idx) {
if (_pixelbufferRenderTextures.containsKey(idx)) {
_pixelbufferRenderTextures[idx]!.destroy(true, ffi);
if (_gpuRenderTextures.containsKey(idx)) {
if (curDisplay == kAllDisplayValue) {
final displays = ffi.ffiModel.pi.getCurDisplays();
for (var i = 0; i < displays.length; i++) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < ffi.ffiModel.pi.displays.length; i++) {
if (i != curDisplay) {
onRemotePageDispose(bool closeSession) async {
final ffi = parent.target;
if (ffi == null) return;
for (final texture in _pixelbufferRenderTextures.values) {
await texture.destroy(closeSession, ffi);
for (final texture in _gpuRenderTextures.values) {
await texture.destroy(ffi);