Signed-off-by: fufesou <shuanglongchen@yeah.net>
523 lines
14 KiB
523 lines
14 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import '../../models/model.dart';
import '../../models/platform_model.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../consts.dart';
import './state_model.dart';
/// Mouse button enum.
enum MouseButtons { left, right, wheel }
const _kMouseEventDown = 'mousedown';
const _kMouseEventUp = 'mouseup';
const _kMouseEventMove = 'mousemove';
extension ToString on MouseButtons {
String get value {
switch (this) {
case MouseButtons.left:
return 'left';
case MouseButtons.right:
return 'right';
case MouseButtons.wheel:
return 'wheel';
class InputModel {
final WeakReference<FFI> parent;
String keyboardMode = "legacy";
// keyboard
var shift = false;
var ctrl = false;
var alt = false;
var command = false;
// trackpad
var trackpadScrollDistance = Offset.zero;
Timer? _flingTimer;
// mouse
final isPhysicalMouse = false.obs;
int _lastButtons = 0;
Offset lastMousePos = Offset.zero;
get id => parent.target?.id ?? "";
KeyEventResult handleRawKeyEvent(FocusNode data, RawKeyEvent e) {
bind.sessionGetKeyboardMode(id: id).then((result) {
keyboardMode = result.toString();
final key = e.logicalKey;
if (e is RawKeyDownEvent) {
if (!e.repeat) {
if (e.isAltPressed && !alt) {
alt = true;
} else if (e.isControlPressed && !ctrl) {
ctrl = true;
} else if (e.isShiftPressed && !shift) {
shift = true;
} else if (e.isMetaPressed && !command) {
command = true;
if (e is RawKeyUpEvent) {
if (key == LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft ||
key == LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight) {
alt = false;
} else if (key == LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft ||
key == LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight) {
ctrl = false;
} else if (key == LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight ||
key == LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft) {
shift = false;
} else if (key == LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft ||
key == LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight ||
key == LogicalKeyboardKey.superKey) {
command = false;
if (keyboardMode == 'map') {
} else if (keyboardMode == 'translate') {
} else {
return KeyEventResult.handled;
void mapKeyboardMode(RawKeyEvent e) {
int scanCode;
int keyCode;
bool down;
if (e.data is RawKeyEventDataMacOs) {
RawKeyEventDataMacOs newData = e.data as RawKeyEventDataMacOs;
scanCode = newData.keyCode;
keyCode = newData.keyCode;
} else if (e.data is RawKeyEventDataWindows) {
RawKeyEventDataWindows newData = e.data as RawKeyEventDataWindows;
scanCode = newData.scanCode;
keyCode = newData.keyCode;
} else if (e.data is RawKeyEventDataLinux) {
RawKeyEventDataLinux newData = e.data as RawKeyEventDataLinux;
// scanCode and keyCode of RawKeyEventDataLinux are incorrect.
// 1. scanCode means keycode
// 2. keyCode means keysym
scanCode = 0;
keyCode = newData.scanCode;
} else if (e.data is RawKeyEventDataAndroid) {
RawKeyEventDataAndroid newData = e.data as RawKeyEventDataAndroid;
scanCode = newData.scanCode + 8;
keyCode = newData.keyCode;
} else {
scanCode = -1;
keyCode = -1;
if (e is RawKeyDownEvent) {
down = true;
} else {
down = false;
inputRawKey(e.character ?? '', keyCode, scanCode, down);
/// Send raw Key Event
void inputRawKey(String name, int keyCode, int scanCode, bool down) {
const capslock = 1;
const numlock = 2;
const scrolllock = 3;
int lockModes = 0;
if (HardwareKeyboard.instance.lockModesEnabled
.contains(KeyboardLockMode.capsLock)) {
lockModes |= (1 << capslock);
if (HardwareKeyboard.instance.lockModesEnabled
.contains(KeyboardLockMode.numLock)) {
lockModes |= (1 << numlock);
if (HardwareKeyboard.instance.lockModesEnabled
.contains(KeyboardLockMode.scrollLock)) {
lockModes |= (1 << scrolllock);
id: id,
name: name,
keycode: keyCode,
scancode: scanCode,
lockModes: lockModes,
downOrUp: down);
void legacyKeyboardMode(RawKeyEvent e) {
if (e is RawKeyDownEvent) {
if (e.repeat) {
sendRawKey(e, press: true);
} else {
sendRawKey(e, down: true);
if (e is RawKeyUpEvent) {
void sendRawKey(RawKeyEvent e, {bool? down, bool? press}) {
// for maximum compatibility
final label = physicalKeyMap[e.physicalKey.usbHidUsage] ??
logicalKeyMap[e.logicalKey.keyId] ??
inputKey(label, down: down, press: press ?? false);
/// Send key stroke event.
/// [down] indicates the key's state(down or up).
/// [press] indicates a click event(down and up).
void inputKey(String name, {bool? down, bool? press}) {
if (!parent.target!.ffiModel.keyboard()) return;
id: id,
name: name,
down: down ?? false,
press: press ?? true,
alt: alt,
ctrl: ctrl,
shift: shift,
command: command);
Map<String, dynamic> getEvent(PointerEvent evt, String type) {
final Map<String, dynamic> out = {};
out['x'] = evt.position.dx;
out['y'] = evt.position.dy;
if (alt) out['alt'] = 'true';
if (shift) out['shift'] = 'true';
if (ctrl) out['ctrl'] = 'true';
if (command) out['command'] = 'true';
// Check update event type and set buttons to be sent.
int buttons = _lastButtons;
if (type == _kMouseEventMove) {
// flutter may emit move event if one button is pressed and another button
// is pressing or releasing.
if (evt.buttons != _lastButtons) {
// For simplicity
// Just consider 3 - 1 ((Left + Right buttons) - Left button)
// Do not consider 2 - 1 (Right button - Left button)
// or 6 - 5 ((Right + Mid buttons) - (Left + Mid buttons))
// and so on
buttons = evt.buttons - _lastButtons;
if (buttons > 0) {
type = _kMouseEventDown;
} else {
type = _kMouseEventUp;
buttons = -buttons;
} else {
if (evt.buttons != 0) {
buttons = evt.buttons;
_lastButtons = evt.buttons;
out['buttons'] = buttons;
out['type'] = type;
return out;
/// Send a mouse tap event(down and up).
void tap(MouseButtons button) {
sendMouse('down', button);
sendMouse('up', button);
/// Send scroll event with scroll distance [y].
void scroll(int y) {
id: id,
msg: json
.encode(modify({'id': id, 'type': 'wheel', 'y': y.toString()})));
/// Reset key modifiers to false, including [shift], [ctrl], [alt] and [command].
void resetModifiers() {
shift = ctrl = alt = command = false;
/// Modify the given modifier map [evt] based on current modifier key status.
Map<String, String> modify(Map<String, String> evt) {
if (ctrl) evt['ctrl'] = 'true';
if (shift) evt['shift'] = 'true';
if (alt) evt['alt'] = 'true';
if (command) evt['command'] = 'true';
return evt;
/// Send mouse press event.
void sendMouse(String type, MouseButtons button) {
if (!parent.target!.ffiModel.keyboard()) return;
id: id,
msg: json.encode(modify({'type': type, 'buttons': button.value})));
void enterOrLeave(bool enter) {
// Fix status
if (!enter) {
bind.sessionEnterOrLeave(id: id, enter: enter);
/// Send mouse movement event with distance in [x] and [y].
void moveMouse(double x, double y) {
if (!parent.target!.ffiModel.keyboard()) return;
var x2 = x.toInt();
var y2 = y.toInt();
id: id, msg: json.encode(modify({'x': '$x2', 'y': '$y2'})));
void onPointHoverImage(PointerHoverEvent e) {
if (e.kind != ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse) return;
if (!isPhysicalMouse.value) {
isPhysicalMouse.value = true;
if (isPhysicalMouse.value) {
handleMouse(getEvent(e, _kMouseEventMove));
int _signOrZero(num x) {
if (x == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
void onPointerPanZoomStart(PointerPanZoomStartEvent e) {}
// https://docs.flutter.dev/release/breaking-changes/trackpad-gestures
// TODO(support zoom in/out)
void onPointerPanZoomUpdate(PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent e) {
var delta = e.panDelta;
trackpadScrollDistance += delta;
id: id,
'{"type": "trackpad", "x": "${delta.dx.toInt()}", "y": "${delta.dy.toInt()}"}');
// Simple simulation for fling.
void _scheduleFling(var x, y, dx, dy) {
if (dx <= 0 && dy <= 0) {
_flingTimer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 10), () {
id: id, msg: '{"type": "trackpad", "x": "$x", "y": "$y"}');
if (dx == 0) {
x = 0;
if (dy == 0) {
y = 0;
_scheduleFling(x, y, dx, dy);
void onPointerPanZoomEnd(PointerPanZoomEndEvent e) {
var x = _signOrZero(trackpadScrollDistance.dx);
var y = _signOrZero(trackpadScrollDistance.dy);
var dx = trackpadScrollDistance.dx.abs() ~/ 40;
var dy = trackpadScrollDistance.dy.abs() ~/ 40;
_scheduleFling(x, y, dx, dy);
trackpadScrollDistance = Offset.zero;
void onPointDownImage(PointerDownEvent e) {
if (e.kind != ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse) {
if (isPhysicalMouse.value) {
isPhysicalMouse.value = false;
if (isPhysicalMouse.value) {
handleMouse(getEvent(e, _kMouseEventDown));
void onPointUpImage(PointerUpEvent e) {
if (e.kind != ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse) return;
if (isPhysicalMouse.value) {
handleMouse(getEvent(e, _kMouseEventUp));
void onPointMoveImage(PointerMoveEvent e) {
if (e.kind != ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse) return;
if (isPhysicalMouse.value) {
handleMouse(getEvent(e, _kMouseEventMove));
void onPointerSignalImage(PointerSignalEvent e) {
if (e is PointerScrollEvent) {
var dx = e.scrollDelta.dx.toInt();
var dy = e.scrollDelta.dy.toInt();
if (dx > 0) {
dx = -1;
} else if (dx < 0) {
dx = 1;
if (dy > 0) {
dy = -1;
} else if (dy < 0) {
dy = 1;
id: id, msg: '{"type": "wheel", "x": "$dx", "y": "$dy"}');
void refreshMousePos() => handleMouse({
'x': lastMousePos.dx,
'y': lastMousePos.dy,
'buttons': 0,
'type': _kMouseEventMove,
void handleMouse(Map<String, dynamic> evt) {
double x = evt['x'];
double y = max(0.0, evt['y']);
final cursorModel = parent.target!.cursorModel;
if (cursorModel.isPeerControlProtected) {
lastMousePos = ui.Offset(x, y);
if (!cursorModel.gotMouseControl) {
bool selfGetControl =
(x - lastMousePos.dx).abs() > kMouseControlDistance ||
(y - lastMousePos.dy).abs() > kMouseControlDistance;
if (selfGetControl) {
cursorModel.gotMouseControl = true;
} else {
lastMousePos = ui.Offset(x, y);
lastMousePos = ui.Offset(x, y);
var type = '';
var isMove = false;
switch (evt['type']) {
case _kMouseEventDown:
type = 'down';
case _kMouseEventUp:
type = 'up';
case _kMouseEventMove:
isMove = true;
evt['type'] = type;
if (isDesktop) {
y = y - stateGlobal.tabBarHeight;
final canvasModel = parent.target!.canvasModel;
final ffiModel = parent.target!.ffiModel;
if (isMove) {
canvasModel.moveDesktopMouse(x, y);
final d = ffiModel.display;
if (canvasModel.scrollStyle == ScrollStyle.scrollbar) {
final imageWidth = d.width * canvasModel.scale;
final imageHeight = d.height * canvasModel.scale;
x += imageWidth * canvasModel.scrollX;
y += imageHeight * canvasModel.scrollY;
// boxed size is a center widget
if (canvasModel.size.width > imageWidth) {
x -= ((canvasModel.size.width - imageWidth) / 2);
if (canvasModel.size.height > imageHeight) {
y -= ((canvasModel.size.height - imageHeight) / 2);
} else {
x -= canvasModel.x;
y -= canvasModel.y;
x /= canvasModel.scale;
y /= canvasModel.scale;
x += d.x;
y += d.y;
if (type != '') {
x = 0;
y = 0;
evt['x'] = '${x.round()}';
evt['y'] = '${y.round()}';
var buttons = '';
switch (evt['buttons']) {
case kPrimaryMouseButton:
buttons = 'left';
case kSecondaryMouseButton:
buttons = 'right';
case kMiddleMouseButton:
buttons = 'wheel';
case kBackMouseButton:
buttons = 'back';
case kForwardMouseButton:
buttons = 'forward';
evt['buttons'] = buttons;
bind.sessionSendMouse(id: id, msg: json.encode(evt));
/// Web only
void listenToMouse(bool yesOrNo) {
if (yesOrNo) {
} else {