155 lines
4.1 KiB
155 lines
4.1 KiB
extern crate docopt;
extern crate quest;
extern crate repng;
extern crate scrap;
extern crate serde;
extern crate webm;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::{io, thread};
use docopt::Docopt;
use scrap::codec::{EncoderApi, EncoderCfg};
use webm::mux;
use webm::mux::Track;
use scrap::vpxcodec as vpx_encode;
use scrap::{Capturer, Display, TraitCapturer, STRIDE_ALIGN};
const USAGE: &'static str = "
Simple WebM screen capture.
record-screen <path> [--time=<s>] [--fps=<fps>] [--bv=<kbps>] [--ba=<kbps>] [--codec CODEC]
record-screen (-h | --help)
-h --help Show this screen.
--time=<s> Recording duration in seconds.
--fps=<fps> Frames per second [default: 30].
--bv=<kbps> Video bitrate in kilobits per second [default: 5000].
--ba=<kbps> Audio bitrate in kilobits per second [default: 96].
--codec CODEC Configure the codec used. [default: vp9]
Valid values: vp8, vp9.
#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Args {
arg_path: PathBuf,
flag_codec: Codec,
flag_time: Option<u64>,
flag_fps: u64,
flag_bv: u32,
#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)]
enum Codec {
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE)
.and_then(|d| d.deserialize())
.unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
let duration = args.flag_time.map(Duration::from_secs);
let d = Display::primary().unwrap();
let (width, height) = (d.width() as u32, d.height() as u32);
// Setup the multiplexer.
let out = match {
} {
Ok(file) => file,
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => {
if loop {
quest::ask("Overwrite the existing file? [y/N] ");
if let Some(b) = quest::yesno(false)? {
break b;
} {
} else {
return Ok(());
Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),
let mut webm =
mux::Segment::new(mux::Writer::new(out)).expect("Could not initialize the multiplexer.");
let (vpx_codec, mux_codec) = match args.flag_codec {
Codec::Vp8 => (vpx_encode::VpxVideoCodecId::VP8, mux::VideoCodecId::VP8),
Codec::Vp9 => (vpx_encode::VpxVideoCodecId::VP9, mux::VideoCodecId::VP9),
let mut vt = webm.add_video_track(width, height, None, mux_codec);
// Setup the encoder.
let mut vpx = vpx_encode::VpxEncoder::new(EncoderCfg::VPX(vpx_encode::VpxEncoderConfig {
bitrate: args.flag_bv,
codec: vpx_codec,
// Start recording.
let start = Instant::now();
let stop = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let stop = stop.clone();
move || {
let _ = quest::ask("Recording! Press ⏎ to stop.");
let _ = quest::text();
stop.store(true, Ordering::Release);
let spf = Duration::from_nanos(1_000_000_000 / args.flag_fps);
// Capturer object is expensive, avoiding to create it frequently.
let mut c = Capturer::new(d, true).unwrap();
while !stop.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
let now = Instant::now();
let time = now - start;
if Some(true) == duration.map(|d| time > d) {
if let Ok(frame) = c.frame(Duration::from_millis(0)) {
let ms = time.as_secs() * 1000 + time.subsec_millis() as u64;
for frame in vpx.encode(ms as i64, &frame, STRIDE_ALIGN).unwrap() {
vt.add_frame(frame.data, frame.pts as u64 * 1_000_000, frame.key);
let dt = now.elapsed();
if dt < spf {
thread::sleep(spf - dt);
// End things.
let _ = webm.finalize(None);