21pages 1f557888f5
update pubspec.lock, remove some deprecated (#7110)
* fix some warnings and some deprecated reported by `flutter analyze`

Signed-off-by: 21pages <>

* pubspec.lock changes from flutter 3.16.9

Signed-off-by: 21pages <>

* pubspec.lock changes from `flutter pub upgrade`

Signed-off-by: 21pages <>


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2024-02-12 21:39:19 +08:00

2993 lines
90 KiB
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This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi' hide Size;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:back_button_interceptor/back_button_interceptor.dart';
import 'package:desktop_multi_window/desktop_multi_window.dart';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/common/formatter/id_formatter.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/widgets/refresh_wrapper.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/widgets/tabbar_widget.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/main.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/desktop_render_texture.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/peer_model.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/state_model.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/utils/multi_window_manager.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/utils/platform_channel.dart';
import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:uni_links/uni_links.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
import 'package:win32/win32.dart' as win32;
import 'package:window_manager/window_manager.dart';
import 'package:window_size/window_size.dart' as window_size;
import '../consts.dart';
import 'common/widgets/overlay.dart';
import 'mobile/pages/file_manager_page.dart';
import 'mobile/pages/remote_page.dart';
import 'models/input_model.dart';
import 'models/model.dart';
import 'models/platform_model.dart';
final globalKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
final navigationBarKey = GlobalKey();
final isAndroid = Platform.isAndroid;
final isIOS = Platform.isIOS;
final isDesktop = Platform.isWindows || Platform.isMacOS || Platform.isLinux;
var isWeb = false;
var isWebDesktop = false;
var isMobile = isAndroid || isIOS;
var version = "";
int androidVersion = 0;
/// only available for Windows target
int windowsBuildNumber = 0;
DesktopType? desktopType;
bool get isMainDesktopWindow =>
desktopType == DesktopType.main || desktopType ==;
/// Check if the app is running with single view mode.
bool isSingleViewApp() {
return desktopType ==;
/// * debug or test only, DO NOT enable in release build
bool isTest = false;
typedef F = String Function(String);
typedef FMethod = String Function(String, dynamic);
typedef StreamEventHandler = Future<void> Function(Map<String, dynamic>);
typedef SessionID = UuidValue;
final iconHardDrive = MemoryImage(Uint8List.fromList(base64Decode(
enum DesktopType {
class IconFont {
static const _family1 = 'Tabbar';
static const _family2 = 'PeerSearchbar';
static const IconData max = IconData(0xe606, fontFamily: _family1);
static const IconData restore = IconData(0xe607, fontFamily: _family1);
static const IconData close = IconData(0xe668, fontFamily: _family1);
static const IconData min = IconData(0xe609, fontFamily: _family1);
static const IconData add = IconData(0xe664, fontFamily: _family1);
static const IconData menu = IconData(0xe628, fontFamily: _family1);
static const IconData search = IconData(0xe6a4, fontFamily: _family2);
static const IconData roundClose = IconData(0xe6ed, fontFamily: _family2);
static const IconData addressBook =
IconData(0xe602, fontFamily: "AddressBook");
class ColorThemeExtension extends ThemeExtension<ColorThemeExtension> {
const ColorThemeExtension({
required this.border,
required this.border2,
required this.border3,
required this.highlight,
required this.drag_indicator,
required this.shadow,
required this.errorBannerBg,
required this.toastBg,
required this.toastText,
required this.divider,
final Color? border;
final Color? border2;
final Color? border3;
final Color? highlight;
final Color? drag_indicator;
final Color? shadow;
final Color? errorBannerBg;
final Color? me;
final Color? toastBg;
final Color? toastText;
final Color? divider;
static final light = ColorThemeExtension(
border: Color(0xFFCCCCCC),
border2: Color(0xFFBBBBBB),
border3: Colors.black26,
highlight: Color(0xFFE5E5E5),
drag_indicator: Colors.grey[800],
errorBannerBg: Color(0xFFFDEEEB),
toastText: Colors.white,
divider: Colors.black38,
static final dark = ColorThemeExtension(
border: Color(0xFF555555),
border2: Color(0xFFE5E5E5),
border3: Colors.white24,
highlight: Color(0xFF3F3F3F),
drag_indicator: Colors.grey,
shadow: Colors.grey,
errorBannerBg: Color(0xFF470F2D),
me: Colors.greenAccent,
toastBg: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.6),
divider: Colors.white38,
ThemeExtension<ColorThemeExtension> copyWith({
Color? border,
Color? border2,
Color? border3,
Color? highlight,
Color? drag_indicator,
Color? shadow,
Color? errorBannerBg,
Color? me,
Color? toastBg,
Color? toastText,
Color? divider,
}) {
return ColorThemeExtension(
border: border ?? this.border,
border2: border2 ?? this.border2,
border3: border3 ?? this.border3,
highlight: highlight ?? this.highlight,
drag_indicator: drag_indicator ?? this.drag_indicator,
shadow: shadow ?? this.shadow,
errorBannerBg: errorBannerBg ?? this.errorBannerBg,
me: me ??,
toastBg: toastBg ?? this.toastBg,
toastText: toastText ?? this.toastText,
divider: divider ?? this.divider,
ThemeExtension<ColorThemeExtension> lerp(
ThemeExtension<ColorThemeExtension>? other, double t) {
if (other is! ColorThemeExtension) {
return this;
return ColorThemeExtension(
border: Color.lerp(border, other.border, t),
border2: Color.lerp(border2, other.border2, t),
border3: Color.lerp(border3, other.border3, t),
highlight: Color.lerp(highlight, other.highlight, t),
drag_indicator: Color.lerp(drag_indicator, other.drag_indicator, t),
shadow: Color.lerp(shadow, other.shadow, t),
errorBannerBg: Color.lerp(shadow, other.errorBannerBg, t),
me: Color.lerp(shadow,, t),
toastBg: Color.lerp(shadow, other.toastBg, t),
toastText: Color.lerp(shadow, other.toastText, t),
divider: Color.lerp(shadow, other.divider, t),
class MyTheme {
static const Color grayBg = Color(0xFFEFEFF2);
static const Color accent = Color(0xFF0071FF);
static const Color accent50 = Color(0x770071FF);
static const Color accent80 = Color(0xAA0071FF);
static const Color canvasColor = Color(0xFF212121);
static const Color border = Color(0xFFCCCCCC);
static const Color idColor = Color(0xFF00B6F0);
static const Color darkGray = Color.fromARGB(255, 148, 148, 148);
static const Color cmIdColor = Color(0xFF21790B);
static const Color dark = Colors.black87;
static const Color button = Color(0xFF2C8CFF);
static const Color hoverBorder = Color(0xFF999999);
// ListTile
static const ListTileThemeData listTileTheme = ListTileThemeData(
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
static SwitchThemeData switchTheme() {
return SwitchThemeData(splashRadius: isDesktop ? 0 : kRadialReactionRadius);
static RadioThemeData radioTheme() {
return RadioThemeData(splashRadius: isDesktop ? 0 : kRadialReactionRadius);
// Checkbox
static const CheckboxThemeData checkboxTheme = CheckboxThemeData(
splashRadius: 0,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
// TextButton
// Value is used to calculate "dialog.actionsPadding"
static const double mobileTextButtonPaddingLR = 20;
// TextButton on mobile needs a fixed padding, otherwise small buttons
// like "OK" has a larger left/right padding.
static TextButtonThemeData mobileTextButtonTheme = TextButtonThemeData(
style: TextButton.styleFrom(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: mobileTextButtonPaddingLR),
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
static TooltipThemeData tooltipTheme() {
return TooltipThemeData(
waitDuration: Duration(seconds: 1, milliseconds: 500),
// Dialogs
static const double dialogPadding = 24;
// padding bottom depends on content (some dialogs has no content)
static EdgeInsets dialogTitlePadding({bool content = true}) {
final double p = dialogPadding;
return EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(p, p, p, content ? 0 : p);
// padding bottom depends on actions (mobile has dialogs without actions)
static EdgeInsets dialogContentPadding({bool actions = true}) {
final double p = dialogPadding;
return isDesktop
? EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(p, p, p, actions ? (p - 4) : p)
: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(p, p, p, actions ? (p / 2) : p);
static EdgeInsets dialogActionsPadding() {
final double p = dialogPadding;
return isDesktop
? EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(p, 0, p, (p - 4))
: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(p, 0, (p - mobileTextButtonPaddingLR), (p / 2));
static EdgeInsets dialogButtonPadding = isDesktop
? EdgeInsets.only(left: dialogPadding)
: EdgeInsets.only(left: dialogPadding / 3);
static ScrollbarThemeData scrollbarTheme = ScrollbarThemeData(
thickness: MaterialStateProperty.all(6),
thumbColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith<Color?>((states) {
if (states.contains(MaterialState.dragged)) {
return Colors.grey[900];
} else if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
return Colors.grey[700];
} else {
return Colors.grey[500];
crossAxisMargin: 4,
static ScrollbarThemeData scrollbarThemeDark = scrollbarTheme.copyWith(
thumbColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith<Color?>((states) {
if (states.contains(MaterialState.dragged)) {
return Colors.grey[100];
} else if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
return Colors.grey[300];
} else {
return Colors.grey[500];
static ThemeData lightTheme = ThemeData(
useMaterial3: false,
brightness: Brightness.light,
hoverColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 224, 224, 224),
scaffoldBackgroundColor: Colors.white,
dialogBackgroundColor: Colors.white,
dialogTheme: DialogTheme(
elevation: 15,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
side: BorderSide(
width: 1,
color: grayBg,
scrollbarTheme: scrollbarTheme,
inputDecorationTheme: isDesktop
? InputDecorationTheme(
fillColor: grayBg,
filled: true,
isDense: true,
border: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
: null,
textTheme: const TextTheme(
titleLarge: TextStyle(fontSize: 19, color: Colors.black87),
titleSmall: TextStyle(fontSize: 14, color: Colors.black87),
bodySmall: TextStyle(fontSize: 12, color: Colors.black87, height: 1.25),
TextStyle(fontSize: 14, color: Colors.black87, height: 1.25),
labelLarge: TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0, color: MyTheme.accent80)),
cardColor: grayBg,
hintColor: Color(0xFFAAAAAA),
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
tabBarTheme: const TabBarTheme(
labelColor: Colors.black87,
tooltipTheme: tooltipTheme(),
splashColor: isDesktop ? Colors.transparent : null,
highlightColor: isDesktop ? Colors.transparent : null,
splashFactory: isDesktop ? NoSplash.splashFactory : null,
textButtonTheme: isDesktop
? TextButtonThemeData(
style: TextButton.styleFrom(
splashFactory: NoSplash.splashFactory,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
: mobileTextButtonTheme,
elevatedButtonTheme: ElevatedButtonThemeData(
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
backgroundColor: MyTheme.accent,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
outlinedButtonTheme: OutlinedButtonThemeData(
style: OutlinedButton.styleFrom(
backgroundColor: grayBg,
foregroundColor: Colors.black87,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
switchTheme: switchTheme(),
radioTheme: radioTheme(),
checkboxTheme: checkboxTheme,
listTileTheme: listTileTheme,
menuBarTheme: MenuBarThemeData(
MenuStyle(backgroundColor: MaterialStatePropertyAll(Colors.white))),
colorScheme: ColorScheme.light(
primary:, secondary: accent, background: grayBg),
popupMenuTheme: PopupMenuThemeData(
color: Colors.white,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
side: BorderSide(
color: isDesktop ? Color(0xFFECECEC) : Colors.transparent),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8.0)),
extensions: <ThemeExtension<dynamic>>[
static ThemeData darkTheme = ThemeData(
useMaterial3: false,
brightness: Brightness.dark,
hoverColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 45, 46, 53),
scaffoldBackgroundColor: Color(0xFF18191E),
dialogBackgroundColor: Color(0xFF18191E),
dialogTheme: DialogTheme(
elevation: 15,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
side: BorderSide(
width: 1,
color: Color(0xFF24252B),
scrollbarTheme: scrollbarThemeDark,
inputDecorationTheme: isDesktop
? InputDecorationTheme(
fillColor: Color(0xFF24252B),
filled: true,
isDense: true,
border: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
: null,
textTheme: const TextTheme(
titleLarge: TextStyle(fontSize: 19),
titleSmall: TextStyle(fontSize: 14),
bodySmall: TextStyle(fontSize: 12, height: 1.25),
bodyMedium: TextStyle(fontSize: 14, height: 1.25),
labelLarge: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16.0,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
color: accent80,
cardColor: Color(0xFF24252B),
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
tabBarTheme: const TabBarTheme(
labelColor: Colors.white70,
tooltipTheme: tooltipTheme(),
splashColor: isDesktop ? Colors.transparent : null,
highlightColor: isDesktop ? Colors.transparent : null,
splashFactory: isDesktop ? NoSplash.splashFactory : null,
textButtonTheme: isDesktop
? TextButtonThemeData(
style: TextButton.styleFrom(
splashFactory: NoSplash.splashFactory,
disabledForegroundColor: Colors.white70,
foregroundColor: Colors.white70,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
: mobileTextButtonTheme,
elevatedButtonTheme: ElevatedButtonThemeData(
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
backgroundColor: MyTheme.accent,
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
disabledForegroundColor: Colors.white70,
disabledBackgroundColor: Colors.white10,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
outlinedButtonTheme: OutlinedButtonThemeData(
style: OutlinedButton.styleFrom(
backgroundColor: Color(0xFF24252B),
side: BorderSide(color: Colors.white12, width: 0.5),
disabledForegroundColor: Colors.white70,
foregroundColor: Colors.white70,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
switchTheme: switchTheme(),
radioTheme: radioTheme(),
checkboxTheme: checkboxTheme,
listTileTheme: listTileTheme,
menuBarTheme: MenuBarThemeData(
style: MenuStyle(
backgroundColor: MaterialStatePropertyAll(Color(0xFF121212)))),
colorScheme: ColorScheme.dark(
secondary: accent,
background: Color(0xFF24252B),
popupMenuTheme: PopupMenuThemeData(
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
side: BorderSide(color: Colors.white24),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8.0)),
extensions: <ThemeExtension<dynamic>>[
static ThemeMode getThemeModePreference() {
return themeModeFromString(bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: kCommConfKeyTheme));
static void changeDarkMode(ThemeMode mode) async {
if (desktopType == DesktopType.main || isAndroid || isIOS) {
if (mode == ThemeMode.system) {
await bind.mainSetLocalOption(key: kCommConfKeyTheme, value: '');
} else {
await bind.mainSetLocalOption(
key: kCommConfKeyTheme, value: mode.toShortString());
await bind.mainChangeTheme(dark: mode.toShortString());
// Synchronize the window theme of the system.
static ThemeMode currentThemeMode() {
final preference = getThemeModePreference();
if (preference == ThemeMode.system) {
if (WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher.platformBrightness ==
Brightness.light) {
return ThemeMode.light;
} else {
return ThemeMode.dark;
} else {
return preference;
static ColorThemeExtension color(BuildContext context) {
return Theme.of(context).extension<ColorThemeExtension>()!;
static TabbarTheme tabbar(BuildContext context) {
return Theme.of(context).extension<TabbarTheme>()!;
static ThemeMode themeModeFromString(String v) {
switch (v) {
case "light":
return ThemeMode.light;
case "dark":
return ThemeMode.dark;
return ThemeMode.system;
extension ParseToString on ThemeMode {
String toShortString() {
return toString().split('.').last;
final ButtonStyle flatButtonStyle = TextButton.styleFrom(
minimumSize: Size(0, 36),
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0, vertical: 10.0),
shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(2.0)),
List<Locale> supportedLocales = const [
Locale('en', 'US'),
Locale('zh', 'CN'),
Locale('zh', 'TW'),
Locale('zh', 'SG'),
String formatDurationToTime(Duration duration) {
var totalTime = duration.inSeconds;
final secs = totalTime % 60;
totalTime = (totalTime - secs) ~/ 60;
final mins = totalTime % 60;
totalTime = (totalTime - mins) ~/ 60;
return "${totalTime.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}:${mins.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}:${secs.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}";
closeConnection({String? id}) {
if (isAndroid || isIOS) {
Navigator.popUntil(globalKey.currentContext!, ModalRoute.withName("/"));
} else {
final controller = Get.find<DesktopTabController>();
Future<void> windowOnTop(int? id) async {
if (!isDesktop) {
print("Bring window '$id' on top");
if (id == null) {
// main window
if (stateGlobal.isMinimized) {
await windowManager.restore();
await windowManager.focus();
await rustDeskWinManager.registerActiveWindow(kWindowMainId);
} else {
..focus();, kWindowEventShow, {"id": id});
typedef DialogBuilder = CustomAlertDialog Function(
StateSetter setState, void Function([dynamic]) close, BuildContext context);
class Dialog<T> {
OverlayEntry? entry;
Completer<T?> completer = Completer<T?>();
void complete(T? res) {
try {
if (!completer.isCompleted) {
} catch (e) {
debugPrint("Dialog complete catch error: $e");
} finally {
class OverlayKeyState {
final _overlayKey = GlobalKey<OverlayState>();
/// use global overlay by default
OverlayState? get state =>
_overlayKey.currentState ?? globalKey.currentState?.overlay;
GlobalKey<OverlayState>? get key => _overlayKey;
class OverlayDialogManager {
final Map<String, Dialog> _dialogs = {};
var _overlayKeyState = OverlayKeyState();
int _tagCount = 0;
OverlayEntry? _mobileActionsOverlayEntry;
RxBool mobileActionsOverlayVisible = false.obs;
void setOverlayState(OverlayKeyState overlayKeyState) {
_overlayKeyState = overlayKeyState;
void dismissAll() {
_dialogs.forEach((key, value) {
void dismissByTag(String tag) {
Future<T?> show<T>(DialogBuilder builder,
{bool clickMaskDismiss = false,
bool backDismiss = false,
String? tag,
bool useAnimation = true,
bool forceGlobal = false}) {
final overlayState =
forceGlobal ? globalKey.currentState?.overlay : _overlayKeyState.state;
if (overlayState == null) {
return Future.error(
"[OverlayDialogManager] Failed to show dialog, _overlayState is null, call [setOverlayState] first");
final String dialogTag;
if (tag != null) {
dialogTag = tag;
} else {
dialogTag = _tagCount.toString();
final dialog = Dialog<T>();
_dialogs[dialogTag] = dialog;
close([res]) {
dialog.entry = OverlayEntry(builder: (context) {
bool innerClicked = false;
return Listener(
onPointerUp: (_) {
if (!innerClicked && clickMaskDismiss) {
innerClicked = false;
child: Container(
color: Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.light
? Colors.black12
: Colors.black45,
child: StatefulBuilder(builder: (context, setState) {
return Listener(
onPointerUp: (_) => innerClicked = true,
child: builder(setState, close, overlayState.context),
BackButtonInterceptor.add((stopDefaultButtonEvent, routeInfo) {
if (backDismiss) {
return true;
}, name: dialogTag);
return dialog.completer.future;
String showLoading(String text,
{bool clickMaskDismiss = false,
bool showCancel = true,
VoidCallback? onCancel,
String? tag}) {
if (tag == null) {
tag = _tagCount.toString();
show((setState, close, context) {
cancel() {
if (onCancel != null) {
return CustomAlertDialog(
content: Container(
constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 240),
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
const SizedBox(height: 30),
const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
const SizedBox(height: 20),
child: Text(translate(text),
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 15))),
const SizedBox(height: 20),
offstage: !showCancel,
child: Center(
child: isDesktop
? dialogButton('Cancel', onPressed: cancel)
: TextButton(
style: flatButtonStyle,
onPressed: cancel,
child: Text(translate('Cancel'),
style: const TextStyle(
color: MyTheme.accent)))))
onCancel: showCancel ? cancel : null,
}, tag: tag);
return tag;
void resetMobileActionsOverlay({FFI? ffi}) {
if (_mobileActionsOverlayEntry == null) return;
showMobileActionsOverlay(ffi: ffi);
void showMobileActionsOverlay({FFI? ffi}) {
if (_mobileActionsOverlayEntry != null) return;
final overlayState = _overlayKeyState.state;
if (overlayState == null) return;
// compute overlay position
final screenW = MediaQuery.of(globalKey.currentContext!).size.width;
final screenH = MediaQuery.of(globalKey.currentContext!).size.height;
const double overlayW = 200;
const double overlayH = 45;
final left = (screenW - overlayW) / 2;
final top = screenH - overlayH - 80;
final overlay = OverlayEntry(builder: (context) {
final session = ffi ?? gFFI;
return DraggableMobileActions(
position: Offset(left, top),
width: overlayW,
height: overlayH,
onBackPressed: () => session.inputModel.tap(MouseButtons.right),
onHomePressed: () => session.inputModel.tap(MouseButtons.wheel),
onRecentPressed: () async {
session.inputModel.sendMouse('down', MouseButtons.wheel);
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
session.inputModel.sendMouse('up', MouseButtons.wheel);
onHidePressed: () => hideMobileActionsOverlay(),
_mobileActionsOverlayEntry = overlay;
mobileActionsOverlayVisible.value = true;
void hideMobileActionsOverlay() {
if (_mobileActionsOverlayEntry != null) {
_mobileActionsOverlayEntry = null;
mobileActionsOverlayVisible.value = false;
void toggleMobileActionsOverlay({FFI? ffi}) {
if (_mobileActionsOverlayEntry == null) {
showMobileActionsOverlay(ffi: ffi);
} else {
bool existing(String tag) {
return _dialogs.keys.contains(tag);
void showToast(String text, {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 3)}) {
final overlayState = globalKey.currentState?.overlay;
if (overlayState == null) return;
final entry = OverlayEntry(builder: (context) {
return IgnorePointer(
child: Align(
alignment: const Alignment(0.0, 0.8),
child: Container(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: MyTheme.color(context).toastBg,
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20, vertical: 5),
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(
decoration: TextDecoration.none,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,
fontSize: 18,
color: MyTheme.color(context).toastText),
Future.delayed(timeout, () {
// - Remove argument "contentPadding", no need for it, all should look the same.
// - Remove "required" for argument "content". See simple confirm dialog "delete peer", only title and actions are used. No need to "content: SizedBox.shrink()".
// - Make dead code alive, transform arguments "onSubmit" and "onCancel" into correspondenting buttons "ConfirmOkButton", "CancelButton".
class CustomAlertDialog extends StatelessWidget {
const CustomAlertDialog(
{Key? key,
required this.content,
this.contentBoxConstraints = const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 500),
: super(key: key);
final Widget? title;
final EdgeInsetsGeometry? titlePadding;
final Widget content;
final List<Widget>? actions;
final double? contentPadding;
final BoxConstraints contentBoxConstraints;
final Function()? onSubmit;
final Function()? onCancel;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// request focus
FocusScopeNode scopeNode = FocusScopeNode();
Future.delayed(, () {
if (!scopeNode.hasFocus) scopeNode.requestFocus();
bool tabTapped = false;
if (isAndroid) gFFI.invokeMethod("enable_soft_keyboard", true);
return FocusScope(
node: scopeNode,
autofocus: true,
onKey: (node, key) {
if (key.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.escape) {
if (key is RawKeyDownEvent) {
return KeyEventResult.handled; // avoid TextField exception on escape
} else if (!tabTapped &&
onSubmit != null &&
key.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.enter) {
if (key is RawKeyDownEvent) onSubmit?.call();
return KeyEventResult.handled;
} else if (key.logicalKey == {
if (key is RawKeyDownEvent) {
tabTapped = true;
return KeyEventResult.handled;
return KeyEventResult.ignored;
child: AlertDialog(
scrollable: true,
title: title,
content: ConstrainedBox(
constraints: contentBoxConstraints,
child: content,
actions: actions,
titlePadding: titlePadding ?? MyTheme.dialogTitlePadding(),
MyTheme.dialogContentPadding(actions: actions is List),
actionsPadding: MyTheme.dialogActionsPadding(),
buttonPadding: MyTheme.dialogButtonPadding),
void msgBox(SessionID sessionId, String type, String title, String text,
String link, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager,
{bool? hasCancel, ReconnectHandle? reconnect, int? reconnectTimeout}) {
List<Widget> buttons = [];
bool hasOk = false;
submit() {
if (!type.contains("custom") && desktopType != DesktopType.portForward) {
cancel() {
jumplink() {
if (link.startsWith('http')) {
if (type != "connecting" && type != "success" && !type.contains("nook")) {
hasOk = true;
buttons.insert(0, dialogButton('OK', onPressed: submit));
hasCancel ??= !type.contains("error") &&
!type.contains("nocancel") &&
type != "restarting";
if (hasCancel) {
0, dialogButton('Cancel', onPressed: cancel, isOutline: true));
if (type.contains("hasclose")) {
dialogButton('Close', onPressed: () {
if (reconnect != null &&
title == "Connection Error" &&
reconnectTimeout != null) {
// `enabled` is used to disable the dialog button once the button is clicked.
final enabled = true.obs;
final button = Obx(() => _ReconnectCountDownButton(
second: reconnectTimeout,
onPressed: enabled.isTrue
? () {
// Disable the button
enabled.value = false;
reconnect(dialogManager, sessionId, false);
: null,
buttons.insert(0, button);
if (link.isNotEmpty) {
buttons.insert(0, dialogButton('JumpLink', onPressed: jumplink));
(setState, close, context) => CustomAlertDialog(
title: null,
content: SelectionArea(child: msgboxContent(type, title, text)),
actions: buttons,
onSubmit: hasOk ? submit : null,
onCancel: hasCancel == true ? cancel : null,
tag: '$sessionId-$type-$title-$text-$link',
Color? _msgboxColor(String type) {
if (type == "input-password" || type == "custom-os-password") {
return Color(0xFFAD448E);
if (type.contains("success")) {
return Color(0xFF32bea6);
if (type.contains("error") || type == "re-input-password") {
return Color(0xFFE04F5F);
return Color(0xFF2C8CFF);
Widget msgboxIcon(String type) {
IconData? iconData;
if (type.contains("error") || type == "re-input-password") {
iconData = Icons.cancel;
if (type.contains("success")) {
iconData = Icons.check_circle;
if (type == "wait-uac" || type == "wait-remote-accept-nook") {
iconData = Icons.hourglass_top;
if (type == 'on-uac' || type == 'on-foreground-elevated') {
iconData = Icons.admin_panel_settings;
if (type.contains('info')) {
iconData =;
if (iconData != null) {
return Icon(iconData, size: 50, color: _msgboxColor(type))
.marginOnly(right: 16);
return Offstage();
// title should be null
Widget msgboxContent(String type, String title, String text) {
String translateText(String text) {
if (text.indexOf('Failed') == 0 && text.indexOf(': ') > 0) {
List<String> words = text.split(': ');
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) {
words[i] = translate(words[i]);
text = words.join(': ');
} else {
List<String> words = text.split(' ');
if (words.length > 1 && words[0].endsWith('_tip')) {
words[0] = translate(words[0]);
final rest = text.substring(words[0].length + 1);
text = '${words[0]} ${translate(rest)}';
} else {
text = translate(text);
return text;
return Row(
children: [
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21),
).marginOnly(bottom: 10),
Text(translateText(text), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 15)),
).marginOnly(bottom: 12);
void msgBoxCommon(OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, String title,
Widget content, List<Widget> buttons,
{bool hasCancel = true}) {, close, context) => CustomAlertDialog(
title: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21),
content: content,
actions: buttons,
onCancel: hasCancel ? close : null,
Color str2color(String str, [alpha = 0xFF]) {
var hash = 160 << 16 + 114 << 8 + 91;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i += 1) {
hash = str.codeUnitAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
hash = hash % 16777216;
return Color((hash & 0xFF7FFF) | (alpha << 24));
Color str2color2(String str, {List<int> existing = const []}) {
Map<String, Color> colorMap = {
"purple": Colors.purple,
"grey": Colors.grey,
"cyan": Colors.cyan,
"lime": Colors.lime,
"teal": Colors.teal,
"indigo": Colors.indigo,
"brown": Colors.brown,
final color = colorMap[str.toLowerCase()];
if (color != null) {
return color.withAlpha(0xFF);
if (str.toLowerCase() == 'yellow') {
return Colors.yellow.withAlpha(0xFF);
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
hash += str.codeUnitAt(i);
List<Color> colorList = colorMap.values.toList();
hash = hash % colorList.length;
var result = colorList[hash].withAlpha(0xFF);
if (existing.contains(result.value)) {
Color? notUsed =
colorList.firstWhereOrNull((e) => !existing.contains(e.value));
if (notUsed != null) {
result = notUsed;
return result;
const K = 1024;
const M = K * K;
const G = M * K;
String readableFileSize(double size) {
if (size < K) {
return "${size.toStringAsFixed(2)} B";
} else if (size < M) {
return "${(size / K).toStringAsFixed(2)} KB";
} else if (size < G) {
return "${(size / M).toStringAsFixed(2)} MB";
} else {
return "${(size / G).toStringAsFixed(2)} GB";
/// Flutter can't not catch PointerMoveEvent when size is 1
/// This will happen in Android AccessibilityService Input
/// android can't init dispatching size yet ,see:
/// use this temporary solution until flutter or android fixes the bug
class AccessibilityListener extends StatelessWidget {
final Widget? child;
static final offset = 100;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Listener(
onPointerDown: (evt) {
if (evt.size == 1) {
pointer: evt.pointer + offset, position: evt.position));
pointer: evt.pointer + offset,
size: 0.1,
position: evt.position));
onPointerUp: (evt) {
if (evt.size == 1) {
pointer: evt.pointer + offset,
size: 0.1,
position: evt.position));
pointer: evt.pointer + offset, position: evt.position));
onPointerMove: (evt) {
if (evt.size == 1) {
pointer: evt.pointer + offset,
size: 0.1,
position: evt.position));
child: child);
class AndroidPermissionManager {
static Completer<bool>? _completer;
static Timer? _timer;
static var _current = "";
static bool isWaitingFile() {
if (_completer != null) {
return !_completer!.isCompleted && _current == kManageExternalStorage;
return false;
static Future<bool> check(String type) {
if (isDesktop) {
return Future.value(true);
return gFFI.invokeMethod("check_permission", type);
// startActivity goto Android Setting's page to request permission manually by user
static void startAction(String action) {
gFFI.invokeMethod(AndroidChannel.kStartAction, action);
/// We use XXPermissions to request permissions,
/// for supported types, see
static Future<bool> request(String type) {
if (isDesktop) {
return Future.value(true);
gFFI.invokeMethod("request_permission", type);
// clear last task
if (_completer?.isCompleted == false) {
_current = type;
_completer = Completer<bool>();
_timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: 120), () {
if (_completer == null) return;
if (!_completer!.isCompleted) {
_completer = null;
_current = "";
return _completer!.future;
static complete(String type, bool res) {
if (type != _current) {
res = false;
_current = "";
// TODO move this to mobile/widgets.
// Used only for mobile, pages remote, settings, dialog
// TODO remove argument contentPadding, its not used, getToggle() has not
RadioListTile<T> getRadio<T>(
Widget title, T toValue, T curValue, ValueChanged<T?>? onChange,
{EdgeInsetsGeometry? contentPadding, bool? dense}) {
return RadioListTile<T>(
contentPadding: contentPadding ??,
visualDensity: VisualDensity.compact,
controlAffinity: ListTileControlAffinity.trailing,
title: title,
value: toValue,
groupValue: curValue,
onChanged: onChange,
dense: dense,
/// find ffi, tag is Remote ID
/// for session specific usage
FFI ffi(String? tag) {
return Get.find<FFI>(tag: tag);
/// Global FFI object
late FFI _globalFFI;
FFI get gFFI => _globalFFI;
Future<void> initGlobalFFI() async {
debugPrint("_globalFFI init");
_globalFFI = FFI(null);
debugPrint("_globalFFI init end");
// after `put`, can also be globally found by Get.find<FFI>();
Get.put(_globalFFI, permanent: true);
String translate(String name) {
if (name.startsWith('Failed to') && name.contains(': ')) {
return name.split(': ').map((x) => translate(x)).join(': ');
return platformFFI.translate(name, localeName);
bool option2bool(String option, String value) {
bool res;
if (option.startsWith("enable-")) {
res = value != "N";
} else if (option.startsWith("allow-") ||
option == "stop-service" ||
option == "direct-server" ||
option == "stop-rendezvous-service" ||
option == kOptionForceAlwaysRelay) {
res = value == "Y";
} else {
res = value != "N";
return res;
String bool2option(String option, bool b) {
String res;
if (option.startsWith('enable-')) {
res = b ? '' : 'N';
} else if (option.startsWith('allow-') ||
option == "stop-service" ||
option == "direct-server" ||
option == "stop-rendezvous-service" ||
option == kOptionForceAlwaysRelay) {
res = b ? 'Y' : '';
} else {
res = b ? 'Y' : 'N';
return res;
mainSetBoolOption(String key, bool value) async {
String v = bool2option(key, value);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: key, value: v);
Future<bool> mainGetBoolOption(String key) async {
return option2bool(key, await bind.mainGetOption(key: key));
bool mainGetBoolOptionSync(String key) {
return option2bool(key, bind.mainGetOptionSync(key: key));
mainSetLocalBoolOption(String key, bool value) async {
String v = bool2option(key, value);
await bind.mainSetLocalOption(key: key, value: v);
bool mainGetLocalBoolOptionSync(String key) {
return option2bool(key, bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: key));
bool mainGetPeerBoolOptionSync(String id, String key) {
return option2bool(key, bind.mainGetPeerOptionSync(id: id, key: key));
mainSetPeerBoolOptionSync(String id, String key, bool v) {
bind.mainSetPeerOptionSync(id: id, key: key, value: bool2option(key, v));
Future<bool> matchPeer(String searchText, Peer peer) async {
if (searchText.isEmpty) {
return true;
if ( {
return true;
if (peer.hostname.toLowerCase().contains(searchText) ||
peer.username.toLowerCase().contains(searchText)) {
return true;
final alias = peer.alias;
if (alias.isEmpty) {
return false;
return alias.toLowerCase().contains(searchText);
/// Get the image for the current [platform].
Widget getPlatformImage(String platform, {double size = 50}) {
if (platform.isEmpty) {
return Container(width: size, height: size);
if (platform == kPeerPlatformMacOS) {
platform = 'mac';
} else if (platform != kPeerPlatformLinux &&
platform != kPeerPlatformAndroid) {
platform = 'win';
} else {
platform = platform.toLowerCase();
return SvgPicture.asset('assets/$platform.svg', height: size, width: size);
class LastWindowPosition {
double? width;
double? height;
double? offsetWidth;
double? offsetHeight;
bool? isMaximized;
bool? isFullscreen;
LastWindowPosition(this.width, this.height, this.offsetWidth,
this.offsetHeight, this.isMaximized, this.isFullscreen);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return <String, dynamic>{
"width": width,
"height": height,
"offsetWidth": offsetWidth,
"offsetHeight": offsetHeight,
"isMaximized": isMaximized,
"isFullscreen": isFullscreen,
String toString() {
return jsonEncode(toJson());
static LastWindowPosition? loadFromString(String content) {
if (content.isEmpty) {
return null;
try {
final m = jsonDecode(content);
return LastWindowPosition(m["width"], m["height"], m["offsetWidth"],
m["offsetHeight"], m["isMaximized"], m["isFullscreen"]);
} catch (e) {
'Failed to load LastWindowPosition "$content" ${e.toString()}');
return null;
/// Save window position and size on exit
/// Note that windowId must be provided if it's subwindow
Future<void> saveWindowPosition(WindowType type, {int? windowId}) async {
if (type != WindowType.Main && windowId == null) {
"Error: windowId cannot be null when saving positions for sub window");
late Offset position;
late Size sz;
late bool isMaximized;
bool isFullscreen = stateGlobal.fullscreen.isTrue ||
(Platform.isMacOS && stateGlobal.closeOnFullscreen == true);
setFrameIfMaximized() {
if (isMaximized) {
final pos = bind.getLocalFlutterOption(k: kWindowPrefix +;
var lpos = LastWindowPosition.loadFromString(pos);
position = Offset(
lpos?.offsetWidth ?? position.dx, lpos?.offsetHeight ?? position.dy);
sz = Size(lpos?.width ?? sz.width, lpos?.height ?? sz.height);
switch (type) {
case WindowType.Main:
isMaximized = await windowManager.isMaximized();
position = await windowManager.getPosition();
sz = await windowManager.getSize();
final wc = WindowController.fromWindowId(windowId!);
isMaximized = await wc.isMaximized();
final Rect frame;
try {
frame = await wc.getFrame();
} catch (e) {
debugPrint("Failed to get frame of window $windowId, it may be hidden");
position = frame.topLeft;
sz = frame.size;
if (Platform.isWindows) {
const kMinOffset = -10000;
const kMaxOffset = 10000;
if (position.dx < kMinOffset ||
position.dy < kMinOffset ||
position.dx > kMaxOffset ||
position.dy > kMaxOffset) {
debugPrint("Invalid position: $position, ignore saving position");
final pos = LastWindowPosition(
sz.width, sz.height, position.dx, position.dy, isMaximized, isFullscreen);
"Saving frame: $windowId: ${pos.width}/${pos.height}, offset:${pos.offsetWidth}/${pos.offsetHeight}, isMaximized:${pos.isMaximized}, isFullscreen:${pos.isFullscreen}");
await bind.setLocalFlutterOption(
k: kWindowPrefix +, v: pos.toString());
if (type == WindowType.RemoteDesktop && windowId != null) {
await _saveSessionWindowPosition(
type, windowId, isMaximized, isFullscreen, pos);
Future _saveSessionWindowPosition(WindowType windowType, int windowId,
bool isMaximized, bool isFullscreen, LastWindowPosition pos) async {
final remoteList = await DesktopMultiWindow.invokeMethod(
windowId, kWindowEventGetRemoteList, null);
getPeerPos(String peerId) {
if (isMaximized) {
final peerPos = bind.mainGetPeerFlutterOptionSync(
id: peerId, k: kWindowPrefix +;
var lpos = LastWindowPosition.loadFromString(peerPos);
return LastWindowPosition(
lpos?.width ?? pos.offsetWidth,
lpos?.height ?? pos.offsetHeight,
lpos?.offsetWidth ?? pos.offsetWidth,
lpos?.offsetHeight ?? pos.offsetHeight,
} else {
return pos.toString();
if (remoteList != null) {
for (final peerId in remoteList.split(',')) {
id: peerId,
k: kWindowPrefix +,
v: getPeerPos(peerId));
Future<Size> _adjustRestoreMainWindowSize(double? width, double? height) async {
const double minWidth = 1;
const double minHeight = 1;
const double maxWidth = 6480;
const double maxHeight = 6480;
final defaultWidth =
((isDesktop || isWebDesktop) ? 1280 : kMobileDefaultDisplayWidth)
final defaultHeight =
((isDesktop || isWebDesktop) ? 720 : kMobileDefaultDisplayHeight)
double restoreWidth = width ?? defaultWidth;
double restoreHeight = height ?? defaultHeight;
if (restoreWidth < minWidth) {
restoreWidth = defaultWidth;
if (restoreHeight < minHeight) {
restoreHeight = defaultHeight;
if (restoreWidth > maxWidth) {
restoreWidth = defaultWidth;
if (restoreHeight > maxHeight) {
restoreHeight = defaultHeight;
return Size(restoreWidth, restoreHeight);
/// return null means center
Future<Offset?> _adjustRestoreMainWindowOffset(
double? left,
double? top,
double? width,
double? height,
) async {
if (left == null || top == null || width == null || height == null) {
return null;
double? frameLeft;
double? frameTop;
double? frameRight;
double? frameBottom;
if (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) {
for (final screen in await window_size.getScreenList()) {
frameLeft = frameLeft == null
? screen.visibleFrame.left
: min(screen.visibleFrame.left, frameLeft);
frameTop = frameTop == null
: min(, frameTop);
frameRight = frameRight == null
? screen.visibleFrame.right
: max(screen.visibleFrame.right, frameRight);
frameBottom = frameBottom == null
? screen.visibleFrame.bottom
: max(screen.visibleFrame.bottom, frameBottom);
if (frameLeft == null) {
frameLeft = 0.0;
frameTop = 0.0;
frameRight = ((isDesktop || isWebDesktop)
? kDesktopMaxDisplaySize
: kMobileMaxDisplaySize)
frameBottom = ((isDesktop || isWebDesktop)
? kDesktopMaxDisplaySize
: kMobileMaxDisplaySize)
final minWidth = 10.0;
if ((left + minWidth) > frameRight! ||
(top + minWidth) > frameBottom! ||
(left + width - minWidth) < frameLeft ||
top < frameTop!) {
return null;
} else {
return Offset(left, top);
/// Restore window position and size on start
/// Note that windowId must be provided if it's subwindow
// display is used to set the offset of the window in individual display mode.
Future<bool> restoreWindowPosition(WindowType type,
{int? windowId, String? peerId, int? display}) async {
if (bind
.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
if (type != WindowType.Main && windowId == null) {
"Error: windowId cannot be null when saving positions for sub window");
return false;
bool isRemotePeerPos = false;
String? pos;
// No need to check mainGetLocalBoolOptionSync(kOptionOpenNewConnInTabs)
// Though "open in tabs" is true and the new window restore peer position, it's ok.
if (type == WindowType.RemoteDesktop && windowId != null && peerId != null) {
// If the restore position is called by main window, and the peer id is not null
// then we may need to get the position by reading the peer config.
// Because the session may not be read at this time.
if (desktopType == DesktopType.main) {
pos = bind.mainGetPeerFlutterOptionSync(
id: peerId, k: kWindowPrefix +;
} else {
pos = await bind.sessionGetFlutterOptionByPeerId(
id: peerId, k: kWindowPrefix +;
isRemotePeerPos = pos != null;
pos ??= bind.getLocalFlutterOption(k: kWindowPrefix +;
var lpos = LastWindowPosition.loadFromString(pos);
if (lpos == null) {
debugPrint("no window position saved, ignoring position restoration");
return false;
if (type == WindowType.RemoteDesktop) {
if (!isRemotePeerPos && windowId != null) {
if (lpos.offsetWidth != null) {
lpos.offsetWidth = lpos.offsetWidth! + windowId * kNewWindowOffset;
if (lpos.offsetHeight != null) {
lpos.offsetHeight = lpos.offsetHeight! + windowId * kNewWindowOffset;
if (display != null) {
if (lpos.offsetWidth != null) {
lpos.offsetWidth = lpos.offsetWidth! + display * kNewWindowOffset;
if (lpos.offsetHeight != null) {
lpos.offsetHeight = lpos.offsetHeight! + display * kNewWindowOffset;
final size = await _adjustRestoreMainWindowSize(lpos.width, lpos.height);
final offset = await _adjustRestoreMainWindowOffset(
"restore lpos: ${size.width}/${size.height}, offset:${offset?.dx}/${offset?.dy}");
switch (type) {
case WindowType.Main:
restorePos() async {
if (offset == null) {
} else {
await windowManager.setPosition(offset);
if (lpos.isMaximized == true) {
await restorePos();
await windowManager.maximize();
} else {
await windowManager.setSize(size);
await restorePos();
return true;
final wc = WindowController.fromWindowId(windowId!);
restoreFrame() async {
if (offset == null) {
} else {
final frame =
Rect.fromLTWH(offset.dx, offset.dy, size.width, size.height);
await wc.setFrame(frame);
if (lpos.isFullscreen == true) {
await restoreFrame();
// An duration is needed to avoid the window being restored after fullscreen.
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300), () async {
} else if (lpos.isMaximized == true) {
await restoreFrame();
// An duration is needed to avoid the window being restored after maximized.
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300), () async {
await wc.maximize();
} else {
await restoreFrame();
return false;
/// Initialize uni links for macos/windows
/// [Availability]
/// initUniLinks should only be used on macos/windows.
/// we use dbus for linux currently.
Future<bool> initUniLinks() async {
if (Platform.isLinux) {
return false;
// check cold boot
try {
final initialLink = await getInitialLink();
if (initialLink == null) {
return false;
return handleUriLink(uriString: initialLink);
} catch (err) {
debugPrintStack(label: "$err");
return false;
/// Listen for uni links.
/// * handleByFlutter: Should uni links be handled by Flutter.
/// Returns a [StreamSubscription] which can listen the uni links.
StreamSubscription? listenUniLinks({handleByFlutter = true}) {
if (Platform.isLinux) {
return null;
final sub = uriLinkStream.listen((Uri? uri) {
debugPrint("A uri was received: $uri. handleByFlutter $handleByFlutter");
if (uri != null) {
if (handleByFlutter) {
handleUriLink(uri: uri);
} else {
bind.sendUrlScheme(url: uri.toString());
} else {
print("uni listen error: uri is empty.");
}, onError: (err) {
print("uni links error: $err");
return sub;
enum UriLinkType {
// uri link handler
bool handleUriLink({List<String>? cmdArgs, Uri? uri, String? uriString}) {
List<String>? args;
if (cmdArgs != null && cmdArgs.isNotEmpty) {
args = cmdArgs;
// rustdesk <uri link>
if (args[0].startsWith(kUniLinksPrefix)) {
final uri = Uri.tryParse(args[0]);
if (uri != null) {
args = urlLinkToCmdArgs(uri);
} else if (uri != null) {
args = urlLinkToCmdArgs(uri);
} else if (uriString != null) {
final uri = Uri.tryParse(uriString);
if (uri != null) {
args = urlLinkToCmdArgs(uri);
if (args == null) {
return false;
if (args.isEmpty) {
return true;
UriLinkType? type;
String? id;
String? password;
String? switchUuid;
bool? forceRelay;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
switch (args[i]) {
case '--connect':
case '--play':
type = UriLinkType.remoteDesktop;
id = args[i + 1];
case '--file-transfer':
type = UriLinkType.fileTransfer;
id = args[i + 1];
case '--port-forward':
type = UriLinkType.portForward;
id = args[i + 1];
case '--rdp':
type = UriLinkType.rdp;
id = args[i + 1];
case '--password':
password = args[i + 1];
case '--switch_uuid':
switchUuid = args[i + 1];
case '--relay':
forceRelay = true;
if (type != null && id != null) {
switch (type) {
case UriLinkType.remoteDesktop:
Future.delayed(, () {
password: password,
switchUuid: switchUuid,
forceRelay: forceRelay);
case UriLinkType.fileTransfer:
Future.delayed(, () {
password: password, forceRelay: forceRelay);
case UriLinkType.portForward:
Future.delayed(, () {
rustDeskWinManager.newPortForward(id!, false,
password: password, forceRelay: forceRelay);
case UriLinkType.rdp:
Future.delayed(, () {
rustDeskWinManager.newPortForward(id!, true,
password: password, forceRelay: forceRelay);
return true;
return false;
List<String>? urlLinkToCmdArgs(Uri uri) {
String? command;
String? id;
final options = ["connect", "play", "file-transfer", "port-forward", "rdp"];
if (uri.authority.isEmpty &&
uri.path.split('').every((char) => char == '/')) {
return [];
} else if (uri.authority == "connection" && uri.path.startsWith("/new/")) {
// For compatibility
command = '--connect';
id = uri.path.substring("/new/".length);
} else if (uri.authority == "config") {
if (Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS) {
final config = uri.path.substring("/".length);
// add a timer to make showToast work
Timer(Duration(seconds: 1), () {
importConfig(null, null, config);
return null;
} else if (uri.authority == "password") {
if (Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS) {
final password = uri.path.substring("/".length);
if (password.isNotEmpty) {
Timer(Duration(seconds: 1), () async {
await bind.mainSetPermanentPassword(password: password);
} else if (options.contains(uri.authority)) {
final optionIndex = options.indexOf(uri.authority);
command = '--${uri.authority}';
if (uri.path.length > 1) {
id = uri.path.substring(1);
if (isMobile && id != null) {
if (optionIndex == 0 || optionIndex == 1) {
connect(Get.context!, id);
} else if (optionIndex == 2) {
connect(Get.context!, id, isFileTransfer: true);
return null;
} else if (uri.authority.length > 2 &&
(uri.path.length <= 1 ||
(uri.path == '/r' || uri.path.startsWith('/r@')))) {
// rustdesk://<connect-id>
// rustdesk://<connect-id>/r
// rustdesk://<connect-id>/r@<server>
command = '--connect';
id = uri.authority;
if (uri.path.length > 1) {
id = id + uri.path;
var key = uri.queryParameters["key"];
if (id != null) {
if (key != null) {
id = "$id?key=$key";
if (isMobile) {
if (id != null) {
final forceRelay = uri.queryParameters["relay"] != null;
connect(Get.context!, id, forceRelay: forceRelay);
return null;
List<String> args = List.empty(growable: true);
if (command != null && id != null) {
var param = uri.queryParameters;
String? password = param["password"];
if (password != null) args.addAll(['--password', password]);
String? switch_uuid = param["switch_uuid"];
if (switch_uuid != null) args.addAll(['--switch_uuid', switch_uuid]);
if (param["relay"] != null) args.add("--relay");
return args;
return null;
String id, {
required bool isFileTransfer,
required bool isTcpTunneling,
required bool isRDP,
bool? forceRelay,
}) async {
if (isFileTransfer) {
await rustDeskWinManager.newFileTransfer(id, forceRelay: forceRelay);
} else if (isTcpTunneling || isRDP) {
await rustDeskWinManager.newPortForward(id, isRDP, forceRelay: forceRelay);
} else {
await rustDeskWinManager.newRemoteDesktop(id, forceRelay: forceRelay);
/// Connect to a peer with [id].
/// If [isFileTransfer], starts a session only for file transfer.
/// If [isTcpTunneling], starts a session only for tcp tunneling.
/// If [isRDP], starts a session only for rdp.
BuildContext context,
String id, {
bool isFileTransfer = false,
bool isTcpTunneling = false,
bool isRDP = false,
bool forceRelay = false,
}) async {
if (id == '') return;
if (!isDesktop || desktopType == DesktopType.main) {
try {
if (Get.isRegistered<IDTextEditingController>()) {
final idController = Get.find<IDTextEditingController>();
idController.text = formatID(id);
if (Get.isRegistered<TextEditingController>()) {
final fieldTextEditingController = Get.find<TextEditingController>();
fieldTextEditingController.text = formatID(id);
} catch (_) {}
id = id.replaceAll(' ', '');
final oldId = id;
id = await bind.mainHandleRelayId(id: id);
final forceRelay2 = id != oldId || forceRelay;
assert(!(isFileTransfer && isTcpTunneling && isRDP),
"more than one connect type");
if (isDesktop) {
if (desktopType == DesktopType.main) {
await connectMainDesktop(
isFileTransfer: isFileTransfer,
isTcpTunneling: isTcpTunneling,
isRDP: isRDP,
forceRelay: forceRelay2,
} else {
await, kWindowConnect, {
'id': id,
'isFileTransfer': isFileTransfer,
'isTcpTunneling': isTcpTunneling,
'isRDP': isRDP,
'forceRelay': forceRelay,
} else {
if (isFileTransfer) {
if (!await AndroidPermissionManager.check(kManageExternalStorage)) {
if (!await AndroidPermissionManager.request(kManageExternalStorage)) {
builder: (BuildContext context) => FileManagerPage(id: id),
} else {
builder: (BuildContext context) => RemotePage(id: id),
FocusScopeNode currentFocus = FocusScope.of(context);
if (!currentFocus.hasPrimaryFocus) {
Map<String, String> getHttpHeaders() {
return {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ${bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: 'access_token')}'
// Simple wrapper of built-in types for reference use.
class SimpleWrapper<T> {
T value;
/// call this to reload current window.
/// [Note]
/// Must have [RefreshWrapper] on the top of widget tree.
void reloadCurrentWindow() {
if (Get.context != null) {
// reload self window
} else {
"reload current window failed, global BuildContext does not exist");
/// call this to reload all windows, including main + all sub windows.
Future<void> reloadAllWindows() async {
try {
final ids = await DesktopMultiWindow.getAllSubWindowIds();
for (final id in ids) {
DesktopMultiWindow.invokeMethod(id, kWindowActionRebuild);
} on AssertionError {
// ignore
/// Indicate the flutter app is running in portable mode.
/// [Note]
/// Portable build is only available on Windows.
bool isRunningInPortableMode() {
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
return false;
return bool.hasEnvironment(kEnvPortableExecutable);
/// Window status callback
Future<void> onActiveWindowChanged() async {
"[MultiWindowHandler] active window changed: ${rustDeskWinManager.getActiveWindows()}");
if (rustDeskWinManager.getActiveWindows().isEmpty) {
// close all sub windows
try {
if (Platform.isLinux) {
await Future.wait([
} else {
await rustDeskWinManager.closeAllSubWindows();
} catch (err) {
debugPrintStack(label: "$err");
} finally {
debugPrint("Start closing RustDesk...");
await windowManager.setPreventClose(false);
await windowManager.close();
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
Timer periodic_immediate(Duration duration, Future<void> Function() callback) {
Future.delayed(, callback);
return Timer.periodic(duration, (timer) async {
await callback();
/// return a human readable windows version
WindowsTarget getWindowsTarget(int buildNumber) {
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
return WindowsTarget.naw;
if (buildNumber >= 22000) {
return WindowsTarget.w11;
} else if (buildNumber >= 10240) {
return WindowsTarget.w10;
} else if (buildNumber >= 9600) {
return WindowsTarget.w8_1;
} else if (buildNumber >= 9200) {
return WindowsTarget.w8;
} else if (buildNumber >= 7601) {
return WindowsTarget.w7;
} else if (buildNumber >= 6002) {
} else {
// minimum support
return WindowsTarget.xp;
/// Get windows target build number.
/// [Note]
/// Please use this function wrapped with `Platform.isWindows`.
int getWindowsTargetBuildNumber() {
final rtlGetVersion ='ntdll.dll').lookupFunction<
Void Function(Pointer<win32.OSVERSIONINFOEX>),
void Function(Pointer<win32.OSVERSIONINFOEX>)>('RtlGetVersion');
final osVersionInfo = getOSVERSIONINFOEXPointer();
int buildNumber = osVersionInfo.ref.dwBuildNumber;;
return buildNumber;
/// Get Windows OS version pointer
/// [Note]
/// Please use this function wrapped with `Platform.isWindows`.
final pointer = calloc<win32.OSVERSIONINFOEX>();
..dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeOf<win32.OSVERSIONINFOEX>()
..dwBuildNumber = 0
..dwMajorVersion = 0
..dwMinorVersion = 0
..dwPlatformId = 0
..szCSDVersion = ''
..wServicePackMajor = 0
..wServicePackMinor = 0
..wSuiteMask = 0
..wProductType = 0
..wReserved = 0;
return pointer;
/// Indicating we need to use compatible ui mode.
/// [Conditions]
/// - Windows 7, window will overflow when we use frameless ui.
bool get kUseCompatibleUiMode =>
Platform.isWindows &&
const [WindowsTarget.w7].contains(windowsBuildNumber.windowsVersion);
class ServerConfig {
late String idServer;
late String relayServer;
late String apiServer;
late String key;
{String? idServer, String? relayServer, String? apiServer, String? key}) {
this.idServer = idServer?.trim() ?? '';
this.relayServer = relayServer?.trim() ?? '';
this.apiServer = apiServer?.trim() ?? '';
this.key = key?.trim() ?? '';
/// decode from shared string (from user shared or rustdesk-server generated)
/// also see [encode]
/// throw when decoding failure
ServerConfig.decode(String msg) {
var json = {};
try {
// back compatible
json = jsonDecode(msg);
} catch (err) {
final input = msg.split('').reversed.join('');
final bytes = base64Decode(base64.normalize(input));
json = jsonDecode(utf8.decode(bytes));
idServer = json['host'] ?? '';
relayServer = json['relay'] ?? '';
apiServer = json['api'] ?? '';
key = json['key'] ?? '';
/// encode to shared string
/// also see [ServerConfig.decode]
String encode() {
Map<String, String> config = {};
config['host'] = idServer.trim();
config['relay'] = relayServer.trim();
config['api'] = apiServer.trim();
config['key'] = key.trim();
return base64Encode(Uint8List.fromList(jsonEncode(config).codeUnits))
/// from local options
ServerConfig.fromOptions(Map<String, dynamic> options)
: idServer = options['custom-rendezvous-server'] ?? "",
relayServer = options['relay-server'] ?? "",
apiServer = options['api-server'] ?? "",
key = options['key'] ?? "";
Widget dialogButton(String text,
{required VoidCallback? onPressed,
bool isOutline = false,
Widget? icon,
TextStyle? style,
ButtonStyle? buttonStyle}) {
if (isDesktop) {
if (isOutline) {
return icon == null
? OutlinedButton(
onPressed: onPressed,
child: Text(translate(text), style: style),
: OutlinedButton.icon(
icon: icon,
onPressed: onPressed,
label: Text(translate(text), style: style),
} else {
return icon == null
? ElevatedButton(
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(elevation: 0).merge(buttonStyle),
onPressed: onPressed,
child: Text(translate(text), style: style),
: ElevatedButton.icon(
icon: icon,
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(elevation: 0).merge(buttonStyle),
onPressed: onPressed,
label: Text(translate(text), style: style),
} else {
return TextButton(
onPressed: onPressed,
child: Text(
style: style,
int versionCmp(String v1, String v2) {
return bind.versionToNumber(v: v1) - bind.versionToNumber(v: v2);
String getWindowName({WindowType? overrideType}) {
switch (overrideType ?? kWindowType) {
case WindowType.Main:
return "RustDesk";
case WindowType.FileTransfer:
return "File Transfer - RustDesk";
case WindowType.PortForward:
return "Port Forward - RustDesk";
case WindowType.RemoteDesktop:
return "Remote Desktop - RustDesk";
return "RustDesk";
String getWindowNameWithId(String id, {WindowType? overrideType}) {
return "${DesktopTab.tablabelGetter(id).value} - ${getWindowName(overrideType: overrideType)}";
Future<void> updateSystemWindowTheme() async {
// Set system window theme for macOS.
final userPreference = MyTheme.getThemeModePreference();
if (userPreference != ThemeMode.system) {
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
await RdPlatformChannel.instance.changeSystemWindowTheme(
userPreference == ThemeMode.light
? SystemWindowTheme.light
: SystemWindowTheme.dark);
/// macOS only
/// Note: not found a general solution for rust based AVFoundation bingding.
/// [AVFoundation] crate has compile error.
const kMacOSPermChannel = MethodChannel("org.rustdesk.rustdesk/macos");
enum PermissionAuthorizeType {
denied, // and restricted
Future<PermissionAuthorizeType> osxCanRecordAudio() async {
int res = await kMacOSPermChannel.invokeMethod("canRecordAudio");
if (res > 0) {
return PermissionAuthorizeType.authorized;
} else if (res == 0) {
return PermissionAuthorizeType.undetermined;
} else {
return PermissionAuthorizeType.denied;
Future<bool> osxRequestAudio() async {
return await kMacOSPermChannel.invokeMethod("requestRecordAudio");
class DraggableNeverScrollableScrollPhysics extends ScrollPhysics {
/// Creates scroll physics that does not let the user scroll.
const DraggableNeverScrollableScrollPhysics({super.parent});
DraggableNeverScrollableScrollPhysics applyTo(ScrollPhysics? ancestor) {
return DraggableNeverScrollableScrollPhysics(parent: buildParent(ancestor));
bool shouldAcceptUserOffset(ScrollMetrics position) {
// TODO: find a better solution to check if the offset change is caused by the scrollbar.
// Workaround: when dragging with the scrollbar, it always triggers an [IdleScrollActivity].
if (position is ScrollPositionWithSingleContext) {
// ignore: invalid_use_of_protected_member, invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member
return position.activity is IdleScrollActivity;
return false;
bool get allowImplicitScrolling => false;
Widget futureBuilder(
{required Future? future, required Widget Function(dynamic data) hasData}) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: future,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return hasData(!);
} else {
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Container();
void onCopyFingerprint(String value) {
if (value.isNotEmpty) {
Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: value));
} else {
showToast(translate("no fingerprints"));
Future<bool> callMainCheckSuperUserPermission() async {
bool checked = await bind.mainCheckSuperUserPermission();
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
return checked;
Future<void> start_service(bool is_start) async {
bool checked = !bind.mainIsInstalled() ||
!Platform.isMacOS ||
await callMainCheckSuperUserPermission();
if (checked) {
bind.mainSetOption(key: "stop-service", value: is_start ? "" : "Y");
typedef WhetherUseRemoteBlock = Future<bool> Function();
Widget buildRemoteBlock({required Widget child, WhetherUseRemoteBlock? use}) {
var block = false.obs;
return Obx(() => MouseRegion(
onEnter: (_) async {
if (use != null && !await use()) {
block.value = false;
var time0 =;
await bind.mainCheckMouseTime();
Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 120), () async {
var d = time0 - await bind.mainGetMouseTime();
if (d < 120) {
block.value = true;
onExit: (event) => block.value = false,
child: Stack(children: [
offstage: !block.value,
child: Container(
Widget unreadMessageCountBuilder(RxInt? count,
{double? size, double? fontSize}) {
return Obx(() => Offstage(
offstage: !((count?.value ?? 0) > 0),
child: Container(
width: size ?? 16,
height: size ?? 16,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
child: Center(
child: Text("${count?.value ?? 0}",
maxLines: 1,
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: fontSize ?? 10)),
Widget unreadTopRightBuilder(RxInt? count, {Widget? icon}) {
return Stack(
children: [
icon ?? Icon(,
top: 0,
right: 0,
child: unreadMessageCountBuilder(count, size: 12, fontSize: 8))
String toCapitalized(String s) {
if (s.isEmpty) {
return s;
return s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
Widget buildErrorBanner(BuildContext context,
{required RxBool loading,
required RxString err,
required Function? retry,
required Function close}) {
const double height = 25;
return Obx(() => Offstage(
offstage: !(!loading.value && err.value.isNotEmpty),
child: Center(
child: Container(
height: height,
color: MyTheme.color(context).errorBannerBg,
child: Row(
children: [
child: Icon(,
color: Color.fromARGB(255, 249, 81, 81),
child: Align(
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
child: Tooltip(
message: translate(err.value),
child: Text(
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
)).marginSymmetric(vertical: 2),
if (retry != null)
onTap: () {;
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(color: MyTheme.accent),
)).marginSymmetric(horizontal: 5),
child: InkWell(
onTap: () {;
child: Icon(Icons.close).marginSymmetric(horizontal: 5),
)).marginOnly(bottom: 14),
String getDesktopTabLabel(String peerId, String alias) {
String label = alias.isEmpty ? peerId : alias;
try {
String peer = bind.mainGetPeerSync(id: peerId);
Map<String, dynamic> config = jsonDecode(peer);
if (config['info']['hostname'] is String) {
String hostname = config['info']['hostname'];
if (hostname.isNotEmpty &&
!label.toLowerCase().contains(hostname.toLowerCase())) {
label += "@$hostname";
} catch (e) {
debugPrint("Failed to get hostname:$e");
return label;
sessionRefreshVideo(SessionID sessionId, PeerInfo pi) async {
if (pi.currentDisplay == kAllDisplayValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < pi.displays.length; i++) {
await bind.sessionRefresh(sessionId: sessionId, display: i);
} else {
await bind.sessionRefresh(sessionId: sessionId, display: pi.currentDisplay);
bool isChooseDisplayToOpenInNewWindow(PeerInfo pi, SessionID sessionId) =>
pi.isSupportMultiDisplay &&
useTextureRender &&
bind.sessionGetDisplaysAsIndividualWindows(sessionId: sessionId) == 'Y';
Future<List<Rect>> getScreenListWayland() async {
final screenRectList = <Rect>[];
if (isMainDesktopWindow) {
for (var screen in await window_size.getScreenList()) {
final scale = kIgnoreDpi ? 1.0 : screen.scaleFactor;
double l = screen.frame.left;
double t =;
double r = screen.frame.right;
double b = screen.frame.bottom;
final rect = Rect.fromLTRB(l / scale, t / scale, r / scale, b / scale);
} else {
final screenList = await
WindowType.Main, kWindowGetScreenList, '');
try {
for (var screen in jsonDecode(screenList.result) as List<dynamic>) {
final scale = kIgnoreDpi ? 1.0 : screen['scaleFactor'];
double l = screen['frame']['l'];
double t = screen['frame']['t'];
double r = screen['frame']['r'];
double b = screen['frame']['b'];
final rect = Rect.fromLTRB(l / scale, t / scale, r / scale, b / scale);
} catch (e) {
debugPrint('Failed to parse screenList: $e');
return screenRectList;
Future<List<Rect>> getScreenListNotWayland() async {
final screenRectList = <Rect>[];
final displays = bind.mainGetDisplays();
if (displays.isEmpty) {
return screenRectList;
try {
for (var display in jsonDecode(displays) as List<dynamic>) {
// to-do: scale factor ?
// final scale = kIgnoreDpi ? 1.0 : screen.scaleFactor;
double l = display['x'].toDouble();
double t = display['y'].toDouble();
double r = (display['x'] + display['w']).toDouble();
double b = (display['y'] + display['h']).toDouble();
screenRectList.add(Rect.fromLTRB(l, t, r, b));
} catch (e) {
debugPrint('Failed to parse displays: $e');
return screenRectList;
Future<List<Rect>> getScreenRectList() async {
return bind.mainCurrentIsWayland()
? await getScreenListWayland()
: await getScreenListNotWayland();
openMonitorInTheSameTab(int i, FFI ffi, PeerInfo pi,
{bool updateCursorPos = true}) {
final displays = i == kAllDisplayValue
? List.generate(pi.displays.length, (index) => index)
: [i];
isDesktop: isDesktop,
sessionId: ffi.sessionId,
value: Int32List.fromList(displays),
ffi.ffiModel.switchToNewDisplay(i, ffi.sessionId,,
updateCursorPos: updateCursorPos);
// Open new tab or window to show this monitor.
// For now just open new window.
// screenRect is used to move the new window to the specified screen and set fullscreen.
openMonitorInNewTabOrWindow(int i, String peerId, PeerInfo pi,
{Rect? screenRect}) {
final args = {
'window_id': stateGlobal.windowId,
'peer_id': peerId,
'display': i,
'display_count': pi.displays.length,
if (screenRect != null) {
args['screen_rect'] = {
'l': screenRect.left,
'r': screenRect.right,
'b': screenRect.bottom,
kMainWindowId, kWindowEventOpenMonitorSession, jsonEncode(args));
tryMoveToScreenAndSetFullscreen(Rect? screenRect) async {
if (screenRect == null) {
final wc = WindowController.fromWindowId(stateGlobal.windowId);
final curFrame = await wc.getFrame();
final frame =
Rect.fromLTWH(screenRect.left + 30, + 30, 600, 400);
if (stateGlobal.fullscreen.isTrue &&
curFrame.left <= frame.left && <= &&
curFrame.width >= frame.width &&
curFrame.height >= frame.height) {
await wc.setFrame(frame);
// An duration is needed to avoid the window being restored after fullscreen.
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300), () async {
parseParamScreenRect(Map<String, dynamic> params) {
Rect? screenRect;
if (params['screen_rect'] != null) {
double l = params['screen_rect']['l'];
double t = params['screen_rect']['t'];
double r = params['screen_rect']['r'];
double b = params['screen_rect']['b'];
screenRect = Rect.fromLTRB(l, t, r, b);
return screenRect;
get isInputSourceFlutter => stateGlobal.getInputSource() == "Input source 2";
class _ReconnectCountDownButton extends StatefulWidget {
Key? key,
required this.second,
required this.onPressed,
}) : super(key: key);
final VoidCallback? onPressed;
final int second;
State<_ReconnectCountDownButton> createState() =>
class _ReconnectCountDownButtonState extends State<_ReconnectCountDownButton> {
late int _countdownSeconds = widget.second;
Timer? _timer;
void initState() {
void dispose() {
void _startCountdownTimer() {
_timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) {
if (_countdownSeconds <= 0) {
} else {
setState(() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return dialogButton(
'${translate('Reconnect')} (${_countdownSeconds}s)',
onPressed: widget.onPressed,
isOutline: true,
importConfig(List<TextEditingController>? controllers, List<RxString>? errMsgs,
String? text) {
if (text != null && text.isNotEmpty) {
try {
final sc = ServerConfig.decode(text);
if (sc.idServer.isNotEmpty) {
Future<bool> success = setServerConfig(controllers, errMsgs, sc);
success.then((value) {
if (value) {
showToast(translate('Import server configuration successfully'));
} else {
showToast(translate('Invalid server configuration'));
} else {
showToast(translate('Invalid server configuration'));
return sc;
} catch (e) {
showToast(translate('Invalid server configuration'));
} else {
showToast(translate('Clipboard is empty'));
Future<bool> setServerConfig(
List<TextEditingController>? controllers,
List<RxString>? errMsgs,
ServerConfig config,
) async {
config.idServer = config.idServer.trim();
config.relayServer = config.relayServer.trim();
config.apiServer = config.apiServer.trim();
config.key = config.key.trim();
if (controllers != null) {
controllers[0].text = config.idServer;
controllers[1].text = config.relayServer;
controllers[2].text = config.apiServer;
controllers[3].text = config.key;
// id
if (config.idServer.isNotEmpty && errMsgs != null) {
errMsgs[0].value =
translate(await bind.mainTestIfValidServer(server: config.idServer));
if (errMsgs[0].isNotEmpty) {
return false;
// relay
if (config.relayServer.isNotEmpty && errMsgs != null) {
errMsgs[1].value =
translate(await bind.mainTestIfValidServer(server: config.relayServer));
if (errMsgs[1].isNotEmpty) {
return false;
// api
if (config.apiServer.isNotEmpty && errMsgs != null) {
if (!config.apiServer.startsWith('http://') &&
!config.apiServer.startsWith('https://')) {
errMsgs[2].value =
'${translate("API Server")}: ${translate("invalid_http")}';
return false;
final oldApiServer = await bind.mainGetApiServer();
// should set one by one
await bind.mainSetOption(
key: 'custom-rendezvous-server', value: config.idServer);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'relay-server', value: config.relayServer);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'api-server', value: config.apiServer);
await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'key', value: config.key);
final newApiServer = await bind.mainGetApiServer();
if (oldApiServer.isNotEmpty &&
oldApiServer != newApiServer &&
gFFI.userModel.isLogin) {
gFFI.userModel.logOut(apiServer: oldApiServer);
return true;
ColorFilter? svgColor(Color? color) {
if (color == null) {
return null;
} else {
return ColorFilter.mode(color, BlendMode.srcIn);