* fix missing platform when merge ab Signed-off-by: 21pages <pages21@163.com> * sync from recent after ab initialized Signed-off-by: 21pages <pages21@163.com> --------- Signed-off-by: 21pages <pages21@163.com>
596 lines
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596 lines
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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/common/widgets/peers_view.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/model.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/peer_model.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/platform_model.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:bot_toast/bot_toast.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import '../common.dart';
final syncAbOption = 'sync-ab-with-recent-sessions';
bool shouldSyncAb() {
return bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: syncAbOption).isNotEmpty;
final sortAbTagsOption = 'sync-ab-tags';
bool shouldSortTags() {
return bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: sortAbTagsOption).isNotEmpty;
final filterAbTagOption = 'filter-ab-by-intersection';
bool filterAbTagByIntersection() {
return bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: filterAbTagOption).isNotEmpty;
class AbModel {
final abLoading = false.obs;
final pullError = "".obs;
final pushError = "".obs;
final tags = [].obs;
final RxMap<String, int> tagColors = Map<String, int>.fromEntries([]).obs;
final peers = List<Peer>.empty(growable: true).obs;
final sortTags = shouldSortTags().obs;
final filterByIntersection = filterAbTagByIntersection().obs;
final retrying = false.obs;
bool get emtpy => peers.isEmpty && tags.isEmpty;
final selectedTags = List<String>.empty(growable: true).obs;
var initialized = false;
var licensedDevices = 0;
var _syncAllFromRecent = true;
var _syncFromRecentLock = false;
var _timerCounter = 0;
var _cacheLoadOnceFlag = false;
WeakReference<FFI> parent;
AbModel(this.parent) {
if (desktopType == DesktopType.main) {
Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 500), (timer) async {
if (_timerCounter++ % 6 == 0) {
if (!gFFI.userModel.isLogin) return;
if (!initialized) return;
Future<void> pullAb({force = true, quiet = false}) async {
debugPrint("pullAb, force:$force, quiet:$quiet");
if (!gFFI.userModel.isLogin) return;
if (abLoading.value) return;
if (!force && initialized) return;
if (pushError.isNotEmpty) {
try {
// push to retry
await pushAb(toastIfFail: false, toastIfSucc: false);
} catch (_) {}
if (!quiet) {
abLoading.value = true;
pullError.value = "";
final api = "${await bind.mainGetApiServer()}/api/ab";
int? statusCode;
try {
var authHeaders = getHttpHeaders();
authHeaders['Content-Type'] = "application/json";
authHeaders['Accept-Encoding'] = "gzip";
final resp = await http.get(Uri.parse(api), headers: authHeaders);
statusCode = resp.statusCode;
if (resp.body.toLowerCase() == "null") {
// normal reply, emtpy ab return null
} else if (resp.body.isNotEmpty) {
Map<String, dynamic> json =
_jsonDecodeResp(utf8.decode(resp.bodyBytes), resp.statusCode);
if (json.containsKey('error')) {
throw json['error'];
} else if (json.containsKey('data')) {
try {
gFFI.abModel.licensedDevices = json['licensed_devices'];
// ignore: empty_catches
} catch (e) {}
final data = jsonDecode(json['data']);
if (data != null) {
_saveCache(); // save on success
} catch (err) {
if (!quiet) {
pullError.value =
'${translate('pull_ab_failed_tip')}: ${translate(err.toString())}';
} finally {
abLoading.value = false;
initialized = true;
_syncAllFromRecent = true;
_timerCounter = 0;
if (pullError.isNotEmpty) {
if (statusCode == 401) {
gFFI.userModel.reset(resetOther: true);
platformFFI.tryHandle({'name': LoadEvent.addressBook});
void addId(String id, String alias, List<dynamic> tags) {
if (idContainBy(id)) {
final peer = Peer.fromJson({
'id': id,
'alias': alias,
'tags': tags,
bool isFull(bool warn) {
final res = licensedDevices > 0 && peers.length >= licensedDevices;
if (res && warn) {
contentColor: Colors.red, text: translate("exceed_max_devices"));
return res;
void addPeer(Peer peer) {
final index = peers.indexWhere((e) => e.id == peer.id);
if (index >= 0) {
merge(peer, peers[index]);
} else {
bool addPeers(List<Peer> ps) {
bool allAdded = true;
for (var p in ps) {
if (!isFull(false)) {
} else {
allAdded = false;
return allAdded;
void addTag(String tag) async {
if (tagContainBy(tag)) {
void changeTagForPeer(String id, List<dynamic> tags) {
final it = peers.where((element) => element.id == id);
if (it.isEmpty) {
it.first.tags = tags;
void changeTagForPeers(List<String> ids, List<dynamic> tags) {
peers.map((e) {
if (ids.contains(e.id)) {
e.tags = tags;
void changeAlias({required String id, required String alias}) {
final it = peers.where((element) => element.id == id);
if (it.isEmpty) {
it.first.alias = alias;
bool changePassword(String id, String hash) {
final it = peers.where((element) => element.id == id);
if (it.isNotEmpty) {
if (it.first.hash != hash) {
it.first.hash = hash;
return true;
return false;
Future<bool> pushAb(
{bool toastIfFail = true,
bool toastIfSucc = true,
bool isRetry = false}) async {
"pushAb: toastIfFail:$toastIfFail, toastIfSucc:$toastIfSucc, isRetry:$isRetry");
if (!gFFI.userModel.isLogin) return false;
pushError.value = '';
if (isRetry) retrying.value = true;
DateTime startTime = DateTime.now();
bool ret = false;
try {
// avoid double pushes in a row
_syncAllFromRecent = true;
await syncFromRecent(push: false);
//https: //stackoverflow.com/questions/68249333/flutter-getx-updating-item-in-children-list-is-not-reactive
final api = "${await bind.mainGetApiServer()}/api/ab";
var authHeaders = getHttpHeaders();
authHeaders['Content-Type'] = "application/json";
final body = jsonEncode({"data": jsonEncode(_serialize())});
http.Response resp;
// support compression
if (licensedDevices > 0 && body.length > 1024) {
authHeaders['Content-Encoding'] = "gzip";
resp = await http.post(Uri.parse(api),
headers: authHeaders, body: GZipCodec().encode(utf8.encode(body)));
} else {
resp =
await http.post(Uri.parse(api), headers: authHeaders, body: body);
if (resp.statusCode == 200 &&
(resp.body.isEmpty || resp.body.toLowerCase() == 'null')) {
ret = true;
} else {
Map<String, dynamic> json =
_jsonDecodeResp(utf8.decode(resp.bodyBytes), resp.statusCode);
if (json.containsKey('error')) {
throw json['error'];
} else if (resp.statusCode == 200) {
ret = true;
} else {
throw 'HTTP ${resp.statusCode}';
} catch (e) {
pushError.value =
'${translate('push_ab_failed_tip')}: ${translate(e.toString())}';
_syncAllFromRecent = true;
if (isRetry) {
var ms =
(Duration(milliseconds: 200) - DateTime.now().difference(startTime))
ms = ms > 0 ? ms : 0;
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: ms), () {
retrying.value = false;
if (!ret && toastIfFail) {
BotToast.showText(contentColor: Colors.red, text: pushError.value);
if (ret && toastIfSucc) {
return ret;
Peer? find(String id) {
return peers.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.id == id);
bool idContainBy(String id) {
return peers.where((element) => element.id == id).isNotEmpty;
bool tagContainBy(String tag) {
return tags.where((element) => element == tag).isNotEmpty;
void deletePeer(String id) {
peers.removeWhere((element) => element.id == id);
void deletePeers(List<String> ids) {
peers.removeWhere((e) => ids.contains(e.id));
void deleteTag(String tag) {
tags.removeWhere((element) => element == tag);
for (var peer in peers) {
if (peer.tags.isEmpty) {
if (peer.tags.contains(tag)) {
void renameTag(String oldTag, String newTag) {
if (tags.contains(newTag)) return;
tags.value = tags.map((e) {
if (e == oldTag) {
return newTag;
} else {
return e;
selectedTags.value = selectedTags.map((e) {
if (e == oldTag) {
return newTag;
} else {
return e;
for (var peer in peers) {
peer.tags = peer.tags.map((e) {
if (e == oldTag) {
return newTag;
} else {
return e;
int? oldColor = tagColors[oldTag];
if (oldColor != null) {
tagColors.addAll({newTag: oldColor});
void unsetSelectedTags() {
List<dynamic> getPeerTags(String id) {
final it = peers.where((p0) => p0.id == id);
if (it.isEmpty) {
return [];
} else {
return it.first.tags;
Color getTagColor(String tag) {
int? colorValue = tagColors[tag];
if (colorValue != null) {
return Color(colorValue);
return str2color2(tag, existing: tagColors.values.toList());
setTagColor(String tag, Color color) {
if (tags.contains(tag)) {
tagColors[tag] = color.value;
void merge(Peer r, Peer p) {
p.hash = r.hash.isEmpty ? p.hash : r.hash;
p.username = r.username.isEmpty ? p.username : r.username;
p.hostname = r.hostname.isEmpty ? p.hostname : r.hostname;
p.platform = r.platform.isEmpty ? p.platform : r.platform;
p.alias = p.alias.isEmpty ? r.alias : p.alias;
p.forceAlwaysRelay = r.forceAlwaysRelay;
p.rdpPort = r.rdpPort;
p.rdpUsername = r.rdpUsername;
Future<void> syncFromRecent({bool push = true}) async {
if (!_syncFromRecentLock) {
_syncFromRecentLock = true;
await _syncFromRecentWithoutLock(push: push);
_syncFromRecentLock = false;
Future<void> _syncFromRecentWithoutLock({bool push = true}) async {
bool peerSyncEqual(Peer a, Peer b) {
return a.hash == b.hash &&
a.username == b.username &&
a.platform == b.platform &&
a.hostname == b.hostname &&
a.alias == b.alias;
Future<List<Peer>> getRecentPeers() async {
try {
List<String> filteredPeerIDs;
if (_syncAllFromRecent) {
_syncAllFromRecent = false;
filteredPeerIDs = [];
} else {
final new_stored_str = await bind.mainGetNewStoredPeers();
if (new_stored_str.isEmpty) return [];
filteredPeerIDs = (jsonDecode(new_stored_str) as List<dynamic>)
.map((e) => e.toString())
if (filteredPeerIDs.isEmpty) return [];
final loadStr = await bind.mainLoadRecentPeersForAb(
filter: jsonEncode(filteredPeerIDs));
if (loadStr.isEmpty) {
return [];
List<dynamic> mapPeers = jsonDecode(loadStr);
List<Peer> recents = List.empty(growable: true);
for (var m in mapPeers) {
if (m is Map<String, dynamic>) {
return recents;
} catch (e) {
return [];
try {
if (!shouldSyncAb()) return;
final recents = await getRecentPeers();
if (recents.isEmpty) return;
bool uiChanged = false;
bool needSync = false;
for (var i = 0; i < recents.length; i++) {
var r = recents[i];
var index = peers.indexWhere((e) => e.id == r.id);
if (index < 0) {
if (!isFull(false)) {
uiChanged = true;
needSync = true;
} else {
Peer old = Peer.copy(peers[index]);
merge(r, peers[index]);
if (!peerSyncEqual(peers[index], old)) {
needSync = true;
if (!old.equal(peers[index])) {
uiChanged = true;
// Be careful with loop calls
if (needSync && push) {
pushAb(toastIfSucc: false, toastIfFail: false);
} else if (uiChanged) {
} catch (e) {
_saveCache() {
try {
var m = _serialize();
m.addAll(<String, dynamic>{
"access_token": bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: 'access_token'),
bind.mainSaveAb(json: jsonEncode(m));
} catch (e) {
debugPrint('ab save:$e');
Future<void> loadCache() async {
try {
if (_cacheLoadOnceFlag || abLoading.value || initialized) return;
_cacheLoadOnceFlag = true;
final access_token = bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: 'access_token');
if (access_token.isEmpty) return;
final cache = await bind.mainLoadAb();
if (abLoading.value) return;
final data = jsonDecode(cache);
if (data == null || data['access_token'] != access_token) return;
} catch (e) {
debugPrint("load ab cache: $e");
Map<String, dynamic> _jsonDecodeResp(String body, int statusCode) {
try {
Map<String, dynamic> json = jsonDecode(body);
return json;
} catch (e) {
final err = body.isNotEmpty && body.length < 128 ? body : e.toString();
if (statusCode != 200) {
throw 'HTTP $statusCode, $err';
throw err;
Map<String, dynamic> _serialize() {
final peersJsonData = peers.map((e) => e.toAbUploadJson()).toList();
final tagColorJsonData = jsonEncode(tagColors);
return {
"tags": tags,
"peers": peersJsonData,
"tag_colors": tagColorJsonData
_deserialize(dynamic data) {
if (data == null) return;
final oldOnlineIDs = peers.where((e) => e.online).map((e) => e.id).toList();
if (data['tags'] is List) {
tags.value = data['tags'];
if (data['peers'] is List) {
for (final peer in data['peers']) {
if (isFull(false)) {
peers.removeRange(licensedDevices, peers.length);
// restore online
.where((e) => oldOnlineIDs.contains(e.id))
.map((e) => e.online = true)
if (data['tag_colors'] is String) {
Map<String, dynamic> map = jsonDecode(data['tag_colors']);
tagColors.value = Map<String, int>.from(map);
// add color to tag
final tagsWithoutColor =
tags.toList().where((e) => !tagColors.containsKey(e)).toList();
for (var t in tagsWithoutColor) {
tagColors[t] = str2color2(t, existing: tagColors.values.toList()).value;
reSyncToast(Future<bool> future) {
if (!shouldSyncAb()) return;
Future.delayed(Duration.zero, () async {
final succ = await future;
if (succ) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); // success msg
contentColor: Colors.lightBlue,
text: translate('synced_peer_readded_tip'));
reset() async {
pullError.value = '';
pushError.value = '';
await bind.mainClearAb();
_mergePeerFromGroup(Peer p) {
final g = gFFI.groupModel.peers.firstWhereOrNull((e) => p.id == e.id);
if (g == null) return;
if (p.username.isEmpty) {
p.username = g.username;
if (p.hostname.isEmpty) {
p.hostname = g.hostname;
if (p.platform.isEmpty) {
p.platform = g.platform;