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This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2020-01-26 15:51:13 +01:00
parent 0a087cd28b
commit 20fb4e7c37
26 changed files with 930 additions and 360 deletions

View File

@ -1,22 +1,36 @@
//! Errors in source code.
//! There are no fatal errors in _Typst_. The document will always compile and
//! yield a layout. However, this is a best effort process and bad things will
//! still generate errors and warnings.
use serde::Serialize;
use crate::syntax::span::SpanVec;
/// A spanned list of errors.
pub type Errors = SpanVec<Error>;
/// An error that arose in parsing or layouting.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct Error {
/// An error message describing the problem.
pub message: String,
/// How severe / important the error is.
pub severity: Severity,
/// How severe / important an error is.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Serialize)]
pub enum Severity {
/// Something in the code is not good.
/// Something in the code is wrong!
impl Error {
/// Create a new error from message and severity.
pub fn new(message: impl Into<String>, severity: Severity) -> Error {
Error { message: message.into(), severity }

View File

@ -32,20 +32,21 @@ impl PdfExporter {
PdfExporter {}
/// Export a finished multi-layout. The layout needs to have been created with the same
/// font loader passed in here since the indices must match. The PDF data is written into
/// the target writable and the number of bytes written is returned.
/// Export a layouted list of boxes. The same font loader as used for
/// layouting needs to be passed in here since the layout only contains
/// indices referencing the loaded fonts. The raw PDF ist written into the
/// target writable, returning the number of bytes written.
pub fn export<W: Write>(
layout: &MultiLayout,
loader: &SharedFontLoader,
target: W,
) -> PdfResult<usize>
) -> PdfResult<usize> {
ExportProcess::new(layout, loader, target)?.write()
/// The data relevant to the export of one document.
struct ExportProcess<'d, W: Write> {
writer: PdfWriter<W>,
layouts: &'d MultiLayout,
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ struct ExportProcess<'d, W: Write> {
fonts: Vec<OwnedFont>,
/// Indicates which range of PDF IDs are used for which contents.
/// Indicates which range of PDF IDs will be used for which contents.
struct Offsets {
catalog: Ref,
page_tree: Ref,
@ -76,12 +77,13 @@ struct Offsets {
impl<'d, W: Write> ExportProcess<'d, W> {
/// Prepare the export. Only once [`ExportProcess::write`] is called the
/// writing really happens.
fn new(
layouts: &'d MultiLayout,
font_loader: &SharedFontLoader,
target: W,
) -> PdfResult<ExportProcess<'d, W>>
) -> PdfResult<ExportProcess<'d, W>> {
let (fonts, font_remap) = Self::subset_fonts(layouts, font_loader)?;
let offsets = Self::calculate_offsets(layouts.len(), fonts.len());
@ -94,22 +96,22 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> ExportProcess<'d, W> {
/// Subsets all fonts and assings each one a new index. The returned hash map
/// maps the old indices (used by the layouts) to the new one used in the PDF.
/// The new ones index into the returned vector.
/// Subsets all fonts and assign a new PDF-internal index to each one. The
/// returned hash map maps the old indices (used by the layouts) to the new
/// one used in the PDF. The new ones index into the returned vector of
/// owned fonts.
fn subset_fonts(
layouts: &'d MultiLayout,
font_loader: &SharedFontLoader
) -> PdfResult<(Vec<OwnedFont>, HashMap<FontIndex, usize>)>
) -> PdfResult<(Vec<OwnedFont>, HashMap<FontIndex, usize>)> {
let mut fonts = Vec::new();
let mut font_chars: HashMap<FontIndex, HashSet<char>> = HashMap::new();
let mut old_to_new: HashMap<FontIndex, usize> = HashMap::new();
let mut new_to_old: HashMap<usize, FontIndex> = HashMap::new();
let mut active_font = FontIndex::MAX;
// We want to find out which fonts are used at all and which are chars
// are used for these. We use this information to create subsetted fonts.
// We want to find out which fonts are used at all and which chars are
// used for those. We use this information to create subsetted fonts.
for layout in layouts {
for action in &layout.actions {
match action {
@ -141,11 +143,13 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> ExportProcess<'d, W> {
let num_fonts = old_to_new.len();
let mut font_loader = font_loader.borrow_mut();
// All tables not listed here are dropped.
const SUBSET_TABLES: [&str; 13] = [
"name", "OS/2", "post", "head", "hhea", "hmtx", "maxp",
"cmap", "cvt ", "fpgm", "prep", "loca", "glyf",
// Do the subsetting.
for index in 0 .. num_fonts {
let old_index = new_to_old[&index];
let font = font_loader.get_with_index(old_index);
@ -158,8 +162,9 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> ExportProcess<'d, W> {
Ok((fonts, old_to_new))
/// We need to know in advance which IDs to use for which objects to cross-reference them.
/// Therefore, we calculate them in the beginning.
/// We need to know in advance which IDs to use for which objects to
/// cross-reference them. Therefore, we calculate the indices in the
/// beginning.
fn calculate_offsets(layout_count: usize, font_count: usize) -> Offsets {
let catalog = 1;
let page_tree = catalog + 1;
@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> ExportProcess<'d, W> {
/// Write everything (entry point).
/// Write everything (writing entry point).
fn write(&mut self) -> PdfResult<usize> {
self.writer.write_header(Version::new(1, 7))?;
@ -241,6 +246,8 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> ExportProcess<'d, W> {
/// Write the content of a page.
fn write_page(&mut self, id: u32, page: &Layout) -> PdfResult<()> {
// Moves and font switches are always cached and only flushed once
// needed.
let mut text = Text::new();
let mut active_font = (std::usize::MAX, 0.0);
let mut next_pos = None;
@ -280,6 +287,8 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> ExportProcess<'d, W> {
let mut id = self.offsets.fonts.0;
for font in &mut self.fonts {
// ---------------------------------------------
// Extract information from the name table.
let name = font
@ -300,7 +309,7 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> ExportProcess<'d, W> {
// ---------------------------------------------
// Extract information from the head table.
// Extract information from the head and hmtx tables.
let head = font.read_table::<Header>()?;
let font_unit_ratio = 1.0 / (head.units_per_em as f32);
@ -356,29 +365,33 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> ExportProcess<'d, W> {
let os2 = font.read_table::<OS2>()?;
// Write the font descriptor (contains the global information about the font).
id + 2,
FontDescriptor::new(base_font, flags, italic_angle)
.ascent(font_unit_to_glyph_unit(os2.s_typo_ascender as f32))
.descent(font_unit_to_glyph_unit(os2.s_typo_descender as f32))
os2.s_cap_height.unwrap_or(os2.s_typo_ascender) as f32,
.stem_v((10.0 + 0.244 * (os2.us_weight_class as f32 - 50.0)) as GlyphUnit)
.font_file_2(id + 4),
self.writer.write_obj(id + 2, FontDescriptor::new(base_font, flags, italic_angle)
.ascent(font_unit_to_glyph_unit(os2.s_typo_ascender as f32))
.descent(font_unit_to_glyph_unit(os2.s_typo_descender as f32))
os2.s_cap_height.unwrap_or(os2.s_typo_ascender) as f32,
.stem_v((10.0 + 0.244 * (os2.us_weight_class as f32 - 50.0)) as GlyphUnit)
.font_file_2(id + 4)
// Write the CMap, which maps glyphs to unicode codepoints.
let mapping = font
// ---------------------------------------------
// Extract information from the cmap table.
let cmap = CMap::new("Custom", system_info, font
.map(|(&c, &cid)| (cid, c));
.map(|(&c, &cid)| (cid, c))
self.writer.write_obj(id + 3, &CMap::new("Custom", system_info, mapping))?;
// Write the CMap, which maps glyphs to unicode codepoints.
self.writer.write_obj(id + 3, &cmap)?;
// ---------------------------------------------
// Finally write the subsetted font program.
self.writer.write_obj(id + 4, &FontStream::new(;
id += 5;

View File

@ -1,25 +1,33 @@
//! Helper types and macros for creating custom functions.
//! Trait and prelude for custom functions.
use crate::syntax::{ParseContext, Parsed};
use crate::syntax::func::FuncHeader;
use crate::syntax::span::Spanned;
/// Types that are useful for creating your own functions.
pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::{function, body, err};
pub use crate::layout::prelude::*;
pub use crate::layout::{LayoutContext, Commands, layout};
pub use crate::layout::Command::{self, *};
pub use crate::style::{LayoutStyle, PageStyle, TextStyle};
pub use crate::syntax::SyntaxModel;
pub use crate::syntax::expr::*;
pub use crate::syntax::func::*;
pub use crate::syntax::func::keys::*;
pub use crate::syntax::func::values::*;
pub use crate::syntax::span::{Span, Spanned};
/// Parse a function from source code.
pub trait ParseFunc {
/// A metadata type whose value is passed into the function parser. This
/// allows a single function to do different things depending on the value
/// that needs to be given when inserting the function into a
/// [scope](crate::syntax::Scope).
/// For example, the functions `word.spacing`, `line.spacing` and
/// `par.spacing` are actually all the same function
/// [`ContentSpacingFunc`](crate::library::ContentSpacingFunc) with the
/// metadata specifiy which content should be spaced.
type Meta: Clone;
/// Parse the header and body into this function given a context.
@ -31,6 +39,49 @@ pub trait ParseFunc {
) -> Parsed<Self> where Self: Sized;
/// Allows to implement a function type concisely.
/// # Example
/// A function that hides its body depending on a boolean argument.
/// ```
/// use typstc::func::prelude::*;
/// function! {
/// #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
/// pub struct HiderFunc {
/// body: Option<SyntaxModel>,
/// }
/// parse(header, body, ctx, errors, decos) {
/// let body = body!(opt: body, ctx, errors, decos);
/// let hidden = header.args.pos.get::<bool>(errors)
/// .or_missing(errors,, "hidden")
/// .unwrap_or(false);
/// HiderFunc { body: if hidden { None } else { body } }
/// }
/// layout(self, ctx, errors) {
/// match &self.body {
/// Some(model) => vec![LayoutSyntaxModel(model)],
/// None => vec![],
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// This function can be used as follows:
/// ```typst
/// [hider: true][Hi, you.] => Nothing
/// [hider: false][Hi, you.] => Text: "Hi, you."
/// [hider][Hi, you.] => Text: "Hi, you."
/// ^^^^^
/// missing argument: hidden
/// ```
/// # More examples
/// Look at the source code of the [`library`](crate::library) module for more
/// examples on how the macro works.
macro_rules! function {
// Entry point.
@ -118,8 +169,15 @@ macro_rules! function {
/// Parse the body of a function.
/// - If the function does not expect a body, use `parse!(nope: body, errors)`.
/// - If the function can have a body, use `parse!(opt: body, ctx, errors, decos)`.
/// - If the function does not expect a body, use `body!(nope: body, errors)`.
/// - If the function can have a body, use `body!(opt: body, ctx, errors, decos)`.
/// # Arguments
/// - The `$body` should be of type `Option<Spanned<&str>>`.
/// - The `$ctx` is the [`ParseContext`](crate::syntax::ParseContext) to use for parsing.
/// - The `$errors` and `$decos` should be mutable references to vectors of spanned
/// errors / decorations which are filled with the errors and decorations arising
/// from parsing.
macro_rules! body {
(opt: $body:expr, $ctx:expr, $errors:expr, $decos:expr) => ({
@ -142,12 +200,23 @@ macro_rules! body {
/// Construct an error with optional severity and span.
/// Construct an error with formatted message and optionally severity and / or
/// span.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use typstc::err;
/// # use typstc::syntax::span::Span;
/// # let span = Span::ZERO;
/// # let value = 0;
/// // With span and default severity `Error`.
/// err!(span; "the wrong {}", value);
/// // With no span and severity `Warning`.
/// err!(@Warning: span; "non-fatal!");
/// // Without span and default severity.
/// err!("no spans here ...");
/// ```

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//! Drawing and cofiguration actions composing layouts.
//! Drawing and configuration actions composing layouts.
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ use super::{Layout, Serialize};
use self::LayoutAction::*;
/// A layouting action.
/// A layouting action, which is the basic building block layouts are composed
/// of.
pub enum LayoutAction {
/// Move to an absolute position.
/// Set the font by index and font size.
/// Set the font given the index from the font loader and font size.
SetFont(FontIndex, Size),
/// Write text starting at the current position.
/// Write text at the current position.
/// Visualize a box for debugging purposes.
@ -50,17 +51,18 @@ debug_display!(LayoutAction);
/// A sequence of layouting actions.
/// The sequence of actions is optimized as the actions are added. For example,
/// a font changing option will only be added if the selected font is not already active.
/// All configuration actions (like moving, setting fonts, ...) are only flushed when
/// content is written.
/// a font changing option will only be added if the selected font is not
/// already active. All configuration actions (like moving, setting fonts, ...)
/// are only flushed when content is written.
/// Furthermore, the action list can translate absolute position into a coordinate system
/// with a different origin. This is realized in the `add_box` method, which allows a layout to
/// be added at a position, effectively translating all movement actions inside the layout
/// by the position.
/// Furthermore, the action list can translate absolute position into a
/// coordinate system with a different origin. This is realized in the
/// `add_layout` method, which allows a layout to be added at a position,
/// effectively translating all movement actions inside the layout by the
/// position.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LayoutActions {
pub origin: Size2D,
origin: Size2D,
actions: Vec<LayoutAction>,
active_font: (FontIndex, Size),
next_pos: Option<Size2D>,
@ -97,15 +99,14 @@ impl LayoutActions {
/// Add a series of actions.
pub fn extend<I>(&mut self, actions: I)
where I: IntoIterator<Item = LayoutAction> {
pub fn extend<I>(&mut self, actions: I) where I: IntoIterator<Item = LayoutAction> {
for action in actions.into_iter() {
/// Add a layout at a position. All move actions inside the layout are translated
/// by the position.
/// Add a layout at a position. All move actions inside the layout are
/// translated by the position.
pub fn add_layout(&mut self, position: Size2D, layout: Layout) {
@ -120,10 +121,9 @@ impl LayoutActions {
/// Return the list of actions as a vector, leaving an empty
/// vector in its position.
pub fn to_vec(&mut self) -> Vec<LayoutAction> {
std::mem::replace(&mut self.actions, vec![])
/// Return the list of actions as a vector.
pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<LayoutAction> {
/// Append a cached move action if one is cached.

View File

@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
//! The line layouter arranges boxes into lines.
//! Along the primary axis, the boxes are laid out next to each other while they
//! fit into a line. When a line break is necessary, the line is finished and a
//! new line is started offset on the secondary axis by the height of previous
//! line and the extra line spacing.
//! Internally, the line layouter uses a stack layouter to arrange the finished
//! lines.
use super::stack::{StackLayouter, StackContext};
use super::*;
/// The line layouter arranges boxes next to each other along a primary axis
/// and arranges the resulting lines using an underlying stack layouter.
/// Performs the line layouting.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LineLayouter {
/// The context for layouting.
@ -34,7 +43,9 @@ pub struct LineContext {
pub line_spacing: Size,
/// A simple line of boxes.
/// A line run is a sequence of boxes with the same alignment that are arranged
/// in a line. A real line can consist of multiple runs with different
/// alignments.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct LineRun {
/// The so-far accumulated layouts in the line.
@ -43,9 +54,13 @@ struct LineRun {
/// line.
size: Size2D,
/// The alignment of all layouts in the line.
/// When a new run is created the alignment is yet to be determined. Once a
/// layout is added, it is decided which alignment the run has and all
/// further elements of the run must have this alignment.
alignment: Option<LayoutAlignment>,
/// The remaining usable space if another differently aligned line run
/// already took up some space.
/// If another line run with different alignment already took up some space
/// of the line, this run has less space and how much is stored here.
usable: Option<Size>,
/// A possibly cached soft spacing or spacing state.
last_spacing: LastSpacing,
@ -137,7 +152,10 @@ impl LineLayouter {
/// The remaining usable size in the run.
/// The remaining usable size of the run.
/// This specifies how much more fits before a line break needs to be
/// issued.
fn usable(&self) -> Size2D {
// The base is the usable space per stack layouter.
let mut usable = self.stack.usable().generalized(self.ctx.axes);
@ -152,7 +170,7 @@ impl LineLayouter {
/// Add primary spacing to the line.
/// Add spacing along the primary axis to the line.
pub fn add_primary_spacing(&mut self, mut spacing: Size, kind: SpacingKind) {
match kind {
// A hard space is simply an empty box.
@ -178,20 +196,20 @@ impl LineLayouter {
/// Finish the run and add secondary spacing to the underlying stack.
/// Finish the line and add secondary spacing to the underlying stack.
pub fn add_secondary_spacing(&mut self, spacing: Size, kind: SpacingKind) {
self.stack.add_spacing(spacing, kind)
/// Change the layouting axes used by this layouter.
/// Update the layouting axes used by this layouter.
pub fn set_axes(&mut self, axes: LayoutAxes) {
self.ctx.axes = axes;
/// Change the layouting spaces to use.
/// Update the layouting spaces to use.
/// If `replace_empty` is true, the current space is replaced if there are
/// no boxes laid into it yet. Otherwise, only the followup spaces are
@ -200,12 +218,14 @@ impl LineLayouter {
self.stack.set_spaces(spaces, replace_empty && self.line_is_empty());
/// Change the line spacing.
/// Update the line spacing.
pub fn set_line_spacing(&mut self, line_spacing: Size) {
self.ctx.line_spacing = line_spacing;
/// The remaining unpadded, unexpanding spaces.
/// The remaining inner layout spaces. Inner means, that padding is already
/// subtracted and the spaces are unexpanding. This can be used to signal
/// a function how much space it has to layout itself.
pub fn remaining(&self) -> LayoutSpaces {
let mut spaces = self.stack.remaining();
@ -218,19 +238,21 @@ impl LineLayouter { == Size2D::ZERO &&
/// Finish the last line and compute the final multi-layout.
/// Finish the last line and compute the final list of boxes.
pub fn finish(mut self) -> MultiLayout {
/// Finish the currently active space and start a new one.
/// At the top level, this is a page break.
pub fn finish_space(&mut self, hard: bool) {
/// Add the current line to the stack and start a new line.
/// Finish the line and start a new one.
pub fn finish_line(&mut self) {
let mut actions = LayoutActions::new();
@ -251,7 +273,7 @@ impl LineLayouter {
.unwrap_or(LayoutAlignment::new(Origin, Origin)),
actions: actions.to_vec(),
actions: actions.into_vec(),
}); = LineRun::new();

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//! The core layouting engine.
//! Layouting types and engines.
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use smallvec::SmallVec;
use toddle::query::FontIndex;
use crate::size::{Size, Size2D, SizeBox};
use self::{GenericAxis::*, SpecificAxis::*, Direction::*, Alignment::*};
use self::prelude::*;
pub mod line;
pub mod stack;
@ -15,8 +15,13 @@ pub mod text;
/// Basic types used across the layouting engine.
pub mod prelude {
pub use super::{LayoutSpace, LayoutExpansion, LayoutAxes, LayoutAlignment};
pub use super::{
LayoutContext, layout, LayoutSpace,
Layouted, Commands,
LayoutAxes, LayoutAlignment, LayoutExpansion
pub use super::GenericAxis::{self, *};
pub use super::SpecificAxis::{self, *};
pub use super::Direction::{self, *};
@ -27,7 +32,7 @@ pub mod prelude {
/// A collection of layouts.
pub type MultiLayout = Vec<Layout>;
/// A sequence of layouting actions inside a box.
/// A finished box with content at fixed positions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Layout {
/// The size of the box.
@ -81,10 +86,11 @@ impl Serialize for MultiLayout {
/// A possibly stack-allocated vector of layout spaces.
/// A vector of layout spaces, that is stack allocated as long as it only
/// contains at most 2 spaces.
pub type LayoutSpaces = SmallVec<[LayoutSpace; 2]>;
/// Spacial layouting constraints.
/// The space into which content is laid out.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct LayoutSpace {
/// The maximum size of the box to layout in.
@ -92,8 +98,7 @@ pub struct LayoutSpace {
/// Padding that should be respected on each side.
pub padding: SizeBox,
/// Whether to expand the dimensions of the resulting layout to the full
/// dimensions of this space or to shrink them to fit the content for the
/// horizontal and vertical axis.
/// dimensions of this space or to shrink them to fit the content.
pub expansion: LayoutExpansion,
@ -119,39 +124,75 @@ impl LayoutSpace {
/// Whether to fit to content or expand to the space's size.
/// The two generic layouting axes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct LayoutExpansion {
pub horizontal: bool,
pub vertical: bool,
pub enum GenericAxis {
/// The primary axis along which words are laid out.
/// The secondary axis along which lines and paragraphs are laid out.
impl LayoutExpansion {
pub fn new(horizontal: bool, vertical: bool) -> LayoutExpansion {
LayoutExpansion { horizontal, vertical }
impl GenericAxis {
/// The specific version of this axis in the given system of axes.
pub fn to_specific(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> SpecificAxis {
/// Borrow the specified component mutably.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, axis: SpecificAxis) -> &mut bool {
match axis {
Horizontal => &mut self.horizontal,
Vertical => &mut self.vertical,
impl Display for GenericAxis {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Primary => write!(f, "primary"),
Secondary => write!(f, "secondary"),
/// The axes along which the content is laid out.
/// The two specific layouting axes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum SpecificAxis {
/// The horizontal layouting axis.
/// The vertical layouting axis.
impl SpecificAxis {
/// The generic version of this axis in the given system of axes.
pub fn to_generic(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> GenericAxis {
if self == axes.primary.axis() { Primary } else { Secondary }
impl Display for SpecificAxis {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Horizontal => write!(f, "horizontal"),
Vertical => write!(f, "vertical"),
/// Specifies along which directions content is laid out.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct LayoutAxes {
/// The primary layouting direction.
pub primary: Direction,
/// The secondary layouting direction.
pub secondary: Direction,
impl LayoutAxes {
/// Create a new instance from the two values.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if the directions are aligned, that is, they are
/// on the same axis.
pub fn new(primary: Direction, secondary: Direction) -> LayoutAxes {
if primary.axis() == secondary.axis() {
panic!("LayoutAxes::new: invalid aligned axes {:?} and {:?}",
primary, secondary);
panic!("LayoutAxes::new: invalid aligned axes \
{} and {}", primary, secondary);
LayoutAxes { primary, secondary }
@ -172,77 +213,11 @@ impl LayoutAxes {
Secondary => &mut self.secondary,
/// Return the direction of the specified specific axis.
pub fn get_specific(self, axis: SpecificAxis) -> Direction {
/// The two generic layouting axes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum GenericAxis {
impl GenericAxis {
/// The specific version of this axis in the given system of axes.
pub fn to_specific(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> SpecificAxis {
/// The other axis.
pub fn inv(self) -> GenericAxis {
match self {
Primary => Secondary,
Secondary => Primary,
impl Display for GenericAxis {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Primary => write!(f, "primary"),
Secondary => write!(f, "secondary"),
/// The two specific layouting axes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum SpecificAxis {
impl SpecificAxis {
/// The generic version of this axis in the given system of axes.
pub fn to_generic(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> GenericAxis {
if self == axes.primary.axis() { Primary } else { Secondary }
/// The other axis.
pub fn inv(self) -> SpecificAxis {
match self {
Horizontal => Vertical,
Vertical => Horizontal,
impl Display for SpecificAxis {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Horizontal => write!(f, "horizontal"),
Vertical => write!(f, "vertical"),
/// Directions along which content is laid out.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Direction {
@ -260,6 +235,8 @@ impl Direction {
/// Whether this axis points into the positive coordinate direction.
/// The positive directions are left-to-right and top-to-bottom.
pub fn is_positive(self) -> bool {
match self {
LeftToRight | TopToBottom => true,
@ -267,6 +244,14 @@ impl Direction {
/// The factor for this direction.
/// - `1` if the direction is positive.
/// - `-1` if the direction is negative.
pub fn factor(self) -> i32 {
if self.is_positive() { 1 } else { -1 }
/// The inverse axis.
pub fn inv(self) -> Direction {
match self {
@ -276,14 +261,6 @@ impl Direction {
BottomToTop => TopToBottom,
/// The factor for this direction.
/// - `1` if the direction is positive.
/// - `-1` if the direction is negative.
pub fn factor(self) -> i32 {
if self.is_positive() { 1 } else { -1 }
impl Display for Direction {
@ -297,18 +274,29 @@ impl Display for Direction {
/// Where to align a layout in a container.
/// Specifies where to align a layout in a parent container.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct LayoutAlignment {
/// The alignment along the primary axis.
pub primary: Alignment,
/// The alignment along the secondary axis.
pub secondary: Alignment,
impl LayoutAlignment {
/// Create a new instance from the two values.
pub fn new(primary: Alignment, secondary: Alignment) -> LayoutAlignment {
LayoutAlignment { primary, secondary }
/// Return the alignment of the specified generic axis.
pub fn get(self, axis: GenericAxis) -> Alignment {
match axis {
Primary => self.primary,
Secondary => self.secondary,
/// Borrow the alignment of the specified generic axis mutably.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, axis: GenericAxis) -> &mut Alignment {
match axis {
@ -321,8 +309,11 @@ impl LayoutAlignment {
/// Where to align content.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub enum Alignment {
/// Align content at the start of the axis.
/// Align content centered on the axis.
/// Align content at the end of the axis.
@ -337,12 +328,53 @@ impl Alignment {
/// Whitespace between boxes with different interaction properties.
/// Specifies whether to expand a layout to the full size of the space it is
/// laid out in or to shrink it to fit the content.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct LayoutExpansion {
/// Whether to expand on the horizontal axis.
pub horizontal: bool,
/// Whether to expand on the vertical axis.
pub vertical: bool,
impl LayoutExpansion {
/// Create a new instance from the two values.
pub fn new(horizontal: bool, vertical: bool) -> LayoutExpansion {
LayoutExpansion { horizontal, vertical }
/// Return the expansion value for the given specific axis.
pub fn get(self, axis: SpecificAxis) -> bool {
match axis {
Horizontal => self.horizontal,
Vertical => self.vertical,
/// Borrow the expansion value for the given specific axis mutably.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, axis: SpecificAxis) -> &mut bool {
match axis {
Horizontal => &mut self.horizontal,
Vertical => &mut self.vertical,
/// Defines how a given spacing interacts with (possibly existing) surrounding
/// spacing.
/// There are two options for interaction: Hard and soft spacing. Typically,
/// hard spacing is used when a fixed amount of space needs to be inserted no
/// matter what. In contrast, soft spacing can be used to insert a default
/// spacing between e.g. two words or paragraphs that can still be overridden by
/// a hard space.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SpacingKind {
/// A hard space consumes surrounding soft spaces and is always layouted.
/// Hard spaces are always laid out and consume surrounding soft space.
/// A soft space consumes surrounding soft spaces with higher value.
/// Soft spaces are not laid out if they are touching a hard space and
/// consume neighbouring soft spaces with higher levels.
@ -357,11 +389,16 @@ impl SpacingKind {
pub const WORD: SpacingKind = SpacingKind::Soft(1);
/// The last appeared spacing.
/// The spacing kind of the most recently inserted item in a layouting process.
/// This is not about the last _spacing item_, but the last _item_, which is why
/// this can be `None`.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum LastSpacing {
/// The last item was hard spacing.
/// The last item was soft spacing with the given width and level.
Soft(Size, u32),
/// The last item was not spacing.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
//! The model layouter layouts models (i.e.
//! [syntax models](crate::syntax::SyntaxModel) and [functions](crate::func))
//! by executing commands issued by the models.
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use smallvec::smallvec;
@ -13,7 +17,7 @@ use super::text::{layout_text, TextContext};
use super::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Performs the model layouting.
pub struct ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
ctx: LayoutContext<'a, 'p>,
layouter: LineLayouter,
@ -21,7 +25,7 @@ pub struct ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
errors: Errors,
/// The general context for layouting.
/// The context for layouting.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LayoutContext<'a, 'p> {
/// The font loader to retrieve fonts from when typesetting text
@ -46,53 +50,74 @@ pub struct LayoutContext<'a, 'p> {
pub debug: bool,
/// The result of layouting: Some layouted things and a list of errors.
pub struct Layouted<T> {
/// The result of the layouting process.
pub output: T,
/// Errors that arose in the process of layouting.
pub errors: Errors,
impl<T> Layouted<T> {
pub fn map<F, U>(self, f: F) -> Layouted<U> where F: FnOnce(T) -> U {
Layouted {
output: f(self.output),
errors: self.errors,
/// A sequence of layouting commands.
pub type Commands<'a> = Vec<Command<'a>>;
/// Layouting commands from functions to the typesetting engine.
/// Commands issued to the layouting engine by models.
pub enum Command<'a> {
/// Layout the given model in the current context (i.e. not nested). The
/// content of the model is not laid out into a separate box and then added,
/// but simply laid out flat in the active layouting process.
/// This has the effect that the content fits nicely into the active line
/// layouting, enabling functions to e.g. change the style of some piece of
/// text while keeping it integrated in the current paragraph.
LayoutSyntaxModel(&'a SyntaxModel),
/// Add a already computed layout.
/// Add multiple layouts, one after another. This is equivalent to multiple
/// [Add](Command::Add) commands.
/// Add spacing of given [kind](super::SpacingKind) along the primary or
/// secondary axis. The spacing kind defines how the spacing interacts with
/// surrounding spacing.
AddSpacing(Size, SpacingKind, GenericAxis),
/// Start a new line.
/// Start a new paragraph.
/// Start a new page, which will exist in the finished layout even if it
/// stays empty (since the page break is a _hard_ space break).
/// Update the text style.
/// Update the page style.
/// Update the alignment for future boxes added to this layouting process.
/// Update the layouting axes along which future boxes will be laid out.
/// This finishes the current line.
/// Layout a syntax model into a list of boxes.
pub async fn layout(model: &SyntaxModel, ctx: LayoutContext<'_, '_>) -> Layouted<MultiLayout> {
let mut layouter = ModelLayouter::new(ctx);
/// A dynamic future type which allows recursive invocation of async functions
/// when used as the return type. This is also how the async trait functions
/// work internally.
pub type DynFuture<'a, T> = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=T> + 'a>>;
impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
/// Create a new syntax tree layouter.
/// Create a new model layouter.
pub fn new(ctx: LayoutContext<'a, 'p>) -> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
ModelLayouter {
layouter: LineLayouter::new(LineContext {
@ -109,10 +134,12 @@ impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
/// Flatly layout a model into this layouting process.
pub fn layout<'r>(
&'r mut self,
model: Spanned<&'r dyn Model>
) -> DynFuture<'r, ()> { Box::pin(async move {
// Execute the model's layout function which generates the commands.
let layouted = model.v.layout(LayoutContext {
style: &,
spaces: self.layouter.remaining(),
@ -121,14 +148,16 @@ impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
.. self.ctx
let commands = layouted.output;
// Add the errors generated by the model to the error list.
self.errors.extend(offset_spans(layouted.errors, model.span.start));
for command in commands {
for command in layouted.output {
self.execute_command(command, model.span).await;
}) }
/// Layout a syntax model by directly processing the nodes instead of using
/// the command based architecture.
pub fn layout_syntax_model<'r>(
&'r mut self,
model: &'r SyntaxModel
@ -162,6 +191,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
}) }
/// Compute the finished list of boxes.
pub fn finish(self) -> Layouted<MultiLayout> {
Layouted {
output: self.layouter.finish(),
@ -169,6 +199,8 @@ impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
/// Execute a command issued by a model. When the command is errorful, the
/// given span is stored with the error.
fn execute_command<'r>(
&'r mut self,
command: Command<'r>,
@ -186,8 +218,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
Secondary => self.layouter.add_secondary_spacing(space, kind),
FinishLine => self.layouter.finish_line(),
FinishSpace => self.layouter.finish_space(true),
BreakLine => self.layouter.finish_line(),
BreakParagraph => self.layout_paragraph(),
BreakPage => {
if self.ctx.nested {
@ -209,6 +240,9 @@ impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
} else { = style;
// The line layouter has no idea of page styles and thus we
// need to recompute the layouting space resulting of the
// new page style and update it within the layouter.
let margins = style.margins();
self.ctx.base = style.dimensions.unpadded(margins);
@ -229,6 +263,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
}) }
/// Layout a continous piece of text and add it to the line layouter.
async fn layout_text(&mut self, text: &str) {
self.layouter.add(layout_text(text, TextContext {
loader: &self.ctx.loader,
@ -238,6 +273,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
/// Add the spacing for a syntactic space node.
fn layout_space(&mut self) {
@ -245,6 +281,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p> ModelLayouter<'a, 'p> {
/// Finish the paragraph and add paragraph spacing.
fn layout_paragraph(&mut self) {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,32 @@
//! The stack layouter arranges boxes along the secondary layouting axis.
//! Individual layouts can be aligned at origin / center / end on both axes and
//! these alignments are with respect to the growable layout space and not the
//! total possible size.
//! This means that a later layout can have influence on the position of an
//! earlier one. Consider, for example, the following code:
//! ```typst
//! [align: right][A word.]
//! [align: left][A sentence with a couple more words.]
//! ```
//! The resulting layout looks like this:
//! ```text
//! |--------------------------------------|
//! | A word. |
//! | |
//! | A sentence with a couple more words. |
//! |--------------------------------------|
//! ```
//! The position of the first aligned box thus depends on the length of the
//! sentence in the second box.
use smallvec::smallvec;
use crate::size::ValueBox;
use super::*;
/// The stack layouter stack boxes onto each other along the secondary layouting
/// axis.
/// Performs the stack layouting.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct StackLayouter {
/// The context for layouting.
@ -222,8 +244,8 @@ impl StackLayouter {
/// The remaining unpadded, unexpanding spaces. If a multi-layout is laid
/// out into these spaces, it will fit into this stack.
/// The remaining unpadded, unexpanding spaces. If a function is laid out
/// into these spaces, it will fit into this stack.
pub fn remaining(&self) -> LayoutSpaces {
let dimensions = self.usable();
@ -257,7 +279,7 @@ impl StackLayouter { == self.ctx.spaces.len() - 1
/// Compute the finished multi-layout.
/// Compute the finished list of boxes.
pub fn finish(mut self) -> MultiLayout {
if || !self.space_is_empty() {
@ -373,7 +395,7 @@ impl StackLayouter {
self.layouts.push(Layout {
alignment: self.ctx.alignment,
actions: actions.to_vec(),
actions: actions.into_vec(),
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ //

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
//! The text layouter layouts continous pieces of text into boxes.
//! The layouter picks the most suitable font for each individual character.
//! When the primary layouting axis horizontally inversed, the word is spelled
//! backwards. Vertical word layout is not yet supported.
use toddle::query::{SharedFontLoader, FontQuery, FontIndex};
use toddle::tables::{CharMap, Header, HorizontalMetrics};
@ -6,7 +12,7 @@ use crate::style::TextStyle;
use super::*;
/// Layouts text into boxes.
/// Performs the text layouting.
struct TextLayouter<'a, 'p> {
ctx: TextContext<'a, 'p>,
text: &'a str,
@ -17,20 +23,22 @@ struct TextLayouter<'a, 'p> {
/// The context for text layouting.
/// See [`LayoutContext`] for details about the fields.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TextContext<'a, 'p> {
/// The font loader to retrieve fonts from when typesetting text
/// using [`layout_text`].
pub loader: &'a SharedFontLoader<'p>,
/// The style for text: Font selection with classes, weights and variants,
/// font sizes, spacing and so on.
pub style: &'a TextStyle,
/// The axes along which the word is laid out. For now, only
/// primary-horizontal layouting is supported.
pub axes: LayoutAxes,
/// The alignment of the finished layout.
pub alignment: LayoutAlignment,
/// Layouts text into a box.
/// There is no complex layout involved. The text is simply laid out left-
/// to-right using the correct font for each character.
pub async fn layout_text(text: &str, ctx: TextContext<'_, '_>) -> Layout {
TextLayouter::new(text, ctx).layout().await
@ -48,8 +56,9 @@ impl<'a, 'p> TextLayouter<'a, 'p> {
/// Layout the text
/// Do the layouting.
async fn layout(mut self) -> Layout {
// If the primary axis is negative, we layout the characters reversed.
if self.ctx.axes.primary.is_positive() {
for c in self.text.chars() {
@ -60,6 +69,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p> TextLayouter<'a, 'p> {
// Flush the last buffered parts of the word.
if !self.buffer.is_empty() {
@ -67,7 +77,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p> TextLayouter<'a, 'p> {
Layout {
dimensions: Size2D::new(self.width,,
alignment: self.ctx.alignment,
actions: self.actions.to_vec(),
actions: self.actions.into_vec(),
@ -81,6 +91,8 @@ impl<'a, 'p> TextLayouter<'a, 'p> {
self.width += char_width;
// Flush the buffer and issue a font setting action if the font differs
// from the last character's one.
if self.active_font != index {
if !self.buffer.is_empty() {
let text = std::mem::replace(&mut self.buffer, String::new());
@ -106,6 +118,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p> TextLayouter<'a, 'p> {
if let Some((font, index)) = loader.get(query).await {
// Determine the width of the char.
let header = font.read_table::<Header>().ok()?;
let font_unit_ratio = 1.0 / (header.units_per_em as f32);
let font_unit_to_size = |x| Size::pt(font_unit_ratio * x);

View File

@ -7,27 +7,24 @@
//! be found in the [syntax](crate::syntax) module.
//! - **Layouting:** The next step is to transform the syntax tree into a
//! portable representation of the typesetted document. Types for these can be
//! found in the [layout] module. A finished layout reading for exporting is a
//! [multi-layout](crate::layout::MultiLayout) consisting of multiple boxes
//! (or pages).
//! found in the [layout](crate::layout) module. A finished layout reading for
//! exporting is a [MultiLayout](crate::layout::MultiLayout) consisting of
//! multiple boxes (or pages).
//! - **Exporting:** The finished layout can then be exported into a supported
//! format. Submodules for these formats are located in the
//! [export](crate::export) module. Currently, the only supported output
//! format is _PDF_. Alternatively, the layout can be serialized to pass it to
//! a suitable renderer.
//! format is [_PDF_](crate::export::pdf). Alternatively, the layout can be
//! serialized to pass it to a suitable renderer.
pub extern crate toddle;
pub use toddle;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use smallvec::smallvec;
use toddle::query::{FontLoader, FontProvider, SharedFontLoader};
use crate::layout::MultiLayout;
use crate::layout::prelude::*;
use crate::layout::{LayoutContext, Layouted, layout};
use crate::layout::{Layouted, MultiLayout};
use crate::style::{LayoutStyle, PageStyle, TextStyle};
use crate::syntax::{SyntaxModel, Scope, ParseContext, Parsed, parse};
use crate::syntax::span::Position;
@ -95,8 +92,10 @@ impl<'p> Typesetter<'p> {
/// Layout a syntax tree and return the produced layout.
pub async fn layout(&self, model: &SyntaxModel) -> Layouted<MultiLayout> {
use crate::layout::prelude::*;
let margins =;
LayoutContext {
loader: &self.loader,

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
use crate::size::PSize;
use crate::syntax::func::maps::{AxisMap, PosAxisMap};
use super::*;
@ -21,7 +20,10 @@ function! {
layout(self, ctx, errors) {
ctx.base = ctx.spaces[0].dimensions;
let map =, ctx.axes, |alignment| alignment.axis(ctx.axes));
let map =, ctx.axes, |alignment| {
alignment.axis().map(|s| s.to_generic(ctx.axes))
for &axis in &[Primary, Secondary] {
if let Some(Spanned { v: alignment, span }) = map.get_spanned(axis) {
if let Some(generic) = alignment.to_generic(ctx.axes, axis) {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//! The standard library.
//! The _Typst_ standard library.
use crate::syntax::Scope;
use crate::func::prelude::*;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
use crate::size::Size;
use crate::style::{Paper, PaperClass};
use crate::syntax::func::maps::{AxisMap, PaddingMap};
use super::*;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function! {
pub struct LineBreakFunc;
layout(self, ctx, errors) { vec![FinishLine] }
layout(self, ctx, errors) { vec![BreakLine] }
function! {
@ -65,8 +65,10 @@ function! {
/// The different kinds of content that can be spaced.
/// The different kinds of content that can be spaced. Used as a metadata type
/// for the [`ContentSpacingFunc`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ContentKind {

View File

@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ impl Sum for Size {
/// Either an absolute size or a factor of some entity.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ScaleSize {

View File

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ use crate::size::{Size, Size2D, SizeBox, ValueBox, PSize};
/// Defines properties of pages and text.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct LayoutStyle {
/// The style for pages.
pub page: PageStyle,
/// The style for text.
pub text: TextStyle,
@ -160,8 +162,9 @@ impl Paper {
/// What kind of page this is defines defaults for margins.
/// Paper classes define default margins for a class of related papers.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum PaperClass {
@ -185,24 +188,28 @@ impl PaperClass {
macro_rules! papers {
($(($var:ident: $class:expr, $width:expr, $height: expr, $($patterns:tt)*))*) => {
use PaperClass::*;
($(($var:ident: $class:ident, $width:expr, $height: expr, $($pats:tt)*))*) => {
$(papers!(@$var, stringify!($($pats)*), $class, $width, $height);)*
$(/// The infos for the paper that's in the name.
fn parse_paper(paper: &str) -> Option<Paper> {
match paper.to_lowercase().as_str() {
$($($pats)* => Some($var),)*
_ => None,
(@$var:ident, $names:expr, $class:ident, $width:expr, $height:expr) => {
#[doc = "Paper with the names `"]
#[doc = $names]
#[doc = "`."]
pub const $var: Paper = Paper {
dimensions: Size2D {
x: Size { points: 2.83465 * $width },
y: Size { points: 2.83465 * $height },
class: $class,
fn parse_paper(paper: &str) -> Option<Paper> {
match paper.to_lowercase().as_str() {
$($($patterns)* => Some($var),)*
_ => None,
class: PaperClass::$class,
@ -259,23 +266,23 @@ papers! {
// Unites States
// Customary
(PAPER_FOLIO: US, 210.0, 330.0, "folio" | "us-folio" | "us-f4")
(PAPER_LETTER: US, 216.0, 279.0, "letter" | "ansi-a" |
"american-quarto" | "carta")
(PAPER_LEGAL: US, 216.0, 356.0, "legal")
(PAPER_FOLIO: US, 210.0, 330.0, "folio" | "us-folio" | "us-f4")
(PAPER_LETTER: US, 216.0, 279.0, "letter" | "ansi-a" |
"american-quarto" | "carta")
(PAPER_LEGAL: US, 216.0, 356.0, "legal")
(PAPER_TABLOID: Newspaper, 279.0, 432.0, "tabloid" | "ansi-b")
(PAPER_LEDGER: Base, 432.0, 279.0, "ledger")
(PAPER_JUNIOR_LEGAL: US, 127.0, 203.0, "junior-legal" | "index-card")
(PAPER_HALF_LETTER: Base, 140.0, 216.0, "half-letter")
(PAPER_GOVERNMENT_LETTER: US, 203.0, 267.0, "government-letter")
(PAPER_GOVERNMENT_LEGAL: US, 216.0, 330.0, "government-legal" | "officio")
(PAPER_LEDGER: Base, 432.0, 279.0, "ledger")
(PAPER_JUNIOR_LEGAL: US, 127.0, 203.0, "junior-legal" | "index-card")
(PAPER_HALF_LETTER: Base, 140.0, 216.0, "half-letter")
(PAPER_GOVERNMENT_LETTER: US, 203.0, 267.0, "government-letter")
(PAPER_GOVERNMENT_LEGAL: US, 216.0, 330.0, "government-legal" | "officio")
// ANSI Extensions
(PAPER_ANSI_C: Base, 432.0, 559.0, "ansi-c")
(PAPER_ANSI_D: Base, 559.0, 864.0, "ansi-d")
(PAPER_ANSI_E: Base, 864.0, 1118.0, "ansi-e")
(PAPER_ENGINEERING_F: Base, 711.0, 1016.0, "engineering-f" | "engineering" |
"navfac" | "aerospace")
"navfac" | "aerospace")
// Architectural Paper
(PAPER_ARCH_A: Base, 229.0, 305.0, "arch-a" | "arch-1")
@ -348,9 +355,9 @@ papers! {
(PAPER_POT: Base, 310.0, 400.0, "pot" | "ecolier" | "écolier")
(PAPER_TELLIERE: Base, 340.0, 440.0, "telliere" | "tellière")
(PAPER_COURONNE_ECRITURE: Base, 360.0, 460.0, "couronne-ecriture" |
"couronne" | "couronne-écriture")
"couronne" | "couronne-écriture")
(PAPER_COURONNE_EDITION: Base, 370.0, 470.0, "couronne-edition" |
(PAPER_ROBERTO: Base, 390.0, 500.0, "roberto")
(PAPER_ECU: Base, 400.0, 520.0, "ecu" | "écu")
(PAPER_COQUILLE: Base, 440.0, 560.0, "coquille")

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
//! Expressions in function headers.
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use crate::error::Errors;
use crate::size::Size;
use super::func::{keys::Key, values::Value};
use super::func::{Key, Value};
use super::span::{Span, Spanned};
use super::tokens::is_identifier;
@ -10,16 +12,24 @@ use super::tokens::is_identifier;
/// An argument or return value.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Expr {
/// An identifier: `ident`.
/// A string: `"string"`.
/// A number: `1.2, 200%`.
/// A size: `2cm, 5.2in`.
/// A bool: `true, false`.
/// A tuple: `(false, 12cm, "hi")`.
/// An object: `{ fit: false, size: 12pt }`.
impl Expr {
/// A natural-language name of the type of this expression, e.g. "identifier".
pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
use Expr::*;
match self {
@ -34,11 +44,21 @@ impl Expr {
/// An identifier.
/// A unicode identifier.
/// The identifier must be valid! This is checked in [`Ident::new`] or
/// [`is_identifier`].
/// # Example
/// ```typst
/// [func: "hi", ident]
/// ^^^^ ^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct Ident(pub String);
impl Ident {
/// Create a new identifier from a string checking that it is valid.
pub fn new<S>(ident: S) -> Option<Ident> where S: AsRef<str> + Into<String> {
if is_identifier(ident.as_ref()) {
@ -47,26 +67,37 @@ impl Ident {
/// Return a reference to the underlying string.
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
/// A sequence of expressions.
/// An untyped sequence of expressions.
/// # Example
/// ```typst
/// (false, 12cm, "hi")
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Tuple {
/// The elements of the tuple.
pub items: Vec<Spanned<Expr>>,
impl Tuple {
/// Create an empty tuple.
pub fn new() -> Tuple {
Tuple { items: vec![] }
/// Add an element.
pub fn add(&mut self, item: Spanned<Expr>) {
/// Extract (and remove) the first matching value and remove and generate
/// errors for all previous items that did not match.
pub fn get<V: Value>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors) -> Option<V::Output> {
while !self.items.is_empty() {
let expr = self.items.remove(0);
@ -79,6 +110,8 @@ impl Tuple {
/// Extract and return an iterator over all values that match and generate
/// errors for all items that do not match.
pub fn get_all<'a, V: Value>(&'a mut self, errors: &'a mut Errors)
-> impl Iterator<Item=V::Output> + 'a {
self.items.drain(..).filter_map(move |expr| {
@ -92,36 +125,63 @@ impl Tuple {
/// A key-value collection of identifiers and associated expressions.
/// The pairs themselves are not spanned, but the combined spans can easily be
/// retrieved by merging the spans of key and value as happening in
/// [`FuncArg::span`](super::func::FuncArg::span).
/// # Example
/// ```typst
/// { fit: false, size: 12cm, items: (1, 2, 3) }
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Object {
/// The key-value pairs of the object.
pub pairs: Vec<Pair>,
/// A key-value pair in an object.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Pair {
/// The key part.
/// ```typst
/// key: value
/// ^^^
/// ```
pub key: Spanned<Ident>,
/// The value part.
/// ```typst
/// key: value
/// ^^^^^
/// ```
pub value: Spanned<Expr>,
impl Object {
/// Create an empty object.
pub fn new() -> Object {
Object { pairs: vec![] }
pub fn add(&mut self, key: Spanned<Ident>, value: Spanned<Expr>) {
self.pairs.push(Pair { key, value });
pub fn add_pair(&mut self, pair: Pair) {
/// Add a pair to object.
pub fn add(&mut self, pair: Pair) {
/// Extract (and remove) a pair with the given key string and matching
/// value.
/// Inserts an error if the value does not match. If the key is not
/// contained, no error is inserted.
pub fn get<V: Value>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors, key: &str) -> Option<V::Output> {
let index = self.pairs.iter().position(|pair| pair.key.v.as_str() == key)?;
self.get_index::<V>(errors, index)
/// Extract (and remove) a pair with a matching key and value.
/// Inserts an error if the value does not match. If no matching key is
/// found, no error is inserted.
pub fn get_with_key<K: Key, V: Value>(
&mut self,
errors: &mut Errors,
@ -135,6 +195,9 @@ impl Object {
/// Extract (and remove) all pairs with matching keys and values.
/// Inserts errors for values that do not match.
pub fn get_all<'a, K: Key, V: Value>(
&'a mut self,
errors: &'a mut Errors,
@ -157,6 +220,13 @@ impl Object {
}).filter_map(|x| x)
/// Extract all key value pairs with span information.
/// The spans are over both key and value, like so:
/// ```typst
/// { key: value }
/// ^^^^^^^^^^
/// ```
pub fn get_all_spanned<'a, K: Key + 'a, V: Value + 'a>(
&'a mut self,
errors: &'a mut Errors,
@ -165,6 +235,8 @@ impl Object {
.map(|(k, v)| Spanned::new((k.v, v.v), Span::merge(k.span, v.span)))
/// Extract the argument at the given index and insert an error if the value
/// does not match.
fn get_index<V: Value>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors, index: usize) -> Option<V::Output> {
let expr = self.pairs.remove(index).value;
let span = expr.span;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
//! Key types for identifying keyword arguments.
use crate::layout::prelude::*;
use super::values::AlignmentValue::{self, *};
use super::*;
@ -6,10 +8,55 @@ use self::AxisKey::*;
use self::PaddingKey::*;
/// Key types are used to extract keyword arguments from
/// [`Objects`](crate::syntax::expr::Object). They represent the key part of a
/// keyword argument.
/// ```typst
/// [func: key=value]
/// ^^^
/// ```
/// A key type has an associated output type, which is returned when parsing
/// this key from a string. Most of the time, the output type is simply the key
/// itself, as in the implementation for the [`AxisKey`]:
/// ```
/// # use typstc::syntax::func::Key;
/// # use typstc::syntax::span::Spanned;
/// # #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] enum Axis { Horizontal, Vertical, Primary, Secondary }
/// # #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] enum AxisKey { Specific(Axis), Generic(Axis) }
/// # use Axis::*;
/// # use AxisKey::*;
/// impl Key for AxisKey {
/// type Output = Self;
/// fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self::Output> {
/// match key.v {
/// "horizontal" | "h" => Some(Specific(Horizontal)),
/// "vertical" | "v" => Some(Specific(Vertical)),
/// "primary" | "p" => Some(Generic(Primary)),
/// "secondary" | "s" => Some(Generic(Secondary)),
/// _ => None,
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// The axis key would also be useful to identify axes when describing
/// dimensions of objects, as in `width=3cm`, because these are also properties
/// that are stored per axis. However, here the used keyword arguments are
/// actually different (`width` instead of `horizontal`)! Therefore we cannot
/// just use the axis key.
/// To fix this, there is another type [`ExtentKey`] which implements `Key` and
/// has the associated output type axis key. The extent key struct itself has no
/// fields and is only used to extract the axis key. This way, we can specify
/// which argument kind we want without duplicating the type in the background.
pub trait Key {
/// The type to parse into.
type Output: Eq;
/// Parse a key string into the output type if the string is valid for this
/// key.
fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self::Output>;
@ -21,6 +68,7 @@ impl<K: Key> Key for Spanned<K> {
/// Implements [`Key`] for types that just need to match on strings.
macro_rules! key {
($type:ty, $output:ty, $($($p:pat)|* => $r:expr),* $(,)?) => {
impl Key for $type {
@ -36,8 +84,9 @@ macro_rules! key {
/// An argument key which identifies a layouting axis.
/// A key which identifies a layouting axis.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum AxisKey {
@ -68,6 +117,8 @@ key!(AxisKey, Self,
"secondary" | "s" => Generic(Secondary),
/// A key which parses into an [`AxisKey`] but uses typical extent keywords
/// instead of axis keywords, e.g. `width` instead of `horizontal`.
pub struct ExtentKey;
key!(ExtentKey, AxisKey,
@ -77,8 +128,13 @@ key!(ExtentKey, AxisKey,
"secondary-size" | "ss" => Generic(Secondary),
/// An argument key which identifies an axis, but allows for positional
/// A key which identifies an axis, but alternatively allows for two positional
/// arguments with unspecified axes.
/// This type does not implement `Key` in itself since it cannot be parsed from
/// a string. Rather, [`AxisKeys`](AxisKey) and positional arguments should be
/// parsed separately and mapped onto this key, as happening in the
/// [`PosAxisMap`](super::maps::PosAxisMap).
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum PosAxisKey {
/// The first positional argument.

View File

@ -9,40 +9,46 @@ use super::values::*;
use super::*;
/// A deduplicating map type useful for storing possibly redundant arguments.
/// A map which deduplicates redundant arguments.
/// Whenever a duplicate argument is inserted into the map, through the
/// functions `from_iter`, `insert` or `extend` an errors is added to the error
/// list that needs to be passed to those functions.
/// All entries need to have span information to enable the error reporting.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct DedupMap<K, V> where K: Eq {
map: Vec<Spanned<(K, V)>>,
impl<K, V> DedupMap<K, V> where K: Eq {
/// Create a new deduplicating map.
pub fn new() -> DedupMap<K, V> {
DedupMap { map: vec![] }
/// Create a new map from an iterator of spanned keys and values.
pub fn from_iter<I>(errors: &mut Errors, iter: I) -> DedupMap<K, V>
where I: IntoIterator<Item=Spanned<(K, V)>> {
let mut map = DedupMap::new();
for Spanned { v: (key, value), span } in iter.into_iter() {
map.insert(errors, key, value, span);
map.extend(errors, iter);
/// Add a key-value pair.
pub fn insert(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors, key: K, value: V, span: Span) {
if|e| e.v.0 == key) {
errors.push(err!(span; "duplicate argument"));
/// Add a spanned key-value pair.
pub fn insert(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors, entry: Spanned<(K, V)>) {
if|e| e.v.0 == entry.v.0) {
errors.push(err!(entry.span; "duplicate argument"));
} else { { v: (key, value), span });;
/// Add multiple key-value pairs.
/// Add multiple spanned key-value pairs.
pub fn extend<I>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors, items: I)
where I: IntoIterator<Item=Spanned<(K, V)>> {
for Spanned { v: (k, v), span } in items.into_iter() {
self.insert(errors, k, v, span);
for item in items.into_iter() {
self.insert(errors, item);
@ -65,16 +71,15 @@ impl<K, V> DedupMap<K, V> where K: Eq {
/// Create a new map where keys and values are mapped to new keys and
/// values.
/// Returns an error if a new key is duplicate.
/// values. When the mapping introduces new duplicates, errors are
/// generated.
pub fn dedup<F, K2, V2>(&self, errors: &mut Errors, mut f: F) -> DedupMap<K2, V2>
where F: FnMut(&K, &V) -> (K2, V2), K2: Eq {
let mut map = DedupMap::new();
for Spanned { v: (key, value), span } in {
let (key, value) = f(key, value);
map.insert(errors, key, value, *span);
map.insert(errors, Spanned { v: (key, value), span: *span });
@ -86,11 +91,12 @@ impl<K, V> DedupMap<K, V> where K: Eq {
/// A map for storing a value for two axes given by keyword arguments.
/// A map for storing a value for axes given by keyword arguments.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AxisMap<V>(DedupMap<AxisKey, V>);
impl<V: Clone> AxisMap<V> {
/// Parse an axis map from the object.
pub fn parse<KT: Key<Output=AxisKey>, VT: Value<Output=V>>(
errors: &mut Errors,
object: &mut Object,
@ -105,12 +111,13 @@ impl<V: Clone> AxisMap<V> {
/// A map for extracting values for two axes that are given through two
/// positional or keyword arguments.
/// A map for storing values for axes that are given through a combination of
/// (two) positional and keyword arguments.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct PosAxisMap<V>(DedupMap<PosAxisKey, V>);
impl<V: Clone> PosAxisMap<V> {
/// Parse a positional/axis map from the function arguments.
pub fn parse<KT: Key<Output=AxisKey>, VT: Value<Output=V>>(
errors: &mut Errors,
args: &mut FuncArgs,
@ -118,8 +125,8 @@ impl<V: Clone> PosAxisMap<V> {
let mut map = DedupMap::new();
for &key in &[PosAxisKey::First, PosAxisKey::Second] {
if let Some(value) = args.pos.get::<Spanned<VT>>(errors) {
map.insert(errors, key, value.v, value.span);
if let Some(Spanned { v, span }) = args.pos.get::<Spanned<VT>>(errors) {
map.insert(errors, Spanned { v: (key, v), span })
@ -133,7 +140,8 @@ impl<V: Clone> PosAxisMap<V> {
/// Deduplicate from positional or specific to generic axes.
/// Deduplicate from positional arguments and keyword arguments for generic
/// or specific axes to just generic axes.
pub fn dedup<F>(
errors: &mut Errors,
@ -151,17 +159,19 @@ impl<V: Clone> PosAxisMap<V> {
/// A map for extracting padding for a set of specifications given for all
/// sides, opposing sides or single sides.
/// A map for storing padding given for a combination of all sides, opposing
/// sides or single sides.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct PaddingMap(DedupMap<PaddingKey<AxisKey>, Option<PSize>>);
impl PaddingMap {
/// Parse a padding map from the function arguments.
pub fn parse(errors: &mut Errors, args: &mut FuncArgs) -> PaddingMap {
let mut map = DedupMap::new();
if let Some(psize) = args.pos.get::<Spanned<Defaultable<PSize>>>(errors) {
map.insert(errors, PaddingKey::All, psize.v, psize.span);
let all = args.pos.get::<Spanned<Defaultable<PSize>>>(errors);
if let Some(Spanned { v, span }) = all {
map.insert(errors, Spanned { v: (PaddingKey::All, v), span });
let paddings: Vec<_> = args.key
@ -187,8 +197,9 @@ impl PaddingMap {
All => All,
Both(axis) => Both(axis.to_specific(axes)),
Side(axis, alignment) => {
let generic = axis.to_generic(axes);
let axis = axis.to_specific(axes);
Side(axis, alignment.to_specific(axes, axis))
Side(axis, alignment.to_specific(axes, generic))
}, val)

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@ -1,25 +1,38 @@
//! Primitives for argument parsing in library functions.
use crate::error::{Error, Errors};
use super::expr::{Expr, Ident, Tuple, Object, Pair};
use super::span::{Span, Spanned};
pub mod maps;
pub mod keys;
pub mod values;
/// The parsed header of a function.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct FuncHeader {
/// The function name, that is:
/// ```typst
/// [box: w=5cm]
/// ^^^
/// ```
pub name: Spanned<Ident>,
/// The arguments passed to the function.
pub args: FuncArgs,
/// The positional and keyword arguments passed to a function.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct FuncArgs {
/// The positional arguments.
pub pos: Tuple,
/// They keyword arguments.
pub key: Object,
impl FuncArgs {
/// Create new empty function arguments.
pub fn new() -> FuncArgs {
FuncArgs {
pos: Tuple::new(),
@ -30,40 +43,32 @@ impl FuncArgs {
/// Add an argument.
pub fn add(&mut self, arg: FuncArg) {
match arg {
FuncArg::Pos(item) => self.add_pos(item),
FuncArg::Key(pair) => self.add_key_pair(pair),
FuncArg::Pos(item) => self.pos.add(item),
FuncArg::Key(pair) => self.key.add(pair),
/// Add a positional argument.
pub fn add_pos(&mut self, item: Spanned<Expr>) {
/// Add a keyword argument.
pub fn add_key(&mut self, key: Spanned<Ident>, value: Spanned<Expr>) {
self.key.add(key, value);
/// Add a keyword argument from an existing pair.
pub fn add_key_pair(&mut self, pair: Pair) {
/// Iterate over all arguments.
pub fn into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item=FuncArg> {
self.pos.items.into_iter().map(|item| FuncArg::Pos(item))
.chain(self.key.pairs.into_iter().map(|pair| FuncArg::Key(pair)))
/// Either a positional or keyword argument.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum FuncArg {
/// A positional argument.
/// A keyword argument.
impl FuncArg {
/// The span or the value or combined span of key and value.
/// The full span of this argument.
/// In case of a positional argument this is just the span of the expression
/// and in case of a keyword argument the combined span of key and value.
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
match self {
FuncArg::Pos(item) => item.span,
@ -72,14 +77,17 @@ impl FuncArg {
/// Extra methods on [`Options`](Option) used for argument parsing.
pub trait OptionExt: Sized {
fn or_missing(self, errors: &mut Errors, span: Span, what: &str) -> Self;
/// Add an error about a missing argument `arg` with the given span if the
/// option is `None`.
fn or_missing(self, errors: &mut Errors, span: Span, arg: &str) -> Self;
impl<T> OptionExt for Option<T> {
fn or_missing(self, errors: &mut Errors, span: Span, what: &str) -> Self {
fn or_missing(self, errors: &mut Errors, span: Span, arg: &str) -> Self {
if self.is_none() {
errors.push(err!(span; "missing argument: {}", what));
errors.push(err!(span; "missing argument: {}", arg));

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
//! Value types for extracting function arguments.
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use toddle::query::{FontStyle, FontWeight};
@ -10,9 +12,65 @@ use super::*;
use self::AlignmentValue::*;
/// Value types are used to extract the values of positional and keyword
/// arguments from [`Tuples`](crate::syntax::expr::Tuple) and
/// [`Objects`](crate::syntax::expr::Object). They represent the value part of
/// an argument.
/// ```typst
/// [func: value, key=value]
/// ^^^^^ ^^^^^
/// ```
/// Similarly to the [`Key`] trait, this trait has an associated output type
/// which the values are parsed into. Most of the time this is just `Self`, as
/// in the implementation for `bool`:
/// ```
/// # use typstc::err;
/// # use typstc::error::Error;
/// # use typstc::syntax::expr::Expr;
/// # use typstc::syntax::func::Value;
/// # use typstc::syntax::span::Spanned;
/// # struct Bool; /*
/// impl Value for bool {
/// # */ impl Value for Bool {
/// # type Output = bool; /*
/// type Output = Self;
/// # */
/// fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
/// match expr.v {
/// Expr::Bool(b) => Ok(b),
/// other => Err(err!("expected bool, found {}",,
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// However, sometimes the `Output` type is not just `Self`. For example, there
/// is a value called `Defaultable<V>` which acts as follows:
/// ```
/// # use typstc::syntax::func::{FuncArgs, Defaultable};
/// # use typstc::size::Size;
/// # let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
/// # let mut errors = vec![];
/// args.key.get::<Defaultable<Size>>(&mut errors, "size");
/// ```
/// This will yield.
/// ```typst
/// [func: size=2cm] => Some(Size::cm(2.0))
/// [func: size=default] => None
/// ```
/// The type `Defaultable` has no fields and is only used for extracting the
/// option value. This prevents us from having a `Defaultable<V>` type which is
/// essentially simply a bad [`Option`] replacement without the good utility
/// functions.
pub trait Value {
/// The type to parse into.
type Output;
/// Parse an expression into this value or return an error if the expression
/// is valid for this value type.
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error>;
@ -25,6 +83,7 @@ impl<V: Value> Value for Spanned<V> {
/// Implements [`Value`] for types that just need to match on expressions.
macro_rules! value {
($type:ty, $output:ty, $name:expr, $($p:pat => $r:expr),* $(,)?) => {
impl Value for $type {
@ -57,6 +116,8 @@ value!(ScaleSize, Self, "number or size",
Expr::Number(scale) => ScaleSize::Scaled(scale as f32),
/// A value type that matches [`Expr::Ident`] and [`Expr::Str`] and returns a
/// String.
pub struct StringLike;
value!(StringLike, String, "identifier or string",
@ -64,15 +125,18 @@ value!(StringLike, String, "identifier or string",
Expr::Str(s) => s,
pub struct Defaultable<T>(PhantomData<T>);
/// A value type that matches the string `"default"` or a value type `V` and
/// returns `Option::Some(V::Output)` for a value and `Option::None` for
/// `"default"`.
pub struct Defaultable<V>(PhantomData<V>);
impl<T: Value> Value for Defaultable<T> {
type Output = Option<T::Output>;
impl<V: Value> Value for Defaultable<V> {
type Output = Option<V::Output>;
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
match expr.v {
Expr::Ident(ident) if ident.as_str() == "default" => Ok(None),
_ => T::parse(expr).map(Some)
_ => V::parse(expr).map(Some)
@ -135,8 +199,12 @@ impl Value for Direction {
/// A value type that matches identifiers that are valid alignments like
/// `origin` or `right`.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum AlignmentValue {
/// A generic alignment.
@ -145,26 +213,26 @@ pub enum AlignmentValue {
impl AlignmentValue {
/// The generic axis this alignment corresponds to in the given system of
/// layouting axes. `None` if the alignment is generic.
pub fn axis(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Option<GenericAxis> {
/// The specific axis this alignment corresponds to. `None` if the alignment
/// is generic.
pub fn axis(self) -> Option<SpecificAxis> {
match self {
Left | Right => Some(Horizontal.to_generic(axes)),
Top | Bottom => Some(Vertical.to_generic(axes)),
Left | Right => Some(Horizontal),
Top | Bottom => Some(Vertical),
Align(_) => None,
/// The generic version of this alignment in the given system of layouting
/// axes.
/// The generic version of this alignment on the given axis in the given
/// system of layouting axes.
/// Returns `None` if the alignment is invalid for the given axis.
pub fn to_generic(self, axes: LayoutAxes, axis: GenericAxis) -> Option<Alignment> {
let specific = axis.to_specific(axes);
let start = match axes.get(axis).is_positive() {
true => Origin,
false => End,
let positive = axes.get(axis).is_positive();
// The alignment matching the origin of the positive coordinate direction.
let start = if positive { Origin } else { End };
match (self, specific) {
(Align(alignment), _) => Some(alignment),
@ -174,10 +242,10 @@ impl AlignmentValue {
/// The specific version of this alignment in the given system of layouting
/// axes.
pub fn to_specific(self, axes: LayoutAxes, axis: SpecificAxis) -> AlignmentValue {
let direction = axes.get_specific(axis);
/// The specific version of this alignment on the given axis in the given
/// system of layouting axes.
pub fn to_specific(self, axes: LayoutAxes, axis: GenericAxis) -> AlignmentValue {
let direction = axes.get(axis);
if let Align(alignment) = self {
match (direction, alignment) {
(LeftToRight, Origin) | (RightToLeft, End) => Left,

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//! Tokenization and parsing of source code.
//! Syntax models, parsing and tokenization.
use std::any::Any;
use std::fmt::Debug;
@ -17,14 +17,19 @@ pub_use_mod!(parsing);
/// Represents a parsed piece of source that can be layouted and in the future
/// also be queried for information used for refactorings, autocomplete, etc.
pub trait Model: Debug + ModelBounds {
/// Layout the model into a sequence of commands processed by a
/// [`ModelLayouter`](crate::layout::ModelLayouter).
async fn layout<'a>(&'a self, ctx: LayoutContext<'_, '_>) -> Layouted<Commands<'a>>;
/// A tree representation of source code.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SyntaxModel {
/// The syntactical elements making up this model.
pub nodes: SpanVec<Node>,
@ -50,22 +55,22 @@ impl Model for SyntaxModel {
/// A node in the syntax tree.
/// A node in the [syntax model](SyntaxModel).
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Node {
/// A number of whitespace characters containing less than two newlines.
/// Whitespace containing less than two newlines.
/// Whitespace characters with more than two newlines.
/// Whitespace with more than two newlines.
/// Plain text.
/// Italics enabled / disabled.
/// Italics were enabled / disabled.
/// Bolder enabled / disabled.
/// Bolder was enabled / disabled.
/// Monospace enabled / disabled.
/// Monospace was enabled / disabled.
/// A submodel.
/// A submodel, typically a function invocation.
Model(Box<dyn Model>),
@ -85,15 +90,34 @@ impl PartialEq for Node {
/// Decorations for semantic syntax highlighting.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub enum Decoration {
/// A valid function name:
/// ```typst
/// [box]
/// ^^^
/// ```
/// An invalid function name:
/// ```typst
/// [blabla]
/// ^^^^^^
/// ```
/// The key of a keyword argument:
/// ```typst
/// [box: width=5cm]
/// ^^^^^
/// ```
impl dyn Model {
/// Downcast this model to a concrete type implementing [`Model`].
pub fn downcast<T>(&self) -> Option<&T> where T: Model + 'static {
@ -111,9 +135,19 @@ impl Clone for Box<dyn Model> {
/// This trait describes bounds necessary for types implementing [`Model`]. It is
/// automatically implemented for all types that are [`Model`], [`PartialEq`],
/// [`Clone`] and `'static`.
/// It is necessary to make models comparable and clonable.
pub trait ModelBounds {
/// Convert into a `dyn Any`.
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
/// Check for equality with another model.
fn bound_eq(&self, other: &dyn Model) -> bool;
/// Clone into a boxed model trait object.
fn bound_clone(&self) -> Box<dyn Model>;

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
//! Parsing of source code into syntax models.
use crate::error::Errors;
use super::expr::*;
use super::func::{FuncHeader, FuncArgs, FuncArg};
@ -14,13 +16,19 @@ pub struct ParseContext<'a> {
pub scope: &'a Scope,
/// The result of parsing: Some parsed thing, errors and decorations for syntax
/// highlighting.
pub struct Parsed<T> {
/// The result of the parsing process.
pub output: T,
/// Errors that arose in the parsing process.
pub errors: Errors,
/// Decorations for semantic syntax highlighting.
pub decorations: SpanVec<Decoration>,
impl<T> Parsed<T> {
/// Map the output type and keep errors and decorations.
pub fn map<F, U>(self, f: F) -> Parsed<U> where F: FnOnce(T) -> U {
Parsed {
output: f(self.output),
@ -30,17 +38,24 @@ impl<T> Parsed<T> {
/// Parse source code into a syntax model.
/// All errors and decorations are offset by the `start` position.
pub fn parse(start: Position, src: &str, ctx: ParseContext) -> Parsed<SyntaxModel> {
let mut model = SyntaxModel::new();
let mut errors = Vec::new();
let mut decorations = Vec::new();
// We always start in body mode. The header tokenization mode is only used
// in the `FuncParser`.
let mut tokens = Tokens::new(start, src, TokenizationMode::Body);
while let Some(token) = {
let span = token.span;
let node = match token.v {
// Only at least two newlines mean a _real_ newline indicating a
// paragraph break.
Token::Space(newlines) => if newlines >= 2 {
} else {
@ -50,6 +65,9 @@ pub fn parse(start: Position, src: &str, ctx: ParseContext) -> Parsed<SyntaxMode
Token::Function { header, body, terminated } => {
let parsed: Parsed<Node> = FuncParser::new(header, body, ctx).parse();
// Collect the errors and decorations from the function parsing,
// but offset their spans by the start of the function since
// they are function-local.
errors.extend(offset_spans(parsed.errors, span.start));
decorations.extend(offset_spans(parsed.decorations, span.start));
@ -79,16 +97,30 @@ pub fn parse(start: Position, src: &str, ctx: ParseContext) -> Parsed<SyntaxMode
Parsed { output: model, errors, decorations }
/// Performs the function parsing.
struct FuncParser<'s> {
ctx: ParseContext<'s>,
errors: Errors,
decorations: SpanVec<Decoration>,
/// ```typst
/// [tokens][body]
/// ^^^^^^
/// ```
tokens: Tokens<'s>,
peeked: Option<Option<Spanned<Token<'s>>>>,
/// The spanned body string if there is a body. The string itself is just
/// the parsed without the brackets, while the span includes the brackets.
/// ```typst
/// [tokens][body]
/// ^^^^^^
/// ```
body: Option<Spanned<&'s str>>,
impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
/// Create a new function parser.
fn new(
header: &'s str,
body: Option<Spanned<&'s str>>,
@ -104,11 +136,15 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
/// Do the parsing.
fn parse(mut self) -> Parsed<Node> {
let parsed = if let Some(header) = self.parse_func_header() {
let name =;
let (parser, deco) = match self.ctx.scope.get_parser(name) {
// A valid function.
Ok(parser) => (parser, Decoration::ValidFuncName),
// The fallback parser was returned. Invalid function.
Err(parser) => {
self.errors.push(err!(; "unknown function"));
(parser, Decoration::InvalidFuncName)
@ -139,6 +175,7 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
/// Parse the header tokens.
fn parse_func_header(&mut self) -> Option<FuncHeader> {
let start = self.pos();
@ -166,6 +203,7 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
Some(FuncHeader { name, args })
/// Parse the function arguments after a colon.
fn parse_func_args(&mut self) -> FuncArgs {
let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
@ -226,7 +264,7 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
/// Parse a atomic or compound (tuple / object) expression.
/// Parse an atomic or compound (tuple / object) expression.
fn parse_expr(&mut self) -> Option<Spanned<Expr>> {
let first = self.peek()?;
let spanned = |v| Spanned { v, span: first.span };
@ -301,7 +339,8 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
self.errors.push(err!(Span::at(pos); "expected {}", thing));
/// Add a found-error if `found` is some and a positional error, otherwise.
/// Add a expected-found-error if `found` is `Some` and an expected-error
/// otherwise.
fn expected_found_or_at(
&mut self,
thing: &str,
@ -315,7 +354,7 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
/// Consume tokens until the function returns true and only consume the last
/// token if instructed to.
/// token if instructed to so by `eat_match`.
fn eat_until<F>(&mut self, mut f: F, eat_match: bool)
where F: FnMut(Token<'s>) -> bool {
while let Some(token) = self.peek() {
@ -342,11 +381,12 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
/// Peek at the unspanned value of the next token.
fn peekv(&mut self) -> Option<Token<'s>> {
/// The position at the end of the last eat token / start of the peekable
/// The position at the end of the last eaten token / start of the peekable
/// token.
fn pos(&self) -> Position {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
//! Scopes containing function parsers.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};

View File

@ -5,18 +5,20 @@ use std::ops::{Add, Sub};
use serde::Serialize;
/// A line-column position in source code.
/// Zero-indexed line-column position in source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Serialize)]
pub struct Position {
/// The 0-indexed line (inclusive).
/// The zero-indexed line.
pub line: usize,
/// The 0-indexed column (inclusive).
/// The zero-indexed column.
pub column: usize,
impl Position {
/// The line 0, column 0 position.
pub const ZERO: Position = Position { line: 0, column: 0 };
/// Crete a new instance from line and column.
pub fn new(line: usize, column: usize) -> Position {
Position { line, column }
@ -58,20 +60,25 @@ impl Sub for Position {
/// Describes a slice of source code.
/// Locates a slice of source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Serialize)]
pub struct Span {
/// The inclusive start position.
pub start: Position,
/// The inclusive end position.
pub end: Position,
impl Span {
/// A dummy span.
pub const ZERO: Span = Span { start: Position::ZERO, end: Position::ZERO };
/// Create a new span from start and end positions.
pub fn new(start: Position, end: Position) -> Span {
Span { start, end }
/// Create a new span with the earlier start and later end position.
pub fn merge(a: Span, b: Span) -> Span {
Span {
start: a.start.min(b.start),
@ -79,14 +86,15 @@ impl Span {
/// Create a span including just a single position.
pub fn at(pos: Position) -> Span {
Span { start: pos, end: pos }
pub fn expand(&mut self, other: Span) {
*self = Span::merge(*self, other)
/// Offset a span by a start position.
/// This is, for example, used to translate error spans from function local
/// to global.
pub fn offset(self, start: Position) -> Span {
Span {
start: start + self.start,
@ -95,26 +103,32 @@ impl Span {
/// Annotates a value with the part of the source code it corresponds to.
/// A value with the span it corresponds to in the source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Serialize)]
pub struct Spanned<T> {
/// The value.
pub v: T,
/// The corresponding span.
pub span: Span,
impl<T> Spanned<T> {
/// Create a new instance from a value and its span.
pub fn new(v: T, span: Span) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned { v, span }
/// Access the value.
pub fn value(self) -> T {
/// Map the value using a function while keeping the span.
pub fn map<V, F>(self, f: F) -> Spanned<V> where F: FnOnce(T) -> V {
Spanned { v: f(self.v), span: self.span }
/// Maps the span while keeping the value.
pub fn map_span<F>(mut self, f: F) -> Spanned<T> where F: FnOnce(Span) -> Span {
self.span = f(self.span);
@ -124,6 +138,8 @@ impl<T> Spanned<T> {
/// A vector of spanned things.
pub type SpanVec<T> = Vec<Spanned<T>>;
/// [Offset](Span::offset) all spans in a vector of spanned things by a start
/// position.
pub fn offset_spans<T>(vec: SpanVec<T>, start: Position) -> impl Iterator<Item=Spanned<T>> {
vec.into_iter().map(move |s| s.map_span(|span| span.offset(start)))

View File

@ -16,16 +16,31 @@ pub enum Token<'s> {
/// number of newlines that were contained in the whitespace.
/// A line comment with inner string contents `//<&'s str>\n`.
/// A line comment with inner string contents `//<str>\n`.
LineComment(&'s str),
/// A block comment with inner string contents `/*<&'s str>*/`. The comment
/// A block comment with inner string contents `/*<str>*/`. The comment
/// can contain nested block comments.
BlockComment(&'s str),
/// A function invocation `[<header>][<body>]`.
/// A function invocation.
Function {
/// The header string:
/// ```typst
/// [header: args][body]
/// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
/// ```
header: &'s str,
/// The spanned body string:
/// ```typst
/// [header][hello *world*]
/// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
/// ```
/// The span includes the brackets while the string does not.
body: Option<Spanned<&'s str>>,
/// Whether the last closing bracket was present.
/// - `[func]` or `[func][body]` => terminated
/// - `[func` or `[func][body` => not terminated
terminated: bool,
@ -48,7 +63,12 @@ pub enum Token<'s> {
/// An identifier in a function header: `center`.
ExprIdent(&'s str),
/// A quoted string in a function header: `"..."`.
ExprStr { string: &'s str, terminated: bool },
ExprStr {
/// The string inside the quotes.
string: &'s str,
/// Whether the closing quote was present.
terminated: bool
/// A number in a function header: `3.14`.
/// A size in a function header: `12pt`.
@ -110,13 +130,19 @@ pub struct Tokens<'s> {
index: usize,
/// Whether to tokenize in header mode which yields expression, comma and
/// similar tokens or in body mode which yields text and star, underscore,
/// backtick tokens.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum TokenizationMode {
impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
/// Create a new token iterator with the given mode where the first token
/// span starts an the given `start` position.
pub fn new(start: Position, src: &'s str, mode: TokenizationMode) -> Tokens<'s> {
Tokens {