`Face` -> `Font` `FaceId` -> `FontId` `SourceFile` -> `Source`
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,20 +9,20 @@ use crate::util::SliceExt;
/// Embed all used fonts into the PDF.
pub fn write_fonts(ctx: &mut PdfContext) {
for face_id in ctx.face_map.layout_indices() {
for font_id in ctx.font_map.layout_indices() {
let type0_ref = ctx.alloc.bump();
let cid_ref = ctx.alloc.bump();
let descriptor_ref = ctx.alloc.bump();
let cmap_ref = ctx.alloc.bump();
let data_ref = ctx.alloc.bump();
let glyphs = &ctx.glyph_sets[&face_id];
let face = ctx.fonts.get(face_id);
let metrics = face.metrics();
let ttf = face.ttf();
let glyphs = &ctx.glyph_sets[&font_id];
let font = ctx.fonts.get(font_id);
let metrics = font.metrics();
let ttf = font.ttf();
let postscript_name = face
let postscript_name = font
.unwrap_or_else(|| "unknown".to_string());
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ pub fn write_fonts(ctx: &mut PdfContext) {
let mut widths = vec![0.0; num_glyphs as usize];
for &g in glyphs {
let x = ttf.glyph_hor_advance(GlyphId(g)).unwrap_or(0);
widths[g as usize] = face.to_em(x).to_font_units();
widths[g as usize] = font.to_em(x).to_font_units();
// Write all non-zero glyph widths.
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ pub fn write_fonts(ctx: &mut PdfContext) {
let global_bbox = ttf.global_bounding_box();
let bbox = Rect::new(
let italic_angle = ttf.italic_angle().unwrap_or(0.0);
@ -160,15 +160,15 @@ pub fn write_fonts(ctx: &mut PdfContext) {
.cmap(cmap_ref, &deflate(&cmap.finish()))
// Subset and write the face's bytes.
let data = face.buffer();
// Subset and write the font's bytes.
let data = font.buffer();
let subsetted = {
let glyphs: Vec<_> = glyphs.iter().copied().collect();
let profile = subsetter::Profile::pdf(&glyphs);
subsetter::subset(data, face.index(), profile)
subsetter::subset(data, font.index(), profile)
// Compress and write the face's byte.
// Compress and write the font's byte.
let data = subsetted.as_deref().unwrap_or(data);
let data = deflate(data);
let mut stream =, &data);
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use pdf_writer::{Finish, Name, PdfWriter, Ref, TextStr};
use self::outline::{Heading, HeadingNode};
use self::page::Page;
use crate::font::{FaceId, FontStore};
use crate::font::{FontId, FontStore};
use crate::frame::Frame;
use crate::geom::{Dir, Em, Length};
use crate::image::{ImageId, ImageStore};
@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ pub struct PdfContext<'a> {
page_heights: Vec<f32>,
alloc: Ref,
page_tree_ref: Ref,
face_refs: Vec<Ref>,
font_refs: Vec<Ref>,
image_refs: Vec<Ref>,
page_refs: Vec<Ref>,
face_map: Remapper<FaceId>,
font_map: Remapper<FontId>,
image_map: Remapper<ImageId>,
glyph_sets: HashMap<FaceId, HashSet<u16>>,
glyph_sets: HashMap<FontId, HashSet<u16>>,
languages: HashMap<Lang, usize>,
heading_tree: Vec<HeadingNode>,
@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ impl<'a> PdfContext<'a> {
page_refs: vec![],
face_refs: vec![],
font_refs: vec![],
image_refs: vec![],
face_map: Remapper::new(),
font_map: Remapper::new(),
image_map: Remapper::new(),
glyph_sets: HashMap::new(),
languages: HashMap::new(),
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use pdf_writer::{Content, Filter, Finish, Name, Rect, Ref, Str};
use super::{
deflate, EmExt, Heading, HeadingNode, LengthExt, PdfContext, RefExt, D65_GRAY, SRGB,
use crate::font::FaceId;
use crate::font::FontId;
use crate::frame::{Destination, Element, Frame, Group, Role, Text};
use crate::geom::{
self, Color, Em, Geometry, Length, Numeric, Paint, Point, Ratio, Shape, Size, Stroke,
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pub fn write_page_tree(ctx: &mut PdfContext) {
let mut fonts = resources.fonts();
for (font_ref, f) in ctx.face_map.pdf_indices(&ctx.face_refs) {
for (font_ref, f) in ctx.font_map.pdf_indices(&ctx.font_refs) {
let name = format_eco!("F{}", f);
fonts.pair(Name(name.as_bytes()), font_ref);
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ struct PageContext<'a, 'b> {
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
struct State {
transform: Transform,
font: Option<(FaceId, Length)>,
font: Option<(FontId, Length)>,
fill: Option<Paint>,
fill_space: Option<Name<'static>>,
stroke: Option<Stroke>,
@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ impl<'a, 'b> PageContext<'a, 'b> {
fn set_font(&mut self, face_id: FaceId, size: Length) {
if self.state.font != Some((face_id, size)) {
let name = format_eco!("F{}",;
fn set_font(&mut self, font_id: FontId, size: Length) {
if self.state.font != Some((font_id, size)) {
let name = format_eco!("F{}",;
self.content.set_font(Name(name.as_bytes()), size.to_f32());
self.state.font = Some((face_id, size));
self.state.font = Some((font_id, size));
@ -329,14 +329,14 @@ fn write_text(ctx: &mut PageContext, x: f32, y: f32, text: &Text) {
*ctx.parent.languages.entry(text.lang).or_insert(0) += text.glyphs.len();
let face = ctx.parent.fonts.get(text.face_id);
let font = ctx.parent.fonts.get(text.font_id);
ctx.set_font(text.face_id, text.size);
ctx.set_font(text.font_id, text.size);
// Position the text.
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ fn write_text(ctx: &mut PageContext, x: f32, y: f32, text: &Text) {
encoded.push(( >> 8) as u8);
encoded.push(( & 0xff) as u8);
if let Some(advance) = face.advance( {
if let Some(advance) = font.advance( {
adjustment += glyph.x_advance - advance;
@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ fn render_svg_glyph(
text: &Text,
id: GlyphId,
) -> Option<()> {
let face = ctx.fonts.get(text.face_id);
let mut data = face.ttf().glyph_svg_image(id)?;
let font = ctx.fonts.get(text.font_id);
let mut data = font.ttf().glyph_svg_image(id)?;
// Decompress SVGZ.
let mut decoded = vec![];
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ fn render_svg_glyph(
// If there's no viewbox defined, use the em square for our scale
// transformation ...
let upem = face.units_per_em() as f32;
let upem = font.units_per_em() as f32;
let (mut width, mut height) = (upem, upem);
// ... but if there's a viewbox or width, use that.
@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ fn render_bitmap_glyph(
) -> Option<()> {
let size = text.size.to_f32();
let ppem = size *;
let face = ctx.fonts.get(text.face_id);
let raster = face.ttf().glyph_raster_image(id, ppem as u16)?;
let font = ctx.fonts.get(text.font_id);
let raster = font.ttf().glyph_raster_image(id, ppem as u16)?;
let img = RasterImage::parse(&;
// FIXME: Vertical alignment isn't quite right for Apple Color Emoji,
@ -225,10 +225,10 @@ fn render_outline_glyph(
// rasterization can't be used due to very large text size or weird
// scale/skewing transforms.
if ppem > 100.0 || ts.kx != 0.0 || != 0.0 || != {
let face = ctx.fonts.get(text.face_id);
let font = ctx.fonts.get(text.font_id);
let path = {
let mut builder = WrappedPathBuilder(sk::PathBuilder::new());
face.ttf().outline_glyph(id, &mut builder)?;
font.ttf().outline_glyph(id, &mut builder)?;
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ fn render_outline_glyph(
// Flip vertically because font design coordinate
// system is Y-up.
let scale = text.size.to_f32() / face.units_per_em() as f32;
let scale = text.size.to_f32() / font.units_per_em() as f32;
let ts = ts.pre_scale(scale, -scale);
canvas.fill_path(&path, &paint, rule, ts, mask)?;
return Some(());
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ fn render_outline_glyph(
// Rasterize the glyph with `pixglyph`.
// Try to retrieve a prepared glyph or prepare it from scratch if it
// doesn't exist, yet.
let glyph = pixglyph::Glyph::load(ctx.fonts.get(text.face_id).ttf(), id)?;
let glyph = pixglyph::Glyph::load(ctx.fonts.get(text.font_id).ttf(), id)?;
let bitmap = glyph.rasterize(ts.tx, ts.ty, ppem);
let cw = canvas.width() as i32;
@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
use crate::geom::Em;
use crate::loading::{FileHash, Loader};
/// A unique identifier for a loaded font face.
/// A unique identifier for a loaded font.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct FaceId(u32);
pub struct FontId(u32);
impl FaceId {
/// Create a face id from the raw underlying value.
impl FontId {
/// Create a font id from the raw underlying value.
/// This should only be called with values returned by
/// [`into_raw`](Self::into_raw).
@ -34,38 +34,38 @@ impl FaceId {
/// Storage for loaded and parsed font faces.
/// Storage for loaded and parsed fonts.
pub struct FontStore {
loader: Arc<dyn Loader>,
failed: Vec<bool>,
faces: Vec<Option<Face>>,
families: BTreeMap<String, Vec<FaceId>>,
fonts: Vec<Option<Font>>,
families: BTreeMap<String, Vec<FontId>>,
buffers: HashMap<FileHash, Arc<Vec<u8>>>,
impl FontStore {
/// Create a new, empty font store.
pub fn new(loader: Arc<dyn Loader>) -> Self {
let mut faces = vec![];
let mut fonts = vec![];
let mut failed = vec![];
let mut families = BTreeMap::<String, Vec<FaceId>>::new();
let mut families = BTreeMap::<String, Vec<FontId>>::new();
let infos = loader.faces();
let infos = loader.fonts();
for (i, info) in infos.iter().enumerate() {
let id = FaceId(i as u32);
let id = FontId(i as u32);
for faces in families.values_mut() {
faces.sort_by_key(|id| infos[id.0 as usize].variant);
faces.dedup_by_key(|id| infos[id.0 as usize].variant);
for fonts in families.values_mut() {
fonts.sort_by_key(|id| infos[id.0 as usize].variant);
fonts.dedup_by_key(|id| infos[id.0 as usize].variant);
Self {
buffers: HashMap::new(),
@ -73,73 +73,73 @@ impl FontStore {
/// An ordered iterator over all font families this loader knows and details
/// about the faces that are part of them.
/// about the fonts that are part of them.
pub fn families(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, impl Iterator<Item = &FaceInfo>)> + '_ {
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, impl Iterator<Item = &FontInfo>)> + '_ {
// Since the keys are lowercased, we instead use the family field of the
// first face's info.
let faces = self.loader.faces();
// first font's info.
let fonts = self.loader.fonts();
self.families.values().map(|ids| {
let family = faces[ids[0].0 as usize].family.as_str();
let infos = ids.iter().map(|&id| &faces[id.0 as usize]);
let family = fonts[ids[0].0 as usize].family.as_str();
let infos = ids.iter().map(|&id| &fonts[id.0 as usize]);
(family, infos)
/// Get a reference to a loaded face.
/// Get a reference to a loaded font.
/// This panics if the face with this `id` was not loaded. This function
/// This panics if the font with this `id` was not loaded. This function
/// should only be called with ids returned by this store's
/// [`select()`](Self::select) and
/// [`select_fallback()`](Self::select_fallback) methods.
pub fn get(&self, id: FaceId) -> &Face {
self.faces[id.0 as usize].as_ref().expect("font face was not loaded")
pub fn get(&self, id: FontId) -> &Font {
self.fonts[id.0 as usize].as_ref().expect("font was not loaded")
/// Try to find and load a font face from the given `family` that matches
/// Try to find and load a font from the given `family` that matches
/// the given `variant` as closely as possible.
pub fn select(&mut self, family: &str, variant: FontVariant) -> Option<FaceId> {
pub fn select(&mut self, family: &str, variant: FontVariant) -> Option<FontId> {
let ids = self.families.get(family)?;
let id = self.find_best_variant(None, variant, ids.iter().copied())?;
/// Try to find and load a fallback font that
/// - is as close as possible to the face `like` (if any)
/// - is as close as possible to the font `like` (if any)
/// - is as close as possible to the given `variant`
/// - is suitable for shaping the given `text`
pub fn select_fallback(
&mut self,
like: Option<FaceId>,
like: Option<FontId>,
variant: FontVariant,
text: &str,
) -> Option<FaceId> {
// Find the faces that contain the text's first char ...
) -> Option<FontId> {
// Find the fonts that contain the text's first char ...
let c = text.chars().next()?;
let ids = self
.filter(|(_, info)| info.coverage.contains(c as u32))
.map(|(i, _)| FaceId(i as u32));
.map(|(i, _)| FontId(i as u32));
// ... and find the best variant among them.
let id = self.find_best_variant(like, variant, ids)?;
/// Find the face in the passed iterator that
/// - is closest to the face `like` (if any)
/// Find the font in the passed iterator that
/// - is closest to the font `like` (if any)
/// - is closest to the given `variant`
/// To do that we compute a key for all variants and select the one with the
/// minimal key. This key prioritizes:
/// - If `like` is some other face:
/// - Are both faces (not) monospaced?
/// - Do both faces (not) have serifs?
/// - If `like` is some other font:
/// - Are both fonts (not) monospaced?
/// - Do both fonts (not) have serifs?
/// - How many words do the families share in their prefix? E.g. "Noto
/// Sans" and "Noto Sans Arabic" share two words, whereas "IBM Plex
/// Arabic" shares none with "Noto Sans", so prefer "Noto Sans Arabic"
@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ impl FontStore {
/// - The absolute distance to the target weight.
fn find_best_variant(
like: Option<FaceId>,
like: Option<FontId>,
variant: FontVariant,
ids: impl IntoIterator<Item = FaceId>,
) -> Option<FaceId> {
let infos = self.loader.faces();
ids: impl IntoIterator<Item = FontId>,
) -> Option<FontId> {
let infos = self.loader.fonts();
let like =|id| &infos[id.0 as usize]);
let mut best = None;
@ -190,12 +190,12 @@ impl FontStore {
/// Load the face with the given id.
/// Load the font with the given id.
/// Returns `Some(id)` if the face was loaded successfully.
fn load(&mut self, id: FaceId) -> Option<FaceId> {
/// Returns `Some(id)` if the font was loaded successfully.
fn load(&mut self, id: FontId) -> Option<FontId> {
let idx = id.0 as usize;
let slot = &mut self.faces[idx];
let slot = &mut self.fonts[idx];
if slot.is_some() {
return Some(id);
@ -204,11 +204,11 @@ impl FontStore {
return None;
let FaceInfo { ref path, index, .. } = self.loader.faces()[idx];
let FontInfo { ref path, index, .. } = self.loader.fonts()[idx];
self.failed[idx] = true;
// Check the buffer cache since multiple faces may
// refer to the same data (font collection).
// Check the buffer cache since multiple fonts may refer to the same
// data (font collection).
let hash = self.loader.resolve(path).ok()?;
let buffer = match self.buffers.entry(hash) {
Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.into_mut(),
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ impl FontStore {
let face = Face::new(Arc::clone(buffer), index)?;
*slot = Some(face);
let font = Font::new(Arc::clone(buffer), index)?;
*slot = Some(font);
self.failed[idx] = false;
@ -234,24 +234,24 @@ fn shared_prefix_words(left: &str, right: &str) -> usize {
/// A font face.
pub struct Face {
/// The raw face data, possibly shared with other faces from the same
/// An OpenType font.
pub struct Font {
/// The raw font data, possibly shared with other fonts from the same
/// collection. The vector's allocation must not move, because `ttf` points
/// into it using unsafe code.
buffer: Arc<Vec<u8>>,
/// The face's index in the collection (zero if not a collection).
/// The font's index in the collection (zero if not a collection).
index: u32,
/// The underlying ttf-parser/rustybuzz face.
ttf: rustybuzz::Face<'static>,
/// The face's metrics.
metrics: FaceMetrics,
/// The font's metrics.
metrics: FontMetrics,
/// The parsed ReX math header.
math: OnceCell<Option<MathHeader>>,
impl Face {
/// Parse a font face from a buffer and collection index.
impl Font {
/// Parse a font from a buffer and collection index.
pub fn new(buffer: Arc<Vec<u8>>, index: u32) -> Option<Self> {
// Safety:
// - The slices's location is stable in memory:
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ impl Face {
unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(buffer.as_ptr(), buffer.len()) };
let ttf = rustybuzz::Face::from_slice(slice, index)?;
let metrics = FaceMetrics::from_ttf(&ttf);
let metrics = FontMetrics::from_ttf(&ttf);
Some(Self {
@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ impl Face {
/// Access the face's metrics.
pub fn metrics(&self) -> &FaceMetrics {
/// Access the font's metrics.
pub fn metrics(&self) -> &FontMetrics {
@ -329,9 +329,9 @@ impl Face {
/// Metrics for a font face.
/// Metrics for a font.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct FaceMetrics {
pub struct FontMetrics {
/// How many font units represent one em unit.
pub units_per_em: f64,
/// The distance from the baseline to the typographic ascender.
@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ pub struct FaceMetrics {
pub overline: LineMetrics,
impl FaceMetrics {
/// Extract the face's metrics.
impl FontMetrics {
/// Extract the font's metrics.
pub fn from_ttf(ttf: &ttf_parser::Face) -> Self {
let units_per_em = f64::from(ttf.units_per_em());
let to_em = |units| Em::from_units(units, units_per_em);
@ -437,36 +437,36 @@ pub enum VerticalFontMetric {
/// Properties of a single font face.
/// Properties of a single font.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct FaceInfo {
pub struct FontInfo {
/// The path to the font file.
pub path: PathBuf,
/// The collection index in the font file.
pub index: u32,
/// The typographic font family this face is part of.
/// The typographic font family this font is part of.
pub family: String,
/// Properties that distinguish this face from other faces in the same
/// Properties that distinguish this font from other fonts in the same
/// family.
pub variant: FontVariant,
/// Whether the face is monospaced.
/// Whether the font is monospaced.
pub monospaced: bool,
/// Whether the face has serifs (if known).
/// Whether the font has serifs (if known).
pub serif: Option<bool>,
/// The unicode coverage of the face.
/// The unicode coverage of the font.
pub coverage: Coverage,
impl FaceInfo {
/// Compute metadata for all faces in the given data.
impl FontInfo {
/// Compute metadata for all fonts in the given data.
pub fn from_data<'a>(
path: &'a Path,
data: &'a [u8],
) -> impl Iterator<Item = FaceInfo> + 'a {
) -> impl Iterator<Item = FontInfo> + 'a {
let count = ttf_parser::fonts_in_collection(data).unwrap_or(1);
(0 .. count).filter_map(move |index| {
let face = ttf_parser::Face::from_slice(data, index).ok()?;
Self::from_ttf(path, index, &face)
let ttf = ttf_parser::Face::from_slice(data, index).ok()?;
Self::from_ttf(path, index, &ttf)
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ impl FaceInfo {
// variants (e.g. Display variants of Noto fonts) and then some
// variants become inaccessible from Typst. And even though the
// fsSelection bit WWS should help us decide whether that is the
// case, it's wrong for some fonts (e.g. for some faces of "Noto
// case, it's wrong for some fonts (e.g. for certain variants of "Noto
// Sans Display").
// So, instead we use Name ID 1 "Family" and trim many common
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ impl FaceInfo {
Some(FaceInfo {
Some(FontInfo {
path: path.to_owned(),
@ -648,15 +648,15 @@ fn trim_styles(mut family: &str) -> &str {
&family[.. len]
/// Properties that distinguish a face from other faces in the same family.
/// Properties that distinguish a font from other fonts in the same family.
#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct FontVariant {
/// The style of the face (normal / italic / oblique).
/// The style of the font (normal / italic / oblique).
pub style: FontStyle,
/// How heavy the face is (100 - 900).
/// How heavy the font is (100 - 900).
pub weight: FontWeight,
/// How condensed or expanded the face is (0.5 - 2.0).
/// How condensed or expanded the font is (0.5 - 2.0).
pub stretch: FontStretch,
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ impl Debug for FontVariant {
/// The style of a font face.
/// The style of a font.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ impl Default for FontStyle {
/// The weight of a font face.
/// The weight of a font.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ impl Debug for FontWeight {
/// The width of a font face.
/// The width of a font.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::eval::{Dict, Value};
use crate::font::FaceId;
use crate::font::FontId;
use crate::geom::{
Align, Em, Length, Numeric, Paint, Point, Shape, Size, Spec, Transform,
@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ impl Debug for Group {
/// A run of shaped text.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Text {
/// The font face the glyphs are contained in.
pub face_id: FaceId,
/// The font the glyphs are contained in.
pub font_id: FontId,
/// The font size.
pub size: Length,
/// Glyph color.
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ impl Debug for Text {
/// A glyph in a run of shaped text.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Glyph {
/// The glyph's index in the face.
/// The glyph's index in the font.
pub id: u16,
/// The advance width of the glyph.
pub x_advance: Em,
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ pub struct Context {
pub loader: Arc<dyn Loader>,
/// Stores loaded source files.
pub sources: SourceStore,
/// Stores parsed font faces.
/// Stores parsed fonts.
pub fonts: FontStore,
/// Stores decoded images.
pub images: ImageStore,
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use rex::layout::{LayoutSettings, Style};
use rex::parser::color::RGBA;
use rex::render::{Backend, Cursor, Renderer};
use crate::font::FaceId;
use crate::font::FontId;
use crate::library::prelude::*;
use crate::library::text::{variant, FontFamily, Lang, TextNode};
@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ impl Layout for RexNode {
) -> TypResult<Vec<Frame>> {
// Load the font.
let span = self.tex.span;
let face_id = ctx
let font_id = ctx
.select(, variant(styles))
.ok_or("failed to find math font")
// Prepare the font context.
let face = ctx.fonts.get(face_id);
let ctx = face
let font = ctx.fonts.get(font_id);
let ctx = font
.map(|math| FontContext::new(face.ttf(), math))
.map(|math| FontContext::new(font.ttf(), math))
.ok_or("font is not suitable for math")
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ impl Layout for RexNode {
let mut top = Length::pt(y1);
let mut bottom = Length::pt(-y0);
if !self.display {
let metrics = face.metrics();
let metrics = font.metrics();
top = styles.get(TextNode::TOP_EDGE).resolve(styles, metrics);
bottom = -styles.get(TextNode::BOTTOM_EDGE).resolve(styles, metrics);
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ impl Layout for RexNode {
baseline: top,
fill: styles.get(TextNode::FILL),
lang: styles.get(TextNode::LANG),
colors: vec![],
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ impl Layout for RexNode {
struct FrameBackend {
frame: Frame,
baseline: Length,
face_id: FaceId,
font_id: FontId,
fill: Paint,
lang: Lang,
colors: Vec<RGBA>,
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ impl Backend for FrameBackend {
Element::Text(Text {
face_id: self.face_id,
font_id: self.font_id,
size: Length::pt(scale),
fill: self.fill(),
lang: self.lang,
@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ pub fn decorate(
pos: Point,
width: Length,
) {
let face = fonts.get(text.face_id);
let face_metrics = face.metrics();
let font = fonts.get(text.font_id);
let font_metrics = font.metrics();
let metrics = match deco.line {
STRIKETHROUGH => face_metrics.strikethrough,
OVERLINE => face_metrics.overline,
UNDERLINE | _ => face_metrics.underline,
STRIKETHROUGH => font_metrics.strikethrough,
OVERLINE => font_metrics.overline,
UNDERLINE | _ => font_metrics.underline,
let evade = deco.evade && deco.line != STRIKETHROUGH;
@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ pub fn decorate(
for glyph in text.glyphs.iter() {
let dx = + x;
let mut builder =
BezPathBuilder::new(face_metrics.units_per_em, text.size, dx.to_raw());
BezPathBuilder::new(font_metrics.units_per_em, text.size, dx.to_raw());
let bbox = face.ttf().outline_glyph(GlyphId(, &mut builder);
let bbox = font.ttf().outline_glyph(GlyphId(, &mut builder);
let path = builder.finish();
x +=;
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ pub fn decorate(
// Only do the costly segments intersection test if the line
// intersects the bounding box.
if bbox.map_or(false, |bbox| {
let y_min = -face.to_em(bbox.y_max).at(text.size);
let y_max = -face.to_em(bbox.y_min).at(text.size);
let y_min = -font.to_em(bbox.y_max).at(text.size);
let y_max = -font.to_em(bbox.y_min).at(text.size);
offset >= y_min && offset <= y_max
}) {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ use std::borrow::Cow;
use ttf_parser::Tag;
use crate::font::{
Face, FaceMetrics, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, VerticalFontMetric,
Font, FontMetrics, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, VerticalFontMetric,
use crate::library::prelude::*;
use crate::util::EcoString;
@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ pub enum TextEdge {
impl TextEdge {
/// Resolve the value of the text edge given a font face.
pub fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain, metrics: &FaceMetrics) -> Length {
/// Resolve the value of the text edge given a font's metrics.
pub fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain, metrics: &FontMetrics) -> Length {
match self {
Self::Metric(metric) => metrics.vertical(metric).resolve(styles),
Self::Length(length) => length.resolve(styles),
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ impl Resolve for Smart<Hyphenate> {
/// A stylistic set in a font face.
/// A stylistic set in a font.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct StylisticSet(u8);
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ impl Show for StrongNode {
/// Emphasized text, rendered with an italic face by default.
/// Emphasized text, rendered with an italic font by default.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct EmphNode(pub Content);
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use std::str::FromStr;
use rustybuzz::{Feature, UnicodeBuffer};
use super::*;
use crate::font::{FaceId, FontStore, FontVariant};
use crate::font::{FontId, FontStore, FontVariant};
use crate::library::prelude::*;
use crate::util::SliceExt;
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ pub struct ShapedText<'a> {
/// A single glyph resulting from shaping.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ShapedGlyph {
/// The font face the glyph is contained in.
pub face_id: FaceId,
/// The glyph's index in the face.
/// The font the glyph is contained in.
pub font_id: FontId,
/// The glyph's index in the font.
pub glyph_id: u16,
/// The advance width of the glyph.
pub x_advance: Em,
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
let fill = self.styles.get(TextNode::FILL);
let link = self.styles.get(TextNode::LINK);
for ((face_id, y_offset), group) in
self.glyphs.as_ref().group_by_key(|g| (g.face_id, g.y_offset))
for ((font_id, y_offset), group) in
self.glyphs.as_ref().group_by_key(|g| (g.font_id, g.y_offset))
let pos = Point::new(offset, top + shift +;
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
let text = Text {
size: self.size,
@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
let top_edge = self.styles.get(TextNode::TOP_EDGE);
let bottom_edge = self.styles.get(TextNode::BOTTOM_EDGE);
// Expand top and bottom by reading the face's vertical metrics.
let mut expand = |face: &Face| {
let metrics = face.metrics();
// Expand top and bottom by reading the font's vertical metrics.
let mut expand = |font: &Font| {
let metrics = font.metrics();
top.set_max(top_edge.resolve(self.styles, metrics));
bottom.set_max(-bottom_edge.resolve(self.styles, metrics));
@ -162,15 +162,14 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
// When there are no glyphs, we just use the vertical metrics of the
// first available font.
for family in families(self.styles) {
if let Some(face_id) =, self.variant) {
if let Some(font_id) =, self.variant) {
} else {
for (face_id, _) in self.glyphs.group_by_key(|g| g.face_id) {
let face = fonts.get(face_id);
for (font_id, _) in self.glyphs.group_by_key(|g| g.font_id) {
@ -217,15 +216,15 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
/// Push a hyphen to end of the text.
pub fn push_hyphen(&mut self, fonts: &mut FontStore) {
families(self.styles).find_map(|family| {
let face_id =, self.variant)?;
let face = fonts.get(face_id);
let ttf = face.ttf();
let font_id =, self.variant)?;
let font = fonts.get(font_id);
let ttf = font.ttf();
let glyph_id = ttf.glyph_index('-')?;
let x_advance = face.to_em(ttf.glyph_hor_advance(glyph_id)?);
let x_advance = font.to_em(ttf.glyph_hor_advance(glyph_id)?);
let cluster = self.glyphs.last().map(|g| g.cluster).unwrap_or_default();
self.width +=;
self.glyphs.to_mut().push(ShapedGlyph {
glyph_id: glyph_id.0,
x_offset: Em::zero(),
@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ impl Debug for ShapedText<'_> {
struct ShapingContext<'a> {
fonts: &'a mut FontStore,
glyphs: Vec<ShapedGlyph>,
used: Vec<FaceId>,
used: Vec<FontId>,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
size: Length,
variant: FontVariant,
@ -378,17 +377,17 @@ fn shape_segment<'a>(
.filter(|id| !ctx.used.contains(id));
// Extract the face id or shape notdef glyphs if we couldn't find any face.
let face_id = if let Some(id) = selection {
// Extract the font id or shape notdef glyphs if we couldn't find any font.
let font_id = if let Some(id) = selection {
} else {
if let Some(&face_id) = ctx.used.first() {
shape_tofus(ctx, base, text, face_id);
if let Some(&font_id) = ctx.used.first() {
shape_tofus(ctx, base, text, font_id);
// Fill the buffer with our text.
let mut buffer = UnicodeBuffer::new();
@ -401,8 +400,8 @@ fn shape_segment<'a>(
// Shape!
let mut face = ctx.fonts.get(face_id);
let buffer = rustybuzz::shape(face.ttf(), &ctx.tags, buffer);
let mut font = ctx.fonts.get(font_id);
let buffer = rustybuzz::shape(font.ttf(), &ctx.tags, buffer);
let infos = buffer.glyph_infos();
let pos = buffer.glyph_positions();
@ -417,11 +416,11 @@ fn shape_segment<'a>(
// Add the glyph to the shaped output.
// TODO: Don't ignore y_advance.
ctx.glyphs.push(ShapedGlyph {
glyph_id: info.glyph_id as u16,
x_advance: face.to_em(pos[i].x_advance),
x_offset: face.to_em(pos[i].x_offset),
y_offset: face.to_em(pos[i].y_offset),
x_advance: font.to_em(pos[i].x_advance),
x_offset: font.to_em(pos[i].x_offset),
y_offset: font.to_em(pos[i].y_offset),
cluster: base + cluster,
safe_to_break: !info.unsafe_to_break(),
c: text[cluster ..].chars().next().unwrap(),
@ -473,7 +472,7 @@ fn shape_segment<'a>(
// Recursively shape the tofu sequence with the next family.
shape_segment(ctx, base + range.start, &text[range], families.clone());
face = ctx.fonts.get(face_id);
font = ctx.fonts.get(font_id);
i += 1;
@ -482,13 +481,13 @@ fn shape_segment<'a>(
/// Shape the text with tofus from the given face.
fn shape_tofus(ctx: &mut ShapingContext, base: usize, text: &str, face_id: FaceId) {
let face = ctx.fonts.get(face_id);
let x_advance = face.advance(0).unwrap_or_default();
/// Shape the text with tofus from the given font.
fn shape_tofus(ctx: &mut ShapingContext, base: usize, text: &str, font_id: FontId) {
let font = ctx.fonts.get(font_id);
let x_advance = font.advance(0).unwrap_or_default();
for (cluster, c) in text.char_indices() {
ctx.glyphs.push(ShapedGlyph {
glyph_id: 0,
x_offset: Em::zero(),
@ -512,8 +511,8 @@ fn track_and_space(ctx: &mut ShapingContext) {
while let Some(glyph) = {
// Make non-breaking space same width as normal space.
if glyph.c == '\u{00A0}' {
let face = ctx.fonts.get(glyph.face_id);
glyph.x_advance -= nbsp_delta(face).unwrap_or_default();
let font = ctx.fonts.get(glyph.font_id);
glyph.x_advance -= nbsp_delta(font).unwrap_or_default();
if glyph.is_space() {
@ -527,10 +526,10 @@ fn track_and_space(ctx: &mut ShapingContext) {
/// Difference between non-breaking and normal space.
fn nbsp_delta(face: &Face) -> Option<Em> {
let space = face.ttf().glyph_index(' ')?.0;
let nbsp = face.ttf().glyph_index('\u{00A0}')?.0;
Some(face.advance(nbsp)? - face.advance(space)?)
fn nbsp_delta(font: &Font) -> Option<Em> {
let space = font.ttf().glyph_index(' ')?.0;
let nbsp = font.ttf().glyph_index('\u{00A0}')?.0;
Some(font.advance(nbsp)? - font.advance(space)?)
/// Resolve the font variant with `BOLD` and `ITALIC` factored in.
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ fn search_text(content: &Content, mode: ScriptKind) -> Option<EcoString> {
/// given string.
fn is_shapable(fonts: &mut FontStore, text: &str, styles: StyleChain) -> bool {
for family in styles.get(TextNode::FAMILY).iter() {
if let Some(face_id) =, variant(styles)) {
let ttf = fonts.get(face_id).ttf();
if let Some(font_id) =, variant(styles)) {
let ttf = fonts.get(font_id).ttf();
return text.chars().all(|c| ttf.glyph_index(c).is_some());
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pub use string::*;
use crate::eval::{Eval, Machine, Scopes};
use crate::library::prelude::*;
use crate::source::SourceFile;
use crate::source::Source;
/// The name of a value's type.
pub fn type_(_: &mut Machine, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ pub fn eval(vm: &mut Machine, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v: src, span } = args.expect::<Spanned<String>>("source")?;
// Parse the source and set a synthetic span for all nodes.
let source = SourceFile::synthesized(src, span);
let source = Source::synthesized(src, span);
let ast = source.ast()?;
// Evaluate the source.
@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ use same_file::Handle;
use walkdir::WalkDir;
use super::{FileHash, Loader};
use crate::font::FaceInfo;
use crate::font::FontInfo;
/// Loads fonts and files from the local file system.
/// _This is only available when the `fs` feature is enabled._
pub struct FsLoader {
faces: Vec<FaceInfo>,
fonts: Vec<FontInfo>,
impl FsLoader {
/// Create a new loader without any fonts.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { faces: vec![] }
Self { fonts: vec![] }
/// Builder-style variant of [`search_system`](Self::search_system).
@ -100,24 +100,24 @@ impl FsLoader {
/// Index the font faces in the file at the given path.
/// Index the fonts in the file at the given path.
/// The file may form a font collection and contain multiple font faces,
/// The file may form a font collection and contain multiple fonts,
/// which will then all be indexed.
fn search_file(&mut self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) {
let path = path.as_ref();
let path = path.strip_prefix(".").unwrap_or(path);
if let Ok(file) = File::open(path) {
if let Ok(mmap) = unsafe { Mmap::map(&file) } {
self.faces.extend(FaceInfo::from_data(path, &mmap));
self.fonts.extend(FontInfo::from_data(path, &mmap));
impl Loader for FsLoader {
fn faces(&self) -> &[FaceInfo] {
fn fonts(&self) -> &[FontInfo] {
fn resolve(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<FileHash> {
@ -4,20 +4,20 @@ use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use super::{FileHash, Loader};
use crate::font::FaceInfo;
use crate::font::FontInfo;
use crate::util::PathExt;
/// Loads fonts and files from an in-memory storage.
pub struct MemLoader {
faces: Vec<FaceInfo>,
fonts: Vec<FontInfo>,
files: HashMap<PathBuf, Cow<'static, [u8]>>,
impl MemLoader {
/// Create a new from-memory loader.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { faces: vec![], files: HashMap::new() }
Self { fonts: vec![], files: HashMap::new() }
/// Builder-style variant of [`insert`](Self::insert).
@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ impl MemLoader {
let path = path.as_ref().normalize();
let data = data.into();
self.faces.extend(FaceInfo::from_data(&path, &data));
self.fonts.extend(FontInfo::from_data(&path, &data));
self.files.insert(path, data);
impl Loader for MemLoader {
fn faces(&self) -> &[FaceInfo] {
fn fonts(&self) -> &[FontInfo] {
fn resolve(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<FileHash> {
@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ mod tests {
let path = Path::new("PTSans.ttf");
let loader = MemLoader::new().with(path, &data[..]);
// Test that the face was found.
let info = &loader.faces[0];
// Test that the font was found.
let info = &loader.fonts[0];
assert_eq!(info.path, path);
assert_eq!(info.index, 0);
assert_eq!(, "PT Sans");
assert_eq!(info.variant, FontVariant::default());
assert_eq!(loader.faces.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(loader.fonts.len(), 1);
// Test that the file can be loaded.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ pub use mem::*;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::font::FaceInfo;
use crate::font::FontInfo;
/// A hash that identifies a file.
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ pub struct FileHash(pub u64);
/// Loads resources from a local or remote source.
pub trait Loader {
/// Descriptions of all font faces this loader serves.
fn faces(&self) -> &[FaceInfo];
/// Descriptions of all fonts this loader serves.
fn fonts(&self) -> &[FontInfo];
/// Resolve a hash that is the same for this and all other paths pointing to
/// the same file.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ pub trait Loader {
pub struct BlankLoader;
impl Loader for BlankLoader {
fn faces(&self) -> &[FaceInfo] {
fn fonts(&self) -> &[FontInfo] {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use same_file::is_same_file;
use termcolor::{ColorChoice, StandardStream, WriteColor};
use typst::diag::{Error, StrResult};
use typst::font::{FaceInfo, FontStore};
use typst::font::{FontInfo, FontStore};
use typst::library::text::THEME;
use typst::loading::FsLoader;
use typst::parse::TokenMode;
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ fn fonts(command: FontsCommand) -> StrResult<()> {
for (name, infos) in fonts.families() {
if command.variants {
for &FaceInfo { variant, .. } in infos {
for &FontInfo { variant, .. } in infos {
"- Style: {:?}, Weight: {:?}, Stretch: {:?}",
||||, variant.weight, variant.stretch,
@ -390,11 +390,11 @@ mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::parse::parse;
use crate::parse::tests::check;
use crate::source::SourceFile;
use crate::source::Source;
fn test(prev: &str, range: Range<usize>, with: &str, goal: Range<usize>) {
let mut source = SourceFile::detached(prev);
let mut source = Source::detached(prev);
let range = source.edit(range, with);
check(source.src(), source.root(), &parse(source.src()));
assert_eq!(range, goal);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ impl SourceId {
pub struct SourceStore {
loader: Arc<dyn Loader>,
files: HashMap<FileHash, SourceId>,
sources: Vec<SourceFile>,
sources: Vec<Source>,
impl SourceStore {
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ impl SourceStore {
/// should only be called with ids returned by this store's
/// [`load()`](Self::load) and [`provide()`](Self::provide) methods.
pub fn get(&self, id: SourceId) -> &SourceFile {
pub fn get(&self, id: SourceId) -> &Source {
&self.sources[id.0 as usize]
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ impl SourceStore {
// No existing file yet, so we allocate a new id.
let id = SourceId(self.sources.len() as u16);
self.sources.push(SourceFile::new(id, path, src));
self.sources.push(Source::new(id, path, src));
// Register in file map if the path was known to the loader.
if let Some(hash) = hash {
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ impl SourceStore {
/// _Note_: All line and column indices start at zero, just like byte indices.
/// Only for user-facing display, you should add 1 to them.
pub struct SourceFile {
pub struct Source {
id: SourceId,
path: PathBuf,
src: String,
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ pub struct SourceFile {
rev: usize,
impl SourceFile {
impl Source {
/// Create a new source file.
pub fn new(id: SourceId, path: &Path, src: String) -> Self {
let lines = std::iter::once(Line { byte_idx: 0, utf16_idx: 0 })
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_source_file_new() {
let source = SourceFile::detached(TEST);
let source = Source::detached(TEST);
assert_eq!(source.lines, [
Line { byte_idx: 0, utf16_idx: 0 },
Line { byte_idx: 7, utf16_idx: 6 },
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_source_file_pos_to_line() {
let source = SourceFile::detached(TEST);
let source = Source::detached(TEST);
assert_eq!(source.byte_to_line(0), Some(0));
assert_eq!(source.byte_to_line(2), Some(0));
assert_eq!(source.byte_to_line(6), Some(0));
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_source_file_pos_to_column() {
let source = SourceFile::detached(TEST);
let source = Source::detached(TEST);
assert_eq!(source.byte_to_column(0), Some(0));
assert_eq!(source.byte_to_column(2), Some(1));
assert_eq!(source.byte_to_column(6), Some(5));
@ -521,14 +521,14 @@ mod tests {
fn test_source_file_utf16() {
fn roundtrip(source: &SourceFile, byte_idx: usize, utf16_idx: usize) {
fn roundtrip(source: &Source, byte_idx: usize, utf16_idx: usize) {
let middle = source.byte_to_utf16(byte_idx).unwrap();
let result = source.utf16_to_byte(middle).unwrap();
assert_eq!(middle, utf16_idx);
assert_eq!(result, byte_idx);
let source = SourceFile::detached(TEST);
let source = Source::detached(TEST);
roundtrip(&source, 0, 0);
roundtrip(&source, 2, 1);
roundtrip(&source, 3, 2);
@ -542,14 +542,14 @@ mod tests {
fn test_source_file_roundtrip() {
fn roundtrip(source: &SourceFile, byte_idx: usize) {
fn roundtrip(source: &Source, byte_idx: usize) {
let line = source.byte_to_line(byte_idx).unwrap();
let column = source.byte_to_column(byte_idx).unwrap();
let result = source.line_column_to_byte(line, column).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, byte_idx);
let source = SourceFile::detached(TEST);
let source = Source::detached(TEST);
roundtrip(&source, 0);
roundtrip(&source, 7);
roundtrip(&source, 12);
@ -560,8 +560,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_source_file_edit() {
fn test(prev: &str, range: Range<usize>, with: &str, after: &str) {
let mut source = SourceFile::detached(prev);
let result = SourceFile::detached(after);
let mut source = Source::detached(prev);
let result = Source::detached(after);
source.edit(range, with);
assert_eq!(source.src, result.src);
assert_eq!(source.root, result.root);
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ impl Category {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::source::SourceFile;
use crate::source::Source;
fn test_highlighting() {
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test(src: &str, goal: &[(Range<usize>, Category)]) {
let mut vec = vec![];
let source = SourceFile::detached(src);
let source = Source::detached(src);
let full = 0 .. src.len();
highlight_node(source.root(), full, &mut |range, category| {
vec.push((range, category));
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use typst::library::layout::PageNode;
use typst::library::text::{TextNode, TextSize};
use typst::loading::FsLoader;
use typst::model::StyleMap;
use typst::source::SourceFile;
use typst::source::Source;
use typst::syntax::SyntaxNode;
use typst::{bail, Config, Context};
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ fn test_part(
(ok, compare_ref, frames)
fn parse_metadata(source: &SourceFile) -> (Option<bool>, Vec<(Range<usize>, String)>) {
fn parse_metadata(source: &Source) -> (Option<bool>, Vec<(Range<usize>, String)>) {
let mut compare_ref = None;
let mut errors = vec![];
@ -395,11 +395,7 @@ fn parse_metadata(source: &SourceFile) -> (Option<bool>, Vec<(Range<usize>, Stri
(compare_ref, errors)
fn print_error(
source: &SourceFile,
line: usize,
(range, message): &(Range<usize>, String),
) {
fn print_error(source: &Source, line: usize, (range, message): &(Range<usize>, String)) {
let start_line = 1 + line + source.byte_to_line(range.start).unwrap();
let start_col = 1 + source.byte_to_column(range.start).unwrap();
let end_line = 1 + line + source.byte_to_line(range.end).unwrap();
@ -445,7 +441,7 @@ fn test_reparse(src: &str, i: usize, rng: &mut LinearShift) -> bool {
let mut ok = true;
let apply = |replace: std::ops::Range<usize>, with| {
let mut incr_source = SourceFile::detached(src);
let mut incr_source = Source::detached(src);
if incr_source.root().len() != src.len() {
" Subtest {i} tree length {} does not match string length {} ❌",
@ -459,7 +455,7 @@ fn test_reparse(src: &str, i: usize, rng: &mut LinearShift) -> bool {
let edited_src = incr_source.src();
let incr_root = incr_source.root();
let ref_source = SourceFile::detached(edited_src);
let ref_source = Source::detached(edited_src);
let ref_root = ref_source.root();
let mut ok = incr_root == ref_root;
if !ok {
@ -498,7 +494,7 @@ fn test_reparse(src: &str, i: usize, rng: &mut LinearShift) -> bool {
ok &= apply(start .. end, supplement);
let source = SourceFile::detached(src);
let source = Source::detached(src);
let leafs = source.root().leafs();
let start = source.range(leafs[pick(0 .. leafs.len())].span()).start;
let supplement = supplements[pick(0 .. supplements.len())];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user