Refactor proc macros

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2022-11-21 13:56:25 +01:00
parent 7c7b830225
commit 36ea0b05c9
6 changed files with 564 additions and 434 deletions

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@ -114,22 +114,22 @@ impl TextNode {
/// Whether the font weight should be increased by 300.
#[property(skip, fold)]
pub(super) const BOLD: Toggle = false;
const BOLD: Toggle = false;
/// Whether the font style should be inverted.
#[property(skip, fold)]
pub(super) const ITALIC: Toggle = false;
const ITALIC: Toggle = false;
/// A case transformation that should be applied to the text.
pub(super) const CASE: Option<Case> = None;
const CASE: Option<Case> = None;
/// Whether small capital glyphs should be used. ("smcp")
pub(super) const SMALLCAPS: bool = false;
const SMALLCAPS: bool = false;
/// A destination the text should be linked to.
#[property(skip, referenced)]
pub(crate) const LINK: Option<Destination> = None;
/// Decorative lines.
#[property(skip, fold)]
pub(super) const DECO: Decoration = vec![];
const DECO: Decoration = vec![];
fn construct(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Content> {
// The text constructor is special: It doesn't create a text node.

macros/src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
use super::*;
/// Expand the `#[capability]` macro.
pub fn expand(body: syn::ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let ident = &body.ident;
Ok(quote! {
impl ::typst::model::Capability for dyn #ident {}

View File

@ -2,437 +2,39 @@
extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::{TokenStream as TokenStream2, TokenTree};
/// Return an error at the given item.
macro_rules! bail {
($item:expr, $fmt:literal $($tts:tt)*) => {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
format!(concat!("typst: ", $fmt) $($tts)*)
mod capability;
mod node;
use proc_macro::TokenStream as BoundaryStream;
use proc_macro2::{TokenStream, TokenTree};
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
use syn::parse_quote;
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{Error, Ident, Result};
/// Implement `Capability` for a trait.
pub fn capability(_: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let item_trait = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemTrait);
let name = &item_trait.ident;
quote! {
impl ::typst::model::Capability for dyn #name {}
/// Implement `Node` for a struct.
pub fn node(stream: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let impl_block = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemImpl);
expand_node(stream.into(), impl_block)
pub fn node(stream: BoundaryStream, item: BoundaryStream) -> BoundaryStream {
let item = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemImpl);
node::expand(stream.into(), item)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| err.to_compile_error())
/// Expand an impl block for a node.
fn expand_node(
stream: TokenStream2,
mut impl_block: syn::ItemImpl,
) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
// Split the node type into name and generic type arguments.
let params = &impl_block.generics.params;
let self_ty = &*impl_block.self_ty;
let (self_name, self_args) = parse_self(self_ty)?;
let module = quote::format_ident!("{}_types", self_name);
let mut key_modules = vec![];
let mut properties = vec![];
let mut construct = None;
let mut set = None;
let mut field = None;
for item in std::mem::take(&mut impl_block.items) {
match item {
syn::ImplItem::Const(mut item) => {
let (property, module) =
process_const(&mut item, params, self_ty, &self_name, &self_args)?;
syn::ImplItem::Method(method) => {
match method.sig.ident.to_string().as_str() {
"construct" => construct = Some(method),
"set" => set = Some(method),
"field" => field = Some(method),
_ => return Err(Error::new(method.span(), "unexpected method")),
_ => return Err(Error::new(item.span(), "unexpected item")),
let construct = construct.unwrap_or_else(|| {
parse_quote! {
fn construct(
_: &mut model::Vm,
_: &mut model::Args,
) -> typst::diag::SourceResult<model::Content> {
let set = generate_set(&properties, set);
let field = field.unwrap_or_else(|| {
parse_quote! {
fn field(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Value> {
let items: syn::punctuated::Punctuated<Ident, syn::Token![,]> =
parse_quote! { #stream };
let checks = items.iter().map(|cap| {
quote! {
if id == TypeId::of::<dyn #cap>() {
return Some(unsafe { typst::util::fat::vtable(self as &dyn #cap) });
let vtable = quote! {
fn vtable(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> {
let name = self_name.trim_end_matches("Node").to_lowercase();
// Put everything into a module with a hopefully unique type to isolate
// it from the outside.
Ok(quote! {
mod #module {
use ::std::any::TypeId;
use ::std::marker::PhantomData;
use ::once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use ::typst::model;
use super::*;
impl<#params> model::Node for #self_ty {
fn id(&self) -> model::NodeId {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
/// Parse the name and generic type arguments of the node type.
fn parse_self(
self_ty: &syn::Type,
) -> Result<(String, Punctuated<syn::GenericArgument, syn::Token![,]>)> {
// Extract the node type for which we want to generate properties.
let path = match self_ty {
syn::Type::Path(path) => path,
ty => return Err(Error::new(ty.span(), "must be a path type")),
// Split up the type into its name and its generic type arguments.
let last = path.path.segments.last().unwrap();
let self_name = last.ident.to_string();
let self_args = match &last.arguments {
syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(args) => args.args.clone(),
_ => Punctuated::new(),
Ok((self_name, self_args))
/// Process a single const item.
fn process_const(
item: &mut syn::ImplItemConst,
params: &Punctuated<syn::GenericParam, syn::Token![,]>,
self_ty: &syn::Type,
self_name: &str,
self_args: &Punctuated<syn::GenericArgument, syn::Token![,]>,
) -> Result<(Property, syn::ItemMod)> {
let property = parse_property(item)?;
// The display name, e.g. `TextNode::BOLD`.
let name = format!("{}::{}", self_name, &item.ident);
// The type of the property's value is what the user of our macro wrote
// as type of the const ...
let value_ty = &item.ty;
let output_ty = if property.referenced {
parse_quote!(&'a #value_ty)
} else if property.fold && property.resolve {
parse_quote!(<<#value_ty as model::Resolve>::Output as model::Fold>::Output)
} else if property.fold {
parse_quote!(<#value_ty as model::Fold>::Output)
} else if property.resolve {
parse_quote!(<#value_ty as model::Resolve>::Output)
} else {
// ... but the real type of the const becomes this ...
let key = quote! { Key<#value_ty, #self_args> };
let phantom_args = self_args.iter().filter(|arg| match arg {
syn::GenericArgument::Type(syn::Type::Path(path)) => {
params.iter().all(|param| match param {
syn::GenericParam::Const(c) => !path.path.is_ident(&c.ident),
_ => true,
_ => true,
let default = &item.expr;
// Ensure that the type is
// - either `Copy`, or
// - that the property is referenced, or
// - that the property isn't copy but can't be referenced because it needs
// folding.
let get;
let mut copy = None;
if property.referenced {
get = quote! {|| {
static LAZY: Lazy<#value_ty> = Lazy::new(|| #default);
} else if property.resolve && property.fold {
get = quote! {
match {
Some(value) => model::Fold::fold(
model::Resolve::resolve(value, chain),
Self::get(chain, values),
None => #default,
} else if property.resolve {
get = quote! {
let value =|| #default);
model::Resolve::resolve(value, chain)
} else if property.fold {
get = quote! {
match {
Some(value) => model::Fold::fold(value, Self::get(chain, values)),
None => #default,
} else {
get = quote! {
copy = Some(quote_spanned! { item.ty.span() =>
const _: fn() -> () = || {
fn type_must_be_copy_or_fold_or_referenced<T: Copy>() {}
// Generate the module code.
let module_name = &item.ident;
let module = parse_quote! {
mod #module_name {
use super::*;
pub struct Key<VALUE, #params>(pub PhantomData<(VALUE, #(#phantom_args,)*)>);
impl<#params> Copy for #key {}
impl<#params> Clone for #key {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<'a, #params> model::Key<'a> for #key {
type Value = #value_ty;
type Output = #output_ty;
const NAME: &'static str = #name;
fn node() -> model::NodeId {
fn get(
chain: model::StyleChain<'a>,
mut values: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Self::Value>,
) -> Self::Output {
// Replace type and initializer expression with the `Key`.
item.ty = parse_quote! { #module_name::#key };
item.expr = parse_quote! { #module_name::Key(PhantomData) };
Ok((property, module))
/// A style property.
struct Property {
name: Ident,
skip: bool,
referenced: bool,
shorthand: Option<Shorthand>,
resolve: bool,
fold: bool,
enum Shorthand {
/// Parse a style property attribute.
fn parse_property(item: &mut syn::ImplItemConst) -> Result<Property> {
let mut property = Property {
name: item.ident.clone(),
skip: false,
shorthand: None,
referenced: false,
resolve: false,
fold: false,
if let Some(idx) = item
.position(|attr| attr.path.get_ident().map_or(false, |name| name == "property"))
let attr = item.attrs.remove(idx);
let mut stream = attr.parse_args::<TokenStream2>()?.into_iter().peekable();
while let Some(token) = {
match token {
TokenTree::Ident(ident) => match ident.to_string().as_str() {
"skip" => property.skip = true,
"shorthand" => {
let short = if let Some(TokenTree::Group(group)) = stream.peek() {
let span = group.span();
let repr = group.to_string();
let ident = repr.trim_matches(|c| matches!(c, '(' | ')'));
if !ident.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) {
return Err(Error::new(span, "invalid args"));
Shorthand::Named(Ident::new(ident, span))
} else {
property.shorthand = Some(short);
"referenced" => property.referenced = true,
"resolve" => property.resolve = true,
"fold" => property.fold = true,
_ => return Err(Error::new(ident.span(), "invalid attribute")),
TokenTree::Punct(_) => {}
_ => return Err(Error::new(token.span(), "invalid token")),
let span =;
if property.skip && property.shorthand.is_some() {
return Err(Error::new(span, "skip and shorthand are mutually exclusive"));
if property.referenced && (property.fold || property.resolve) {
return Err(Error::new(
"referenced is mutually exclusive with fold and resolve",
/// Auto-generate a `set` function from properties.
fn generate_set(
properties: &[Property],
user: Option<syn::ImplItemMethod>,
) -> syn::ImplItemMethod {
let user =|method| {
let block = &method.block;
quote! { (|| -> typst::diag::SourceResult<()> { #block; Ok(()) } )()?; }
let mut shorthands = vec![];
let sets: Vec<_> = properties
.filter(|p| !p.skip)
.map(|property| {
let name = &;
let string = name.to_string().replace('_', "-").to_lowercase();
let value = if let Some(short) = &property.shorthand {
match short {
Shorthand::Positional => quote! { args.named_or_find(#string)? },
Shorthand::Named(named) => {
quote! { args.named(#string)?.or_else(|| #named.clone()) }
} else {
quote! { args.named(#string)? }
quote! { styles.set_opt(Self::#name, #value); }
shorthands.dedup_by_key(|ident| ident.to_string());
let bindings = shorthands.into_iter().map(|ident| {
let string = ident.to_string();
quote! { let #ident = args.named(#string)?; }
parse_quote! {
fn set(
args: &mut model::Args,
constructor: bool,
) -> typst::diag::SourceResult<model::StyleMap> {
let mut styles = model::StyleMap::new();
/// Implement `Capability` for a trait.
pub fn capability(_: BoundaryStream, item: BoundaryStream) -> BoundaryStream {
let item = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemTrait);
.unwrap_or_else(|err| err.to_compile_error())

macros/src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
use syn::parse::Parser;
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::Token;
use super::*;
/// Expand the `#[node]` macro.
pub fn expand(attr: TokenStream, body: syn::ItemImpl) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let node = prepare(attr, body)?;
let scope = create(&node)?;
Ok(quote! {
const _: () = { #scope };
/// Details about a node.
struct Node {
body: syn::ItemImpl,
params: Punctuated<syn::GenericParam, Token![,]>,
self_ty: syn::Type,
self_name: String,
self_args: Punctuated<syn::GenericArgument, Token![,]>,
capabilities: Vec<syn::Ident>,
properties: Vec<Property>,
construct: Option<syn::ImplItemMethod>,
set: Option<syn::ImplItemMethod>,
field: Option<syn::ImplItemMethod>,
/// A style property.
struct Property {
attrs: Vec<syn::Attribute>,
vis: syn::Visibility,
name: Ident,
value_ty: syn::Type,
output_ty: syn::Type,
default: syn::Expr,
skip: bool,
referenced: bool,
shorthand: Option<Shorthand>,
resolve: bool,
fold: bool,
/// The shorthand form of a style property.
enum Shorthand {
/// Preprocess the impl block of a node.
fn prepare(attr: TokenStream, body: syn::ItemImpl) -> Result<Node> {
// Extract the generic type arguments.
let params = body.generics.params.clone();
// Extract the node type for which we want to generate properties.
let self_ty = (*body.self_ty).clone();
let self_path = match &self_ty {
syn::Type::Path(path) => path,
ty => bail!(ty, "must be a path type"),
// Split up the type into its name and its generic type arguments.
let last = self_path.path.segments.last().unwrap();
let self_name = last.ident.to_string();
let self_args = match &last.arguments {
syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(args) => args.args.clone(),
_ => Punctuated::new(),
// Parse the capabilities.
let capabilities: Vec<_> = Punctuated::<Ident, Token![,]>::parse_terminated
let mut properties = vec![];
let mut construct = None;
let mut set = None;
let mut field = None;
// Parse the properties and methods.
for item in &body.items {
match item {
syn::ImplItem::Const(item) => {
syn::ImplItem::Method(method) => {
match method.sig.ident.to_string().as_str() {
"construct" => construct = Some(method.clone()),
"set" => set = Some(method.clone()),
"field" => field = Some(method.clone()),
_ => bail!(method, "unexpected method"),
_ => bail!(item, "unexpected item"),
Ok(Node {
/// Preprocess and validate a property constant.
fn prepare_property(item: &syn::ImplItemConst) -> Result<Property> {
let mut attrs = item.attrs.clone();
let tokens = match attrs
.position(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("property"))
.map(|i| attrs.remove(i))
Some(attr) => attr.parse_args::<TokenStream>()?,
None => TokenStream::default(),
let mut skip = false;
let mut shorthand = None;
let mut referenced = false;
let mut resolve = false;
let mut fold = false;
// Parse the `#[property(..)]` attribute.
let mut stream = tokens.into_iter().peekable();
while let Some(token) = {
let ident = match token {
TokenTree::Ident(ident) => ident,
TokenTree::Punct(_) => continue,
_ => bail!(token, "invalid token"),
let mut arg = None;
if let Some(TokenTree::Group(group)) = stream.peek() {
let span = group.span();
let string = group.to_string();
let ident = string.trim_start_matches('(').trim_end_matches(')');
if !ident.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) {
bail!(group, "invalid arguments");
arg = Some(Ident::new(ident, span));;
match ident.to_string().as_str() {
"skip" => skip = true,
"shorthand" => {
shorthand = Some(match arg {
Some(name) => Shorthand::Named(name),
None => Shorthand::Positional,
"referenced" => referenced = true,
"resolve" => resolve = true,
"fold" => fold = true,
_ => bail!(ident, "invalid attribute"),
if skip && shorthand.is_some() {
bail!(item.ident, "skip and shorthand are mutually exclusive");
if referenced && (fold || resolve) {
bail!(item.ident, "referenced is mutually exclusive with fold and resolve");
// The type of the property's value is what the user of our macro wrote as
// type of the const, but the real type of the const will be a unique `Key`
// type.
let value_ty = item.ty.clone();
let output_ty = if referenced {
parse_quote! { &'a #value_ty }
} else if fold && resolve {
parse_quote! {
<<#value_ty as ::typst::model::Resolve>::Output
as ::typst::model::Fold>::Output
} else if fold {
parse_quote! { <#value_ty as ::typst::model::Fold>::Output }
} else if resolve {
parse_quote! { <#value_ty as ::typst::model::Resolve>::Output }
} else {
Ok(Property {
vis: item.vis.clone(),
name: item.ident.clone(),
default: item.expr.clone(),
/// Produce the necessary items for a type to become a node.
fn create(node: &Node) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let params = &node.params;
let self_ty = &node.self_ty;
let id_method = create_node_id_method();
let name_method = create_node_name_method(node);
let construct_func = create_node_construct_func(node);
let set_func = create_node_set_func(node);
let field_method = create_node_field_method(node);
let vtable_method = create_node_vtable_method(node);
let node_impl = quote! {
impl<#params> ::typst::model::Node for #self_ty {
let mut modules: Vec<syn::ItemMod> = vec![];
let mut items: Vec<syn::ImplItem> = vec![];
for property in & {
let (key, module) = create_property_module(node, &property);
let name = &;
let attrs = &property.attrs;
let vis = &property.vis;
items.push(parse_quote! {
#vis const #name: #name::#key = #name::Key(::std::marker::PhantomData);
let mut body = node.body.clone();
body.items = items;
Ok(quote! {
/// Create the node's id method.
fn create_node_id_method() -> syn::ImplItemMethod {
parse_quote! {
fn id(&self) -> ::typst::model::NodeId {
/// Create the node's name method.
fn create_node_name_method(node: &Node) -> syn::ImplItemMethod {
let name = node.self_name.trim_end_matches("Node").to_lowercase();
parse_quote! {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
/// Create the node's `construct` function.
fn create_node_construct_func(node: &Node) -> syn::ImplItemMethod {
node.construct.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| {
parse_quote! {
fn construct(
_: &mut ::typst::model::Vm,
_: &mut ::typst::model::Args,
) -> ::typst::diag::SourceResult<::typst::model::Content> {
/// Create the node's `set` function.
fn create_node_set_func(node: &Node) -> syn::ImplItemMethod {
let user = node.set.as_ref().map(|method| {
let block = &method.block;
quote! { (|| -> typst::diag::SourceResult<()> { #block; Ok(()) } )()?; }
let mut shorthands = vec![];
let sets: Vec<_> = node
.filter(|p| !p.skip)
.map(|property| {
let name = &;
let string = name.to_string().replace('_', "-").to_lowercase();
let value = match &property.shorthand {
Some(Shorthand::Positional) => quote! { args.named_or_find(#string)? },
Some(Shorthand::Named(named)) => {
quote! { args.named(#string)?.or_else(|| #named.clone()) }
None => quote! { args.named(#string)? },
quote! { styles.set_opt(Self::#name, #value); }
shorthands.dedup_by_key(|ident| ident.to_string());
let bindings = shorthands.into_iter().map(|ident| {
let string = ident.to_string();
quote! { let #ident = args.named(#string)?; }
parse_quote! {
fn set(
args: &mut ::typst::model::Args,
constructor: bool,
) -> ::typst::diag::SourceResult<::typst::model::StyleMap> {
let mut styles = ::typst::model::StyleMap::new();
/// Create the node's `field` method.
fn create_node_field_method(node: &Node) -> syn::ImplItemMethod {
node.field.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| {
parse_quote! {
fn field(
_: &str,
) -> ::std::option::Option<::typst::model::Value> {
/// Create the node's capability accessor method.
fn create_node_vtable_method(node: &Node) -> syn::ImplItemMethod {
let checks = node.capabilities.iter().map(|capability| {
quote! {
if id == ::std::any::TypeId::of::<dyn #capability>() {
return Some(unsafe {
::typst::util::fat::vtable(self as &dyn #capability)
parse_quote! {
fn vtable(&self, id: ::std::any::TypeId) -> ::std::option::Option<*const ()> {
/// Process a single const item.
fn create_property_module(node: &Node, property: &Property) -> (syn::Type, syn::ItemMod) {
let params = &node.params;
let self_args = &node.self_args;
let name = &;
let value_ty = &property.value_ty;
let output_ty = &property.output_ty;
let key = parse_quote! { Key<#value_ty, #self_args> };
let phantom_args = self_args.iter().filter(|arg| match arg {
syn::GenericArgument::Type(syn::Type::Path(path)) => {
node.params.iter().all(|param| match param {
syn::GenericParam::Const(c) => !path.path.is_ident(&c.ident),
_ => true,
_ => true,
let name_const = create_property_name_const(node, property);
let node_func = create_property_node_func(node);
let get_method = create_property_get_method(property);
let copy_assertion = create_property_copy_assertion(property);
// Generate the contents of the module.
let scope = quote! {
use super::*;
pub struct Key<__T, #params>(
pub ::std::marker::PhantomData<(__T, #(#phantom_args,)*)>
impl<#params> ::std::marker::Copy for #key {}
impl<#params> ::std::clone::Clone for #key {
fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }
impl<'a, #params> ::typst::model::Key<'a> for #key {
type Value = #value_ty;
type Output = #output_ty;
// Generate the module code.
let module = parse_quote! {
mod #name { #scope }
(key, module)
/// Create the property's node method.
fn create_property_name_const(node: &Node, property: &Property) -> syn::ImplItemConst {
// The display name, e.g. `TextNode::BOLD`.
let name = format!("{}::{}", node.self_name, &;
parse_quote! {
const NAME: &'static str = #name;
/// Create the property's node method.
fn create_property_node_func(node: &Node) -> syn::ImplItemMethod {
let self_ty = &node.self_ty;
parse_quote! {
fn node() -> ::typst::model::NodeId {
/// Create the property's get method.
fn create_property_get_method(property: &Property) -> syn::ImplItemMethod {
let default = &property.default;
let value_ty = &property.value_ty;
let value = if property.referenced {
quote! {|| {
static LAZY: ::typst::model::once_cell::sync::Lazy<#value_ty>
= ::typst::model::once_cell::sync::Lazy::new(|| #default);
} else if property.resolve && property.fold {
quote! {
match {
Some(value) => ::typst::model::Fold::fold(
::typst::model::Resolve::resolve(value, chain),
Self::get(chain, values),
None => #default,
} else if property.resolve {
quote! {
let value =|| #default);
::typst::model::Resolve::resolve(value, chain)
} else if property.fold {
quote! {
match {
Some(value) => ::typst::model::Fold::fold(value, Self::get(chain, values)),
None => #default,
} else {
quote! {
parse_quote! {
fn get(
chain: ::typst::model::StyleChain<'a>,
mut values: impl ::std::iter::Iterator<Item = &'a Self::Value>,
) -> Self::Output {
/// Create the assertion if the property's value must be copyable.
fn create_property_copy_assertion(property: &Property) -> Option<TokenStream> {
let value_ty = &property.value_ty;
let must_be_copy = !property.fold && !property.resolve && !property.referenced;
must_be_copy.then(|| {
quote_spanned! { value_ty.span() =>
const _: fn() -> () = || {
fn must_be_copy_fold_resolve_or_referenced<T: ::std::marker::Copy>() {}

View File

@ -281,6 +281,12 @@ pub trait Node: 'static {
Content(Arc::new(self), vec![], None)
/// A unique identifier of the node type.
fn id(&self) -> NodeId;
/// The node's name.
fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
/// Construct a node from the arguments.
/// This is passed only the arguments that remain after execution of the
@ -300,12 +306,6 @@ pub trait Node: 'static {
/// Access a field on this node.
fn field(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Value>;
/// A unique identifier of the node type.
fn id(&self) -> NodeId;
/// The node's name.
fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
/// Extract the pointer of the vtable of the trait object with the
/// given type `id` if this node implements that trait.
fn vtable(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()>;

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ mod ops;
mod scope;
mod vm;
pub use once_cell;
pub use typst_macros::{capability, node};
pub use self::args::*;