Simplify the parsing model 🔋

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2019-05-01 19:47:43 +02:00
parent 27947e212c
commit 37c336063b
3 changed files with 201 additions and 184 deletions

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@ -5,12 +5,9 @@ use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use crate::syntax::{FuncHeader, Expression};
use crate::parsing::{BodyTokens, ParseResult};
use crate::parsing::{FuncContext, ParseResult};
/// A function which transforms a parsing context into a boxed function.
type ParseFunc = dyn Fn(ParseContext) -> ParseResult<Box<dyn Function>>;
/// Types that act as functions.
/// These types have to be able to parse tokens into themselves and store the
@ -20,17 +17,52 @@ type ParseFunc = dyn Fn(ParseContext) -> ParseResult<Box<dyn Function>>;
/// used as functions, that is they fulfill the bounds `Debug + PartialEq + 'static`.
pub trait Function: FunctionBounds {
/// Parse the tokens of the context with the given header and scope into self.
fn parse(context: ParseContext) -> ParseResult<Self> where Self: Sized;
fn parse(context: FuncContext) -> ParseResult<Self> where Self: Sized;
/// Execute the function and optionally yield a return value.
fn typeset(&self, header: &FuncHeader) -> Option<Expression>;
impl PartialEq for dyn Function {
fn eq(&self, other: &dyn Function) -> bool {
/// A helper trait that describes requirements for types that can implement [`Function`].
/// Automatically implemented for all types which fulfill to the bounds
/// `Debug + PartialEq + 'static`. There should be no need to implement this manually.
pub trait FunctionBounds: Debug {
/// Cast self into `Any`.
fn help_cast_as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
/// Compare self with another function.
fn help_eq(&self, other: &dyn Function) -> bool;
impl<T> FunctionBounds for T where T: Debug + PartialEq + 'static {
fn help_cast_as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn help_eq(&self, other: &dyn Function) -> bool {
if let Some(other) = other.help_cast_as_any().downcast_ref::<Self>() {
self == other
} else {
/// A map from identifiers to functions.
pub struct Scope {
parsers: HashMap<String, Box<ParseFunc>>,
/// A function which transforms a parsing context into a boxed function.
type ParseFunc = dyn Fn(FuncContext) -> ParseResult<Box<dyn Function>>;
impl Scope {
/// Create a new empty scope.
pub fn new() -> Scope {
@ -59,46 +91,3 @@ impl Debug for Scope {
write!(f, "{:?}", self.parsers.keys())
/// The context for parsing a function.
pub struct ParseContext<'s, 't> {
/// The header of the function to be parsed.
pub header: &'s FuncHeader,
/// Tokens if the function has a body, otherwise nothing.
pub tokens: Option<&'s mut BodyTokens<'t>>,
/// The current scope containing function definitions.
pub scope: &'s Scope,
/// A helper trait that describes requirements for types that can implement [`Function`].
/// Automatically implemented for all types which fulfill to the bounds
/// `Debug + PartialEq + 'static`. There should be no need to implement this manually.
pub trait FunctionBounds: Debug {
/// Cast self into `Any`.
fn help_cast_as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
/// Compare self with another function.
fn help_eq(&self, other: &dyn Function) -> bool;
impl<T> FunctionBounds for T where T: Debug + PartialEq + 'static {
fn help_cast_as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn help_eq(&self, other: &dyn Function) -> bool {
if let Some(other) = other.help_cast_as_any().downcast_ref::<Self>() {
self == other
} else {
impl PartialEq for dyn Function {
fn eq(&self, other: &dyn Function) -> bool {

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ use crate::doc::Document;
use crate::engine::{Engine, Style, TypesetError};
use crate::func::Scope;
use crate::font::FontProvider;
use crate::parsing::{Parser, BodyTokens, ParseResult, ParseError};
use crate::parsing::{parse, ParseResult, ParseError};
use crate::syntax::SyntaxTree;
@ -99,8 +99,7 @@ impl<'p> Compiler<'p> {
pub fn parse(&self, src: &str) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree> {
let scope = Scope::new();
let mut tokens = BodyTokens::new(src);
Parser::new(&mut tokens, &scope).parse()
parse(src, &scope)
/// Compile a portable typesetted document from source code.

View File

@ -1,23 +1,29 @@
//! Tokenization and parsing of source code into syntax trees.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::iter::Peekable;
use std::mem::swap;
use std::str::CharIndices;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use unicode_xid::UnicodeXID;
use crate::syntax::*;
use crate::func::{ParseContext, Scope};
use crate::func::Scope;
/// Builds an iterator over the tokens of the source code.
pub fn tokenize(src: &str) -> Tokens {
/// An iterator over the tokens of source code.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Tokens<'s> {
source: &'s str,
src: &'s str,
chars: PeekableChars<'s>,
state: TokensState,
stack: Vec<TokensState>,
stack: SmallVec<[TokensState; 1]>,
/// The state the tokenizer is in.
@ -33,14 +39,13 @@ enum TokensState {
impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
/// Create a new token stream from text.
pub fn new(source: &'s str) -> Tokens<'s> {
/// Create a new token stream from source code.
fn new(src: &'s str) -> Tokens<'s> {
Tokens {
chars: PeekableChars::new(source),
chars: PeekableChars::new(src),
state: TokensState::Body,
stack: vec![],
stack: SmallVec::new(),
@ -68,7 +73,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
/// Returns a word containing the string bounded by the given indices.
fn text(&self, start: usize, end: usize) -> Token<'s> {
Token::Text(&self.source[start .. end])
Token::Text(&self.src[start .. end])
@ -102,6 +107,8 @@ impl<'s> Iterator for Tokens<'s> {
']' => {
if self.state == TS::Function {
self.state = TS::MaybeBody;
} else {
@ -197,6 +204,8 @@ fn is_newline_char(character: char) -> bool {
/// A index + char iterator with double lookahead.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct PeekableChars<'s> {
offset: usize,
string: &'s str,
chars: CharIndices<'s>,
peek1: Option<Option<(usize, char)>>,
peek2: Option<Option<(usize, char)>>,
@ -206,6 +215,8 @@ impl<'s> PeekableChars<'s> {
/// Create a new iterator from a string.
fn new(string: &'s str) -> PeekableChars<'s> {
PeekableChars {
offset: 0,
chars: string.char_indices(),
peek1: None,
peek2: None,
@ -214,8 +225,14 @@ impl<'s> PeekableChars<'s> {
/// Peek at the next element.
fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, char)> {
let iter = &mut self.chars;
match self.peek1 {
Some(peeked) => peeked,
None => {
let next = self.next_inner();
self.peek1 = Some(next);
/// Peek at the element after the next element.
@ -224,12 +241,30 @@ impl<'s> PeekableChars<'s> {
Some(peeked) => peeked,
None => {
let next =;
let next = self.next_inner();
self.peek2 = Some(next);
/// Return the next value of the inner iterator mapped with the offset.
fn next_inner(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, char)> {|(i, c)| (i + self.offset, c))
/// The index of the first character of the next token in the source string.
fn current_index(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
self.peek().map(|p| p.0)
/// Go to a new position in the underlying string.
fn goto(&mut self, index: usize) {
self.offset = index;
self.chars = self.string[index..].char_indices();
self.peek1 = None;
self.peek2 = None;
impl Iterator for PeekableChars<'_> {
@ -241,14 +276,21 @@ impl Iterator for PeekableChars<'_> {
self.peek1 = self.peek2.take();
None =>,
None => self.next_inner(),
/// Parses source code into a syntax tree using function definitions from a scope.
pub fn parse(src: &str, scope: &Scope) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree> {
Parser::new(src, scope).parse()
/// Transforms token streams to syntax trees.
pub struct Parser<'s, 't> {
tokens: &'s mut BodyTokens<'t>,
struct Parser<'s> {
src: &'s str,
tokens: PeekableTokens<'s>,
scope: &'s Scope,
state: ParserState,
tree: SyntaxTree,
@ -265,12 +307,12 @@ enum ParserState {
impl<'s, 't> Parser<'s, 't> {
impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// Create a new parser from a stream of tokens and a scope of functions.
pub fn new(tokens: &'s mut BodyTokens<'t>, scope: &'s Scope) -> Parser<'s, 't> {
fn new(src: &'s str, scope: &'s Scope) -> Parser<'s> {
Parser {
tokens: PeekableTokens::new(tokenize(src)),
state: ParserState::Body,
tree: SyntaxTree::new(),
@ -278,13 +320,13 @@ impl<'s, 't> Parser<'s, 't> {
/// Parse the source into an abstract syntax tree.
pub fn parse(mut self) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree> {
fn parse(mut self) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree> {
use ParserState as PS;
while let Some(&token) = self.tokens.peek() {
while let Some(token) = self.tokens.peek() {
// Skip over comments.
if token == Token::Hashtag {
self.skip_while(|&t| t != Token::Newline);
self.skip_while(|t| t != Token::Newline);
@ -341,7 +383,7 @@ impl<'s, 't> Parser<'s, 't> {
/// Parse a function from the current position.
fn parse_function(&mut self) -> ParseResult<()> {
// This should only be called if a left bracket was seen.
debug_assert!( == Some(Token::LeftBracket));
assert!( == Some(Token::LeftBracket));
// The next token should be the name of the function.
let name = match {
@ -368,7 +410,7 @@ impl<'s, 't> Parser<'s, 't> {
// Whether the function has a body.
let has_body = self.tokens.peek() == Some(&Token::LeftBracket);
let has_body = self.tokens.peek() == Some(Token::LeftBracket);
if has_body {
@ -379,26 +421,31 @@ impl<'s, 't> Parser<'s, 't> {
// Do the parsing dependent on whether the function has a body.
let body = if has_body {
// Find out the string which makes the body of this function.
let (start, end) = self.tokens.current_index().and_then(|index| {
.map(|end| (index, index + end))
}).ok_or_else(|| ParseError::new("expected closing bracket"))?;
let body = parser(ParseContext {
// Parse the body.
let body_string = &self.src[start .. end];
let body = parser(FuncContext {
header: &header,
tokens: Some(&mut self.tokens),
body: Some(body_string),
scope: &self.scope,
// Skip to the end of the function in the token stream.
// Now the body should be closed.
if != Some(Token::RightBracket) {
return Err(ParseError::new("expected closing bracket"));
assert!( == Some(Token::RightBracket));
} else {
parser(ParseContext {
parser(FuncContext {
header: &header,
tokens: None,
body: None,
scope: &self.scope,
@ -447,7 +494,7 @@ impl<'s, 't> Parser<'s, 't> {
/// Skip tokens until the condition is met.
fn skip_while<F>(&mut self, f: F) where F: Fn(&Token) -> bool {
fn skip_while<F>(&mut self, f: F) where F: Fn(Token) -> bool {
while let Some(token) = self.tokens.peek() {
if !f(token) {
@ -457,6 +504,77 @@ impl<'s, 't> Parser<'s, 't> {
/// Find the index of the first unbalanced closing bracket.
fn find_closing_bracket(src: &str) -> Option<usize> {
let mut parens = 0;
for (index, c) in src.char_indices() {
match c {
']' if parens == 0 => return Some(index),
'[' => parens += 1,
']' => parens -= 1,
_ => {},
/// A peekable iterator for tokens which allows access to the original iterator
/// inside this module (which is needed by the parser).
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct PeekableTokens<'s> {
tokens: Tokens<'s>,
peeked: Option<Option<Token<'s>>>,
impl<'s> PeekableTokens<'s> {
/// Create a new iterator from a string.
fn new(tokens: Tokens<'s>) -> PeekableTokens<'s> {
PeekableTokens {
peeked: None,
/// Peek at the next element.
fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<Token<'s>> {
let iter = &mut self.tokens;
/// The index of the first character of the next token in the source string.
fn current_index(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
/// Go to a new position in the underlying string.
fn goto(&mut self, index: usize) {
self.peeked = None;
impl<'s> Iterator for PeekableTokens<'s> {
type Item = Token<'s>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Token<'s>> {
match self.peeked.take() {
Some(value) => value,
None =>,
/// The context for parsing a function.
pub struct FuncContext<'s> {
/// The header of the function to be parsed.
pub header: &'s FuncHeader,
/// The body source if the function has a body, otherwise nothing.
pub body: Option<&'s str>,
/// The current scope containing function definitions.
pub scope: &'s Scope,
/// Whether this word is a valid unicode identifier.
fn is_identifier(string: &str) -> bool {
let mut chars = string.chars();
@ -476,92 +594,6 @@ fn is_identifier(string: &str) -> bool {
/// A token iterator that iterates over exactly one body.
/// This iterator wraps [`Tokens`] and yields exactly the tokens of one
/// function body or the complete top-level body and stops then.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BodyTokens<'s> {
tokens: Peekable<Tokens<'s>>,
parens: Vec<u32>,
blocked: bool,
impl<'s> BodyTokens<'s> {
/// Create a new iterator over text.
pub fn new(source: &'s str) -> BodyTokens<'s> {
/// Create a new iterator operating over an existing one.
pub fn from_tokens(tokens: Tokens<'s>) -> BodyTokens<'s> {
BodyTokens {
tokens: tokens.peekable(),
parens: vec![],
blocked: false,
/// Peek at the next token.
pub fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<&Token<'s>> {
if self.blocked {
return None;
let token = self.tokens.peek();
if token == Some(&Token::RightBracket) && self.parens.last() == Some(&0) {
return None;
/// Start a new substream of tokens.
fn start(&mut self) {
/// Finish a substream of tokens.
fn finish(&mut self) {
self.blocked = false;
impl<'s> Iterator for BodyTokens<'s> {
type Item = Token<'s>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Token<'s>> {
if self.blocked {
return None;
let token = self.tokens.peek();
match token {
Some(Token::RightBracket) => {
match self.parens.last_mut() {
Some(&mut 0) => {
self.blocked = true;
return None
Some(top) => *top -= 1,
None => {}
Some(Token::LeftBracket) => {
if let Some(top) = self.parens.last_mut() {
*top += 1;
_ => {}
/// The error type for parsing.
pub struct ParseError(String);
@ -666,6 +698,9 @@ mod token_tests {
test("[[n: k=v]:x][:[=]]:=",
vec![L, L, T("n"), C, S, T("k"), E, T("v"), R, C, T("x"), R,
L, T(":"), L, E, R, R, T(":=")]);
test("[hi: k=[func][body] v=1][hello]",
vec![L, T("hi"), C, S, T("k"), E, L, T("func"), R, L, T("body"), R, S,
T("v"), E, T("1"), R, L, T("hello"), R]);
test("[func: __key__=value]",
vec![L, T("func"), C, S, T("__key__"), E, T("value"), R]);
@ -707,9 +742,9 @@ mod parse_tests {
pub struct TreeFn(pub SyntaxTree);
impl Function for TreeFn {
fn parse(context: ParseContext) -> ParseResult<Self> where Self: Sized {
if let Some(tokens) = context.tokens {
Parser::new(tokens, context.scope).parse().map(|tree| TreeFn(tree))
fn parse(context: FuncContext) -> ParseResult<Self> where Self: Sized {
if let Some(src) = context.body {
parse(src, context.scope).map(|tree| TreeFn(tree))
} else {
Err(ParseError::new("expected body for tree fn"))
@ -722,8 +757,8 @@ mod parse_tests {
pub struct BodylessFn;
impl Function for BodylessFn {
fn parse(context: ParseContext) -> ParseResult<Self> where Self: Sized {
if context.tokens.is_none() {
fn parse(context: FuncContext) -> ParseResult<Self> where Self: Sized {
if context.body.is_none() {
} else {
Err(ParseError::new("unexpected body for bodyless fn"))
@ -753,12 +788,6 @@ mod parse_tests {
assert_eq!(parse(src, &scope).unwrap_err().to_string(), err);
/// Parse the source code with the given scope.
fn parse(src: &str, scope: &Scope) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree> {
let mut tokens = BodyTokens::new(src);
Parser::new(&mut tokens, scope).parse()
/// Create a text node.
fn T(s: &str) -> Node { Node::Text(s.to_owned()) }