Sub- and superscripts
Fixes to PDF export I guess Also improved rendition for non-Latin scripts
@ -521,17 +521,18 @@ impl<'a> PageExporter<'a> {
fn write_text(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32, text: &Text) {
*self.languages.entry(text.lang).or_insert(0) += text.glyphs.len();
self.set_font(text.face_id, text.size);
let face = self.fonts.get(text.face_id);
self.set_font(text.face_id, text.size);
// Position the text.
self.content.set_text_matrix([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, x, y]);
@ -568,11 +569,6 @@ impl<'a> PageExporter<'a> {
.and_modify(|x| *x += text.glyphs.len())
.or_insert_with(|| text.glyphs.len());
@ -583,6 +579,14 @@ impl<'a> PageExporter<'a> {
if let Some(fill) = shape.fill {
if let Some(stroke) = shape.stroke {
match shape.geometry {
Geometry::Rect(size) => {
let w = size.x.to_f32();
@ -606,14 +610,6 @@ impl<'a> PageExporter<'a> {
if let Some(fill) = shape.fill {
if let Some(stroke) = shape.stroke {
match (shape.fill, shape.stroke) {
(None, None) => unreachable!(),
(Some(_), None) => self.content.fill_nonzero(),
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ pub fn new() -> Scope {
std.def_fn("lower", text::lower);
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ mod quotes;
mod raw;
mod repeat;
mod shaping;
mod shift;
pub use deco::*;
pub use lang::*;
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ pub use quotes::*;
pub use raw::*;
pub use repeat::*;
pub use shaping::*;
pub use shift::*;
use std::borrow::Cow;
@ -60,6 +62,9 @@ impl TextNode {
/// The width of spaces relative to the default space width.
pub const SPACING: Relative<RawLength> = Relative::one();
/// The offset of the baseline.
pub const BASELINE: RawLength = RawLength::zero();
/// Whether glyphs can hang over into the margin.
pub const OVERHANG: bool = true;
/// The top end of the text bounding box.
@ -98,8 +103,6 @@ impl TextNode {
pub const NUMBER_TYPE: Smart<NumberType> = Smart::Auto;
/// The width of numbers / figures.
pub const NUMBER_WIDTH: Smart<NumberWidth> = Smart::Auto;
/// How to position numbers.
pub const NUMBER_POSITION: NumberPosition = NumberPosition::Normal;
/// Whether to have a slash through the zero glyph. ("zero")
pub const SLASHED_ZERO: bool = false;
/// Whether to convert fractions. ("frac")
@ -551,7 +551,16 @@ fn prepare<'a>(
} else {
let size = Size::new(regions.first.x, regions.base.y);
let pod = Regions::one(size, regions.base, Spec::splat(false));
let frame = node.layout(ctx, &pod, styles)?.remove(0);
let mut frame = node.layout(ctx, &pod, styles)?.remove(0);
let shift = styles.get(TextNode::BASELINE);
if !shift.is_zero() {
Arc::make_mut(&mut frame).baseline = Some(
- styles.get(TextNode::BASELINE),
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ pub struct ShapedGlyph {
pub x_advance: Em,
/// The horizontal offset of the glyph.
pub x_offset: Em,
/// The vertical offset of the glyph.
pub y_offset: Em,
/// A value that is the same for all glyphs belong to one cluster.
pub cluster: usize,
/// Whether splitting the shaping result before this glyph would yield the
@ -84,8 +86,10 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
let mut frame = Frame::new(size);
frame.baseline = Some(top);
for (face_id, group) in self.glyphs.as_ref().group_by_key(|g| g.face_id) {
let pos = Point::new(offset, top);
for ((face_id, y_offset), group) in
self.glyphs.as_ref().group_by_key(|g| (g.face_id, g.y_offset))
let pos = Point::new(offset, top +;
let fill = self.styles.get(TextNode::FILL);
let glyphs = group
@ -212,11 +216,14 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
let x_advance = face.to_em(ttf.glyph_hor_advance(glyph_id)?);
let cluster = self.glyphs.last().map(|g| g.cluster).unwrap_or_default();
self.width +=;
let baseline_shift = self.styles.get(TextNode::BASELINE);
self.glyphs.to_mut().push(ShapedGlyph {
glyph_id: glyph_id.0,
x_offset: Em::zero(),
y_offset: Em::from_length(baseline_shift, self.size),
safe_to_break: true,
c: '-',
@ -401,13 +408,17 @@ fn shape_segment<'a>(
let cluster = info.cluster as usize;
if info.glyph_id != 0 {
let baseline_shift = ctx.styles.get(TextNode::BASELINE);
// Add the glyph to the shaped output.
// TODO: Don't ignore y_advance and y_offset.
// TODO: Don't ignore y_advance.
ctx.glyphs.push(ShapedGlyph {
glyph_id: info.glyph_id as u16,
x_advance: face.to_em(pos[i].x_advance),
x_offset: face.to_em(pos[i].x_offset),
y_offset: face.to_em(pos[i].y_offset)
+ Em::from_length(baseline_shift, ctx.size),
cluster: base + cluster,
safe_to_break: !info.unsafe_to_break(),
c: text[cluster ..].chars().next().unwrap(),
@ -478,6 +489,7 @@ fn shape_tofus(ctx: &mut ShapingContext, base: usize, text: &str, face_id: FaceI
glyph_id: 0,
x_offset: Em::zero(),
y_offset: Em::from_length(ctx.styles.get(TextNode::BASELINE), ctx.size),
cluster: base + cluster,
safe_to_break: true,
@ -602,12 +614,6 @@ fn tags(styles: StyleChain) -> Vec<Feature> {
Smart::Custom(NumberWidth::Tabular) => feat(b"tnum", 1),
match styles.get(TextNode::NUMBER_POSITION) {
NumberPosition::Normal => {}
NumberPosition::Subscript => feat(b"subs", 1),
NumberPosition::Superscript => feat(b"sups", 1),
if styles.get(TextNode::SLASHED_ZERO) {
feat(b"zero", 1);
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
use super::{variant, TextNode, TextSize};
use crate::font::FontStore;
use crate::library::prelude::*;
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// Sub or superscript text. The text is rendered smaller and its baseline is raised.
/// To provide the best typography possible, we first try to transform the
/// text to superscript codepoints. If that fails, we fall back to rendering
/// shrunk normal letters in a raised way.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ShiftNode<const S: ScriptKind>(pub Content);
/// Shift the text into superscript.
pub type SuperNode = ShiftNode<SUPERSCRIPT>;
/// Shift the text into subscript.
pub type SubNode = ShiftNode<SUBSCRIPT>;
impl<const S: ScriptKind> ShiftNode<S> {
/// Whether to prefer the dedicated sub- and superscript characters of the font.
pub const TYPOGRAPHIC: bool = true;
/// The baseline shift for synthetic sub- and superscripts.
pub const BASELINE: RawLength =
Em::new(if S == SUPERSCRIPT { -0.5 } else { 0.2 }).into();
/// The font size for synthetic sub- and superscripts.
pub const SIZE: TextSize = TextSize(Em::new(0.6).into());
fn construct(_: &mut Machine, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Content> {
impl<const S: ScriptKind> Show for ShiftNode<S> {
fn unguard(&self, sel: Selector) -> ShowNode {
fn encode(&self, _: StyleChain) -> Dict {
dict! { "body" => Value::Content(self.0.clone()) }
fn realize(&self, ctx: &mut Context, styles: StyleChain) -> TypResult<Content> {
let mut transformed = None;
if styles.get(ShiftNode::<S>::TYPOGRAPHIC) {
if let Some(text) = search_text(&self.0, S) {
if check_str_in_family(&mut ctx.fonts, &text, styles) {
transformed = Some(Content::Text(text));
Ok(transformed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut map = StyleMap::new();
map.set(TextNode::BASELINE, styles.get(ShiftNode::<S>::BASELINE));
map.set(TextNode::SIZE, styles.get(ShiftNode::<S>::SIZE));
/// Find and transform the text contained in `content` iff it only consists of
/// `Text`, `Space`, and `Empty` leaf nodes. The text is transformed to the
/// given script kind.
fn search_text(content: &Content, mode: ScriptKind) -> Option<EcoString> {
match content {
Content::Text(_) => {
if let Content::Text(t) = content {
if let Some(sup) = convert_script(t, mode) {
return Some(sup);
Content::Space => Some(EcoString::from(" ")),
Content::Empty => Some(EcoString::new()),
Content::Styled(arc) => search_text(&arc.0, mode),
Content::Sequence(seq) => {
let mut full = EcoString::new();
for item in seq.iter() {
match search_text(item, mode) {
Some(text) => full.push_str(&text),
None => return None,
_ => None,
/// Checks whether the first retrievable family contains all code points of the
/// given string.
fn check_str_in_family(fonts: &mut FontStore, text: &str, styles: StyleChain) -> bool {
for family in styles.get(TextNode::FAMILY).iter() {
if let Some(face_id) =, variant(styles)) {
let face = fonts.get(face_id);
let ttf = face.ttf();
return text.chars().all(|c| ttf.glyph_index(c).is_some());
/// Convert a string to sub- or superscript codepoints if all characters
/// can be mapped to such a codepoint.
fn convert_script(text: &str, mode: ScriptKind) -> Option<EcoString> {
let mut result = EcoString::with_capacity(text.len());
let converter = match mode {
SUPERSCRIPT => to_superscript_codepoint,
SUBSCRIPT => to_subscript_codepoint,
_ => panic!("unknown script kind"),
for c in text.chars() {
match converter(c) {
Some(c) => result.push(c),
None => return None,
/// Convert a character to its corresponding Unicode superscript.
fn to_superscript_codepoint(c: char) -> Option<char> {
char::from_u32(match c {
'0' => 0x2070,
'1' => 0x00B9,
'2' => 0x00B2,
'3' => 0x00B3,
'4' ..= '9' => 0x2070 + (c as u32 + 4 - '4' as u32),
'+' => 0x207A,
'-' => 0x207B,
'=' => 0x207C,
'(' => 0x207D,
')' => 0x207E,
'n' => 0x207F,
'i' => 0x2071,
' ' => 0x0020,
_ => return None,
/// Convert a character to its corresponding Unicode subscript.
fn to_subscript_codepoint(c: char) -> Option<char> {
char::from_u32(match c {
'0' => 0x2080,
'1' ..= '9' => 0x2080 + (c as u32 - '0' as u32),
'+' => 0x208A,
'-' => 0x208B,
'=' => 0x208C,
'(' => 0x208D,
')' => 0x208E,
'a' => 0x2090,
'e' => 0x2091,
'o' => 0x2092,
'x' => 0x2093,
'h' => 0x2095,
'k' => 0x2096,
'l' => 0x2097,
'm' => 0x2098,
'n' => 0x2099,
'p' => 0x209A,
's' => 0x209B,
't' => 0x209C,
' ' => 0x0020,
_ => return None,
/// A category of script.
pub type ScriptKind = usize;
/// Text that is rendered smaller and raised, also known as superior.
const SUPERSCRIPT: ScriptKind = 0;
/// Text that is rendered smaller and lowered, also known as inferior.
const SUBSCRIPT: ScriptKind = 1;
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 120 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 104 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 45 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 46 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB |
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
// Test text baseline.
Hi #text(1.5em)[You], #text(0.75em)[how are you?]
// Test text baseline.
Hi #text(1.5em)[You], #text(0.75em)[how are you?]
Our cockatoo was one of the
#text(baseline: -0.2em)[#circle(radius: 2pt) first]
#text(baseline: 0.2em)[birds #circle(radius: 2pt)]
that ever learned to mimic a human voice.
@ -34,13 +34,6 @@ fi vs. #text(ligatures: false)[No fi]
#text(number-width: "tabular")[3456789123] \
#text(number-width: "tabular")[0123456789]
// Test number position.
#set text("IBM Plex Sans")
#text(number-position: "normal")[C2H4] \
#text(number-position: "subscript")[C2H4] \
#text(number-position: "superscript")[C2H4]
// Test extra number stuff.
#set text("IBM Plex Sans")
@ -65,10 +58,6 @@ fi vs. #text(features: (liga: 0))[No fi]
// Error: 24-25 expected string or auto, found integer
#set text(number-type: 2)
// Error: 24-35 expected "lining" or "old-style"
#set text(number-type: "different")
// Error: 21-26 expected array of strings or dictionary mapping tags to integers, found boolean
#set text(features: false)
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// Test sub- and superscipt shifts.
#table(columns: 3,
[Typo.], [Fallb.], [Synth],
[x#super[1]], [x#super[5n]], [x#super[2 #square(width: 6pt)]],
[x#sub[1]], [x#sub[5n]], [x#sub[2 #square(width: 6pt)]],
#set super(typographic: false, baseline: -0.25em, size: 0.7em)
n#super[1], n#sub[2], ... n#super[N]