Improve syntax testing framework ♻
... and finally expand a few escape sequences in strings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ use crate::{Pass, Feedback};
use crate::layout::{LayoutContext, Commands, Command};
use self::span::{Spanned, SpanVec};
mod test;
pub mod expr;
pub mod func;
pub mod span;
@ -16,9 +20,6 @@ pub_use_mod!(scope);
mod test;
/// Represents a parsed piece of source that can be layouted and in the future
/// also be queried for information used for refactorings, autocomplete, etc.
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
Token::ExprNumber(n) => {; spanned(Expr::Number(n)) }
Token::ExprSize(s) => {; spanned(Expr::Size(s)) }
@ -363,130 +363,108 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
/// Unescape a string.
fn unescape(string: &str) -> String {
let mut s = String::with_capacity(string.len());
let mut escaped = false;
for c in string.chars() {
if c == '\\' {
if escaped {
escaped = !escaped;
} else {
if escaped {
match c {
'"' => s.push('"'),
'n' => s.push('\n'),
't' => s.push('\t'),
c => { s.push('\\'); s.push(c); }
} else {
escaped = false;
mod tests {
use crate::size::Size;
use super::super::test::{DebugFn, SpanlessEq};
use super::super::test::{DebugFn, check, zspan};
use super::*;
use Decoration::*;
use Node::{
Space as S, Newline as N,
ToggleItalic as Italic, ToggleBolder as Bold, ToggleMonospace as Mono,
use Decoration::*;
pub use Expr::{Number as Num, Bool};
pub fn Id(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Ident(Ident(text.to_string())) }
pub fn Str(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Str(text.to_string()) }
use Expr::{/*Number as Num,*/ Bool};
fn Id(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Ident(Ident(text.to_string())) }
fn Str(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Str(text.to_string()) }
fn T(text: &str) -> Node { Node::Text(text.to_string()) }
/// Test whether the given string parses into the given transform pass.
macro_rules! test {
($source:expr => [$($model:tt)*], $transform:expr) => {
let (exp, cmp) = spanned![vec $($model)*];
let mut scope = Scope::new::<DebugFn>();
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &scope };
let found = parse(Position::ZERO, $source, ctx);
let (exp, found) = $transform(exp, found);
check($source, exp, found, cmp);
/// Test whether the given string parses into the given node list.
macro_rules! p {
($s:expr => [$($b:tt)*]) => {
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &scope() };
let model = parse(Position::ZERO, $s, ctx).output;
let (expected, cmp) = model!([$($b)*]);
if !cmp(&model, &expected) {
fail($s, model, expected);
($($tts:tt)*) => {
test!($($tts)*, |exp, found: Pass<SyntaxModel>| (exp, found.output.nodes));
/// Test whether the given string yields the given parse errors.
macro_rules! e {
($s:expr => [$(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $e:expr)),* $(,)?]) => {
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &scope() };
let errors = parse(Position::ZERO, $s, ctx).feedback
.map(|s||e| e.message))
let expected = vec![
$(Spanned {
v: $e.to_string(),
span: Span {
start: Position { line: $sl, column: $sc },
end: Position { line: $el, column: $ec },
if errors != expected {
fail($s, errors, expected);
($($tts:tt)*) => {
test!($($tts)*, |exp: Vec<Spanned<&str>>, found: Pass<SyntaxModel>| (
exp.into_iter().map(|s||e| e.to_string())).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
|||||s||e| e.message))
/// Test whether the given string yields the given decorations.
macro_rules! d {
($s:expr => [$(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $d:expr)),* $(,)?]) => {
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &scope() };
let decos = parse(Position::ZERO, $s, ctx).feedback.decos;
let expected = vec![
$(Spanned {
v: $d,
span: Span {
start: Position { line: $sl, column: $sc },
end: Position { line: $el, column: $ec },
if decos != expected {
fail($s, decos, expected);
($($tts:tt)*) => {
test!($($tts)*, |exp, found: Pass<SyntaxModel>| (exp,;
fn scope() -> Scope {
let mut scope = Scope::new::<DebugFn>();
fn fail(src: &str, found: impl Debug, expected: impl Debug) {
eprintln!("source: {:?}", src);
eprintln!("found: {:#?}", found);
eprintln!("expected: {:#?}", expected);
panic!("test failed");
/// Parse a list of optionally spanned nodes into a syntax model.
macro_rules! model {
([$(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $n:expr)),* $(,)?]) => ((SyntaxModel {
nodes: vec![
$(Spanned { v: $n, span: Span {
start: Position { line: $sl, column: $sc },
end: Position { line: $el, column: $ec },
}, <SyntaxModel as PartialEq>::eq));
([$($e:tt)*]) => ((SyntaxModel {
nodes: vec![$($e)*].into_iter().map(zspan).collect::<Vec<_>>()
}, <SyntaxModel as SpanlessEq>::spanless_eq));
/// Build a `DebugFn` function model.
/// Write down a `DebugFn` function model compactly.
macro_rules! func {
$(,pos: [$($item:expr),* $(,)?])?
$(,key: [$($key:expr => $value:expr),* $(,)?])?;
$($b:tt)*) => ({
#![allow(unused_mut, unused_assignments)]
let mut pos = Tuple::new();
let mut key = Object::new();
$(pos = Tuple { items: vec![$(zspan($item)),*] };)?
$(key = Object {
let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
$(args.pos = Tuple { items: spanned![vec $($item),*].0 };)?
$(args.key = Object {
pairs: vec![$(Pair {
key: zspan(Ident($key.to_string())),
value: zspan($value),
@ -496,22 +474,32 @@ mod tests {
Node::Model(Box::new(DebugFn {
header: FuncHeader {
name: zspan(Ident($name.to_string())),
args: FuncArgs {
body: func!(@body $($b)*),
(@body Some([$($b:tt)*])) => (Some(model!([$($b)*]).0));
(@body Some([$($body:tt)*])) => ({
Some(SyntaxModel { nodes: spanned![vec $($body)*].0 })
(@body None) => (None);
/// Span an element with a zero span.
fn zspan<T>(v: T) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned { v, span: Span::ZERO }
fn unescape_strings() {
fn test(string: &str, expected: &str) {
assert_eq!(unescape(string), expected.to_string());
test(r#"hello world"#, "hello world");
test(r#"hello\nworld"#, "hello\nworld");
test(r#"a\"bc"#, "a\"bc");
test(r#"a\\"#, "a\\");
test(r#"a\\\nbc"#, "a\\\nbc");
test(r#"a\tbc"#, "a\tbc");
test("🌎", "🌎");
@ -1,8 +1,62 @@
use std::fmt::Debug;
use super::func::FuncHeader;
use super::expr::{Expr, Tuple, Object};
use super::span::{Span, Spanned};
use super::tokens::Token;
use super::*;
/// Check whether the expected and found results for the given source code
/// match by the comparison function, and print them out otherwise.
pub fn check<T>(src: &str, exp: T, found: T, spans: bool)
where T: Debug + PartialEq + SpanlessEq {
let cmp = if spans { PartialEq::eq } else { SpanlessEq::spanless_eq };
if !cmp(&exp, &found) {
println!("source: {:?}", src);
println!("expected: {:#?}", exp);
println!("found: {:#?}", found);
panic!("test failed");
/// Create a vector of optionally spanned expressions from a list description.
/// # Examples
/// When you want to add span information to the items, the format is as
/// follows.
/// ```
/// spanned![(0:0, 0:5, "hello"), (0:5, 0:3, "world")]
/// ```
/// The span information can simply be omitted to create a vector with items
/// that are spanned with dummy zero spans.
macro_rules! spanned {
(item ($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $v:expr)) => ({
use $crate::syntax::span::{Position, Span, Spanned};
Spanned {
span: Span::new(
Position::new($sl, $sc),
Position::new($el, $ec)
v: $v
(vec $(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $v:expr)),* $(,)?) => {
(vec![$(spanned![item ($sl:$sc, $el:$ec, $v)]),*], true)
(vec $($v:expr),* $(,)?) => {
(vec![$($crate::syntax::test::zspan($v)),*], false)
/// Span an element with a zero span.
pub fn zspan<T>(v: T) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned { v, span: Span::ZERO }
function! {
/// Most functions in the tests are parsed into the debug function for easy
/// inspection of arguments and body.
@ -30,26 +84,31 @@ pub trait SpanlessEq<Rhs=Self> {
fn spanless_eq(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool;
impl SpanlessEq for Vec<Spanned<Token<'_>>> {
fn spanless_eq(&self, other: &Vec<Spanned<Token>>) -> bool {
impl<T: SpanlessEq> SpanlessEq for Vec<Spanned<T>> {
fn spanless_eq(&self, other: &Vec<Spanned<T>>) -> bool {
self.len() == other.len()
&& self.iter().zip(other).all(|(x, y)| x.v == y.v)
&& self.iter().zip(other).all(|(x, y)| x.v.spanless_eq(&y.v))
impl SpanlessEq for SyntaxModel {
fn spanless_eq(&self, other: &SyntaxModel) -> bool {
impl SpanlessEq for Node {
fn spanless_eq(&self, other: &Node) -> bool {
fn downcast<'a>(func: &'a (dyn Model + 'static)) -> &'a DebugFn {
func.downcast::<DebugFn>().expect("not a debug fn")
self.nodes.len() == other.nodes.len()
&& self.nodes.iter().zip(&other.nodes).all(|(x, y)| match (&x.v, &y.v) {
match (self, other) {
(Node::Model(a), Node::Model(b)) => {
(a, b) => a == b,
@ -86,3 +145,18 @@ impl SpanlessEq for Object {
.all(|(x, y)| x.key.v == y.key.v && x.value.v.spanless_eq(&y.value.v))
/// Implement `SpanlessEq` by just forwarding to `PartialEq`.
macro_rules! forward {
($type:ty) => {
impl SpanlessEq for $type {
fn spanless_eq(&self, other: &$type) -> bool {
self == other
@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ pub enum Token<'s> {
/// A quoted string in a function header: `"..."`.
ExprStr {
/// The string inside the quotes.
/// _Note_: If the string contains escape sequences these are not yet
/// applied to be able to just store a string slice here instead of
/// a String. The escaping is done later in the parser.
string: &'s str,
/// Whether the closing quote was present.
terminated: bool
@ -210,11 +214,13 @@ impl<'s> Iterator for Tokens<'s> {
// Expressions or just strings.
c => {
let body = self.mode == Body;
let text = self.read_string_until(|n| {
match n {
c if c.is_whitespace() => true,
'\\' | '[' | ']' | '*' | '_' | '`' | ':' | '=' |
',' | '"' | '/' => true,
'\\' | '[' | ']' | '/' => true,
'*' | '_' | '`' if body => true,
':' | '=' | ',' | '"' if !body => true,
_ => false,
}, false, -(c.len_utf8() as isize), 0).0;
@ -441,18 +447,19 @@ pub fn is_newline_char(character: char) -> bool {
/// Whether this word is a valid identifier.
pub fn is_identifier(string: &str) -> bool {
let mut chars = string.chars();
fn is_extra_allowed(c: char) -> bool {
c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '_'
let mut chars = string.chars();
match {
Some('-') => {}
Some(c) if UnicodeXID::is_xid_start(c) => {}
Some(c) if UnicodeXID::is_xid_start(c) || is_extra_allowed(c) => {}
_ => return false,
while let Some(c) = {
match c {
'.' | '-' => {}
c if UnicodeXID::is_xid_continue(c) => {}
c if UnicodeXID::is_xid_continue(c) || is_extra_allowed(c) => {}
_ => return false,
@ -460,11 +467,10 @@ pub fn is_identifier(string: &str) -> bool {
mod tests {
use super::super::test::check;
use super::*;
use Token::{
Space as S,
LineComment as LC, BlockComment as BC,
@ -481,32 +487,19 @@ mod tests {
/// Test whether the given string tokenizes into the given list of tokens.
macro_rules! t {
($m:expr, $s:expr => [$(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $t:expr)),* $(,)?]) => {
let tokens = Tokens::new(Position::ZERO, $s, $m).collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(tokens, vec![$(Spanned {
span: Span::new(Position::new($sl, $sc), Position::new($el, $ec)),
v: $t
($m:expr, $s:expr => [$($t:expr),* $(,)?]) => {
let tokens = Tokens::new(Position::ZERO, $s, $m)
assert_eq!(tokens, vec![$($t),*]);
($mode:expr, $source:expr => [$($tokens:tt)*]) => {
let (exp, spans) = spanned![vec $($tokens)*];
let found = Tokens::new(Position::ZERO, $source, $mode).collect::<Vec<_>>();
check($source, exp, found, spans);
/// Parse a function token.
/// Write down a function token compactly.
macro_rules! func {
($header:expr, Some(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $body:expr)), $terminated:expr) => {
($header:expr, Some($($tokens:tt)*), $terminated:expr) => {
Function {
header: $header,
body: Some(Spanned {
span: Span::new(Position::new($sl, $sc), Position::new($el, $ec)),
v: $body,
body: Some(spanned![item $($tokens)*]),
terminated: $terminated,
@ -542,40 +535,63 @@ mod tests {
t!(Body, "_/*_/*a*/*/" => [Underscore, BC("_/*a*/")]);
t!(Body, "/*/*/" => [BC("/*/")]);
t!(Body, "abc*/" => [T("abc"), Invalid("*/")]);
fn tokenize_header_only_tokens() {
t!(Body, "\"hi\"" => [T("\"hi"), T("\"")]);
t!(Body, "a: b" => [T("a"), T(":"), S(0), T("b")]);
t!(Body, "c=d, " => [T("c"), T("=d"), T(","), S(0)]);
t!(Header, "[" => [func!("", None, false)]);
t!(Header, "]" => [Invalid("]")]);
t!(Header, "(){}:=," => [LP, RP, LB, RB, Colon, Equals, Comma]);
t!(Header, "a:b" => [Id("a"), Colon, Id("b")]);
t!(Header, "=" => [Equals]);
t!(Header, "," => [Comma]);
t!(Header, r#""hello\"world""# => [Str(r#"hello\"world"#, true)]);
t!(Header, r#""hi", 12pt"# => [Str("hi", true), Comma, S(0), ExprSize(Size::pt(12.0))]);
t!(Header, "a: true, x=1" => [Id("a"), Colon, S(0), Bool(true), Comma, S(0), Id("x"), Equals, Num(1.0)]);
t!(Header, "120%" => [Num(1.2)]);
t!(Header, "🌓, 🌍," => [Invalid("🌓"), Comma, S(0), Invalid("🌍"), Comma]);
t!(Body, "/***/" => [BC("*")]);
t!(Body, "/**\\****/*/*/" => [BC("*\\***"), Invalid("*/"), Invalid("*/")]);
t!(Body, "/*abc" => [BC("abc")]);
fn tokenize_body_only_tokens() {
t!(Body, "_*`" => [Underscore, Star, Backtick]);
t!(Body, "***" => [Star, Star, Star]);
t!(Body, "[func]*bold*" => [func!("func", None, true), Star, T("bold"), Star]);
t!(Body, "hi_you_ there" => [T("hi"), Underscore, T("you"), Underscore, S(0), T("there")]);
t!(Header, "_*`" => [Invalid("_"), Invalid("*"), Invalid("`")]);
t!(Header, "_*`" => [Invalid("_*`")]);
fn tokenize_nested_functions() {
fn tokenize_header_only_tokens() {
t!(Body, "a: b" => [T("a:"), S(0), T("b")]);
t!(Body, "c=d, " => [T("c=d,"), S(0)]);
t!(Header, "(){}:=," => [LP, RP, LB, RB, Colon, Equals, Comma]);
t!(Header, "a:b" => [Id("a"), Colon, Id("b")]);
t!(Header, "a: true, x=1" => [Id("a"), Colon, S(0), Bool(true), Comma, S(0), Id("x"), Equals, Num(1.0)]);
t!(Header, "=3.14" => [Equals, Num(3.14)]);
t!(Header, "12.3e5" => [Num(12.3e5)]);
t!(Header, "120%" => [Num(1.2)]);
t!(Header, "12e4%" => [Num(1200.0)]);
t!(Header, "__main__" => [Id("__main__")]);
t!(Header, "" => [Id("")]);
t!(Header, "--arg, _b, _1" => [Id("--arg"), Comma, S(0), Id("_b"), Comma, S(0), Id("_1")]);
t!(Header, "12_pt, 12pt" => [Invalid("12_pt"), Comma, S(0), ExprSize(Size::pt(12.0))]);
t!(Header, "1e5in" => [ExprSize(Size::inches(100000.0))]);
t!(Header, "2.3cm" => [ExprSize(Size::cm(2.3))]);
t!(Header, "02.4mm" => [ExprSize(Size::mm(2.4))]);
t!(Header, "" => [Invalid("")]);
t!(Header, "🌓, 🌍," => [Invalid("🌓"), Comma, S(0), Invalid("🌍"), Comma]);
fn tokenize_strings() {
t!(Body, "a \"hi\" string" => [T("a"), S(0), T("\"hi\""), S(0), T("string")]);
t!(Header, "\"hello" => [Str("hello", false)]);
t!(Header, "\"hello world\"" => [Str("hello world", true)]);
t!(Header, "\"hello\nworld\"" => [Str("hello\nworld", true)]);
t!(Header, r#"1"hello\nworld"false"# => [Num(1.0), Str("hello\\nworld", true), Bool(false)]);
t!(Header, r#""a\"bc""# => [Str(r#"a\"bc"#, true)]);
t!(Header, r#""a\\"bc""# => [Str(r#"a\\"#, true), Id("bc"), Str("", false)]);
t!(Header, r#""a\tbc"# => [Str("a\\tbc", false)]);
t!(Header, "\"🌎\"" => [Str("🌎", true)]);
fn tokenize_functions() {
t!(Body, "[f: [=][*]]" => [func!("f: [=][*]", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[_][[,],]," => [func!("_", Some((0:3, 0:9, "[,],")), true), T(",")]);
t!(Body, "[=][=][=]" => [func!("=", Some((0:3, 0:6, "=")), true), func!("=", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[=][[=][=][=]]" => [func!("=", Some((0:3, 0:14, "[=][=][=]")), true)]);
t!(Header, "[" => [func!("", None, false)]);
t!(Header, "]" => [Invalid("]")]);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user