diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fd4081597..79eef0eb5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ consider signing up to our [collaborative online editor][app] for free. It is
currently in public beta.
## Example
-This is what a Typst file with a bit of math and automation looks like:
+A [gentle introduction][tutorial] to Typst is available in our documentation.
+However, if you want to see the power of Typst encapsulated in one image, here
+it is:
Let's disect what's going on:
@@ -47,7 +49,8 @@ Let's disect what's going on:
the appearance of an element.
- We insert a heading with the `= Heading` syntax. One equals sign creates a top
- level heading, two create a subheading and so on.
+ level heading, two create a subheading and so on. Typst has more lightweight
+ markup like this, see the [syntax] reference for a full list.
- [Mathematical equations][math] are enclosed in dollar signs. By adding extra
spaces around the contents of a equation, we can put it into a separate block.
@@ -169,8 +172,10 @@ instant preview. To achieve these goals, we follow three core design principles:
[docs]: https://typst.app/docs/
[app]: https://typst.app/
[discord]: https://discord.gg/2uDybryKPe
+[tutorial]: https://typst.app/docs/tutorial/
[show]: https://typst.app/docs/reference/styling/#show-rules
[math]: https://typst.app/docs/reference/math/
+[syntax]: https://typst.app/docs/reference/syntax/
[scripting]: https://typst.app/docs/reference/scripting/
[rust]: https://rustup.rs/
[releases]: https://github.com/typst/typst/releases/
diff --git a/docs/src/general/changelog.md b/docs/src/general/changelog.md
index b9f5c8d2a..ca182c84c 100644
--- a/docs/src/general/changelog.md
+++ b/docs/src/general/changelog.md
@@ -5,6 +5,99 @@ description: |
# Changelog
+## March 21, 2023
+- Reference and bibliography management
+ - [Bibliographies]($func/bibliography) and [citations]($func/cite) (currently
+ supported styles are APA, Chicago Author Date, IEEE, and MLA)
+ - You can now [reference]($func/ref) sections, figures, formulas, and works
+ from the bibliography with `[@label]`
+ - You can make an element referencable with a label:
+ - `[= Introduction ]`
+ - `[$ A = pi r^2 $ ]`
+- Introspection system for interactions between different parts of the document
+ - [`counter`]($func/counter) function
+ - Access and modify counters for pages, headings, figures, and equations
+ - Define and use your own custom counters
+ - Time travel: Find out what the counter value was or will be at some other
+ point in the document (e.g. when you're building a list of figures, you
+ can determine the value of the figure counter at any given figure).
+ - Counters count in layout order and not in code order
+ - [`state`]($func/state) function
+ - Manage arbitrary state across your document
+ - Time travel: Find out the value of your state at any position in the
+ document
+ - State is modified in layout order and not in code order
+ - [`query`]($func/query) function
+ - Find all occurances of an element or a label, either in the whole document
+ or before/after some location
+ - Link to elements, find out their position on the pages and access their
+ fields
+ - Example use cases: Custom list of figures or page header with current
+ chapter title
+ - [`locate`]($func/locate) function
+ - Determines the location of itself in the final layout
+ - Can be accessed to get the `page` and `x`, `y` coordinates
+ - Can be used with counters and state to find out their values at that
+ location
+ - Can be used with queries to find elements before or after its location
+- New [`measure`]($func/measure) function
+ - Measure the layouted size of elements
+ - To be used in combination with the new [`style`]($func/style) function that
+ lets you generate different content based on the style context something is
+ inserted into (because that affects the measured size of content)
+- Exposed content representation
+ - Content is not opaque anymore
+ - Content can be compared for equality
+ - The tree of content elements can be traversed with code
+ - Can be observed in hover tooltips or with [`repr`]($func/repr)
+ - New [methods]($type/content) on content: `func`, `has`, `at`, and `location`
+ - All optional fields on elements are now settable
+ - More uniform field names (`heading.title` becomes `heading.body`,
+ `list.items` becomes `list.children`, and a few more changes)
+- Further improvements
+ - Added [`figure`]($func/figure) function
+ - Added [`numbering`]($func/equation.numbering) parameter on equation function
+ - Added [`numbering`]($func/page.numbering) and
+ [`number-align`]($func/page.number-align) parameters on page function
+ - The page function's [`header`]($func/page.header) and
+ [`footer`]($func/page.footer) parameters do not take functions anymore. If
+ you want to customize them based on the page number, use the new
+ [`numbering`]($func/page.numbering) parameter or [`counter`]($func/counter)
+ function instead.
+ - Added [`footer-descent`]($func/page.footer-descent) and
+ [`header-ascent`]($func/page.header-ascent) parameters
+ - Better default alignment in header and footer
+ - Fixed Arabic vowel placement
+ - Fixed PDF font embedding issues
+ - Renamed `math.formula` to [`math.equation`]($func/equation)
+ - Font family must be a named argument now: `[#set text(font: "..")]`
+ - Added support for [hanging indent]($func/par.hanging-indent)
+ - Renamed paragraph `indent` to [`first-line-indent`]($func/par.first-line-indent)
+ - More accurate [logarithm]($category/calculate/log) when base is `2` or `10`
+ - Improved some error messages
+ - Fixed layout of [`terms`]($func/terms) list
+- Web app improvements
+ - Added template gallery
+ - Added buttons to insert headings, equations, raw blocks, and references
+ - Jump to the source of something by clicking on it in the preview panel
+ (works for text, equations, images, and more)
+ - You can now upload your own fonts and use them in your project
+ - Hover debugging and autocompletion now takes multiple files into account and
+ works in show rules
+ - Hover tooltips now automatically collapse multiple consecutive equal values
+ - The preview now automatically scrolls to the right place when you type
+ - Links are now clickable in the preview area
+ - Toolbar, preview, and editor can now all be hidden
+ - Added autocompletion for raw block language tags
+ - Added autocompletion in SVG files
+ - New back button instead of four-dots button
+ - Lots of bug fixes
## February 25, 2023
- Font changes
- New default font: Linux Libertine