Raw lengths 🚲

Replace unitless length with raw f64 and introduce length type with unit.
This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2020-08-01 19:15:55 +02:00
parent 04c05502be
commit 659248d52f
21 changed files with 576 additions and 484 deletions

View File

@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> PdfExporter<'a, W> {
let rect = Rect::new(
page.dimensions.x.to_pt() as f32,
page.dimensions.y.to_pt() as f32,
Length::raw(page.dimensions.x).as_pt() as f32,
Length::raw(page.dimensions.y).as_pt() as f32,
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> PdfExporter<'a, W> {
// needed.
let mut text = Text::new();
let mut face_id = FaceId::MAX;
let mut font_size = Length::ZERO;
let mut font_size = 0.0;
let mut next_pos = None;
for action in &page.actions {
@ -157,13 +157,16 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> PdfExporter<'a, W> {
&LayoutAction::SetFont(id, size) => {
face_id = id;
font_size = size;
text.tf(self.to_pdf[&id] as u32 + 1, font_size.to_pt() as f32);
self.to_pdf[&id] as u32 + 1,
Length::raw(font_size).as_pt() as f32
LayoutAction::WriteText(string) => {
if let Some(pos) = next_pos.take() {
let x = pos.x.to_pt();
let y = (page.dimensions.y - pos.y - font_size).to_pt();
let x = Length::raw(pos.x).as_pt();
let y = Length::raw(page.dimensions.y - pos.y - font_size).as_pt();
text.tm(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, x as f32, y as f32);
@ -202,12 +205,10 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> PdfExporter<'a, W> {
let base_font = format!("ABCDEF+{}", name);
let system_info = CIDSystemInfo::new("Adobe", "Identity", 0);
let units_per_em = face.units_per_em().unwrap_or(1000);
let ratio = 1.0 / (units_per_em as f64);
let to_length = |x| Length::pt(ratio * x as f64);
let to_glyph_unit = |font_unit| {
let length = to_length(font_unit);
(1000.0 * length.to_pt()).round() as GlyphUnit
let units_per_em = face.units_per_em().unwrap_or(1000) as f64;
let ratio = 1.0 / units_per_em;
let to_glyph_unit = |font_unit: f64| {
(1000.0 * ratio * font_unit).round() as GlyphUnit
let global_bbox = face.global_bounding_box();

src/geom.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
//! Geometrical types.
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::ops::*;
use serde::Serialize;
use crate::layout::prelude::*;
/// A value in two dimensions.
#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct Value2<T> {
/// The horizontal component.
pub x: T,
/// The vertical component.
pub y: T,
impl<T: Clone> Value2<T> {
/// Create a new 2D-value from two values.
pub fn new(x: T, y: T) -> Value2<T> { Value2 { x, y } }
/// Create a new 2D-value with `x` set to a value and `y` to default.
pub fn with_x(x: T) -> Value2<T> where T: Default {
Value2 { x, y: T::default() }
/// Create a new 2D-value with `y` set to a value and `x` to default.
pub fn with_y(y: T) -> Value2<T> where T: Default {
Value2 { x: T::default(), y }
/// Create a new 2D-value with the primary axis set to a value and the other
/// one to default.
pub fn with_primary(v: T, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Value2<T> where T: Default {
/// Create a new 2D-value with the secondary axis set to a value and the
/// other one to default.
pub fn with_secondary(v: T, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Value2<T> where T: Default {
/// Create a 2D-value with `x` and `y` set to the same value `s`.
pub fn with_all(s: T) -> Value2<T> { Value2 { x: s.clone(), y: s } }
/// Get the specificed component.
pub fn get(self, axis: SpecificAxis) -> T {
match axis {
Horizontal => self.x,
Vertical => self.y,
/// Borrow the specificed component mutably.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, axis: SpecificAxis) -> &mut T {
match axis {
Horizontal => &mut self.x,
Vertical => &mut self.y,
/// Return the primary value of this specialized 2D-value.
pub fn primary(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> T {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { self.x } else { self.y }
/// Borrow the primary value of this specialized 2D-value mutably.
pub fn primary_mut(&mut self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> &mut T {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { &mut self.x } else { &mut self.y }
/// Return the secondary value of this specialized 2D-value.
pub fn secondary(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> T {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { self.y } else { self.x }
/// Borrow the secondary value of this specialized 2D-value mutably.
pub fn secondary_mut(&mut self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> &mut T {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { &mut self.y } else { &mut self.x }
/// Returns the generalized version of a `Size2D` dependent on the layouting
/// axes, that is:
/// - `x` describes the primary axis instead of the horizontal one.
/// - `y` describes the secondary axis instead of the vertical one.
pub fn generalized(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Value2<T> {
match axes.primary.axis() {
Horizontal => self,
Vertical => Value2 { x: self.y, y: self.x },
/// Returns the specialized version of this generalized Size2D (inverse to
/// `generalized`).
pub fn specialized(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Value2<T> {
// In fact, generalized is its own inverse. For reasons of clarity
// at the call site, we still have this second function.
/// Swap the `x` and `y` values.
pub fn swap(&mut self) {
std::mem::swap(&mut self.x, &mut self.y);
impl<T> Debug for Value2<T> where T: Debug {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
/// A position or extent in 2-dimensional space.
pub type Size = Value2<f64>;
impl Size {
/// The zeroed size.
pub const ZERO: Size = Size { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 };
/// Whether the given size fits into this one, that is, both coordinate
/// values are smaller or equal.
pub fn fits(self, other: Size) -> bool {
self.x >= other.x && self.y >= other.y
/// Return a size padded by the paddings of the given box.
pub fn padded(self, padding: Margins) -> Size {
Size {
x: self.x + padding.left + padding.right,
y: self.y + padding.top + padding.bottom,
/// Return a size reduced by the paddings of the given box.
pub fn unpadded(self, padding: Margins) -> Size {
Size {
x: self.x - padding.left - padding.right,
y: self.y - padding.top - padding.bottom,
/// The anchor position along the given axis for an item with the given
/// alignment in a container with this size.
/// This assumes the size to be generalized such that `x` corresponds to the
/// primary axis.
pub fn anchor(self, alignment: LayoutAlignment, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Size {
Size {
x: anchor(self.x, alignment.primary, axes.primary),
y: anchor(self.x, alignment.secondary, axes.secondary),
fn anchor(length: f64, alignment: Alignment, direction: Direction) -> f64 {
match (direction.is_positive(), alignment) {
(true, Origin) | (false, End) => 0.0,
(_, Center) => length / 2.0,
(true, End) | (false, Origin) => length,
impl Neg for Size {
type Output = Size;
fn neg(self) -> Size {
Size {
x: -self.x,
y: -self.y,
/// A value in four dimensions.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct Value4<T> {
/// The left extent.
pub left: T,
/// The top extent.
pub top: T,
/// The right extent.
pub right: T,
/// The bottom extent.
pub bottom: T,
impl<T: Clone> Value4<T> {
/// Create a new box from four sizes.
pub fn new(left: T, top: T, right: T, bottom: T) -> Value4<T> {
Value4 { left, top, right, bottom }
/// Create a box with all four fields set to the same value `s`.
pub fn with_all(value: T) -> Value4<T> {
Value4 {
left: value.clone(),
top: value.clone(),
right: value.clone(),
bottom: value
/// Get a mutable reference to the value for the specified direction at the
/// alignment.
/// Center alignment is treated the same as origin alignment.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, mut direction: Direction, alignment: Alignment) -> &mut T {
if alignment == End {
direction = direction.inv();
match direction {
LeftToRight => &mut self.left,
RightToLeft => &mut self.right,
TopToBottom => &mut self.top,
BottomToTop => &mut self.bottom,
/// Set all values to the given value.
pub fn set_all(&mut self, value: T) {
*self = Value4::with_all(value);
/// Set the `left` and `right` values.
pub fn set_horizontal(&mut self, value: T) {
self.left = value.clone();
self.right = value;
/// Set the `top` and `bottom` values.
pub fn set_vertical(&mut self, value: T) {
self.top = value.clone();
self.bottom = value;
/// A length in four dimensions.
pub type Margins = Value4<f64>;
impl Margins {
/// The zero margins.
pub const ZERO: Margins = Margins {
left: 0.0,
top: 0.0,
right: 0.0,
bottom: 0.0,
macro_rules! implement_traits {
($ty:ident, $t:ident, $o:ident
reflexive {$(
($tr:ident($tf:ident), $at:ident($af:ident), [$($f:ident),*])
numbers { $(($w:ident: $($rest:tt)*))* }
) => {
$(impl $tr for $ty {
type Output = $ty;
fn $tf($t, $o: $ty) -> $ty {
$ty { $($f: $tr::$tf($t.$f, $o.$f),)* }
impl $at for $ty {
fn $af(&mut $t, $o: $ty) { $($at::$af(&mut $t.$f, $o.$f);)* }
$(implement_traits!(@$w f64, $ty $t $o $($rest)*);)*
(@front $num:ty, $ty:ident $t:ident $o:ident
) => {
impl $tr<$ty> for $num {
type Output = $ty;
fn $tf($t, $o: $ty) -> $ty {
$ty { $($f: $tr::$tf($t as f64, $o.$f),)* }
(@back $num:ty, $ty:ident $t:ident $o:ident
$tr:ident($tf:ident), $at:ident($af:ident),
) => {
impl $tr<$num> for $ty {
type Output = $ty;
fn $tf($t, $o: $num) -> $ty {
$ty { $($f: $tr::$tf($t.$f, $o as f64),)* }
impl $at<$num> for $ty {
fn $af(&mut $t, $o: $num) { $($at::$af(&mut $t.$f, $o as f64);)* }
macro_rules! implement_size {
($ty:ident($t:ident, $o:ident) [$($f:ident),*]) => {
implement_traits! {
$ty, $t, $o
reflexive {
(Add(add), AddAssign(add_assign), [$($f),*])
(Sub(sub), SubAssign(sub_assign), [$($f),*])
numbers {
(front: Mul(mul), [$($f),*])
(back: Mul(mul), MulAssign(mul_assign), [$($f),*])
(back: Div(div), DivAssign(div_assign), [$($f),*])
implement_size! { Size(self, other) [x, y] }

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer, SerializeTuple};
use fontdock::FaceId;
use crate::length::{Length, Size};
use crate::geom::Size;
use super::Layout;
use self::LayoutAction::*;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ pub enum LayoutAction {
/// Move to an absolute position.
/// Set the font given the index from the font loader and font size.
SetFont(FaceId, Length),
SetFont(FaceId, f64),
/// Write text at the current position.
/// Visualize a box for debugging purposes.
@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ impl Debug for LayoutAction {
pub struct LayoutActions {
origin: Size,
actions: Vec<LayoutAction>,
active_font: (FaceId, Length),
active_font: (FaceId, f64),
next_pos: Option<Size>,
next_font: Option<(FaceId, Length)>,
next_font: Option<(FaceId, f64)>,
impl LayoutActions {
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ impl LayoutActions {
LayoutActions {
actions: vec![],
origin: Size::ZERO,
active_font: (FaceId::MAX, Length::ZERO),
active_font: (FaceId::MAX, 0.0),
next_pos: None,
next_font: None,

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub struct LineContext {
/// extent of the layout.
pub debug: bool,
/// The line spacing.
pub line_spacing: Length,
pub line_spacing: f64,
/// A line run is a sequence of boxes with the same alignment that are arranged
@ -48,9 +48,8 @@ pub struct LineContext {
struct LineRun {
/// The so-far accumulated layouts in the line.
layouts: Vec<(Length, Layout)>,
/// The width (primary length) and maximal height (secondary length) of the
/// line.
layouts: Vec<(f64, Layout)>,
/// The width and maximal height of the line.
size: Size,
/// The alignment of all layouts in the line.
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ struct LineRun {
alignment: Option<LayoutAlignment>,
/// If another line run with different alignment already took up some space
/// of the line, this run has less space and how much is stored here.
usable: Option<Length>,
usable: Option<f64>,
/// A possibly cached soft spacing or spacing state.
last_spacing: LastSpacing,
@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ impl LineLayouter {
let usable = self.stack.usable().primary(axes);
rest_run.usable = Some(match layout.alignment.primary {
Alignment::Origin => unreachable!("origin > x"),
Alignment::Center => usable - 2 * self.run.size.x,
Alignment::Center => usable - 2.0 * self.run.size.x,
Alignment::End => usable - self.run.size.x,
@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ impl LineLayouter {
self.run.layouts.push((self.run.size.x, layout));
self.run.size.x += size.x;
self.run.size.y = self.run.size.y.max(size.y);
self.run.last_spacing = LastSpacing::None;
@ -170,11 +169,11 @@ impl LineLayouter {
/// Add spacing along the primary axis to the line.
pub fn add_primary_spacing(&mut self, mut spacing: Length, kind: SpacingKind) {
pub fn add_primary_spacing(&mut self, mut spacing: f64, kind: SpacingKind) {
match kind {
// A hard space is simply an empty box.
SpacingKind::Hard => {
spacing = spacing.min(self.usable().x);
self.run.size.x += spacing;
self.run.last_spacing = LastSpacing::Hard;
@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ impl LineLayouter {
/// Finish the line and add secondary spacing to the underlying stack.
pub fn add_secondary_spacing(&mut self, spacing: Length, kind: SpacingKind) {
pub fn add_secondary_spacing(&mut self, spacing: f64, kind: SpacingKind) {
self.stack.add_spacing(spacing, kind)
@ -218,7 +217,7 @@ impl LineLayouter {
/// Update the line spacing.
pub fn set_line_spacing(&mut self, line_spacing: Length) {
pub fn set_line_spacing(&mut self, line_spacing: f64) {
self.ctx.line_spacing = line_spacing;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use smallvec::SmallVec;
use serde::Serialize;
use fontdock::FaceId;
use crate::length::{Length, Size, Margins};
use crate::geom::{Size, Margins};
use self::prelude::*;
pub mod line;
@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ impl Direction {
/// - `1` if the direction is positive.
/// - `-1` if the direction is negative.
pub fn factor(self) -> i32 {
if self.is_positive() { 1 } else { -1 }
pub fn factor(self) -> f64 {
if self.is_positive() { 1.0 } else { -1.0 }
/// The inverse axis.
@ -368,17 +368,17 @@ enum LastSpacing {
/// The last item was hard spacing.
/// The last item was soft spacing with the given width and level.
Soft(Length, u32),
Soft(f64, u32),
/// The last item was not spacing.
impl LastSpacing {
/// The length of the soft space if this is a soft space or zero otherwise.
fn soft_or_zero(self) -> Length {
/// The width of the soft space if this is a soft space or zero otherwise.
fn soft_or_zero(self) -> f64 {
match self {
LastSpacing::Soft(space, _) => space,
_ => Length::ZERO,
_ => 0.0,

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use smallvec::smallvec;
use crate::{Pass, Feedback};
use crate::SharedFontLoader;
use crate::style::{LayoutStyle, PageStyle, TextStyle};
use crate::length::{Length, Size};
use crate::geom::Size;
use crate::syntax::{Model, SyntaxModel, Node, Decoration};
use crate::syntax::span::{Span, Spanned};
use super::line::{LineLayouter, LineContext};
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ pub enum Command<'a> {
/// Add spacing of given [kind](super::SpacingKind) along the primary or
/// secondary axis. The spacing kind defines how the spacing interacts with
/// surrounding spacing.
AddSpacing(Length, SpacingKind, GenericAxis),
AddSpacing(f64, SpacingKind, GenericAxis),
/// Start a new line.

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
//! sentence in the second box.
use smallvec::smallvec;
use crate::length::Value4;
use crate::geom::Value4;
use super::*;
/// Performs the stack layouting.
@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ impl StackLayouter {
/// Add secondary spacing to the stack.
pub fn add_spacing(&mut self, mut spacing: Length, kind: SpacingKind) {
pub fn add_spacing(&mut self, mut spacing: f64, kind: SpacingKind) {
match kind {
// A hard space is simply an empty box.
SpacingKind::Hard => {
// Reduce the spacing such that it definitely fits.
spacing = spacing.min(self.space.usable.secondary(self.ctx.axes));
let dimensions = Size::with_y(spacing);
@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ impl StackLayouter {
let mut size = self.space.size.generalized(axes);
let mut extra = self.space.extra.generalized(axes);
size.x += (dimensions.x - extra.x).max(Length::ZERO);
size.y += (dimensions.y - extra.y).max(Length::ZERO);
size.x += (dimensions.x - extra.x).max(0.0);
size.y += (dimensions.y - extra.y).max(0.0);
extra.y = (extra.y - dimensions.y).max(Length::ZERO);
extra.x = extra.x.max(dimensions.x);
extra.y = (extra.y - dimensions.y).max(0.0);
self.space.size = size.specialized(axes);
self.space.extra = extra.specialized(axes);
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ impl StackLayouter {
// is reset for this new axis-aligned run.
if rotation != axes.secondary.axis() {
extent.y = extent.x;
extent.x = Length::ZERO;
extent.x = 0.0;
rotation = axes.secondary.axis();
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ impl StackLayouter {
// Then, we add this layout's secondary extent to the accumulator.
let size = layout.dimensions.generalized(*axes);
extent.x = extent.x.max(size.x);
extent.y += size.y;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
use fontdock::{FaceId, FaceQuery, FontStyle};
use crate::font::SharedFontLoader;
use crate::length::{Length, Size};
use crate::geom::Size;
use crate::style::TextStyle;
use super::*;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ struct TextLayouter<'a> {
actions: LayoutActions,
buffer: String,
active_font: FaceId,
width: Length,
width: f64,
/// The context for text layouting.
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ impl<'a> TextLayouter<'a> {
actions: LayoutActions::new(),
buffer: String::new(),
active_font: FaceId::MAX,
width: Length::ZERO,
width: 0.0,
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ impl<'a> TextLayouter<'a> {
/// Select the best font for a character and return its index along with
/// the width of the char in the font.
async fn select_font(&mut self, c: char) -> Option<(FaceId, Length)> {
async fn select_font(&mut self, c: char) -> Option<(FaceId, f64)> {
let mut loader = self.ctx.loader.borrow_mut();
let mut variant = self.ctx.style.variant;
@ -132,14 +132,13 @@ impl<'a> TextLayouter<'a> {
if let Some((id, face)) = loader.query(query).await {
// Determine the width of the char.
let units_per_em = face.units_per_em().unwrap_or(1000);
let ratio = 1.0 / (units_per_em as f64);
let to_length = |x| Length::pt(ratio * x as f64);
let units_per_em = face.units_per_em().unwrap_or(1000) as f64;
let ratio = 1.0 / units_per_em;
let to_raw = |x| ratio * x as f64;
let glyph = face.glyph_index(c)?;
let glyph_width = face.glyph_hor_advance(glyph)?;
let char_width = to_length(glyph_width)
* self.ctx.style.font_size().to_pt();
let char_width = to_raw(glyph_width) * self.ctx.style.font_size();
Some((id, char_width))
} else {

View File

@ -1,79 +1,113 @@
//! Different-dimensional value and spacing types.
//! A length type with a unit.
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter};
use std::iter::Sum;
use std::ops::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
use serde::Serialize;
use crate::layout::prelude::*;
/// A general spacing type.
#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Serialize)]
/// A length with a unit.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Length {
/// The length in typographic points (1/72 inches).
pub points: f64,
/// The length in the given unit.
pub val: f64,
/// The unit of measurement.
pub unit: Unit,
/// Different units of measurement.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub enum Unit {
/// Points.
/// Millimeters.
/// Centimeters.
/// Inches.
/// Raw units (the implicit unit of all bare `f64` lengths).
impl Length {
/// The zeroed length.
pub const ZERO: Length = Length { points: 0.0 };
/// Create a length from an amount of points.
pub fn pt(points: f64) -> Length { Length { points } }
/// Create a length from an amount of millimeters.
pub fn mm(mm: f64) -> Length { Length { points: 2.83465 * mm } }
/// Create a length from an amount of centimeters.
pub fn cm(cm: f64) -> Length { Length { points: 28.3465 * cm } }
/// Create a length from an amount of inches.
pub fn inches(inches: f64) -> Length { Length { points: 72.0 * inches } }
/// Convert this length into points.
pub fn to_pt(self) -> f64 { self.points }
/// Convert this length into millimeters.
pub fn to_mm(self) -> f64 { self.points * 0.352778 }
/// Convert this length into centimeters.
pub fn to_cm(self) -> f64 { self.points * 0.0352778 }
/// Convert this length into inches.
pub fn to_inches(self) -> f64 { self.points * 0.0138889 }
/// The maximum of this and the other length.
pub fn max(self, other: Length) -> Length {
if self > other { self } else { other }
/// Create a length from a value with a unit.
pub const fn new(val: f64, unit: Unit) -> Self {
Self { val, unit }
/// The minimum of this and the other length.
pub fn min(self, other: Length) -> Length {
if self <= other { self } else { other }
/// Create a length from a number of points.
pub const fn pt(pt: f64) -> Self {
Self::new(pt, Unit::Pt)
/// Set this length to the maximum of itself and the other length.
pub fn max_eq(&mut self, other: Length) { *self = self.max(other); }
/// Create a length from a number of millimeters.
pub const fn mm(mm: f64) -> Self {
Self::new(mm, Unit::Mm)
/// Set this length to the minimum of itself and the other length.
pub fn min_eq(&mut self, other: Length) { *self = self.min(other); }
/// Create a length from a number of centimeters.
pub const fn cm(cm: f64) -> Self {
Self::new(cm, Unit::Cm)
/// The anchor position along the given direction for an item with the given
/// alignment in a container with this length.
pub fn anchor(self, alignment: Alignment, direction: Direction) -> Length {
match (direction.is_positive(), alignment) {
(true, Origin) | (false, End) => Length::ZERO,
(_, Center) => self / 2,
(true, End) | (false, Origin) => self,
/// Create a length from a number of inches.
pub const fn inches(inches: f64) -> Self {
Self::new(inches, Unit::In)
/// Create a length from a number of raw units.
pub const fn raw(raw: f64) -> Self {
Self::new(raw, Unit::Raw)
/// Convert this to a number of points.
pub fn as_pt(self) -> f64 {
/// Convert this to a number of millimeters.
pub fn as_mm(self) -> f64 {
/// Convert this to a number of centimeters.
pub fn as_cm(self) -> f64 {
/// Convert this to a number of inches.
pub fn as_inches(self) -> f64 {
/// Get the value of this length in raw units.
pub fn as_raw(self) -> f64 {
/// Convert this to a length with a different unit.
pub fn with_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> Length {
Self {
val: self.val * self.unit.raw_scale() / unit.raw_scale(),
impl Unit {
/// How many raw units correspond to a value of `1.0` in this unit.
fn raw_scale(self) -> f64 {
match self {
Unit::Pt => 1.0,
Unit::Mm => 2.83465,
Unit::Cm => 28.3465,
Unit::In => 72.0,
Unit::Raw => 1.0,
impl Display for Length {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}pt", self.points)
write!(f, "{:.2}{}", self.val, self.unit)
@ -83,18 +117,63 @@ impl Debug for Length {
impl Neg for Length {
type Output = Length;
fn neg(self) -> Length {
Length { points: -self.points }
impl Display for Unit {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.pad(match self {
Unit::Mm => "mm",
Unit::Pt => "pt",
Unit::Cm => "cm",
Unit::In => "in",
Unit::Raw => "rw",
impl Sum for Length {
fn sum<I>(iter: I) -> Length
where I: Iterator<Item = Length> {
iter.fold(Length::ZERO, Add::add)
impl Debug for Unit {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
Display::fmt(self, f)
impl FromStr for Length {
type Err = ParseLengthError;
fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let len = src.len();
// We need at least some number and the unit.
if len <= 2 {
return Err(ParseLengthError);
// We can view the string as bytes since a multibyte UTF-8 char cannot
// have valid ASCII chars as subbytes.
let split = len - 2;
let bytes = src.as_bytes();
let unit = match &bytes[split..] {
b"pt" => Unit::Pt,
b"mm" => Unit::Mm,
b"cm" => Unit::Cm,
b"in" => Unit::In,
_ => return Err(ParseLengthError),
.map(|val| Length::new(val, unit))
.map_err(|_| ParseLengthError)
/// The error when parsing a length fails.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ParseLengthError;
impl std::error::Error for ParseLengthError {}
impl Display for ParseLengthError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.pad("invalid string for length")
@ -108,10 +187,10 @@ pub enum ScaleLength {
impl ScaleLength {
/// Use the absolute value or scale the entity.
pub fn scaled(&self, entity: Length) -> Length {
match self {
ScaleLength::Absolute(s) => *s,
ScaleLength::Scaled(s) => *s * entity,
pub fn raw_scaled(&self, entity: f64) -> f64 {
match *self {
ScaleLength::Absolute(l) => l.as_raw(),
ScaleLength::Scaled(s) => s * entity,
@ -131,344 +210,27 @@ impl Debug for ScaleLength {
/// A value in two dimensions.
#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct Value2<T> {
/// The horizontal component.
pub x: T,
/// The vertical component.
pub y: T,
mod tests {
use super::*;
impl<T: Clone> Value2<T> {
/// Create a new 2D-value from two values.
pub fn new(x: T, y: T) -> Value2<T> { Value2 { x, y } }
/// Create a new 2D-value with `x` set to a value and `y` to default.
pub fn with_x(x: T) -> Value2<T> where T: Default {
Value2 { x, y: T::default() }
fn test_length_from_str_parses_correct_value_and_unit() {
assert_eq!(Length::from_str("2.5cm"), Ok(Length::cm(2.5)));
/// Create a new 2D-value with `y` set to a value and `x` to default.
pub fn with_y(y: T) -> Value2<T> where T: Default {
Value2 { x: T::default(), y }
fn test_length_from_str_works_with_non_ascii_chars() {
assert_eq!(Length::from_str("123🚚"), Err(ParseLengthError));
/// Create a new 2D-value with the primary axis set to a value and the other
/// one to default.
pub fn with_primary(v: T, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Value2<T> where T: Default {
fn test_length_formats_correctly() {
assert_eq!(Length::cm(12.728).to_string(), "12.73cm".to_string());
/// Create a new 2D-value with the secondary axis set to a value and the
/// other one to default.
pub fn with_secondary(v: T, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Value2<T> where T: Default {
/// Create a 2D-value with `x` and `y` set to the same value `s`.
pub fn with_all(s: T) -> Value2<T> { Value2 { x: s.clone(), y: s } }
/// Get the specificed component.
pub fn get(self, axis: SpecificAxis) -> T {
match axis {
Horizontal => self.x,
Vertical => self.y,
/// Borrow the specificed component mutably.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, axis: SpecificAxis) -> &mut T {
match axis {
Horizontal => &mut self.x,
Vertical => &mut self.y,
/// Return the primary value of this specialized 2D-value.
pub fn primary(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> T {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { self.x } else { self.y }
/// Borrow the primary value of this specialized 2D-value mutably.
pub fn primary_mut(&mut self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> &mut T {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { &mut self.x } else { &mut self.y }
/// Return the secondary value of this specialized 2D-value.
pub fn secondary(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> T {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { self.y } else { self.x }
/// Borrow the secondary value of this specialized 2D-value mutably.
pub fn secondary_mut(&mut self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> &mut T {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { &mut self.y } else { &mut self.x }
/// Returns the generalized version of a `Size2D` dependent on the layouting
/// axes, that is:
/// - `x` describes the primary axis instead of the horizontal one.
/// - `y` describes the secondary axis instead of the vertical one.
pub fn generalized(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Value2<T> {
match axes.primary.axis() {
Horizontal => self,
Vertical => Value2 { x: self.y, y: self.x },
/// Returns the specialized version of this generalized Size2D (inverse to
/// `generalized`).
pub fn specialized(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Value2<T> {
// In fact, generalized is its own inverse. For reasons of clarity
// at the call site, we still have this second function.
/// Swap the `x` and `y` values.
pub fn swap(&mut self) {
std::mem::swap(&mut self.x, &mut self.y);
fn test_length_unit_conversion() {
assert!((Length::mm(150.0).as_cm() - 15.0) < 1e-4);
impl<T> Debug for Value2<T> where T: Debug {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
/// A position or extent in 2-dimensional space.
pub type Size = Value2<Length>;
impl Size {
/// The zeroed 2D-length.
pub const ZERO: Size = Size { x: Length::ZERO, y: Length::ZERO };
/// Whether the given 2D-length fits into this one, that is, both coordinate
/// values are smaller or equal.
pub fn fits(self, other: Size) -> bool {
self.x >= other.x && self.y >= other.y
/// Return a 2D-length padded by the paddings of the given box.
pub fn padded(self, padding: Margins) -> Size {
Size {
x: self.x + padding.left + padding.right,
y: self.y + padding.top + padding.bottom,
/// Return a 2D-length reduced by the paddings of the given box.
pub fn unpadded(self, padding: Margins) -> Size {
Size {
x: self.x - padding.left - padding.right,
y: self.y - padding.top - padding.bottom,
/// The anchor position along the given axis for an item with the given
/// alignment in a container with this length.
/// This assumes the length to be generalized such that `x` corresponds to the
/// primary axis.
pub fn anchor(self, alignment: LayoutAlignment, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Size {
Size {
x: self.x.anchor(alignment.primary, axes.primary),
y: self.y.anchor(alignment.secondary, axes.secondary),
impl Neg for Size {
type Output = Size;
fn neg(self) -> Size {
Size {
x: -self.x,
y: -self.y,
/// A value in four dimensions.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct Value4<T> {
/// The left extent.
pub left: T,
/// The top extent.
pub top: T,
/// The right extent.
pub right: T,
/// The bottom extent.
pub bottom: T,
impl<T: Clone> Value4<T> {
/// Create a new box from four sizes.
pub fn new(left: T, top: T, right: T, bottom: T) -> Value4<T> {
Value4 { left, top, right, bottom }
/// Create a box with all four fields set to the same value `s`.
pub fn with_all(value: T) -> Value4<T> {
Value4 {
left: value.clone(),
top: value.clone(),
right: value.clone(),
bottom: value
/// Get a mutable reference to the value for the specified direction at the
/// alignment.
/// Center alignment is treated the same as origin alignment.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, mut direction: Direction, alignment: Alignment) -> &mut T {
if alignment == End {
direction = direction.inv();
match direction {
LeftToRight => &mut self.left,
RightToLeft => &mut self.right,
TopToBottom => &mut self.top,
BottomToTop => &mut self.bottom,
/// Set all values to the given value.
pub fn set_all(&mut self, value: T) {
*self = Value4::with_all(value);
/// Set the `left` and `right` values.
pub fn set_horizontal(&mut self, value: T) {
self.left = value.clone();
self.right = value;
/// Set the `top` and `bottom` values.
pub fn set_vertical(&mut self, value: T) {
self.top = value.clone();
self.bottom = value;
/// A length in four dimensions.
pub type Margins = Value4<Length>;
impl Margins {
/// The zeroed length box.
pub const ZERO: Margins = Margins {
left: Length::ZERO,
top: Length::ZERO,
right: Length::ZERO,
bottom: Length::ZERO,
impl FromStr for Length {
type Err = ParseLengthError;
fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<Length, ParseLengthError> {
let func = match () {
_ if src.ends_with("pt") => Length::pt,
_ if src.ends_with("mm") => Length::mm,
_ if src.ends_with("cm") => Length::cm,
_ if src.ends_with("in") => Length::inches,
_ => return Err(ParseLengthError),
Ok(func(src[..src.len() - 2]
.map_err(|_| ParseLengthError)?))
/// An error which can be returned when parsing a length.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ParseLengthError;
impl std::error::Error for ParseLengthError {}
impl Display for ParseLengthError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("invalid string for length")
macro_rules! implement_traits {
($ty:ident, $t:ident, $o:ident
reflexive {$(
($tr:ident($tf:ident), $at:ident($af:ident), [$($f:ident),*])
numbers { $(($w:ident: $($rest:tt)*))* }
) => {
$(impl $tr for $ty {
type Output = $ty;
fn $tf($t, $o: $ty) -> $ty {
$ty { $($f: $tr::$tf($t.$f, $o.$f),)* }
impl $at for $ty {
fn $af(&mut $t, $o: $ty) { $($at::$af(&mut $t.$f, $o.$f);)* }
$(implement_traits!(@$w i32, $ty $t $o $($rest)*);)*
$(implement_traits!(@$w f64, $ty $t $o $($rest)*);)*
(@front $num:ty, $ty:ident $t:ident $o:ident
) => {
impl $tr<$ty> for $num {
type Output = $ty;
fn $tf($t, $o: $ty) -> $ty {
$ty { $($f: $tr::$tf($t as f64, $o.$f),)* }
(@back $num:ty, $ty:ident $t:ident $o:ident
$tr:ident($tf:ident), $at:ident($af:ident),
) => {
impl $tr<$num> for $ty {
type Output = $ty;
fn $tf($t, $o: $num) -> $ty {
$ty { $($f: $tr::$tf($t.$f, $o as f64),)* }
impl $at<$num> for $ty {
fn $af(&mut $t, $o: $num) { $($at::$af(&mut $t.$f, $o as f64);)* }
macro_rules! implement_size {
($ty:ident($t:ident, $o:ident) [$($f:ident),*]) => {
implement_traits! {
$ty, $t, $o
reflexive {
(Add(add), AddAssign(add_assign), [$($f),*])
(Sub(sub), SubAssign(sub_assign), [$($f),*])
numbers {
(front: Mul(mul), [$($f),*])
(back: Mul(mul), MulAssign(mul_assign), [$($f),*])
(back: Div(div), DivAssign(div_assign), [$($f),*])
implement_size! { Length(self, other) [points] }
implement_size! { Size(self, other) [x, y] }

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ pub mod export;
pub mod font;
pub mod func;
pub mod geom;
pub mod layout;
pub mod library;
pub mod length;

View File

@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ function! {
layout(self, ctx, f) {
styled(&self.body, ctx, self.size, |t, s| {
match s {
ScaleLength::Absolute(size) => {
t.base_font_size = size;
ScaleLength::Absolute(length) => {
t.base_font_size = length.as_raw();
t.font_scale = 1.0;
ScaleLength::Scaled(scale) => t.font_scale = scale,

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ function! {
let map = self.extents.dedup(&mut f.diagnostics, ctx.axes);
for &axis in &[Horizontal, Vertical] {
if let Some(scale) = map.get(axis) {
let length = scale.scaled(ctx.base.get(axis));
let length = scale.raw_scaled(ctx.base.get(axis));
*ctx.base.get_mut(axis) = length;
*ctx.spaces[0].dimensions.get_mut(axis) = length;
*ctx.spaces[0].expansion.get_mut(axis) = true;

View File

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ function! {
let map = self.extents.dedup(&mut f.diagnostics, ctx.axes);
map.with(Horizontal, |&width| style.dimensions.x = width);
map.with(Vertical, |&height| style.dimensions.y = height);
map.with(Horizontal, |&width| style.dimensions.x = width.as_raw());
map.with(Vertical, |&height| style.dimensions.y = height.as_raw());
if self.flip {

View File

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function! {
layout(self, ctx, f) {
if let Some((axis, spacing)) = self.spacing {
let axis = axis.to_generic(ctx.axes);
let spacing = spacing.scaled(ctx.style.text.font_size());
let spacing = spacing.raw_scaled(ctx.style.text.font_size());
vec![AddSpacing(spacing, SpacingKind::Hard, axis)]
} else {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
//! Predefined papers.
use crate::length::{Length, Size, Value4, ScaleLength};
use crate::geom::{Size, Value4};
use crate::length::{Length, ScaleLength};
/// Specification of a paper.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ impl Paper {
/// The size of the paper.
pub fn size(self) -> Size {
Size::new(self.width, self.height)
Size::new(self.width.as_raw(), self.height.as_raw())
@ -74,8 +75,8 @@ macro_rules! papers {
#[doc = $names]
#[doc = "`."]
pub const $var: Paper = Paper {
width: Length { points: 2.83465 * $width },
height: Length { points: 2.83465 * $height },
width: Length::mm($width),
height: Length::mm($height),
class: PaperClass::$class,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
//! Styles for text and pages.
use fontdock::{fallback, FallbackTree, FontVariant, FontStyle, FontWeight, FontWidth};
use crate::length::{Length, Size, Margins, Value4, ScaleLength};
use crate::geom::{Size, Margins, Value4};
use crate::length::{Length, ScaleLength};
use crate::paper::{Paper, PaperClass, PAPER_A4};
/// Defines properties of pages and text.
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ pub struct TextStyle {
/// whether the next `_` makes italic or non-italic.
pub italic: bool,
/// The base font size.
pub base_font_size: Length,
pub base_font_size: f64,
/// The font scale to apply on the base font size.
pub font_scale: f64,
/// The word spacing (as a multiple of the font size).
@ -40,22 +41,22 @@ pub struct TextStyle {
impl TextStyle {
/// The scaled font size.
pub fn font_size(&self) -> Length {
pub fn font_size(&self) -> f64 {
self.base_font_size * self.font_scale
/// The absolute word spacing.
pub fn word_spacing(&self) -> Length {
pub fn word_spacing(&self) -> f64 {
self.word_spacing_scale * self.font_size()
/// The absolute line spacing.
pub fn line_spacing(&self) -> Length {
pub fn line_spacing(&self) -> f64 {
(self.line_spacing_scale - 1.0) * self.font_size()
/// The absolute paragraph spacing.
pub fn paragraph_spacing(&self) -> Length {
pub fn paragraph_spacing(&self) -> f64 {
(self.paragraph_spacing_scale - 1.0) * self.font_size()
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ impl Default for TextStyle {
bolder: false,
italic: false,
base_font_size: Length::pt(11.0),
base_font_size: Length::pt(11.0).as_raw(),
font_scale: 1.0,
word_spacing_scale: 0.25,
line_spacing_scale: 1.2,
@ -118,10 +119,10 @@ impl PageStyle {
let default = self.class.default_margins();
Margins {
left: self.margins.left.unwrap_or(default.left).scaled(dims.x),
top: self.margins.top.unwrap_or(default.top).scaled(dims.y),
right: self.margins.right.unwrap_or(default.right).scaled(dims.x),
bottom: self.margins.bottom.unwrap_or(default.bottom).scaled(dims.y),
left: self.margins.left.unwrap_or(default.left).raw_scaled(dims.x),
top: self.margins.top.unwrap_or(default.top).raw_scaled(dims.y),
right: self.margins.right.unwrap_or(default.right).raw_scaled(dims.x),
bottom: self.margins.bottom.unwrap_or(default.bottom).raw_scaled(dims.y),

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
//! Deduplicating maps and keys for argument parsing.
use crate::diagnostic::Diagnostics;
use crate::geom::Value4;
use crate::layout::prelude::*;
use crate::length::{ScaleLength, Value4};
use crate::length::ScaleLength;
use crate::syntax::span::Spanned;
use super::keys::*;
use super::values::*;

View File

@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ value!(Ident, "identifier", Expr::Ident(i) => i);
value!(String, "string", Expr::Str(s) => s);
value!(f64, "number", Expr::Number(n) => n);
value!(bool, "bool", Expr::Bool(b) => b);
value!(Length, "length", Expr::Length(s) => s);
value!(Length, "length", Expr::Length(l) => l);
value!(Tuple, "tuple", Expr::Tuple(t) => t);
value!(Object, "object", Expr::Object(o) => o);
value!(ScaleLength, "number or length",
Expr::Length(length) => ScaleLength::Absolute(length),
Expr::Number(scale) => ScaleLength::Scaled(scale as f64),
Expr::Number(scale) => ScaleLength::Scaled(scale),
/// A value type that matches [`Expr::Ident`] and [`Expr::Str`] and implements

View File

@ -534,6 +534,7 @@ pub fn is_identifier(string: &str) -> bool {
mod tests {
use crate::length::Length;
use super::super::test::check;
use super::*;
use Token::{

View File

@ -170,8 +170,9 @@ class BoxRenderer:
return self.img
def pix(points):
return int(4 * points)
# the number of pixels per raw unit
def pix(raw):
return int(4 * raw)
def overlap(a, b):
return (a[0] < b[2] and b[0] < a[2]) and (a[1] < b[3] and b[1] < a[3])

View File

@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ use futures_executor::block_on;
use typstc::Typesetter;
use typstc::font::DynProvider;
use typstc::geom::{Size, Value4};
use typstc::layout::MultiLayout;
use typstc::length::{Length, Size, Value4};
use typstc::length::Length;
use typstc::style::PageStyle;
use typstc::paper::PaperClass;
use typstc::export::pdf;
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ fn test(name: &str, src: &str, index: &FsIndex) -> DynResult<()> {
typesetter.set_page_style(PageStyle {
class: PaperClass::Custom,
dimensions: Size::with_all(Length::pt(250.0)),
dimensions: Size::with_all(Length::pt(250.0).as_raw()),
margins: Value4::with_all(None),