Split up some files
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,24 +1,20 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::iter::Sum;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign};
use std::sync::Arc;
use comemo::Tracked;
use typed_arena::Arena;
use super::{
Barrier, CollapsingBuilder, Dict, Interruption, Key, Layout, LayoutNode, Property,
Regions, Selector, Show, ShowNode, StyleChain, StyleEntry, StyleMap, StyleVecBuilder,
Builder, Dict, Key, Layout, LayoutNode, Property, Regions, Scratch, Selector, Show,
ShowNode, StyleChain, StyleEntry, StyleMap,
use crate::diag::{SourceResult, StrResult};
use crate::frame::{Frame, Role};
use crate::geom::{Abs, Numeric};
use crate::library::layout::{FlowChild, FlowNode, PageNode, PlaceNode, Spacing};
use crate::library::structure::{DocNode, ListItem, ListNode, DESC, ENUM, LIST};
use crate::library::text::{ParChild, ParNode};
use crate::geom::Abs;
use crate::library::layout::{PageNode, Spacing};
use crate::library::structure::ListItem;
use crate::util::EcoString;
use crate::World;
@ -301,472 +297,3 @@ impl Sum for Content {
/// Builds a document or a flow node from content.
pub(super) struct Builder<'a> {
/// The core context.
world: Tracked<'a, dyn World>,
/// Scratch arenas for building.
scratch: &'a Scratch<'a>,
/// The current document building state.
doc: Option<DocBuilder<'a>>,
/// The current flow building state.
flow: FlowBuilder<'a>,
/// The current paragraph building state.
par: ParBuilder<'a>,
/// The current list building state.
list: ListBuilder<'a>,
/// Temporary storage arenas for building.
pub(super) struct Scratch<'a> {
/// An arena where intermediate style chains are stored.
styles: Arena<StyleChain<'a>>,
/// An arena where intermediate content resulting from show rules is stored.
templates: Arena<Content>,
impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
pub fn new(
world: Tracked<'a, dyn World>,
scratch: &'a Scratch<'a>,
top: bool,
) -> Self {
Self {
doc: top.then(|| DocBuilder::default()),
flow: FlowBuilder::default(),
par: ParBuilder::default(),
list: ListBuilder::default(),
pub fn into_doc(
mut self,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<(DocNode, StyleChain<'a>)> {
self.interrupt(Interruption::Page, styles, true)?;
let (pages, shared) = self.doc.unwrap().pages.finish();
Ok((DocNode(pages), shared))
pub fn into_flow(
mut self,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<(FlowNode, StyleChain<'a>)> {
self.interrupt(Interruption::Par, styles, false)?;
let (children, shared) = self.flow.0.finish();
Ok((FlowNode(children), shared))
pub fn accept(
&mut self,
content: &'a Content,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<()> {
match content {
Content::Empty => return Ok(()),
Content::Text(text) => {
if let Some(realized) = styles.apply(self.world, Target::Text(text))? {
let stored = self.scratch.templates.alloc(realized);
return self.accept(stored, styles);
Content::Show(node, _) => return self.show(node, styles),
Content::Styled(styled) => return self.styled(styled, styles),
Content::Sequence(seq) => return self.sequence(seq, styles),
_ => {}
if self.list.accept(content, styles) {
return Ok(());
self.interrupt(Interruption::List, styles, false)?;
if let Content::Item(_) = content {
self.list.accept(content, styles);
return Ok(());
if self.par.accept(content, styles) {
return Ok(());
self.interrupt(Interruption::Par, styles, false)?;
if self.flow.accept(content, styles) {
return Ok(());
let keep = matches!(content, Content::Pagebreak { weak: false });
self.interrupt(Interruption::Page, styles, keep)?;
if let Some(doc) = &mut self.doc {
doc.accept(content, styles);
// We might want to issue a warning or error for content that wasn't
// handled (e.g. a pagebreak in a flow building process). However, we
// don't have the spans here at the moment.
fn show(&mut self, node: &ShowNode, styles: StyleChain<'a>) -> SourceResult<()> {
if let Some(mut realized) = styles.apply(self.world, Target::Node(node))? {
let mut map = StyleMap::new();
let barrier = Barrier::new(node.id());
realized = realized.styled_with_map(map);
let stored = self.scratch.templates.alloc(realized);
self.accept(stored, styles)?;
fn styled(
&mut self,
(content, map): &'a (Content, StyleMap),
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<()> {
let stored = self.scratch.styles.alloc(styles);
let styles = map.chain(stored);
let intr = map.interruption();
if let Some(intr) = intr {
self.interrupt(intr, styles, false)?;
self.accept(content, styles)?;
if let Some(intr) = intr {
self.interrupt(intr, styles, true)?;
fn interrupt(
&mut self,
intr: Interruption,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
keep: bool,
) -> SourceResult<()> {
if intr >= Interruption::List && !self.list.is_empty() {
mem::take(&mut self.list).finish(self)?;
if intr >= Interruption::Par {
if !self.par.is_empty() {
mem::take(&mut self.par).finish(self);
if intr >= Interruption::Page {
if let Some(doc) = &mut self.doc {
if !self.flow.is_empty() || (doc.keep_next && keep) {
mem::take(&mut self.flow).finish(doc, styles);
doc.keep_next = !keep;
fn sequence(
&mut self,
seq: &'a [Content],
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<()> {
for content in seq {
self.accept(content, styles)?;
/// Accepts pagebreaks and pages.
struct DocBuilder<'a> {
/// The page runs built so far.
pages: StyleVecBuilder<'a, PageNode>,
/// Whether to keep a following page even if it is empty.
keep_next: bool,
impl<'a> DocBuilder<'a> {
fn accept(&mut self, content: &'a Content, styles: StyleChain<'a>) {
match content {
Content::Pagebreak { weak } => {
self.keep_next = !weak;
Content::Page(page) => {
self.pages.push(page.clone(), styles);
self.keep_next = false;
_ => {}
impl Default for DocBuilder<'_> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
pages: StyleVecBuilder::new(),
keep_next: true,
/// Accepts flow content.
struct FlowBuilder<'a>(CollapsingBuilder<'a, FlowChild>);
impl<'a> FlowBuilder<'a> {
fn accept(&mut self, content: &'a Content, styles: StyleChain<'a>) -> bool {
// Weak flow elements:
// Weakness | Element
// 0 | weak colbreak
// 1 | weak fractional spacing
// 2 | weak spacing
// 3 | generated weak spacing
// 4 | generated weak fractional spacing
// 5 | par spacing
match content {
Content::Parbreak => {}
Content::Colbreak { weak } => {
if *weak {
self.0.weak(FlowChild::Colbreak, styles, 0);
} else {
self.0.destructive(FlowChild::Colbreak, styles);
&Content::Vertical { amount, weak, generated } => {
let child = FlowChild::Spacing(amount);
let frac = amount.is_fractional();
if weak {
let weakness = 1 + u8::from(frac) + 2 * u8::from(generated);
self.0.weak(child, styles, weakness);
} else if frac {
self.0.destructive(child, styles);
} else {
self.0.ignorant(child, styles);
Content::Block(node) => {
let child = FlowChild::Node(node.clone());
if node.is::<PlaceNode>() {
self.0.ignorant(child, styles);
} else {
self.0.supportive(child, styles);
_ => return false,
fn par(&mut self, par: ParNode, styles: StyleChain<'a>, indent: bool) {
let amount = if indent && !styles.get(ParNode::SPACING_AND_INDENT) {
} else {
self.0.weak(FlowChild::Spacing(amount), styles, 5);
self.0.supportive(FlowChild::Node(par.pack()), styles);
self.0.weak(FlowChild::Spacing(amount), styles, 5);
fn finish(self, doc: &mut DocBuilder<'a>, styles: StyleChain<'a>) {
let (flow, shared) = self.0.finish();
let styles = if flow.is_empty() { styles } else { shared };
let node = PageNode(FlowNode(flow).pack());
doc.pages.push(node, styles);
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Accepts paragraph content.
struct ParBuilder<'a>(CollapsingBuilder<'a, ParChild>);
impl<'a> ParBuilder<'a> {
fn accept(&mut self, content: &'a Content, styles: StyleChain<'a>) -> bool {
// Weak par elements:
// Weakness | Element
// 0 | weak fractional spacing
// 1 | weak spacing
// 2 | space
match content {
Content::Space => {
self.0.weak(ParChild::Text(' '.into()), styles, 2);
&Content::Linebreak { justify } => {
let c = if justify { '\u{2028}' } else { '\n' };
self.0.destructive(ParChild::Text(c.into()), styles);
&Content::Horizontal { amount, weak } => {
let child = ParChild::Spacing(amount);
let frac = amount.is_fractional();
if weak {
let weakness = u8::from(!frac);
self.0.weak(child, styles, weakness);
} else if frac {
self.0.destructive(child, styles);
} else {
self.0.ignorant(child, styles);
&Content::Quote { double } => {
self.0.supportive(ParChild::Quote { double }, styles);
Content::Text(text) => {
self.0.supportive(ParChild::Text(text.clone()), styles);
Content::Inline(node) => {
self.0.supportive(ParChild::Node(node.clone()), styles);
_ => return false,
fn finish(self, parent: &mut Builder<'a>) {
let (mut children, shared) = self.0.finish();
if children.is_empty() {
// Paragraph indent should only apply if the paragraph starts with
// text and follows directly after another paragraph.
let indent = shared.get(ParNode::INDENT);
if !indent.is_zero()
&& children
.find_map(|child| match child {
ParChild::Spacing(_) => None,
ParChild::Text(_) | ParChild::Quote { .. } => Some(true),
ParChild::Node(_) => Some(false),
&& parent
.find_map(|child| match child {
FlowChild::Spacing(_) => None,
FlowChild::Node(node) => Some(node.is::<ParNode>()),
FlowChild::Colbreak => Some(false),
parent.flow.par(ParNode(children), shared, !indent.is_zero());
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Accepts list / enum items, spaces, paragraph breaks.
struct ListBuilder<'a> {
/// The list items collected so far.
items: StyleVecBuilder<'a, ListItem>,
/// Whether the list contains no paragraph breaks.
tight: bool,
/// Whether the list can be attached.
attachable: bool,
/// Trailing content for which it is unclear whether it is part of the list.
staged: Vec<(&'a Content, StyleChain<'a>)>,
impl<'a> ListBuilder<'a> {
fn accept(&mut self, content: &'a Content, styles: StyleChain<'a>) -> bool {
if self.items.is_empty() {
match content {
Content::Space => {}
Content::Item(_) => {}
Content::Parbreak => self.attachable = false,
_ => self.attachable = true,
match content {
if self
.map_or(true, |first| item.kind() == first.kind()) =>
self.items.push(item.clone(), styles);
self.tight &= self.staged.drain(..).all(|(t, _)| *t != Content::Parbreak);
Content::Space | Content::Parbreak if !self.items.is_empty() => {
self.staged.push((content, styles));
_ => return false,
fn finish(self, parent: &mut Builder<'a>) -> SourceResult<()> {
let (items, shared) = self.items.finish();
let kind = match items.items().next() {
Some(item) => item.kind(),
None => return Ok(()),
let tight = self.tight;
let attached = tight && self.attachable;
let content = match kind {
LIST => Content::show(ListNode::<LIST> { tight, attached, items }),
ENUM => Content::show(ListNode::<ENUM> { tight, attached, items }),
DESC | _ => Content::show(ListNode::<DESC> { tight, attached, items }),
let stored = parent.scratch.templates.alloc(content);
parent.accept(stored, shared)?;
for (content, styles) in self.staged {
parent.accept(content, styles)?;
parent.list.attachable = true;
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl Default for ListBuilder<'_> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
items: StyleVecBuilder::default(),
tight: true,
attachable: true,
staged: vec![],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
use super::Smart;
use crate::geom::{Abs, Corners, Length, Rel, Sides};
/// A property that is folded to determine its final value.
pub trait Fold {
/// The type of the folded output.
type Output;
/// Fold this inner value with an outer folded value.
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output;
impl<T> Fold for Option<T>
T: Fold,
T::Output: Default,
type Output = Option<T::Output>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|inner| inner.fold(outer.unwrap_or_default()))
impl<T> Fold for Smart<T>
T: Fold,
T::Output: Default,
type Output = Smart<T::Output>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|inner| inner.fold(outer.unwrap_or_default()))
impl<T> Fold for Sides<T>
T: Fold,
type Output = Sides<T::Output>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.fold(outer))
impl Fold for Sides<Option<Rel<Abs>>> {
type Output = Sides<Rel<Abs>>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.unwrap_or(outer))
impl Fold for Sides<Option<Smart<Rel<Length>>>> {
type Output = Sides<Smart<Rel<Length>>>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.unwrap_or(outer))
impl<T> Fold for Corners<T>
T: Fold,
type Output = Corners<T::Output>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.fold(outer))
impl Fold for Corners<Option<Rel<Abs>>> {
type Output = Corners<Rel<Abs>>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.unwrap_or(outer))
@ -21,10 +21,13 @@ mod str;
mod value;
mod args;
mod capture;
mod fold;
mod func;
pub mod methods;
pub mod ops;
mod raw;
mod realize;
mod resolve;
mod scope;
mod vm;
@ -37,14 +40,18 @@ pub use collapse::*;
pub use content::*;
pub use dict::*;
pub use eval::*;
pub use fold::*;
pub use func::*;
pub use layout::*;
pub use property::*;
pub use raw::*;
pub use recipe::*;
pub use resolve::*;
pub use scope::*;
pub use show::*;
pub use styles::*;
pub use typst_macros::node;
pub use value::*;
pub use vm::*;
use realize::*;
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use comemo::Prehashed;
use super::{Interruption, NodeId, Smart, StyleChain};
use crate::geom::{Abs, Axes, Corners, Em, Length, Numeric, Rel, Sides};
use super::{Interruption, NodeId, StyleChain};
use crate::library::layout::PageNode;
use crate::library::structure::{DescNode, EnumNode, ListNode};
use crate::library::text::{ParNode, TextNode};
use crate::library::text::ParNode;
use crate::util::ReadableTypeId;
/// A style property originating from a set rule or constructor.
#[derive(Clone, Hash)]
pub struct Property {
/// The id of the property's [key](Key).
pub key: KeyId,
key: KeyId,
/// The id of the node the property belongs to.
pub node: NodeId,
/// Whether the property should only affect the first node down the
@ -154,166 +153,6 @@ pub trait Key<'a>: Copy + 'static {
) -> Self::Output;
/// A property that is resolved with other properties from the style chain.
pub trait Resolve {
/// The type of the resolved output.
type Output;
/// Resolve the value using the style chain.
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output;
impl Resolve for Em {
type Output = Abs;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
if self.is_zero() {
} else {
impl Resolve for Length {
type Output = Abs;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.abs + self.em.resolve(styles)
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Option<T> {
type Output = Option<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Smart<T> {
type Output = Smart<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Axes<T> {
type Output = Axes<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Sides<T> {
type Output = Sides<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Corners<T> {
type Output = Corners<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T> Resolve for Rel<T>
T: Resolve + Numeric,
<T as Resolve>::Output: Numeric,
type Output = Rel<<T as Resolve>::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|abs| abs.resolve(styles))
/// A property that is folded to determine its final value.
pub trait Fold {
/// The type of the folded output.
type Output;
/// Fold this inner value with an outer folded value.
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output;
impl<T> Fold for Option<T>
T: Fold,
T::Output: Default,
type Output = Option<T::Output>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|inner| inner.fold(outer.unwrap_or_default()))
impl<T> Fold for Smart<T>
T: Fold,
T::Output: Default,
type Output = Smart<T::Output>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|inner| inner.fold(outer.unwrap_or_default()))
impl<T> Fold for Sides<T>
T: Fold,
type Output = Sides<T::Output>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.fold(outer))
impl Fold for Sides<Option<Rel<Abs>>> {
type Output = Sides<Rel<Abs>>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.unwrap_or(outer))
impl Fold for Sides<Option<Smart<Rel<Length>>>> {
type Output = Sides<Smart<Rel<Length>>>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.unwrap_or(outer))
impl<T> Fold for Corners<T>
T: Fold,
type Output = Corners<T::Output>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.fold(outer))
impl Fold for Corners<Option<Rel<Abs>>> {
type Output = Corners<Rel<Abs>>;
fn fold(self, outer: Self::Output) -> Self::Output {
self.zip(outer, |inner, outer| inner.unwrap_or(outer))
/// A scoped property barrier.
/// Barriers interact with [scoped](super::StyleMap::scoped) styles: A scoped
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
use std::mem;
use comemo::Tracked;
use typed_arena::Arena;
use super::{
Barrier, CollapsingBuilder, Content, Interruption, Layout, ShowNode, StyleChain,
StyleEntry, StyleMap, StyleVecBuilder, Target,
use crate::diag::SourceResult;
use crate::geom::Numeric;
use crate::library::layout::{FlowChild, FlowNode, PageNode, PlaceNode};
use crate::library::structure::{DocNode, ListItem, ListNode, DESC, ENUM, LIST};
use crate::library::text::{ParChild, ParNode};
use crate::World;
/// Builds a document or a flow node from content.
pub(super) struct Builder<'a> {
/// The core context.
world: Tracked<'a, dyn World>,
/// Scratch arenas for building.
scratch: &'a Scratch<'a>,
/// The current document building state.
doc: Option<DocBuilder<'a>>,
/// The current flow building state.
flow: FlowBuilder<'a>,
/// The current paragraph building state.
par: ParBuilder<'a>,
/// The current list building state.
list: ListBuilder<'a>,
/// Temporary storage arenas for building.
pub(super) struct Scratch<'a> {
/// An arena where intermediate style chains are stored.
styles: Arena<StyleChain<'a>>,
/// An arena where intermediate content resulting from show rules is stored.
templates: Arena<Content>,
impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
pub fn new(
world: Tracked<'a, dyn World>,
scratch: &'a Scratch<'a>,
top: bool,
) -> Self {
Self {
doc: top.then(|| DocBuilder::default()),
flow: FlowBuilder::default(),
par: ParBuilder::default(),
list: ListBuilder::default(),
pub fn into_doc(
mut self,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<(DocNode, StyleChain<'a>)> {
self.interrupt(Interruption::Page, styles, true)?;
let (pages, shared) = self.doc.unwrap().pages.finish();
Ok((DocNode(pages), shared))
pub fn into_flow(
mut self,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<(FlowNode, StyleChain<'a>)> {
self.interrupt(Interruption::Par, styles, false)?;
let (children, shared) = self.flow.0.finish();
Ok((FlowNode(children), shared))
pub fn accept(
&mut self,
content: &'a Content,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<()> {
match content {
Content::Empty => return Ok(()),
Content::Text(text) => {
if let Some(realized) = styles.apply(self.world, Target::Text(text))? {
let stored = self.scratch.templates.alloc(realized);
return self.accept(stored, styles);
Content::Show(node, _) => return self.show(node, styles),
Content::Styled(styled) => return self.styled(styled, styles),
Content::Sequence(seq) => return self.sequence(seq, styles),
_ => {}
if self.list.accept(content, styles) {
return Ok(());
self.interrupt(Interruption::List, styles, false)?;
if let Content::Item(_) = content {
self.list.accept(content, styles);
return Ok(());
if self.par.accept(content, styles) {
return Ok(());
self.interrupt(Interruption::Par, styles, false)?;
if self.flow.accept(content, styles) {
return Ok(());
let keep = matches!(content, Content::Pagebreak { weak: false });
self.interrupt(Interruption::Page, styles, keep)?;
if let Some(doc) = &mut self.doc {
doc.accept(content, styles);
// We might want to issue a warning or error for content that wasn't
// handled (e.g. a pagebreak in a flow building process). However, we
// don't have the spans here at the moment.
fn show(&mut self, node: &ShowNode, styles: StyleChain<'a>) -> SourceResult<()> {
if let Some(mut realized) = styles.apply(self.world, Target::Node(node))? {
let mut map = StyleMap::new();
let barrier = Barrier::new(node.id());
realized = realized.styled_with_map(map);
let stored = self.scratch.templates.alloc(realized);
self.accept(stored, styles)?;
fn styled(
&mut self,
(content, map): &'a (Content, StyleMap),
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<()> {
let stored = self.scratch.styles.alloc(styles);
let styles = map.chain(stored);
let intr = map.interruption();
if let Some(intr) = intr {
self.interrupt(intr, styles, false)?;
self.accept(content, styles)?;
if let Some(intr) = intr {
self.interrupt(intr, styles, true)?;
fn interrupt(
&mut self,
intr: Interruption,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
keep: bool,
) -> SourceResult<()> {
if intr >= Interruption::List && !self.list.is_empty() {
mem::take(&mut self.list).finish(self)?;
if intr >= Interruption::Par {
if !self.par.is_empty() {
mem::take(&mut self.par).finish(self);
if intr >= Interruption::Page {
if let Some(doc) = &mut self.doc {
if !self.flow.is_empty() || (doc.keep_next && keep) {
mem::take(&mut self.flow).finish(doc, styles);
doc.keep_next = !keep;
fn sequence(
&mut self,
seq: &'a [Content],
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<()> {
for content in seq {
self.accept(content, styles)?;
/// Accepts pagebreaks and pages.
struct DocBuilder<'a> {
/// The page runs built so far.
pages: StyleVecBuilder<'a, PageNode>,
/// Whether to keep a following page even if it is empty.
keep_next: bool,
impl<'a> DocBuilder<'a> {
fn accept(&mut self, content: &'a Content, styles: StyleChain<'a>) {
match content {
Content::Pagebreak { weak } => {
self.keep_next = !weak;
Content::Page(page) => {
self.pages.push(page.clone(), styles);
self.keep_next = false;
_ => {}
impl Default for DocBuilder<'_> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
pages: StyleVecBuilder::new(),
keep_next: true,
/// Accepts flow content.
struct FlowBuilder<'a>(CollapsingBuilder<'a, FlowChild>);
impl<'a> FlowBuilder<'a> {
fn accept(&mut self, content: &'a Content, styles: StyleChain<'a>) -> bool {
// Weak flow elements:
// Weakness | Element
// 0 | weak colbreak
// 1 | weak fractional spacing
// 2 | weak spacing
// 3 | generated weak spacing
// 4 | generated weak fractional spacing
// 5 | par spacing
match content {
Content::Parbreak => {}
Content::Colbreak { weak } => {
if *weak {
self.0.weak(FlowChild::Colbreak, styles, 0);
} else {
self.0.destructive(FlowChild::Colbreak, styles);
&Content::Vertical { amount, weak, generated } => {
let child = FlowChild::Spacing(amount);
let frac = amount.is_fractional();
if weak {
let weakness = 1 + u8::from(frac) + 2 * u8::from(generated);
self.0.weak(child, styles, weakness);
} else if frac {
self.0.destructive(child, styles);
} else {
self.0.ignorant(child, styles);
Content::Block(node) => {
let child = FlowChild::Node(node.clone());
if node.is::<PlaceNode>() {
self.0.ignorant(child, styles);
} else {
self.0.supportive(child, styles);
_ => return false,
fn par(&mut self, par: ParNode, styles: StyleChain<'a>, indent: bool) {
let amount = if indent && !styles.get(ParNode::SPACING_AND_INDENT) {
} else {
self.0.weak(FlowChild::Spacing(amount), styles, 5);
self.0.supportive(FlowChild::Node(par.pack()), styles);
self.0.weak(FlowChild::Spacing(amount), styles, 5);
fn finish(self, doc: &mut DocBuilder<'a>, styles: StyleChain<'a>) {
let (flow, shared) = self.0.finish();
let styles = if flow.is_empty() { styles } else { shared };
let node = PageNode(FlowNode(flow).pack());
doc.pages.push(node, styles);
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Accepts paragraph content.
struct ParBuilder<'a>(CollapsingBuilder<'a, ParChild>);
impl<'a> ParBuilder<'a> {
fn accept(&mut self, content: &'a Content, styles: StyleChain<'a>) -> bool {
// Weak par elements:
// Weakness | Element
// 0 | weak fractional spacing
// 1 | weak spacing
// 2 | space
match content {
Content::Space => {
self.0.weak(ParChild::Text(' '.into()), styles, 2);
&Content::Linebreak { justify } => {
let c = if justify { '\u{2028}' } else { '\n' };
self.0.destructive(ParChild::Text(c.into()), styles);
&Content::Horizontal { amount, weak } => {
let child = ParChild::Spacing(amount);
let frac = amount.is_fractional();
if weak {
let weakness = u8::from(!frac);
self.0.weak(child, styles, weakness);
} else if frac {
self.0.destructive(child, styles);
} else {
self.0.ignorant(child, styles);
&Content::Quote { double } => {
self.0.supportive(ParChild::Quote { double }, styles);
Content::Text(text) => {
self.0.supportive(ParChild::Text(text.clone()), styles);
Content::Inline(node) => {
self.0.supportive(ParChild::Node(node.clone()), styles);
_ => return false,
fn finish(self, parent: &mut Builder<'a>) {
let (mut children, shared) = self.0.finish();
if children.is_empty() {
// Paragraph indent should only apply if the paragraph starts with
// text and follows directly after another paragraph.
let indent = shared.get(ParNode::INDENT);
if !indent.is_zero()
&& children
.find_map(|child| match child {
ParChild::Spacing(_) => None,
ParChild::Text(_) | ParChild::Quote { .. } => Some(true),
ParChild::Node(_) => Some(false),
&& parent
.find_map(|child| match child {
FlowChild::Spacing(_) => None,
FlowChild::Node(node) => Some(node.is::<ParNode>()),
FlowChild::Colbreak => Some(false),
parent.flow.par(ParNode(children), shared, !indent.is_zero());
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Accepts list / enum items, spaces, paragraph breaks.
struct ListBuilder<'a> {
/// The list items collected so far.
items: StyleVecBuilder<'a, ListItem>,
/// Whether the list contains no paragraph breaks.
tight: bool,
/// Whether the list can be attached.
attachable: bool,
/// Trailing content for which it is unclear whether it is part of the list.
staged: Vec<(&'a Content, StyleChain<'a>)>,
impl<'a> ListBuilder<'a> {
fn accept(&mut self, content: &'a Content, styles: StyleChain<'a>) -> bool {
if self.items.is_empty() {
match content {
Content::Space => {}
Content::Item(_) => {}
Content::Parbreak => self.attachable = false,
_ => self.attachable = true,
match content {
if self
.map_or(true, |first| item.kind() == first.kind()) =>
self.items.push(item.clone(), styles);
self.tight &= self.staged.drain(..).all(|(t, _)| *t != Content::Parbreak);
Content::Space | Content::Parbreak if !self.items.is_empty() => {
self.staged.push((content, styles));
_ => return false,
fn finish(self, parent: &mut Builder<'a>) -> SourceResult<()> {
let (items, shared) = self.items.finish();
let kind = match items.items().next() {
Some(item) => item.kind(),
None => return Ok(()),
let tight = self.tight;
let attached = tight && self.attachable;
let content = match kind {
LIST => Content::show(ListNode::<LIST> { tight, attached, items }),
ENUM => Content::show(ListNode::<ENUM> { tight, attached, items }),
DESC | _ => Content::show(ListNode::<DESC> { tight, attached, items }),
let stored = parent.scratch.templates.alloc(content);
parent.accept(stored, shared)?;
for (content, styles) in self.staged {
parent.accept(content, styles)?;
parent.list.attachable = true;
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl Default for ListBuilder<'_> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
items: StyleVecBuilder::default(),
tight: true,
attachable: true,
staged: vec![],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
use super::{Smart, StyleChain};
use crate::geom::{Abs, Axes, Corners, Em, Length, Numeric, Rel, Sides};
use crate::library::text::TextNode;
/// A property that is resolved with other properties from the style chain.
pub trait Resolve {
/// The type of the resolved output.
type Output;
/// Resolve the value using the style chain.
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output;
impl Resolve for Em {
type Output = Abs;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
if self.is_zero() {
} else {
impl Resolve for Length {
type Output = Abs;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.abs + self.em.resolve(styles)
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Option<T> {
type Output = Option<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Smart<T> {
type Output = Smart<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Axes<T> {
type Output = Axes<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Sides<T> {
type Output = Sides<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Corners<T> {
type Output = Corners<T::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|v| v.resolve(styles))
impl<T> Resolve for Rel<T>
T: Resolve + Numeric,
<T as Resolve>::Output: Numeric,
type Output = Rel<<T as Resolve>::Output>;
fn resolve(self, styles: StyleChain) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|abs| abs.resolve(styles))
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.reference.typst" } }
"begin": "(#)(pub|let|set|show|wrap)\\b",
"begin": "(#)(let|set|show|wrap|apply|select)\\b",
"end": "\n|(;)|(?=])",
"beginCaptures": {
"0": { "name": "keyword.other.typst" },
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
"captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.keyword.typst" } }
"begin": "(#)(import|include)\\b",
"begin": "(#)(import|include|export)\\b",
"end": "\n|(;)|(?=])",
"beginCaptures": {
"0": { "name": "keyword.control.import.typst" },
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
"name": "keyword.other.typst",
"match": "\\b(pub|let|set|show|wrap|as|in|from)\\b"
"match": "\\b(let|as|in|from|set|show|wrap|apply|select)\\b"
"name": "keyword.control.conditional.typst",
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
"name": "keyword.control.import.typst",
"match": "\\b(import|include)\\b"
"match": "\\b(import|include|export)\\b"
"name": "keyword.control.flow.typst",
@ -344,6 +344,12 @@
"name": "constant.character.escape.string.typst",
"match": "\\\\([\\\\\"nrt]|u\\{?[0-9a-zA-Z]*\\}?)"
"name": "string.other.math.typst",
"begin": "\\$",
"end": "\\$",
"captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.defintion.string.math.typst" } }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user