Panic function

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2023-02-19 21:08:01 +01:00
parent 1e681b35c7
commit 6e65ebf236
3 changed files with 52 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -56,6 +56,29 @@ pub fn repr(args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value> {
/// # Panic
/// Fail with an error.
/// ## Example
/// The code below produces the error `panicked at: "this is wrong"`.
/// ```typ
/// #panic("this is wrong")
/// ```
/// ## Parameters
/// - payload: `Value` (positional)
/// The value (or message) to panic with.
/// ## Category
/// foundations
pub fn panic(args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value> {
match<Value>()? {
Some(v) => bail!(args.span, "panicked with: {}", v.repr()),
None => bail!(args.span, "panicked"),
/// # Assert
/// Ensure that a condition is fulfilled.
@ -64,24 +87,26 @@ pub fn repr(args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value> {
/// ## Example
/// ```example
/// #assert(1 < 2)
/// #assert(1 < 2, message: "one is")
/// ```
/// ## Parameters
/// - condition: `bool` (positional, required)
/// The condition that must be true for the assertion to pass.
/// - message: `EcoString` (named)
/// The error message when the assertion fails.
/// ## Category
/// foundations
pub fn assert(args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v, span } = args.expect::<Spanned<bool>>("condition")?;
let check = args.expect::<bool>("condition")?;
let message = args.named::<EcoString>("message")?;
if !v {
if !check {
if let Some(message) = message {
bail!(span, "assertion failed: {}", message);
bail!(args.span, "assertion failed: {}", message);
} else {
bail!(span, "assertion failed");
bail!(args.span, "assertion failed");

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@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ fn global(math: Module, calc: Module) -> Module {
// Compute.

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@ -10,11 +10,31 @@
#test(repr(ltr), "ltr")
#test(repr((1, 2, false, )), "(1, 2, false)")
// Test panic.
// Error: 7-9 panicked
// Test panic.
// Error: 7-12 panicked with: 123
// Test panic.
// Error: 7-24 panicked with: "this is wrong"
#panic("this is wrong")
// Test failing assertions.
// Error: 9-15 assertion failed
// Error: 8-16 assertion failed
#assert(1 == 2)
// Test failing assertions.
// Error: 8-51 assertion failed: two is smaller than one
#assert(2 < 1, message: "two is smaller than one")
// Test failing assertions.
// Error: 9-15 expected boolean, found string