BiDi reordering 🔃
Co-Authored-By: Martin <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ miniz_oxide = "0.3"
pdf-writer = { path = "../pdf-writer" }
rustybuzz = "0.3"
ttf-parser = "0.9"
unicode-bidi = "0.3"
unicode-xid = "0.2"
xi-unicode = "0.3"
anyhow = { version = "1", optional = true }
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Range;
use unicode_bidi::{BidiInfo, Level};
use xi_unicode::LineBreakIterator;
use super::*;
@ -29,18 +31,6 @@ pub enum ParChild {
Any(AnyNode, Align),
impl Debug for ParChild {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Spacing(amount) => write!(f, "Spacing({:?})", amount),
Self::Text(node, align) => write!(f, "Text({:?}, {:?})", node.text, align),
Self::Any(any, align) => {
/// A consecutive, styled run of text.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct TextNode {
@ -50,26 +40,73 @@ pub struct TextNode {
pub props: FontProps,
impl Debug for TextNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Text({:?})", self.text)
impl Layout for ParNode {
fn layout(&self, ctx: &mut LayoutContext, areas: &Areas) -> Vec<Frame> {
let mut layouter = ParLayouter::new(self.dir, self.line_spacing, areas.clone());
let mut text = String::new();
let mut ranges = vec![];
for child in &self.children {
let start = text.len();
match child {
ParChild::Spacing(_) => text.push(' '),
ParChild::Text(node, _) => text.push_str(&node.text),
ParChild::Any(_, _) => text.push('\u{FFFC}'),
ranges.push(start .. text.len());
let level = match self.dir {
Dir::LTR => Level::ltr(),
Dir::RTL => Level::rtl(),
_ => panic!("invalid paragraph direction"),
let bidi = BidiInfo::new(&text, Some(level));
let mut layouter =
ParLayouter::new(self.dir, self.line_spacing, &bidi, areas.clone());
for (range, child) in ranges.into_iter().zip(&self.children) {
match *child {
ParChild::Spacing(amount) => layouter.push_spacing(amount),
ParChild::Text(ref node, align) => layouter.push_text(ctx, node, align),
ParChild::Spacing(amount) => {
layouter.push_spacing(range, amount);
ParChild::Text(ref node, align) => {
let mut start = range.start;
let mut last = None;
for (idx, level) in bidi.levels[range.clone()].iter().enumerate() {
let idx = range.start + idx;
if last.map_or(false, |last| last != level) {
// Push the text up until `idx` (exclusively).
start .. idx,
&text[start .. idx],
start = idx;
last = Some(level);
start .. range.end,
&text[start .. range.end],
ParChild::Any(ref node, align) => {
for frame in node.layout(ctx, &layouter.areas) {
layouter.push_frame(frame, align);
layouter.push_frame(range.clone(), frame, align);
@ -80,65 +117,92 @@ impl From<ParNode> for AnyNode {
struct ParLayouter {
struct ParLayouter<'a> {
dir: Dir,
line_spacing: Length,
bidi: &'a BidiInfo<'a>,
areas: Areas,
finished: Vec<Frame>,
stack: Vec<(Length, Frame, Align)>,
stack_size: Size,
line: Vec<(Length, Frame, Align)>,
line_size: Size,
line_ruler: Align,
line: Line,
hard: bool,
impl ParLayouter {
fn new(dir: Dir, line_spacing: Length, areas: Areas) -> Self {
struct Line {
items: Vec<LineItem>,
size: Size,
ruler: Align,
struct LineItem {
range: Range<usize>,
frame: Frame,
align: Align,
impl<'a> ParLayouter<'a> {
fn new(dir: Dir, line_spacing: Length, bidi: &'a BidiInfo<'a>, areas: Areas) -> Self {
Self {
finished: vec![],
stack: vec![],
stack_size: Size::ZERO,
line: vec![],
line_size: Size::ZERO,
line_ruler: Align::Start,
line: Line {
items: vec![],
size: Size::ZERO,
ruler: Align::Start,
hard: true,
fn push_spacing(&mut self, amount: Length) {
let max = self.areas.current.width;
self.line_size.width = (self.line_size.width + amount).min(max);
fn push_spacing(&mut self, range: Range<usize>, amount: Length) {
let amount = amount.min(self.areas.current.width - self.line.size.width);
self.line.size.width += amount;
self.line.items.push(LineItem {
frame: Frame::new(Size::new(amount, Length::ZERO)),
align: Align::default(),
fn push_text(&mut self, ctx: &mut LayoutContext, node: &TextNode, align: Align) {
fn push_text(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut LayoutContext,
range: Range<usize>,
text: &str,
props: &FontProps,
align: Align,
) {
// Position in the text at which the current line starts.
let mut start = 0;
let mut start = range.start;
// The current line attempt: Text shaped up to the previous line break
// opportunity.
let mut last = None;
let mut iter = LineBreakIterator::new(&node.text).peekable();
let mut iter = LineBreakIterator::new(text).peekable();
while let Some(&(pos, mandatory)) = iter.peek() {
let line = &node.text[start .. pos];
let line = &text[start - range.start .. pos];
// Remove trailing newline and spacing at the end of lines.
let mut line = line.trim_end_matches(is_newline);
if pos != node.text.len() {
if pos != text.len() {
line = line.trim_end();
let frame = shape(line, &mut ctx.env.fonts, &node.props);
let pos = range.start + pos;
let frame = shape(line, &mut ctx.env.fonts, props);
if self.usable().fits(frame.size) {
// Still fits into the line.
if mandatory {
// We have to break here.
self.push_frame(frame, align);
self.push_frame(start .. pos, frame, align);
start = pos;
last = None;
@ -149,7 +213,7 @@ impl ParLayouter {
// The line start..pos doesn't fit. So we write the line up to
// the last position and retry writing just the single piece
// behind it.
self.push_frame(frame, align);
self.push_frame(start .. pos, frame, align);
start = pos;
@ -157,7 +221,7 @@ impl ParLayouter {
// Since last is `None`, we are at the first piece behind a line
// break and it still doesn't fit. Since we can't break it up
// further, so we just have to push it.
self.push_frame(frame, align);
self.push_frame(start .. pos, frame, align);
start = pos;
@ -166,12 +230,12 @@ impl ParLayouter {
// Leftovers.
if let Some((frame, _)) = last {
self.push_frame(frame, align);
if let Some((frame, pos)) = last {
self.push_frame(start .. pos, frame, align);
fn push_frame(&mut self, frame: Frame, align: Align) {
fn push_frame(&mut self, range: Range<usize>, frame: Frame, align: Align) {
// When the alignment of the last pushed frame (stored in the "ruler")
// is further to the end than the new `frame`, we need a line break.
@ -184,12 +248,12 @@ impl ParLayouter {
// | First |
// | Second |
// +----------------------------+
if self.line_ruler > align {
if self.line.ruler > align {
// Find out whether the area still has enough space for this frame.
if !self.usable().fits(frame.size) && self.line_size.width > Length::ZERO {
if !self.usable().fits(frame.size) && self.line.size.width > Length::ZERO {
// Here, we can directly check whether the frame fits into
@ -209,10 +273,10 @@ impl ParLayouter {
// A line can contain frames with different alignments. Their exact
// positions are calculated later depending on the alignments.
let size = frame.size;
self.line.push((self.line_size.width, frame, align));
self.line_size.width += size.width;
self.line_size.height = self.line_size.height.max(size.height);
self.line_ruler = align;
self.line.items.push(LineItem { range, frame, align });
self.line.size.width += size.width;
self.line.size.height = self.line.size.height.max(size.height);
self.line.ruler = align;
fn usable(&self) -> Size {
@ -220,37 +284,60 @@ impl ParLayouter {
// `areas.current`, but the width of the current line needs to be
// subtracted to make sure the frame fits.
let mut usable = self.areas.current;
usable.width -= self.line_size.width;
usable.width -= self.line.size.width;
fn finish_line(&mut self, hard: bool) {
if !mem::replace(&mut self.hard, hard) && self.line.is_empty() {
if !mem::replace(&mut self.hard, hard) && self.line.items.is_empty() {
let mut items = mem::take(&mut self.line.items);
if let (Some(first), Some(last)) = (items.first(), items.last()) {
let range = first.range.start .. last.range.end;
let para = self
.find(|para| para.range.contains(&range.start))
let (levels, ranges) = self.bidi.visual_runs(¶, range);
items.sort_by_key(|item| {
let start = item.range.start;
let idx = ranges.iter().position(|r| r.contains(&start)).unwrap();
let ltr = levels[start].is_ltr();
let sec = start as isize * if ltr { 1 } else { -1 };
(idx, sec)
let full_size = {
let expand = self.areas.expand.horizontal;
let full = self.areas.full.width;
expand.resolve(self.line_size.width, full),
expand.resolve(self.line.size.width, full),
let mut output = Frame::new(full_size);
for (before, frame, align) in mem::take(&mut self.line) {
let mut offset = Length::ZERO;
for item in items {
// Align along the x axis.
let x = align.resolve(if self.dir.is_positive() {
before .. full_size.width - self.line_size.width + before
let x = item.align.resolve(if self.dir.is_positive() {
offset .. full_size.width - self.line.size.width + offset
} else {
let before_with_self = before + frame.size.width;
full_size.width - before_with_self
.. self.line_size.width - before_with_self
full_size.width - self.line.size.width + offset .. offset
offset += item.frame.size.width;
let pos = Point::new(x, Length::ZERO);
output.push_frame(pos, frame);
output.push_frame(pos, item.frame);
// Add line spacing, but only between lines, not after the last line.
@ -259,12 +346,12 @@ impl ParLayouter {
self.areas.current.height -= self.line_spacing;
self.stack.push((self.stack_size.height, output, self.line_ruler));
self.stack.push((self.stack_size.height, output, self.line.ruler));
self.stack_size.height += full_size.height;
self.stack_size.width = self.stack_size.width.max(full_size.width);
self.areas.current.height -= full_size.height;
self.line_size = Size::ZERO;
self.line_ruler = Align::Start;
self.line.size = Size::ZERO;
self.line.ruler = Align::Start;
fn finish_area(&mut self) {
@ -292,3 +379,21 @@ impl ParLayouter {
impl Debug for ParChild {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Spacing(amount) => write!(f, "Spacing({:?})", amount),
Self::Text(node, align) => write!(f, "Text({:?}, {:?})", node.text, align),
Self::Any(any, align) => {
impl Debug for TextNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Text({:?})", self.text)
Binary file not shown.
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