Refactor paragraph layout

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2022-03-13 12:42:07 +01:00
parent 2890a156d2
commit 9c7067bce3

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@ -135,21 +135,16 @@ impl Layout for ParNode {
) -> TypResult<Vec<Arc<Frame>>> {
// Collect all text into one string and perform BiDi analysis.
let text = self.collect_text();
let bidi = BidiInfo::new(&text, match styles.get(Self::DIR) {
Dir::LTR => Some(Level::ltr()),
Dir::RTL => Some(Level::rtl()),
_ => None,
// Prepare paragraph layout by building a representation on which we can
// do line breaking without layouting each and every line from scratch.
let par = ParLayout::new(ctx, self, bidi, regions, &styles)?;
let p = prepare(ctx, self, &text, regions, &styles)?;
// Break the paragraph into lines.
let lines = break_into_lines(&mut ctx.fonts, &par, regions.first.x, styles);
let lines = linebreak(&p, &mut ctx.fonts, regions.first.x, styles);
// Stack the lines into one frame per region.
Ok(stack_lines(&ctx.fonts, lines, regions, styles))
Ok(stack(&lines, &ctx.fonts, regions, styles))
@ -201,9 +196,16 @@ impl LinebreakNode {
/// Range of a substring of text.
type Range = std::ops::Range<usize>;
/// A paragraph representation in which children are already layouted and text
/// is already preshaped.
struct ParLayout<'a> {
/// In many cases, we can directly reuse these results when constructing a line.
/// Only when a line break falls onto a text index that is not safe-to-break per
/// rustybuzz, we have to reshape that portion.
struct Preparation<'a> {
/// Bidirectional text embedding levels for the paragraph.
bidi: BidiInfo<'a>,
/// Spacing, separated text runs and layouted nodes.
@ -212,8 +214,12 @@ struct ParLayout<'a> {
ranges: Vec<Range>,
/// Range of a substring of text.
type Range = std::ops::Range<usize>;
impl Preparation<'_> {
/// Find the index of the item whose range contains the `text_offset`.
fn find(&self, text_offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
self.ranges.binary_search_by(|r| r.locate(text_offset)).ok()
/// A prepared item in a paragraph layout.
enum ParItem<'a> {
@ -227,177 +233,16 @@ enum ParItem<'a> {
impl<'a> ParLayout<'a> {
/// Prepare initial shaped text and layouted children.
fn new(
ctx: &mut Context,
par: &'a ParNode,
bidi: BidiInfo<'a>,
regions: &Regions,
styles: &'a StyleChain<'a>,
) -> TypResult<Self> {
let mut items = vec![];
let mut ranges = vec![];
// Layout the children and collect them into items.
for (range, (child, map)) in par.ranges().zip(par.0.iter()) {
let styles = map.chain(styles);
match child {
ParChild::Text(_) => {
// TODO: Also split by language and script.
let mut cursor = range.start;
for (level, count) in bidi.levels[range].group() {
let start = cursor;
cursor += count;
let subrange = start .. cursor;
let text = &bidi.text[subrange.clone()];
let dir = if level.is_ltr() { Dir::LTR } else { Dir::RTL };
let shaped = shape(&mut ctx.fonts, text, styles, dir);
ParChild::Spacing(spacing) => match *spacing {
Spacing::Linear(v) => {
let resolved = v.resolve(regions.first.x);
Spacing::Fractional(v) => {
ParChild::Node(node) => {
let size = Size::new(regions.first.x, regions.base.y);
let pod = Regions::one(size, regions.base, Spec::splat(false));
let frame = node.layout(ctx, &pod, styles)?.remove(0);
Ok(Self { bidi, items, ranges })
/// Create a line which spans the given range.
fn line(
&'a self,
fonts: &mut FontStore,
mut range: Range,
mandatory: bool,
hyphen: bool,
) -> LineLayout<'a> {
// Find the items which bound the text range.
let last_idx = self.find(range.end.saturating_sub(1)).unwrap();
let first_idx = if range.is_empty() {
} else {
// Slice out the relevant items and ranges.
let mut items = &self.items[first_idx ..= last_idx];
let ranges = &self.ranges[first_idx ..= last_idx];
// Reshape the last item if it's split in half.
let mut last = None;
if let Some((ParItem::Text(shaped), rest)) = items.split_last() {
// Compute the range we want to shape, trimming whitespace at the
// end of the line.
let base = self.ranges[last_idx].start;
let start = range.start.max(base);
let end = start + self.bidi.text[start .. range.end].trim_end().len();
let shifted = start - base .. end - base;
// Reshape if necessary.
if shifted.len() < shaped.text.len() {
// If start == end and the rest is empty, then we have an empty
// line. To make that line have the appropriate height, we shape the
// empty string.
if !shifted.is_empty() || rest.is_empty() {
// Reshape that part.
let mut reshaped = shaped.reshape(fonts, shifted);
if hyphen {
last = Some(ParItem::Text(reshaped));
items = rest;
range.end = end;
// Reshape the start item if it's split in half.
let mut first = None;
if let Some((ParItem::Text(shaped), rest)) = items.split_first() {
// Compute the range we want to shape.
let Range { start: base, end: first_end } = self.ranges[first_idx];
let start = range.start;
let end = range.end.min(first_end);
let shifted = start - base .. end - base;
// Reshape if necessary.
if shifted.len() < shaped.text.len() {
if !shifted.is_empty() {
let reshaped = shaped.reshape(fonts, shifted);
first = Some(ParItem::Text(reshaped));
items = rest;
let mut width = Length::zero();
let mut top = Length::zero();
let mut bottom = Length::zero();
let mut fr = Fractional::zero();
// Measure the size of the line.
for item in first.iter().chain(items).chain(&last) {
match item {
ParItem::Absolute(v) => width += *v,
ParItem::Fractional(v) => fr += *v,
ParItem::Text(shaped) => {
width += shaped.size.x;
bottom.set_max(shaped.size.y - shaped.baseline);
ParItem::Frame(frame) => {
width += frame.size.x;
bottom.set_max(frame.size.y - frame.baseline());
LineLayout {
bidi: &self.bidi,
size: Size::new(width, top + bottom),
baseline: top,
/// Find the index of the item whose range contains the `text_offset`.
fn find(&self, text_offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
self.ranges.binary_search_by(|r| r.locate(text_offset)).ok()
/// A lightweight representation of a line that spans a specific range in a
/// paragraph's text. This type enables you to cheaply measure the size of a
/// line in a range before comitting to building the line's frame.
struct LineLayout<'a> {
/// A layouted line, consisting of a sequence of layouted paragraph items that
/// are mostly borrowed from the preparation phase. This type enables you to
/// measure the size of a line in a range before comitting to building the
/// line's frame.
/// At most two paragraph items must be created individually for this line: The
/// first and last one since they may be broken apart by the start or end of the
/// line, respectively. But even those can partially reuse previous results when
/// the break index is safe-to-break per rustybuzz.
struct Line<'a> {
/// Bidi information about the paragraph.
bidi: &'a BidiInfo<'a>,
/// The range the line spans in the paragraph.
@ -423,104 +268,12 @@ struct LineLayout<'a> {
mandatory: bool,
impl<'a> LineLayout<'a> {
/// Build the line's frame.
fn build(
fonts: &FontStore,
width: Length,
align: Align,
justify: bool,
) -> Frame {
let size = Size::new(width, self.size.y);
let mut remaining = width - self.size.x;
let mut offset = Length::zero();
let mut output = Frame::new(size);
output.baseline = Some(self.baseline);
let mut justification = Length::zero();
if justify
&& !self.mandatory
&& self.range.end < self.bidi.text.len()
justification = remaining / self.spaces() as f64;
remaining = Length::zero();
for item in self.reordered() {
let mut position = |frame: Frame| {
let x = offset + align.resolve(remaining);
let y = self.baseline - frame.baseline();
offset += frame.size.x;
output.merge_frame(Point::new(x, y), frame);
match item {
ParItem::Absolute(v) => offset += *v,
ParItem::Fractional(v) => offset += v.resolve(, remaining),
ParItem::Text(shaped) => position(, justification)),
ParItem::Frame(frame) => position(frame.clone()),
/// The number of spaces in the line.
fn spaces(&self) -> usize {
/// Iterate through the line's items in visual order.
fn reordered(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ParItem<'a>> {
// The bidi crate doesn't like empty lines.
let (levels, runs) = if !self.range.is_empty() {
// Find the paragraph that contains the line.
let para = self
.find(|para| para.range.contains(&self.range.start))
// Compute the reordered ranges in visual order (left to right).
self.bidi.visual_runs(para, self.range.clone())
} else {
(vec![], vec![])
.flat_map(move |run| {
let first_idx = self.find(run.start).unwrap();
let last_idx = self.find(run.end - 1).unwrap();
let range = first_idx ..= last_idx;
// Provide the items forwards or backwards depending on the run's
// direction.
if levels[run.start].is_ltr() {
} else {
.map(move |idx| self.get(idx).unwrap())
impl<'a> Line<'a> {
/// Iterate over the line's items.
fn items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ParItem<'a>> {
/// Iterate through the line's text items.
fn shapeds(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ShapedText<'a>> {
self.items().filter_map(|item| match item {
ParItem::Text(shaped) => Some(shaped),
_ => None,
/// Find the index of the item whose range contains the `text_offset`.
fn find(&self, text_offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
self.ranges.binary_search_by(|r| r.locate(text_offset)).ok()
@ -532,43 +285,103 @@ impl<'a> LineLayout<'a> {
/// Prepare paragraph layout by shaping the whole paragraph and layouting all
/// contained inline-level nodes.
fn prepare<'a>(
ctx: &mut Context,
par: &'a ParNode,
text: &'a str,
regions: &Regions,
styles: &'a StyleChain,
) -> TypResult<Preparation<'a>> {
let bidi = BidiInfo::new(&text, match styles.get(ParNode::DIR) {
Dir::LTR => Some(Level::ltr()),
Dir::RTL => Some(Level::rtl()),
_ => None,
let mut items = vec![];
let mut ranges = vec![];
// Layout the children and collect them into items.
for (range, (child, map)) in par.ranges().zip(par.0.iter()) {
let styles = map.chain(styles);
match child {
ParChild::Text(_) => {
// TODO: Also split by language and script.
let mut cursor = range.start;
for (level, count) in bidi.levels[range].group() {
let start = cursor;
cursor += count;
let subrange = start .. cursor;
let text = &bidi.text[subrange.clone()];
let dir = if level.is_ltr() { Dir::LTR } else { Dir::RTL };
let shaped = shape(&mut ctx.fonts, text, styles, dir);
ParChild::Spacing(spacing) => match *spacing {
Spacing::Linear(v) => {
let resolved = v.resolve(regions.first.x);
Spacing::Fractional(v) => {
ParChild::Node(node) => {
let size = Size::new(regions.first.x, regions.base.y);
let pod = Regions::one(size, regions.base, Spec::splat(false));
let frame = node.layout(ctx, &pod, styles)?.remove(0);
Ok(Preparation { bidi, items, ranges })
/// Perform line breaking.
fn break_into_lines<'a>(
fn linebreak<'a>(
p: &'a Preparation<'a>,
fonts: &mut FontStore,
par: &'a ParLayout<'a>,
width: Length,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> Vec<LineLayout<'a>> {
) -> Vec<Line<'a>> {
// The already determined lines and the current line attempt.
let mut lines = vec![];
let mut start = 0;
let mut last = None;
// Find suitable line breaks.
for (end, mandatory, hyphen) in breakpoints(&par.bidi.text, styles) {
for (end, mandatory, hyphen) in breakpoints(&p.bidi.text, styles) {
// Compute the line and its size.
let mut line = par.line(fonts, start .. end, mandatory, hyphen);
let mut attempt = line(p, fonts, start .. end, mandatory, hyphen);
// If the line doesn't fit anymore, we push the last fitting attempt
// into the stack and rebuild the line from its end. The resulting
// line cannot be broken up further.
if !width.fits(line.size.x) {
if let Some((last_line, last_end)) = last.take() {
if !width.fits(attempt.size.x) {
if let Some((last_attempt, last_end)) = last.take() {
start = last_end;
line = par.line(fonts, start .. end, mandatory, hyphen);
attempt = line(p, fonts, start .. end, mandatory, hyphen);
// Finish the current line if there is a mandatory line break (i.e.
// due to "\n") or if the line doesn't fit horizontally already
// since then no shorter line will be possible.
if mandatory || !width.fits(line.size.x) {
if mandatory || !width.fits(attempt.size.x) {
start = end;
last = None;
} else {
last = Some((line, end));
last = Some((attempt, end));
@ -580,6 +393,10 @@ fn break_into_lines<'a>(
/// Determine all possible points in the text where lines can broken.
/// Returns for each breakpoint the text index, whether the break is mandatory
/// (after `\n`) and whether a hyphen is required (when breaking inside of a
/// word).
fn breakpoints<'a>(
text: &'a str,
styles: StyleChain,
@ -620,10 +437,116 @@ fn breakpoints<'a>(
/// Combine the lines into one frame per region.
fn stack_lines(
/// Create a line which spans the given range.
fn line<'a>(
p: &'a Preparation,
fonts: &mut FontStore,
mut range: Range,
mandatory: bool,
hyphen: bool,
) -> Line<'a> {
// Find the items which bound the text range.
let last_idx = p.find(range.end.saturating_sub(1)).unwrap();
let first_idx = if range.is_empty() {
} else {
// Slice out the relevant items and ranges.
let mut items = &p.items[first_idx ..= last_idx];
let ranges = &p.ranges[first_idx ..= last_idx];
// Reshape the last item if it's split in half.
let mut last = None;
if let Some((ParItem::Text(shaped), rest)) = items.split_last() {
// Compute the range we want to shape, trimming whitespace at the
// end of the line.
let base = p.ranges[last_idx].start;
let start = range.start.max(base);
let end = start + p.bidi.text[start .. range.end].trim_end().len();
let shifted = start - base .. end - base;
// Reshape if necessary.
if shifted.len() < shaped.text.len() {
// If start == end and the rest is empty, then we have an empty
// line. To make that line have the appropriate height, we shape the
// empty string.
if !shifted.is_empty() || rest.is_empty() {
// Reshape that part.
let mut reshaped = shaped.reshape(fonts, shifted);
if hyphen {
last = Some(ParItem::Text(reshaped));
items = rest;
range.end = end;
// Reshape the start item if it's split in half.
let mut first = None;
if let Some((ParItem::Text(shaped), rest)) = items.split_first() {
// Compute the range we want to shape.
let Range { start: base, end: first_end } = p.ranges[first_idx];
let start = range.start;
let end = range.end.min(first_end);
let shifted = start - base .. end - base;
// Reshape if necessary.
if shifted.len() < shaped.text.len() {
if !shifted.is_empty() {
let reshaped = shaped.reshape(fonts, shifted);
first = Some(ParItem::Text(reshaped));
items = rest;
let mut width = Length::zero();
let mut top = Length::zero();
let mut bottom = Length::zero();
let mut fr = Fractional::zero();
// Measure the size of the line.
for item in first.iter().chain(items).chain(&last) {
match item {
ParItem::Absolute(v) => width += *v,
ParItem::Fractional(v) => fr += *v,
ParItem::Text(shaped) => {
width += shaped.size.x;
bottom.set_max(shaped.size.y - shaped.baseline);
ParItem::Frame(frame) => {
width += frame.size.x;
bottom.set_max(frame.size.y - frame.baseline());
Line {
bidi: &p.bidi,
size: Size::new(width, top + bottom),
baseline: top,
/// Combine layouted lines into one frame per region.
fn stack(
lines: &[Line],
fonts: &FontStore,
lines: Vec<LineLayout>,
regions: &Regions,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> Vec<Arc<Frame>> {
@ -658,7 +581,7 @@ fn stack_lines(
output.size.y += leading;
let frame =, width, align, justify);
let frame = commit(line, fonts, width, align, justify);
let pos = Point::with_y(output.size.y);
output.size.y += frame.size.y;
output.merge_frame(pos, frame);
@ -670,3 +593,89 @@ fn stack_lines(
/// Commit to a line and build its frame.
fn commit(
line: &Line,
fonts: &FontStore,
width: Length,
align: Align,
justify: bool,
) -> Frame {
let size = Size::new(width, line.size.y);
let mut remaining = width - line.size.x;
let mut offset = Length::zero();
let mut output = Frame::new(size);
output.baseline = Some(line.baseline);
let mut justification = Length::zero();
if justify
&& !line.mandatory
&& line.range.end < line.bidi.text.len()
let mut spaces = 0;
for item in line.items() {
if let ParItem::Text(shaped) = item {
spaces += shaped.spaces();
justification = remaining / spaces as f64;
remaining = Length::zero();
for item in reorder(line) {
let mut position = |frame: Frame| {
let x = offset + align.resolve(remaining);
let y = line.baseline - frame.baseline();
offset += frame.size.x;
output.merge_frame(Point::new(x, y), frame);
match item {
ParItem::Absolute(v) => offset += *v,
ParItem::Fractional(v) => offset += v.resolve(, remaining),
ParItem::Text(shaped) => position(, justification)),
ParItem::Frame(frame) => position(frame.clone()),
/// Iterate through a line's items in visual order.
fn reorder<'a>(line: &'a Line<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a ParItem<'a>> {
// The bidi crate doesn't like empty lines.
let (levels, runs) = if !line.range.is_empty() {
// Find the paragraph that contains the line.
let para = line
.find(|para| para.range.contains(&line.range.start))
// Compute the reordered ranges in visual order (left to right).
line.bidi.visual_runs(para, line.range.clone())
} else {
(vec![], vec![])
.flat_map(move |run| {
let first_idx = line.find(run.start).unwrap();
let last_idx = line.find(run.end - 1).unwrap();
let range = first_idx ..= last_idx;
// Provide the items forwards or backwards depending on the run's
// direction.
if levels[run.start].is_ltr() {
} else {
.map(move |idx| line.get(idx).unwrap())