Streamline parser and tokenizer test code ✈

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2020-07-26 19:14:23 +02:00
parent ea64ce9aeb
commit 9f400042cb
5 changed files with 346 additions and 397 deletions

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@ -93,9 +93,6 @@ impl Debug for Expr {
/// A unicode identifier.
/// The identifier must be valid! This is checked in [`Ident::new`] or
/// [`is_identifier`].
/// # Example
/// ```typst
/// [func: "hi", ident]
@ -105,7 +102,8 @@ impl Debug for Expr {
pub struct Ident(pub String);
impl Ident {
/// Create a new identifier from a string checking that it is valid.
/// Create a new identifier from a string checking that it is a valid
/// unicode identifier.
pub fn new<S>(ident: S) -> Option<Ident> where S: AsRef<str> + Into<String> {
if is_identifier(ident.as_ref()) {

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@ -639,84 +639,17 @@ fn unescape_raw(raw: &str) -> Vec<String> {
mod tests {
use crate::size::Size;
use crate::syntax::test::{DebugFn, check, zspan};
use crate::syntax::test::{DebugFn, check};
use crate::syntax::func::Value;
use super::*;
use Decoration::*;
use Expr::{Number as Num, Size as Sz, Bool};
use Node::{
Space as S, ToggleItalic as Italic, ToggleBolder as Bold,
Parbreak, Linebreak,
use Expr::{Number as Num, Size as Sz, Bool};
fn Id(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Ident(Ident(text.to_string())) }
fn Str(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Str(text.to_string()) }
fn Pt(points: f32) -> Expr { Expr::Size(Size::pt(points)) }
fn Neg(e1: Expr) -> Expr { Expr::Neg(Box::new(zspan(e1))) }
fn Add(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::Add(Box::new(zspan(e1)), Box::new(zspan(e2)))
fn Sub(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::Sub(Box::new(zspan(e1)), Box::new(zspan(e2)))
fn Mul(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::Mul(Box::new(zspan(e1)), Box::new(zspan(e2)))
fn Div(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::Div(Box::new(zspan(e1)), Box::new(zspan(e2)))
fn Clr(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8) -> Expr {
Expr::Color(RgbaColor::new(r, g, b, a))
fn ClrStr(color: &str) -> Expr {
Expr::Color(RgbaColor::from_str(color).expect("invalid test color"))
fn ClrStrHealed() -> Expr {
let mut c = RgbaColor::from_str("000f").expect("invalid test color");
c.healed = true;
fn T(text: &str) -> Node { Node::Text(text.to_string()) }
/// Create a raw text node.
macro_rules! raw {
($($line:expr),* $(,)?) => {
/// Create a tuple expression.
macro_rules! tuple {
($($items:expr),* $(,)?) => {
Expr::Tuple(Tuple { items: spanned![vec $($items),*].0 })
/// Create a named tuple expression.
macro_rules! named_tuple {
($name:expr $(, $items:expr)* $(,)?) => {
zspan(Tuple { items: spanned![vec $($items),*].0 })
/// Create an object expression.
macro_rules! object {
($($key:expr => $value:expr),* $(,)?) => {
Expr::Object(Object {
pairs: vec![$(zspan(Pair {
key: zspan(Ident($key.to_string())),
value: zspan($value),
/// Test whether the given string parses into
/// - the given node list (required).
/// - the given error list (optional, if omitted checks against empty list).
@ -736,12 +669,12 @@ mod tests {
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &scope };
let pass = parse(Position::ZERO, $source, ctx);
// Test model
let (exp, cmp) = spanned![vec $($model)*];
// Test model.
let (exp, cmp) = span_vec![$($model)*];
check($source, exp, pass.output.nodes, cmp);
// Test problems
let (exp, cmp) = spanned![vec $($problems)*];
// Test problems.
let (exp, cmp) = span_vec![$($problems)*];
let exp = exp.into_iter()
.map(|s: Spanned<&str>||e| e.to_string()))
@ -750,42 +683,90 @@ mod tests {
check($source, exp, found, cmp);
// Test decos
$(let (exp, cmp) = spanned![vec $($decos)*];
// Test decos.
$(let (exp, cmp) = span_vec![$($decos)*];
check($source, exp,, cmp);)?
/// Write down a `DebugFn` function model compactly.
/// Shorthand for `p!("[val: ...]" => func!("val", ...))`.
macro_rules! pval {
($header:expr => $($tts:tt)*) => {
p!(concat!("[val: ", $header, "]") => [func!("val": $($tts)*)]);
fn Id(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Ident(Ident(text.to_string())) }
fn Str(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Str(text.to_string()) }
fn Pt(points: f32) -> Expr { Expr::Size(Size::pt(points)) }
fn Color(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8) -> Expr { Expr::Color(RgbaColor::new(r, g, b, a)) }
fn ColorStr(color: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Color(RgbaColor::from_str(color).expect("invalid test color")) }
fn ColorHealed() -> Expr { Expr::Color(RgbaColor::new_healed(0, 0, 0, 255)) }
fn Neg(e1: Expr) -> Expr { Expr::Neg(Box::new(Z(e1))) }
fn Add(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { Expr::Add(Box::new(Z(e1)), Box::new(Z(e2))) }
fn Sub(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { Expr::Sub(Box::new(Z(e1)), Box::new(Z(e2))) }
fn Mul(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { Expr::Mul(Box::new(Z(e1)), Box::new(Z(e2))) }
fn Div(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) -> Expr { Expr::Div(Box::new(Z(e1)), Box::new(Z(e2))) }
fn T(text: &str) -> Node { Node::Text(text.to_string()) }
fn Z<T>(v: T) -> Spanned<T> { Spanned::zero(v) }
macro_rules! tuple {
($($items:expr),* $(,)?) => {
Expr::Tuple(Tuple { items: span_vec![$($items),*].0 })
macro_rules! named_tuple {
($name:expr $(, $items:expr)* $(,)?) => {
Z(Tuple { items: span_vec![$($items),*].0 })
macro_rules! object {
($($key:expr => $value:expr),* $(,)?) => {
Expr::Object(Object {
pairs: vec![$(Z(Pair {
key: Z(Ident($key.to_string())),
value: Z($value),
macro_rules! raw {
($($line:expr),* $(,)?) => {
macro_rules! func {
($name:tt $(: ($($pos:tt)*), { $($key:tt)* } )? $(; $($body:tt)*)?) => ({
($name:tt $(: ($($pos:tt)*) $(, { $($key:tt)* })? )? $(; $($body:tt)*)?) => {{
let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
$(args.pos = Tuple::parse(zspan(tuple!($($pos)*))).unwrap();)?
$(args.key = Object::parse(zspan(object! { $($key)* })).unwrap();)?
$(args.pos = Tuple::parse(Z(tuple!($($pos)*))).unwrap();
$(args.key = Object::parse(Z(object! { $($key)* })).unwrap();)?)?
Node::Model(Box::new(DebugFn {
header: FuncHeader {
name: spanned!(item $name).map(|s| Ident(s.to_string())),
name: span_item!($name).map(|s| Ident(s.to_string())),
body: func!(@body $($($body)*)?),
(@body [$($body:tt)*]) => ({
Some(SyntaxModel { nodes: spanned![vec $($body)*].0 })
(@body) => (None);
(@body [$($body:tt)*]) => { Some(SyntaxModel { nodes: span_vec![$($body)*].0 }) };
(@body) => { None };
fn parse_color_strings() {
assert_eq!(Clr(0xf6, 0x12, 0x43, 0xff), ClrStr("f61243ff"));
assert_eq!(Clr(0xb3, 0xd8, 0xb3, 0xff), ClrStr("b3d8b3"));
assert_eq!(Clr(0xfc, 0xd2, 0xa9, 0xad), ClrStr("fCd2a9AD"));
assert_eq!(Clr(0x22, 0x33, 0x33, 0xff), ClrStr("233"));
assert_eq!(Clr(0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0xbb), ClrStr("111b"));
assert_eq!(Color(0xf6, 0x12, 0x43, 0xff), ColorStr("f61243ff"));
assert_eq!(Color(0xb3, 0xd8, 0xb3, 0xff), ColorStr("b3d8b3"));
assert_eq!(Color(0xfc, 0xd2, 0xa9, 0xad), ColorStr("fCd2a9AD"));
assert_eq!(Color(0x22, 0x33, 0x33, 0xff), ColorStr("233"));
assert_eq!(Color(0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0xbb), ColorStr("111b"));
@ -824,7 +805,7 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_basic_nodes() {
// Basic nodes
// Basic nodes.
p!("" => []);
p!("hi" => [T("hi")]);
p!("*hi" => [Bold, T("hi")]);
@ -838,13 +819,13 @@ mod tests {
p!(r"a\ b" => [T("a"), Linebreak, S, T("b")]);
p!("💜\n\n 🌍" => [T("💜"), Parbreak, T("🌍")]);
// Raw markup
// Raw markup.
p!("`py`" => [raw!["py"]]);
p!("[val][`hi]`]" => [func!("val"; [raw!["hi]"]])]);
p!("`hi\nyou" => [raw!["hi", "you"]], [(1:3, 1:3, "expected backtick")]);
p!("`hi\\`du`" => [raw!["hi`du"]]);
// Spanned nodes
// Spanned nodes.
p!("Hi" => [(0:0, 0:2, T("Hi"))]);
p!("*Hi*" => [(0:0, 0:1, Bold), (0:1, 0:3, T("Hi")), (0:3, 0:4, Bold)]);
p!("🌎\n*/[n]" =>
@ -856,31 +837,31 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_function_names() {
// No closing bracket
// No closing bracket.
p!("[" => [func!("")], [
(0:1, 0:1, "expected identifier"),
(0:1, 0:1, "expected closing bracket")
// No name
// No name.
p!("[]" => [func!("")], [(0:1, 0:1, "expected identifier")]);
p!("[\"]" => [func!("")], [
(0:1, 0:3, "expected identifier, found string"),
(0:3, 0:3, "expected closing bracket"),
// An unknown name
// An unknown name.
p!("[hi]" =>
[(0:1, 0:3, "unknown function")],
[(0:1, 0:3, InvalidFuncName)],
// A valid name
// A valid name.
p!("[f]" => [func!("f")], [], [(0:1, 0:2, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[ f]" => [func!("f")], [], [(0:3, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
// An invalid token for a name
// An invalid token for a name.
p!("[12]" => [func!("")], [(0:1, 0:3, "expected identifier, found number")], []);
p!("[🌎]" => [func!("")], [(0:1, 0:2, "expected identifier, found invalid token")], []);
p!("[ 🌎]" => [func!("")], [(0:3, 0:4, "expected identifier, found invalid token")], []);
@ -888,13 +869,19 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_colon_starting_function_arguments() {
// No colon before arg
// Valid.
p!("[val: true]" =>
[func!["val": (Bool(true))]], [],
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
// No colon before arg.
p!("[val\"s\"]" => [func!("val")], [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
// No colon before valid, but wrong token
// No colon before valid, but wrong token.
p!("[val=]" => [func!("val")], [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
// No colon before invalid tokens, which are ignored
// No colon before invalid tokens, which are ignored.
p!("[val/🌎:$]" =>
[(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")],
@ -909,36 +896,38 @@ mod tests {
(0:7, 0:7, "expected closing bracket"),
// Just colon without args
// Just colon without args.
p!("[val:]" => [func!("val")]);
p!("[val:/*12pt*/]" => [func!("val")]);
// Whitespace / comments around colon
p!("[val\n:\ntrue]" => [func!("val": (Bool(true)), {})]);
p!("[val/*:*/://\ntrue]" => [func!("val": (Bool(true)), {})]);
// Whitespace / comments around colon.
p!("[val\n:\ntrue]" => [func!("val": (Bool(true)))]);
p!("[val/*:*/://\ntrue]" => [func!("val": (Bool(true)))]);
fn parse_one_positional_argument() {
// Different expressions
p!("[val: true]" =>
[func!("val": (Bool(true)), {})], [],
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
p!("[val: _]" => [func!("val": (Id("_")), {})]);
p!("[val: name]" => [func!("val": (Id("name")), {})]);
p!("[val: \"hi\"]" => [func!("val": (Str("hi")), {})]);
p!("[val: \"a\n[]\\\"string\"]" => [func!("val": (Str("a\n[]\"string")), {})]);
p!("[val: 3.14]" => [func!("val": (Num(3.14)), {})]);
p!("[val: 4.5cm]" => [func!("val": (Sz(Size::cm(4.5))), {})]);
p!("[val: 12e1pt]" => [func!("val": (Pt(12e1)), {})]);
p!("[val: #f7a20500]" => [func!("val": (ClrStr("f7a20500")), {})]);
// Different expressions.
pval!("_" => (Id("_")));
pval!("name" => (Id("name")));
pval!("\"hi\"" => (Str("hi")));
pval!("3.14" => (Num(3.14)));
pval!("4.5cm" => (Sz(Size::cm(4.5))));
pval!("12e1pt" => (Pt(12e1)));
pval!("#f7a20500" => (ColorStr("f7a20500")));
pval!("\"a\n[]\\\"string\"" => (Str("a\n[]\"string")));
// Math
p!("[val: 3.2in + 6pt]" => [func!("val": (Add(Sz(Size::inches(3.2)), Sz(Size::pt(6.0)))), {})]);
p!("[val: 5 - 0.01]" => [func!("val": (Sub(Num(5.0), Num(0.01))), {})]);
p!("[val: (3mm * 2)]" => [func!("val": (Mul(Sz(Size::mm(3.0)), Num(2.0))), {})]);
p!("[val: 12e-3cm/1pt]" => [func!("val": (Div(Sz(Size::cm(12e-3)), Sz(Size::pt(1.0)))), {})]);
// Trailing comma.
pval!("a," => (Id("a")));
// Simple coerced tuple.
pval!("(hi)" => (Id("hi")));
// Math.
pval!("3.2in + 6pt" => (Add(Sz(Size::inches(3.2)), Sz(Size::pt(6.0)))));
pval!("5 - 0.01" => (Sub(Num(5.0), Num(0.01))));
pval!("(3mm * 2)" => (Mul(Sz(Size::mm(3.0)), Num(2.0))));
pval!("12e-3cm/1pt" => (Div(Sz(Size::cm(12e-3)), Sz(Size::pt(1.0)))));
// Unclosed string.
p!("[val: \"hello]" => [func!("val": (Str("hello]")), {})], [
@ -946,112 +935,80 @@ mod tests {
(0:13, 0:13, "expected closing bracket"),
//Invalid colors
p!("[val: #12345]" => [func!("val": (ClrStrHealed()), {})], [
(0:6, 0:12, "invalid color"),
p!("[val: #a5]" => [func!("val": (ClrStrHealed()), {})], [
(0:6, 0:9, "invalid color"),
p!("[val: #14b2ah]" => [func!("val": (ClrStrHealed()), {})], [
(0:6, 0:13, "invalid color"),
p!("[val: #f075ff011]" => [func!("val": (ClrStrHealed()), {})], [
(0:6, 0:16, "invalid color"),
// Invalid, healed colors.
p!("[val: #12345]" => [func!("val": (ColorHealed()))], [(0:6, 0:12, "invalid color")]);
p!("[val: #a5]" => [func!("val": (ColorHealed()))], [(0:6, 0:9, "invalid color")]);
p!("[val: #14b2ah]" => [func!("val": (ColorHealed()))], [(0:6, 0:13, "invalid color")]);
p!("[val: #f075ff011]" => [func!("val": (ColorHealed()))], [(0:6, 0:16, "invalid color")]);
fn parse_complex_mathematical_expressions() {
p!("[val: (3.2in + 6pt)*(5/2-1)]" => [func!("val": (
Add(Sz(Size::inches(3.2)), Sz(Size::pt(6.0))),
Sub(Div(Num(5.0), Num(2.0)), Num(1.0))
), {})]);
p!("[val: (6.3E+2+4* - 3.2pt)/2]" => [func!("val": (
Div(Add(Num(6.3e2),Mul(Num(4.0), Neg(Pt(3.2)))), Num(2.0))
), {})]);
p!("[val: 4pt--]" =>
[func!("val": (Pt(4.0)), {})],
(0:10, 0:11, "dangling minus"),
(0:6, 0:10, "missing right summand")
// Valid expressions.
pval!("(3.2in + 6pt)*(5/2-1)" => (Mul(
Add(Sz(Size::inches(3.2)), Sz(Size::pt(6.0))),
Sub(Div(Num(5.0), Num(2.0)), Num(1.0))
pval!("(6.3E+2+4* - 3.2pt)/2" => (Div(
Add(Num(6.3e2),Mul(Num(4.0), Neg(Pt(3.2)))),
// Invalid expressions.
p!("[val: 4pt--]" => [func!("val": (Pt(4.0)))], [
(0:10, 0:11, "dangling minus"),
(0:6, 0:10, "missing right summand")
p!("[val: 3mm+4pt*]" =>
[func!("val": (Add(Sz(Size::mm(3.0)), Pt(4.0))), {})],
[func!("val": (Add(Sz(Size::mm(3.0)), Pt(4.0))))],
[(0:10, 0:14, "missing right factor")],
fn parse_tuples() {
// Empty tuple
p!("[val: ()]" => [func!("val": (tuple!()), {})]);
p!("[val: empty()]" => [func!("val": (named_tuple!("empty")), {})]);
// Empty tuple.
pval!("()" => (tuple!()));
pval!("empty()" => (named_tuple!("empty")));
// Invalid value
p!("[val: (🌎)]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!()), {})],
[(0:7, 0:8, "expected value, found invalid token")],
// Invalid value.
p!("[val: sound(\x07)]" =>
[func!("val": (named_tuple!("sound")), {})],
[(0:12, 0:13, "expected value, found invalid token")],
// Invalid tuple name
// Invalid tuple name.
p!("[val: 👠(\"abc\", 13e-5)]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!(Str("abc"), Num(13.0e-5))), {})],
[(0:6, 0:7, "expected argument, found invalid token")],
// Unclosed tuple
p!("[val: (hello,]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!(Id("hello"),)), {})],
[(0:13, 0:13, "expected closing paren")],
// Unclosed tuple.
p!("[val: lang(中文]" =>
[func!("val": (named_tuple!("lang", Id("中文"))), {})],
[(0:13, 0:13, "expected closing paren")],
// Valid values
p!("[val: (1, 2)]" => [func!("val": (tuple!(Num(1.0), Num(2.0))), {})]);
p!("[val: (\"s\",)]" => [func!("val": (tuple!(Str("s"))), {})]);
p!("[val: cmyk(1, 46, 0, 0)]" =>
[func!("val": (named_tuple!(
"cmyk", Num(1.0), Num(46.0), Num(0.0), Num(0.0)
)), {})]
p!("[val: items(\"fire\", #f93a6d)]" =>
[func!("val": (named_tuple!(
"items", Str("fire"), ClrStr("f93a6d")
)), {})]
// Valid values.
pval!("(1, 2)" => (tuple!(Num(1.0), Num(2.0))));
pval!("(\"s\",)" => (tuple!(Str("s"))));
pval!("items(\"fire\", #f93a6d)" => (
named_tuple!("items", Str("fire"), ColorStr("f93a6d")
// Nested tuples
p!("[val: (1, (2, 3))]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!(Num(1.0), tuple!(Num(2.0), Num(3.0)))), {})]
p!("[val: css(1pt, rgb(90, 102, 254), \"solid\")]" =>
[func!("val": (named_tuple!(
"css", Pt(1.0), named_tuple!(
"rgb", Num(90.0), Num(102.0), Num(254.0)
), Str("solid")
)), {})]
// Nested tuples.
pval!("css(1pt, rgb(90, 102, 254), \"solid\")" => (named_tuple!(
named_tuple!("rgb", Num(90.0), Num(102.0), Num(254.0)),
// Invalid commas
// Invalid commas.
p!("[val: (,)]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!()), {})],
[(0:7, 0:8, "expected value, found comma")],
p!("[val: nose(,)]" =>
[func!("val": (named_tuple!("nose")), {})],
[(0:11, 0:12, "expected value, found comma")],
p!("[val: (true false)]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!(Bool(true), Bool(false))), {})],
[(0:11, 0:11, "expected comma")],
@ -1060,14 +1017,13 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_objects() {
let f = || func!("val": (object! {}), {});
let val = || func!("val": (object! {}), {});
// Okay objects
p!("[val: {}]" => [f()]);
p!("[val: { key: value }]" =>
[func!("val": (object! { "key" => Id("value") }), {})]);
// Okay objects.
pval!("{}" => (object! {}));
pval!("{ key: value }" => (object! { "key" => Id("value") }));
// Unclosed object
// Unclosed object.
p!("[val: {hello: world]" =>
[func!("val": (object! { "hello" => Id("world") }), {})],
[(0:19, 0:19, "expected closing brace")],
@ -1077,14 +1033,14 @@ mod tests {
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected colon"), (0:9, 0:9, "expected closing brace")],
// Missing key
p!("[val: {,}]" => [f()], [(0:7, 0:8, "expected key, found comma")]);
p!("[val: { 12pt }]" => [f()], [(0:8, 0:12, "expected key, found size")]);
p!("[val: { : }]" => [f()], [(0:8, 0:9, "expected key, found colon")]);
// Missing key.
p!("[val: {,}]" => [val()], [(0:7, 0:8, "expected key, found comma")]);
p!("[val: { 12pt }]" => [val()], [(0:8, 0:12, "expected key, found size")]);
p!("[val: { : }]" => [val()], [(0:8, 0:9, "expected key, found colon")]);
// Missing colon
p!("[val: { key }]" => [f()], [(0:11, 0:11, "expected colon")]);
p!("[val: { key false }]" => [f()], [
// Missing colon.
p!("[val: { key }]" => [val()], [(0:11, 0:11, "expected colon")]);
p!("[val: { key false }]" => [val()], [
(0:11, 0:11, "expected colon"),
(0:12, 0:17, "expected key, found bool"),
@ -1093,14 +1049,14 @@ mod tests {
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected colon")],
// Missing value
p!("[val: { key: : }]" => [f()], [(0:13, 0:14, "expected value, found colon")]);
// Missing value.
p!("[val: { key: : }]" => [val()], [(0:13, 0:14, "expected value, found colon")]);
p!("[val: { key: , k: \"s\" }]" =>
[func!("val": (object! { "k" => Str("s") }), {})],
[(0:13, 0:14, "expected value, found comma")],
// Missing comma, invalid token
// Missing comma, invalid token.
p!("[val: left={ a: 2, b: false 🌎 }]" =>
[func!("val": (), {
"left" => object! {
@ -1115,7 +1071,7 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_nested_tuples_and_objects() {
p!("[val: (1, { ab: (), d: (3, 14pt) }), false]" => [func!("val": (
pval!("(1, { ab: (), d: (3, 14pt) }), false" => (
@ -1124,7 +1080,7 @@ mod tests {
), {})]);
@ -1151,12 +1107,11 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_multiple_mixed_arguments() {
p!("[val: a,]" => [func!("val": (Id("a")), {})]);
p!("[val: 12pt, key=value]" =>
[func!("val": (Pt(12.0)), { "key" => Id("value") })], [],
[(0:12, 0:15, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
p!("[val: a , \"b\" , c]" => [func!("val": (Id("a"), Str("b"), Id("c")), {})]);
pval!("a , x=\"b\" , c" => (Id("a"), Id("c")), { "x" => Str("b"), });
@ -1177,7 +1132,7 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_invalid_key_value_pairs() {
// Invalid keys
// Invalid keys.
p!("[val: true=you]" =>
[func!("val": (Bool(true), Id("you")), {})],
[(0:10, 0:10, "expected comma"),
@ -1185,13 +1140,14 @@ mod tests {
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
// Unexpected equals.
p!("[box: z=y=4]" =>
[func!("box": (Num(4.0)), { "z" => Id("y") })],
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma"),
(0:9, 0:10, "expected argument, found equals sign")],
// Invalid colon after keyable positional argument
// Invalid colon after keyable positional argument.
p!("[val: key:12]" =>
[func!("val": (Id("key"), Num(12.0)), {})],
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma"),
@ -1199,7 +1155,7 @@ mod tests {
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
// Invalid colon after non-keyable positional argument
// Invalid colon after unkeyable positional argument.
p!("[val: true:12]" => [func!("val": (Bool(true), Num(12.0)), {})],
[(0:10, 0:10, "expected comma"),
(0:10, 0:11, "expected argument, found colon")],
@ -1209,7 +1165,7 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_invalid_commas() {
// Missing commas
// Missing commas.
p!("[val: 1pt 1]" =>
[func!("val": (Pt(1.0), Num(1.0)), {})],
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma")],
@ -1219,7 +1175,7 @@ mod tests {
[(0:7, 0:7, "expected comma")],
// Unexpected commas
// Unexpected commas.
p!("[val:,]" => [func!("val")], [(0:5, 0:6, "expected argument, found comma")]);
p!("[val: key=,]" => [func!("val")], [(0:10, 0:11, "expected value, found comma")]);
p!("[val:, true]" =>
@ -1231,13 +1187,10 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_bodies() {
p!("[val][Hi]" => [func!("val"; [T("Hi")])]);
// Body nodes in bodies.
p!("[val:*][*Hi*]" =>
[func!("val"; [Bold, T("Hi"), Bold])],
[(0:5, 0:6, "expected argument, found star")],
// Errors in bodies.
p!(" [val][ */ ]" =>
[S, func!("val"; [S, S])],
@ -1267,7 +1220,8 @@ mod tests {
(0:6, 0:18, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val"); [(0:6, 0:11, T("world"))])),
(0:18, 0:19, S),
(0:19, 0:20, T("🌎"))
], [],
[(0:7, 0:10, ValidFuncName)],
@ -1281,7 +1235,8 @@ mod tests {
(1:4, 1:10, func!((0:2, 0:5, "box"))),
(1:10, 2:1, S),
], [],
[(0:2, 0:5, ValidFuncName), (1:6, 1:9, ValidFuncName)],

View File

@ -4,6 +4,114 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::ops::{Add, Sub};
use serde::Serialize;
/// A vector of spanned things.
pub type SpanVec<T> = Vec<Spanned<T>>;
/// [Offset](Span::offset) all spans in a vector of spanned things by a start
/// position.
pub fn offset_spans<T>(
start: Position,
vec: SpanVec<T>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item=Spanned<T>> {
vec.into_iter().map(move |s| s.map_span(|span| span.offset(start)))
/// A value with the span it corresponds to in the source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Serialize)]
pub struct Spanned<T> {
/// The value.
pub v: T,
/// The corresponding span.
pub span: Span,
impl<T> Spanned<T> {
/// Create a new instance from a value and its span.
pub fn new(v: T, span: Span) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned { v, span }
/// Create a new instance from a value with the zero span.
pub fn zero(v: T) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned { v, span: Span::ZERO }
/// Access the value.
pub fn value(self) -> T {
/// Map the value using a function while keeping the span.
pub fn map<V, F>(self, f: F) -> Spanned<V> where F: FnOnce(T) -> V {
Spanned { v: f(self.v), span: self.span }
/// Maps the span while keeping the value.
pub fn map_span<F>(mut self, f: F) -> Spanned<T> where F: FnOnce(Span) -> Span {
self.span = f(self.span);
impl<T: Debug> Debug for Spanned<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if f.alternate() {
f.write_str(" ")?;
/// Locates a slice of source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Serialize)]
pub struct Span {
/// The inclusive start position.
pub start: Position,
/// The inclusive end position.
pub end: Position,
impl Span {
/// The zero span.
pub const ZERO: Span = Span { start: Position::ZERO, end: Position::ZERO };
/// Create a new span from start and end positions.
pub fn new(start: Position, end: Position) -> Span {
Span { start, end }
/// Create a new span with the earlier start and later end position.
pub fn merge(a: Span, b: Span) -> Span {
Span {
start: a.start.min(b.start),
end: a.end.max(b.end),
/// Create a span including just a single position.
pub fn at(pos: Position) -> Span {
Span { start: pos, end: pos }
/// Offset a span by a start position.
/// This is, for example, used to translate error spans from function local
/// to global.
pub fn offset(self, start: Position) -> Span {
Span {
start: start + self.start,
end: start + self.end,
impl Debug for Span {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "<{:?}-{:?}>", self.start, self.end)
/// Zero-indexed line-column position in source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Serialize)]
@ -65,102 +173,3 @@ impl Debug for Position {
write!(f, "{}:{}", self.line, self.column)
/// Locates a slice of source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Serialize)]
pub struct Span {
/// The inclusive start position.
pub start: Position,
/// The inclusive end position.
pub end: Position,
impl Span {
/// The zero span.
pub const ZERO: Span = Span { start: Position::ZERO, end: Position::ZERO };
/// Create a new span from start and end positions.
pub fn new(start: Position, end: Position) -> Span {
Span { start, end }
/// Create a new span with the earlier start and later end position.
pub fn merge(a: Span, b: Span) -> Span {
Span {
start: a.start.min(b.start),
end: a.end.max(b.end),
/// Create a span including just a single position.
pub fn at(pos: Position) -> Span {
Span { start: pos, end: pos }
/// Offset a span by a start position.
/// This is, for example, used to translate error spans from function local
/// to global.
pub fn offset(self, start: Position) -> Span {
Span {
start: start + self.start,
end: start + self.end,
impl Debug for Span {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "({:?} -> {:?})", self.start, self.end)
/// A value with the span it corresponds to in the source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Serialize)]
pub struct Spanned<T> {
/// The value.
pub v: T,
/// The corresponding span.
pub span: Span,
impl<T> Spanned<T> {
/// Create a new instance from a value and its span.
pub fn new(v: T, span: Span) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned { v, span }
/// Access the value.
pub fn value(self) -> T {
/// Map the value using a function while keeping the span.
pub fn map<V, F>(self, f: F) -> Spanned<V> where F: FnOnce(T) -> V {
Spanned { v: f(self.v), span: self.span }
/// Maps the span while keeping the value.
pub fn map_span<F>(mut self, f: F) -> Spanned<T> where F: FnOnce(Span) -> Span {
self.span = f(self.span);
impl<T: Debug> Debug for Spanned<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str(" ")?;
/// A vector of spanned things.
pub type SpanVec<T> = Vec<Spanned<T>>;
/// [Offset](Span::offset) all spans in a vector of spanned things by a start
/// position.
pub fn offset_spans<T>(start: Position, vec: SpanVec<T>) -> impl Iterator<Item=Spanned<T>> {
.map(move |s| s.map_span(|span| span.offset(start)))

View File

@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
use std::fmt::Debug;
use super::func::FuncHeader;
use super::span::Spanned;
use super::expr::{Expr, Tuple, NamedTuple, Object};
use super::span::{Span, Spanned};
use super::tokens::Token;
use super::*;
/// Check whether the expected and found results for the given source code
/// match by the comparison function, and print them out otherwise.
pub fn check<T>(src: &str, exp: T, found: T, spans: bool)
/// Check whether the expected and found results are the same.
pub fn check<T>(src: &str, exp: T, found: T, cmp_spans: bool)
where T: Debug + PartialEq + SpanlessEq {
let cmp = if spans { PartialEq::eq } else { SpanlessEq::spanless_eq };
let cmp = if cmp_spans { PartialEq::eq } else { SpanlessEq::spanless_eq };
if !cmp(&exp, &found) {
println!("source: {:?}", src);
println!("expected: {:#?}", exp);
@ -23,16 +20,25 @@ where T: Debug + PartialEq + SpanlessEq {
/// Create a vector of optionally spanned expressions from a list description.
/// # Examples
/// When you want to add span information to the items, the format is as
/// follows.
/// ```
/// // With spans
/// spanned![(0:0, 0:5, "hello"), (0:5, 0:3, "world")]
/// // Without spans: Implicit zero spans.
/// spanned!["hello", "world"]
/// ```
/// The span information can simply be omitted to create a vector with items
/// that are spanned with zero spans.
macro_rules! spanned {
(item ($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $v:expr)) => ({
macro_rules! span_vec {
($(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $v:expr)),* $(,)?) => {
(vec![$(span_item!(($sl:$sc, $el:$ec, $v))),*], true)
($($v:expr),* $(,)?) => {
(vec![$(span_item!($v)),*], false)
macro_rules! span_item {
(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $v:expr)) => ({
use $crate::syntax::span::{Position, Span, Spanned};
Spanned {
span: Span::new(
@ -43,22 +49,9 @@ macro_rules! spanned {
(item $v:expr) => {
($v:expr) => {
(vec $(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $v:expr)),* $(,)?) => {
(vec![$(spanned![item ($sl:$sc, $el:$ec, $v)]),*], true)
(vec $($v:expr),* $(,)?) => {
(vec![$($crate::syntax::test::zspan($v)),*], false)
/// Span an element with a zero span.
pub fn zspan<T>(v: T) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned { v, span: Span::ZERO }
function! {
@ -120,8 +113,8 @@ impl SpanlessEq for DebugFn {
impl SpanlessEq for Expr {
fn spanless_eq(&self, other: &Expr) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(Expr::NamedTuple(a), Expr::NamedTuple(b)) => a.spanless_eq(b),
(Expr::Tuple(a), Expr::Tuple(b)) => a.spanless_eq(b),
(Expr::NamedTuple(a), Expr::NamedTuple(b)) => a.spanless_eq(b),
(Expr::Object(a), Expr::Object(b)) => a.spanless_eq(b),
(Expr::Neg(a), Expr::Neg(b)) => a.spanless_eq(&b),
(Expr::Add(a1, a2), Expr::Add(b1, b2)) => a1.spanless_eq(&b1) && a2.spanless_eq(&b2),
@ -175,8 +168,7 @@ impl<T: SpanlessEq> SpanlessEq for Box<T> {
/// Implement `SpanlessEq` by just forwarding to `PartialEq`.
macro_rules! forward {
macro_rules! impl_through_partial_eq {
($type:ty) => {
impl SpanlessEq for $type {
fn spanless_eq(&self, other: &$type) -> bool {
@ -186,6 +178,8 @@ macro_rules! forward {
// Implement for string and decoration to be able to compare feedback.

View File

@ -532,6 +532,7 @@ pub fn is_identifier(string: &str) -> bool {
mod tests {
use super::super::test::check;
use super::*;
@ -552,31 +553,23 @@ mod tests {
fn Str(string: &'static str, terminated: bool) -> Token<'static> {
Token::ExprStr { string, terminated }
fn Raw(raw: &'static str, terminated: bool) -> Token<'static> {
Token::Raw { raw, terminated }
/// Test whether the given string tokenizes into the given list of tokens.
macro_rules! t {
($mode:expr, $source:expr => [$($tokens:tt)*]) => {
let (exp, spans) = spanned![vec $($tokens)*];
let (exp, spans) = span_vec![$($tokens)*];
let found = Tokens::new(Position::ZERO, $source, $mode).collect::<Vec<_>>();
check($source, exp, found, spans);
/// Write down a function token compactly.
fn Str(string: &str, terminated: bool) -> Token { Token::ExprStr { string, terminated } }
fn Raw(raw: &str, terminated: bool) -> Token { Token::Raw { raw, terminated } }
macro_rules! func {
($header:expr, Some($($tokens:tt)*), $terminated:expr) => {
Function {
header: $header,
body: Some(spanned![item $($tokens)*]),
body: Some(span_item!(($($tokens)*))),
terminated: $terminated,
@ -677,12 +670,12 @@ mod tests {
fn tokenize_functions() {
t!(Body, "a[f]" => [T("a"), func!("f", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[f]a" => [func!("f", None, true), T("a")]);
t!(Body, "\n\n[f][ ]" => [S(2), func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:5, " ")), true)]);
t!(Body, "abc [f][ ]a" => [T("abc"), S(0), func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:5, " ")), true), T("a")]);
t!(Body, "\n\n[f][ ]" => [S(2), func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:5, " "), true)]);
t!(Body, "abc [f][ ]a" => [T("abc"), S(0), func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:5, " "), true), T("a")]);
t!(Body, "[f: [=][*]]" => [func!("f: [=][*]", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[_][[,],]," => [func!("_", Some((0:4, 0:8, "[,],")), true), T(",")]);
t!(Body, "[=][=][=]" => [func!("=", Some((0:4, 0:5, "=")), true), func!("=", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[=][[=][=][=]]" => [func!("=", Some((0:4, 0:13, "[=][=][=]")), true)]);
t!(Body, "[_][[,],]," => [func!("_", Some(0:4, 0:8, "[,],"), true), T(",")]);
t!(Body, "[=][=][=]" => [func!("=", Some(0:4, 0:5, "="), true), func!("=", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[=][[=][=][=]]" => [func!("=", Some(0:4, 0:13, "[=][=][=]"), true)]);
t!(Header, "[" => [func!("", None, false)]);
t!(Header, "]" => [Invalid("]")]);
@ -696,25 +689,25 @@ mod tests {
t!(Body, "[f: `]" => [func!("f: `", None, true)]);
// End of function with strings and carets in bodies
t!(Body, "[f][\"]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:5, "\"")), true)]);
t!(Body, r#"[f][\"]"# => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:6, r#"\""#)), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:6, "`]")), false)]);
t!(Body, "[f][\\`]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:6, "\\`")), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`raw`]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:9, "`raw`")), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`raw]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:9, "`raw]")), false)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`raw]`]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:10, "`raw]`")), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`\\`]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:8, "`\\`]")), false)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`\\\\`]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:8, "`\\\\`")), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][\"]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:5, "\""), true)]);
t!(Body, r#"[f][\"]"# => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:6, r#"\""#), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:6, "`]"), false)]);
t!(Body, "[f][\\`]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:6, "\\`"), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`raw`]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:9, "`raw`"), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`raw]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:9, "`raw]"), false)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`raw]`]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:10, "`raw]`"), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`\\`]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:8, "`\\`]"), false)]);
t!(Body, "[f][`\\\\`]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:8, "`\\\\`"), true)]);
// End of function with comments
t!(Body, "[f][/*]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:7, "/*]")), false)]);
t!(Body, "[f][/*`*/]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:9, "/*`*/")), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][/*]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:7, "/*]"), false)]);
t!(Body, "[f][/*`*/]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:9, "/*`*/"), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f: //]\n]" => [func!("f: //]\n", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[f: \"//]\n]" => [func!("f: \"//]\n]", None, false)]);
// End of function with escaped brackets
t!(Body, "[f][\\]]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:6, "\\]")), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][\\[]" => [func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:6, "\\[")), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][\\]]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:6, "\\]"), true)]);
t!(Body, "[f][\\[]" => [func!("f", Some(0:4, 0:6, "\\["), true)]);