Use interior mutability for font loader ⚙

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2019-04-01 12:00:37 +02:00
parent e589843966
commit a34d725000
2 changed files with 167 additions and 134 deletions

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@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ opentype = { path = "../opentype" }
unicode-segmentation = "1.2"
unicode-xid = "0.1.0"
byteorder = "1"
smallvec = "0.6.9"

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
use std::cell::{RefCell, Ref};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::mem::swap;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use crate::syntax::{SyntaxTree, Node};
use crate::doc::{Document, Page, Text, TextCommand};
use crate::font::{Font, FontFamily, FontInfo, FontError};
@ -65,10 +66,6 @@ impl<'t> Engine<'t> {
// Flush the text buffer.
let fonts = self.font_loader.into_fonts();
println!("fonts: {:?}", fonts.len());
// Create a document with one page from the contents.
Ok(Document {
pages: vec![Page {
@ -78,10 +75,65 @@ impl<'t> Engine<'t> {
commands: self.text_commands,
fonts: self.font_loader.into_fonts(),
/// Write a word.
fn write_word(&mut self, word: &str) -> TypeResult<()> {
// Contains pairs of (characters, font_index, char_width).
let mut chars_with_widths = SmallVec::<[(char, usize, Size); 12]>::new();
// Find out which font to use for each character in the word and meanwhile
// calculate the width of the word.
let mut word_width = Size::zero();
for c in word.chars() {
let (index, font) = self.get_font_for(c)?;
let width = self.char_width(c, &font);
word_width += width;
chars_with_widths.push((c, index, width));
// If this would overflow, we move to a new line and finally write the previous one.
if self.would_overflow(word_width) {
// Finally write the word.
for (c, index, width) in chars_with_widths {
if index != self.active_font {
// If we will change the font, first write the remaining things.
self.current_line_width += width;
/// Write the space character: `' '`.
fn write_space(&mut self) -> TypeResult<()> {
let space_width = self.char_width(' ', &self.get_font_for(' ')?.1);
if !self.would_overflow(space_width) && self.current_line_width > Size::zero() {
self.write_word(" ")?;
/// Write a text command with the buffered text.
fn write_buffered_text(&mut self) {
if !self.current_text.is_empty() {
let mut current_text = String::new();
swap(&mut self.current_text, &mut current_text);
/// Move to the starting position defined by the style.
fn move_start(&mut self) {
// Move cursor to top-left position
@ -98,7 +150,7 @@ impl<'t> Engine<'t> {
// font size from the previous line.
* self.font_loader.get_at(self.active_font).metrics.ascender
* self.get_font_at(self.active_font).metrics.ascender
} else {
@ -114,50 +166,6 @@ impl<'t> Engine<'t> {
self.active_font = index;
/// Write a word.
fn write_word(&mut self, word: &str) -> TypeResult<()> {
let width = self.width(word)?;
// If this would overflow, we move to a new line and finally write the previous one.
if self.would_overflow(width) {
for c in word.chars() {
let (index, _) = self.get_font_for(c)?;
if index != self.active_font {
let char_width = self.char_width(c).unwrap();
self.current_line_width += char_width;
/// Write the space character: `' '`.
fn write_space(&mut self) -> TypeResult<()> {
let space_width = self.char_width(' ')?;
if !self.would_overflow(space_width) && self.current_line_width > Size::zero() {
self.write_word(" ")?;
/// Write a text command with the buffered text.
fn write_buffered_text(&mut self) {
if !self.current_text.is_empty() {
let mut current_text = String::new();
swap(&mut self.current_text, &mut current_text);
/// Whether the current line plus the extra `width` would overflow the line.
fn would_overflow(&self, width: Size) -> bool {
let max_width =
@ -165,30 +173,24 @@ impl<'t> Engine<'t> {
self.current_line_width + width > max_width
/// The width of a word when printed out.
fn width(&self, word: &str) -> TypeResult<Size> {
let mut width = Size::zero();
for c in word.chars() {
width += self.char_width(c)?;
/// The width of a char when printed out.
fn char_width(&self, character: char) -> TypeResult<Size> {
let font = self.get_font_for(character)?.1;
Ok(font.widths[ as usize] *
/// Load a font that has the character we need.
fn get_font_for(&self, character: char) -> TypeResult<(usize, Ref<Font>)> {
let res = self.font_loader.get(FontQuery {
self.font_loader.get(FontQuery {
families: &,
italic: false,
bold: false,
}).ok_or_else(|| TypesetError::MissingFont)?;
}).ok_or_else(|| TypesetError::MissingFont)
/// Load a font at an index.
fn get_font_at(&self, index: usize) -> Ref<Font> {
/// The width of a char in a specific font.
fn char_width(&self, character: char, font: &Font) -> Size {
font.widths[ as usize] *
@ -197,65 +199,107 @@ struct FontLoader<'t> {
/// The context containing the used font providers.
context: &'t Context<'t>,
/// All available fonts indexed by provider.
availables: Vec<&'t [FontInfo]>,
/// Allows to lookup fonts by their infos.
indices: RefCell<HashMap<FontInfo, usize>>,
provider_fonts: Vec<&'t [FontInfo]>,
/// The internal state.
state: RefCell<FontLoaderState<'t>>,
/// Internal state of the font loader (wrapped in a RefCell).
struct FontLoaderState<'t> {
/// The loaded fonts along with their external indices.
fonts: Vec<(Option<usize>, Font)>,
/// Allows to retrieve cached results for queries.
matches: RefCell<HashMap<FontQuery<'t>, usize>>,
/// All loaded fonts.
loaded: RefCell<Vec<Font>>,
query_cache: HashMap<FontQuery<'t>, usize>,
/// Allows to lookup fonts by their infos.
info_cache: HashMap<&'t FontInfo, usize>,
/// Indexed by outside and indices maps to internal indices.
external: RefCell<Vec<usize>>,
inner_index: Vec<usize>,
impl<'t> FontLoader<'t> {
/// Create a new font loader.
pub fn new(context: &'t Context<'t>) -> FontLoader {
let availables = context.font_providers.iter()
let provider_fonts = context.font_providers.iter()
.map(|prov| prov.available()).collect();
FontLoader {
indices: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
matches: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
loaded: RefCell::new(vec![]),
external: RefCell::new(vec![]),
state: RefCell::new(FontLoaderState {
query_cache: HashMap::new(),
info_cache: HashMap::new(),
inner_index: vec![],
fonts: vec![],
/// Return the list of fonts.
pub fn into_fonts(self) -> Vec<Font> {
// FIXME: Don't clone here.
let fonts = self.loaded.into_inner();
self.external.into_inner().into_iter().map(|index| fonts[index].clone()).collect()
/// Return the best matching font and it's index (if there is any) given the query.
pub fn get(&self, query: FontQuery<'t>) -> Option<(usize, Ref<Font>)> {
if let Some(index) = self.matches.borrow().get(&query) {
let external = self.external.borrow().iter().position(|i| i == index).unwrap();
return Some((external, self.get_at_internal(*index)));
// Check if we had the exact same query before.
let state = self.state.borrow();
if let Some(&index) = state.query_cache.get(&query) {
// That this is the query cache means it must has an index as we've served it before.
let extern_index = state.fonts[index].0.unwrap();
let font = Ref::map(state, |s| &s.fonts[index].1);
return Some((extern_index, font));
// Go through all available fonts and try to find one.
// Go over all font infos from all font providers that match the query.
for family in query.families {
for (p, available) in self.availables.iter().enumerate() {
for info in available.iter() {
if Self::matches(query, &family, info) {
if let Some((index, font)) = self.try_load(info, p) {
if font.mapping.contains_key(&query.character) {
self.matches.borrow_mut().insert(query, index);
for (provider, infos) in self.context.font_providers.iter().zip(&self.provider_fonts) {
for info in infos.iter() {
// Check whether this info matches the query.
if Self::matches(query, family, info) {
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
let pos = self.external.borrow().iter().position(|&i| i == index);
let external = pos.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let external = self.external.borrow().len();
// Check if we have already loaded this font before.
// Otherwise we'll fetch the font from the provider.
let index = if let Some(&index) = state.info_cache.get(info) {
} else if let Some(mut source) = provider.get(info) {
// Read the font program into a vec.
let mut program = Vec::new();
source.read_to_end(&mut program).ok()?;
return Some((external, font));
// Create a font from it.
let font = Font::new(program).ok()?;
// Insert it into the storage.
let index = state.fonts.len();
state.info_cache.insert(info, index);
state.fonts.push((None, font));
} else {
// Check whether this font has the character we need.
let has_char = state.fonts[index].1.mapping.contains_key(&query.character);
if has_char {
// We can take this font, so we store the query.
state.query_cache.insert(query, index);
// Now we have to find out the external index of it, or assign a new
// one if it has not already one.
let maybe_extern_index = state.fonts[index].0;
let extern_index = maybe_extern_index.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// We have to assign an external index before serving.
let extern_index = state.inner_index.len();
state.fonts[index].0 = Some(extern_index);
// Release the mutable borrow and borrow immutably.
let font = Ref::map(self.state.borrow(), |s| &s.fonts[index].1);
// Finally we can return it.
return Some((extern_index, font));
@ -266,37 +310,25 @@ impl<'t> FontLoader<'t> {
/// Return a loaded font at an index. Panics if the index is out of bounds.
pub fn get_at(&self, index: usize) -> Ref<Font> {
let internal = self.external.borrow()[index];
pub fn get_with_index(&self, index: usize) -> Ref<Font> {
let state = self.state.borrow();
let internal = state.inner_index[index];
Ref::map(state, |s| &s.fonts[internal].1)
/// Try to load the font with the given info from the provider.
fn try_load(&self, info: &FontInfo, provider: usize) -> Option<(usize, Ref<Font>)> {
if let Some(index) = self.indices.borrow().get(info) {
return Some((*index, self.get_at_internal(*index)));
/// Return the list of fonts.
pub fn into_fonts(self) -> Vec<Font> {
// Sort the fonts by external key so that they are in the correct order.
let mut fonts = self.state.into_inner().fonts;
fonts.sort_by_key(|&(maybe_index, _)| match maybe_index {
Some(index) => index as isize,
None => -1,
if let Some(mut source) = self.context.font_providers[provider].get(info) {
let mut program = Vec::new();
source.read_to_end(&mut program).ok()?;
let font = Font::new(program).ok()?;
let index = self.loaded.borrow().len();
println!("loading at interal index: {}", index);
self.indices.borrow_mut().insert(info.clone(), index);
Some((index, self.get_at_internal(index)))
} else {
/// Return a loaded font at an internal index. Panics if the index is out of bounds.
fn get_at_internal(&self, index: usize) -> Ref<Font> {
Ref::map(self.loaded.borrow(), |loaded| &loaded[index])
// Remove the fonts that are not used from the outside
fonts.into_iter().filter_map(|(maybe_index, font)| {|_| font)
/// Check whether the query and the current family match the info.