Numbering functions

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2022-12-30 19:40:29 +01:00
parent f70cea508c
commit a6d90c1bf1
19 changed files with 267 additions and 243 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
use std::str::FromStr;
use crate::compute::NumberingPattern;
use crate::compute::{Numbering, NumberingPattern};
use crate::layout::{BlockNode, GridNode, ParNode, Spacing, TrackSizing};
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::text::TextNode;
/// # Numbered List
/// A numbered list.
@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ pub struct EnumNode {
impl EnumNode {
/// How to number the enumeration. Accepts a
/// [numbering pattern](@numbering).
/// [numbering pattern or function](@numbering).
/// # Example
/// ```
@ -109,8 +108,8 @@ impl EnumNode {
/// + Style
/// ```
pub const NUMBERING: EnumNumbering =
pub const NUMBERING: Numbering =
/// The indentation of each item's label.
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ impl Layout for EnumNode {
let mut number = NonZeroUsize::new(1).unwrap();
for ((n, item), map) in self.items.iter() {
number = n.unwrap_or(number);
let resolved = numbering.resolve(vt, number)?;
let resolved = numbering.apply(, &[number])?.display();
@ -209,43 +208,3 @@ impl Layout for EnumNode {
.layout(vt, styles, regions)
/// How to number an enumeration.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum EnumNumbering {
/// A pattern with prefix, numbering, lower / upper case and suffix.
/// A closure mapping from an item's number to content.
Func(Func, Span),
impl EnumNumbering {
/// Resolve the marker based on the number.
pub fn resolve(&self, vt: &Vt, number: NonZeroUsize) -> SourceResult<Content> {
Ok(match self {
Self::Pattern(pattern) => TextNode::packed(pattern.apply(&[number])),
Self::Func(func, span) => {
let args = Args::new(*span, [Value::Int(number.get() as i64)]);
func.call_detached(, args)?.display()
impl Cast<Spanned<Value>> for EnumNumbering {
fn is(value: &Spanned<Value>) -> bool {
matches!(&value.v, Value::Content(_) | Value::Func(_))
fn cast(value: Spanned<Value>) -> StrResult<Self> {
match value.v {
Value::Str(v) => Ok(Self::Pattern(v.parse()?)),
Value::Func(v) => Ok(Self::Func(v, value.span)),
v => Self::error(v),
fn describe() -> CastInfo {
CastInfo::Union(vec![CastInfo::Type("string"), CastInfo::Type("function")])

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use typst::font::FontWeight;
use crate::compute::NumberingPattern;
use crate::compute::Numbering;
use crate::layout::{BlockNode, VNode};
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::text::{SpaceNode, TextNode, TextSize};
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ use crate::text::{SpaceNode, TextNode, TextSize};
/// (not the document's title).
/// Typst can automatically number your headings for you. To enable numbering,
/// specify how you want your headings to be numbered with a [numbering
/// pattern](@numbering).
/// specify how you want your headings to be numbered with a
/// [numbering pattern or function](@numbering).
/// Independently from the numbering, Typst can also automatically generate an
/// [outline](@outline) of all headings for you. To exclude one or more headings
@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ pub struct HeadingNode {
impl HeadingNode {
/// How to number the heading. Accepts a [numbering pattern](@numbering).
/// How to number the heading. Accepts a
/// [numbering pattern or function](@numbering).
/// # Example
/// ```
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ impl HeadingNode {
/// === A sub-subsection
/// ```
pub const NUMBERING: Option<NumberingPattern> = None;
pub const NUMBERING: Option<Numbering> = None;
/// Whether the heading should appear in the outline.
@ -106,7 +107,12 @@ impl HeadingNode {
impl Prepare for HeadingNode {
fn prepare(&self, vt: &mut Vt, mut this: Content, styles: StyleChain) -> Content {
fn prepare(
vt: &mut Vt,
mut this: Content,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> SourceResult<Content> {
let my_id = vt.identify(&this);
let mut counter = HeadingCounter::new();
@ -115,30 +121,32 @@ impl Prepare for HeadingNode {
if matches!(node.field("numbers"), Some(Value::Str(_))) {
let numbers = node.field("numbers").unwrap();
if numbers != Value::None {
let heading =<Self>().unwrap();
let mut numbers = Value::None;
if let Some(pattern) = styles.get(Self::NUMBERING) {
numbers = Value::Str(pattern.apply(counter.advance(self)).into());
if let Some(numbering) = styles.get(Self::NUMBERING) {
numbers = numbering.apply(, counter.advance(self))?;
this.push_field("outlined", Value::Bool(styles.get(Self::OUTLINED)));
this.push_field("numbers", numbers);
let meta = Meta::Node(my_id, this.clone());
this.styled(Meta::DATA, vec![meta])
Ok(this.styled(Meta::DATA, vec![meta]))
impl Show for HeadingNode {
fn show(&self, _: &mut Vt, this: &Content, _: StyleChain) -> SourceResult<Content> {
let mut realized = self.title.clone();
if let Some(Value::Str(numbering)) = this.field("numbers") {
realized = TextNode::packed(numbering) + SpaceNode.pack() + realized;
let numbers = this.field("numbers").unwrap();
if numbers != Value::None {
realized = numbers.display() + SpaceNode.pack() + realized;

View File

@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ pub enum Celled<T> {
/// A bare value, the same for all cells.
/// A closure mapping from cell coordinates to a value.
Func(Func, Span),
impl<T: Cast + Clone> Celled<T> {
@ -207,24 +207,25 @@ impl<T: Cast + Clone> Celled<T> {
pub fn resolve(&self, vt: &Vt, x: usize, y: usize) -> SourceResult<T> {
Ok(match self {
Self::Value(value) => value.clone(),
Self::Func(func, span) => {
let args = Args::new(*span, [Value::Int(x as i64), Value::Int(y as i64)]);
func.call_detached(, args)?.cast().at(*span)?
Self::Func(func) => {
let args =
Args::new(func.span(), [Value::Int(x as i64), Value::Int(y as i64)]);
func.call_detached(, args)?.cast().at(func.span())?
impl<T: Cast> Cast<Spanned<Value>> for Celled<T> {
fn is(value: &Spanned<Value>) -> bool {
matches!(&value.v, Value::Func(_)) || T::is(&value.v)
impl<T: Cast> Cast for Celled<T> {
fn is(value: &Value) -> bool {
matches!(value, Value::Func(_)) || T::is(value)
fn cast(value: Spanned<Value>) -> StrResult<Self> {
match value.v {
Value::Func(v) => Ok(Self::Func(v, value.span)),
fn cast(value: Value) -> StrResult<Self> {
match value {
Value::Func(v) => Ok(Self::Func(v)),
v if T::is(&v) => Ok(Self::Value(T::cast(v)?)),
v => Self::error(v),
v => <Self as Cast>::error(v),

View File

@ -218,10 +218,7 @@ fn convert_json(value: serde_json::Value) -> Value {
/// Format the user-facing JSON error message.
fn format_json_error(error: serde_json::Error) -> String {
assert!(error.is_syntax() || error.is_eof());
"failed to parse json file: syntax error in line {}",
format!("failed to parse json file: syntax error in line {}", error.line())
/// # XML
@ -252,22 +249,22 @@ fn format_json_error(error: serde_json::Error) -> String {
/// let author = findChild(elem, "author")
/// let pars = findChild(elem, "content")
/// heading((title.children)(0))
/// heading(title.children.first())
/// text(10pt, weight: "medium")[
/// Published by
/// {(author.children)(0)}
/// {author.children.first()}
/// ]
/// for p in pars.children {
/// if (type(p) == "dictionary") {
/// parbreak()
/// (p.children)(0)
/// p.children.first()
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// #let file = xml("example.xml")
/// #for child in file(0).children {
/// #let data = xml("example.xml")
/// #for child in data.first().children {
/// if (type(child) == "dictionary") {
/// article(child)
/// }

View File

@ -35,53 +35,105 @@ pub fn lorem(args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value> {
/// # Numbering
/// Apply a numbering pattern to a sequence of numbers.
/// Apply a numbering to a sequence of numbers.
/// Numbering patterns are strings that define how a sequence of numbers should
/// be rendered as text. The patterns consist of [counting
/// symbols](#parameters--pattern) for which the actual number is substituted,
/// their prefixes, and one suffix. The prefixes and the suffix are repeated as-is.
/// A numbering defines how a sequence of numbers should be displayed as
/// content. It is defined either through a pattern string or an arbitrary
/// function.
/// A numbering pattern consists of [counting symbols](#parameters--numbering)
/// for which the actual number is substituted, their prefixes, and one suffix.
/// The prefixes and the suffix are repeated as-is.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// #numbering("1.1)", 1, 2, 3) \
/// #numbering("1.a.i", 1, 2) \
/// #numbering("I 1", 12, 2)
/// #numbering("I 1", 12, 2) \
/// #numbering(
/// (..nums) => nums
/// .pos()
/// .map(str)
/// .join(".") + ")",
/// 1, 2, 3,
/// )
/// ```
/// ## Parameters
/// - pattern: NumberingPattern (positional, required)
/// A string that defines how the numbering works.
/// - numbering: Numbering (positional, required)
/// Defines how the numbering works.
/// **Counting symbols** are `1`, `a`, `A`, `i`, `I` and `*`. They are replaced
/// by the number in the sequence, in the given case.
/// **Counting symbols** are `1`, `a`, `A`, `i`, `I` and `*`. They are
/// replaced by the number in the sequence, in the given case.
/// The `*` character means that symbols should be used to count, in the order
/// of `*`, `†`, `‡`, `§`, `¶`, and `‖`. If there are more than six items, the
/// number is represented using multiple symbols.
/// The `*` character means that symbols should be used to count, in the
/// order of `*`, `†`, `‡`, `§`, `¶`, and `‖`. If there are more than six
/// items, the number is represented using multiple symbols.
/// **Suffixes** are all characters after the last counting symbol. They are
/// repeated as-is at the end of any rendered number.
/// **Prefixes** are all characters that are neither counting symbols nor
/// suffixes. They are repeated as-is at in front of their rendered equivalent
/// of their counting symbol.
/// suffixes. They are repeated as-is at in front of their rendered
/// equivalent of their counting symbol.
/// This parameter can also be an arbitrary function that gets each number as
/// an individual argument. When given a function, the `numbering` function
/// just forwards the arguments to that function. While this is not
/// particularly useful in itself, it means that you can just give arbitrary
/// numberings to the `numbering` function without caring whether they are
/// defined as a pattern or function.
/// - numbers: NonZeroUsize (positional, variadic)
/// The numbers to apply the pattern to. Must be positive.
/// The numbers to apply the numbering to. Must be positive.
/// If more numbers than counting symbols are given, the last counting symbol
/// with its prefix is repeated.
/// If `numbering` is a pattern and more numbers than counting symbols are
/// given, the last counting symbol with its prefix is repeated.
/// - returns: string
/// - returns: any
/// ## Category
/// utility
pub fn numbering(args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value> {
let pattern = args.expect::<NumberingPattern>("pattern")?;
pub fn numbering(vm: &Vm, args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value> {
let numbering = args.expect::<Numbering>("pattern or function")?;
let numbers = args.all::<NonZeroUsize>()?;
numbering.apply(, &numbers)
/// How to number an enumeration.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum Numbering {
/// A pattern with prefix, numbering, lower / upper case and suffix.
/// A closure mapping from an item's number to content.
impl Numbering {
/// Apply the pattern to the given numbers.
pub fn apply(
world: Tracked<dyn World>,
numbers: &[NonZeroUsize],
) -> SourceResult<Value> {
Ok(match self {
Self::Pattern(pattern) => Value::Str(pattern.apply(numbers).into()),
Self::Func(func) => {
let args = Args::new(
numbers.iter().map(|n| Value::Int(n.get() as i64)),
func.call_detached(world, args)?
castable! {
v: Str => Self::Pattern(v.parse()?),
v: Func => Self::Func(v),
/// How to turn a number into text.
@ -157,11 +209,6 @@ impl FromStr for NumberingPattern {
castable! {
string: EcoString => string.parse()?,
/// Different kinds of numberings.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
enum NumberingKind {

View File

@ -317,7 +317,8 @@ impl<'a, 'v, 't> Builder<'a, 'v, 't> {
// Prepare only if this is the first application for this node.
if let Some(node) = content.with::<dyn Prepare>() {
if !content.is_prepared() {
let prepared = node.prepare(self.vt, content.clone().prepared(), styles);
let prepared =
node.prepare(self.vt, content.clone().prepared(), styles)?;
let stored = self.scratch.content.alloc(prepared);
return self.accept(stored, styles);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ use std::str::FromStr;
use super::ColumnsNode;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::text::TextNode;
/// # Page
/// Layouts its child onto one or multiple pages.
@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ impl PageNode {
/// #lorem(18)
/// ```
pub const HEADER: Marginal = Marginal::None;
pub const HEADER: Option<Marginal> = None;
/// The page's footer.
@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ impl PageNode {
/// #lorem(18)
/// ```
pub const FOOTER: Marginal = Marginal::None;
pub const FOOTER: Option<Marginal> = None;
/// Content in the page's background.
@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ impl PageNode {
/// (of typesetting).
/// ```
pub const BACKGROUND: Marginal = Marginal::None;
pub const BACKGROUND: Option<Marginal> = None;
/// Content in the page's foreground.
@ -239,7 +238,7 @@ impl PageNode {
/// not understand our approach...
/// ```
pub const FOREGROUND: Marginal = Marginal::None;
pub const FOREGROUND: Option<Marginal> = None;
fn construct(_: &Vm, args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Content> {
@ -323,14 +322,15 @@ impl PageNode {
(foreground, Point::zero(), size),
(background, Point::zero(), size),
] {
if let Some(content) = marginal.resolve(vt, page)? {
let pod = Regions::one(area, area, Axes::splat(true));
let sub = content.layout(vt, styles, pod)?.into_frame();
if std::ptr::eq(marginal, background) {
frame.prepend_frame(pos, sub);
} else {
frame.push_frame(pos, sub);
let in_background = std::ptr::eq(marginal, background);
let Some(marginal) = marginal else { continue };
let content = marginal.resolve(vt, page)?;
let pod = Regions::one(area, area, Axes::splat(true));
let sub = content.layout(vt, styles, pod)?.into_frame();
if in_background {
frame.prepend_frame(pos, sub);
} else {
frame.push_frame(pos, sub);
@ -396,53 +396,29 @@ impl PagebreakNode {
/// A header, footer, foreground or background definition.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum Marginal {
/// Nothing,
/// Bare content.
/// A closure mapping from a page number to content.
Func(Func, Span),
impl Marginal {
/// Resolve the marginal based on the page number.
pub fn resolve(&self, vt: &Vt, page: usize) -> SourceResult<Option<Content>> {
pub fn resolve(&self, vt: &Vt, page: usize) -> SourceResult<Content> {
Ok(match self {
Self::None => None,
Self::Content(content) => Some(content.clone()),
Self::Func(func, span) => {
let args = Args::new(*span, [Value::Int(page as i64)]);
Some(func.call_detached(, args)?.display())
Self::Content(content) => content.clone(),
Self::Func(func) => {
let args = Args::new(func.span(), [Value::Int(page as i64)]);
func.call_detached(, args)?.display()
impl Cast<Spanned<Value>> for Marginal {
fn is(value: &Spanned<Value>) -> bool {
Value::None | Value::Str(_) | Value::Content(_) | Value::Func(_)
fn cast(value: Spanned<Value>) -> StrResult<Self> {
match value.v {
Value::None => Ok(Self::None),
Value::Str(v) => Ok(Self::Content(TextNode::packed(v))),
Value::Content(v) => Ok(Self::Content(v)),
Value::Func(v) => Ok(Self::Func(v, value.span)),
v => Self::error(v),
fn describe() -> CastInfo {
castable! {
v: Content => Self::Content(v),
v: Func => Self::Func(v),
/// Specification of a paper.

View File

@ -84,7 +84,12 @@ impl OutlineNode {
impl Prepare for OutlineNode {
fn prepare(&self, vt: &mut Vt, mut this: Content, _: StyleChain) -> Content {
fn prepare(
vt: &mut Vt,
mut this: Content,
_: StyleChain,
) -> SourceResult<Content> {
let headings = vt
@ -94,7 +99,7 @@ impl Prepare for OutlineNode {
this.push_field("headings", Value::Array(Array::from_vec(headings)));
@ -151,32 +156,27 @@ impl Show for OutlineNode {
// Add hidden ancestors numberings to realize the indent.
if indent {
let text = ancestors
let hidden: Vec<_> = ancestors
.filter_map(|node| match node.field("numbers").unwrap() {
Value::Str(numbering) => {
Some(EcoString::from(numbering) + ' '.into())
_ => None,
.map(|node| node.field("numbers").unwrap())
.filter(|numbers| *numbers != Value::None)
.map(|numbers| numbers.display() + SpaceNode.pack())
if !text.is_empty() {
if !hidden.is_empty() {
// Format the numbering.
let numbering = match node.field("numbers").unwrap() {
Value::Str(numbering) => {
TextNode::packed(EcoString::from(numbering) + ' '.into())
_ => Content::empty(),
let mut start = heading.title.clone();
let numbers = node.field("numbers").unwrap();
if numbers != Value::None {
start = numbers.display() + SpaceNode.pack() + start;
// Add the numbering and section name.
let start = numbering + heading.title.clone();
// Add filler symbols between the section name and page number.

View File

@ -132,7 +132,12 @@ impl RawNode {
impl Prepare for RawNode {
fn prepare(&self, _: &mut Vt, mut this: Content, styles: StyleChain) -> Content {
fn prepare(
_: &mut Vt,
mut this: Content,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> SourceResult<Content> {
match styles.get(Self::LANG) {
@ -140,7 +145,7 @@ impl Prepare for RawNode {
None => Value::None,

View File

@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ pub struct SourceError {
impl SourceError {
/// Create a new, bare error.
pub fn new(span: Span, message: impl Into<EcoString>) -> Self {
Self {
pos: ErrorPos::Full,

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ impl Args {
/// Extract the positional arguments as an array.
pub fn to_positional(&self) -> Array {
pub fn to_pos(&self) -> Array {

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use super::{ops, Args, Func, Value, Vm};
use crate::diag::{bail, At, SourceResult, StrResult};
use crate::syntax::Spanned;
use crate::util::{format_eco, ArcExt, EcoString};
/// Create a new [`Array`] from values.
@ -137,13 +136,13 @@ impl Array {
/// Return the first matching element.
pub fn find(&self, vm: &Vm, f: Spanned<Func>) -> SourceResult<Option<Value>> {
if f.v.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(f.span, "function must have exactly one parameter");
pub fn find(&self, vm: &Vm, func: Func) -> SourceResult<Option<Value>> {
if func.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(func.span(), "function must have exactly one parameter");
for item in self.iter() {
let args = Args::new(f.span, [item.clone()]);
if, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(f.span)? {
let args = Args::new(func.span(), [item.clone()]);
if, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(func.span())? {
return Ok(Some(item.clone()));
@ -152,13 +151,13 @@ impl Array {
/// Return the index of the first matching element.
pub fn position(&self, vm: &Vm, f: Spanned<Func>) -> SourceResult<Option<i64>> {
if f.v.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(f.span, "function must have exactly one parameter");
pub fn position(&self, vm: &Vm, func: Func) -> SourceResult<Option<i64>> {
if func.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(func.span(), "function must have exactly one parameter");
for (i, item) in self.iter().enumerate() {
let args = Args::new(f.span, [item.clone()]);
if, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(f.span)? {
let args = Args::new(func.span(), [item.clone()]);
if, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(func.span())? {
return Ok(Some(i as i64));
@ -168,14 +167,14 @@ impl Array {
/// Return a new array with only those elements for which the function
/// returns true.
pub fn filter(&self, vm: &Vm, f: Spanned<Func>) -> SourceResult<Self> {
if f.v.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(f.span, "function must have exactly one parameter");
pub fn filter(&self, vm: &Vm, func: Func) -> SourceResult<Self> {
if func.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(func.span(), "function must have exactly one parameter");
let mut kept = vec![];
for item in self.iter() {
let args = Args::new(f.span, [item.clone()]);
if, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(f.span)? {
let args = Args::new(func.span(), [item.clone()]);
if, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(func.span())? {
@ -183,45 +182,45 @@ impl Array {
/// Transform each item in the array with a function.
pub fn map(&self, vm: &Vm, f: Spanned<Func>) -> SourceResult<Self> {
if f.v.argc().map_or(false, |count| count < 1 || count > 2) {
bail!(f.span, "function must have one or two parameters");
pub fn map(&self, vm: &Vm, func: Func) -> SourceResult<Self> {
if func.argc().map_or(false, |count| count < 1 || count > 2) {
bail!(func.span(), "function must have one or two parameters");
let enumerate = f.v.argc() == Some(2);
let enumerate = func.argc() == Some(2);
.map(|(i, item)| {
let mut args = Args::new(f.span, []);
let mut args = Args::new(func.span(), []);
if enumerate {
args.push(f.span, Value::Int(i as i64));
args.push(func.span(), Value::Int(i as i64));
args.push(f.span, item.clone());, args)
args.push(func.span(), item.clone());, args)
/// Fold all of the array's elements into one with a function.
pub fn fold(&self, vm: &Vm, init: Value, f: Spanned<Func>) -> SourceResult<Value> {
if f.v.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 2) {
bail!(f.span, "function must have exactly two parameters");
pub fn fold(&self, vm: &Vm, init: Value, func: Func) -> SourceResult<Value> {
if func.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 2) {
bail!(func.span(), "function must have exactly two parameters");
let mut acc = init;
for item in self.iter() {
let args = Args::new(f.span, [acc, item.clone()]);
acc =, args)?;
let args = Args::new(func.span(), [acc, item.clone()]);
acc =, args)?;
/// Whether any element matches.
pub fn any(&self, vm: &Vm, f: Spanned<Func>) -> SourceResult<bool> {
if f.v.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(f.span, "function must have exactly one parameter");
pub fn any(&self, vm: &Vm, func: Func) -> SourceResult<bool> {
if func.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(func.span(), "function must have exactly one parameter");
for item in self.iter() {
let args = Args::new(f.span, [item.clone()]);
if, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(f.span)? {
let args = Args::new(func.span(), [item.clone()]);
if, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(func.span())? {
return Ok(true);
@ -230,13 +229,13 @@ impl Array {
/// Whether all elements match.
pub fn all(&self, vm: &Vm, f: Spanned<Func>) -> SourceResult<bool> {
if f.v.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(f.span, "function must have exactly one parameter");
pub fn all(&self, vm: &Vm, func: Func) -> SourceResult<bool> {
if func.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(func.span(), "function must have exactly one parameter");
for item in self.iter() {
let args = Args::new(f.span, [item.clone()]);
if !, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(f.span)? {
let args = Args::new(func.span(), [item.clone()]);
if !, args)?.cast::<bool>().at(func.span())? {
return Ok(false);

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use super::{Args, Array, Func, Str, Value, Vm};
use crate::diag::{bail, SourceResult, StrResult};
use crate::syntax::is_ident;
use crate::syntax::Spanned;
use crate::util::{format_eco, ArcExt, EcoString};
/// Create a new [`Dict`] from key-value pairs.
@ -107,14 +106,15 @@ impl Dict {
/// Transform each pair in the dictionary with a function.
pub fn map(&self, vm: &Vm, f: Spanned<Func>) -> SourceResult<Array> {
if f.v.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 1) {
bail!(f.span, "function must have exactly two parameters");
pub fn map(&self, vm: &Vm, func: Func) -> SourceResult<Array> {
if func.argc().map_or(false, |count| count != 2) {
bail!(func.span(), "function must have exactly two parameters");
.map(|(key, value)| {
let args = Args::new(f.span, [Value::Str(key.clone()), value.clone()]);, args)
let args =
Args::new(func.span(), [Value::Str(key.clone()), value.clone()]);, args)

View File

@ -563,7 +563,11 @@ impl Eval for ast::Ident {
type Output = Value;
fn eval(&self, vm: &mut Vm) -> SourceResult<Self::Output> {
let value = vm.scopes.get(self).cloned().at(self.span())?;
Ok(match value {
Value::Func(func) => Value::Func(func.spanned(self.span())),
value => value,
@ -912,15 +916,17 @@ impl Eval for ast::Closure {
// Define the actual function.
Ok(Value::Func(Func::from_closure(Closure {
// Define the closure function.
let closure = Closure {
location: vm.location,
body: self.body(),
Ok(Value::Func(Func::from_closure(closure, self.span())))

View File

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ use super::{
use crate::diag::{bail, SourceResult, StrResult};
use crate::syntax::ast::{self, AstNode, Expr};
use crate::syntax::{SourceId, SyntaxNode};
use crate::syntax::{SourceId, Span, SyntaxNode};
use crate::util::EcoString;
use crate::World;
/// An evaluatable function.
#[derive(Clone, Hash)]
pub struct Func(Arc<Repr>);
pub struct Func(Arc<Repr>, Span);
/// The different kinds of function representations.
@ -40,27 +40,33 @@ impl Func {
func: fn(&Vm, &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value>,
info: FuncInfo,
) -> Self {
Self(Arc::new(Repr::Native(Native { func, set: None, node: None, info })))
Arc::new(Repr::Native(Native { func, set: None, node: None, info })),
/// Create a new function from a native rust node.
pub fn from_node<T: Node>(mut info: FuncInfo) -> Self {
Self(Arc::new(Repr::Native(Native {
func: |ctx, args| {
let styles = T::set(args, true)?;
let content = T::construct(ctx, args)?;
set: Some(|args| T::set(args, false)),
node: Some(NodeId::of::<T>()),
Arc::new(Repr::Native(Native {
func: |ctx, args| {
let styles = T::set(args, true)?;
let content = T::construct(ctx, args)?;
set: Some(|args| T::set(args, false)),
node: Some(NodeId::of::<T>()),
/// Create a new function from a closure.
pub(super) fn from_closure(closure: Closure) -> Self {
pub(super) fn from_closure(closure: Closure, span: Span) -> Self {
Self(Arc::new(Repr::Closure(closure)), span)
/// The name of the function.
@ -81,6 +87,17 @@ impl Func {
/// The function's span.
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
/// Attach a span to the function.
pub fn spanned(mut self, span: Span) -> Self {
self.1 = span;
/// The number of positional arguments this function takes, if known.
pub fn argc(&self) -> Option<usize> {
match self.0.as_ref() {
@ -121,7 +138,8 @@ impl Func {
/// Apply the given arguments to the function.
pub fn with(self, args: Args) -> Self {
Self(Arc::new(Repr::With(self, args)))
let span = self.1;
Self(Arc::new(Repr::With(self, args)), span)
/// Create a selector for this function's node type, filtering by node's

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ pub fn call(
Value::Args(args) => match method {
"positional" => Value::Array(args.to_positional()),
"pos" => Value::Array(args.to_pos()),
"named" => Value::Dict(args.to_named()),
_ => return missing(),

View File

@ -136,7 +136,12 @@ fn try_apply(
pub trait Prepare {
/// Prepare the node for show rule application.
fn prepare(&self, vt: &mut Vt, this: Content, styles: StyleChain) -> Content;
fn prepare(
vt: &mut Vt,
this: Content,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> SourceResult<Content>;
/// The base recipe for a node.

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
#for v in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) [#if v >= 2 and v <= 5 { repr(v) }]
// Map captured arguments.
#let f1(..args) = args.positional().map(repr)
#let f1(..args) = args.pos().map(repr)
#let f2(..args) = args.named().pairs((k, v) => repr(k) + ": " + repr(v))
#let f(..args) = (f1(..args) + f2(..args)).join(", ")
#f(1, a: 2)

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
// Test that the expression is evaluated to the end.
#let sum(..args) = {
let s = 0
for v in args.positional() {
for v in args.pos() {
s += v