List label styling
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use crate::diag::StrResult;
use crate::layout::{Layout, LayoutNode};
use crate::library::prelude::*;
use crate::library::{
DecoNode, FlowChild, FlowNode, Labelling, ListItem, ListNode, PageNode, ParChild,
DecoNode, FlowChild, FlowNode, ListItem, ListKind, ListNode, PageNode, ParChild,
ParNode, PlaceNode, SpacingKind, TextNode, ORDERED, UNDERLINE, UNORDERED,
use crate::util::EcoString;
@ -307,14 +307,14 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
builder.staged.push((template, styles));
return Ok(());
Template::List(item) if builder.labelling == UNORDERED => {
Template::List(item) if builder.kind == UNORDERED => {
builder.wide |=
builder.staged.iter().any(|&(t, _)| *t == Template::Parbreak);
return Ok(());
Template::Enum(item) if builder.labelling == ORDERED => {
Template::Enum(item) if builder.kind == ORDERED => {
builder.wide |=
builder.staged.iter().any(|&(t, _)| *t == Template::Parbreak);
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
Template::List(item) => {
self.list = Some(ListBuilder {
labelling: UNORDERED,
items: vec![item.clone()],
wide: false,
staged: vec![],
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
Template::Enum(item) => {
self.list = Some(ListBuilder {
labelling: ORDERED,
kind: ORDERED,
items: vec![item.clone()],
wide: false,
staged: vec![],
@ -447,13 +447,12 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
/// Finish the currently built list.
fn finish_list(&mut self, vm: &mut Vm) -> TypResult<()> {
let ListBuilder { styles, labelling, items, wide, staged } =
match self.list.take() {
Some(list) => list,
None => return Ok(()),
let ListBuilder { styles, kind, items, wide, staged } = match self.list.take() {
Some(list) => list,
None => return Ok(()),
let template = match labelling {
let template = match kind {
UNORDERED => Template::show(ListNode::<UNORDERED> { items, wide, start: 1 }),
ORDERED | _ => Template::show(ListNode::<ORDERED> { items, wide, start: 1 }),
@ -492,7 +491,7 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
/// Builds an unordered or ordered list from items.
struct ListBuilder<'a> {
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
labelling: Labelling,
kind: ListKind,
items: Vec<ListItem>,
wide: bool,
staged: Vec<(&'a Template, StyleChain<'a>)>,
@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ pub enum Leveled<T> {
impl<T: Cast> Leveled<T> {
/// Resolve the value based on the level.
pub fn resolve(self, vm: &mut Vm, level: usize) -> TypResult<T> {
match self {
Self::Value(value) => Ok(value),
Self::Mapping(mapping) => Ok(mapping(level)),
Ok(match self {
Self::Value(value) => value,
Self::Mapping(mapping) => mapping(level),
Self::Func(func, span) => {
let args = Args {
@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ impl<T: Cast> Leveled<T> {
value: Spanned::new(Value::Int(level as i64), span),
||||, args)?.cast().at(span)
||||, args)?.cast().at(span)?
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ impl<T: Cast> Cast<Spanned<Value>> for Leveled<T> {
fn cast(value: Spanned<Value>) -> StrResult<Self> {
match value.v {
Value::Func(f) => Ok(Self::Func(f, value.span)),
Value::Func(v) => Ok(Self::Func(v, value.span)),
v => T::cast(v)
.map_err(|msg| with_alternative(msg, "function")),
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
//! Unordered (bulleted) and ordered (numbered) lists.
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{GridNode, ParNode, TextNode, TrackSizing};
use super::{GridNode, Numbering, ParNode, TextNode, TrackSizing};
use crate::parse::Scanner;
/// An unordered or ordered list.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ListNode<const L: Labelling> {
pub struct ListNode<const L: ListKind> {
/// The individual bulleted or numbered items.
pub items: Vec<ListItem>,
/// If true, there is paragraph spacing between the items, if false
@ -25,13 +27,15 @@ pub struct ListItem {
impl<const L: Labelling> ListNode<L> {
impl<const L: ListKind> ListNode<L> {
/// How the list is labelled.
pub const LABEL: Label = Label::Default;
/// The spacing between the list items of a non-wide list.
pub const SPACING: Linear = Linear::zero();
/// The indentation of each item's label.
pub const LABEL_INDENT: Linear = Relative::new(0.0).into();
/// The space between the label and the body of each item.
pub const BODY_INDENT: Linear = Relative::new(0.5).into();
/// The spacing between the list items of a non-wide list.
pub const SPACING: Linear = Linear::zero();
fn construct(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Template> {
Ok(Template::show(Self {
@ -46,30 +50,27 @@ impl<const L: Labelling> ListNode<L> {
impl<const L: Labelling> Show for ListNode<L> {
fn show(&self, _: &mut Vm, styles: StyleChain) -> TypResult<Template> {
impl<const L: ListKind> Show for ListNode<L> {
fn show(&self, vm: &mut Vm, styles: StyleChain) -> TypResult<Template> {
let mut children = vec![];
let mut number = self.start;
let label = styles.get_ref(Self::LABEL);
for item in &self.items {
number = item.number.unwrap_or(number);
let label = match L {
UNORDERED => '•'.into(),
ORDERED | _ => format_eco!("{}.", number),
number = 1;
children.push(label.resolve(vm, L, number)?.pack());
number += 1;
let em = styles.get(TextNode::SIZE).abs;
let label_indent = styles.get(Self::LABEL_INDENT).resolve(em);
let body_indent = styles.get(Self::BODY_INDENT).resolve(em);
let leading = styles.get(ParNode::LEADING);
let spacing = if self.wide {
@ -78,6 +79,9 @@ impl<const L: Labelling> Show for ListNode<L> {
let gutter = (leading + spacing).resolve(em);
let label_indent = styles.get(Self::LABEL_INDENT).resolve(em);
let body_indent = styles.get(Self::BODY_INDENT).resolve(em);
Ok(Template::block(GridNode {
tracks: Spec::with_x(vec![
@ -91,17 +95,99 @@ impl<const L: Labelling> Show for ListNode<L> {
impl<const L: Labelling> From<ListItem> for ListNode<L> {
impl<const L: ListKind> From<ListItem> for ListNode<L> {
fn from(item: ListItem) -> Self {
Self { items: vec![item], wide: false, start: 1 }
/// How to label a list.
pub type Labelling = usize;
pub type ListKind = usize;
/// Unordered list labelling style.
pub const UNORDERED: Labelling = 0;
pub const UNORDERED: ListKind = 0;
/// Ordered list labelling style.
pub const ORDERED: Labelling = 1;
pub const ORDERED: ListKind = 1;
/// Either a template or a closure mapping to a template.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Label {
/// The default labelling.
/// A pattern with prefix, numbering, lower / upper case and suffix.
Pattern(EcoString, Numbering, bool, EcoString),
/// A bare template.
/// A simple mapping from an item number to a template.
Mapping(fn(usize) -> Template),
/// A closure mapping from an item number to a value.
Func(Func, Span),
impl Label {
/// Resolve the value based on the level.
pub fn resolve(
vm: &mut Vm,
kind: ListKind,
number: usize,
) -> TypResult<Template> {
Ok(match self {
Self::Default => match kind {
UNORDERED => Template::Text('•'.into()),
ORDERED | _ => Template::Text(format_eco!("{}.", number)),
Self::Pattern(prefix, numbering, upper, suffix) => {
let fmt = numbering.apply(number);
let mid = if *upper { fmt.to_uppercase() } else { fmt.to_lowercase() };
Template::Text(format_eco!("{}{}{}", prefix, mid, suffix))
Self::Template(template) => template.clone(),
Self::Mapping(mapping) => mapping(number),
&Self::Func(ref func, span) => {
let args = Args {
items: vec![Arg {
name: None,
value: Spanned::new(Value::Int(number as i64), span),
||||, args)?.cast().at(span)?
impl Cast<Spanned<Value>> for Label {
fn is(value: &Spanned<Value>) -> bool {
matches!(&value.v, Value::Template(_) | Value::Func(_))
fn cast(value: Spanned<Value>) -> StrResult<Self> {
match value.v {
Value::Str(pattern) => {
let mut s = Scanner::new(&pattern);
let mut prefix;
let numbering = loop {
prefix = s.eaten();
match|c| c.to_ascii_lowercase()) {
Some('1') => break Numbering::Arabic,
Some('a') => break Numbering::Letter,
Some('i') => break Numbering::Roman,
Some('*') => break Numbering::Symbol,
Some(_) => {}
None => Err("invalid pattern")?,
let upper = s.prev(0).map_or(false, char::is_uppercase);
let suffix =;
Ok(Self::Pattern(prefix.into(), numbering, upper, suffix))
Value::Template(v) => Ok(Self::Template(v)),
Value::Func(v) => Ok(Self::Func(v, value.span)),
_ => Err("expected pattern, template or function")?,
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ pub mod image;
pub mod link;
pub mod list;
pub mod math;
pub mod numbering;
pub mod pad;
pub mod page;
pub mod par;
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ pub use hide::*;
pub use link::*;
pub use list::*;
pub use math::*;
pub use numbering::*;
pub use pad::*;
pub use page::*;
pub use par::*;
@ -144,6 +146,7 @@ pub fn new() -> Scope {
std.def_func("cmyk", cmyk);
std.def_func("lower", lower);
std.def_func("upper", upper);
std.def_func("letter", letter);
std.def_func("roman", roman);
std.def_func("symbol", symbol);
std.def_func("len", len);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
//! Conversion of numbers into letters, roman numerals and symbols.
use super::prelude::*;
static ROMANS: &'static [(&'static str, usize)] = &[
("M̅", 1000000),
("D̅", 500000),
("C̅", 100000),
("L̅", 50000),
("X̅", 10000),
("V̅", 5000),
("I̅V̅", 4000),
("M", 1000),
("CM", 900),
("D", 500),
("CD", 400),
("C", 100),
("XC", 90),
("L", 50),
("XL", 40),
("X", 10),
("IX", 9),
("V", 5),
("IV", 4),
("I", 1),
static SYMBOLS: &'static [char] = &['*', '†', '‡', '§', '‖', '¶'];
/// The different kinds of numberings.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Numbering {
impl Numbering {
/// Apply the numbering to the given number.
pub fn apply(self, mut n: usize) -> EcoString {
match self {
Self::Arabic => {
format_eco!("{}", n)
Self::Letter => {
if n == 0 {
return '-'.into();
let mut letters = vec![];
while n > 0 {
letters.push(b'a' - 1 + (n % 26) as u8);
n /= 26;
Self::Roman => {
if n == 0 {
return 'N'.into();
// Adapted from Yann Villessuzanne's under the Unlicense, at
let mut fmt = EcoString::new();
for &(name, value) in ROMANS {
while n >= value {
n -= value;
Self::Symbol => {
if n == 0 {
return '-'.into();
let symbol = SYMBOLS[(n - 1) % SYMBOLS.len()];
let amount = ((n - 1) / SYMBOLS.len()) + 1;
/// Converts an integer into one or multiple letters.
pub fn letter(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
convert(Numbering::Letter, args)
/// Converts an integer into a roman numeral.
pub fn roman(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
convert(Numbering::Roman, args)
/// Convert a number into a symbol.
pub fn symbol(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
convert(Numbering::Symbol, args)
fn convert(numbering: Numbering, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let n = args.expect::<usize>("non-negative integer")?;
@ -261,71 +261,6 @@ pub fn upper(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// Converts an integer into a roman numeral.
/// Works for integer between 0 and 3,999,999.
pub fn roman(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
// Adapted from Yann Villessuzanne's under the Unlicense, at
static PAIRS: &'static [(&'static str, usize)] = &[
("M̅", 1000000),
("D̅", 500000),
("C̅", 100000),
("L̅", 50000),
("X̅", 10000),
("V̅", 5000),
("I̅V̅", 4000),
("M", 1000),
("CM", 900),
("D", 500),
("CD", 400),
("C", 100),
("XC", 90),
("L", 50),
("XL", 40),
("X", 10),
("IX", 9),
("V", 5),
("IV", 4),
("I", 1),
let Spanned { mut v, span } = args.expect("non-negative integer")?;
match v {
0_usize => return Ok("N".into()),
4_000_000 .. => {
"cannot convert integers greater than 3,999,999 to roman numerals"
_ => {}
let mut roman = String::new();
for &(name, value) in PAIRS {
while v >= value {
v -= value;
/// Convert a number into a roman numeral.
pub fn symbol(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
static SYMBOLS: &'static [char] = &['*', '†', '‡', '§', '‖', '¶'];
let n = args.expect::<usize>("non-negative integer")?;
let symbol = SYMBOLS[n % SYMBOLS.len()];
let amount = (n / SYMBOLS.len()) + 1;
let symbols: String = std::iter::repeat(symbol).take(amount).collect();
/// The length of a string, an array or a dictionary.
pub fn len(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v, span } = args.expect("collection")?;
@ -90,6 +90,12 @@ impl<'s> Scanner<'s> {
/// Get the nth-previous eaten char.
pub fn prev(&self, n: usize) -> Option<char> {
/// Checks whether the next char fulfills a condition.
/// Returns `default` if there is no next char.
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
fn in_word(&self) -> bool {
let alphanumeric = |c: Option<char>| c.map_or(false, |c| c.is_alphanumeric());
let prev = self.s.get(.. self.s.last_index()).chars().next_back();
let prev = self.s.prev(1);
let next = self.s.peek();
alphanumeric(prev) && alphanumeric(next)
@ -366,6 +366,16 @@ impl From<EcoString> for String {
impl FromIterator<char> for EcoString {
fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = char>>(iter: T) -> Self {
let mut s = Self::new();
for c in iter {
mod tests {
use super::*;
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.3 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 26 KiB |
@ -21,3 +21,40 @@
#for i in range(5) {
[. #roman(1 + i)]
// Test label pattern.
#set enum(label: "~ A:")
. First
. Second
#set enum(label: "(*)")
. A
. B
. C
#set enum(label: "i)")
. A
. B
// Test label closure.
start: 4,
spacing: -3pt,
label: n => text(fill: (red, green, blue)(mod(n, 3)), [#upper(letter(n))]),
[Red], [Green], [Blue],
// Error: 18-20 invalid pattern
#set enum(label: "")
// Error: 18-24 invalid pattern
#set enum(label: "(())")
// Error: 18-28 expected template, found boolean
#set enum(label: n => false)
. A
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Test string functions.
// Test the `upper`, `lower`, and number formatting functions.
// Test the `upper`, `lower`, and number formatting functions.
#upper("Abc 8 def")
#lower("SCREAMING MUST BE SILENCED in " + roman(1672) + " years")
@ -14,10 +14,6 @@
// Error: 8-15 cannot convert integers greater than 3,999,999 to roman numerals
// Error: 9-11 must be at least zero
Reference in New Issue
Block a user