Restructure engine into modular layouter 🍂
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use std::process;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use typeset::Compiler;
use typeset::Typesetter;
use typeset::{font::FileSystemFontProvider, font_info};
use typeset::export::pdf::PdfExporter;
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
let mut src = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut src).map_err(|_| "failed to read from source file")?;
// Create a compiler with a font provider that provides three fonts
// Create a typesetter with a font provider that provides three fonts
// (two sans-serif fonts and a fallback for the emoji).
let mut compiler = Compiler::new();
compiler.add_font_provider(FileSystemFontProvider::new("fonts", vec![
let mut typesetter = Typesetter::new();
typesetter.add_font_provider(FileSystemFontProvider::new("fonts", vec![
("NotoSans-Regular.ttf", font_info!(["NotoSans", "Noto", SansSerif])),
("NotoSans-Italic.ttf", font_info!(["NotoSans", "Noto", SansSerif], italic)),
("NotoSans-Bold.ttf", font_info!(["NotoSans", "Noto", SansSerif], bold)),
@ -45,9 +45,8 @@ fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
("NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf", font_info!(["NotoEmoji", "Noto", SansSerif, Serif, Monospace])),
// Compile the source code with the compiler.
let document = compiler.compile(&src)?;
// Typeset the source code.
let document = typesetter.typeset(&src)?;
// Export the document into a PDF file.
let exporter = PdfExporter::new();
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//! Representation of typesetted documents.
use crate::font::Font;
use crate::engine::Size;
use crate::layout::Size;
/// A complete typesetted document, which can be exported.
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
//! Loading of fonts by queries.
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::cell::{RefCell, Ref};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::font::{Font, FontProvider, FontFamily, FontInfo};
/// Serves matching fonts given a query.
pub struct FontLoader<'p> {
/// The font providers.
providers: &'p [Box<dyn FontProvider + 'p>],
/// All available fonts indexed by provider.
provider_fonts: Vec<&'p [FontInfo]>,
/// The internal state.
state: RefCell<FontLoaderState<'p>>,
/// Internal state of the font loader (wrapped in a RefCell).
struct FontLoaderState<'p> {
/// The loaded fonts along with their external indices.
fonts: Vec<(Option<usize>, Font)>,
/// Allows to retrieve cached results for queries.
query_cache: HashMap<FontQuery<'p>, usize>,
/// Allows to lookup fonts by their infos.
info_cache: HashMap<&'p FontInfo, usize>,
/// Indexed by outside and indices maps to internal indices.
inner_index: Vec<usize>,
impl<'p> FontLoader<'p> {
/// Create a new font loader.
pub fn new(providers: &'p [Box<dyn FontProvider + 'p>]) -> FontLoader {
let provider_fonts = providers.iter()
.map(|prov| prov.available()).collect();
FontLoader {
state: RefCell::new(FontLoaderState {
query_cache: HashMap::new(),
info_cache: HashMap::new(),
inner_index: vec![],
fonts: vec![],
/// Return the best matching font and it's index (if there is any) given the query.
pub fn get(&self, query: FontQuery<'p>) -> Option<(usize, Ref<Font>)> {
// Check if we had the exact same query before.
let state = self.state.borrow();
if let Some(&index) = state.query_cache.get(&query) {
// That this is the query cache means it must has an index as we've served it before.
let extern_index = state.fonts[index].0.unwrap();
let font = Ref::map(state, |s| &s.fonts[index].1);
return Some((extern_index, font));
// Go over all font infos from all font providers that match the query.
for family in query.families {
for (provider, infos) in self.providers.iter().zip(&self.provider_fonts) {
for info in infos.iter() {
// Check whether this info matches the query.
if Self::matches(query, family, info) {
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
// Check if we have already loaded this font before.
// Otherwise we'll fetch the font from the provider.
let index = if let Some(&index) = state.info_cache.get(info) {
} else if let Some(mut source) = provider.get(info) {
// Read the font program into a vec.
let mut program = Vec::new();
source.read_to_end(&mut program).ok()?;
// Create a font from it.
let font = Font::new(program).ok()?;
// Insert it into the storage.
let index = state.fonts.len();
state.info_cache.insert(info, index);
state.fonts.push((None, font));
} else {
// Check whether this font has the character we need.
let has_char = state.fonts[index].1.mapping.contains_key(&query.character);
if has_char {
// We can take this font, so we store the query.
state.query_cache.insert(query, index);
// Now we have to find out the external index of it, or assign a new
// one if it has not already one.
let maybe_extern_index = state.fonts[index].0;
let extern_index = maybe_extern_index.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// We have to assign an external index before serving.
let extern_index = state.inner_index.len();
state.fonts[index].0 = Some(extern_index);
// Release the mutable borrow and borrow immutably.
let font = Ref::map(self.state.borrow(), |s| &s.fonts[index].1);
// Finally we can return it.
return Some((extern_index, font));
/// Return a loaded font at an index. Panics if the index is out of bounds.
pub fn get_with_index(&self, index: usize) -> Ref<Font> {
let state = self.state.borrow();
let internal = state.inner_index[index];
Ref::map(state, |s| &s.fonts[internal].1)
/// Return the list of fonts.
pub fn into_fonts(self) -> Vec<Font> {
// Sort the fonts by external key so that they are in the correct order.
let mut fonts = self.state.into_inner().fonts;
fonts.sort_by_key(|&(maybe_index, _)| match maybe_index {
Some(index) => index as isize,
None => -1,
// Remove the fonts that are not used from the outside
fonts.into_iter().filter_map(|(maybe_index, font)| {
|||||_| font)
/// Check whether the query and the current family match the info.
fn matches(query: FontQuery, family: &FontFamily, info: &FontInfo) -> bool {
&& info.italic == query.italic && info.bold == query.bold
impl Debug for FontLoader<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let state = self.state.borrow();
.field("providers", &self.providers.len())
.field("provider_fonts", &self.provider_fonts)
.field("fonts", &state.fonts)
.field("query_cache", &state.query_cache)
.field("info_cache", &state.info_cache)
.field("inner_index", &state.inner_index)
/// A query for a font with specific properties.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct FontQuery<'p> {
/// A fallback list of font families to accept. The first family in this list, that also
/// satisfies the other conditions, shall be returned.
pub families: &'p [FontFamily],
/// Whether the font shall be in italics.
pub italic: bool,
/// Whether the font shall be in boldface.
pub bold: bool,
/// Which character we need.
pub character: char,
@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
//! Core typesetting engine.
use std::cell::Ref;
use std::mem::swap;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use crate::doc::{Document, Page, Text, TextCommand};
use crate::font::{Font, FontFamily, FontProvider, FontError};
use crate::syntax::{SyntaxTree, Node};
use loader::{FontLoader, FontQuery};
mod size;
mod loader;
pub use size::Size;
/// Typeset a parsed syntax tree.
pub fn typeset<'p>(tree: &SyntaxTree, style: &Style, font_providers: &[Box<dyn FontProvider + 'p>])
-> TypesetResult<Document> {
Engine::new(tree, style, font_providers).typeset()
/// The core typesetting engine, transforming an abstract syntax tree into a document.
struct Engine<'a> {
// Input
tree: &'a SyntaxTree,
style: &'a Style,
// Internal
font_loader: FontLoader<'a>,
// Output
text_commands: Vec<TextCommand>,
// Intermediates
active_font: usize,
current_text: String,
current_line_width: Size,
current_max_vertical_move: Size,
bold: bool,
italic: bool,
impl<'a> Engine<'a> {
/// Create a new generator from a syntax tree.
fn new(
tree: &'a SyntaxTree,
style: &'a Style,
font_providers: &'a [Box<dyn FontProvider + 'a>]
) -> Engine<'a> {
Engine {
font_loader: FontLoader::new(font_providers),
text_commands: vec![],
active_font: std::usize::MAX,
current_text: String::new(),
current_line_width: Size::zero(),
current_max_vertical_move: Size::zero(),
italic: false,
bold: false,
/// Generate the abstract document.
fn typeset(mut self) -> TypesetResult<Document> {
// Start by moving to a suitable position.
// Iterate through the documents nodes.
for node in &self.tree.nodes {
match node {
Node::Text(text) => self.write_word(text)?,
Node::Space => self.write_space()?,
Node::Newline => {
Node::ToggleItalics => self.italic = !self.italic,
Node::ToggleBold => self.bold = !self.bold,
Node::ToggleMath => unimplemented!(),
Node::Func(_) => unimplemented!(),
// Flush the text buffer.
// Create a document with one page from the contents.
Ok(Document {
pages: vec![Page {
text: vec![Text {
commands: self.text_commands,
fonts: self.font_loader.into_fonts(),
/// Write a word.
fn write_word(&mut self, word: &str) -> TypesetResult<()> {
// Contains pairs of (characters, font_index, char_width).
let mut chars_with_widths = SmallVec::<[(char, usize, Size); 12]>::new();
// Find out which font to use for each character in the word and meanwhile
// calculate the width of the word.
let mut word_width = Size::zero();
for c in word.chars() {
let (index, font) = self.get_font_for(c)?;
let width = self.char_width(c, &font);
word_width += width;
chars_with_widths.push((c, index, width));
// If this would overflow, we move to a new line and finally write the previous one.
if self.would_overflow(word_width) {
// Finally write the word.
for (c, index, width) in chars_with_widths {
if index != self.active_font {
// If we will change the font, first write the remaining things.
self.current_line_width += width;
/// Write the space character: `' '`.
fn write_space(&mut self) -> TypesetResult<()> {
let space_width = self.char_width(' ', &self.get_font_for(' ')?.1);
if !self.would_overflow(space_width) && self.current_line_width > Size::zero() {
self.write_word(" ")?;
/// Write a text command with the buffered text.
fn write_buffered_text(&mut self) {
if !self.current_text.is_empty() {
let mut current_text = String::new();
swap(&mut self.current_text, &mut current_text);
/// Move to the starting position defined by the style.
fn move_start(&mut self) {
// Move cursor to top-left position
|||| -
/// Move to a new line.
fn move_newline(&mut self, factor: f32) {
if self.active_font == std::usize::MAX {
let vertical_move = if self.current_max_vertical_move == Size::zero() {
// If max vertical move is still zero, the line is empty and we take the
// font size from the previous line.
* self.get_font_at(self.active_font).metrics.ascender
* factor
} else {
self.text_commands.push(TextCommand::Move(Size::zero(), -vertical_move));
self.current_max_vertical_move = Size::zero();
self.current_line_width = Size::zero();
/// Set the current font.
fn set_font(&mut self, index: usize) {
self.active_font = index;
/// Whether the current line plus the extra `width` would overflow the line.
fn would_overflow(&self, width: Size) -> bool {
let max_width =
- -;
self.current_line_width + width > max_width
/// Load a font that has the character we need.
fn get_font_for(&self, character: char) -> TypesetResult<(usize, Ref<Font>)> {
self.font_loader.get(FontQuery {
families: &,
italic: self.italic,
bold: self.bold,
}).ok_or_else(|| TypesetError::MissingFont)
/// Load a font at an index.
fn get_font_at(&self, index: usize) -> Ref<Font> {
/// The width of a char in a specific font.
fn char_width(&self, character: char, font: &Font) -> Size {
font.widths[ as usize] *
/// The context for typesetting a function.
pub struct TypesetContext {}
/// Default styles for typesetting.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Style {
/// The width of the paper.
pub width: Size,
/// The height of the paper.
pub height: Size,
/// The left margin of the paper.
pub margin_left: Size,
/// The top margin of the paper.
pub margin_top: Size,
/// The right margin of the paper.
pub margin_right: Size,
/// The bottom margin of the paper.
pub margin_bottom: Size,
/// A fallback list of font families to use.
pub font_families: Vec<FontFamily>,
/// The font size.
pub font_size: f32,
/// The line spacing (as a multiple of the font size).
pub line_spacing: f32,
/// The spacing for paragraphs (as a multiple of the line spacing).
pub paragraph_spacing: f32,
impl Default for Style {
fn default() -> Style {
use FontFamily::*;
Style {
// A4 paper.
width: Size::from_mm(210.0),
height: Size::from_mm(297.0),
// Margins. A bit more on top and bottom.
margin_left: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_top: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_right: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_bottom: Size::from_cm(3.0),
// Default font family, font size and line spacing.
font_families: vec![SansSerif, Serif, Monospace],
font_size: 11.0,
line_spacing: 1.25,
paragraph_spacing: 1.5,
/// The error type for typesetting.
pub enum TypesetError {
/// There was no suitable font.
/// An error occured while gathering font data.
/// The result type for typesetting.
pub type TypesetResult<T> = Result<T, TypesetError>;
error_type! {
err: TypesetError,
show: f => match err {
TypesetError::MissingFont => write!(f, "missing font"),
TypesetError::Font(err) => write!(f, "font error: {}", err),
source: match err {
TypesetError::Font(err) => Some(err),
_ => None,
from: (std::io::Error, TypesetError::Font(FontError::Io(err))),
from: (FontError, TypesetError::Font(err)),
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use pdf::font::{GlyphUnit, CMap, CMapEncoding, WidthRecord, FontStream};
use crate::doc::{Document, Text as DocText, TextCommand};
use crate::font::{Font, FontError};
use crate::engine::Size;
use crate::layout::Size;
/// Exports documents into _PDFs_.
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
//! Font loading and transforming.
//! # Font handling
//! To do the typesetting, the compiler needs font data. To be highly portable the compiler assumes
//! nothing about the environment. To still work with fonts, the consumer of this library has to
//! add _font providers_ to their compiler instance. These can be queried for font data given
//! flexible font filters specifying required font families and styles. A font provider is a type
//! implementing the [`FontProvider`](crate::font::FontProvider) trait.
//! To do the typesetting, the typesetting engine needs font data. To be highly portable the engine
//! itself assumes nothing about the environment. To still work with fonts, the consumer of this
//! library has to add _font providers_ to their typesetting instance. These can be queried for font
//! data given flexible font filters specifying required font families and styles. A font provider
//! is a type implementing the [`FontProvider`](crate::font::FontProvider) trait.
//! There is one [included font provider](crate::font::FileSystemFontProvider) that serves
//! fonts from a folder on the file system.
//! There is one [included font provider](crate::font::FileSystemFontProvider) that serves fonts
//! from a folder on the file system.
use std::cell::{RefCell, Ref};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, BufReader};
use std::path::PathBuf;
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ use opentype::{Error as OpentypeError, OpenTypeReader, Outlines, TableRecord, Ta
use opentype::tables::{Header, Name, CharMap, MaximumProfile, HorizontalMetrics, Post, OS2};
use opentype::global::{MacStyleFlags, NameEntry};
use crate::engine::Size;
use crate::layout::Size;
/// A loaded font, containing relevant information for typesetting.
@ -174,25 +176,6 @@ pub struct FontMetrics {
pub weight_class: u16,
/// A type that provides fonts.
pub trait FontProvider {
/// Returns the font with the given info if this provider has it.
fn get(&self, info: &FontInfo) -> Option<Box<dyn FontData>>;
/// The available fonts this provider can serve. While these should generally be retrievable
/// through the `get` method, it is not guaranteed that a font info that is contained here
/// yields a `Some` value when passed into `get`.
fn available<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [FontInfo];
/// A wrapper trait around `Read + Seek`.
/// This type is needed because currently you can't make a trait object
/// with two traits, like `Box<dyn Read + Seek>`.
/// Automatically implemented for all types that are [`Read`] and [`Seek`].
pub trait FontData: Read + Seek {}
impl<T> FontData for T where T: Read + Seek {}
/// Describes a font.
/// Can be constructed conveniently with the [`font_info`] macro.
@ -285,6 +268,25 @@ pub enum FontFamily {
/// A type that provides fonts.
pub trait FontProvider {
/// Returns the font with the given info if this provider has it.
fn get(&self, info: &FontInfo) -> Option<Box<dyn FontData>>;
/// The available fonts this provider can serve. While these should generally be retrievable
/// through the `get` method, it is not guaranteed that a font info that is contained here
/// yields a `Some` value when passed into `get`.
fn available<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [FontInfo];
/// A wrapper trait around `Read + Seek`.
/// This type is needed because currently you can't make a trait object
/// with two traits, like `Box<dyn Read + Seek>`.
/// Automatically implemented for all types that are [`Read`] and [`Seek`].
pub trait FontData: Read + Seek {}
impl<T> FontData for T where T: Read + Seek {}
/// A font provider serving fonts from a folder on the local file system.
pub struct FileSystemFontProvider {
base: PathBuf,
@ -349,10 +351,182 @@ impl FontProvider for FileSystemFontProvider {
struct Subsetter<'d> {
/// Serves matching fonts given a query.
pub struct FontLoader<'p> {
/// The font providers.
providers: Vec<&'p (dyn FontProvider + 'p)>,
/// All available fonts indexed by provider.
provider_fonts: Vec<&'p [FontInfo]>,
/// The internal state.
state: RefCell<FontLoaderState<'p>>,
/// Internal state of the font loader (wrapped in a RefCell).
struct FontLoaderState<'p> {
/// The loaded fonts along with their external indices.
fonts: Vec<(Option<usize>, Font)>,
/// Allows to retrieve cached results for queries.
query_cache: HashMap<FontQuery<'p>, usize>,
/// Allows to lookup fonts by their infos.
info_cache: HashMap<&'p FontInfo, usize>,
/// Indexed by outside and indices maps to internal indices.
inner_index: Vec<usize>,
impl<'p> FontLoader<'p> {
/// Create a new font loader.
pub fn new<P: 'p>(providers: &'p [P]) -> FontLoader<'p> where P: AsRef<dyn FontProvider + 'p> {
let providers: Vec<_> = providers.iter().map(|p| p.as_ref()).collect();
let provider_fonts = providers.iter().map(|prov| prov.available()).collect();
FontLoader {
state: RefCell::new(FontLoaderState {
query_cache: HashMap::new(),
info_cache: HashMap::new(),
inner_index: vec![],
fonts: vec![],
/// Return the best matching font and it's index (if there is any) given the query.
pub fn get(&self, query: FontQuery<'p>) -> Option<(usize, Ref<Font>)> {
// Check if we had the exact same query before.
let state = self.state.borrow();
if let Some(&index) = state.query_cache.get(&query) {
// That this is the query cache means it must has an index as we've served it before.
let extern_index = state.fonts[index].0.unwrap();
let font = Ref::map(state, |s| &s.fonts[index].1);
return Some((extern_index, font));
// Go over all font infos from all font providers that match the query.
for family in query.families {
for (provider, infos) in self.providers.iter().zip(&self.provider_fonts) {
for info in infos.iter() {
// Check whether this info matches the query.
if Self::matches(query, family, info) {
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
// Check if we have already loaded this font before.
// Otherwise we'll fetch the font from the provider.
let index = if let Some(&index) = state.info_cache.get(info) {
} else if let Some(mut source) = provider.get(info) {
// Read the font program into a vec.
let mut program = Vec::new();
source.read_to_end(&mut program).ok()?;
// Create a font from it.
let font = Font::new(program).ok()?;
// Insert it into the storage.
let index = state.fonts.len();
state.info_cache.insert(info, index);
state.fonts.push((None, font));
} else {
// Check whether this font has the character we need.
let has_char = state.fonts[index].1.mapping.contains_key(&query.character);
if has_char {
// We can take this font, so we store the query.
state.query_cache.insert(query, index);
// Now we have to find out the external index of it, or assign a new
// one if it has not already one.
let maybe_extern_index = state.fonts[index].0;
let extern_index = maybe_extern_index.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// We have to assign an external index before serving.
let extern_index = state.inner_index.len();
state.fonts[index].0 = Some(extern_index);
// Release the mutable borrow and borrow immutably.
let font = Ref::map(self.state.borrow(), |s| &s.fonts[index].1);
// Finally we can return it.
return Some((extern_index, font));
/// Return a loaded font at an index. Panics if the index is out of bounds.
pub fn get_with_index(&self, index: usize) -> Ref<Font> {
let state = self.state.borrow();
let internal = state.inner_index[index];
Ref::map(state, |s| &s.fonts[internal].1)
/// Return the list of fonts.
pub fn into_fonts(self) -> Vec<Font> {
// Sort the fonts by external key so that they are in the correct order.
let mut fonts = self.state.into_inner().fonts;
fonts.sort_by_key(|&(maybe_index, _)| match maybe_index {
Some(index) => index as isize,
None => -1,
// Remove the fonts that are not used from the outside
fonts.into_iter().filter_map(|(maybe_index, font)| {
|||||_| font)
/// Check whether the query and the current family match the info.
fn matches(query: FontQuery, family: &FontFamily, info: &FontInfo) -> bool {
&& info.italic == query.italic && info.bold == query.bold
impl Debug for FontLoader<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let state = self.state.borrow();
.field("providers", &self.providers.len())
.field("provider_fonts", &self.provider_fonts)
.field("fonts", &state.fonts)
.field("query_cache", &state.query_cache)
.field("info_cache", &state.info_cache)
.field("inner_index", &state.inner_index)
/// A query for a font with specific properties.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct FontQuery<'a> {
/// A fallback list of font families to accept. The first family in this list, that also
/// satisfies the other conditions, shall be returned.
pub families: &'a [FontFamily],
/// Whether the font shall be in italics.
pub italic: bool,
/// Whether the font shall be in boldface.
pub bold: bool,
/// Which character we need.
pub character: char,
struct Subsetter<'a> {
// Original font
font: &'d Font,
reader: OpenTypeReader<Cursor<&'d [u8]>>,
font: &'a Font,
reader: OpenTypeReader<Cursor<&'a [u8]>>,
outlines: Outlines,
tables: Vec<TableRecord>,
cmap: Option<CharMap>,
@ -366,7 +540,7 @@ struct Subsetter<'d> {
body: Vec<u8>,
impl<'d> Subsetter<'d> {
impl<'a> Subsetter<'a> {
fn subset<I, S>(mut self, needed_tables: I, optional_tables: I) -> FontResult<Font>
where I: IntoIterator<Item=S>, S: AsRef<str> {
// Find out which glyphs to include based on which characters we want
@ -695,7 +869,7 @@ impl<'d> Subsetter<'d> {
fn get_table_data(&self, tag: Tag) -> FontResult<&'d [u8]> {
fn get_table_data(&self, tag: Tag) -> FontResult<&'a [u8]> {
let record = match self.tables.binary_search_by_key(&tag, |r| r.tag) {
Ok(index) => &self.tables[index],
Err(_) => return Err(FontError::MissingTable(tag.to_string())),
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use crate::syntax::FuncHeader;
use crate::parsing::{ParseContext, ParseResult};
use crate::engine::{TypesetContext, TypesetResult};
use crate::layout::{Layout, LayoutContext, LayoutResult};
/// Types that act as functions.
@ -17,12 +17,16 @@ use crate::engine::{TypesetContext, TypesetResult};
/// The trait `FunctionBounds` is automatically implemented for types which can be
/// used as functions, that is they fulfill the bounds `Debug + PartialEq + 'static`.
pub trait Function: FunctionBounds {
/// Parse the tokens of the context with the given header and scope into self.
/// Parse the header and body into this function given this context.
fn parse(header: &FuncHeader, body: Option<&str>, ctx: &ParseContext)
-> ParseResult<Self> where Self: Sized;
/// Execute the function and optionally yield a return value.
fn typeset(&self, ctx: &TypesetContext) -> TypesetResult<()>;
/// Layout this function given a context.
/// Returns optionally the resulting layout and a if changes to the context
/// should be made new context.
fn layout(&self, ctx: &LayoutContext)
-> LayoutResult<(Option<Layout>, Option<LayoutContext>)>;
impl PartialEq for dyn Function {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
//! Layouting engine.
use crate::doc::Document;
use crate::font::{Font, FontLoader, FontFamily, FontError};
use crate::syntax::SyntaxTree;
mod size;
pub use size::Size;
/// Layout a syntax tree given a context.
pub fn layout(tree: &SyntaxTree, ctx: &LayoutContext) -> LayoutResult<Layout> {
Ok(Layout {})
/// A collection of layouted content.
pub struct Layout {}
impl Layout {
/// Convert this layout into a document given the list of fonts referenced by it.
pub fn into_document(self, fonts: Vec<Font>) -> Document {
Document {
pages: vec![],
/// The context for layouting.
pub struct LayoutContext<'a, 'p> {
pub loader: &'a FontLoader<'p>,
/// Default styles for pages.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct PageStyle {
/// The width of the paper.
pub width: Size,
/// The height of the paper.
pub height: Size,
/// The left margin of the paper.
pub margin_left: Size,
/// The top margin of the paper.
pub margin_top: Size,
/// The right margin of the paper.
pub margin_right: Size,
/// The bottom margin of the paper.
pub margin_bottom: Size,
impl Default for PageStyle {
fn default() -> PageStyle {
PageStyle {
// A4 paper.
width: Size::from_mm(210.0),
height: Size::from_mm(297.0),
// Margins. A bit more on top and bottom.
margin_left: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_top: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_right: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_bottom: Size::from_cm(3.0),
/// Default styles for texts.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct TextStyle {
/// A fallback list of font families to use.
pub font_families: Vec<FontFamily>,
/// The font size.
pub font_size: f32,
/// The line spacing (as a multiple of the font size).
pub line_spacing: f32,
/// The spacing for paragraphs (as a multiple of the line spacing).
pub paragraph_spacing: f32,
impl Default for TextStyle {
fn default() -> TextStyle {
use FontFamily::*;
TextStyle {
// Default font family, font size and line spacing.
font_families: vec![SansSerif, Serif, Monospace],
font_size: 11.0,
line_spacing: 1.25,
paragraph_spacing: 1.5,
/// The error type for layouting.
pub enum LayoutError {
/// There was no suitable font.
/// An error occured while gathering font data.
/// The result type for layouting.
pub type LayoutResult<T> = Result<T, LayoutError>;
error_type! {
err: LayoutError,
show: f => match err {
LayoutError::MissingFont => write!(f, "missing font"),
LayoutError::Font(err) => write!(f, "font error: {}", err),
source: match err {
LayoutError::Font(err) => Some(err),
_ => None,
from: (std::io::Error, LayoutError::Font(FontError::Io(err))),
from: (FontError, LayoutError::Font(err)),
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
//! [iterator of tokens](crate::parsing::Tokens). Then the [parser](crate::parsing::Parser)
//! operates on that to construct a syntax tree. The structures describing the tree can be found
//! in the [syntax] module.
//! - **Typesetting:** The next step is to transform the syntax tree into a portable representation
//! of the typesetted document. Types for these can be found in the [doc] module. This
//! representation contains already the finished layout.
//! - **Layouting:** The next step is to transform the syntax tree into a portable representation
//! of the typesetted document. Types for these can be found in the [doc] and [layout] modules.
//! This representation contains already the finished layout.
//! - **Exporting:** The finished document can then be exported into supported formats. Submodules
//! for the supported formats are located in the [export] module. Currently the only supported
//! format is _PDF_.
@ -15,24 +15,24 @@
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use std::fs::File;
//! use typeset::Compiler;
//! use typeset::Typesetter;
//! use typeset::{font::FileSystemFontProvider, font_info};
//! use typeset::export::pdf::PdfExporter;
//! // Simple example source code.
//! let src = "Hello World from __Typeset__! 🌍";
//! // Create a compiler with a font provider that provides three fonts
//! // Create a typesetter with a font provider that provides three fonts
//! // (two sans-serif fonts and a fallback for the emoji).
//! let mut compiler = Compiler::new();
//! compiler.add_font_provider(FileSystemFontProvider::new("../fonts", vec![
//! let mut typesetter = Typesetter::new();
//! typesetter.add_font_provider(FileSystemFontProvider::new("../fonts", vec![
//! ("NotoSans-Regular.ttf", font_info!(["NotoSans", "Noto", SansSerif])),
//! ("NotoSans-Italic.ttf", font_info!(["NotoSans", "Noto", SansSerif], italic)),
//! ("NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf", font_info!(["NotoEmoji", "Noto", SansSerif, Serif, Monospace])),
//! ]));
//! // Compile the source code into a document with the compiler.
//! let document = compiler.compile(src).unwrap();
//! // Typeset the source code into a document.
//! let document = typesetter.typeset(src).unwrap();
//! // Export the document into a PDF file.
//! # /*
@ -44,51 +44,61 @@
//! ```
use crate::doc::Document;
use crate::engine::{typeset, Style, TypesetResult, TypesetError};
use crate::func::Scope;
use crate::font::FontProvider;
use crate::parsing::{parse, ParseResult, ParseError};
use crate::font::{Font, FontLoader, FontProvider};
use crate::layout::{layout, Layout, LayoutContext, LayoutResult, LayoutError};
use crate::layout::{PageStyle, TextStyle};
use crate::parsing::{parse, ParseContext, ParseResult, ParseError};
use crate::syntax::SyntaxTree;
mod error;
pub mod doc;
pub mod engine;
pub mod export;
pub mod font;
pub mod func;
pub mod layout;
pub mod parsing;
pub mod syntax;
/// Transforms source code into typesetted documents.
/// Holds the compilation context, which can be configured through various methods.
pub struct Compiler<'p> {
/// Style for typesetting.
style: Style,
/// Holds the typesetting context, which can be configured through various methods.
pub struct Typesetter<'p> {
/// The default page style.
base_page_style: PageStyle,
/// The default text style.
base_text_style: TextStyle,
/// Font providers.
font_providers: Vec<Box<dyn FontProvider + 'p>>,
impl<'p> Compiler<'p> {
/// Create a new compiler.
impl<'p> Typesetter<'p> {
/// Create a new typesetter.
pub fn new() -> Compiler<'p> {
Compiler {
style: Style::default(),
pub fn new() -> Typesetter<'p> {
Typesetter {
base_page_style: PageStyle::default(),
base_text_style: TextStyle::default(),
font_providers: vec![],
/// Set the default style for the document.
/// Set the default page style for the document.
pub fn set_style(&mut self, style: Style) {
|||| = style;
pub fn set_page_style(&mut self, style: PageStyle) {
self.base_page_style = style;
/// Add a font provider to the context of this compiler.
/// Set the default text style for the document.
pub fn set_text_style(&mut self, style: TextStyle) {
self.base_text_style = style;
/// Add a font provider to the context of this typesetter.
pub fn add_font_provider<P: 'p>(&mut self, provider: P) where P: FontProvider {
@ -98,45 +108,50 @@ impl<'p> Compiler<'p> {
pub fn parse(&self, src: &str) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree> {
let scope = Scope::with_std();
parse(src, &scope)
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &scope };
parse(src, &ctx)
/// Typeset a parsed syntax tree into a document.
/// Layout a parsed syntax tree and return the layout and the referenced font list.
pub fn typeset(&self, tree: &SyntaxTree) -> TypesetResult<Document> {
typeset(&tree, &, &self.font_providers).map_err(Into::into)
pub fn layout(&self, tree: &SyntaxTree) -> LayoutResult<(Layout, Vec<Font>)> {
let loader = FontLoader::new(&self.font_providers);
let ctx = LayoutContext { loader: &loader };
let layout = layout(&tree, &ctx)?;
Ok((layout, loader.into_fonts()))
/// Compile a portable typesetted document from source code.
/// Typeset a portable document from source code.
pub fn compile(&self, src: &str) -> Result<Document, CompileError> {
pub fn typeset(&self, src: &str) -> Result<Document, TypesetError> {
let tree = self.parse(src)?;
let document = self.typeset(&tree)?;
let (layout, fonts) = self.layout(&tree)?;
let document = layout.into_document(fonts);
/// The general error type for compilation.
pub enum CompileError {
/// The general error type for typesetting.
pub enum TypesetError {
/// An error that occured while transforming source code into
/// an abstract syntax tree.
/// An error that occured while typesetting into an abstract document.
/// An error that occured while layouting.
error_type! {
err: CompileError,
err: TypesetError,
show: f => match err {
CompileError::ParseErr(e) => write!(f, "parse error: {}", e),
CompileError::TypesetErr(e) => write!(f, "typeset error: {}", e),
TypesetError::Parse(e) => write!(f, "parse error: {}", e),
TypesetError::Layout(e) => write!(f, "layout error: {}", e),
source: match err {
CompileError::ParseErr(e) => Some(e),
CompileError::TypesetErr(e) => Some(e),
TypesetError::Parse(e) => Some(e),
TypesetError::Layout(e) => Some(e),
from: (ParseError, CompileError::ParseErr(err)),
from: (TypesetError, CompileError::TypesetErr(err)),
from: (ParseError, TypesetError::Parse(err)),
from: (LayoutError, TypesetError::Layout(err)),
@ -144,15 +159,14 @@ error_type! {
mod test {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use crate::Compiler;
use crate::Typesetter;
use crate::export::pdf::PdfExporter;
use crate::font::FileSystemFontProvider;
/// Create a pdf with a name from the source code.
fn test(name: &str, src: &str) {
// Create compiler
let mut compiler = Compiler::new();
compiler.add_font_provider(FileSystemFontProvider::new("../fonts", vec![
let mut typesetter = Typesetter::new();
typesetter.add_font_provider(FileSystemFontProvider::new("../fonts", vec![
("NotoSans-Regular.ttf", font_info!(["NotoSans", "Noto", SansSerif])),
("NotoSans-Italic.ttf", font_info!(["NotoSans", "Noto", SansSerif], italic)),
("NotoSans-Bold.ttf", font_info!(["NotoSans", "Noto", SansSerif], bold)),
@ -161,8 +175,8 @@ mod test {
("NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf", font_info!(["NotoEmoji", "Noto", SansSerif, Serif, Monospace])),
// Compile into document
let document = compiler.compile(src).unwrap();
// Typeset into document
let document = typesetter.typeset(src).unwrap();
// Write to file
let path = format!("../target/typeset-unit-{}.pdf", name);
@ -324,18 +324,25 @@ impl Iterator for PeekableChars<'_> {
/// Parses source code into a syntax tree using function definitions from a scope.
/// Parses source code into a syntax tree given a context.
pub fn parse(src: &str, scope: &Scope) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree> {
Parser::new(src, scope).parse()
pub fn parse(src: &str, ctx: &ParseContext) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree> {
Parser::new(src, ctx).parse()
/// The context for parsing.
pub struct ParseContext<'a> {
/// The scope containing function definitions.
pub scope: &'a Scope,
/// Transforms token streams to syntax trees.
struct Parser<'s> {
src: &'s str,
tokens: PeekableTokens<'s>,
scope: &'s Scope,
state: ParserState,
ctx: &'s ParseContext<'s>,
tree: SyntaxTree,
@ -352,11 +359,11 @@ enum ParserState {
impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// Create a new parser from a stream of tokens and a scope of functions.
fn new(src: &'s str, scope: &'s Scope) -> Parser<'s> {
fn new(src: &'s str, ctx: &'s ParseContext) -> Parser<'s> {
Parser {
tokens: PeekableTokens::new(tokenize(src)),
state: ParserState::Body,
tree: SyntaxTree::new(),
@ -454,13 +461,9 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
// Now we want to parse this function dynamically.
let parser = self.scope.get_parser(&
let parser = self.ctx.scope.get_parser(&
.ok_or_else(|| ParseError::new(format!("unknown function: '{}'", &;
let parse_context = ParseContext {
scope: &self.scope,
// Do the parsing dependent on whether the function has a body.
Ok(if has_body {
// Find out the string which makes the body of this function.
@ -471,7 +474,7 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
// Parse the body.
let body_string = &self.src[start .. end];
let body = parser(&header, Some(body_string), &parse_context)?;
let body = parser(&header, Some(body_string), self.ctx)?;
// Skip to the end of the function in the token stream.
@ -481,7 +484,7 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
} else {
parser(&header, None, &parse_context)?
parser(&header, None, self.ctx)?
@ -627,13 +630,6 @@ impl<'s> Iterator for PeekableTokens<'s> {
/// The context for parsing a function.
pub struct ParseContext<'s> {
/// The scope containing function definitions.
pub scope: &'s Scope,
/// Whether this word is a valid unicode identifier.
fn is_identifier(string: &str) -> bool {
let mut chars = string.chars();
@ -801,7 +797,7 @@ mod token_tests {
mod parse_tests {
use super::*;
use crate::func::{Function, Scope};
use crate::engine::{TypesetContext, TypesetResult};
use crate::layout::{LayoutContext, LayoutResult, Layout};
use Node::{Space as S, Newline as N, Func as F};
use funcs::*;
@ -818,13 +814,14 @@ mod parse_tests {
fn parse(_: &FuncHeader, body: Option<&str>, ctx: &ParseContext)
-> ParseResult<Self> where Self: Sized {
if let Some(src) = body {
parse(src, ctx.scope).map(|tree| TreeFn(tree))
parse(src, ctx).map(|tree| TreeFn(tree))
} else {
Err(ParseError::new("expected body for tree fn"))
fn typeset(&self, _: &TypesetContext) -> TypesetResult<()> { Ok(()) }
fn layout(&self, _: &LayoutContext)
-> LayoutResult<(Option<Layout>, Option<LayoutContext>)> { Ok((None, None)) }
/// A testing function without a body.
@ -841,28 +838,33 @@ mod parse_tests {
fn typeset(&self, _: &TypesetContext) -> TypesetResult<()> { Ok(()) }
fn layout(&self, _: &LayoutContext)
-> LayoutResult<(Option<Layout>, Option<LayoutContext>)> { Ok((None, None)) }
/// Test if the source code parses into the syntax tree.
fn test(src: &str, tree: SyntaxTree) {
assert_eq!(parse(src, &Scope::new()).unwrap(), tree);
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &Scope::new() };
assert_eq!(parse(src, &ctx).unwrap(), tree);
/// Test with a scope containing function definitions.
fn test_scoped(scope: &Scope, src: &str, tree: SyntaxTree) {
assert_eq!(parse(src, &scope).unwrap(), tree);
let ctx = ParseContext { scope };
assert_eq!(parse(src, &ctx).unwrap(), tree);
/// Test if the source parses into the error.
fn test_err(src: &str, err: &str) {
assert_eq!(parse(src, &Scope::new()).unwrap_err().to_string(), err);
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &Scope::new() };
assert_eq!(parse(src, &ctx).unwrap_err().to_string(), err);
/// Test with a scope if the source parses into the error.
fn test_err_scoped(scope: &Scope, src: &str, err: &str) {
assert_eq!(parse(src, &scope).unwrap_err().to_string(), err);
let ctx = ParseContext { scope };
assert_eq!(parse(src, &ctx).unwrap_err().to_string(), err);
/// Create a text node.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user