Code Review: Your parsers were so preoccupied with whether they could
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,21 +20,14 @@ opt-level = 2
fxhash = "0.2"
image = { version = "0.23", default-features = false, features = [
] }
image = { version = "0.23", default-features = false, features = ["png", "jpeg"] }
itertools = "0.10"
miniz_oxide = "0.4"
once_cell = "1"
pdf-writer = "0.4"
rustybuzz = "0.4"
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive", "rc"] }
svg2pdf = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = [
] }
svg2pdf = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["text", "png", "jpeg"] }
ttf-parser = "0.12"
typst-macros = { path = "./macros" }
unicode-bidi = "0.3.5"
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::syntax::{Green, GreenNode, NodeKind};
use super::{
parse_atomic, parse_atomic_markup, parse_block, parse_comment, parse_markup,
parse_markup_elements, parse_template, Scanner, TokenMode,
is_newline, parse, parse_atomic, parse_atomic_markup, parse_block, parse_comment,
parse_markup, parse_markup_elements, parse_template, Scanner, TokenMode,
/// The conditions that a node has to fulfill in order to be replaced.
@ -13,21 +13,21 @@ use super::{
/// This can dictate if a node can be replaced at all and if yes, what can take
/// its place.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Postcondition {
pub enum SuccessionRule {
/// Changing this node can never have an influence on the other nodes.
/// This node has to be replaced with a single token of the same kind.
/// Changing this node into a single atomic expression is allowed if it
/// appears in code mode, otherwise it is safe.
/// In code mode, this node can only be changed into a single atomic
/// expression, otherwise it is safe.
/// Changing an unsafe layer node changes what the parents or the
/// surrounding nodes would be and is therefore disallowed. Change the
/// Changing an unsafe layer node in code mode changes what the parents or
/// the surrounding nodes would be and is therefore disallowed. Change the
/// parents or children instead. If it appears in Markup, however, it is
/// safe to change.
/// Changing an unsafe node or any of its children will trigger undefined
/// behavior. Change the parents instead.
/// Changing an unsafe node or any of its children is not allowed. Change
/// the parents instead.
@ -37,11 +37,12 @@ pub enum Postcondition {
/// existence is plausible with them present. This can be used to encode some
/// context-free language components for incremental parsing.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Precondition {
pub enum NeighbourRule {
/// These nodes depend on being at the start of a line. Reparsing of safe
/// left neighbors has to check this invariant. Otherwise, this node is
/// safe. Additionally, the indentation of the first right non-trivia,
/// non-whitespace sibling must not be greater than the current indentation.
/// left neighbors has to check this invariant. Additionally, when
/// exchanging the right sibling or inserting such a node the indentation of
/// the first right non-trivia, non-whitespace sibling must not be greater
/// than the current indentation.
/// These nodes depend on not being at the start of a line. Reparsing of
/// safe left neighbors has to check this invariant. Otherwise, this node is
@ -77,8 +78,12 @@ impl<'a> Reparser<'a> {
impl Reparser<'_> {
/// Find the innermost child that is incremental safe.
pub fn reparse(&self, green: &mut GreenNode) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
self.reparse_step(green, 0, TokenMode::Markup, true)
pub fn reparse(&self, green: &mut Rc<GreenNode>) -> Range<usize> {
self.reparse_step(Rc::make_mut(green), 0, TokenMode::Markup, true)
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
*green = parse(self.src);
0 .. self.src.len()
fn reparse_step(
@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ impl Reparser<'_> {
) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
let mode = green.kind().mode().unwrap_or(parent_mode);
let child_mode = green.kind().mode().unwrap_or(TokenMode::Code);
let child_count = green.children().len();
let original_count = green.children().len();
// Save the current indent if this is a markup node.
let indent = match green.kind() {
@ -134,12 +139,14 @@ impl Reparser<'_> {
// neighbor!
if child_span.contains(&self.replace_range.end)
|| self.replace_range.end == child_span.end
&& (mode != TokenMode::Markup || i + 1 == child_count)
&& (mode != TokenMode::Markup || i + 1 == original_count)
outermost &= i + 1 == child_count;
outermost &= i + 1 == original_count;
last = Some((i, offset + child.len()));
} else if mode != TokenMode::Markup || !child.kind().post().safe_in_markup() {
} else if mode != TokenMode::Markup
|| !child.kind().succession_rule().safe_in_markup()
@ -147,17 +154,17 @@ impl Reparser<'_> {
let (last_idx, last_end) = last?;
let children_range = first_idx .. last_idx + 1;
let children_span = first_start .. last_end;
let superseded_range = first_idx .. last_idx + 1;
let superseded_span = first_start .. last_end;
let last_kind = green.children()[last_idx].kind().clone();
// First, we try if the child itself has another, more specific
// applicable child.
if children_range.len() == 1 {
let child = &mut green.children_mut()[children_range.start];
if superseded_range.len() == 1 {
let child = &mut green.children_mut()[superseded_range.start];
let prev_len = child.len();
if != Postcondition::Unsafe {
if last_kind.succession_rule() != SuccessionRule::Unsafe {
if let Some(range) = match child {
Green::Node(node) => self.reparse_step(
@ -168,56 +175,64 @@ impl Reparser<'_> {
Green::Token(_) => None,
} {
let new_len = child.len();
green.update_child_len(new_len, prev_len);
green.update_parent(new_len, prev_len);
return Some(range);
// We only replace multiple children in markup mode.
if children_range.len() > 1 && mode == TokenMode::Code {
if superseded_range.len() > 1 && mode == TokenMode::Code {
return None;
// We now have a child that we can replace and a function to do so.
let func = last_kind.reparsing_func(child_mode, indent)?;
let post =;
let succession = last_kind.succession_rule();
let mut column = if mode == TokenMode::Markup {
// In this case, we want to pass the indentation to the function.
} else {
let mut markup_min_column = 0;
// If this is a markup node, we want to save its indent instead to pass
// the right indent argument.
if children_range.len() == 1 {
let child = &mut green.children_mut()[children_range.start];
if superseded_range.len() == 1 {
let child = &mut green.children_mut()[superseded_range.start];
if let NodeKind::Markup(n) = child.kind() {
column = *n;
markup_min_column = *n;
// The span of the to-be-reparsed children in the new source.
let replace_span = children_span.start
let newborn_span = superseded_span.start
children_span.end + self.replace_len - self.replace_range.len();
superseded_span.end + self.replace_len - self.replace_range.len();
// For atomic primaries we need to pass in the whole remaining string to
// check whether the parser would eat more stuff illicitly.
let reparse_span = if post == Postcondition::AtomicPrimary {
replace_span.start .. self.src.len()
let reparse_span = if succession == SuccessionRule::AtomicPrimary {
newborn_span.start .. self.src.len()
} else {
let mut prefix = "";
for (i, c) in self.src[.. reparse_span.start].char_indices().rev() {
if is_newline(c) {
prefix = &self.src[i .. reparse_span.start];
// Do the reparsing!
let (mut newborns, terminated) = func(&self.src[reparse_span], at_start, column)?;
let (mut newborns, terminated) = func(
// Make sure that atomic primaries ate only what they were supposed to.
if post == Postcondition::AtomicPrimary {
let len = replace_span.len();
if succession == SuccessionRule::AtomicPrimary {
let len = newborn_span.len();
if newborns.len() > 1 && newborns[0].len() == len {
} else if newborns.iter().map(Green::len).sum::<usize>() != len {
@ -234,16 +249,16 @@ impl Reparser<'_> {
// If all post- and preconditions match, we are good to go!
if validate(
) {
green.replace_child_range(children_range, newborns);
green.replace_children(superseded_range, newborns);
} else {
@ -252,27 +267,27 @@ impl Reparser<'_> {
/// Validate that a node replacement is allowed by post- and preconditions.
fn validate(
prev_children: &[Green],
children_range: Range<usize>,
superseded: &[Green],
superseded_range: Range<usize>,
mut at_start: bool,
newborns: &[Green],
mode: TokenMode,
post: Postcondition,
replace_span: Range<usize>,
post: SuccessionRule,
newborn_span: Range<usize>,
src: &str,
) -> bool {
// Atomic primaries must only generate one new child.
if post == Postcondition::AtomicPrimary && newborns.len() != 1 {
if post == SuccessionRule::AtomicPrimary && newborns.len() != 1 {
return false;
// Same kind in mode `inside` must generate only one child and that child
// must be of the same kind as previously.
if let Postcondition::SameKind(inside) = post {
let prev_kind = prev_children[children_range.start].kind();
let prev_mode = prev_kind.mode().unwrap_or(mode);
if inside.map_or(true, |m| m == prev_mode)
&& (newborns.len() != 1 || prev_kind != newborns[0].kind())
if let SuccessionRule::SameKind(inside) = post {
let superseded_kind = superseded[superseded_range.start].kind();
let superseded_mode = superseded_kind.mode().unwrap_or(mode);
if inside.map_or(true, |m| m == superseded_mode)
&& (newborns.len() != 1 || superseded_kind != newborns[0].kind())
return false;
@ -286,15 +301,15 @@ fn validate(
// Check if there are any `AtStart` predecessors which require a certain
// indentation.
let s = Scanner::new(src);
let mut prev_pos = replace_span.start;
for child in (&prev_children[.. children_range.start]).iter().rev() {
let mut prev_pos = newborn_span.start;
for child in (&superseded[.. superseded_range.start]).iter().rev() {
prev_pos -= child.len();
if !child.kind().is_trivia() {
if child.kind().pre() == Precondition::AtStart {
if child.kind().neighbour_rule() == NeighbourRule::AtStart {
let left_col = s.column(prev_pos);
// Search for the first non-trivia newborn.
let mut new_pos = replace_span.start;
let mut new_pos = newborn_span.start;
let mut child_col = None;
for child in newborns {
if !child.kind().is_trivia() {
@ -323,15 +338,15 @@ fn validate(
// Ensure that a possible at-start or not-at-start precondition of
// a node after the replacement range is satisfied.
for child in &prev_children[children_range.end ..] {
if !child.kind().is_trivia() {
let pre = child.kind().pre();
if (pre == Precondition::AtStart && !at_start)
|| (pre == Precondition::NotAtStart && at_start)
return false;
for child in &superseded[superseded_range.end ..] {
let neighbour_rule = child.kind().neighbour_rule();
if (neighbour_rule == NeighbourRule::AtStart && !at_start)
|| (neighbour_rule == NeighbourRule::NotAtStart && at_start)
return false;
if !child.kind().is_trivia() {
@ -339,42 +354,40 @@ fn validate(
// Verify that the last of the newborns is not `NotAtEnd`.
if newborns
.map_or(false, |child| child.kind().pre() == Precondition::NotAtEnd)
if newborns.last().map_or(false, |child| {
child.kind().neighbour_rule() == NeighbourRule::NotAtEnd
}) {
return false;
// We have to check whether the last non-trivia newborn is `AtStart` and
// verify the indent of its right neighbors in order to make sure its
// indentation requirements are fulfilled.
let mut child_pos = replace_span.end;
let mut child_col = None;
let mut child_pos = newborn_span.end;
for child in newborns.iter().rev() {
child_pos -= child.len();
if !child.kind().is_trivia() {
if child.kind().pre() == Precondition::AtStart {
child_col = Some(s.column(child_pos));
if child.kind().is_trivia() {
if let Some(child_col) = child_col {
let mut right_pos = replace_span.end;
for child in &prev_children[children_range.end ..] {
if !child.kind().is_trivia() {
if child.kind().neighbour_rule() == NeighbourRule::AtStart {
let child_col = s.column(child_pos);
let mut right_pos = newborn_span.end;
for child in &superseded[superseded_range.end ..] {
if child.kind().is_trivia() {
right_pos += child.len();
if s.column(right_pos) > child_col {
return false;
right_pos += child.len();
@ -387,13 +400,15 @@ impl NodeKind {
parent_mode: TokenMode,
indent: usize,
) -> Option<fn(&str, bool, usize) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)>> {
) -> Option<fn(&str, &str, bool, usize) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)>> {
let mode = self.mode().unwrap_or(parent_mode);
match {
Postcondition::Unsafe | Postcondition::UnsafeLayer => None,
Postcondition::AtomicPrimary if mode == TokenMode::Code => Some(parse_atomic),
Postcondition::AtomicPrimary => Some(parse_atomic_markup),
Postcondition::SameKind(x) if x == None || x == Some(mode) => match self {
match self.succession_rule() {
SuccessionRule::Unsafe | SuccessionRule::UnsafeLayer => None,
SuccessionRule::AtomicPrimary if mode == TokenMode::Code => {
SuccessionRule::AtomicPrimary => Some(parse_atomic_markup),
SuccessionRule::SameKind(x) if x == None || x == Some(mode) => match self {
NodeKind::Markup(_) => Some(parse_markup),
NodeKind::Template => Some(parse_template),
NodeKind::Block => Some(parse_block),
@ -409,7 +424,7 @@ impl NodeKind {
/// Whether it is safe to do incremental parsing on this node. Never allow
/// non-termination errors if this is not already the last leaf node.
pub fn post(&self) -> Postcondition {
pub fn succession_rule(&self) -> SuccessionRule {
match self {
// Replacing parenthesis changes if the expression is balanced and
// is therefore not safe.
@ -418,7 +433,7 @@ impl NodeKind {
| Self::LeftBrace
| Self::RightBrace
| Self::LeftParen
| Self::RightParen => Postcondition::Unsafe,
| Self::RightParen => SuccessionRule::Unsafe,
// Replacing an operator can change whether the parent is an
// operation which makes it unsafe. The star can appear in markup.
@ -445,7 +460,7 @@ impl NodeKind {
| Self::Or
| Self::With
| Self::Dots
| Self::Arrow => Postcondition::Unsafe,
| Self::Arrow => SuccessionRule::Unsafe,
// These keywords change what kind of expression the parent is and
// how far the expression would go.
@ -461,14 +476,14 @@ impl NodeKind {
| Self::Return
| Self::Import
| Self::Include
| Self::From => Postcondition::Unsafe,
| Self::From => SuccessionRule::Unsafe,
// Changing the heading level, enum numbering, or list bullet
// changes the next layer.
Self::EnumNumbering(_) => Postcondition::Unsafe,
Self::EnumNumbering(_) => SuccessionRule::Unsafe,
// This can be anything, so we don't make any promises.
Self::Error(_, _) | Self::Unknown(_) => Postcondition::Unsafe,
Self::Error(_, _) | Self::Unknown(_) => SuccessionRule::Unsafe,
// These are complex expressions which may screw with their
// environments.
@ -477,33 +492,33 @@ impl NodeKind {
| Self::Binary
| Self::CallArgs
| Self::Named
| Self::Spread => Postcondition::UnsafeLayer,
| Self::Spread => SuccessionRule::UnsafeLayer,
// The closure is a bit magic with the let expression, and also it
// is not atomic.
Self::Closure | Self::ClosureParams => Postcondition::UnsafeLayer,
Self::Closure | Self::ClosureParams => SuccessionRule::UnsafeLayer,
// Missing these creates errors for the parents.
Self::WithExpr | Self::ForPattern | Self::ImportItems => {
// Only markup is expected at the points where it does occur. The
// indentation must be preserved as well, also for the children.
Self::Markup(_) => Postcondition::SameKind(None),
Self::Markup(_) => SuccessionRule::SameKind(None),
// These can appear everywhere and must not change to other stuff
// because that could change the outer expression.
Self::LineComment | Self::BlockComment => Postcondition::SameKind(None),
Self::LineComment | Self::BlockComment => SuccessionRule::SameKind(None),
// These can appear as bodies and would trigger an error if they
// became something else.
Self::Template => Postcondition::SameKind(None),
Self::Block => Postcondition::SameKind(Some(TokenMode::Code)),
Self::Template => SuccessionRule::SameKind(None),
Self::Block => SuccessionRule::SameKind(Some(TokenMode::Code)),
// Whitespace in code mode has to remain whitespace or else the type
// of things would change.
Self::Space(_) => Postcondition::SameKind(Some(TokenMode::Code)),
Self::Space(_) => SuccessionRule::SameKind(Some(TokenMode::Code)),
// These are expressions that can be replaced by other expressions.
@ -519,7 +534,7 @@ impl NodeKind {
| Self::Dict
| Self::Group
| Self::None
| Self::Auto => Postcondition::AtomicPrimary,
| Self::Auto => SuccessionRule::AtomicPrimary,
// More complex, but still an expression.
@ -528,11 +543,11 @@ impl NodeKind {
| Self::LetExpr
| Self::SetExpr
| Self::ImportExpr
| Self::IncludeExpr => Postcondition::AtomicPrimary,
| Self::IncludeExpr => SuccessionRule::AtomicPrimary,
// This element always has to remain in the same column so better
// reparse the whole parent.
Self::Raw(_) => Postcondition::Unsafe,
Self::Raw(_) => SuccessionRule::Unsafe,
// These are all replaceable by other tokens.
@ -548,22 +563,22 @@ impl NodeKind {
| Self::Heading
| Self::Enum
| Self::List
| Self::Math(_) => Postcondition::Safe,
| Self::Math(_) => SuccessionRule::Safe,
/// The appropriate precondition for the type.
pub fn pre(&self) -> Precondition {
pub fn neighbour_rule(&self) -> NeighbourRule {
match self {
Self::Heading | Self::Enum | Self::List => Precondition::AtStart,
Self::TextInLine(_) => Precondition::NotAtStart,
Self::Error(_, _) => Precondition::NotAtEnd,
_ => Precondition::None,
Self::Heading | Self::Enum | Self::List => NeighbourRule::AtStart,
Self::TextInLine(_) => NeighbourRule::NotAtStart,
Self::Error(_, _) => NeighbourRule::NotAtEnd,
_ => NeighbourRule::None,
impl Postcondition {
impl SuccessionRule {
/// Whether a node with this condition can be reparsed in markup mode.
pub fn safe_in_markup(&self) -> bool {
match self {
@ -29,72 +29,102 @@ pub fn parse(src: &str) -> Rc<GreenNode> {
/// Parse an atomic primary. Returns `Some` if all of the input was consumed.
pub fn parse_atomic(src: &str, _: bool, _: usize) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::new(src, TokenMode::Code);
pub fn parse_atomic(
prefix: &str,
src: &str,
_: bool,
_: usize,
) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::with_prefix(prefix, src, TokenMode::Code);
primary(&mut p, true).ok()?;
/// Parse an atomic primary. Returns `Some` if all of the input was consumed.
pub fn parse_atomic_markup(src: &str, _: bool, _: usize) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::new(src, TokenMode::Markup);
pub fn parse_atomic_markup(
prefix: &str,
src: &str,
_: bool,
_: usize,
) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::with_prefix(prefix, src, TokenMode::Markup);
markup_expr(&mut p);
/// Parse some markup. Returns `Some` if all of the input was consumed.
pub fn parse_markup(src: &str, _: bool, column: usize) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::new(src, TokenMode::Markup);
if column == 0 {
pub fn parse_markup(
prefix: &str,
src: &str,
_: bool,
min_column: usize,
) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::with_prefix(prefix, src, TokenMode::Markup);
if min_column == 0 {
markup(&mut p);
} else {
markup_indented(&mut p, column);
markup_indented(&mut p, min_column);
/// Parse some markup without the topmost node. Returns `Some` if all of the
/// input was consumed.
pub fn parse_markup_elements(
prefix: &str,
src: &str,
mut at_start: bool,
column: usize,
_: usize,
) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::new(src, TokenMode::Markup);
let mut p = Parser::with_prefix(prefix, src, TokenMode::Markup);
while !p.eof() {
markup_node(&mut p, &mut at_start);
/// Parse a template literal. Returns `Some` if all of the input was consumed.
pub fn parse_template(source: &str, _: bool, _: usize) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::new(source, TokenMode::Code);
pub fn parse_template(
prefix: &str,
src: &str,
_: bool,
_: usize,
) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::with_prefix(prefix, src, TokenMode::Code);
if ! {
return None;
template(&mut p);
/// Parse a code block. Returns `Some` if all of the input was consumed.
pub fn parse_block(source: &str, _: bool, _: usize) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::new(source, TokenMode::Code);
pub fn parse_block(
prefix: &str,
src: &str,
_: bool,
_: usize,
) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::with_prefix(prefix, src, TokenMode::Code);
if ! {
return None;
block(&mut p);
/// Parse a comment. Returns `Some` if all of the input was consumed.
pub fn parse_comment(source: &str, _: bool, _: usize) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::new(source, TokenMode::Code);
pub fn parse_comment(
prefix: &str,
src: &str,
_: bool,
_: usize,
) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
let mut p = Parser::with_prefix(prefix, src, TokenMode::Code);
comment(&mut p).ok()?;
/// Parse markup.
@ -111,7 +141,7 @@ fn markup_indented(p: &mut Parser, column: usize) {
markup_while(p, false, column, &mut |p| match p.peek() {
Some(NodeKind::Space(n)) if *n >= 1 => p.clean_column(p.current_end()) >= column,
Some(NodeKind::Space(n)) if *n >= 1 => p.column(p.current_end()) >= column,
_ => true,
@ -170,14 +200,9 @@ fn markup_node(p: &mut Parser, at_start: &mut bool) {
NodeKind::Eq if *at_start => heading(p),
NodeKind::Minus if *at_start => list_node(p),
NodeKind::EnumNumbering(_) if *at_start => enum_node(p),
// Line-based markup that is not currently at the start of the line.
NodeKind::Eq | NodeKind::Minus | NodeKind::EnumNumbering(_) => {
NodeKind::Eq => heading(p, *at_start),
NodeKind::Minus => list_node(p, *at_start),
NodeKind::EnumNumbering(_) => enum_node(p, *at_start),
// Hashtag + keyword / identifier.
@ -201,42 +226,49 @@ fn markup_node(p: &mut Parser, at_start: &mut bool) {
/// Parse a heading.
fn heading(p: &mut Parser) {
p.perform(NodeKind::Heading, |p| {
while p.eat_if(&NodeKind::Eq) {}
fn heading(p: &mut Parser, at_start: bool) {
let marker = p.marker();
let current_start = p.current_start();
while p.eat_if(&NodeKind::Eq) {}
if at_start && p.peek().map_or(true, |kind| kind.is_whitespace()) {
let column = p.column(p.prev_end());
markup_indented(p, column);
marker.end(p, NodeKind::Heading);
} else {
let text = p.get(current_start .. p.prev_end()).into();
marker.convert(p, NodeKind::TextInLine(text));
/// Parse a single list item.
fn list_node(p: &mut Parser) {
fn list_node(p: &mut Parser, at_start: bool) {
let marker = p.marker();
let src: EcoString = p.peek_src().into();
let text: EcoString = p.peek_src().into();
if p.peek().map_or(true, |kind| kind.is_whitespace()) {
if at_start && p.peek().map_or(true, |kind| kind.is_whitespace()) {
let column = p.column(p.prev_end());
markup_indented(p, column);
marker.end(p, NodeKind::List);
} else {
marker.convert(p, NodeKind::TextInLine(src));
marker.convert(p, NodeKind::TextInLine(text));
/// Parse a single enum item.
fn enum_node(p: &mut Parser) {
fn enum_node(p: &mut Parser, at_start: bool) {
let marker = p.marker();
let src: EcoString = p.peek_src().into();
let text: EcoString = p.peek_src().into();
if p.peek().map_or(true, |kind| kind.is_whitespace()) {
if at_start && p.peek().map_or(true, |kind| kind.is_whitespace()) {
let column = p.column(p.prev_end());
markup_indented(p, column);
marker.end(p, NodeKind::Enum);
} else {
marker.convert(p, NodeKind::TextInLine(src));
marker.convert(p, NodeKind::TextInLine(text));
@ -582,23 +614,18 @@ fn template(p: &mut Parser) {
fn block(p: &mut Parser) {
p.perform(NodeKind::Block, |p| {
while !p.eof() {
if expr(p).is_ok() && !p.eof() {
p.expected_at("semicolon or line break");
/// Parse a number of code expressions.
fn expr_list(p: &mut Parser) {
while !p.eof() {
if expr(p).is_ok() && !p.eof() {
p.expected_at("semicolon or line break");
// Forcefully skip over newlines since the group's contents can't.
p.eat_while(|t| matches!(t, NodeKind::Space(_)));
// Forcefully skip over newlines since the group's contents can't.
p.eat_while(|t| matches!(t, NodeKind::Space(_)));
/// Parse a function call.
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
use core::slice::SliceIndex;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::mem;
use super::{TokenMode, Tokens};
use super::{Scanner, TokenMode, Tokens};
use crate::syntax::{ErrorPos, Green, GreenData, GreenNode, NodeKind};
use crate::util::EcoString;
@ -24,8 +25,7 @@ pub struct Parser<'s> {
/// Is `Some` if there is an unterminated group at the last position where
/// groups were terminated.
last_unterminated: Option<usize>,
/// Offset the indentation. This can be used if the parser is processing a
/// subslice of the source and there was leading indent.
/// Offsets the indentation on the first line of the source.
column_offset: usize,
@ -47,18 +47,31 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// Create a new parser for the source string that is prefixed by some text
/// that does not need to be parsed but taken into account for column
/// calculation.
pub fn with_prefix(prefix: &str, src: &'s str, mode: TokenMode) -> Self {
let mut p = Self::new(src, mode);
p.column_offset = Scanner::new(prefix).column(prefix.len());
/// End the parsing process and return the last child.
pub fn finish(self) -> Vec<Green> {
/// End the parsing process and return multiple children.
pub fn eject(self) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
if self.eof() && self.group_success() {
Some((self.children, self.tokens.was_terminated()))
} else {
/// End the parsing process and return multiple children and whether the
/// last token was terminated.
pub fn consume(self) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
(self.eof() && self.terminated())
.then(|| (self.children, self.tokens.terminated()))
/// End the parsing process and return multiple children and whether the
/// last token was terminated, even if there remains stuff in the string.
pub fn consume_unterminated(self) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
self.terminated().then(|| (self.children, self.tokens.terminated()))
/// Create a new marker.
@ -100,18 +113,6 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// End the parsing process and return multiple children, even if there
/// remains stuff in the string.
pub fn eject_partial(self) -> Option<(Vec<Green>, bool)> {
.then(|| (self.children, self.tokens.was_terminated()))
/// Set an indentation offset.
pub fn offset(&mut self, columns: usize) {
self.column_offset = columns;
/// Whether the end of the source string or group is reached.
pub fn eof(&self) -> bool {
@ -199,6 +200,14 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
self.tokens.scanner().get(self.current_start() .. self.current_end())
/// Obtain a range of the source code.
pub fn get<I>(&self, index: I) -> &'s str
I: SliceIndex<str, Output = str>,
/// The byte index at which the last non-trivia token ended.
pub fn prev_end(&self) -> usize {
@ -216,13 +225,7 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// Determine the column index for the given byte index.
pub fn column(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
self.tokens.scanner().column(index) + self.column_offset
/// Determine the column index for the given byte index while ignoring the
/// offset.
pub fn clean_column(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
self.tokens.scanner().column_offset(index, self.column_offset)
/// Continue parsing in a group.
@ -260,10 +263,8 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
let group = self.groups.pop().expect("no started group");
if let Some(n) = self.last_unterminated {
if n != self.prev_end() {
self.last_unterminated = None;
if self.last_unterminated != Some(self.prev_end()) {
self.last_unterminated = None;
let mut rescan = self.tokens.mode() != group_mode;
@ -301,23 +302,15 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// Check if the group processing was successfully terminated.
pub fn group_success(&self) -> bool {
self.last_unterminated.is_none() && self.groups.is_empty()
/// Checks if all groups were correctly terminated.
pub fn terminated(&self) -> bool {
self.groups.is_empty() && self.last_unterminated.is_none()
/// Low-level bump that consumes exactly one token without special trivia
/// handling.
fn bump(&mut self) {
let kind = self.current.take().unwrap();
if match kind {
NodeKind::Space(n) if n > 0 => true,
NodeKind::Parbreak => true,
_ => false,
} {
self.column_offset = 0;
let len = self.tokens.index() - self.current_start;
self.children.push(GreenData::new(kind, len).into());
self.current_start = self.tokens.index();
@ -162,11 +162,26 @@ impl<'s> Scanner<'s> {
/// The column index of a given index in the source string.
pub fn column(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
self.src[.. index]
self.column_offset(index, 0)
/// The column index of a given index in the source string when an offset is
/// applied to the first line of the string.
pub fn column_offset(&self, index: usize, offset: usize) -> usize {
let mut apply_offset = false;
let res = self.src[.. index]
.take_while(|&c| !is_newline(c))
.take_while(|&(_, c)| !is_newline(c))
.inspect(|&(i, _)| {
if i == 0 {
apply_offset = true
if apply_offset { res + offset } else { res }
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use crate::util::EcoString;
pub struct Tokens<'s> {
s: Scanner<'s>,
mode: TokenMode,
was_terminated: bool,
terminated: bool,
/// What kind of tokens to emit.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
Self {
s: Scanner::new(src),
was_terminated: true,
terminated: true,
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
/// Whether the last token was terminated.
pub fn was_terminated(&self) -> bool {
pub fn terminated(&self) -> bool {
@ -128,9 +128,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
'`' => self.raw(),
'$' => self.math(),
'-' => self.hyph(),
'=' if self.s.check_or(true, |c| c == '=' || c.is_whitespace()) => {
'=' => NodeKind::Eq,
c if c == '.' || c.is_ascii_digit() => self.numbering(start, c),
// Plain text.
@ -259,7 +257,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
} else {
self.was_terminated = false;
self.terminated = false;
"expected closing brace".into(),
@ -352,7 +350,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
let remaining = backticks - found;
let noun = if remaining == 1 { "backtick" } else { "backticks" };
self.was_terminated = false;
self.terminated = false;
if found == 0 {
@ -400,7 +398,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
} else {
self.was_terminated = false;
self.terminated = false;
if !display || (!escaped && dollar) {
@ -489,7 +487,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
if self.s.eat_if('"') {
} else {
self.was_terminated = false;
self.terminated = false;
NodeKind::Error(ErrorPos::End, "expected quote".into())
@ -497,7 +495,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
fn line_comment(&mut self) -> NodeKind {
if self.s.peek().is_none() {
self.was_terminated = false;
self.terminated = false;
@ -505,7 +503,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
fn block_comment(&mut self) -> NodeKind {
let mut state = '_';
let mut depth = 1;
self.was_terminated = false;
self.terminated = false;
// Find the first `*/` that does not correspond to a nested `/*`.
while let Some(c) = {
@ -513,7 +511,7 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
('*', '/') => {
depth -= 1;
if depth == 0 {
self.was_terminated = true;
self.terminated = true;
@ -742,7 +740,7 @@ mod tests {
// Test code symbols in text.
t!(Markup[" /"]: "a():\"b" => Text("a():\"b"));
t!(Markup[" /"]: ";:,|/+" => Text(";:,|"), Text("/+"));
t!(Markup[" /"]: "=-a" => Text("="), Minus, Text("a"));
t!(Markup[" /"]: "=-a" => Eq, Minus, Text("a"));
t!(Markup[" "]: "#123" => Text("#"), Text("123"));
// Test text ends.
@ -154,9 +154,14 @@ impl SourceFile {
/// The root red node of the file's untyped red tree.
pub fn red(&self) -> RedNode {
/// The root node of the file's typed abstract syntax tree.
pub fn ast(&self) -> TypResult<Markup> {
let red = RedNode::from_root(self.root.clone(),;
let red =;
let errors = red.errors();
if errors.is_empty() {
@ -284,14 +289,8 @@ impl SourceFile {
.extend(newlines(&self.src[start ..]).map(|idx| start + idx));
// Update the root node.
let reparser = Reparser::new(&self.src, replace, with.len());
if let Some(range) = reparser.reparse(Rc::make_mut(&mut self.root)) {
} else {
self.root = parse(&self.src);
0 .. self.src.len()
// Incrementally reparse the replaced range.
Reparser::new(&self.src, replace, with.len()).reparse(&mut self.root)
/// Provide highlighting categories for the given range of the source file.
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ pub struct GreenNode {
/// This node's children, losslessly make up this node.
children: Vec<Green>,
/// Whether this node or any of its children are erroneous.
pub erroneous: bool,
erroneous: bool,
impl GreenNode {
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ impl GreenNode {
/// The node's metadata.
pub fn data(&self) -> &GreenData {
fn data(&self) -> &GreenData {
@ -159,41 +159,29 @@ impl GreenNode {
/// Replaces a range of children with some replacement.
/// This method updates the `erroneous` and `data.len` fields.
pub(crate) fn replace_child_range(
pub(crate) fn replace_children(
&mut self,
child_idx_range: Range<usize>,
range: Range<usize>,
replacement: Vec<Green>,
) {
let old_len: usize =
let new_len: usize = replacement.iter().map(Green::len).sum();
let superseded = &self.children[range.clone()];
let superseded_len: usize = superseded.iter().map(Green::len).sum();
let replacement_len: usize = replacement.iter().map(Green::len).sum();
if self.erroneous {
if self.children[child_idx_range.clone()].iter().any(Green::erroneous) {
// the old range was erroneous but we do not know if anywhere
// else was so we have to iterate over the whole thing.
self.erroneous = self.children[.. child_idx_range.start]
|| self.children[child_idx_range.end ..].iter().any(Green::erroneous);
// in this case nothing changes so we do not have to bother.
// If we're erroneous, but not due to the superseded range, then we will
// still be erroneous after the replacement.
let still_erroneous = self.erroneous && !superseded.iter().any(Green::erroneous);
// the or assignment operator is not lazy.
self.erroneous = self.erroneous || replacement.iter().any(Green::erroneous);
self.children.splice(child_idx_range, replacement);
|||| = + new_len - old_len;
self.children.splice(range, replacement);
|||| = + replacement_len - superseded_len;
self.erroneous = still_erroneous || self.children.iter().any(Green::erroneous);
/// Update the length of this node given the old and new length of a
/// replaced child.
pub(crate) fn update_child_len(&mut self, new_len: usize, old_len: usize) {
/// Update the length of this node given the old and new length of
/// replaced children.
pub(crate) fn update_parent(&mut self, new_len: usize, old_len: usize) {
|||| = + new_len - old_len;
self.erroneous = self.children.iter().any(|x| x.erroneous());
self.erroneous = self.children.iter().any(Green::erroneous);
@ -255,7 +243,7 @@ impl From<GreenData> for Green {
impl Debug for GreenData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}: {}", &self.kind, self.len)
write!(f, "{:?}: {}", self.kind, self.len)
@ -398,12 +386,13 @@ impl<'a> RedRef<'a> {
/// Perform a depth-first search starting at this node.
pub fn all_children(&self) -> Vec<Self> {
let mut res = vec![self.clone()];
res.extend(self.children().flat_map(|child| child.all_children().into_iter()));
/// Returns all leaf descendants of this node (may include itself).
pub fn leafs(self) -> Vec<Self> {
if self.is_leaf() {
} else {
/// Convert the node to a typed AST node.
@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ Three
// Error: 18 expected expression
// Error: 18 expected closing paren
#let v5 = (1, 2 + ; Five
^^^^^ + \r\n
// Error: 13 expected body
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::path::Path;
use std::rc::Rc;
@ -19,8 +20,8 @@ use typst::image::{Image, RasterImage, Svg};
use typst::library::{PageNode, TextNode};
use typst::loading::FsLoader;
use typst::parse::Scanner;
use typst::source::{SourceFile, SourceId};
use typst::syntax::{RedNode, Span};
use typst::source::SourceFile;
use typst::syntax::Span;
use typst::Context;
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
@ -263,13 +264,12 @@ fn test_part(
debug: bool,
rng: &mut LinearShift,
) -> (bool, bool, Vec<Rc<Frame>>) {
let mut ok = test_reparse(&src, i, rng);
let id = ctx.sources.provide(src_path, src);
let source = ctx.sources.get(id);
let (local_compare_ref, mut ref_errors) = parse_metadata(&source);
let compare_ref = local_compare_ref.unwrap_or(compare_ref);
let mut ok = test_reparse(ctx.sources.get(id).src(), i, rng);
let (frames, mut errors) = match ctx.evaluate(id) {
Ok(module) => {
@ -444,43 +444,31 @@ fn test_reparse(src: &str, i: usize, rng: &mut LinearShift) -> bool {
let mut in_range = |range: std::ops::Range<usize>| {
let full = as f64 / u64::MAX as f64;
(range.start as f64 + full * (range.end as f64 - range.start as f64)).floor()
as usize
let mut pick = |range: Range<usize>| {
let ratio =;
(range.start as f64 + ratio * (range.end - range.start) as f64).floor() as usize
let insertions = (src.len() as f64 / 400.0).ceil() as usize;
for _ in 0 .. insertions {
let supplement = supplements[in_range(0 .. supplements.len())];
let start = in_range(0 .. src.len());
let end = in_range(start .. src.len());
let supplement = supplements[pick(0 .. supplements.len())];
let start = pick(0 .. src.len());
let end = pick(start .. src.len());
if !src.is_char_boundary(start) || !src.is_char_boundary(end) {
if !apply(start .. end, supplement) {
println!("original tree: {:#?}", SourceFile::detached(src).root());
ok = false;
ok &= apply(start .. end, supplement);
let red = RedNode::from_root(
let red = SourceFile::detached(src).red();
let leafs: Vec<_> = red
.filter(|red| red.is_leaf())
let leafs = red.as_ref().leafs();
let leaf_start = leafs[in_range(0 .. leafs.len())].span().start;
let supplement = supplements[in_range(0 .. supplements.len())];
let leaf_start = leafs[pick(0 .. leafs.len())].span().start;
let supplement = supplements[pick(0 .. supplements.len())];
ok &= apply(leaf_start .. leaf_start, supplement);
@ -954,23 +942,14 @@ impl LinearShift {
pub fn new() -> Self {
impl Iterator for LinearShift {
type Item = u64;
/// Apply the shift.
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
/// Return a pseudo-random number between `0.0` and `1.0`.
pub fn next(&mut self) -> f64 {
self.0 ^= self.0 >> 3;
self.0 ^= self.0 << 14;
self.0 ^= self.0 >> 28;
self.0 ^= self.0 << 36;
self.0 ^= self.0 >> 52;
/// The iterator is endless but will repeat eventually.
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
(usize::MAX, None)
self.0 as f64 / u64::MAX as f64
Reference in New Issue
Block a user