Merge some modules
This commit is contained in:
@ -374,15 +374,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "fxhash"
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "c31b6d751ae2c7f11320402d34e41349dd1016f8d5d45e48c4312bc8625af50c"
dependencies = [
name = "getrandom"
version = "0.2.7"
@ -1126,7 +1117,6 @@ dependencies = [
@ -11,25 +11,23 @@ typst-macros = { path = "./macros" }
# Utilities
bitflags = "1"
bytemuck = "1"
fxhash = "0.2"
comemo = "0.1"
once_cell = "1"
regex = "1"
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
siphasher = "0.3"
typed-arena = "2"
unscanny = "0.1"
regex = "1"
# Incremental compilation
comemo = "0.1"
# Text and font handling
hypher = "0.1"
kurbo = "0.8"
ttf-parser = "0.17"
rustybuzz = "0.5"
ttf-parser = "0.17"
unicode-bidi = "0.3.5"
unicode-script = "0.5"
unicode-segmentation = "1"
unicode-xid = "0.2"
unicode-script = "0.5"
xi-unicode = "0.3"
# Raster and vector graphics handling
@ -37,12 +35,12 @@ image = { version = "0.24", default-features = false, features = ["png", "jpeg",
usvg = { version = "0.22", default-features = false }
# External implementation of user-facing features
syntect = { version = "5", default-features = false, features = ["default-syntaxes", "regex-fancy"] }
rex = { git = "" }
unicode-math = { git = "" }
lipsum = { git = "" }
csv = "1"
lipsum = { git = "" }
rex = { git = "" }
serde_json = "1"
syntect = { version = "5", default-features = false, features = ["default-syntaxes", "regex-fancy"] }
unicode-math = { git = "" }
# PDF export
miniz_oxide = "0.5"
@ -50,52 +48,50 @@ pdf-writer = "0.6"
subsetter = "0.1"
svg2pdf = "0.4"
# Raster export / rendering
tiny-skia = "0.6.2"
# Rendering
flate2 = "1"
pixglyph = { git = "" }
resvg = { version = "0.22", default-features = false }
roxmltree = "0.14"
flate2 = "1"
tiny-skia = "0.6.2"
# Command line interface / tests
pico-args = { version = "0.4", optional = true }
# Command line interface
chrono = { version = "0.4", default-features = false, features = ["clock", "std"], optional = true }
codespan-reporting = { version = "0.11", optional = true }
dirs = { version = "4", optional = true }
elsa = { version = "1.7", optional = true }
memmap2 = { version = "0.5", optional = true }
notify = { version = "5", optional = true }
pico-args = { version = "0.4", optional = true }
same-file = { version = "1", optional = true }
walkdir = { version = "2", optional = true }
elsa = { version = "1.7", optional = true }
dirs = { version = "4", optional = true }
memmap2 = { version = "0.5", optional = true }
siphasher = { version = "0.3", optional = true }
notify = { version = "5", optional = true }
chrono = { version = "0.4", default-features = false, features = ["clock", "std"], optional = true }
iai = { git = "" }
walkdir = "2"
elsa = "1.7"
members = ["macros"]
default = ["tests"]
tests = ["same-file", "walkdir", "elsa", "siphasher"]
cli = [
# Faster compilation
debug = 0
debug = 0 # Faster compilation
# Faster test execution
opt-level = 2
opt-level = 2 # Faster test execution
name = "typst"
@ -103,7 +99,6 @@ required-features = ["cli"]
name = "typeset"
required-features = ["tests"]
harness = false
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ use unscanny::Scanner;
use typst::diag::{FileError, FileResult};
use typst::font::{Font, FontBook};
use typst::parse::{TokenMode, Tokens};
use typst::source::{Source, SourceId};
use typst::syntax::{Source, SourceId, TokenMode, Tokens};
use typst::util::Buffer;
use typst::{Config, World};
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ fn bench_tokenize(iai: &mut Iai) {
fn bench_parse(iai: &mut Iai) {
|||||| typst::parse::parse(TEXT));
|||||| typst::syntax::parse(TEXT));
fn bench_edit(iai: &mut Iai) {
@ -77,15 +76,15 @@ fn bench_highlight(iai: &mut Iai) {
fn bench_eval(iai: &mut Iai) {
let world = BenchWorld::new();
let id =;
let route = typst::eval::Route::default();
|||||| typst::eval::eval(world.track(), route.track(), id).unwrap());
let route = typst::model::Route::default();
|||||| typst::model::eval(world.track(), route.track(), id).unwrap());
fn bench_layout(iai: &mut Iai) {
let world = BenchWorld::new();
let id =;
let route = typst::eval::Route::default();
let module = typst::eval::eval(world.track(), route.track(), id).unwrap();
let route = typst::model::Route::default();
let module = typst::model::eval(world.track(), route.track(), id).unwrap();
|||||| typst::model::layout(world.track(), &module.content));
@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ fn expand(stream: TokenStream2, mut impl_block: syn::ItemImpl) -> Result<TokenSt
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use crate::{eval, model};
use crate::model;
use super::*;
impl<#params> eval::Node for #self_ty {
impl<#params> model::Node for #self_ty {
const SHOWABLE: bool = #showable;
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter, Write};
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::eval::{Dict, Value};
use crate::font::Font;
use crate::geom::{
Align, Em, Length, Numeric, Paint, Point, Shape, Size, Spec, Transform,
use crate::image::Image;
use crate::library::text::Lang;
use crate::model::{Dict, Value};
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// A finished layout with elements at fixed positions.
@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
//! - **Exporting:** The finished layout can be exported into a supported
//! format. Currently, the only supported output format is [PDF].
//! [tokens]: parse::Tokens
//! [parsed]: parse::parse
//! [tokens]: syntax::Tokens
//! [parsed]: syntax::parse
//! [syntax tree]: syntax::SyntaxNode
//! [AST]: syntax::ast
//! [evaluate]: eval::eval
//! [module]: eval::Module
//! [evaluate]: model::eval
//! [module]: model::Module
//! [content]: model::Content
//! [layouted]: model::layout
//! [PDF]: export::pdf
@ -38,15 +38,12 @@ pub mod geom;
pub mod diag;
pub mod eval;
pub mod model;
pub mod export;
pub mod font;
pub mod frame;
pub mod image;
pub mod library;
pub mod model;
pub mod parse;
pub mod source;
pub mod syntax;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
@ -54,11 +51,11 @@ use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use comemo::{Prehashed, Track};
use crate::diag::{FileResult, SourceResult};
use crate::eval::{Route, Scope};
use crate::font::{Font, FontBook};
use crate::frame::Frame;
use crate::model::StyleMap;
use crate::source::{Source, SourceId};
use crate::model::{Route, Scope};
use crate::syntax::{Source, SourceId};
use crate::util::Buffer;
/// Typeset a source file into a collection of layouted frames.
@ -71,7 +68,7 @@ pub fn typeset(
main: SourceId,
) -> SourceResult<Vec<Frame>> {
let route = Route::default();
let module = eval::eval(world.track(), route.track(), main)?;
let module = model::eval(world.track(), route.track(), main)?;
model::layout(world.track(), &module.content)
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ pub use typst_macros::node;
pub use crate::diag::{
with_alternative, At, FileError, FileResult, SourceError, SourceResult, StrResult,
pub use crate::eval::{
pub use crate::frame::*;
pub use crate::geom::*;
pub use crate::model::{
Arg, Args, Array, Cast, Dict, Dynamic, Func, Node, RawAlign, RawLength, RawStroke,
Scope, Smart, Str, Value, Vm,
pub use crate::frame::*;
pub use crate::geom::*;
pub use crate::model::{
Content, Fold, Key, Layout, LayoutNode, Regions, Resolve, Selector, Show, ShowNode,
StyleChain, StyleMap, StyleVec,
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::eval::Value;
use crate::geom::Dir;
use crate::model::Value;
/// A code for a natural language.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use super::{Lang, Region};
use crate::parse::is_newline;
use crate::syntax::is_newline;
/// State machine for smart quote subtitution.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ impl Show for RawNode {
let mut realized = if matches!(lang.as_deref(), Some("typ" | "typst" | "typc")) {
let root = match lang.as_deref() {
Some("typc") => crate::parse::parse_code(&self.text),
_ => crate::parse::parse(&self.text),
Some("typc") => crate::syntax::parse_code(&self.text),
_ => crate::syntax::parse(&self.text),
let mut seq = vec![];
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ pub use string::*;
use comemo::Track;
use crate::eval::{Eval, Route, Scopes, Vm};
use crate::library::prelude::*;
use crate::source::Source;
use crate::model::{Eval, Route, Scopes, Vm};
use crate::syntax::Source;
/// The name of a value's type.
pub fn type_(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value> {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::eval::Regex;
use crate::library::prelude::*;
use crate::model::Regex;
/// The string representation of a value.
pub fn repr(_: &mut Vm, args: &mut Args) -> SourceResult<Value> {
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ use walkdir::WalkDir;
use typst::diag::{FileError, FileResult, SourceError, StrResult};
use typst::font::{Font, FontBook, FontInfo, FontVariant};
use typst::source::{Source, SourceId};
use typst::syntax::{Source, SourceId};
use typst::util::{Buffer, PathExt};
use typst::{Config, World};
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ use crate::util::ArcExt;
macro_rules! array {
($value:expr; $count:expr) => {
$crate::eval::Array::from_vec(vec![$value.into(); $count])
$crate::model::Array::from_vec(vec![$value.into(); $count])
($($value:expr),* $(,)?) => {
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ impl<'a> CapturesVisitor<'a> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::parse::parse;
use crate::syntax::parse;
fn test(text: &str, result: &[&str]) {
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use super::{Regex, Value};
use super::{Content, Layout, LayoutNode, Pattern, Regex, Value};
use crate::diag::{with_alternative, StrResult};
use crate::geom::{Corners, Dir, Paint, Sides};
use crate::model::{Content, Layout, LayoutNode, Pattern};
use crate::syntax::Spanned;
use crate::util::EcoString;
@ -19,20 +18,20 @@ pub trait Cast<V = Value>: Sized {
/// Implement traits for dynamic types.
macro_rules! dynamic {
($type:ty: $name:literal, $($tts:tt)*) => {
impl $crate::eval::Type for $type {
impl $crate::model::Type for $type {
const TYPE_NAME: &'static str = $name;
castable! {
Expected: <Self as $crate::eval::Type>::TYPE_NAME,
Expected: <Self as $crate::model::Type>::TYPE_NAME,
@this: Self => this.clone(),
impl From<$type> for $crate::eval::Value {
impl From<$type> for $crate::model::Value {
fn from(v: $type) -> Self {
@ -41,12 +40,12 @@ macro_rules! dynamic {
/// Make a type castable from a value.
macro_rules! castable {
($type:ty: $inner:ty) => {
impl $crate::eval::Cast<$crate::eval::Value> for $type {
fn is(value: &$crate::eval::Value) -> bool {
impl $crate::model::Cast<$crate::model::Value> for $type {
fn is(value: &$crate::model::Value) -> bool {
fn cast(value: $crate::eval::Value) -> $crate::diag::StrResult<Self> {
fn cast(value: $crate::model::Value) -> $crate::diag::StrResult<Self> {
@ -59,22 +58,22 @@ macro_rules! castable {
$(@$dyn_in:ident: $dyn_type:ty => $dyn_out:expr,)*
) => {
impl $crate::eval::Cast<$crate::eval::Value> for $type {
fn is(value: &$crate::eval::Value) -> bool {
impl $crate::model::Cast<$crate::model::Value> for $type {
fn is(value: &$crate::model::Value) -> bool {
match value {
$($pattern => true,)*
$crate::eval::Value::Dyn(dynamic) => {
$crate::model::Value::Dyn(dynamic) => {
false $(||<$dyn_type>())*
_ => false,
fn cast(value: $crate::eval::Value) -> $crate::diag::StrResult<Self> {
fn cast(value: $crate::model::Value) -> $crate::diag::StrResult<Self> {
let found = match value {
$($pattern => return Ok($out),)*
$crate::eval::Value::Dyn(dynamic) => {
$crate::model::Value::Dyn(dynamic) => {
$(if let Some($dyn_in) = dynamic.downcast::<$dyn_type>() {
return Ok($dyn_out);
@ -21,21 +21,6 @@ use crate::library::text::{
use crate::util::EcoString;
use crate::World;
/// Layout content into a collection of pages.
/// Relayouts until all pinned locations are converged.
pub fn layout(world: Tracked<dyn World>, content: &Content) -> SourceResult<Vec<Frame>> {
let styles = StyleChain::with_root(&world.config().styles);
let scratch = Scratch::default();
let mut builder = Builder::new(world, &scratch, true);
builder.accept(content, styles)?;
let (doc, shared) = builder.into_doc(styles)?;
doc.layout(world, shared)
/// Composable representation of styled content.
/// This results from:
@ -332,7 +317,7 @@ impl Sum for Content {
/// Builds a document or a flow node from content.
struct Builder<'a> {
pub(super) struct Builder<'a> {
/// The core context.
world: Tracked<'a, dyn World>,
/// Scratch arenas for building.
@ -349,7 +334,7 @@ struct Builder<'a> {
/// Temporary storage arenas for building.
struct Scratch<'a> {
pub(super) struct Scratch<'a> {
/// An arena where intermediate style chains are stored.
styles: Arena<StyleChain<'a>>,
/// An arena where intermediate content resulting from show rules is stored.
@ -357,7 +342,11 @@ struct Scratch<'a> {
impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
fn new(world: Tracked<'a, dyn World>, scratch: &'a Scratch<'a>, top: bool) -> Self {
pub fn new(
world: Tracked<'a, dyn World>,
scratch: &'a Scratch<'a>,
top: bool,
) -> Self {
Self {
@ -368,7 +357,7 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
fn into_doc(
pub fn into_doc(
mut self,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<(DocNode, StyleChain<'a>)> {
@ -377,7 +366,7 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
Ok((DocNode(pages), shared))
fn into_flow(
pub fn into_flow(
mut self,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
) -> SourceResult<(FlowNode, StyleChain<'a>)> {
@ -386,7 +375,7 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
Ok((FlowNode(children), shared))
fn accept(
pub fn accept(
&mut self,
content: &'a Content,
styles: StyleChain<'a>,
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use super::{Args, Array, Func, Str, Value, Vm};
use crate::diag::{SourceResult, StrResult};
use crate::parse::is_ident;
use crate::syntax::is_ident;
use crate::syntax::Spanned;
use crate::util::ArcExt;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ macro_rules! dict {
let mut map = std::collections::BTreeMap::new();
$(map.insert($key.into(), $value.into());)*
@ -1,50 +1,20 @@
//! Evaluation of markup into modules.
mod cast;
mod array;
mod dict;
mod str;
mod value;
mod args;
mod capture;
mod func;
pub mod methods;
pub mod ops;
mod raw;
mod scope;
mod vm;
pub use self::str::*;
pub use args::*;
pub use array::*;
pub use capture::*;
pub use cast::*;
pub use dict::*;
pub use func::*;
pub use raw::*;
pub use scope::*;
pub use typst_macros::node;
pub use value::*;
pub use vm::*;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use comemo::{Track, Tracked};
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
use super::{
methods, ops, Arg, Args, Array, CapturesVisitor, Closure, Content, Dict, Flow, Func,
Pattern, Recipe, Scope, Scopes, StyleEntry, StyleMap, Value, Vm,
use crate::diag::{At, SourceResult, StrResult, Trace, Tracepoint};
use crate::geom::{Angle, Em, Fraction, Length, Ratio};
use crate::library;
use crate::model::{Content, Pattern, Recipe, StyleEntry, StyleMap};
use crate::source::SourceId;
use crate::syntax::ast::TypedNode;
use crate::syntax::{ast, Span, Spanned, Unit};
use crate::syntax::{ast, SourceId, Span, Spanned, Unit};
use crate::util::EcoString;
use crate::World;
@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use comemo::{Track, Tracked};
use super::{Args, Eval, Flow, Route, Scope, Scopes, Value, Vm};
use super::{
Args, Content, Eval, Flow, NodeId, Route, Scope, Scopes, StyleMap, Value, Vm,
use crate::diag::{SourceResult, StrResult};
use crate::model::{Content, NodeId, StyleMap};
use crate::source::SourceId;
use crate::syntax::ast::Expr;
use crate::syntax::SourceId;
use crate::util::EcoString;
use crate::World;
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use comemo::{Prehashed, Tracked};
use super::{Barrier, NodeId, Resolve, StyleChain, StyleEntry};
use super::{Builder, Content, RawAlign, RawLength, Scratch};
use crate::diag::SourceResult;
use crate::eval::{RawAlign, RawLength};
use crate::frame::{Element, Frame};
use crate::geom::{
Align, Geometry, Length, Paint, Point, Relative, Sides, Size, Spec, Stroke,
@ -18,6 +18,21 @@ use crate::library::graphics::MoveNode;
use crate::library::layout::{AlignNode, PadNode};
use crate::World;
/// Layout content into a collection of pages.
/// Relayouts until all pinned locations are converged.
pub fn layout(world: Tracked<dyn World>, content: &Content) -> SourceResult<Vec<Frame>> {
let styles = StyleChain::with_root(&world.config().styles);
let scratch = Scratch::default();
let mut builder = Builder::new(world, &scratch, true);
builder.accept(content, styles)?;
let (doc, shared) = builder.into_doc(styles)?;
doc.layout(world, shared)
/// A node that can be layouted into a sequence of regions.
/// Layouting returns one frame per used region.
@ -1,18 +1,50 @@
//! Styled and structured representation of layoutable content.
//! Layout and computation model.
mod styles;
mod collapse;
mod content;
mod eval;
mod layout;
mod property;
mod recipe;
mod show;
mod cast;
mod array;
mod dict;
mod str;
mod value;
mod args;
mod capture;
mod func;
pub mod methods;
pub mod ops;
mod raw;
mod scope;
mod vm;
pub use self::str::*;
pub use args::*;
pub use array::*;
pub use capture::*;
pub use cast::*;
pub use collapse::*;
pub use content::*;
pub use dict::*;
pub use eval::*;
pub use func::*;
pub use layout::*;
pub use property::*;
pub use raw::*;
pub use recipe::*;
pub use scope::*;
pub use show::*;
pub use styles::*;
pub use typst_macros::node;
pub use value::*;
pub use vm::*;
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ use std::cmp::Ordering;
use super::{RawAlign, RawLength, RawStroke, Regex, Smart, Value};
use crate::diag::StrResult;
use crate::geom::{Numeric, Relative, Spec, SpecAxis};
use crate::model;
use Value::*;
/// Bail with a type mismatch error.
@ -21,8 +20,8 @@ pub fn join(lhs: Value, rhs: Value) -> StrResult<Value> {
(a, None) => a,
(None, b) => b,
(Str(a), Str(b)) => Str(a + b),
(Str(a), Content(b)) => Content(model::Content::Text(a.into()) + b),
(Content(a), Str(b)) => Content(a + model::Content::Text(b.into())),
(Str(a), Content(b)) => Content(super::Content::Text(a.into()) + b),
(Content(a), Str(b)) => Content(a + super::Content::Text(b.into())),
(Content(a), Content(b)) => Content(a + b),
(Array(a), Array(b)) => Array(a + b),
(Dict(a), Dict(b)) => Dict(a + b),
@ -87,8 +86,8 @@ pub fn add(lhs: Value, rhs: Value) -> StrResult<Value> {
(Str(a), Str(b)) => Str(a + b),
(Content(a), Content(b)) => Content(a + b),
(Content(a), Str(b)) => Content(a + model::Content::Text(b.into())),
(Str(a), Content(b)) => Content(model::Content::Text(a.into()) + b),
(Content(a), Str(b)) => Content(a + super::Content::Text(b.into())),
(Str(a), Content(b)) => Content(super::Content::Text(a.into()) + b),
(Array(a), Array(b)) => Array(a + b),
(Dict(a), Dict(b)) => Dict(a + b),
@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use comemo::Prehashed;
use super::{Interruption, NodeId, StyleChain};
use crate::eval::{RawLength, Smart};
use super::{Interruption, NodeId, RawLength, Smart, StyleChain};
use crate::geom::{Corners, Length, Numeric, Relative, Sides, Spec};
use crate::library::layout::PageNode;
use crate::library::structure::{DescNode, EnumNode, ListNode};
@ -2,12 +2,11 @@ use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg};
use super::{Smart, Value};
use super::{Fold, Resolve, Smart, StyleChain, Value};
use crate::geom::{
Align, Em, Get, Length, Numeric, Paint, Relative, Spec, SpecAxis, Stroke,
use crate::library::text::TextNode;
use crate::model::{Fold, Resolve, StyleChain};
/// The unresolved alignment representation.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use comemo::Tracked;
use super::{Content, Interruption, NodeId, Show, ShowNode, StyleChain, StyleEntry};
use super::{
Args, Content, Func, Interruption, NodeId, Regex, Show, ShowNode, StyleChain,
StyleEntry, Value,
use crate::diag::SourceResult;
use crate::eval::{Args, Func, Regex, Value};
use crate::library::structure::{DescNode, EnumNode, ListNode};
use crate::syntax::Spanned;
use crate::World;
@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use comemo::{Prehashed, Tracked};
use super::{Content, NodeId, Selector, StyleChain};
use super::{Content, Dict, NodeId, Selector, StyleChain};
use crate::diag::SourceResult;
use crate::eval::Dict;
use crate::World;
/// A node that can be realized given some styles.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use crate::util::EcoString;
macro_rules! format_str {
($($tts:tt)*) => {{
@ -76,69 +76,69 @@ impl Str {
/// Whether the given pattern exists in this string.
pub fn contains(&self, pattern: TextPattern) -> bool {
pub fn contains(&self, pattern: StrPattern) -> bool {
match pattern {
TextPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.contains(pat.as_str()),
TextPattern::Regex(re) => re.is_match(self),
StrPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.contains(pat.as_str()),
StrPattern::Regex(re) => re.is_match(self),
/// Whether this string begins with the given pattern.
pub fn starts_with(&self, pattern: TextPattern) -> bool {
pub fn starts_with(&self, pattern: StrPattern) -> bool {
match pattern {
TextPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.starts_with(pat.as_str()),
TextPattern::Regex(re) => re.find(self).map_or(false, |m| m.start() == 0),
StrPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.starts_with(pat.as_str()),
StrPattern::Regex(re) => re.find(self).map_or(false, |m| m.start() == 0),
/// Whether this string ends with the given pattern.
pub fn ends_with(&self, pattern: TextPattern) -> bool {
pub fn ends_with(&self, pattern: StrPattern) -> bool {
match pattern {
TextPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.ends_with(pat.as_str()),
TextPattern::Regex(re) => {
StrPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.ends_with(pat.as_str()),
StrPattern::Regex(re) => {
re.find_iter(self).last().map_or(false, |m| m.end() == self.0.len())
/// The text of the pattern's first match in this string.
pub fn find(&self, pattern: TextPattern) -> Option<Self> {
pub fn find(&self, pattern: StrPattern) -> Option<Self> {
match pattern {
TextPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.contains(pat.as_str()).then(|| pat),
TextPattern::Regex(re) => re.find(self).map(|m| m.as_str().into()),
StrPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.contains(pat.as_str()).then(|| pat),
StrPattern::Regex(re) => re.find(self).map(|m| m.as_str().into()),
/// The position of the pattern's first match in this string.
pub fn position(&self, pattern: TextPattern) -> Option<i64> {
pub fn position(&self, pattern: StrPattern) -> Option<i64> {
match pattern {
TextPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.find(pat.as_str()).map(|i| i as i64),
TextPattern::Regex(re) => re.find(self).map(|m| m.start() as i64),
StrPattern::Str(pat) => self.0.find(pat.as_str()).map(|i| i as i64),
StrPattern::Regex(re) => re.find(self).map(|m| m.start() as i64),
/// The start and, text and capture groups (if any) of the first match of
/// the pattern in this string.
pub fn match_(&self, pattern: TextPattern) -> Option<Dict> {
pub fn match_(&self, pattern: StrPattern) -> Option<Dict> {
match pattern {
TextPattern::Str(pat) => {
StrPattern::Str(pat) => {
TextPattern::Regex(re) => re.captures(self).map(captures_to_dict),
StrPattern::Regex(re) => re.captures(self).map(captures_to_dict),
/// The start, end, text and capture groups (if any) of all matches of the
/// pattern in this string.
pub fn matches(&self, pattern: TextPattern) -> Array {
pub fn matches(&self, pattern: StrPattern) -> Array {
match pattern {
TextPattern::Str(pat) => self
StrPattern::Str(pat) => self
TextPattern::Regex(re) => re
StrPattern::Regex(re) => re
@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ impl Str {
/// Split this string at whitespace or a specific pattern.
pub fn split(&self, pattern: Option<TextPattern>) -> Array {
pub fn split(&self, pattern: Option<StrPattern>) -> Array {
let s = self.as_str();
match pattern {
None => s.split_whitespace().map(|v| Value::Str(v.into())).collect(),
Some(TextPattern::Str(pat)) => {
Some(StrPattern::Str(pat)) => {
s.split(pat.as_str()).map(|v| Value::Str(v.into())).collect()
Some(TextPattern::Regex(re)) => {
Some(StrPattern::Regex(re)) => {
re.split(s).map(|v| Value::Str(v.into())).collect()
@ -166,20 +166,20 @@ impl Str {
/// pattern.
pub fn trim(
pattern: Option<TextPattern>,
at: Option<TextSide>,
pattern: Option<StrPattern>,
at: Option<StrSide>,
repeat: bool,
) -> Self {
let mut start = matches!(at, Some(TextSide::Start) | None);
let end = matches!(at, Some(TextSide::End) | None);
let mut start = matches!(at, Some(StrSide::Start) | None);
let end = matches!(at, Some(StrSide::End) | None);
let trimmed = match pattern {
None => match at {
None => self.0.trim(),
Some(TextSide::Start) => self.0.trim_start(),
Some(TextSide::End) => self.0.trim_end(),
Some(StrSide::Start) => self.0.trim_start(),
Some(StrSide::End) => self.0.trim_end(),
Some(TextPattern::Str(pat)) => {
Some(StrPattern::Str(pat)) => {
let pat = pat.as_str();
let mut s = self.as_str();
if repeat {
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ impl Str {
Some(TextPattern::Regex(re)) => {
Some(StrPattern::Regex(re)) => {
let s = self.as_str();
let mut last = 0;
let mut range = 0 .. s.len();
@ -239,18 +239,13 @@ impl Str {
/// Replace at most `count` occurances of the given pattern with a
/// replacement string (beginning from the start).
pub fn replace(
pattern: TextPattern,
with: Self,
count: Option<usize>,
) -> Self {
pub fn replace(&self, pattern: StrPattern, with: Self, count: Option<usize>) -> Self {
match pattern {
TextPattern::Str(pat) => match count {
StrPattern::Str(pat) => match count {
Some(n) => self.0.replacen(pat.as_str(), &with, n).into(),
None => self.0.replace(pat.as_str(), &with).into(),
TextPattern::Regex(re) => match count {
StrPattern::Regex(re) => match count {
Some(n) => re.replacen(self, n, with.as_str()).into(),
None => re.replace(self, with.as_str()).into(),
@ -440,7 +435,7 @@ impl Hash for Regex {
/// A pattern which can be searched for in a string.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum TextPattern {
pub enum StrPattern {
/// Just a string.
/// A regular expression.
@ -448,7 +443,7 @@ pub enum TextPattern {
castable! {
Expected: "string or regular expression",
Value::Str(text) => Self::Str(text),
@regex: Regex => Self::Regex(regex.clone()),
@ -456,7 +451,7 @@ castable! {
/// A side of a string.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub enum TextSide {
pub enum StrSide {
/// The logical start of the string, may be left or right depending on the
/// language.
@ -465,7 +460,7 @@ pub enum TextSide {
castable! {
Expected: "start or end",
@align: RawAlign => match align {
RawAlign::Start => Self::Start,
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ impl StyleMap {
/// Mark all contained properties as _scoped_. This means that they only
/// apply to the first descendant node (of their type) in the hierarchy and
/// not its children, too. This is used by
/// [constructors](crate::eval::Node::construct).
/// [constructors](super::Node::construct).
pub fn scoped(mut self) -> Self {
for entry in &mut self.0 {
if let StyleEntry::Property(property) = entry {
@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::sync::Arc;
use super::{ops, Args, Array, Cast, Dict, Func, RawLength, Str};
use siphasher::sip128::{Hasher128, SipHasher};
use super::{ops, Args, Array, Cast, Content, Dict, Func, Layout, RawLength, Str};
use crate::diag::StrResult;
use crate::geom::{Angle, Color, Em, Fraction, Length, Ratio, Relative, RgbaColor};
use crate::library::text::RawNode;
use crate::model::{Content, Layout};
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// A computational value.
@ -296,7 +297,7 @@ trait Bounds: Debug + Sync + Send + 'static {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
fn dyn_eq(&self, other: &Dynamic) -> bool;
fn dyn_type_name(&self) -> &'static str;
fn hash64(&self) -> u64;
fn hash128(&self) -> u128;
impl<T> Bounds for T
@ -319,19 +320,19 @@ where
fn hash64(&self) -> u64 {
fn hash128(&self) -> u128 {
// Also hash the TypeId since nodes with different types but
// equal data should be different.
let mut state = fxhash::FxHasher64::default();
let mut state = SipHasher::new();
self.type_id().hash(&mut state);
self.hash(&mut state);
impl Hash for dyn Bounds {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ use comemo::Tracked;
use super::{Route, Scopes, Value};
use crate::diag::{SourceError, StrResult};
use crate::source::SourceId;
use crate::syntax::Span;
use crate::syntax::{SourceId, Span};
use crate::util::PathExt;
use crate::World;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use std::ops::Range;
use syntect::highlighting::{Color, FontStyle, Highlighter, Style, Theme};
use syntect::parsing::Scope;
use super::{NodeKind, SyntaxNode};
use super::{parse, NodeKind, SyntaxNode};
/// Highlight source text into a standalone HTML document.
pub fn highlight_html(text: &str, theme: &Theme) -> String {
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ pub fn highlight_pre(text: &str, theme: &Theme) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
let root = crate::parse::parse(text);
let root = parse(text);
highlight_themed(&root, theme, |range, style| {
let styled = style != Style::default();
if styled {
@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ impl Category {
mod tests {
use super::super::Source;
use super::*;
use crate::source::Source;
fn test_highlighting() {
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
use std::ops::Range;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::syntax::{InnerNode, NodeKind, Span, SyntaxNode};
use super::{
is_newline, parse, reparse_code_block, reparse_content_block, reparse_markup_elements,
is_newline, parse, reparse_code_block, reparse_content_block,
reparse_markup_elements, InnerNode, NodeKind, Span, SyntaxNode,
/// Refresh the given syntax node with as little parsing as possible.
@ -413,9 +412,8 @@ fn next_at_start(kind: &NodeKind, prev: bool) -> bool {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::parse::parse;
use crate::parse::tests::check;
use crate::source::Source;
use super::super::{parse, Source};
use super::super::tests::check;
fn test(prev: &str, range: Range<usize>, with: &str, goal: Range<usize>) {
@ -1,558 +1,41 @@
//! Syntax types.
//! Syntax definition, parsing, and highlighting.
pub mod ast;
pub mod highlight;
mod incremental;
mod kind;
mod node;
mod parser;
mod parsing;
mod resolve;
mod source;
mod span;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::sync::Arc;
mod tokens;
pub use kind::*;
pub use node::*;
pub use parsing::*;
pub use source::*;
pub use span::*;
pub use tokens::*;
use self::ast::TypedNode;
use crate::diag::SourceError;
use crate::source::SourceId;
use incremental::reparse;
use parser::*;
/// An inner or leaf node in the untyped syntax tree.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum SyntaxNode {
/// A reference-counted inner node.
/// A leaf token.
mod tests {
use std::fmt::Debug;
impl SyntaxNode {
/// The metadata of the node.
pub fn data(&self) -> &NodeData {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => &,
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf,
/// The type of the node.
pub fn kind(&self) -> &NodeKind {
/// The length of the node.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// The number of descendants, including the node itself.
pub fn descendants(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.descendants(),
Self::Leaf(_) => 1,
/// The span of the node.
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
/// Whether the node or its children contain an error.
pub fn erroneous(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Inner(node) => node.erroneous,
Self::Leaf(data) => data.kind.is_error(),
/// The error messages for this node and its descendants.
pub fn errors(&self) -> Vec<SourceError> {
if !self.erroneous() {
return vec![];
match self.kind() {
NodeKind::Error(pos, message) => {
vec![SourceError::new(self.span(), message.clone()).with_pos(*pos)]
_ => self
.filter(|node| node.erroneous())
.flat_map(|node| node.errors())
/// The node's children.
pub fn children(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, SyntaxNode> {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.children(),
Self::Leaf(_) => [].iter(),
/// Convert the node to a typed AST node.
pub fn cast<T>(&self) -> Option<T>
pub fn check<T>(text: &str, found: T, expected: T)
T: TypedNode,
T: Debug + PartialEq,
/// Get the first child that can cast to the AST type `T`.
pub fn cast_first_child<T: TypedNode>(&self) -> Option<T> {
/// Get the last child that can cast to the AST type `T`.
pub fn cast_last_child<T: TypedNode>(&self) -> Option<T> {
/// Change the type of the node.
pub fn convert(&mut self, kind: NodeKind) {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => {
let node = Arc::make_mut(inner);
node.erroneous |= kind.is_error();
|||| = kind;
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.kind = kind,
/// Set a synthetic span for the node and all its descendants.
pub fn synthesize(&mut self, span: Span) {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => Arc::make_mut(inner).synthesize(span),
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.synthesize(span),
/// Assign spans to each node.
pub fn numberize(&mut self, id: SourceId, within: Range<u64>) -> NumberingResult {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => Arc::make_mut(inner).numberize(id, None, within),
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.numberize(id, within),
/// The upper bound of assigned numbers in this subtree.
pub fn upper(&self) -> u64 {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.upper(),
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.span().number() + 1,
/// If the span points into this node, convert it to a byte range.
pub fn range(&self, span: Span, offset: usize) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.range(span, offset),
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.range(span, offset),
/// Returns all leaf descendants of this node (may include itself).
/// This method is slow and only intended for testing.
pub fn leafs(&self) -> Vec<Self> {
if match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.children.is_empty(),
Self::Leaf(_) => true,
} {
} else {
if found != expected {
println!("source: {text:?}");
println!("expected: {expected:#?}");
println!("found: {found:#?}");
panic!("test failed");
impl Default for SyntaxNode {
fn default() -> Self {
Self::Leaf(NodeData::new(NodeKind::None, 0))
impl Debug for SyntaxNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Inner(node) => node.fmt(f),
Self::Leaf(token) => token.fmt(f),
/// An inner node in the untyped syntax tree.
#[derive(Clone, Hash)]
pub struct InnerNode {
/// Node metadata.
data: NodeData,
/// The number of nodes in the whole subtree, including this node.
descendants: usize,
/// Whether this node or any of its children are erroneous.
erroneous: bool,
/// The upper bound of this node's numbering range.
upper: u64,
/// This node's children, losslessly make up this node.
children: Vec<SyntaxNode>,
impl InnerNode {
/// Creates a new node with the given kind and a single child.
pub fn with_child(kind: NodeKind, child: impl Into<SyntaxNode>) -> Self {
Self::with_children(kind, vec![child.into()])
/// Creates a new node with the given kind and children.
pub fn with_children(kind: NodeKind, children: Vec<SyntaxNode>) -> Self {
let mut len = 0;
let mut descendants = 1;
let mut erroneous = kind.is_error();
for child in &children {
len += child.len();
descendants += child.descendants();
erroneous |= child.erroneous();
Self {
data: NodeData::new(kind, len),
upper: 0,
/// The node's metadata.
pub fn data(&self) -> &NodeData {
/// The node's type.
pub fn kind(&self) -> &NodeKind {
/// The node's length.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// The node's span.
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
/// The number of descendants, including the node itself.
pub fn descendants(&self) -> usize {
/// The node's children.
pub fn children(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, SyntaxNode> {
/// Set a synthetic span for the node and all its descendants.
pub fn synthesize(&mut self, span: Span) {
for child in &mut self.children {
/// Assign span numbers `within` an interval to this node's subtree or just
/// a `range` of its children.
pub fn numberize(
&mut self,
id: SourceId,
range: Option<Range<usize>>,
within: Range<u64>,
) -> NumberingResult {
// Determine how many nodes we will number.
let descendants = match &range {
Some(range) if range.is_empty() => return Ok(()),
Some(range) => self.children[range.clone()]
None => self.descendants,
// Determine the distance between two neighbouring assigned numbers. If
// possible, we try to fit all numbers into the left half of `within`
// so that there is space for future insertions.
let space = within.end - within.start;
let mut stride = space / (2 * descendants as u64);
if stride == 0 {
stride = space / self.descendants as u64;
if stride == 0 {
return Err(Unnumberable);
// Number this node itself.
let mut start = within.start;
if range.is_none() {
let end = start + stride;
||||, start .. end)?;
self.upper = within.end;
start = end;
// Number the children.
let len = self.children.len();
for child in &mut self.children[range.unwrap_or(0 .. len)] {
let end = start + child.descendants() as u64 * stride;
child.numberize(id, start .. end)?;
start = end;
/// The upper bound of assigned numbers in this subtree.
pub fn upper(&self) -> u64 {
/// If the span points into this node, convert it to a byte range.
pub fn range(&self, span: Span, mut offset: usize) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
// Check whether we found it.
if let Some(range) =, offset) {
return Some(range);
// The parent of a subtree has a smaller span number than all of its
// descendants. Therefore, we can bail out early if the target span's
// number is smaller than our number.
if span.number() < self.span().number() {
return None;
let mut children = self.children.iter().peekable();
while let Some(child) = {
// Every node in this child's subtree has a smaller span number than
// the next sibling. Therefore we only need to recurse if the next
// sibling's span number is larger than the target span's number.
if children
.map_or(true, |next| next.span().number() > span.number())
if let Some(range) = child.range(span, offset) {
return Some(range);
offset += child.len();
/// The node's children, mutably.
pub(crate) fn children_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [SyntaxNode] {
&mut self.children
/// Replaces a range of children with a replacement.
/// May have mutated the children if it returns `Err(_)`.
pub(crate) fn replace_children(
&mut self,
mut range: Range<usize>,
replacement: Vec<SyntaxNode>,
) -> NumberingResult {
let superseded = &self.children[range.clone()];
// Compute the new byte length.
|||| =
+ replacement.iter().map(SyntaxNode::len).sum::<usize>()
- superseded.iter().map(SyntaxNode::len).sum::<usize>();
// Compute the new number of descendants.
self.descendants = self.descendants
+ replacement.iter().map(SyntaxNode::descendants).sum::<usize>()
- superseded.iter().map(SyntaxNode::descendants).sum::<usize>();
// Determine whether we're still erroneous after the replacement. That's
// the case if
// - any of the new nodes is erroneous,
// - or if we were erroneous before due to a non-superseded node.
self.erroneous = replacement.iter().any(SyntaxNode::erroneous)
|| (self.erroneous
&& (self.children[.. range.start].iter().any(SyntaxNode::erroneous))
|| self.children[range.end ..].iter().any(SyntaxNode::erroneous));
// Perform the replacement.
let replacement_count = replacement.len();
self.children.splice(range.clone(), replacement);
range.end = range.start + replacement_count;
// Renumber the new children. Retries until it works, taking
// exponentially more children into account.
let mut left = 0;
let mut right = 0;
let max_left = range.start;
let max_right = self.children.len() - range.end;
loop {
let renumber = range.start - left .. range.end + right;
// The minimum assignable number is either
// - the upper bound of the node right before the to-be-renumbered
// children,
// - or this inner node's span number plus one if renumbering starts
// at the first child.
let start_number = renumber
.and_then(|i| self.children.get(i))
.map_or(self.span().number() + 1, |child| child.upper());
// The upper bound for renumbering is either
// - the span number of the first child after the to-be-renumbered
// children,
// - or this node's upper bound if renumbering ends behind the last
// child.
let end_number = self
.map_or(self.upper(), |next| next.span().number());
// Try to renumber.
let within = start_number .. end_number;
let id = self.span().source();
if self.numberize(id, Some(renumber), within).is_ok() {
return Ok(());
// If it didn't even work with all children, we give up.
if left == max_left && right == max_right {
return Err(Unnumberable);
// Exponential expansion to both sides.
left = (left + 1).next_power_of_two().min(max_left);
right = (right + 1).next_power_of_two().min(max_right);
/// Update this node after changes were made to one of its children.
pub(crate) fn update_parent(
&mut self,
prev_len: usize,
new_len: usize,
prev_descendants: usize,
new_descendants: usize,
) {
|||| = + new_len - prev_len;
self.descendants = self.descendants + new_descendants - prev_descendants;
self.erroneous = self.children.iter().any(SyntaxNode::erroneous);
impl From<InnerNode> for SyntaxNode {
fn from(node: InnerNode) -> Self {
impl From<Arc<InnerNode>> for SyntaxNode {
fn from(node: Arc<InnerNode>) -> Self {
impl Debug for InnerNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if !self.children.is_empty() {
f.write_str(" ")?;
impl PartialEq for InnerNode {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
|||| ==
&& self.descendants == other.descendants
&& self.erroneous == other.erroneous
&& self.children == other.children
/// Data shared between inner and leaf nodes.
#[derive(Clone, Hash)]
pub struct NodeData {
/// What kind of node this is (each kind would have its own struct in a
/// strongly typed AST).
kind: NodeKind,
/// The byte length of the node in the source.
len: usize,
/// The node's span.
span: Span,
impl NodeData {
/// Create new node metadata.
pub fn new(kind: NodeKind, len: usize) -> Self {
Self { len, kind, span: Span::detached() }
/// The node's type.
pub fn kind(&self) -> &NodeKind {
/// The node's length.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// The node's span.
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
/// Set a synthetic span for the node.
pub fn synthesize(&mut self, span: Span) {
self.span = span;
/// Assign a span to the node.
pub fn numberize(&mut self, id: SourceId, within: Range<u64>) -> NumberingResult {
if within.start < within.end {
self.span = Span::new(id, (within.start + within.end) / 2);
} else {
/// If the span points into this node, convert it to a byte range.
pub fn range(&self, span: Span, offset: usize) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
(self.span == span).then(|| offset .. offset + self.len())
impl From<NodeData> for SyntaxNode {
fn from(token: NodeData) -> Self {
impl Debug for NodeData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}: {}", self.kind, self.len)
impl PartialEq for NodeData {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.kind == other.kind && self.len == other.len
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::sync::Arc;
use super::ast::TypedNode;
use super::{NodeKind, NumberingResult, SourceId, Span, Unnumberable};
use crate::diag::SourceError;
/// An inner or leaf node in the untyped syntax tree.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum SyntaxNode {
/// A reference-counted inner node.
/// A leaf token.
impl SyntaxNode {
/// The metadata of the node.
pub fn data(&self) -> &NodeData {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => &,
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf,
/// The type of the node.
pub fn kind(&self) -> &NodeKind {
/// The length of the node.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// The number of descendants, including the node itself.
pub fn descendants(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.descendants(),
Self::Leaf(_) => 1,
/// The span of the node.
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
/// Whether the node or its children contain an error.
pub fn erroneous(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Inner(node) => node.erroneous,
Self::Leaf(data) => data.kind.is_error(),
/// The error messages for this node and its descendants.
pub fn errors(&self) -> Vec<SourceError> {
if !self.erroneous() {
return vec![];
match self.kind() {
NodeKind::Error(pos, message) => {
vec![SourceError::new(self.span(), message.clone()).with_pos(*pos)]
_ => self
.filter(|node| node.erroneous())
.flat_map(|node| node.errors())
/// The node's children.
pub fn children(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, SyntaxNode> {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.children(),
Self::Leaf(_) => [].iter(),
/// Convert the node to a typed AST node.
pub fn cast<T>(&self) -> Option<T>
T: TypedNode,
/// Get the first child that can cast to the AST type `T`.
pub fn cast_first_child<T: TypedNode>(&self) -> Option<T> {
/// Get the last child that can cast to the AST type `T`.
pub fn cast_last_child<T: TypedNode>(&self) -> Option<T> {
/// Change the type of the node.
pub fn convert(&mut self, kind: NodeKind) {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => {
let node = Arc::make_mut(inner);
node.erroneous |= kind.is_error();
|||| = kind;
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.kind = kind,
/// Set a synthetic span for the node and all its descendants.
pub fn synthesize(&mut self, span: Span) {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => Arc::make_mut(inner).synthesize(span),
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.synthesize(span),
/// Assign spans to each node.
pub fn numberize(&mut self, id: SourceId, within: Range<u64>) -> NumberingResult {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => Arc::make_mut(inner).numberize(id, None, within),
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.numberize(id, within),
/// The upper bound of assigned numbers in this subtree.
pub fn upper(&self) -> u64 {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.upper(),
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.span().number() + 1,
/// If the span points into this node, convert it to a byte range.
pub fn range(&self, span: Span, offset: usize) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.range(span, offset),
Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.range(span, offset),
/// Returns all leaf descendants of this node (may include itself).
/// This method is slow and only intended for testing.
pub fn leafs(&self) -> Vec<Self> {
if match self {
Self::Inner(inner) => inner.children.is_empty(),
Self::Leaf(_) => true,
} {
} else {
impl Default for SyntaxNode {
fn default() -> Self {
Self::Leaf(NodeData::new(NodeKind::None, 0))
impl Debug for SyntaxNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Inner(node) => node.fmt(f),
Self::Leaf(token) => token.fmt(f),
/// An inner node in the untyped syntax tree.
#[derive(Clone, Hash)]
pub struct InnerNode {
/// Node metadata.
data: NodeData,
/// The number of nodes in the whole subtree, including this node.
descendants: usize,
/// Whether this node or any of its children are erroneous.
erroneous: bool,
/// The upper bound of this node's numbering range.
upper: u64,
/// This node's children, losslessly make up this node.
children: Vec<SyntaxNode>,
impl InnerNode {
/// Creates a new node with the given kind and a single child.
pub fn with_child(kind: NodeKind, child: impl Into<SyntaxNode>) -> Self {
Self::with_children(kind, vec![child.into()])
/// Creates a new node with the given kind and children.
pub fn with_children(kind: NodeKind, children: Vec<SyntaxNode>) -> Self {
let mut len = 0;
let mut descendants = 1;
let mut erroneous = kind.is_error();
for child in &children {
len += child.len();
descendants += child.descendants();
erroneous |= child.erroneous();
Self {
data: NodeData::new(kind, len),
upper: 0,
/// The node's metadata.
pub fn data(&self) -> &NodeData {
/// The node's type.
pub fn kind(&self) -> &NodeKind {
/// The node's length.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// The node's span.
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
/// The number of descendants, including the node itself.
pub fn descendants(&self) -> usize {
/// The node's children.
pub fn children(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, SyntaxNode> {
/// Set a synthetic span for the node and all its descendants.
pub fn synthesize(&mut self, span: Span) {
for child in &mut self.children {
/// Assign span numbers `within` an interval to this node's subtree or just
/// a `range` of its children.
pub fn numberize(
&mut self,
id: SourceId,
range: Option<Range<usize>>,
within: Range<u64>,
) -> NumberingResult {
// Determine how many nodes we will number.
let descendants = match &range {
Some(range) if range.is_empty() => return Ok(()),
Some(range) => self.children[range.clone()]
None => self.descendants,
// Determine the distance between two neighbouring assigned numbers. If
// possible, we try to fit all numbers into the left half of `within`
// so that there is space for future insertions.
let space = within.end - within.start;
let mut stride = space / (2 * descendants as u64);
if stride == 0 {
stride = space / self.descendants as u64;
if stride == 0 {
return Err(Unnumberable);
// Number this node itself.
let mut start = within.start;
if range.is_none() {
let end = start + stride;
||||, start .. end)?;
self.upper = within.end;
start = end;
// Number the children.
let len = self.children.len();
for child in &mut self.children[range.unwrap_or(0 .. len)] {
let end = start + child.descendants() as u64 * stride;
child.numberize(id, start .. end)?;
start = end;
/// The upper bound of assigned numbers in this subtree.
pub fn upper(&self) -> u64 {
/// If the span points into this node, convert it to a byte range.
pub fn range(&self, span: Span, mut offset: usize) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
// Check whether we found it.
if let Some(range) =, offset) {
return Some(range);
// The parent of a subtree has a smaller span number than all of its
// descendants. Therefore, we can bail out early if the target span's
// number is smaller than our number.
if span.number() < self.span().number() {
return None;
let mut children = self.children.iter().peekable();
while let Some(child) = {
// Every node in this child's subtree has a smaller span number than
// the next sibling. Therefore we only need to recurse if the next
// sibling's span number is larger than the target span's number.
if children
.map_or(true, |next| next.span().number() > span.number())
if let Some(range) = child.range(span, offset) {
return Some(range);
offset += child.len();
/// The node's children, mutably.
pub(crate) fn children_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [SyntaxNode] {
&mut self.children
/// Replaces a range of children with a replacement.
/// May have mutated the children if it returns `Err(_)`.
pub(crate) fn replace_children(
&mut self,
mut range: Range<usize>,
replacement: Vec<SyntaxNode>,
) -> NumberingResult {
let superseded = &self.children[range.clone()];
// Compute the new byte length.
|||| =
+ replacement.iter().map(SyntaxNode::len).sum::<usize>()
- superseded.iter().map(SyntaxNode::len).sum::<usize>();
// Compute the new number of descendants.
self.descendants = self.descendants
+ replacement.iter().map(SyntaxNode::descendants).sum::<usize>()
- superseded.iter().map(SyntaxNode::descendants).sum::<usize>();
// Determine whether we're still erroneous after the replacement. That's
// the case if
// - any of the new nodes is erroneous,
// - or if we were erroneous before due to a non-superseded node.
self.erroneous = replacement.iter().any(SyntaxNode::erroneous)
|| (self.erroneous
&& (self.children[.. range.start].iter().any(SyntaxNode::erroneous))
|| self.children[range.end ..].iter().any(SyntaxNode::erroneous));
// Perform the replacement.
let replacement_count = replacement.len();
self.children.splice(range.clone(), replacement);
range.end = range.start + replacement_count;
// Renumber the new children. Retries until it works, taking
// exponentially more children into account.
let mut left = 0;
let mut right = 0;
let max_left = range.start;
let max_right = self.children.len() - range.end;
loop {
let renumber = range.start - left .. range.end + right;
// The minimum assignable number is either
// - the upper bound of the node right before the to-be-renumbered
// children,
// - or this inner node's span number plus one if renumbering starts
// at the first child.
let start_number = renumber
.and_then(|i| self.children.get(i))
.map_or(self.span().number() + 1, |child| child.upper());
// The upper bound for renumbering is either
// - the span number of the first child after the to-be-renumbered
// children,
// - or this node's upper bound if renumbering ends behind the last
// child.
let end_number = self
.map_or(self.upper(), |next| next.span().number());
// Try to renumber.
let within = start_number .. end_number;
let id = self.span().source();
if self.numberize(id, Some(renumber), within).is_ok() {
return Ok(());
// If it didn't even work with all children, we give up.
if left == max_left && right == max_right {
return Err(Unnumberable);
// Exponential expansion to both sides.
left = (left + 1).next_power_of_two().min(max_left);
right = (right + 1).next_power_of_two().min(max_right);
/// Update this node after changes were made to one of its children.
pub(crate) fn update_parent(
&mut self,
prev_len: usize,
new_len: usize,
prev_descendants: usize,
new_descendants: usize,
) {
|||| = + new_len - prev_len;
self.descendants = self.descendants + new_descendants - prev_descendants;
self.erroneous = self.children.iter().any(SyntaxNode::erroneous);
impl From<InnerNode> for SyntaxNode {
fn from(node: InnerNode) -> Self {
impl From<Arc<InnerNode>> for SyntaxNode {
fn from(node: Arc<InnerNode>) -> Self {
impl Debug for InnerNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if !self.children.is_empty() {
f.write_str(" ")?;
impl PartialEq for InnerNode {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
|||| ==
&& self.descendants == other.descendants
&& self.erroneous == other.erroneous
&& self.children == other.children
/// Data shared between inner and leaf nodes.
#[derive(Clone, Hash)]
pub struct NodeData {
/// What kind of node this is (each kind would have its own struct in a
/// strongly typed AST).
pub(super) kind: NodeKind,
/// The byte length of the node in the source.
len: usize,
/// The node's span.
span: Span,
impl NodeData {
/// Create new node metadata.
pub fn new(kind: NodeKind, len: usize) -> Self {
Self { len, kind, span: Span::detached() }
/// The node's type.
pub fn kind(&self) -> &NodeKind {
/// The node's length.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// The node's span.
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
/// Set a synthetic span for the node.
pub fn synthesize(&mut self, span: Span) {
self.span = span;
/// Assign a span to the node.
pub fn numberize(&mut self, id: SourceId, within: Range<u64>) -> NumberingResult {
if within.start < within.end {
self.span = Span::new(id, (within.start + within.end) / 2);
} else {
/// If the span points into this node, convert it to a byte range.
pub fn range(&self, span: Span, offset: usize) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
(self.span == span).then(|| offset .. offset + self.len())
impl From<NodeData> for SyntaxNode {
fn from(token: NodeData) -> Self {
impl Debug for NodeData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}: {}", self.kind, self.len)
impl PartialEq for NodeData {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.kind == other.kind && self.len == other.len
@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Range;
use super::{TokenMode, Tokens};
use crate::syntax::{ErrorPos, InnerNode, NodeData, NodeKind, SyntaxNode};
use super::{ErrorPos, InnerNode, NodeData, NodeKind, SyntaxNode, TokenMode, Tokens};
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// A convenient token-based parser.
@ -1,18 +1,10 @@
//! Parsing and tokenization.
mod incremental;
mod parser;
mod resolve;
mod tokens;
pub use incremental::*;
pub use parser::*;
pub use tokens::*;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use crate::syntax::ast::{Assoc, BinOp, UnOp};
use crate::syntax::{ErrorPos, NodeKind, SyntaxNode};
use super::ast::{Assoc, BinOp, UnOp};
use super::{
ErrorPos, Group, Marker, NodeKind, ParseError, ParseResult, Parser, SyntaxNode,
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// Parse a source file.
@ -32,7 +24,7 @@ pub fn parse_code(text: &str) -> SyntaxNode {
/// Reparse a code block.
/// Returns `Some` if all of the input was consumed.
fn reparse_code_block(
pub(crate) fn reparse_code_block(
prefix: &str,
text: &str,
end_pos: usize,
@ -56,7 +48,7 @@ fn reparse_code_block(
/// Reparse a content block.
/// Returns `Some` if all of the input was consumed.
fn reparse_content_block(
pub(crate) fn reparse_content_block(
prefix: &str,
text: &str,
end_pos: usize,
@ -80,7 +72,7 @@ fn reparse_content_block(
/// Reparse a sequence markup elements without the topmost node.
/// Returns `Some` if all of the input was consumed.
fn reparse_markup_elements(
pub(crate) fn reparse_markup_elements(
prefix: &str,
text: &str,
end_pos: usize,
@ -1146,21 +1138,3 @@ fn body(p: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult {
mod tests {
use std::fmt::Debug;
pub fn check<T>(text: &str, found: T, expected: T)
T: Debug + PartialEq,
if found != expected {
println!("source: {text:?}");
println!("expected: {expected:#?}");
println!("found: {found:#?}");
panic!("test failed");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
use unscanny::Scanner;
use super::{is_ident, is_newline};
use crate::syntax::RawKind;
use super::{is_ident, is_newline, RawKind};
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// Resolve all escape sequences in a string.
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ use comemo::Prehashed;
use unscanny::Scanner;
use crate::diag::SourceResult;
use crate::parse::{is_newline, parse, reparse};
use crate::syntax::ast::Markup;
use crate::syntax::{is_newline, parse, reparse};
use crate::syntax::{Span, SyntaxNode};
use crate::util::{PathExt, StrExt};
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter};
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use std::ops::Range;
use crate::syntax::SourceId;
use super::SourceId;
/// A value with a span locating it in the source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ impl<T: Debug> Debug for Spanned<T> {
/// A unique identifier for a syntax node.
/// This is used throughout the compiler to track which source section an error
/// or element stems from. Can be [mapped back](crate::source::Source::range)
/// to a byte range for user facing display.
/// or element stems from. Can be [mapped back](super::Source::range) to a byte
/// range for user facing display.
/// Span ids are ordered in the tree to enable quickly finding the node with
/// some id:
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ use unicode_xid::UnicodeXID;
use unscanny::Scanner;
use super::resolve::{resolve_hex, resolve_raw, resolve_string};
use super::{ErrorPos, NodeKind, RawKind, Unit};
use crate::geom::{AngleUnit, LengthUnit};
use crate::syntax::{ErrorPos, NodeKind, RawKind, Unit};
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// An iterator over the tokens of a string of source code.
@ -710,8 +710,8 @@ fn is_math_id_continue(c: char) -> bool {
mod tests {
use super::super::tests::check;
use super::*;
use crate::parse::tests::check;
use ErrorPos::*;
use NodeKind::*;
@ -15,15 +15,13 @@ use unscanny::Scanner;
use walkdir::WalkDir;
use typst::diag::{FileError, FileResult};
use typst::eval::{Smart, Value};
use typst::font::{Font, FontBook};
use typst::frame::{Element, Frame};
use typst::geom::{Length, RgbaColor, Sides};
use typst::library::layout::PageNode;
use typst::library::text::{TextNode, TextSize};
use typst::model::StyleMap;
use typst::source::{Source, SourceId};
use typst::syntax::SyntaxNode;
use typst::model::{Smart, StyleMap, Value};
use typst::syntax::{Source, SourceId, SyntaxNode};
use typst::util::{Buffer, PathExt};
use typst::{bail, Config, World};
Reference in New Issue
Block a user