Make all nodes into classes
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,48 +7,82 @@ use syn::parse_quote;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{Error, Result};
/// Generate node properties.
/// Turn a node into a class.
pub fn properties(_: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
pub fn class(_: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let impl_block = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemImpl);
expand(impl_block).unwrap_or_else(|err| err.to_compile_error()).into()
/// Expand a property impl block for a node.
/// Expand an impl block for a node.
fn expand(mut impl_block: syn::ItemImpl) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
// Split the node type into name and generic type arguments.
let params = &impl_block.generics.params;
let self_ty = &*impl_block.self_ty;
let (self_name, self_args) = parse_self(self_ty)?;
// Rewrite the const items from values to keys.
let mut modules = vec![];
for item in &mut impl_block.items {
if let syn::ImplItem::Const(item) = item {
let module = process_const(
let module = quote::format_ident!("{}_types", self_name);
let mut key_modules = vec![];
let mut construct = None;
let mut set = None;
for item in std::mem::take(&mut impl_block.items) {
match item {
syn::ImplItem::Const(mut item) => {
&mut item, params, self_ty, &self_name, &self_args,
syn::ImplItem::Method(method) => {
match method.sig.ident.to_string().as_str() {
"construct" => construct = Some(method),
"set" => set = Some(method),
_ => return Err(Error::new(method.span(), "unexpected method")),
_ => return Err(Error::new(item.span(), "unexpected item")),
let construct =
construct.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(impl_block.span(), "missing constructor"))?;
let set = if impl_block.items.is_empty() {
set.unwrap_or_else(|| {
parse_quote! {
fn set(_: &mut Args, _: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
} else {
set.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(impl_block.span(), "missing set method"))?
// Put everything into a module with a hopefully unique type to isolate
// it from the outside.
let module = quote::format_ident!("{}_types", self_name);
Ok(quote! {
mod #module {
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use crate::eval::{Nonfolding, Property};
use crate::eval::{Construct, Nonfolding, Property, Set};
use super::*;
impl<#params> Construct for #self_ty {
impl<#params> Set for #self_ty {
@ -82,7 +116,7 @@ fn parse_self(self_ty: &syn::Type) -> Result<(String, Vec<&syn::Type>)> {
/// Process a single const item.
fn process_const(
item: &mut syn::ImplItemConst,
impl_generics: &syn::Generics,
params: &syn::punctuated::Punctuated<syn::GenericParam, syn::Token![,]>,
self_ty: &syn::Type,
self_name: &str,
self_args: &[&syn::Type],
@ -95,7 +129,6 @@ fn process_const(
let value_ty = &item.ty;
// ... but the real type of the const becomes Key<#key_args>.
let key_params = &impl_generics.params;
let key_args = quote! { #value_ty #(, #self_args)* };
// The display name, e.g. `TextNode::STRONG`.
@ -107,7 +140,7 @@ fn process_const(
let mut folder = None;
let mut nonfolding = Some(quote! {
impl<#key_params> Nonfolding for Key<#key_args> {}
impl<#params> Nonfolding for Key<#key_args> {}
// Look for a folding function like `#[fold(u64::add)]`.
@ -132,16 +165,16 @@ fn process_const(
mod #module_name {
use super::*;
pub struct Key<T, #key_params>(pub PhantomData<(T, #key_args)>);
pub struct Key<VALUE, #params>(pub PhantomData<(VALUE, #key_args)>);
impl<#key_params> Copy for Key<#key_args> {}
impl<#key_params> Clone for Key<#key_args> {
impl<#params> Copy for Key<#key_args> {}
impl<#params> Clone for Key<#key_args> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<#key_params> Property for Key<#key_args> {
impl<#params> Property for Key<#key_args> {
type Value = #value_ty;
const NAME: &'static str = #name;
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ impl Eval for ListNode {
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
Ok(Node::block(library::ListNode {
child: self.body().eval(ctx)?.into_block(),
labelling: library::Unordered,
kind: library::Unordered,
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ impl Eval for EnumNode {
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
Ok(Node::block(library::ListNode {
child: self.body().eval(ctx)?.into_block(),
labelling: library::Ordered(self.number()),
kind: library::Ordered(self.number()),
@ -450,6 +450,7 @@ impl Eval for CallExpr {
type Output = Value;
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
let span = self.callee().span();
let callee = self.callee().eval(ctx)?;
let mut args = self.args().eval(ctx)?;
@ -470,13 +471,14 @@ impl Eval for CallExpr {
Value::Class(class) => {
let node = class.construct(ctx, &mut args)?;
let point = || Tracepoint::Call(Some(;
let node = class.construct(ctx, &mut args).trace(point, self.span())?;
v => bail!(
"expected callable or collection, found {}",
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use crate::diag::StrResult;
use crate::geom::SpecAxis;
use crate::layout::{Layout, PackedNode, RootNode};
use crate::library::{
FlowChild, FlowNode, PageNode, ParChild, ParNode, PlacedNode, SpacingKind, TextNode,
FlowChild, FlowNode, PageNode, ParChild, ParNode, PlaceNode, SpacingKind, TextNode,
use crate::util::EcoString;
@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ impl Node {
/// Style this node with a full style map.
pub fn styled_with_map(mut self, styles: StyleMap) -> Self {
if styles.is_empty() {
return self;
if let Self::Sequence(vec) = &mut self {
if let [styled] = vec.as_mut_slice() {
@ -193,7 +197,7 @@ impl Packer {
/// Finish up and return the resulting flow.
fn into_block(mut self) -> PackedNode {
self.parbreak(None, false);
@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ impl Packer {
Node::Space => {
// A text space is "soft", meaning that it can be eaten up by
// adjacent line breaks or explicit spacings.
self.par.last.soft(Styled::new(ParChild::text(' '), styles));
self.par.last.soft(Styled::new(ParChild::text(' '), styles), false);
Node::Linebreak => {
// A line break eats up surrounding text spaces.
@ -222,12 +226,12 @@ impl Packer {
// styles (`Some(_)`) whereas paragraph breaks forced by
// incompatibility take their styles from the preceding
// paragraph.
self.parbreak(Some(styles), true);
Node::Colbreak => {
// Explicit column breaks end the current paragraph and then
// discards the paragraph break.
self.parbreak(None, false);
self.flow.children.push(Styled::new(FlowChild::Skip, styles));
@ -252,7 +256,7 @@ impl Packer {
Node::Spacing(SpecAxis::Vertical, kind) => {
// Explicit vertical spacing ends the current paragraph and then
// discards the paragraph break.
self.parbreak(None, false);
self.flow.children.push(Styled::new(FlowChild::Spacing(kind), styles));
@ -284,14 +288,15 @@ impl Packer {
/// Insert an inline-level element into the current paragraph.
fn push_inline(&mut self, child: Styled<ParChild>) {
if let Some(styled) = self.par.last.any() {
// The node must be both compatible with the current page and the
// current paragraph.
if let Some(styled) = self.par.last.any() {
@ -314,13 +319,13 @@ impl Packer {
/// Insert a block-level element into the current flow.
fn push_block(&mut self, node: Styled<PackedNode>) {
let placed =<PlacedNode>();
let placed =<PlaceNode>();
self.parbreak(Some(, false);
self.parbreak(None, false);
// Prevent paragraph spacing between the placed node and the paragraph
// below it.
@ -330,18 +335,13 @@ impl Packer {
/// Advance to the next paragraph.
fn parbreak(&mut self, break_styles: Option<StyleMap>) {
fn parbreak(&mut self, break_styles: Option<StyleMap>, important: bool) {
// Erase any styles that will be inherited anyway.
let Builder { mut children, styles, .. } = mem::take(&mut self.par);
for Styled { map, .. } in &mut children {
// For explicit paragraph breaks, `break_styles` is already `Some(_)`.
// For page breaks due to incompatibility, we fall back to the styles
// of the preceding paragraph.
let break_styles = break_styles.unwrap_or_else(|| styles.clone());
// We don't want empty paragraphs.
if !children.is_empty() {
// The paragraph's children are all compatible with the page, so the
@ -352,14 +352,30 @@ impl Packer {
self.flow.children.push(Styled::new(FlowChild::Node(par), styles));
// Actually styled breaks have precedence over whatever was before.
if break_styles.is_some() {
if let Last::Soft(_, false) = self.flow.last {
self.flow.last = Last::Any;
// For explicit paragraph breaks, `break_styles` is already `Some(_)`.
// For page breaks due to incompatibility, we fall back to the styles
// of the preceding thing.
let break_styles = break_styles
.or_else(|| self.flow.children.last().map(|styled|
// Insert paragraph spacing.
self.flow.last.soft(Styled::new(FlowChild::Break, break_styles));
.soft(Styled::new(FlowChild::Break, break_styles), important);
/// Advance to the next page.
fn pagebreak(&mut self) {
if {
self.parbreak(None, false);
// Take the flow and erase any styles that will be inherited anyway.
let Builder { mut children, styles, .. } = mem::take(&mut self.flow);
@ -381,7 +397,7 @@ impl Packer {
if !self.par.styles.compatible::<ParNode>(styles) {
self.parbreak(Some(styles.clone()), false);
self.par.styles = styles.clone();
@ -441,8 +457,10 @@ enum Last<N> {
/// Hard nodes: Linebreaks and explicit spacing.
/// Soft nodes: Word spaces and paragraph breaks. These are saved here
/// temporarily and then applied once an `Any` node appears.
/// temporarily and then applied once an `Any` node appears. The boolean
/// says whether this soft node is "important" and preferrable to other soft
/// nodes (that is the case for explicit paragraph breaks).
Soft(N, bool),
impl<N> Last<N> {
@ -450,16 +468,19 @@ impl<N> Last<N> {
/// now if currently in `Soft` state.
fn any(&mut self) -> Option<N> {
match mem::replace(self, Self::Any) {
Self::Soft(soft) => Some(soft),
Self::Soft(soft, _) => Some(soft),
_ => None,
/// Transition into the `Soft` state, but only if in `Any`. Otherwise, the
/// soft node is discarded.
fn soft(&mut self, soft: N) {
if let Self::Any = self {
*self = Self::Soft(soft);
fn soft(&mut self, soft: N, important: bool) {
if matches!(
(&self, important),
(Self::Any, _) | (Self::Soft(_, false), true)
) {
*self = Self::Soft(soft, important);
@ -397,7 +397,13 @@ primitive! { EcoString: "string", Str }
primitive! { Array: "array", Array }
primitive! { Dict: "dictionary", Dict }
primitive! { Node: "template", Node }
primitive! { Function: "function", Func }
primitive! { Function: "function",
Class(v) => Function::new(
move |ctx, args| v.construct(ctx, args).map(Value::Node)
primitive! { Class: "class", Class }
impl Cast<Value> for Value {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ impl Transform {
/// A scaling transform.
pub const fn scaling(sx: Relative, sy: Relative) -> Self {
pub const fn scale(sx: Relative, sy: Relative) -> Self {
Self { sx, sy, ..Self::identity() }
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::eval::{StyleChain, Styled};
use crate::font::FontStore;
use crate::frame::Frame;
use crate::geom::{Align, Linear, Point, Sides, Size, Spec, Transform};
use crate::geom::{Align, Linear, Point, Sides, Size, Spec};
use crate::image::ImageStore;
use crate::library::{AlignNode, PadNode, PageNode, SizedNode, TransformNode};
use crate::library::{AlignNode, Move, PadNode, PageNode, SizedNode, TransformNode};
use crate::Context;
/// The root layout node, a document consisting of top-level page runs.
@ -177,13 +177,12 @@ impl PackedNode {
/// Transform this node's contents without affecting layout.
pub fn moved(self, offset: Point) -> Self {
self.transformed(Transform::translation(offset.x, offset.y), Align::LEFT_TOP)
/// Transform this node's contents without affecting layout.
pub fn transformed(self, transform: Transform, origin: Spec<Align>) -> Self {
if !transform.is_identity() {
TransformNode { transform, origin, child: self }.pack()
if !offset.is_zero() {
TransformNode {
kind: Move(offset.x, offset.y),
child: self,
} else {
@ -3,14 +3,7 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use super::ParNode;
/// `align`: Configure the alignment along the layouting axes.
pub fn align(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let aligns: Spec<_> = args.find().unwrap_or_default();
let body: PackedNode = args.expect("body")?;
/// A node that aligns its child.
/// Align a node along the layouting axes.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct AlignNode {
/// How to align the node horizontally and vertically.
@ -19,6 +12,15 @@ pub struct AlignNode {
pub child: PackedNode,
impl AlignNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let aligns: Spec<_> = args.find().unwrap_or_default();
let body: PackedNode = args.expect("body")?;
impl Layout for AlignNode {
fn layout(
@ -3,32 +3,34 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use super::ParNode;
/// `columns`: Set content into multiple columns.
pub fn columns(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
Ok(Value::block(ColumnsNode {
columns: args.expect("column count")?,
gutter: args.named("gutter")?.unwrap_or(Relative::new(0.04).into()),
child: args.expect("body")?,
/// `colbreak`: Start a new column.
pub fn colbreak(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// A node that separates a region into multiple equally sized columns.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ColumnsNode {
/// How many columns there should be.
pub columns: NonZeroUsize,
/// The size of the gutter space between each column.
pub gutter: Linear,
/// The child to be layouted into the columns. Most likely, this should be a
/// flow or stack node.
pub child: PackedNode,
impl ColumnsNode {
/// The size of the gutter space between each column.
pub const GUTTER: Linear = Relative::new(0.04).into();
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
Ok(Node::block(Self {
columns: args.expect("column count")?,
child: args.expect("body")?,
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
styles.set_opt(Self::GUTTER, args.named("gutter")?);
impl Layout for ColumnsNode {
fn layout(
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ impl Layout for ColumnsNode {
.take(1 + regions.backlog.len() + regions.last.iter().len())
let gutter = self.gutter.resolve(base.x);
let gutter = styles.get(Self::GUTTER).resolve(base.x);
let width = (current.x - gutter * (columns - 1) as f64) / columns as f64;
let size = Size::new(width, current.y);
@ -131,3 +133,13 @@ impl Layout for ColumnsNode {
/// A column break.
pub struct ColbreakNode;
impl ColbreakNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
//! Text decorations.
use super::prelude::*;
use super::TextNode;
/// Typeset underline, striken-through or overlined text.
pub struct DecoNode<L: LineKind>(pub L);
impl<L: LineKind> DecoNode<L> {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let deco = Decoration {
line: L::LINE,
stroke: args.named("stroke")?.or_else(|| args.find()),
thickness: args.named::<Linear>("thickness")?.or_else(|| args.find()),
offset: args.named("offset")?,
extent: args.named("extent")?.unwrap_or_default(),
Ok(args.expect::<Node>("body")?.styled(TextNode::LINES, vec![deco]))
/// Defines a line that is positioned over, under or on top of text.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Decoration {
/// Which line to draw.
pub line: DecoLine,
/// Stroke color of the line, defaults to the text color if `None`.
pub stroke: Option<Paint>,
/// Thickness of the line's strokes (dependent on scaled font size), read
/// from the font tables if `None`.
pub thickness: Option<Linear>,
/// Position of the line relative to the baseline (dependent on scaled font
/// size), read from the font tables if `None`.
pub offset: Option<Linear>,
/// Amount that the line will be longer or shorter than its associated text
/// (dependent on scaled font size).
pub extent: Linear,
/// The kind of decorative line.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum DecoLine {
/// A line under text.
/// A line through text.
/// A line over text.
/// Differents kinds of decorative lines for text.
pub trait LineKind {
const LINE: DecoLine;
/// A line under text.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Underline;
impl LineKind for Underline {
const LINE: DecoLine = DecoLine::Underline;
/// A line through text.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Strikethrough;
impl LineKind for Strikethrough {
const LINE: DecoLine = DecoLine::Strikethrough;
/// A line over text.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Overline;
impl LineKind for Overline {
const LINE: DecoLine = DecoLine::Overline;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{AlignNode, ParNode, PlacedNode, SpacingKind, TextNode};
use super::{AlignNode, ParNode, PlaceNode, SpacingKind, TextNode};
/// A vertical flow of content consisting of paragraphs and other layout nodes.
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ impl<'a> FlowLayouter<'a> {
) {
// Placed nodes that are out of flow produce placed items which aren't
// aligned later.
if let Some(placed) = node.downcast::<PlacedNode>() {
if let Some(placed) = node.downcast::<PlaceNode>() {
if placed.out_of_flow() {
let frame = node.layout(ctx, &self.regions, styles).remove(0);
@ -2,23 +2,6 @@
use super::prelude::*;
/// `grid`: Arrange children into a grid.
pub fn grid(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let columns = args.named("columns")?.unwrap_or_default();
let rows = args.named("rows")?.unwrap_or_default();
let base_gutter: Vec<TrackSizing> = args.named("gutter")?.unwrap_or_default();
let column_gutter = args.named("column-gutter")?;
let row_gutter = args.named("row-gutter")?;
Ok(Value::block(GridNode {
tracks: Spec::new(columns, rows),
gutter: Spec::new(
column_gutter.unwrap_or_else(|| base_gutter.clone()),
children: args.all().collect(),
/// A node that arranges its children in a grid.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct GridNode {
@ -30,6 +13,25 @@ pub struct GridNode {
pub children: Vec<PackedNode>,
impl GridNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let columns = args.named("columns")?.unwrap_or_default();
let rows = args.named("rows")?.unwrap_or_default();
let base_gutter: Vec<TrackSizing> = args.named("gutter")?.unwrap_or_default();
let column_gutter = args.named("column-gutter")?;
let row_gutter = args.named("row-gutter")?;
Ok(Node::block(Self {
tracks: Spec::new(columns, rows),
gutter: Spec::new(
column_gutter.unwrap_or_else(|| base_gutter.clone()),
children: args.all().collect(),
impl Layout for GridNode {
fn layout(
@ -13,25 +13,21 @@ pub struct HeadingNode {
pub child: PackedNode,
impl HeadingNode {
/// The heading's font family.
pub const FAMILY: Smart<FontFamily> = Smart::Auto;
/// The fill color of text in the heading. Just the surrounding text color
/// if `auto`.
pub const FILL: Smart<Paint> = Smart::Auto;
impl Construct for HeadingNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
Ok(Node::block(Self {
child: args.expect("body")?,
level: args.named("level")?.unwrap_or(1),
impl Set for HeadingNode {
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
styles.set_opt(Self::FAMILY, args.named("family")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::FILL, args.named("fill")?);
@ -1,45 +1,41 @@
//! Raster and vector graphics.
use std::io;
use super::prelude::*;
use super::TextNode;
use crate::diag::Error;
use crate::image::ImageId;
/// `image`: An image.
pub fn image(ctx: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
// Load the image.
let path = args.expect::<Spanned<EcoString>>("path to image file")?;
let full = ctx.make_path(&path.v);
let id = ctx.images.load(&full).map_err(|err| {
Error::boxed(path.span, match err.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => "file not found".into(),
_ => format!("failed to load image ({})", err),
let width = args.named("width")?;
let height = args.named("height")?;
let fit = args.named("fit")?.unwrap_or_default();
ImageNode { id, fit }.pack().sized(Spec::new(width, height)),
/// An image node.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ImageNode {
/// The id of the image file.
pub id: ImageId,
/// How the image should adjust itself to a given area.
pub fit: ImageFit,
pub struct ImageNode(pub ImageId);
impl ImageNode {
/// An URL the image should link to.
pub const LINK: Option<String> = None;
/// How the image should adjust itself to a given area.
pub const FIT: ImageFit = ImageFit::Cover;
fn construct(ctx: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let path = args.expect::<Spanned<EcoString>>("path to image file")?;
let full = ctx.make_path(&path.v);
let id = ctx.images.load(&full).map_err(|err| {
Error::boxed(path.span, match err.kind() {
std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => "file not found".into(),
_ => format!("failed to load image ({})", err),
let width = args.named("width")?;
let height = args.named("height")?;
ImageNode(id).pack().sized(Spec::new(width, height)),
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
styles.set_opt(Self::FIT, args.named("fit")?);
impl Layout for ImageNode {
@ -49,7 +45,7 @@ impl Layout for ImageNode {
regions: &Regions,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
let img = ctx.images.get(;
let img = ctx.images.get(self.0);
let pxw = img.width() as f64;
let pxh = img.height() as f64;
let px_ratio = pxw / pxh;
@ -70,10 +66,11 @@ impl Layout for ImageNode {
Size::new(Length::pt(pxw), Length::pt(pxh))
// The actual size of the fitted image.
let fitted = match {
// Compute the actual size of the fitted image.
let fit = styles.get(Self::FIT);
let fitted = match fit {
ImageFit::Cover | ImageFit::Contain => {
if wide == ( == ImageFit::Contain) {
if wide == (fit == ImageFit::Contain) {
Size::new(target.x, target.x / px_ratio)
} else {
Size::new(target.y * px_ratio, target.y)
@ -86,16 +83,16 @@ impl Layout for ImageNode {
// the frame to the target size, center aligning the image in the
// process.
let mut frame = Frame::new(fitted);
frame.push(Point::zero(), Element::Image(, fitted));
frame.push(Point::zero(), Element::Image(self.0, fitted));
frame.resize(target, Align::CENTER_HORIZON);
// Create a clipping group if only part of the image should be visible.
if == ImageFit::Cover && !target.fits(fitted) {
if fit == ImageFit::Cover && !target.fits(fitted) {
// Apply link if it exists.
if let Some(url) = styles.get_ref(Self::LINK) {
if let Some(url) = styles.get_ref(TextNode::LINK) {
@ -114,12 +111,6 @@ pub enum ImageFit {
impl Default for ImageFit {
fn default() -> Self {
castable! {
Expected: "string",
@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
//! Hyperlinking.
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{ImageNode, ShapeNode, TextNode};
use super::TextNode;
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// `link`: Link text and other elements to an URL.
pub fn link(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let url: String = args.expect::<EcoString>("url")?.into();
let body = args.find().unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut text = url.as_str();
for prefix in ["mailto:", "tel:"] {
text = text.trim_start_matches(prefix);
/// Link text and other elements to an URL.
pub struct LinkNode;
let mut map = StyleMap::new();
map.set(TextNode::LINK, Some(url.clone()));
map.set(ImageNode::LINK, Some(url.clone()));
map.set(ShapeNode::LINK, Some(url));
impl LinkNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let url: String = args.expect::<EcoString>("url")?.into();
let body = args.find().unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut text = url.as_str();
for prefix in ["mailto:", "tel:"] {
text = text.trim_start_matches(prefix);
Ok(body.styled(TextNode::LINK, Some(url)))
@ -1,37 +1,31 @@
//! Unordered (bulleted) and ordered (numbered) lists.
use std::hash::Hash;
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{GridNode, TextNode, TrackSizing};
/// An unordered or ordered list.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ListNode<L> {
pub struct ListNode<L: ListKind> {
/// The list labelling style -- unordered or ordered.
pub kind: L,
/// The node that produces the item's body.
pub child: PackedNode,
/// The list labelling style -- unordered or ordered.
pub labelling: L,
impl<L: Labelling> ListNode<L> {
impl<L: ListKind> ListNode<L> {
/// The indentation of each item's label.
pub const LABEL_INDENT: Linear = Relative::new(0.0).into();
/// The space between the label and the body of each item.
pub const BODY_INDENT: Linear = Relative::new(0.5).into();
impl<L: Labelling> Construct for ListNode<L> {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
.map(|child: PackedNode| Node::block(Self { child, labelling: L::default() }))
.map(|child: PackedNode| Node::block(Self { kind: L::default(), child }))
impl<L: Labelling> Set for ListNode<L> {
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
styles.set_opt(Self::LABEL_INDENT, args.named("label-indent")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::BODY_INDENT, args.named("body-indent")?);
@ -39,7 +33,7 @@ impl<L: Labelling> Set for ListNode<L> {
impl<L: Labelling> Layout for ListNode<L> {
impl<L: ListKind> Layout for ListNode<L> {
fn layout(
ctx: &mut LayoutContext,
@ -60,7 +54,7 @@ impl<L: Labelling> Layout for ListNode<L> {
gutter: Spec::default(),
children: vec![
@ -71,7 +65,7 @@ impl<L: Labelling> Layout for ListNode<L> {
/// How to label a list.
pub trait Labelling: Debug + Default + Hash + 'static {
pub trait ListKind: Debug + Default + Hash + 'static {
/// Return the item's label.
fn label(&self) -> EcoString;
@ -80,7 +74,7 @@ pub trait Labelling: Debug + Default + Hash + 'static {
#[derive(Debug, Default, Hash)]
pub struct Unordered;
impl Labelling for Unordered {
impl ListKind for Unordered {
fn label(&self) -> EcoString {
@ -90,7 +84,7 @@ impl Labelling for Unordered {
#[derive(Debug, Default, Hash)]
pub struct Ordered(pub Option<usize>);
impl Labelling for Ordered {
impl ListKind for Ordered {
fn label(&self) -> EcoString {
format_eco!("{}.", self.0.unwrap_or(1))
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
pub mod align;
pub mod columns;
pub mod deco;
pub mod flow;
pub mod grid;
pub mod heading;
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ pub mod utility;
pub use self::image::*;
pub use align::*;
pub use columns::*;
pub use deco::*;
pub use flow::*;
pub use grid::*;
pub use heading::*;
@ -56,8 +58,9 @@ prelude! {
pub use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
pub use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
pub use std::rc::Rc;
pub use std::hash::Hash;
pub use typst_macros::properties;
pub use typst_macros::class;
pub use crate::diag::{At, TypResult};
pub use crate::eval::{
@ -81,41 +84,39 @@ pub fn new() -> Scope {
// Structure and semantics.
std.def_func("underline", underline);
std.def_func("strike", strike);
std.def_func("overline", overline);
std.def_func("link", link);
std.def_func("image", image);
std.def_func("rect", rect);
std.def_func("square", square);
std.def_func("ellipse", ellipse);
std.def_func("circle", circle);
// Layout.
std.def_func("h", h);
std.def_func("v", v);
std.def_func("box", box_);
std.def_func("block", block);
std.def_func("align", align);
std.def_func("pad", pad);
std.def_func("place", place);
std.def_func("move", move_);
std.def_func("scale", scale);
std.def_func("rotate", rotate);
std.def_func("stack", stack);
std.def_func("grid", grid);
std.def_func("columns", columns);
// Breaks.
std.def_func("pagebreak", pagebreak);
std.def_func("colbreak", colbreak);
std.def_func("parbreak", parbreak);
std.def_func("linebreak", linebreak);
// Utility functions.
std.def_func("assert", assert);
@ -2,25 +2,7 @@
use super::prelude::*;
/// `pad`: Pad content at the sides.
pub fn pad(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let all = args.find();
let left = args.named("left")?;
let top = args.named("top")?;
let right = args.named("right")?;
let bottom = args.named("bottom")?;
let body: PackedNode = args.expect("body")?;
let padding = Sides::new(
/// A node that adds padding to its child.
/// Pad content at the sides.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct PadNode {
/// The amount of padding.
@ -29,6 +11,26 @@ pub struct PadNode {
pub child: PackedNode,
impl PadNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let all = args.find();
let left = args.named("left")?;
let top = args.named("top")?;
let right = args.named("right")?;
let bottom = args.named("bottom")?;
let body: PackedNode = args.expect("body")?;
let padding = Sides::new(
impl Layout for PadNode {
fn layout(
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use super::ColumnsNode;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct PageNode(pub PackedNode);
impl PageNode {
/// The unflipped width of the page.
pub const WIDTH: Smart<Length> = Smart::Custom(Paper::default().width());
@ -32,17 +32,11 @@ impl PageNode {
pub const FILL: Option<Paint> = None;
/// How many columns the page has.
pub const COLUMNS: NonZeroUsize = NonZeroUsize::new(1).unwrap();
/// How much space is between the page's columns.
pub const COLUMN_GUTTER: Linear = Relative::new(0.04).into();
impl Construct for PageNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
impl Set for PageNode {
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
if let Some(paper) = args.named::<Paper>("paper")?.or_else(|| args.find()) {
styles.set(Self::CLASS, paper.class());
@ -69,7 +63,6 @@ impl Set for PageNode {
styles.set_opt(Self::FLIPPED, args.named("flipped")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::FILL, args.named("fill")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::COLUMNS, args.named("columns")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::COLUMN_GUTTER, args.named("column-gutter")?);
@ -102,12 +95,7 @@ impl PageNode {
// Realize columns with columns node.
let columns = styles.get(Self::COLUMNS);
if columns.get() > 1 {
child = ColumnsNode {
gutter: styles.get(Self::COLUMN_GUTTER),
child: self.0.clone(),
child = ColumnsNode { columns, child: self.0.clone() }.pack();
// Realize margins with padding node.
@ -142,9 +130,14 @@ impl Debug for PageNode {
/// `pagebreak`: Start a new page.
pub fn pagebreak(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// A page break.
pub struct PagebreakNode;
impl PagebreakNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
/// Specification of a paper.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use crate::util::{EcoString, RangeExt, RcExt, SliceExt};
pub struct ParNode(pub Vec<Styled<ParChild>>);
impl ParNode {
/// The direction for text and inline objects.
pub const DIR: Dir = Dir::LTR;
@ -25,9 +25,7 @@ impl ParNode {
pub const LEADING: Linear = Relative::new(0.65).into();
/// The spacing between paragraphs (dependent on scaled font size).
pub const SPACING: Linear = Relative::new(1.2).into();
impl Construct for ParNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
// The paragraph constructor is special: It doesn't create a paragraph
// since that happens automatically through markup. Instead, it just
@ -35,13 +33,8 @@ impl Construct for ParNode {
// adjacent stuff and it styles the contained paragraphs.
impl Set for ParNode {
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
let spacing = args.named("spacing")?;
let leading = args.named("leading")?;
let mut dir =
.map(|iso: EcoString| match iso.to_lowercase().as_str() {
@ -69,8 +62,8 @@ impl Set for ParNode {
styles.set_opt(Self::DIR, dir);
styles.set_opt(Self::ALIGN, align);
styles.set_opt(Self::LEADING, leading);
styles.set_opt(Self::SPACING, spacing);
styles.set_opt(Self::LEADING, args.named("leading")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::SPACING, args.named("spacing")?);
@ -166,14 +159,24 @@ impl Debug for ParChild {
/// `parbreak`: Start a new paragraph.
pub fn parbreak(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// A paragraph break.
pub struct ParbreakNode;
impl ParbreakNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
/// `linebreak`: Start a new line.
pub fn linebreak(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// A line break.
pub struct LinebreakNode;
impl LinebreakNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
/// A paragraph representation in which children are already layouted and text
@ -3,33 +3,24 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use super::AlignNode;
/// `place`: Place content at an absolute position.
pub fn place(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let aligns = args.find().unwrap_or(Spec::with_x(Some(Align::Left)));
let tx = args.named("dx")?.unwrap_or_default();
let ty = args.named("dy")?.unwrap_or_default();
let body: PackedNode = args.expect("body")?;
body.moved(Point::new(tx, ty)).aligned(aligns),
/// A node that places its child absolutely.
/// Place content at an absolute position.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct PlacedNode(pub PackedNode);
pub struct PlaceNode(pub PackedNode);
impl PlacedNode {
/// Whether this node wants to be placed relative to its its parent's base
/// origin. instead of relative to the parent's current flow/cursor
/// position.
pub fn out_of_flow(&self) -> bool {
.map_or(false, |node| node.aligns.y.is_some())
impl PlaceNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let aligns = args.find().unwrap_or(Spec::with_x(Some(Align::Left)));
let tx = args.named("dx")?.unwrap_or_default();
let ty = args.named("dy")?.unwrap_or_default();
let body: PackedNode = args.expect("body")?;
body.moved(Point::new(tx, ty)).aligned(aligns),
impl Layout for PlacedNode {
impl Layout for PlaceNode {
fn layout(
ctx: &mut LayoutContext,
@ -63,3 +54,14 @@ impl Layout for PlacedNode {
impl PlaceNode {
/// Whether this node wants to be placed relative to its its parent's base
/// origin. instead of relative to the parent's current flow/cursor
/// position.
pub fn out_of_flow(&self) -> bool {
.map_or(false, |node| node.aligns.y.is_some())
@ -3,110 +3,64 @@
use std::f64::consts::SQRT_2;
use super::prelude::*;
/// `rect`: A rectangle with optional content.
pub fn rect(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let width = args.named("width")?;
let height = args.named("height")?;
shape_impl(args, ShapeKind::Rect, width, height)
/// `square`: A square with optional content.
pub fn square(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let size = args.named::<Length>("size")?.map(Linear::from);
let width = match size {
None => args.named("width")?,
size => size,
let height = match size {
None => args.named("height")?,
size => size,
shape_impl(args, ShapeKind::Square, width, height)
/// `ellipse`: An ellipse with optional content.
pub fn ellipse(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let width = args.named("width")?;
let height = args.named("height")?;
shape_impl(args, ShapeKind::Ellipse, width, height)
/// `circle`: A circle with optional content.
pub fn circle(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let diameter = args.named("radius")?.map(|r: Length| 2.0 * Linear::from(r));
let width = match diameter {
None => args.named("width")?,
diameter => diameter,
let height = match diameter {
None => args.named("height")?,
diameter => diameter,
shape_impl(args, ShapeKind::Circle, width, height)
fn shape_impl(
args: &mut Args,
kind: ShapeKind,
width: Option<Linear>,
height: Option<Linear>,
) -> TypResult<Value> {
// The default appearance of a shape.
let default = Stroke {
paint: RgbaColor::BLACK.into(),
thickness: Length::pt(1.0),
// Parse fill & stroke.
let fill = args.named("fill")?.unwrap_or(None);
let stroke = match (args.named("stroke")?, args.named("thickness")?) {
(None, None) => fill.is_none().then(|| default),
(color, thickness) => color.unwrap_or(Some(default.paint)).map(|paint| Stroke {
thickness: thickness.unwrap_or(default.thickness),
// Shorthand for padding.
let mut padding = args.named::<Linear>("padding")?.unwrap_or_default();
// Padding with this ratio ensures that a rectangular child fits
// perfectly into a circle / an ellipse.
if kind.is_round() {
padding.rel += Relative::new(0.5 - SQRT_2 / 4.0);
// The shape's contents.
let child = args.find().map(|body: PackedNode| body.padded(Sides::splat(padding)));
ShapeNode { kind, fill, stroke, child }
.sized(Spec::new(width, height)),
use super::TextNode;
/// Places its child into a sizable and fillable shape.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ShapeNode {
pub struct ShapeNode<S: ShapeKind> {
/// Which shape to place the child into.
pub kind: ShapeKind,
/// How to fill the shape.
pub fill: Option<Paint>,
/// How the stroke the shape.
pub stroke: Option<Stroke>,
pub kind: S,
/// The child node to place into the shape, if any.
pub child: Option<PackedNode>,
impl ShapeNode {
/// An URL the shape should link to.
pub const LINK: Option<String> = None;
impl<S: ShapeKind> ShapeNode<S> {
/// How to fill the shape.
pub const FILL: Option<Paint> = None;
/// How the stroke the shape.
pub const STROKE: Smart<Option<Paint>> = Smart::Auto;
/// The stroke's thickness.
pub const THICKNESS: Length = Length::pt(1.0);
/// The How much to pad the shape's content.
pub const PADDING: Linear = Linear::zero();
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let size = if !S::ROUND && S::QUADRATIC {
} else if S::ROUND && S::QUADRATIC {
args.named("radius")?.map(|r: Length| 2.0 * Linear::from(r))
} else {
let width = match size {
None => args.named("width")?,
size => size,
let height = match size {
None => args.named("height")?,
size => size,
ShapeNode { kind: S::default(), child: args.find() }
.sized(Spec::new(width, height)),
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
styles.set_opt(Self::FILL, args.named("fill")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::STROKE, args.named("stroke")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::THICKNESS, args.named("thickness")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::PADDING, args.named("padding")?);
impl Layout for ShapeNode {
impl<S: ShapeKind> Layout for ShapeNode<S> {
fn layout(
ctx: &mut LayoutContext,
@ -115,12 +69,20 @@ impl Layout for ShapeNode {
) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
let mut frames;
if let Some(child) = &self.child {
let mut padding = styles.get(Self::PADDING);
if S::ROUND {
padding.rel += Relative::new(0.5 - SQRT_2 / 4.0);
// Pad the child.
let child = child.clone().padded(Sides::splat(padding));
let mut pod = Regions::one(regions.current, regions.base, regions.expand);
frames = child.layout(ctx, &pod, styles);
// Relayout with full expansion into square region to make sure
// the result is really a square or circle.
if self.kind.is_quadratic() {
let length = if regions.expand.x || regions.expand.y {
let target =, Size::zero());
@ -141,7 +103,7 @@ impl Layout for ShapeNode {
let mut size =
Size::new(Length::pt(45.0), Length::pt(30.0)).min(regions.current);
if self.kind.is_quadratic() {
let length = if regions.expand.x || regions.expand.y {
let target =, Size::zero());
@ -159,23 +121,26 @@ impl Layout for ShapeNode {
let frame = Rc::make_mut(&mut frames[0].item);
// Add fill and/or stroke.
if self.fill.is_some() || self.stroke.is_some() {
let geometry = match self.kind {
ShapeKind::Square | ShapeKind::Rect => Geometry::Rect(frame.size),
ShapeKind::Circle | ShapeKind::Ellipse => Geometry::Ellipse(frame.size),
let shape = Shape {
fill: self.fill,
stroke: self.stroke,
let fill = styles.get(Self::FILL);
let thickness = styles.get(Self::THICKNESS);
let stroke = styles
.unwrap_or(fill.is_none().then(|| RgbaColor::BLACK.into()))
.map(|paint| Stroke { paint, thickness });
if fill.is_some() || stroke.is_some() {
let geometry = if S::ROUND {
} else {
let shape = Shape { geometry, fill, stroke };
frame.prepend(Point::zero(), Element::Shape(shape));
// Apply link if it exists.
if let Some(url) = styles.get_ref(Self::LINK) {
if let Some(url) = styles.get_ref(TextNode::LINK) {
@ -183,27 +148,44 @@ impl Layout for ShapeNode {
/// The type of a shape.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum ShapeKind {
/// A rectangle with equal side lengths.
/// A quadrilateral with four right angles.
/// An ellipse with coinciding foci.
/// A curve around two focal points.
/// Categorizes shapes.
pub trait ShapeKind: Debug + Default + Hash + 'static {
const ROUND: bool;
const QUADRATIC: bool;
impl ShapeKind {
/// Whether the shape is curved.
pub fn is_round(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Circle | Self::Ellipse)
/// A rectangle with equal side lengths.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Square;
/// Whether the shape has a fixed 1-1 aspect ratio.
pub fn is_quadratic(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Square | Self::Circle)
impl ShapeKind for Square {
const ROUND: bool = false;
const QUADRATIC: bool = true;
/// A quadrilateral with four right angles.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Rect;
impl ShapeKind for Rect {
const ROUND: bool = false;
const QUADRATIC: bool = false;
/// An ellipse with coinciding foci.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Circle;
impl ShapeKind for Circle {
const ROUND: bool = true;
const QUADRATIC: bool = true;
/// A curve around two focal points.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Ellipse;
impl ShapeKind for Ellipse {
const ROUND: bool = true;
const QUADRATIC: bool = false;
@ -2,18 +2,27 @@
use super::prelude::*;
/// `box`: Size content and place it into a paragraph.
pub fn box_(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let width = args.named("width")?;
let height = args.named("height")?;
let body: PackedNode = args.find().unwrap_or_default();
Ok(Value::inline(body.sized(Spec::new(width, height))))
/// Size content and place it into a paragraph.
pub struct BoxNode;
impl BoxNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let width = args.named("width")?;
let height = args.named("height")?;
let body: PackedNode = args.find().unwrap_or_default();
Ok(Node::inline(body.sized(Spec::new(width, height))))
/// `block`: Place content into the flow.
pub fn block(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let body: PackedNode = args.find().unwrap_or_default();
/// Place content into a separate flow.
pub struct BlockNode;
impl BlockNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
/// A node that sizes its child.
@ -2,20 +2,24 @@
use super::prelude::*;
/// `h`: Horizontal spacing.
pub fn h(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// Horizontal spacing.
pub struct HNode;
impl HNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
Ok(Node::Spacing(SpecAxis::Horizontal, args.expect("spacing")?))
/// `v`: Vertical spacing.
pub fn v(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// Vertical spacing.
pub struct VNode;
impl VNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
Ok(Node::Spacing(SpecAxis::Vertical, args.expect("spacing")?))
/// Kinds of spacing.
@ -3,16 +3,7 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{AlignNode, SpacingKind};
/// `stack`: Stack children along an axis.
pub fn stack(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
Ok(Value::block(StackNode {
dir: args.named("dir")?.unwrap_or(Dir::TTB),
spacing: args.named("spacing")?,
children: args.all().collect(),
/// A node that stacks its children.
/// Stack children along an axis.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct StackNode {
/// The stacking direction.
@ -23,6 +14,17 @@ pub struct StackNode {
pub children: Vec<StackChild>,
impl StackNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
Ok(Node::block(Self {
dir: args.named("dir")?.unwrap_or(Dir::TTB),
spacing: args.named("spacing")?,
children: args.all().collect(),
impl Layout for StackNode {
fn layout(
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use rustybuzz::{Feature, UnicodeBuffer};
use ttf_parser::Tag;
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{DecoLine, Decoration};
use crate::font::{
Face, FaceId, FontStore, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontVariant, FontWeight,
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ use crate::util::{EcoString, SliceExt};
pub struct TextNode(pub EcoString);
impl TextNode {
/// A prioritized sequence of font families.
pub const FAMILY_LIST: Vec<FontFamily> = vec![FontFamily::SansSerif];
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ impl TextNode {
pub const FILL: Paint = RgbaColor::BLACK.into();
/// Decorative lines.
#[fold(|a, b| a.into_iter().chain(b).collect())]
pub const LINES: Vec<LineDecoration> = vec![];
pub const LINES: Vec<Decoration> = vec![];
/// An URL the text should link to.
pub const LINK: Option<String> = None;
@ -92,18 +93,14 @@ impl TextNode {
pub const FRACTIONS: bool = false;
/// Raw OpenType features to apply.
pub const FEATURES: Vec<(Tag, u32)> = vec![];
impl Construct for TextNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
// The text constructor is special: It doesn't create a text node.
// Instead, it leaves the passed argument structurally unchanged, but
// styles all text in it.
impl Set for TextNode {
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
let list = args.named("family")?.or_else(|| {
let families: Vec<_> = args.all().collect();
@ -382,60 +379,6 @@ castable! {
/// `strike`: Typeset striken-through text.
pub fn strike(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
line_impl(args, LineKind::Strikethrough)
/// `underline`: Typeset underlined text.
pub fn underline(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
line_impl(args, LineKind::Underline)
/// `overline`: Typeset text with an overline.
pub fn overline(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
line_impl(args, LineKind::Overline)
fn line_impl(args: &mut Args, kind: LineKind) -> TypResult<Value> {
let stroke = args.named("stroke")?.or_else(|| args.find());
let thickness = args.named::<Linear>("thickness")?.or_else(|| args.find());
let offset = args.named("offset")?;
let extent = args.named("extent")?.unwrap_or_default();
let body: Node = args.expect("body")?;
let deco = LineDecoration { kind, stroke, thickness, offset, extent };
Ok(Value::Node(body.styled(TextNode::LINES, vec![deco])))
/// Defines a line that is positioned over, under or on top of text.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct LineDecoration {
/// The kind of line.
pub kind: LineKind,
/// Stroke color of the line, defaults to the text color if `None`.
pub stroke: Option<Paint>,
/// Thickness of the line's strokes (dependent on scaled font size), read
/// from the font tables if `None`.
pub thickness: Option<Linear>,
/// Position of the line relative to the baseline (dependent on scaled font
/// size), read from the font tables if `None`.
pub offset: Option<Linear>,
/// Amount that the line will be longer or shorter than its associated text
/// (dependent on scaled font size).
pub extent: Linear,
/// The kind of line decoration.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum LineKind {
/// A line under text.
/// A line through text.
/// A line over text.
/// Shape text into [`ShapedText`].
pub fn shape<'a>(
fonts: &mut FontStore,
@ -848,23 +791,23 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
frame.push(pos, Element::Text(text));
// Apply line decorations.
for line in self.styles.get_cloned(TextNode::LINES) {
for deco in self.styles.get_cloned(TextNode::LINES) {
let face = fonts.get(face_id);
let metrics = match line.kind {
LineKind::Underline => face.underline,
LineKind::Strikethrough => face.strikethrough,
LineKind::Overline => face.overline,
let metrics = match deco.line {
DecoLine::Underline => face.underline,
DecoLine::Strikethrough => face.strikethrough,
DecoLine::Overline => face.overline,
let extent = line.extent.resolve(size);
let offset = line
let extent = deco.extent.resolve(size);
let offset = deco
.map(|s| s.resolve(size))
let stroke = Stroke {
paint: line.stroke.unwrap_or(fill),
thickness: line
paint: deco.stroke.unwrap_or(fill),
thickness: deco
.map(|s| s.resolve(size))
@ -3,64 +3,49 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use crate::geom::Transform;
/// `move`: Move content without affecting layout.
pub fn move_(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let tx = args.named("x")?.unwrap_or_default();
let ty = args.named("y")?.unwrap_or_default();
let transform = Transform::translation(tx, ty);
transform_impl(args, transform)
/// `scale`: Scale content without affecting layout.
pub fn scale(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let all = args.find();
let sx = args.named("x")?.or(all).unwrap_or(Relative::one());
let sy = args.named("y")?.or(all).unwrap_or(Relative::one());
let transform = Transform::scaling(sx, sy);
transform_impl(args, transform)
/// `rotate`: Rotate content without affecting layout.
pub fn rotate(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let angle = args.named("angle")?.or_else(|| args.find()).unwrap_or_default();
let transform = Transform::rotation(angle);
transform_impl(args, transform)
fn transform_impl(args: &mut Args, transform: Transform) -> TypResult<Value> {
let body: PackedNode = args.expect("body")?;
let origin = args
Ok(Value::inline(body.transformed(transform, origin)))
/// A node that transforms its child without affecting layout.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct TransformNode {
pub struct TransformNode<T: TransformKind> {
/// Transformation to apply to the contents.
pub transform: Transform,
/// The origin of the transformation.
pub origin: Spec<Align>,
pub kind: T,
/// The node whose contents should be transformed.
pub child: PackedNode,
impl Layout for TransformNode {
impl<T: TransformKind> TransformNode<T> {
/// The origin of the transformation.
pub const ORIGIN: Spec<Option<Align>> = Spec::default();
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
Ok(Node::inline(Self {
kind: T::construct(args)?,
child: args.expect("body")?,
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut StyleMap) -> TypResult<()> {
styles.set_opt(Self::ORIGIN, args.named("origin")?);
impl<T: TransformKind> Layout for TransformNode<T> {
fn layout(
ctx: &mut LayoutContext,
regions: &Regions,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
let origin = styles.get(Self::ORIGIN).unwrap_or(Align::CENTER_HORIZON);
let matrix = self.kind.matrix();
let mut frames = self.child.layout(ctx, regions, styles);
for Constrained { item: frame, .. } in &mut frames {
let Spec { x, y } =|(o, s)| o.resolve(s));
let Spec { x, y } =|(o, s)| o.resolve(s));
let transform = Transform::translation(x, y)
.pre_concat(Transform::translation(-x, -y));
@ -69,3 +54,58 @@ impl Layout for TransformNode {
/// Kinds of transformations.
pub trait TransformKind: Debug + Hash + Sized + 'static {
fn construct(args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Self>;
fn matrix(&self) -> Transform;
/// A translation on the X and Y axes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Move(pub Length, pub Length);
impl TransformKind for Move {
fn construct(args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Self> {
let tx = args.named("x")?.unwrap_or_default();
let ty = args.named("y")?.unwrap_or_default();
Ok(Self(tx, ty))
fn matrix(&self) -> Transform {
Transform::translation(self.0, self.1)
/// A rotational transformation.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Rotate(pub Angle);
impl TransformKind for Rotate {
fn construct(args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Self> {
args.named("angle")?.or_else(|| args.find()).unwrap_or_default(),
fn matrix(&self) -> Transform {
/// A scale transformation.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Scale(pub Relative, pub Relative);
impl TransformKind for Scale {
fn construct(args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Self> {
let all = args.find();
let sx = args.named("x")?.or(all).unwrap_or(Relative::one());
let sy = args.named("y")?.or(all).unwrap_or(Relative::one());
Ok(Self(sx, sy))
fn matrix(&self) -> Transform {
Transform::scale(self.0, self.1)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use std::str::FromStr;
use super::prelude::*;
use crate::eval::Array;
/// `assert`: Ensure that a condition is fulfilled.
/// Ensure that a condition is fulfilled.
pub fn assert(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v, span } = args.expect::<Spanned<bool>>("condition")?;
if !v {
@ -15,18 +15,17 @@ pub fn assert(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `type`: The name of a value's type.
/// The name of a value's type.
pub fn type_(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `repr`: The string representation of a value.
/// The string representation of a value.
pub fn repr(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `join`: Join a sequence of values, optionally interspersing it with another
/// value.
/// Join a sequence of values, optionally interspersing it with another value.
pub fn join(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let span = args.span;
let sep = args.named::<Value>("sep")?.unwrap_or(Value::None);
@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ pub fn join(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `int`: Convert a value to a integer.
/// Convert a value to a integer.
pub fn int(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v, span } = args.expect("value")?;
Ok(Value::Int(match v {
@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ pub fn int(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `float`: Convert a value to a float.
/// Convert a value to a float.
pub fn float(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v, span } = args.expect("value")?;
Ok(Value::Float(match v {
@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ pub fn float(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `str`: Try to convert a value to a string.
/// Try to convert a value to a string.
pub fn str(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v, span } = args.expect("value")?;
Ok(Value::Str(match v {
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ pub fn str(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `rgb`: Create an RGB(A) color.
/// Create an RGB(A) color.
pub fn rgb(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
if let Some(string) = args.find::<Spanned<EcoString>>() {
@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ pub fn rgb(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `abs`: The absolute value of a numeric value.
/// The absolute value of a numeric value.
pub fn abs(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v, span } = args.expect("numeric value")?;
Ok(match v {
@ -126,12 +125,12 @@ pub fn abs(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `min`: The minimum of a sequence of values.
/// The minimum of a sequence of values.
pub fn min(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
minmax(args, Ordering::Less)
/// `max`: The maximum of a sequence of values.
/// The maximum of a sequence of values.
pub fn max(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
minmax(args, Ordering::Greater)
@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ fn minmax(args: &mut Args, goal: Ordering) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `range`: Create a sequence of numbers.
/// Create a sequence of numbers.
pub fn range(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let first = args.expect::<i64>("end")?;
let (start, end) = match<i64>()? {
@ -182,17 +181,17 @@ pub fn range(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `lower`: Convert a string to lowercase.
/// Convert a string to lowercase.
pub fn lower(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `upper`: Convert a string to uppercase.
/// Convert a string to uppercase.
pub fn upper(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `len`: The length of a string, an array or a dictionary.
/// The length of a string, an array or a dictionary.
pub fn len(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v, span } = args.expect("collection")?;
Ok(Value::Int(match v {
@ -207,7 +206,7 @@ pub fn len(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// `sorted`: The sorted version of an array.
/// The sorted version of an array.
pub fn sorted(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let Spanned { v, span } = args.expect::<Spanned<Array>>("array")?;
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 9.6 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.7 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 8.0 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.1 KiB |
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
// Test normal operation and RTL directions.
#set page(height: 3.25cm, width: 7.05cm, columns: 2, column-gutter: 30pt)
#set page(height: 3.25cm, width: 7.05cm, columns: 2)
#set columns(gutter: 30pt)
#set text("Noto Sans Arabic", serif)
#set par(lang: "ar")
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@
العديد من التفاعلات الكيميائية. (DNA) من أهم الأحماض النووية التي تُشكِّل
إلى جانب كل من البروتينات والليبيدات والسكريات المتعددة
#rect(fill: eastern, height: 8pt, width: 6pt)
الجزيئات الضخمة الأربعة الضرورية للحياة.
الجزيئات الضخمة الأربعة الضرورية للحياة.
// Test the `columns` function.
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
#set page(height: 5cm, width: 7.05cm, columns: 2)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet is a common blind text
and I again am in need of filling up this page
and I again am in need of filling up this page
#align(bottom, rect(fill: eastern, width: 100%, height: 12pt))
@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ a page for a test but it does get the job done.
// Test setting a column gutter and more than two columns.
#set page(height: 3.25cm, width: 7.05cm, columns: 3, column-gutter: 30pt)
#set page(height: 3.25cm, width: 7.05cm, columns: 3)
#set columns(gutter: 30pt)
#rect(width: 100%, height: 2.5cm, fill: conifer)
#rect(width: 100%, height: 2cm, fill: eastern)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
// Test auto sizing.
Auto-sized circle. \
#circle(fill: rgb("eb5278"), thickness: 2pt,
#circle(fill: rgb("eb5278"), stroke: black, thickness: 2pt,
align(center + horizon)[But, soft!]
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
rect(fill: eastern, stroke: none),
rect(fill: forest, stroke: none, thickness: 2pt),
rect(fill: forest, stroke: conifer),
rect(fill: forest, thickness: 2pt),
rect(fill: forest, stroke: black, thickness: 2pt),
rect(fill: forest, stroke: conifer, thickness: 2pt),
) {
(align(horizon)[{i + 1}.], rect, [])
@ -25,11 +25,26 @@ World
// Test that paragraphs break due to incompatibility has correct spacing.
A #set par(spacing: 0pt); B #parbreak() C
// Test that paragraph breaks due to block nodes have the correct spacing.
- A
#set par(spacing: 0pt)
- B
- C
#set par(spacing: 5pt)
- D
- E
// Test that paragraph break due to incompatibility respects
// spacing defined by the two adjacent paragraphs.
#let a = [#set par(spacing: 40pt);Hello]
#let b = [#set par(spacing: 60pt);World]
#let b = [#set par(spacing: 10pt);World]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user